2005 OIC Tourney - [R2] Alma vs Vanessa

Description: Alma is so incredibly ridiculous that Vanessa just can't take it, and her head explodes in a shower of gore. FATALITY. No, I'm serious. This is a very short log, but you must read it to believe it... (Winner: Alma)

In this world of dreams, space and time do not function as usual. This island, even though one can see the edges on all sides, seems to be infinite; yet in between matches, the competitors still cannot be found anywhere on it. In the city of Southtown, no time has passed at all; here, innumerable matches may have taken place. But for Alma...
The past few weeks have been gruelling training for him. Enthused by his victory over the man that he could've only dreamed of calling his rival before, he now prepares for his battle with the woman that he can only dream of calling his love interest. Inspired, though he found himself lost and alone in the midst of a forest, he struck forth and trained his entire time there, somehow knowing that sooner or later, he would find his way back here. He has maintained his superior power, nay, even improved on it (or at least gotten more used to it), and has gotten a better grasp of his interior monologue again, thanks to his tutor Mr. Panda. But today, as he was fighting atop tall bamboo poles with Mr. Panda, as soon as he was knocked off, once again hitting a pool of water beneath with a splash, he felt a driving feeling strike him. Now was the time to move. He must go, before the gate closes... and he is trapped here forever!
The would-be bishonen took off at a run, and Mr. Panda, startled, could only lope after him, whipping out a sign that read, in awkward panda handwriting, "wHeRe ArE yOu GoInG!? aLmA!"
Somehow, without looking back, Alma knew what the sign said, for he replied, "Panda-sensei! Thank you for your training, but now is the day that I must leave! Forgive me-- I know I shall return when this is all over!" Seeing a etheric gate flickering in the distance, he redoubled his speed, the bamboo grove blurring around him as he leapt.

"aLmA! YoU dOn'T uNdErStAnD! tHe WaTeRs HeRe--"
As to why there was a dash on the sign instead of an entire sentence, we'll never know, for Alma leapt toward the portal then. But as he jumped, he turned his head. His damp bangs hanging around high cheekbones, dewy droplets from the pool glistening on his long eyelashes, Alma Towazu, unthinkingly, cast the look over his shoulder that makes ten-year-old girls all across Japan feel foreign tingly feelings. "There is," he replied, his voice like dark honey, "a lady waiting."
And he vanished.
"yEs, AbOuT tHaT-- oH, dAmN..."
Stage Select: Tokyo Full Moon
Alma Towazu, prettyboy psychic extraordinaire, hits the ground running. His hair is still dashingly unkempt thanks to his recent introduction to a pool of water combined with the windblown aspect of his mad dash toward the portal, but he is completely redressed, in totally dry clothes. It's a business suit of sorts, all raven black with a white dress shirt underneath: a black that gleams when the moonlight hits it, and a pearly white that, naturally, has the top three buttons undone. His polished dress shoes sparkle. He looks like, perhaps, the sexiest male law intern of all time.
And he looks like a nervous high schooler on his first date.
Oh, dear.

Oh, uh, and we're on the top of a skyscraper. Yeah.

[OOC] Dimitri says, "With dramatic wind blowing?"

With dramatic wind blowing.

[OOC] Tran says, "And slinky cheerleaders in the background?"

[OOC] Dimitri says, "And an orchestral score?"

[OOC] Vanessa says, "Don't push it."

That's Louis Armstrong, jackass.

[OOC] Dimitri says, "How about Vanessa dressed as a slinky cheerleader?"

Dimitri's a homo.

[OOC] Vanessa ehms. And poses. e.e

[OOC] Tran says, "That's just uncalled for."

[OOC] Vanessa says, "Your mom."

[OOC] Tran says, "YOUR mom!"

Unlike Alma, who comes straight out of the hormone-soaked dreams that come laced with moisture along the naughty bits of repressed Catholic schoolgirls, Vanessa's DRAMATIC INTRODUCTION is little more than a simple stroll up the last few steps leading to the wind-swept skyscraper. No dresses to get caught in the ebb and flow of the breeze! No pearl-silk sheen of exposed cleavage! No payoff for anyone hoping that this would be, by all accounts, the fight that would inevitably break all the boundaries and end up getting both players kicked straight off the pocket of virtual reality they inhabit.
It's a sad day indeed.
That said! Cigarette in one hand and an empty bottle of our man Jose Cuervo in the other, the redhead is flannel clad this evening, apparently taking it upon herself to suit the unwitting stereotype that's been chasing her for years on end. Doc Martins, jeans, plaid. Now all we need is grease stains and-- actually, no, not really. In this case, she's seen in her usual attire, boring as ever, without any hint towards creativity on her writer's part. It's a sad state of affairs, but that's just how it goes. As is, given the poor boy's tenacity, there's a good chance the integrity of that modesty will be ONCE AGAIN THREATENED, if only because that, like boxpunching, is becoming a regular phenomena unto itself.
Past all the pose-padding, though--
"I suppose this is the part where you take a couple drinks, profess your undying love and threaten to suffocate yourself with my chest again, right?"

