2005 OIC Tourney - [R2] May Lee vs Mimiru

Description: May Lee takes on Mimiru, and her little dog too! (Winner: Mimiru)

The Place: The Floating Island.

The Time:

Go Time. (Night)

The Floating Island looked a bit off today, instead of the grass, trees, and various planty things one would normally expect a overgrown floating island to hold, the ground of the island was a metal grating with little slats in it. You know, the kind that clank rather ominiously when booted feet tread upon it. But that wasn't all! There were little buildings all surrounding the center of the island, catwalks and staircases that were sprouted up everyplace for no apparent reason... and the whole area was illuminated by the occasional little red light that shone up from beneath the metal grating.

Remember that bit about how the grating clanked ominiously when boots tread upon it? Well, it was doing that now. The owner of those boots? Lee Jin Ju... the Justice Ranger!! Power Belt strapped tightly about her waist, and cell phone in hand, the girl was crouched, stalking along the side of one of the buildings, her form occasionally illuminated by the glare of one of the red lights. What was she searching for? Erm... she had no idea. She just felt that calling, you know? Like she /had/ to come here.

It's really strange where a dark alley actually can take you to. It's a wonder how Mimiru actually got lost right here, but she definately seems lost as she takes careful steps as she strides through the floating island. The girl bites her lips some and, even if she's accompagnied by Max, her faithful canine friend, she can't help it but feel worried.

This place, after all, was quite creepy... And not to mention there's no one around and there's this constant clanking noise that echoes through the island and keeps on haunting her. Alright Mimiru, don't worry, stay calm and stay focus... This sounds like the perfect scenario for some aggressor or rapist to come out from some building and leap on her.

Well! Unfortunately for them, Mimiru's ready to every kind of scenarios and, instead of just losing herself further, she heaves deep sighs and tries to focus herself on the noises she hears. Perhaps she'll be able to find where it all comes from like this. And show those evil rapist why little girls aren't easy targets! Meanie. ;.;

COMBATSYS: MayLee has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
MayLee           0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Mimiru has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
MayLee           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Mimiru

...*pause* *CLANKCLANK* "EEP!" *WOOMPHCLANK* "...oooowww."

That, friends, was the sound of May Lee falling flat on her face in the dark. Quickly getting to her feet, May Lee swings a kick at the object that she tripped upon. Unfortunately, whatever the heck it was, it was solid. *WHAP!* "/OW!/" Lifting her foot, and grabbing it with both hands, May Lee noisily hops on one foot to more-or-less the center of the area, stopping directly above one of the lights.

It was then that her Justice Sense went off. There was someone else here, but... where?! Who would come to this spooky place?! Certainly not anyone up to any sort of good!! Slowly lowering her other foot to the ground, May Lee casts her gaze all about the area, lightly settling herself into a Tae Kwan Do stance. "WHOEVER YOU ARE...!" May Lee calls out, noting the way her voice echoed throughout the fighting grounds. "SHOW YOURSELF! FOR..." Wow, May Lee felt like a fight all of a sudden. Blinking twice at that sudden urge, May Lee spreads her stance, chopping a hand upwards through the air and holding it above her head as she brings her left arm to hold across her belly, fingers splayed. "...FOR WE MUST DO KUNG FU BATTLE! I WILL SHOW MUCH SUPERIOR TO YOU!" May Lee says, blinking at herself. She didn't just /shout/ that, did she?

COMBATSYS: MayLee gathers her will.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
MayLee           0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0           Mimiru


This is merely Max's reply to all of this noise, which one seems to get the fur on his back pretty straight as he growls and gets his ears high up. All of this is an effort to actually frighten whoever may come close by, though it's also quite a good way for anyone near by to easily spot Mimiru and her canine friend. Mimiru bites her lips and she narrows her eyes, lifting her hands up to raise her guard up into her fighting stance.

