KOF 2005 - [R3] R.Dragons vs U.Schools

Description: The Round 3 bout between United Schools (Daigo and Kyosuke) and the Rising Dragons (Sakura and Ryu) comes down to a photo-finish after stunning performances from all fighters. This is the next dream event! (Winners: Rising Dragons)

Bangkok. Capital of Thailand.
Typical of an Asian city. Noisy, lively, and with traffic that'd kill you dead if you tried to cross the street without saying all your proper prayers first.
Thankfully, though, the stars of today's King of Fighters match aren't on the street. It wouldn't do for the match to be decided by a runaway illegal taxi, after all. Wouldn't do at all.
They're not on the street. They're not even on dry land.
No. They're in the river.
One of the central waterways running through the heart of the city.
A huge crowd fills the riverbanks, standing shoulder to shoulder along the shophouses and streets facing the water. A few water taxis and other boats also encircle the area, on the river itself - though, all observe a clear zone, an area of empty space around the vessel at the heart of this scene.
A full-blown traditional Thai longboat. Dark, solid wood, its sides lined with massive oars. Several dozen feet long, with high prows rising out from the water at either end. As its name suggests, the boat is, indeed, long - but quite narrow, built for cutting through the water fast. It only allows three people to sit abreast. Or stand, since the rowing benches lining the interior of the boat have been removed in the centre, leaving a flat wooden deck for the fighters.
Those close confines could get tight in a hurry.

At one end of the boat, seated on one of the few rowing benches still remaining, Kyosuke Kagami idly glances up at the crowd, sparing a moment to look back and forth over the water. Sunlight glints off his glasses, as he does so. He's dressed normally, in his customary altered white school uniform, with the long coat and black V-neck sweater. Then he looks back down. At the book in his hands. It seems to be a Thai phrasebook of some kind, of the sort known to tourists everywhere.
After a while, he looks up, once more. Then nods, absently, to the other team, at the far end of the longboat. Then, it's back to the book.
Without taking his eyes from the little text, Kyosuke murmurs, in a quiet voice, to his teammate, Daigo. "Tough match, hm?"
Flip. Flip. Flip.

In many of the King of Fighters battles, the opposing teams aren't really friends with one another. For example, Vitriol and Team SS were at each other's throats, while the New Face Team seemed to want to make Team Evil look nice in comparison. Funny how things work, that way
... But, oddly enough, the Rising Dragons and the United Schools teams aren't like that at all. Sakura's a rather good friend of the United Schools captain, for one, and Kyosuke... well, she's never had a reason to outright dislike him! And Ryu gets along with just about anyone who doesn't act like an outright jerk. So, basically, everyone's friends! That's why the four fighters can remain civil long enough to prevent the fight from starting early.
In fact, after spending so much time with her sensei, Sakura's on the United Schools side of the boat now, thrusting her hand out to Daigo and Kyosuke for handshakes in turn -- Kyosuke's book notwithstanding. "Well, I just wanted to wish you both the best of luck in the match!" Nope, no joy-buzzers in the schoolgirl's palm (this time), she's completely sincere! Her hands flapping out to her sides as the boat rolls over a rough wave, she bows once more to each of the two, before returning to her seat.

Standing rather than sitting at the opposite end of the boat from pair of talented students that will be their opponents today, Ryu turns his eyes from the banks of the river back towards Daigo and Kyosuke as his own student approaches the other team, a slight smile coming to his face. Yes, there's no ill will tainting this fight... Ryu may not know either of the United Schools representatives well, but he respects both skill and reputation in the case of each... and what he /has/ seen has given him no reason to second-guess that calm appreciation. Still, he's not as overt about it as Kasugano... pre-fight for Ryu is a time to gather his thoughts, to quietly focus his mind, observe and prepare for the fight to come. Which is just what he does, save a slow, respectful nod with that comfortable, sincere smile still showing slightly on his features.
One such gesture is paid to Kyosuke, and then to Daigo, a slow inclination indicative of a bow included. Other than that, the nomad stands easily, arms crossed over his chest, as the soft breeze of the river whips through his hair along the languid path downcurrent, the World Warrior's long headband and kanji-accented black belt fluttering relaxedly on said winds, as do the edges of his customary, simple white gi. Judging from his relaxation, and his lack of that building intensity customary in his gaze before he actually joins the fray... he won't be spearheading the Dragons' efforts today, either.

A longboat. A river. A curious choice of battlegrounds if Daigo ever saw. There's enough room to fight, but not a lot of room for acrobatics, or throws. It could, possibly, be an ideal fighting situation.

Still. Kyosuke's right. It's a tough matchup. Much tougher than what they've fought so far in this tournament. It's to be expected, though. From what Daigo understands, Sakura's become quite accomplished in the fighting ranks now, and Ryu... Well... He's Ryu. A legend.

A legend Daigo's sparred before, without much success.

"...Tough, yes." Daigo quietly states, before Sakura gets there to wish the good luck. Daigo extends a hand to carefully shake Sakura's own, giving the schoolgirl an authentic warm smile. "I've been looking forward to seeing you in a true fight, and to crossing fists with your sensei again. I hope we can provide an adequate challenge to you both."

As Kyosuke has his book, Daigo nominated to be the one to fight first. If only because of the narrow confines of the boat. He'd hate to sit back, and have to try and dodge stray hadoukens. Daigo's eyes drift up from Sakura, releasing her hand to give a slight nod to the Master...

Kyosuke doesn't actually -say- anything to the other team, either Sakura or Ryu. He does, though, lower his book long enough to exchange greetings - in his case, a pleasant smile, and a polite nod.
...and then he goes back to the phrasebook.
Well, that's Kyosuke for you.
Although, he -does- peer over the top of the little text, eyes watching over the cover and spine. Daigo's leading the fight from this corner. And despite apparent...distractions on Kyosuke's part...he really is quite serious about watching.
Even if he is, ah, multitasking while doing it.

