2005 OIC Tourney - [R1] Jiro vs Kula

Description: Decided to have some fun with the match up. Had it acting like a game, and also included the grue(which ate Kula at that one point before the actual match during the pose), but Kula went along with the idea of being weird with me. (Winner: Jiro)

It is the greatest day. It is where the gods collide. It is where dreams come true. It is...

Match of the Millenium: Dream Match OIC Tournament

Select Your Characters!

> Jiro Kasagi [Player 1]
> Kula Diamond [Player 2]

Stage select is made: Floating Island.

It's a beautiful place too. The sun is shining in the air, glistening out for all of those to see. The illuminating light from the sun casts past the clouds, giving those lowly people of earth its lovely shower.
The island itself is filled with plenty of green fauna and flora. It isn't without fans either. They're various fans ranging from children to adult. ....Is that Todoh? Man, that guy's everywhere.
Stepping into the island's left side, followed by several dogs, cats, and a lion, the Stray Dog is walking over to the side of the ring. Then, his eyes focus to the other side. Waving a hand away to disband the animals, his hands is consumed by purple flames, then he steps into a stance; left side facing while he's bouncing.

COMBATSYS: Jiro has started a fight here on the left meter side.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Jiro             0/-------/-------|

"Sit!" ... "Beg!" ... "...roll over?" ... "...go...sniff that other dog. Good boy."
Kula had shown up at the island several hours ago, and had promptly sat herself down in teh fighters area to wait for her opponent to show. She wasn't alone though, thanks to her handy Nintendo DS and Nintendogs! With her little Diana Dauschund to keep her company, Kula was sure to be entertained during the time before she had to fight! Of course, there's a part of her that somewhat regrets letting Angel help her pick out her outfit for the occasion, but she said it was to 'test some new NESTS technology' that should help in the fight.
As Jiro enters, Kula stands up, dressed in a black lace dress. And...are those cat ears on her head? Did they just /twitch/? Already, newspapers and magazines are figuring out where to put pictures of the nekomimi mode Kula so they can increase sales to fans. Kula closes the DS, whispering some cutesy little phrases to her little electronic pet, and then sets it off to the side before adjusting her gloves.
Now, what was it Angel told her to say? Oh, right. Wait for the theme music. And sure enough, once Jiro finishes his stance and the fires aren't the center of attention anymore, a strange tune plays through the air as Kula does a flashy pose that Athena would be envious of, complete with the cat tail poking out the back of her dress swishing a bit and wrapping around her leg.
o/~ Kisu kisu kisu, NEKOMIMI MODE! o/~ Kula spins once again, and points up to the sky, holding a lollipop instead of the typical 'sentai' wand. "Nekomimi mode, GO!"

COMBATSYS: Kula has joined the fight here on the right meter side.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Jiro             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Kula

Impressive Intro pose. Unfortunately, not all people like it.
Looming in the darkness...
Massive black maw opens widely. It's... THE GRUE!
It wants.... KULA!
Although the Grue attempts to swoop into the fight and -EAT KULA OUT OF NOWHERE-, a purple fireball is thrown the grue's way, knocking light into it and sending it out of the stage.
"Meh." Jiro rolls his eyes, "The nerve of the grue, we have a fight to do." He snorts, then he starts to feel his own rhythm. Oh yeah, back to the fight.
Of course, the fighters are treated with an announcer. The Street Fighter Alpha 3 Announcer, "GO FOR BROKE! FIGHT!"
Music: This is True Love Makin'

Pause. Jiro mutters, "I hope the announcer's a bonus stage." Shrug. With the match beginning, Jiro is sprinting straight towards Kula, leaping into the fray while he shifts his stance. While about two feet off of the ground, Jiro whisks his right foot out to send it launching towards the upper head of Kula.

COMBATSYS: Jiro successfully hits Kula with Light Kick.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Jiro             0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0             Kula

For a while, Kula has suspected the grue had a lolita complex. This just confirms it.
Kula's cat ears twitch again, and the girl seems highly distracted by the fact she has extra moving parts of her now, even as she keeps an eye on Jiro. "Wait, hold on, hold on, this tail is tangling up my legs. I can't move my arms well in this lace. And my ears itch!" But she isn't complaining too loudly. After all, she's so CUTE. And she's also managing to look up just in time to see a foot coming at her face.
Kula's head is twisted a bit to the side, complete with comedic footprint on the side of her face. She shakes her head again, and then shifts her stance, tail swishing back and forth, somewhat puffed by the threat she's facing. The girl pushes back a bit, skating before she crouches down, and then pushes herself forward with her hands, sliding along to try to grab hold of Jiro's ankles and slide past his legs. Once there, she'll do her best to yank on them to pull them out from under him (with some assistance from her handy dandy ice slick) to make Jiro fall down, go boom.