Oh, man. What a letdown, Nessa! Surely you could rise to the challenge here? Now Alma's going to go home all totally disappointed and disillusioned, his poor teenage heart twisted, confused, mangled, for things are not as they are supposed to be, and--
His hair is steaming.
~ Amazing! She... she truly is the woman of my dreams! ~
The world may never understand what the hell is wrong with Alma Towazu. However, we may understand that his steaming hair is causing him some discomfort, so with no response to Vanessa's comment, his expression almost deadpan in its composure, he quietly steps over to a convenient side table, takes a pitcher of cold water, and dumps it over his head. Ahhh, that's much better.
Stepping back to the center, he points at his opponent/crush with a trembling finger. "There will be no suffocating tonight!" Alma declares. "We will duel, on equal footing! I will be victorious! And then we will *go on a date*! YES!" Fists clench and raise into the air. "And we'll *bake cookies*! And--"
Something's not right.
No, I mean besides the fact that Alma's going nuts over an ex-housewife in flannel and Doc Martins.
No, besides-- god, were you even listening? His voice, people! His voice has gone up about two octaves! And he's shorter! "..." says Alma, as he is also realizing this only now, and slowly looks at his clenched fists -- smaller than usual. His eyes continue to travel down. His dress shirt, still mostly unbuttoned, is revealing something entirely different than usual.
"Ah," says Alma-chan distantly, eyeing her newest adornments, before poking them awkwardly. "...shoo?"
It doesn't work. They stay. Now, admittedly, she twitches a couple times, and there does look to be a point where she's about to totally freak out, like she probably should. But total hunk or total babe, she's Alma, dang it, and you've just gotta let these things go, and make the best of the situation. You're a cute girl, now. What do you do?
Thus, after a few deep, quiet breaths to steady herself, Alma-chan, remarkably, is able to meet Vanessa's eyes calmly, and point again.
"In the name of the moon... I will punish you!"

COMBATSYS: Alma has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Alma             0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Vanessa has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Vanessa          0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Alma

...Really, now.
So... okay. Rewind. First, Vanessa's in her usual clothes, since that's the biggest copout you can hope for. Second! ...What in the NAME OF CHRIST is going on? Let's not mention the obvious potential for severely overplayed lesbian encounters-- or so Alma might hope, regardless of the current standing-- among other things. And, okay... she's seen weird shit in her time. But this?
"...I could've sworn you needed to go through therapy for something like this," she comments, one eyebrow raised in a show of obvious bemusement. Really, now! "Or, you know... surgery?" Ka-blink.
"All that aside-- come -on-. You can't take a drink to save your life, you're... er... well, at this point, -understandably- more girly than I am, but come on. This was -before- you had an innie as opposed to an outie; how can I take a guy like that seriously?" ... "S'ides, aren't you the one who's always making eyes at that kid with all the animals? How'm I supposed to know you don't want me around as cover?" ...
"Used to. Good christ, how the hell did you -do- that?"

COMBATSYS: Vanessa takes no action.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Vanessa          0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Alma

"That's so totally not fair!" Alma-chan says, placing her hands on her more generous hips. "I have *always* had an innie!" She takes a few moments more to think of a broader defense. "Furthermore," she starts, for that's always a good way to start, and thinks for a few more moments before continuing, "Jiro is just a friend. And Xiangfei-- well, okay, maybe I have a crush on Xiangfei, but she forced herself upon me! I can't forgive that!" He-- dammit, *she*-- shakes her fist.
"I know, no matter how may body may change, my heart will always be my heart! And my heart tells me that you are the one for me! Miss Vanessa! You must accept the power of fate! Your destiny... is to be mine! YES!"
And raising her fists into the air, a huge geyser of pinkish-purple Psycho Power explodes around her, and once it fades, coils of it still rise around her entire body, to the sound of a rushing gale. Never has she been so motivated, except for maybe when there was only one pint of green tea ice cream left in the store and it was only a minute till closing time!

COMBATSYS: Alma gathers his will.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Vanessa          0/-------/-------|====---\-------\0             Alma

-Always- had an innie?
"Honey," Vanessa replies flatly, "Your ringpiece doesn't count. But if you -wanna- say your dickless, that's -your- perogative. Though, really; regardless of the free love -you- like to preach, I gotta say-- I don't even pinch hit for the pink team. So take the Rainbow Connection and I'll see you some other time, yeah? Hopefully when you're back to your own gender."
Chuckling, she says, "Pity, too-- you're not a bad lookin' guy. Like this? ...Whiny or no, makes you -much- easier to pound into the asphalt. Now c'mon-- enough of the theatrics. If you catch this with your face, I -might- be impressed enough to take you up on another trip to the bar o/'."
That said! The in-hand bottle of Jose Cuervo is thrown immediately at Alma's forehead, the object careening forward to, hopefully!, impact heavily with the poor girl's (guy's?) skull.

COMBATSYS: Alma negates Thrown Object from Vanessa with Sacred Wave.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Vanessa          0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Alma

Okay, so basically the majority of that totally blows by Alma-chan. Her fists lower, and all the superpowered psychic energy she's been gathering just... dissipates. Gone. She blinks a few times, opens her mouth, shuts it, and then opens it again. "I don't get it," she offers, sounding bewildered. "We... we were talking about belly buttons, right?" Her expression of confused innocence is pricelessly cute.
At least until Vanessa chucks that bottle at her. She reacts *violently* to that. She remembers the *last* time Vanessa threw a bottle at her, and that was not a happy day. Well, okay, it did end with Alma throwing himself on Vanessa's chest in a bar, so, maybe it had a happy ending. But it was a humiliating way to get knocked out! So, perhaps inadvisably, Alma-chan uses the rest of her gathered strength to send a wave of fire to vaporize the bottle in mid-air.
"You'll have to do better than that! Unless... you *want* me to win, and take you on a date! That *is* it, isn't it!?"

Vanessa runs the hell away. >_>/ "I'm not down with gender dysphoria!"

Alma-chan... sighs. With heartfelt affection.
"She's... so amazing."
"Why do I feel like I need a hot shower?"
And... scene!

Log created by Alma, and last modified on 21:30:39 10/22/2005.