Well. Huh. Sakura hadn't exactly expected Kyosuke to brush her off like that, though it was more her fault than his. He's -always- reading a book, after all -- so she mildly withdrew her hand and offered it to Daigo instead. "Lookin' forward to it!" she'd chirped in reply.
It wasn't long before the boat pulled into position, though. And as it did so, the on-board official gives the signal to the two fights. Sakura finds herself standing and moving into position, smoothing her skirt out in a mild show of fidgeting. "Well... looks like you'll have to get through me for that rematch!"
Yes -- Sakura's going first, this time. Feet shoulder-width apart, she bobs lightly, her hands assuming the proper defensive position, just as she'd done for the past few months of training under Ryu. In the Strolheim tournament, she fought as a student -- but now in KOF, it seems she's finally an equal. And that just makes her smile so much brighter, as she grins back at Ryu from across the boat for a moment, before settling her eyes back on Kyosuke, then Daigo.

COMBATSYS: Sakura has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Sakura           0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Sakura has joined the fight here on the left meter side.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Sakura           0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Ryu has joined the fight here on the left meter side.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Sakura           0/-------/-------|
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Ryu              0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Daigo has joined the fight here on the right meter side.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Sakura           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Daigo
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Ryu              0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Kyosuke has joined the fight here on the right meter side.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Sakura           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0          Kyosuke
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Ryu              0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Daigo

Ryu draws a deep breath, and settles his back against the aft of the longboat, leaning just a bit of his weight that way. All in all, he seems fairly relaxed, confident... he's sure that Sakura is ready for this, as formidable as their opponents today may be. For his part, well, he'll simply observe, and enjoy the river air until it comes his time to head midship and join battle, himself. His dark eyes center on Sakura, and he murmurs, "Remember what you've learned. Focus, fight with your all. You've got the ability." The words are, at best... barely audible. But it's a simple reaffirmation. Nothing Kasugano hasn't heard from her master before, just a quiet sort of support. He's not the world's most boisterous cheerleader, but he means it.

Introductions are aside. Greetings have been given. Everything is ready for the official command to begin.

Daigo spares Kyosuke one last glance, his visage trailing to where Akira would have been standing if she'd been able to come, but... The boat wasn't big enough. Yeah. That's it. It's only big enough for four fighters. If even that.

Shaking his head, the elder Kazama faces Sakura, and assumes his own battle stance. Legs slightly spread, compensating for balance on the slightly shifting momentium of the boat, arms lifted into a ready position. Set to get the show started.

He'd normally say something about not holding back now, but that might be disrespectful. By now nobody should be holding back. Not this far into a tournament like this. That's why Daigo forgoes his usual testing jab as a fight opener.

No, instead he rushes up the short distance of the boat, his left arm raised protectively, and his right cocked back, waiting until he's within punching range of the student to throw his fist out at Sakura, fist aglow with his special orange chi.

COMBATSYS: Sakura blocks Daigo's Phoenix Fist.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Sakura           0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0          Kyosuke
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Ryu              0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Daigo

As the boat shimmies and shakes from Daigo's rapid advances, Sakura holds her ground. As Daigo knows -- words are merely an unnecessary formality at this point -- one which Sakura seems happy to dole out, but can truly appreciate the absence of.
And when Daigo comes at her, Sakura responds accordingly -- dropping to one knee and raising both her forearms in front of her face. Kazama's fist slams into her padded handguards, but the shockwave is still enormous just the same, shaking the boat and sending ripples through the water. It's a massive punch, and one Sakura finds her teeth gritting for.
Just the same, though -- she'd blocked it. And she can't let anything like the sheer force of Daigo's fists discourage her. Nope -- that's why she unfolds her hands, bringing them to her sides and cupping them around a steadily-growing orb of energy.
She's been practicing like crazy, so the build-up time isn't quite as long as it used to be, but Sakura still manages to urge a meter-wide flower of chi into existence -- one that she shoves towards Daigo in the midst of standing. "HADOOUKEN!"
The recoil from the blast is enough to knock her back a bit -- hence the standing, as it allows her to land on her toes, skirt ruffling in the wind as she steadies herself for what comes next.

COMBATSYS: Daigo blocks Sakura's Medium Hadouken.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Sakura           0/-------/-----==|-------\-------\0          Kyosuke
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Ryu              0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0            Daigo

The first blows have been given. Daigo's fist, slamming into Sakura's padded guard. Sakura retaliates with a hadouken, a complete blast of chi, which Daigo's own arms lift and absorb, without such padded guards. The force of the chi, enough to make his shoes skid on the wood surface of the boat, knees bending and shifting to keep his balance.

The fight is on, and there's no turning back. From his moment of defense, Daigo explodes, willing his legs to keep from tripping on the wave-like motion of the boat, half a smile on his face. "Nice shot..." he compliments the young Sakura, before stepping in, and NOW snapping his left fist out. A tap. But a tap from Daigo is worth a lot.

COMBATSYS: Daigo successfully hits Sakura with Jab Punch.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Sakura           0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0          Kyosuke
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Ryu              0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0            Daigo

"Thanks!" Sakura thinks that she could get away in time, but the problem is that the longboat ends up running a lot shorter than most battlefields. Her slight moment of hesitation on finding herself at the limit ends up with her getting smacked in the jaw -- only a quick step on the outer lip of the boat allows her to keep from being flung from the boat, even with such a 'tap' from Daigo. Rubbing her jaw with her left hand, though, it seems she's not about to go down just -yet-, though -- pushing off the edge of the boat and leaping at Daigo in an attempt to catch him in a headlock -- not to mention, putting her on the inside of the boat again. If she actually manages to do so, she'd be quite surprised! "Yuuttaaa!"

COMBATSYS: Daigo endures Sakura's Sakura Strangle.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Sakura           0/-------/-======|-------\-------\0          Kyosuke
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Ryu              0/-------/-------|==-----\-------\0            Daigo

Daigo will say this for Sakura. She's quick. By now, Daigo expects anyone smaller than himself to be quick. Disturbingly quick, even, most of the time.