COMBATSYS: Jiro counters Slider Shoot from Kula with Backlash.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Jiro             0/-------/------=|===----\-------\0             Kula

While that's a nice idea for Kula to attempt to slide her way towards Jiro, the young boy decides to intercept her attempt to proceed with the strike. Because when he launches himself forward Jiro draws himself to where he can grab at Kula's leg while crouching low.
And during the grab, Jiro merely ducks low and releases a foot sweep outward to strike at her ankle.
Grasping the ankle with his hands, Jiro uses the slick ice as the momentum to start spinning around. Repeatedly, Kula is spinning and being -ROCKED LIKE A HURRICANE!- with the Giant Swing.
Lifted upside down, Jiro soon drops his body low, aiming to drop Kula down on her head with the Jackhammer slam.

A little sign shows up at the left side of the screen.

Personally, Kula blames the cat ears.
Oh, hey, lookit that. Kula's flat on her back. She pushes herself up, wobbling a bit, and then stands again, pointing her lollipop at Jiro. Her mouth drops open, and the entire crowd hushes for a second as the music pauses. "..."
But...Kula can't remember what Angel wanted her to say. She blushes a bit, and then clears her throat, shifts her stance, winds up, and flings the lollipop at Jiro's head, spinning in the air like a throwing star. Once it's left her hand, she can just reach into some pocket and pull out another lollipop. Always keep enough sugar on you to keep you going in a fight!

COMBATSYS: Jiro endures Kula's Thrown Object.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Jiro             0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0             Kula

When the lollipop comes out with a pop, Jiro blinks several times. Cough. Cough.

And Chibi Theatre will show what is in his mind.

Chibi Kula: *pops the lollipop out and winks*
Chibi Jiro: <3_<3 Yeah!
Chibi Acacia: e_e ...*PUNCHES THE SPINE* ~_~
Chibi Jiro: UGNK! OH GOD MY BACK! x_X

"...Hot." Straighten collar. Yeah.
But then, when the lollipop is thrown the Stray Dog's way, Jiro is already taking the aggressive stance, aiming to push himself straight into the path as he plans to rush out towards Kula. The lollipop smacks him across the face, but it doesn't deter him from getting a high leap into the air with his right foot shooting in the air, where he's preparing to get at a good range to come down towards Kula by coming down from the ground.
With the foot shooting down, he prepares to have it slam straight towards Kula's head.
The impact of the foot to the ground is enough to make a pothole.

COMBATSYS: Kula interrupts Guillotine Kick from Jiro with Claw Bites.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Jiro             1/-------/=======|======-\-------\0             Kula

One thing to remember about kittys is they gots claws. And they're /very/ sensitive about their tails. Of course, Kula didn't even know she'd feel anything if something happened to her tail, which is why when she shifts her stance suddenly, it's not far enough to keep her tail from swishing back and forth into the path of Jiro's foot.
Foot + cat tail + impact = @_@ and really loud shriek.
And even before she's really aware she's doing it, Kula's got claws of ice on her hands that she's using to dig into Jiro, trying to slash him enough to get him to back up off of her tail like that, hissing the whole time. She'd spit, but that'd just be an ice cube in his face, and it wouldn't have the same effect. So in the meantime, she aims for the soft, squishy parts of him.

Woo. Poor girl. Her tail is in pain.
Oh yeah. Poor Jiro,as he's clawed the hell out of for his troubles. "ARGGHH!! GETHEROFF!GETHEROFF! GOOD KITTY" He hisses out as he's given several slashes across the body, groaningin pain as he's being rendered as a scratching post.
Flesh, squishy parts are the main parts that hurt. Ow.
o matter, Jiro is getting himself to a distance, then he starts to leap at Kula. He is lunging forward for his own special combo.
First off is a right foot towards the face in a roundhouse kick, then he unleashes a quick swing of a hand downward. Escaping from the hand is a wave of energy, erupting as purple flames, then it comes down across her chest as a blade like energy.
Psylocke, yo. Only not.

COMBATSYS: Kula endures Jiro's Odious Fang!!

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Jiro             1/-----==/=======|=======\-------\1             Kula

Kula seems ready for this, now fully in the fight. Ears flattened against her head, tail swishing just a little but fluffed like it just went through the spin cycle of the dryer, and claws slowly melting off. She shifts slightly, taking the foot to her chest instead of to her face, and grits her teeth as the purple wave slashes down at her. But her hands reach up to grab hold of Jiro's foot and keep him from being able to land gracefully, pulling to knock him down. And then...Kula pounces.
But what happens next might surprise people, if that part goes through. Kula clings to Jiro, as if he was an old friend, and even makes her best attempt at a purring noise. It might take a minute for him to realize, though, at as she's doing this, a wave of coldness is coming from her and freezing the area immediately around Jiro as she slackens her arms some. Just pay attention to the happily swishing tail, Jiro, and don't notice the sheet of ice forming over you...