The girl keeps on venturing through, slowly but surely, guided by the loud shout that comes out of MayLee's throat. It doesn't take her long and she finally finds herself within the girl's sight. She blinks a few times and she straightens herself up, "That's right... All talks like everyone else..." Mimiru says with a slight grimace.

... Considering her dog's size and the way it flashes its fangs while it growls, it definately seems much more of a threat than Mimiru is. But then again... No one should underestimate little girls!

COMBATSYS: Mimiru focuses on her next action.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
MayLee           0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0           Mimiru

Well, it wasn't like May Lee was a big girl herself!
...Although she was quite a bit taller and older than the young Mimiru.


There. Little girl and scary dog. Hopping a bit at the sight of aforementioned dog, May Lee releases a breath, straightening up and running her hand over her forehead. "Eeek! Don't /do/ that. Scared the living... hey!" May Lee says suddenly, taking a long step forward, and jabbing a accusatory finger in Mimiru's direction. "Just what are /YOU/ doing here with that... dog." May Lee says, giving Max a quick, somewhat nervous look.

"/NEVER MIND THAT/!!" she suddenly adds at the top of her lungs, before blinking once, and looking rather sheepish. "Ummm... ya. I'm gonna fight you, okay? It just sorta feels... like the right thing to do! And I'm all about the right thing to do! So! Get ready!" she calls out, reaching a hand in front of herself, all of the fingers closed but for the index and middle fingers, which were spread and curved into claws. "Umm... pardon me, dog." she says, before hopping forward, and trying to bring those curled fingers down upon Mimiru's shoulder. For one, it would hurt far more than it ought to, if it hits, and the reason for that? If her fingers strike, there would be a explosion of sparks for no apparent reason at the point of impact!

COMBATSYS: Mimiru counters May Lee- Lightning Blow! from MayLee with The Phoenix's Talons.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
MayLee           0/-------/--=====|=------\-------\0           Mimiru

Wait a second... Wasn't she the one supposed to be attacking her and trying to abuse of her in some way? Beat her up and steal her lunch money? Or even worse! Gasp! And now... She's scared by her dog and she's asking so many weird questions? Mimiru blinks a few times and she tilts her head to one side, "And just what are /YOU/ doing here with that... Huh... Strange outfit..." She replies.

The girl's eyes widen at the things she adds and she frowning a bit, "Ahah! I knew it, so that's what you wanted to do! You couldn't hide it from me, I knew you were the bad person here! And you want to steal my money, don't you, huh? Or are you just a serial killer or something? Well you fell on the bad girl to mess with!" Mimiru proclaims.

Unfortunately for MayLee, her fingers never hit the girl's shoulder. The girl prepared herself for the incoming attack and just as it comes, she quickly raises her hand up to grasp Maylee's wrist and prevents it from hitting her. Using her free hand, she merely counters with a quick jab or two of her own, right into MayLee's belly and then, she quickly turns around on her heels, still using that grasp she has on Maylee's wrist to throw the girl over her back and down to the ground.


May Lee's verbal responses to Mimiru's followed along that line, the last sound that of May Lee striking the metal floor upon her back in the darkness, gazing up at the clear night sky. Huh. "No, nonononono! I'm not here to kill you, or rob you, or... whatever! I'm a good guy!" May Lee says from the ground, before rolling unto her front, then pushing off of that grating to hop up unto her feet with a double-clang. "Cross my heart and hope to die! We just... need to... fight. Huh. That doesn't sound very good, does it?" May Lee says, tilting her head to the side a bit, and looking like the very picture of thought for a few moments.

"Huh." May Lee finally says with a shrugs. "Ah, well, I'll figure it out later!" she says, giving her head a shake as she settles back into a Tae Kwan Do stance once more.

COMBATSYS: MayLee focuses on her next action.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
MayLee           0/-------/--=====|=------\-------\0           Mimiru

The little girl blinks a few times, never lowering her guard in front of the other woman. She listens to what she says, but the more she speaks, the more it seems like she's trying to put a mind fog into her head and shroud her with doubts! "Ah! Don't try to fool me, I know what you really want, I won't let you get it!" Mimiru says with a slight grimace. Looks like Mimiru's too cunning! Well not really, more like stubborn as a mule.