So Sakura manages to get him into a headlock, and get herself out of the Out of Bounds range!

Once she's 'safe', however, Daigo relaxes his neck and shoulders, attempts to reach behind him, and grasp at Sakura's legs. If he can get a good hold, he'll swing her around and onto the hard wooden surface of the boat top. If not...well, it's not like a headlock is going to move him much when she's hanging off his head, is it?

COMBATSYS: Daigo successfully hits Sakura with Quick Throw.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Sakura           1/------=/=======|-------\-------\0          Kyosuke
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Ryu              0/-------/-------|===----\-------\0            Daigo

Oof. Well, one good thing about fighting friends is that they don't want to disqualify you unfairly -- so Sakura's got that much in her favor. But even still, being grabbed by the leg and slammed onto the boat's floor is -not- the most comfortable thing in the world. Wincing, she slinks back for a moment, kipping back to her feet, and pauses for a moment. She hasn't been in the fight all this long, but she still hurts like crazy.
And that... has to work in her favor somehow, right? Because this is the mind of an adolescent schoolgirl we're talking about here -- she can't lose! Clenching her fists together, elbows at her side as the wind kicks up sharply, tossing her skirt and headband about as she grins back at Daigo. "Nice ones! But I'm gonna get you soon enough!" she shouts, with no small measure of pride in her voice. She -has- to win!
But she's not attacking right now, not just yet -- because she wants to see what Daigo's got up his sleeve, first!

COMBATSYS: Sakura focuses on her next action.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Sakura           1/------=/=======|-------\-------\0          Kyosuke
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Ryu              0/-------/-------|===----\-------\0            Daigo

It's true, Daigo wouldn't want to disqualify a friend through some cheap method such as an Out of bounds, but then he doesn't really consider it an honorable way to fight anyone. The coward's way out, it is!

As Sakura skitters back to concentrate, Daigo steps away from the boat's edge, calmly reassuming his own careful stance, taking Sakura's into consideration. "...Time to get serious?" he offers, as some sort of crazy catch-phrase, before stepping the couple of steps it takes to close the distance yet again, this time seeking to perform a simple 1-2 combo, left jab and right cross! He intends to keep her on her guard!

COMBATSYS: Sakura blocks Daigo's 1-2 Smash.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Sakura           1/-----==/=======|-------\-------\0          Kyosuke
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Ryu              0/-------/-------|====---\-------\0            Daigo

Grinning, Sakura nods in reply to Daigo's query. She thought she -was- being serious! But maybe it just didn't seem like that from all the acrobatics and stuff.
Whatever the cause, though... the wind might start be a problem here in a minute. It certainly doesn't take any of the sting out of Daigo's fists -- the first jab is met with a raised handguard, while it takes both arms to block the second.
"Shinkuuuu...." Right about then, the wind takes on a visible cerulean hue, swirling into the wake left behind as her hands sweep down to her sides. Her hands crackling with electricity, Sakura steps back to solidify her stance, before pushing the fireball forward, urging the five-foot wide sphere onwards at Daigo's midsection, announced with a loud cry of "HADOOOOOOOUKEN!

And one could swear the boat just moved as she released that blast...

COMBATSYS: Daigo blocks Sakura's Shinkuu Hadouken.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Sakura           0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0          Kyosuke
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Ryu              0/-------/-------|====---\-------\0            Daigo

Ryu's smile has faded somewhat as he watches the fight go on... not in consternation, but in renewed focus. This isn't going their way, and once again, he's looking at a situation where he may once again need everything he's got... and then some. Deep breaths follow, and rather than offer simply silent support, he calls out to Sakura, "Don't let up on him! Keep your cool, stay a step ahead!" He can't quite be more detailed in the setting, but it's just like they've talked about... he knows Daigo's strength well, but it won't do for Kasugano to be intimidated by the behemoth... or to let up on the premiere Gedo high fighter. He's well aware of Sakura's ability to sense the fight around her, and there's still confidence in the call... she's far from out of this yet, but he's well aware of the need to turn it around a bit. Thusly, he encourages the girl to do just that.

Even as Daigo's fists thunk against Sakura's block, he feels the buildup in energies surrounding her. The little hairs on the back of his head stand up, something tougher than the hadouken she'd flung earlier charging quickly. He has this odd feeling...that he's going to be getting this feeling multiple times before he's knocked out. Darn fireball throwers.

Still, Sakura's fireballs are slower than Ryu's, and even this more powerful one isn't quite fast enough to get past Daigo's block this time, the bigger fighter stepping back to throw his arms up and practically absorb the shock of the mighty chi-blast. His arms go numb briefly, Daigo skidding backwards again, somehow keeping his balance on the wildly rocking boat, waves splashing drops of water up onto the boat's surface.

"...Nice..." the elder Kazama compliments of the schoolgirl, shaking his arms to shake off the numbness. He's going to have to get a good running start again. That's unfortunate. It gives her time to move. That doesn't stop the big man from trying, though, heavy steps shaking the already rocking boat as he tries to close the distance and bestow another quick left jab to shake the girl's brains a bit.

At the United Schools end of the boat, Kyosuke Kagami arches an eyebrow. Still seated on one of the remaining benches near the bow, he lowers his book, slightly. And leans forward, paying a...touch more scrutiny to this exchange.
He makes a thoughtful noise as Sakura releases her super-sized Hadouken of extremely large stature.
And gives another 'hm', as Daigo is thrown back by the attack.
Setting the Thai phrasebook down, Kyosuke clasps his chin in one hand, resting his elbow against the side of the boat. Leaning, he taps one finger, reflectively, against his face. And stares across the length of the boat, past the two fighters, at Ryu.
Kyosuke smiles. Briefly.

