2005 OIC Tourney - [R1] Natsu vs Kelvin

Description: A giant Kelvin has appeared in Southtown Bay! Will the giant sentai hero UltraNatsu beable to stop his rampage on Southtown! Tune in this week to find out! Or, check the end of the descprition. (Winner: Kelvin)

It's been several hours since Kelvin encountered the mysterious radioactive isotope that transformed him from a mild-mannered sleepy-guy into the horrific five-hundred feet tall Kelvin. Yet.. ..he's still pretty much the same, except really, really large. A swathe of necessary but ultimately pointless destruction marks its way through town to the Southtown Bay area, where it seems that the gigantic youth is taking a soothing bath-nap. Unfortunately, this is also cutting off all sea traffic to the city, not unlike a Snorlax. Where can a Pokeflute this large be found? Perhaps if the children sing with their heart, the Kelvin will be awakened!?

Natsu, up to this point, has been living her life as a mild-mannered Volley-ball player. But upon hearing of the Attack by a giant 500' tall Kelvin on the harbor, she must reveal her identity. She scoops up her top secret volleyball, and is transformed into UltraNatsu! The 500' heroine of justice! After growing to the 500' stature she assumes, she does the usual round of sentai posing. "Kelvin!" She badly-lip-syncs, "You have blocked the harbor long enough! This time I will not forgive!"

COMBATSYS: Natsu has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Natsu            0/-------/-------|

Kelvin, still half-asleep, makes little (huge) bubbles broth up as his head momentarily lapses into a deeper part of the bay. Then he raises up, sensing the presence of.. ..a rival to his precious and hard-won nap space. Standing to his full height, it seems..he still stands quite a bit less than Natsu, even now, and he takes a moment to squeeze some water out of his suitably and mysteriously resized shirt. Tidal wave alert! "Uhm.. ..well, okay," he mumbles, rubbing the bleariness from his eyes, "I think the rules are we have to have a giant battle now." That seems to be the way it goes on television, anyway. He stomps out of the bay itself, overturning a few of the ships that'd gathered there in a queue in the process, and moves up to Natsu on the docks with a smile, before commenting thunderously, "Wow, you're really tall!" Ironic.

COMBATSYS: Kelvin has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Kelvin           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Natsu

The giant volleyball player strikes a dramatic pose. For a few seconds her mouth moves. Then, the words sound, seemingly for nowhere, "Kelvin! You must be serious! Only fiery blood will win the day!" With that she looks around, and picks up a double decker bus. She wields it like a baseball bat, and tries to thwack Kelvin in the side of the head. The citizens at her feet run and scream as she plants her feet. People fall from the bus in singles and pairs.

COMBATSYS: Kelvin dodges Natsu's Random Weapon.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Kelvin           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Natsu

As an attack, it didn't do much more than smash some of the cranes on the docks.. ..oops! But it's all in the name of saving the day! As a wake-up call to Kelvin..well, that's questionable, too, considering even now he seems to have his eyes closed. Yet, he manages to take a few massive steps backwards, avoiding the swing of the bus in slow-motion, thanks to the differences in physics (and the puppeteering) involved. ( I see, so that's how it is..I might be able to use my true power at last! ) He stomps forward again, hoping to catch the gigantic Natsu while she's still reeling from the force of her own swing, and throw her into a warehouse! He even adds an atmospheric but somewhat muted, "Roar."

COMBATSYS: Kelvin successfully hits Natsu with Negative Momentum.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Kelvin           0/-------/------=|===----\-------\0            Natsu

The warehouse roof is no match for the falling Natsu. She tumbles into the warehouse, crushing the product. Building materials and the roof go flying. THe workers scatter onto the street. She stands up, "Never will you succeed! THe spirit of the dragon flies at noon!" She proclaims, and picks up a car. She throws it into the air, and smacks the bumper with her palm, sending it hurtling at Kelvin

COMBATSYS: Kelvin blocks Natsu's Serve Spike.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Kelvin           0/-------/-----==|====---\-------\0            Natsu

The speeding car might not get issued a ticket, but Giant Kelvin is all too aware of it. Feeling that he doesn't have enough time to react due to the lousy efforts of his puppeteers, he is forced to pick up the roof of a nearby apartment complex, and use it as a shield. The roof manages to slow the car managably, but debris still scatters, causing some small but noticable wounding. "Ow," he mutters, quiet unlike a proper monster should. "Okay, so this is serious..I'm not just dreaming." To buy himself some time, he throws what remains of the roof towards Natsu, and takes a few steps backwards to prepare himself further.