Right after MayLee gets back on her feet, Mimiru actually makes up the slight distance that seperates them, intending to follow her counter with a swift attack, so that Maylee actually doesn't have the time to get back on the offensive. It's a quick punch -- however, instead of hitting with her fist, she goes for a palm shot. And if she manages to hit her, right at the apex of her strike, she'll unless a burst of chi energy to empower her physical assault, letting a slight shout to heighten her attack even more in force

COMBATSYS: Mimiru successfully hits MayLee with The Angel's Palm.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
MayLee           0/-------/-======|==-----\-------\0           Mimiru

Well, wasn't this a fine misunderstanding! "Nonononono! I..." May Lee begins, before that chi=powered palm shot slams into her belly, drawing a 'oof' from the girl and causing her to skid back a few paces, her right eye closing as she lifts her right hand to her belly.

A moment passes.

"Oh, /hooooo/, I get it! You are a enemy of Justice! And you're trying to fool me into letting my guard down!" Nevermind that the other girl was /fast/. "IT WON'T WORK!" May Lee calls, taking a few quick steps towards Mimiru, bringing her hands up for a palm strike similiar to the one she just did to her, although May Lee was using both her hands! And trying to strike Mimiru's shoulders. That would just be the first part of the technique though, before May Lee rises off of the ground, and backflips into the air, spinning around like 6 times, before delivering a followup kick to the back of Mimiru's head. Just ignore the black wires attached to May's suit at strategic places. Please. Thank you.

COMBATSYS: MayLee successfully hits Mimiru with Swan Cycle.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
MayLee           1/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0           Mimiru

The girl tries to hold her ground after the double-shot and she tries to follow up with MayLee,s flipping but, alas, she doesn't seem to be able to keep up, and in the end, she merely gets kicked in the back of her head and she just staggers about as she tries to maintain her balance after the kicks. She swings her arms about and she fails to, but, using her hands, she catches herself up before she falls face first on the ground.

The girl grimaces and she straightens herself up, wincing some as she tries to raise her guard once more. She gives MayLee a glare and then grimaces, "Ah! Right, now that's what you're saying to make me think that's a big misunderstanding, but, Mimiru's not stupid, she won't fall for it!" The girl says out loud. She then charges on Maylee, attempting to grasp her wrist and collar, holding her into a firm grappling position, so that she can use her techniques to make her trip!

If she actually manages to get a hold of her, she'll simple slide to her side and sweep her off her legs by using one of her own leg and then, by pulling on MayLee's arm and pushing on her collarbone, she'll simply shove her down again.

COMBATSYS: Mimiru successfully hits MayLee with O Soto Gari.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
MayLee           1/-----==/=======|======-\-------\0           Mimiru

"No, no! I'm trying to say that to show you it's a big misunderstanding, but you're feigning ignorance to try to make me think it's a misunderstanding, unless I'm misunderstanding and you're actually a good guy like me, and not trying to make me misunderstand. Unless... I'm misunderstanding." May Lee says, a confused look settling on her features. That moment of confusion would be the very doom of her!

May Lee is grasped by wrist and collar, the young woman 'oop'ing as she is sent to the ground again. "OW! You know..." May Lee says, rolling away from her opponent.. until she stops suddenly, her side digging into the thing she tripped over before. "Ow!" Rising to her feet, and huffing a bit, May Lee hunkers down, and yanks whatever it is off of the ground, and hefts it above her head, tossing the thing towards Mimiru, a black shape in the dark. Whatever it was, it was like a small box. And very, very heavy. "Ah HA!"

COMBATSYS: Mimiru dodges MayLee's Large Thrown Object.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
MayLee           1/-----==/=======|======-\-------\0           Mimiru

Mimiru blinks a few times as she listens to MayLee... but all those misunderstanding's confusing the poor little girl. She growls and then says, "You're trying to make me misunderstand everything again and then it's going to be a misunderstanding if I fall for your misunderstanding of misunderstandings... Bah! In the end, it's all your fault, so there!"