COMBATSYS: Daigo successfully hits Sakura with Jab Punch.
Glancing Blow

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Sakura           0/-------/-----==|-------\-------\0          Kyosuke
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Ryu              0/-------/-------|====---\-------\0            Daigo

Yeah, they may be slower now, but Sakura's drinking milk! She'll be big and strong, and one day she might be able to take one of Daigo's 'taps' with some degree of gracefulness. As it is, she does scramble backwards, once more finding herself driven up onto the side of the boat in her evasion of the little 'tap'. She's somewhat successful in that she'd thrown her arms out to either side as a counterbalance, but she still gets tagged in the chin for her trouble, having thankfully learned how to roll with punches like that.
And besides, her hands are still glowing a faint blue. It'd be a shame to waste them -- and an even bigger shame to let her proximity to Daigo pass. But she's still hoping that she can effect the tide of battle by one little trick she'd learned -- hopping off the side of the boat. Her little hop's likely to unbalance the elder Kazama slightly, but her goal is to leap back towards the centerline, while her fingertips trace a swath of blue through the air as she whips her hands around to bear.
In that short time, she'd managed to amass a fireball which, while not as -charged- as the last one, is certainly as large -- and almost as potent. "HADOOOOOUKEN!" But it also has the advantage of being at point-blank range -- or so Sakura hopes! As with the last, the recoil knocks her back a bit, adjusting her aerial trajectory a bit -- but she's ready this time, landing on the seat behind her in preparation for Daigo's response!

COMBATSYS: Sakura successfully hits Daigo with Large Hadouken EX.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Sakura           0/-------/----===|-------\-------\0          Kyosuke
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Ryu              0/-------/-------|======-\-------\0            Daigo

Point-blank is right... Daigo has no time to do more than watch as the fireball of extreme DOOM forms in Sakura's hands, thrust out to let go of the giant chi-ball. It engulfs Daigo, briefly, no amount of arm-blocking able to withstand all that force at once. It knocks the gang-boss backwards, causes him to stumble and go down to a knee, using the ground to steady himself. "...I deserved that one." he notes, getting back to his feet.

And this time, he stays back. Rather than charge foolishly into yet another fireball, he creeps forward a couple steps, and bides his time just for a couple seconds.

COMBATSYS: Daigo focuses on his next action.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Sakura           0/-------/----===|-------\-------\0          Kyosuke
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Ryu              0/-------/-------|======-\-------\0            Daigo

Hmm... pausing to focus might be a good idea for Sakura also. She's gotten in trouble in previous fights for pressing an advantage for much too long, pressing her luck in hopes that she can force the advantage to keep going. But really, in a way, she's glad Daigo takes the moment to recenter himself, because it gives her a chance to stabilize her footing.
She -can- strategize, though... and too much of a break can be a bad thing, especially if it ruins the streak of good luck she'd gotten just now. Which is why she only waits for the rocking of the boat to calm down before beginning her next assault -- in this case, another fireball.
Different from the last, though, this fireball's no bigger across than both of her fists stacked together -- and that's why she can slam it out as fast as she can thrust her hands forward! "HADOUKEN!" she shouts, sending forth the needle-like projectile with pinpoint precision.

COMBATSYS: Daigo blocks Sakura's Small Hadouken.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Sakura           0/-------/-----==|-------\-------\0          Kyosuke
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Ryu              0/-------/-------|=======\-------\0            Daigo

Focused. Ready. Daigo watches the forming of the newest (and MUCH smaller) hadouken. That's one he can absorb. So he does! Trained arms lifting to absorb the shock of another's chi, the sting almost laughable in comparison to the three he took before. Now he stands straight, giving his knuckles an ominous (and reflexive) crack, then dashing forward...No more jabs. This next one's a full Phoenix Fist. Time to get serious indeed!

COMBATSYS: Sakura interrupts Phoenix Fist from Daigo with Small Hadouken.

[                     \\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Sakura           0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0          Kyosuke
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Ryu              0/-------/-------|=======\=------\1            Daigo

Sakura has dropped a connection.

Time to get serious? Yeah, Sakura can do that. In informal matches, Sakura can afford to screw around and beef up her karate strikes, but there's no mistaking the fact that the Taiyo schoolgirl's greatest asset in a fight isn't her fists -- but what flies out of them. In the metaphysical sense, Kasugano's overflowing fighting spirit is what drives her -- and in the realm of reality, that just happens to manifest in her use of the Hadouken.
When Daigo rushes forward to strike her, the headbanded fangirl flinches. What now? She thought her pinpointed attack would do more than meet his guard, but apparently, it's not quite enough to stop his charge. So that's when Sakura falls back on her instincts to guide her -- such that when the fist rushes forth, Sakura actually runs -towards- it.
The Phoenix Fist still slams into her shoulder -- but by that point, she's already pulled out the trick from her puffy sleeves -- the tiny Hadouken she rams right into Daigo's midsection. "Hadouken!" she cries, just for completeness, even as her shoulder snaps back from the blow, and she leaps back to a safer range.

Blasted. In the gut. By a hadouken. Projectiles never were Daigo's strongpoint, though he /can/ take a good amount of them before they sting too badly. The point-blank ones tend to hurt a little more than the rest though. His iron body is not /quite/ as grand at taking hits as his arms are.

It knocks the breath right out of the Gedo boss, for an instant, giving Sakura that precious time to back away to safer ground. Not that there's a lot of it on a boat like this. It may just be enough, Daigo not wishing to hang back any further. It's dangerous to give this girl the range she needs to be a fire-throwing fighter. Though he's taken harder hits up close, that's the only way he's been able to dish out any pain of his own...

So he steps, through the fog that momentarily clouds his one-eyed vision, but he doesn't throw a punch. He concentrates... He doesn't have the wide variety of hadoukens to rely on. His chi tends to be a bit more explosive when it's released, through fists, or...through the geyser and waves of heated energy that practically surround and lash out, radiating out from Dai's body when they're summoned now and then, travelling off the boat to create more waves and ripples on the water. Waves of flaming chi, that Daigo hopes can tag the fireball-happy schoolgirl.

COMBATSYS: Sakura blocks Daigo's Phoenix Fire.