COMBATSYS: Natsu overcomes Large Thrown Object from Kelvin with Tokkun Spike.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Kelvin           0/-------/-----==|===----\-------\0            Natsu

Natsu's instincts take over.. She ponds the pavement. Literally. People, shoping cards, and those two guys carrying glass go flying as she runs down the street. She jumps up, "Tokkun Spike!" she yells, hitting the roof with her hand, her feet in the air. Unfortunatly, she crashes into a 5 story apartment building, a clothesline caught around her leg. The ground rumbles as she lands.

COMBATSYS: Natsu successfully hits Kelvin with Tokkun Spike.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Kelvin           0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0            Natsu

It seems the ping-ponging around of the structures have paid dividends for Natsu. Giant Kelvin was still reeling a bit from the previous attack, and his clumsy movements as the puppeteers try to get him set straight cause him to not be able to move out of the way on the rebound. The roof shatters into wood splinters against his small..but now large, frame. "Augh," says the monster, clearly a bit frustrated by that exchange. "Okay, that's it..I'll use my new monster power." Taking a moment to pluck a splinter of a 2x4 out of his forearm, he takes a braced position towards Natsu, stomping on a hapless (but luckily unoccupied) automobile by accident. His mouth opens, and.. ..he breathes forth a badly overexposed gout of blue-green energy towards Natsu, while a suitably sinister laser-ish sound effect plays.

COMBATSYS: Natsu blocks Kelvin's Psycho Splasher.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Kelvin           0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0            Natsu

Natsu hears the crush of the automobile as she is busy untangling the clothesline from her foot. She quickly lifts a satellite dish that was in the yard up. This shields her from the brunt of the Kaiju attack. "What evil demon gave you such awesome power!?!" SHe stands as she yells. She stomps forward, and rocks to the front of her feet. As she stomps her foot into the expressway, causing the bridge to collapse, she pushes her fist forward.

COMBATSYS: Kelvin counters Strong Punch from Natsu with Negative Momentum.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Kelvin           0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\0            Natsu

"Augh, I can't control it," cries Kelvin, flailing about in anguish. Why did this have to happen to him? He could be napping peacefully in the park now! "I..I have to keep..the monster urges from taking over.." His vision blurs out for a moment, before he returns to facing Natsu, taking just a step back. Okay, cool, he's managed to hold it back again.. ..the little monster voice in his head that says to 'DESTROY EVERYTHING'. And in this.. ..the mind of Kelvin, pioneer of Empty Mind, once again takes control. As Natsu is lunging forward, his hugely huge form shuffles just a bit to the side, moving to take hold of the punching arm as it's sliding by. Then he half-spins with his own massive weight, aiming to slam her into the shallows of the bay he'd been napping in just a little while ago. ..at least, he thinks it was a little while. Things are going so much slower now.

Natsu flies against the scenery, "Arrrrgh!" as she crashes across the buildings of Southtown. She stands up, and starts brushing herself off. The demon! Destroying all of Southtown! How dare he! She starts into a dead run, her large, heavy legs pounding into the pavement. As she reaches Kelvin, she tries to wrap her arms around him.

If she succeeds, she plant her feet, scooping up her dirt under her heels. Slamming Kelvin head-first into the buildings behind her, and crashing their bodies into the ground.

Atleast, that's the plan.