Mimiru's eyes widen after as she notices the large thrown object and she leaps off for cover as the black box is thrown her way. She winces and grimaces, trying to strenghten herself up some. She remains on her butt and she points at MayLee, "Come on Max! Show her the true power of Justice!"

And with a few barks and growls, the dog actually lunges out of nowhere straight for Maylee, trying to cling to her back to claw or bite her, whatever the large Golden Retriever can do!

Mimiru blinks a few times as she listens to MayLee... but all those misunderstanding's confusing the poor little girl. She growls and then says, "You're trying to make me misunderstand everything again and then it's going to be a misunderstanding if I fall for your misunderstanding of misunderstandings... Bah! In the end, it's all your fault, so there!"

Mimiru's eyes widen after as she notices the large thrown object and she leaps off for cover as the black box is thrown her way. She winces and grimaces, trying to strenghten herself up some. She remains on her butt and she points at MayLee, "Come on Max! Show her the true power of Justice!"

And with a few barks and growls, the dog actually lunges out of nowhere straight for Maylee, trying to cling to her back to claw or bite her, whatever the large Golden Retriever can do!

COMBATSYS: MayLee counters Random Weapon from Mimiru with Self Rebellion.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
MayLee           1/---====/=======|=======\-------\1           Mimiru

"/MY/ fault for failing to understand your misunderstandings?! I..."

"Who's Max? AIIIIEEEE!"

Whirling around on Max with a look of horror as she hears the dog growling and snapping, May Lee's eyes widen even further with fear as the dog flies through the air towards her. Luckily, she turned around so fast, and luckily, she was able to catch the dog, holding it at arms length. "Whoa! Dog! Dog! No! No dog! Nice dog! AIIIEE!!" May Lee shouts, doing a little dance while holding the animal. And with that dance done, with a girlish little shriek, she tosses Max at his owner, May Lee pausing a moment to breathe heavily, and wipe her brow again. "No dogs." she warns, pointing at Mimiru.

Mimiru's eyes widen as the dog is thrown back her way and there's little she can do while she sits there aside from actually softening the landing of her canine friend. She lets out a loud ouf escape her throat and she winces a bit. The dog whimpers and slowly pulls himself out of the way.

"Everything's fair against evil and bad people!" Mimiru says with a grimace as she tries to get back on her feet. Not wanting to leave herself opn, Mimiru reaches out for what appears to be a useless chunk of metal, like a ball, and she attempts to throw the rock like thing at MayLee, hoping that this will distract her just long enough for her to actually get back on her feet and get ready to fight back.

COMBATSYS: MayLee dodges Mimiru's Thrown Object.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
MayLee           1/---====/=======|=======\-------\1           Mimiru

"But I'm not..." May Lee says, pausing as Mimiru tosses /something/ at her. Ducking her head to one side as the object flies past to clatter against... something wet-sounding, somewhere in the darkness behind her. That would be fine, if not for the inhuman 'urrrgle' sound that rises from the darkness then.

"Uhhh..." May Lee says, glancing over her shoulder as she takes a step forward... her foot striking the heavy box thing that she's been having so much trouble with so far. "OW! Dagnabbit!" she says, hopping backwards... except this time, with a 'woo-OOP!' May Lee doesn't quite come back to earth with that hop. She was being borne away into the dark air by... something.

And Mimiru would be left alone for a few long seconds, until, off in the distance, the sound of a shout may reach Mimiru's ear. Not from before her, not from behind her or two either side, but /above/. "JUUUUUUSTICE!!!!" May Lee shouts, falling out of the sky, and trying to land directly upon Mimiru, feet first. Oh, and May Lee's feet were on fire with purple flames that light up the darkness as she falls!