[                      \\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Sakura           0/-------/-======|-------\-------\0          Kyosuke
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Ryu              0/-------/-------|=======\==-----\1            Daigo

Probably a good call on Daigo's part, in the long run -- Sakura could probably throw fireballs all day if she had to. Not that she -plans- on it, as it'd make for a rather boring fight!
But no... "Heh... didn't think I'd be able to pull that off, didja?" It's about time for Sakura to start thinking about how she's going to finish Daigo off. Not that it's going to -happen-, per se, but positive thinking never hurt anyone. And just as Daigo encircles himself with a blazing firestorm, the schoolgirl crouches low, huddling low to shield herself with her leg and and both arms. It's enough to ensure the fire doesn't get to be =too= painful for the schoolgirl -- at least until she can spot an opening in Daigo's defense.
She just hopes her mind isn't playing tricks on her, though, as she suddenly makes a beeline for the spot immediately =behind= Daigo. As she ducks low to speed by him, she reaches both arms up, hoping to snare Daigo's arm as she passes. And if she manages to do so, she'd continue running with it, aiming to use it as leverage to sling the tall Goliath to the floor of the boat! "HAAAAAAAA!"

COMBATSYS: Daigo dodges Sakura's Medium Throw.

[                      \\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Sakura           0/-------/-======|-------\-------\0          Kyosuke
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Ryu              0/-------/-------|=======\==-----\1            Daigo

Daigo pauses after the last wave of fiery chi rolls off of him, having seen afterimages of Sakura moving... Attempting to get behind him. To grab his arm, and chuck...

Rather than be tugged once Sakura attempts to grab his arm, Daigo braces himself against the wood of the boat's floor, and attempts to, once again, fling Sakura to the floor in front of him. Simple. Quick. Sometimes effective.

COMBATSYS: Sakura dodges Daigo's Quick Throw.

[                      \\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Sakura           0/-------/-======|-------\-------\0          Kyosuke
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Ryu              0/-------/-------|=======\==-----\1            Daigo

Daigo probably knows this from fighting his sister, but tiny Japanese girls are pretty hard to catch at times! Once she realizes she's not going to be able to snare Daigo, Sakura coils low, and then springs off a good distance to ensure she's out of Daigo's reach.
Landing low on one foot, Sakura throws her other leg out for balance -- just like a figure skater! Or, more appropriately, like Chun-Li, as both arms spread like wings to either side in the process. She's not =always= a klutz, after all! But she doesn't stay away for long, though -- for as soon as she turns back to face Daigo, she takes off running right back at him.
Last time was low: this time she takes the high road, taking flight with an attempt to swing a revolving kick around to nail him in the neck. Ideally, she'd connect one, two, three times, driving the big Gedo Boss back with each kick. Likely? Probably not, but it's worth a shot! "SHUNPUUUU-KYAKU!"
And the bi-symmetrical boat just shudders from the schoolgirl's frantic running about...

COMBATSYS: Daigo blocks Sakura's Shunpuu Kyaku.

[                       \\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Sakura           0/-------/-======|-------\-------\0          Kyosuke
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Ryu              0/-------/-------|=======\===----\1            Daigo

What, throwing something at Daigo that ISN'T laced with energy? Daigo fails to get a good grip on Sakura before she darts away, but when she returns to try and kick his neck, his arms are there to bat aside the kicks, the third one landing squarely on his crossed arms.

There's a split-second where Daigo /almost/ seems to have a glimmer in his eye, and then his hands reach for Sakura's mid-air leg, attempting to drag her down with his left hand, and use his right to Phoenix Fist a downwards blow for her head. Can Sakura bounce?

COMBATSYS: Daigo successfully hits Sakura with Phoenix Fist.

[                                < >  //////////////////////////////]
Sakura           1/---====/=======|-------\-------\0          Kyosuke
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////                 ]
Ryu              0/-------/-------|=======\====---\1            Daigo

Did you see it? Riiight there. That's the point where Sakura's uncanny luck gave out, and she'd let herself get snagged in Daigo's web. Maybe it's all because she refrained from using her energy attacks, or maybe it's because she actually ran out of fireballs! ... But more likely, she was trying to work her way closer for another string of close-up attacks.
Whatever the cause, though, it totally backfired, as Sakura painfully learns just how sturdy these boats are constructed. Snagged out of midair, and then =slammed= in the ribcage with Daigo's fire-sheathed fist, Sakura's folded like an envelope and shipped first-class right into the boat's wooden floor, even cracking the planks slightly before bouncing off.
Any sane schoolgirl would just stay on the ground about now -- then again, sane schoolgirls wouldn't be in round three of the most torturous fighting tournament in the world. Accordingly, Sakura's got just enough pluck to jump right back to her feet, coughing lightly as she clutches her ribcage -- and yet, she's =still= able to cup her hands by her side.
Did we think she was out of fireballs? Well, think again -- for her hands soon pull from her side, glowing a bright blue and crackling with a familiar surge of energy. "Shinkuuu-----" You know the deal here -- a two-meter wide, big ball of hurt! "HADOOOOOUKEN!"

COMBATSYS: Sakura can no longer fight.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Ryu              0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0          Kyosuke
                                  >  /////////////                 ]
                                 |=======\====---\1            Daigo

Aaaaand then she falls to her knees afterwards, one hand going back to her side as her other flattens upon the deck. "Thanks..." she whispers under her breath.

COMBATSYS: Daigo blocks Sakura's Shinkuu Hadouken.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Ryu              0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0          Kyosuke
                                  >  ////////////                  ]
                                 |=======\=====--\1            Daigo

No sooner does his fist connect with Sakura's body, than he follows through by stepping forward, arms raised defensively in case of fireballs. You can only throw so many of those monsters before someone wisens up that letting them /hit/ you is a bad idea. The one that Sakura unleashes as her fading attack is one of the bigger ones, but this time... Ready for it... Daigo crouches to present less of a target (yeah right, big man) and lets the fireball flow mostly over him, chi scorching his arms as the bulk of it flies right by.