COMBATSYS: Kelvin dodges Natsu's Pile Driver.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Kelvin           0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\1            Natsu

It's a plan that doesn't work..this time. Slow is actually how Kelvin likes it, and now he's both big *and* slow. Apparently, a combination that works well for him. As he edges back just out of reach of her grappling, he utters an apology, "Sorry, but.." Then he seeks to help Natsu along, by taking a just as sudden (slow motion) step forward to try and plant his own fist into the width presented by her back, "..I can't lose here!" He's got to find a way to get shrunken back down, he can't risk being trapped here and hauled off to some underground lab!

COMBATSYS: Kelvin successfully hits Natsu with Andersons' Crushing Swing.
- Power hit! -

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Kelvin           0/-------/-======|=======\===----\1            Natsu

Natsu's body crumples under the powerful attack. Her spine crumples, as she crashes into the streets of Southtown. She looks from new position on the ground. "I'll never forgive you!" She proclaims! She picks up a passing truck, and throws it up into the air. She slaps it sounds with the palm of her hand, but instead of flying in Kelvin's direction, it flies.. up. Then, the whistling can be heard. As the truck comes blazing down into Kelvin's position, hoping to implant 'Mack' squarely into his forehead.

COMBATSYS: Kelvin catches Orbital Serve EX from Natsu with Empty Hand.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Kelvin           0/-------/-======|===----\-------\0            Natsu

Perhaps more than anything, Kelvin is hurt by Natsu's words. Wasn't it her that came looking for this fight? But.. ..that's just the way for super sentai warriors, it seems. "I just want to be normal again," he pleads, but.. ..it seems that her mind is made up. The poor truck! That poor truck driver is being taken for a ride he didn't intend, since it seems he's just become the second civilian space flight..and plus, he's now being used as a weapon. Kelvin stares in shock for a moment, then focuses as the anime-style glint from the sky indicates the incoming trajectory. Then he casually lifts his huge hand at the last possible moment, and..catches it, without much fanfare, setting it down so that the wobbly driver can finally empty his gut on the sidewalk. "..that was close," he admits. Now he turns his attention back to Natsu, frowning.

Natsu. She just gapes. She's the sentai hero. The bad guy isn't just supposed to be able to catch my super attack! Kelvin needs to go back and read the script! She stands up. "Your hand of evil will never triumph!" She glares, and lifters her leg, rotating her body and leaning backwards she thrusts her leg at Kelvin. "Haaaa!"

COMBATSYS: Kelvin endures Natsu's Heavy Kick.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////                 ]
Kelvin           1/------=/=======|====---\-------\0            Natsu

As Natsu once again rushes in to attack, Kelvin squints his eyes slightly, "I..told you, I just want to.." He doesn't have time to finish what he was trying to say, instead his frown deepens slightly. Cue flashbacks of his normal life, then finding that radioactive stuff in the park by pure chance..which transformed him into the dreadful Five-Hundred Foot Kelvin. With renewed resolve, he also begins to move forward, taking the full force of the kick to his chest; but he was fully prepared for just that, as he's braced for it, and he moves to take hold of the ankle of the foot that's planted against him, and starts to spin.. ..spin.. ..and finally release Natsu, on a course right for the city's most prominent landmark. Geese Tower! That is.. ..his intention, anyway.

COMBATSYS: Natsu counters Retroversal Slingshot EX from Kelvin with Top Block.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Kelvin           0/-------/------=|====---\-------\0            Natsu

Natsu is swung around. She yells, with a sound to wake all of Tokyo! She presses her hands against the ground as she is sent flying from Kelvin's hands. Instead of crashing, she presses her arms against the pavement, and flings herself up. The light flares around her as she flips, and lands, feet first on TOP of Geese tower. She places her hands on her hips, as the sun glares from around her head, "HA! You will never win!" She bellows!

"What..could that be.. ..her true power," Kelvin wonders!? That was only his totally awesome sub-ultimate attack, and he thought he'd executed it perfectly. But it seems he had not allowed for Natsu's obviously superior reflexes, considering she's actually a girl in a suit, and he's but a gigantic puppet. This must be the part in the script where the incredible comeback against incredible odds begins, the part kids cheer for, but.. ..Kelvin can't let that happen. Not when he's this close! Once more, he rushes forward.. ..stomping through town as best as his form will allow, aiming to take Natsu, and the top of Geese Tower, out with a flying tackle! The monster has taken over again!?