COMBATSYS: Mimiru counters May Lee- The End! from MayLee with Ippon Seoi Nage.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
MayLee           1/-------/=======|=======\-------\1           Mimiru

Call it luck... Call it talent... Call it destiny, but somehow, Mimiru doesn't even move out of the way and she attempts a suicidal move -- to intercept the cascading MayLee! Just as she falls down, Mimiru's hands swift get a hold of the descending feet. She slightly slides to the side, swirling on her heels to use MayLee's momemtum from her own assault to her own benefit and still as she soars down she shifts around to wrap her arms around the falling legs and once she gets a firm enough grasp of MayLee's legs, the girl merely spins around on her feet, making a full circle before she actually lets go of MayLee and she throws her off away into the sky!

Well... Not really into the sky. Probably right into a building wall. One that was pretty close to them. It wasn't supposed to be -that- way but since it is, it might just hurt even more than it was intended do. In fact, Mimiru even blinks a few times and she winces for Maylee as she hits the wall. She staggers back and says, "Ooops... Sorry, eh... I..." She coughs and grunts, "What am I sorry about? Yeah! Take that, that'll teach you!"

Caught and thrown into a wall, May Lee thumps against the building, rolling down it, and landing on her feet! Just ignore the crunching and snapping noises that happened when she hit the wall. She'll walk it off, kids, she's the Justice Ranger after all! "I..." she says in a booming voice, lifting up a finger to point at Mimiru. "...am in pain." she says, lifting up a gloved hand to grab at her side, her chest heaving with each breath. "But! In spite of your skill, villain, I will defeat you!" May Lee says, pointing a finger in Mimiru's direction.

Dashing forward, May Lee hops up into the air, flying directly towards Mimiru, her short hair ruffling in the wind... and almost as she reaches Mimiru, she lifts out a foot, hoping to smack the girl in the face with it. Likely with a bit more force than what was really necessary for the move!

COMBATSYS: Mimiru blocks MayLee's Surprise Air.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
MayLee           1/-------/=======|=======\=------\1           Mimiru

With a few blinks, Mimiru grunts and she rests her hands on her waist, "Villain!? Villain? Oh! No! You are the villain here!" Mimiru hums softly and she bites her lips. She straightens herself and takes a few seconds to think about it, "But then again... If You're the villain, that means that, for you, I am technically the villain because I am opposing you... And the other way around too... Which means that we are both villains and heroines..." Mimiru muses out loud.

Mimiru's eyes venture back over MayLee just in time to see her flying her way, quite literally. Her eyes widen and she actually lifts her arms up to shield herself from her foot and the impact causes her to stagger back some. She grunts a bit and gives Maylee a glare. "Oh! Well! You're not going to go out of this that easily then! A real heroine wouldn't have attacked me!" She says.

And then, with that, clear in her mind that she's not a villain even if she is, Mimiru tries to leap on Maylee, to tackle-headbutt her.

With a few blinks, Mimiru grunts and she rests her hands on her waist, "Villain!? Villain? Oh! No! You are the villain here!" Mimiru hums softly and she bites her lips. She straightens herself and takes a few seconds to think about it, "But then again... If You're the villain, that means that, for you, I am technically the villain because I am opposing you... And the other way around too... Which means that we are both villains and heroines..." Mimiru muses out loud.

Mimiru's eyes venture back over MayLee just in time to see her flying her way, quite literally. Her eyes widen and she actually lifts her arms up to shield herself from her foot and the impact causes her to stagger back some. She grunts a bit and gives Maylee a glare. "Oh! Well! You're not going to go out of this that easily then! A real heroine wouldn't have attacked me!" She says.

And then, with that, clear in her mind that she's not a villain even if she is, Mimiru tries to leap on Maylee, to tackle-headbutt her.

COMBATSYS: Mimiru successfully hits MayLee with The Unicorn's Horn.