Then Sakura falls to the planks, and Daigo stands, shaking his arms. My that stings! "...You're welcome." he says to the fallen schoolgirl, glancing up towards Ryu, and then picking Sakura up, to take her to her team's side to rest. He's sure Ryu won't mind, honorable nomad that he is.

Once that business is over, Daigo steps back to his own side, where he started with Sakura, takes a single, mind-clearing breath, and resumes his battle stance. This next fight's going to hurt.

COMBATSYS: Daigo takes a breather.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Ryu              0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0          Kyosuke
                                  >  ////////////////              ]
                                 |=======\=====--\1            Daigo

COMBATSYS: Daigo takes no action.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Ryu              0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0          Kyosuke
                                  >  ////////////////              ]
                                 |=======\=====--\1            Daigo

A deep breath Ryu hadn't realized he'd been holding is released, and he smiles. No, it's not morbid satisfaction that his student just got totally pasted by Daigo's last move... simply satisfaction in the fight she put up getting there, "Good show." He murmurs, his voice quiet once more as he pushes off the aft of the boat and picks his way nimbly along the vessel, striding quickly to Sakura's side and dropping a hand to the girl's shoulder, smile still present on his face, "You fought well." He congratulates more audibly, the simple, succinct words the only offering to the Ansatsuken prodigy just this moment. Then, the World Warrior steps past her, feet steadying beneath him as he centers his dark eyes on Kazama, the smile fading, though it's to stoic clarity... there's no disapproval in his features.
"You are as skilled as I remember, Kazama." The legendary nomad greets, the brief offering indicative of respect... and the fact that he's not going to be holding anything back, here. This is King of Fighters, after all... and he's here to fight at his absolute best. Shifting one foot forward, a feinting approach, Ryu's other follows to bring him one mark closer to Daigo, unintimidated by the Gedo enforcer's larger stature as his hands whip around from his side, a sudden upsurge in chi sensible within the nomad's form... his centering actions before the fight... and without, in the more tangible gleam of multifaceted reddish bursts of fire chi, which is shoved forward as it burns from both his palms. The heels of his hands meet before him, and in a flash, the swirling energy forges a fierce conflaguration of densely packed, napalmy power, the blast loosed across the short distance that seperates them with a fiercely intoned, "Hadoooouken!!!!" Starting this one off with a bang, it seems, the hurtling, superheated literal fireball sheathed in its own energy, flaring rampantly and orbitted by licks of raw fire.

COMBATSYS: Ryu successfully hits Daigo with Shakunetsu Hadouken.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Ryu              0/-------/-======|-------\-------\0          Kyosuke
                                  >  //////////                    ]
                                 |>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2            Daigo

As Ryu steps forward, immediately charging up his Hadouken, Kyosuke inclines his head. Nods, once, but gives a frown. Daigo's performance against Ryu was impressive. Sakura was a skilled opponent. But...
Kyosuke's eyes flit across the boat, to the other end. Where Ryu stands, the fires of his chi burning in the air. Kyosuke doesn't waste any words on encouragement. Instead, he just nods, again, to Daigo - unspoken sentiment.
Then, he sneaks another glance at the Thai phrasebook he's -still- got open, in his hand.

The burn of Sakura's hadoukens are one thing. They were like touching a stove, hot for an instant, but easy enough to pull away from. An oven-mitt takes care of that.

A fireball from the teacher, on the other hand, is nothing like the student's. Ryu's hadouken comes for Daigo, and the big man can only pretend to throw his arms up to block. Where Sakura's fireballs were like touching a stove, Ryu's were like sticking your hand into a furnace and holding it there. Energy, everywhere around him, burning, blinding, painful. It takes every ounce of willpower to remain on his feet, but that Daigo does, breathing hard after that onslaught passes through him, leaving him scorched and smoking.

There was little he could do to prepare for that. Now Daigo has to take his turn...

Against a fireball master, there's only one way to go. Daigo charges, and only hopes Ryu can't summon up a second blast that big, that fast, before he gets up there to try and introduce a little fireball of his own to Ryu's face. His chi, the fire. His fist, the ball.

COMBATSYS: Ryu interrupts Phoenix Fist from Daigo with Joudan Sokutou Geri.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Ryu              0/-------/-======|-------\-------\0          Kyosuke
                                  >  /////                         ]
                                 |>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2            Daigo

Ryu stands his ground as Daigo reels from the fireball. Stands his ground as the big fighter recovers. Stands his ground as he's rushed, dark eyes tracking the incoming fist for the split-second it takes to travel towards his face... it's one of those moments bullet-time was made for.
Kazama's fists are impressive, but so are the World Warrior's reflexes, and while he scarcely moved to this point, there's no missing the lightning-quick shift as he leans to the side, and away from that potent puch, the searing sheathe of chi burning a painful swath across his features... but it's nothing compared to the follow-up, as the Ansatsuken master twists, bending his right leg up near his torso, as he brings the right side of his body in line with Daigo....
Arms tensed, perfectly positioned for efficiency and balance, the nomad lashes out with that right foot in a slamming side-thrust that drives with no shortage of force into the center of Kazama's ribcage, Ryu letting out a focusing, "Kyaaaaah!!!"

Right in the chest... Right where Sakura threw her big whomping fireball. Right where Sakura threw her littler, focused fireball. Right. In. The. Chest. Pain screams throughout Daigo's body, feeling quite a bit more of it than he thinks he should. But this is Ryu we're talking about. He could flex his pinky in Tokyo, and flood Florida with a tsunami.

...Okay, so maybe the legend isn't that great, but it makes for a nice story.

Daigo takes the hit, at any rate, and staggers back, falling to his knees in front of the master. His vision dims, his breath lost again, trying to get it back with choked gasps. Through sheer force of will, he's able to look up to the Master, grimace, and hold what little breath remains, placing his chi into the ball of his fist...to see if he can perchance break through Ryu's guard. Just once. And stun him long enough to unleash the extent of his rage.