COMBATSYS: Natsu blocks Kelvin's Positive Momentum.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Kelvin           0/-------/-----==|=====--\-------\0            Natsu


Natsu folds her arms up and manages to block most of Kelvin's tackle. However, the couple crashes in the air to the ground. The wind speeding past the pair. The attempts to grapple Kelvin, positioning him into a position where he takes most of the damage from 9.8 m/s^2.

COMBATSYS: Kelvin counters Strong Throw from Natsu with Negative Momentum.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////                       ]
Kelvin           0/-------/----===|=======\-------\1            Natsu

In mid-air.. ..Giant Kelvin finally realizes this to be a good opportunity. As Natsu begins to try and bundle him up, he proves his knowledge of the technique she's trying to use, somehow positioning himself to try and land, instead, on top of her, and even trying to take hold of her arm to insure maximum impact from the fall from the top of Geese Tower! "Sorry," he mutters once again, in apology..even if he feels he has a good reason, he doesn't like hurting Sentai Champion Natsu! But he has to get out of here in one piece! "Please understand." ...and then the Earth rushes up beneath them, strange how you have enough time to have a whole conversation on the way down. Crazy physics.

Natsu sentai-flips up, and lands a half a km away. Hua! She musters her strength for her final attack. Like all good sentai heroes forced into their last reserves, Natsu is rather beat up, bits of building and automobiles litter her clothes and hair. She throws a volleyball in the air. A large volleyball. They could build oil rigs off of this. Anyway, her hand becomes sheathed in flames as she throws the sphere up in the air, transferring the flames to the orb of death as her fiery hand strikes the pale white orb.

COMBATSYS: Natsu successfully hits Kelvin with Blazing Serve.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////                        ]
Kelvin           0/-------/=======|-------\-------\0            Natsu

Giant Kelvin's form doesn't have time to fully recover from the mid-air and ground assault, lumbering up to standing much more slowly than even a 'monster' might otherwise. He's now breathing heavily from exhaustion, the disadvantage of being a 500' foot tall? And then he looks up just in time to see an approaching ball of death. There's not much more to do than try to brace against it, and even that fails, his forearms not really managing to hold back the force. He gets knocked backwards, wrecking some of Geese Tower's lower floors, and he shakes his head to clear it. On the bright side, 'Monster Kelvin' also has gone to sleep for a while, leaving him a moment's clarity..for now! "Nnh," he exhales, before willing his body to rush forward, one last time..throwing his full weight into closing the gap, and lunging out with a still subtly smoldering arm, to try and punch Natsu.

COMBATSYS: Kelvin successfully hits Natsu with Andersons' Crushing Swing.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  < >  /                             ]
Kelvin           1/-------/=======|====---\-------\0            Natsu

COMBATSYS: Natsu takes no action.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  <
Kelvin           1/-------/=======|

COMBATSYS: Natsu can no longer fight.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  <
Kelvin           1/-------/=======|

Natsu is taken unawares be Kelvin's final attack. She perks up just in time to see Kelvin swinging for her. She dives backwards, her remains falling across the city. Her sentai form collapses suddenly as she hits the ground, making it look like the giant Natsu has disappeared. Who was that masked fighter? Who was fighting for our good against the Kelvin menace! Who knows!? THE SHADOW KNOWS!

As for the Giant Kelvin.. ..what will become of him? After a moment of pounding on his chest in a most obligatory manner, and spewing blue-green flames, he.. ..suddenly pats his hand against his mouth in a yawn. "...I'm sorry Natsu..I'll come find you later and check up on you, for now.." He wanders back towards South Town Bay, and his form slowly sinks beneath the waves. He will take a nap where noone can interrupt him.. ..the strange blue-haired monster, where will he strike next? Where is Godzilla!?

Log created by Natsu, and last modified on 19:16:20 10/01/2005.