[                      \\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
MayLee           1/-----==/=======|=======\==-----\1           Mimiru

"Me?! ME?! I'm the Justice Ranger! How in the world can I be a villain!?" May Lee says, grimacing a bit as Mimiru begins to charge her. CRACK! May Lee blinks twice, and her eyes go wide open as she falls to the ground then. Grumbling to herself for a few moments in pain, May rolls off to the side... only to have her head smack against the box thing where it lay in the darkness. "Does. This... /Thing/. /Have/. /To/. /Be/. COLOURED BLACK?!" she shouts, scooping it off of the ground again, and as she rises, lifting it above her head to smash whatever it was against the ground below. But then a idea strikes her. She throws it at Mimiru, instead!

COMBATSYS: Mimiru fails to counter Large Thrown Object from MayLee with Uki Goshi.

[                      \\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
MayLee           1/----===/=======|=======\=====--\1           Mimiru

Mimiru's eyes widen as she notices MayLee's just about to throw off some large box her way and Mimiru quickly dashes toward her, in order to actually take the object off her hands before it's thrown. Unfortunately, Mimiru actually fails to get a hold of MayLee in time and in fact, she just quite literally sprints into the thrown box. Mimiru's eyes wide a bit and she grimaces as the box hits her and she actually falls back on her butt after the black thing hits her. She winces and pushes it aside, growling some.

Alright. If she had any hope of defeating this wily super-villain, NOW was GO TIME! Although that did look like it hurt, and May Lee couldn't help but cringe at that. "You can surrender at ANY TIME! Otherwise... I will be FORCED to continue, oh wicked one!" May Lee shouts, lifting up one knee, and holding her arms out in front of herself, fingers spread as she... hops back and forth on her single foot. Economy Justice! poses. But now it was time for a economy Rider Kicku! "Alright! Don't misunderstand this! GET READY!" she cries out, hopping up into the air, and flipping forward once! Twice! Three times!... gasp! FOUR TIMES!

And as her jump begins to take her near earth once more, she thrusts out a foot, and tries to deliver a totally fast and incredibly strong kick to Mimiru's torso. Just a straight, ordinary (if very powerful) kick.

COMBATSYS: Mimiru counters Rougetsu Kourin from MayLee with Red Dragon Cascade.

[                           \\\  < >  //////////                    ]
MayLee           0/-------/---====|==-----\-------\0           Mimiru

That's what happens when you give villains just a couple of seconds, they are able to see through the good guys' hand without any trouble. Mimiru just narrows her eyes and through the countdown, she just waits for MayLee t opull her move.

She stays there and waits... Waits... Waits until the moment is right and then... Just at the last second... Mimiru quickly sidesteps, just enough to avoid the plunging kick that would have hit her torso otherwise. Though she quickly lunges back at Maylee, both hands gathering up and building up chi energy within and in a matter of a second, she just thrusts her whole body foward, unleashing the blast of chi against MayLee's chest.

While this empower double-palm attack may throw MayLee back some, Mimiru doesn't allow her to. Her hands merely move to the side and she completes her move by grasping the girl's arm and she halts her dead in her track, hurling her back over her back and rolling her over throwing her off in the opposite direction MayLee would have been knocked off in the first place.

That was a good move, a very good move. But May Lee, with a space, was not to thwart...erk. Looks like she was! Was this the end of our Hero?! Will she be unable to get her revenge on her ultimate opponent? Looks like it, but still! May Lee wasn't going to give up yet! "You're... strong! But! I will not be defeated! I... HERE I COME!" the young woman shouts, hefting up... yes, the black box, over her head, and charging Mimiru, hoping to bring that box crashing down atop the girl's head, before May falls over, and explodes into multicoloured sparkles, the island lighting up again after May's 'death'.

COMBATSYS: MayLee can no longer fight.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  <
Mimiru           0/-------/-----==|

COMBATSYS: Mimiru dodges MayLee's Random Weapon.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  <
Mimiru           0/-------/-----==|

[OOC] May Lee says, "I guess she doesn't want to endpose!"

Log created by MayLee, and last modified on 03:04:05 12/02/2005.