COMBATSYS: Daigo can no longer fight.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Ryu              0/-------/-======|-------\-------\0          Kyosuke

COMBATSYS: Daigo successfully hits Ryu with Phoenix Fury.
- Power hit! -

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Ryu              1/-----==/=======|-------\-------\0          Kyosuke

Fury. Yes. With his breath thus held, Daigo appears to have gotten the lucky shot off. With the boat being such a small area to fight in, Daigo may have stood a chance at hitting. Enough so that he gets up off his knees, and follows through, unleashing every physical and chi-laced strike in his book upon the legendary fighter. Daigo will go down... He'll take a nap on the floor. But he will let Ryu feel just a bit of pain before he delivers the final fist-to-gut that normally throws people back a screen-length, and falls onto his back. Blissfully surrounded in darkness...

That's certainly going to leave a mark. Perhaps Ryu was a bit overzealous in holding to his ground before the Gedo behemoth, because before he can dart back, away from the big fighter, he's clocked quite solidly by that chi-enveloped fist... a staggering blow that leaves him all too open for what follows, the nomad battered back by the fearsome strength which Kazama channels into his fists and feet. There's a trickle of blood running from his mouth, another from his nose, by the time Daigo finishes the assault, and falls away, the nomad himself dropping to a knee, palm to the bottom of the longboat as he blinks several times in quick succession and shakes his head briskly. That... was one hell of a beating, and while it's not quite the way he wanted the intial exchanges to go, at least the brutality worked to his advantage as well. Wiping the trail of crimson from his lips, the legendary nomad pushes back to his feet and draws a deep breath, striding forward several times and falling into a ready position, his eyes locked on Kyosuke, offering the second youth a slow nod, much like his initial greeting.

COMBATSYS: Ryu takes a breather.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Ryu              1/-----==/=======|-------\-------\0          Kyosuke

COMBATSYS: Ryu takes no action.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Ryu              1/-----==/=======|-------\-------\0          Kyosuke

Sakura had been understandably quiet after all that... she'd fought her little heart out! It's just that that last hit was a bit too much to bear, and it did well more than knock the wind out of her. As such... she spends a good deal of time huddled in her team's corner trying not to get sick -- neither from her injuries nor the erratic rocking of the boat.
Even still... she's sure her sensei can pull this fight to conclusion, and after she spends a few minutes composing herself -- with the help of the onboard medic -- she eagerly watches the rest of the fight. Throwing up a fist at her master's success, she then shouts out, "Awesome fight, Daigo! Thanks again!" Thus, proving that friendship means more than who wins or loses!

With a faint sound of paper against paper, Kyosuke closes his book, slipping the slim volume into an inner pocket of his white coat. Standing, the blonde student moves to help his fallen teammate. Half-carrying, half-dragging him back to their side of the boat. It makes for nice symmetry - unconscious Sakura lying at one end, unconscious Daigo at the other. Bow and stern.
Of course, there's a certain weight disparity there, but so far the boat doesn't seem particularly inclined to see-saw wildly and sink. Though with all the fighting that's been going on, it's certainly been -rocking- a fair bit.
Not that the swaying motion concerns Kyosuke. He straightens, now, turning to face Ryu, his feet square on the shifting deck. The same little smile he's been wearing all along flickers across Kyosuke's face - though, now, it looks just a bit rueful.
Adjusting his glasses, Kyosuke moves into a fighting stance, feet apart, hands in front of him. Palms open, fingers flexing.
He returns Ryu's nod, his expression going first grim, then unreadable.
And then, energy explodes around Kyosuke's arms, blue-white chi flaring to life as lightning contained within his hands. He slides forward, arm whipping up to swipe at Ryu's face.
A crackling geyser of energy flaring up from the deck itself, tracing the path of Kyosuke's fingers, tearing towards the World Warrior.

COMBATSYS: Kyosuke successfully hits Ryu with Lightning Uppercut.
- Power hit! -

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Ryu              1/---====/=======|=------\-------\0          Kyosuke

Despite his prepared guard, Ryu is not as ready for the sheer force and momentum with which Kyosuke comes out of the proverbial gate. Swaying with the motion of the boat, Ryu raises his hardened arms in an attempt to deflect the energy-laden uppercut, but it slips right past, knocking both defense and the World Warrior's head away with a reeling snap, the nomad launched back and landing hard on his upper back on the deck itself, with a pronounced 'Oomph' of lost air. He kicks his legs up towards his body, however, using the momentum to backflip back to his feet in one fluid motion. That was... all part of the plan, really.
The wanderer's definitely not stopping there, however, shoving his hands forward once more, this time to project a glimmering bloom of blue-white chi that's conjured with incredibly speed, fully forged the moment the nomad's hands meet before him, sending a densely packed blast of flaring chi hurtling the distance Kyosuke forcibly applied between himself and the Ansatsuken master, the nice hit answered by Ryu with a forcefully shouted, "Hadooouken!!!"

COMBATSYS: Kyosuke slows Hadouken from Ryu with Cross Cutter.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Ryu              1/---====/=======|==-----\-------\0          Kyosuke

Kyosuke's eyes tighten into slits as the flaming blast flickers towards him, the corner of his mouth twisting slightly. And Kyosuke throws his hands back, letting his own blue-white energies come to the forefront, gathering in both of his palms.
In a blur of motion, Kyosuke lets fly with his own signature projectiles, twin crescents of electric blue speeding from his hands in a spiraling helix pattern. Intercepting the Hadouken, slicing at its flames, wearing it down.
But not entirely, though. The core of the blast survives, to splash against Kyosuke's body, flaring against his stark white uniform.