COMBATSYS: Kula successfully hits Jiro with Ice Coffin.
- Power hit! -

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Jiro             1/-======/=======|=======\==-----\1             Kula

As Kula leaps into the attack, Jiro's eyes widen for a moment, "Wha.....?" He can hear her purr too. Wow, it's quite nice, actually. The young boy shakes his head off, trying hard to realize what she's doing.
...But her purring is rather cute. And attractive.
But nevertheless, Jiro is covered within the wall, which has formed itself into a coffin.
R.I.P. Jiro Kasagi: At least he's not roadkill.
Oh god, the coolness hurts so damn much.
...Until Jiro busts out through the wall.
"OH YEAH!" Jiro's the Kool-Aid Man! He busts out like he's ready to kick some ass! And he is ready to do so as well. It's to the point where Jiro is starting to charge right to Kula, drawing his right fist out towards the young girl's stomach.

COMBATSYS: Jiro successfully hits Kula with Rhino Ravager.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////                         ]
Jiro             0/-------/-----==|=======\=======\1             Kula

The Stray Dog launches himself forward, sprinting straight out towards Kula as he draws his right fist out. With the punch aiming to strike harshly against Kula, Jiro is releasing several strikes towards the young woman's body.
The momentum-induced strikes follow: A clobbering left punch towards the face, a right hook towards the face, a driving left fist towards the gut, then he launches forward to aim the elbow in a swing across Kula's face.
Launching forward, Jiro sends the elbow against Kula's stomach. But that's not all. For as he reaches over towards her tight shirt, Jiro gives a fanged grin as his eyes become feral. Jiro barks out, "SEI!" The fist drives back, tightenning as he aims to draw the incoming fist right at Kula's stomach. "DO!"
...It'll likely send her flying across the screen.

Something Kula learned a long time ago in NESTS was to never leave her guard down. As the nekogirl brushes herself off, beaming at the fact she encased Jiro in a sheet of ice, and amazed that for once the move actually /worked/. This, of course, leaves her to be completely distracted by the spray of ice that hits her from Jiro's 'Kool-Aid Man Burst' and she pushes hair from her face, spitting out small ice shards. "Ick, ptoo, bleh, ptoo, ptoo."
Of course, what happens next to her is just a blur. All Kula knows is that she WAS standing over there on the left, but now she's flying back that way to the right, spinning and mewling. The girl smacks against the side of the screen, and bounces down, just for a moment wondering where that barrier came from.
Of course, better than if she were to fall off the side of the island, anyway.
Kula pushes herself up to her feet shakily, mewling once more, and then drops down to her hands and knees, gasping for breath, her bangs covering her eyes. There's a tremble, and then a couple of droplets of water land from her face onto the ground, freezing quickly into small ice crystals. She 'hiccups' for a moment, and then a small cry comes from Kula, and she starts to slump forward a bit onto the grou-
...wait, the tears froze /after/ they hit the ground? Sure enough, if Jiro can remember the life lessons of people like Charlie Brown and other such nice guys when at the mercy of a girl's tears, he might notice the frost forming over the ground as a stream of ice flows underground, and then spears up towards him to knock him up into the air like a battering ram.

COMBATSYS: Kula can no longer fight.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Jiro             0/-------/-----==|

COMBATSYS: Jiro counters Freeze Execution from Kula with Backlash.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  <
Jiro             0/-------/-----==|

After slamming Kula across the screen, the young man draws his right hand forward, waving it downward. Only a grunt is given as he waves his hand as if he was punching a wall.
As Kula starts crying, Jiro almost fels bad, until shes lumps to the ground..... With a block of ice coming out towards his direction.
Oh crap. Jiro hisses ou as he sees the stream of ice flowing under ground. And then... when it attempts to spear him outward like a battering ram...?
He merely reaches over to grasp at the object, grasping the chunk off, then he aims to strike against Kula to knock her across for good measure.

This would be in slow motion too.

Okay, /now/ Kula might start to cry for real. Waiting for the grunt of pain that /should/ be coming, Kula is instead surprised by the fact she just got clocked across the face by her own ice shard. The girl falls back, and lands hard on her back upon the ground where sh-
Kula blinks a few times, and then barely manages to roll over and glance back to see the broken remains of her DS there, a soft barking coming from the machine before it flickers once and dies. She reaches over to pick it up, curling up into a ball with it, and pats it softly. "...Diana, no...." The poor little cat-eared girl curls up and cries softly to herself even as the crowd cheers on Jiro.

...and no, Jiro. She won't go on a date with you after the fight.


[WINNER: Jiro Kasagi]

When the victory is called, Jiro extends his left hand out, which is soon engulfed with purple flames. As he turns around to have his back turned from the screen, he merely allows the purple flames to trail off as a line of blaze, before he finally sets his hand downward.
A lion leaps out into the ring, and Jiro relaxes from his tensed motion, kneeling down next to th large feline and he pets him. His features show that he's smiling.


Jiro's looking at the screen, with scowl on his face as his right fist is tighten. He has a ferocious look to him.

Text screen: 'Meh. You were done for.'

COMBATSYS: Jiro has ended the fight here.

Log created by Jiro, and last modified on 05:41:41 09/28/2005.