Ryu isn't content to rest where he's at, this time... and as Kyosuke's summoned chi is brought to the fore, the World Warrior is in motion. Coming in on sprinting legs, right behind the remaining force of the bluish blast, the nomad crosses the distance between himself and the Taiyo role-model, launching himself in a quick double-hop first to the side of the boat, planting a foot there before, in the same motion, he shoves off and brings that right up and around, a quick spin bringing the nomad's outstretched leg sweeping in. Ryu's entire form spins full circles, defying gravity as he attempts to use the rocking motion of the boat, and the quickness of the assault, to apply rotorblade-force roundhouse after roundhouse to Kyosuke's skull, the nomad's form hurtling in as he drives a gusting wind beneath him, focusing the formidable technique with a resounding, "Tatsumaki Senpuuuuu Kyaku!!!"

COMBATSYS: Ryu successfully hits Kyosuke with Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku.
Glancing Blow

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Ryu              1/--=====/=======|====---\-------\0          Kyosuke

Ryu's fast. No question.
And that attack lives up to its name. It really is a whirlwind, in speed, fury, and motion.
All that flashes through Kyosuke's mind as he watches Ryu leap into the air, blasting towards him in a furious spiral of lightning-fast kicks. For an instant, he feels a stab of concern. For an instant, just an instant. Then, he slows his breathing, centres himself...
And the kicks hit. Slamming against Kyosuke's torso, with the sound of flesh against flesh, bone against bone.
But they sound...nowhere as loud as they -should- be. Because as the strikes land, Kyosuke bends like a willow in the wind, flowing backwards with the impacts.
Driven all the way up to the United Schools, Kyosuke backflips neatly into the air, over the fallen form of Daigo. Landing, lightly, on one of the wooden spars on the narrow end of the ship. For a moment, he balances there, a wry grin on his face.
And then he spins into motion again, kicking off - the force doesn't seem to rock the boat, at all - lashing out with a sweeping wheel kick to Ryu.
But it's not a kick. Not quite. Rather, Kyosuke's other leg comes up and around, as the young fighter attempts to latch hold of Ryu's torso, scissoring, spilling him into the deck.

COMBATSYS: Kyosuke successfully hits Ryu with Leg Launcher.
- Power hit! -

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Ryu              1/=======/=======|=====--\-------\0          Kyosuke

Ryu is intercepted just before he can land, a hand going towards Kyosuke in an attempt to push off the assault... but it's just not happening, and before he can alter his midair momentum, the nomad is spun and slammed, crashing /hard/ to the deck, yet another strike ratcheting up the pain the World Warrior is feeling. He grits his teeth with the impact, even as he rolls to place his feet back underneath him, eyes snapping back up towards the landing Kagami. The kid is good... very good... with the strength to back it up. Thus far, there's been little the Ansatsuken master can do to even hold his own, but he's definitely not giving in. Not by a long shot.
Shoving back to his feet, Ryu all but launches himself back in at Kyosuke as the well-dressed warrior lands, a twist of the nomad's body bringing his weight, along with his left fist, around in an underhanded slam aligned with Kagami's ribcage. It's only the beginning, however, as the motion continues with a fluid twist, the World Warrior's right fist coiled down at his side as he twists in point-blank, dropping to a crouch....
And with a tremendous upsurge of his inner chi, centered and released into the strike, that right fist launches him skyward with a reinforcing shove of his powerful legs, the forward-and-upwards momentum aligning his truck-stopping fist with Kyosuke's chest, and face, looking to send him sailing right back to his team's side of the boat, "Shoooryuuuuuken!!!!"

COMBATSYS: Kyosuke blocks Ryu's Shin Shoryuken.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Ryu              0/-------/-======|=======\-------\0          Kyosuke

The impact, when it comes, is powerful. Brutally so. It jars Kyosuke to the bone.
But that's all it jars. It certainly doesn't cave his body in, or turn his internal organs to mush.
That's because the Taiyo student leader's arms are crossed in front of his head and front, his spine curved, legs flexing - Ryu's fist stopped dead against Kyosuke's tightly interlocked forearms.
The blow, of course, is strong enough to propel Kyosuke into the air, flying upward at an angle. Rising above the boat, in a ballistic arc that, if uninterrupted, would carry him clear off the vessel and into the water.
If uninterrupted.
But Kyosuke doesn't plan on taking a swim just yet.
In a startling display of aerial acrobatics, Kyosuke twists around, his body unfolding. A blue lance of chi energy crackles around his body, resolving into an aura dancing through the fingers of his right hand. Suddenly suspended in mid-air, he changes direction, dropping back down towards Ryu. His charged fingers tightening into a blade, slashing towards the older fighter's neck and shoulders, accompanied by a blazing trail of lightning.
No battle cry, from Kyosuke. But he does smile. Just a little.

COMBATSYS: Ryu interrupts Shadow Breaker from Kyosuke with Shoryuken.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Ryu              0/-------/=======|=======\=====--\1          Kyosuke

Thankfully, Ryu doesn't fly quite as high as Kyosuke, even with the fierce, voluntary ascent he took a moment before... A graceful spin at the apex of the rising uppercut culminates it, a stern set to the World Warrior's jaw as his eyes track Kagami. He's well aware that didn't connect as squarely as it could have, and certain the youth will have something quite formidble to try to catch him off-guard from it.... and here he comes.
As Kyosuke hurtles downwards, Ryu's feet touch the deck, and his legs bend, bringing him right back into an all-too-familiar crouch. Then, the nomad is right back into the air, launching himself upwards by that right fist once more, without the prelude chapter. The younger fighter's chi-aided force slashes squarely across his arm, across his shoulders, but he ignores the pain, driving that right fist directly into the descending Kagami's chest, and right up into the well-dressed warrior's chin, Ryu's renewed trip skyward much less painful than his opponents, his voice echoing a second, "Shoooryuken!!!" across the waters.

That hurt, Kyosuke reflects, in the silence of his own mind, that really hurt.
That didn't work out like he planned.
Once -again-, Kyosuke's thrown skyward, once -again- sent on his merry way courtesy of Air Ansatsuken, the budget airline providing cheap air travel for the painfully abused masses.
His flight trajectory isn't -quite- that high, though. Not this time. Must be a local flight, not international.
The Thais are notoriously protective about allowing foreign airlines free reign of their airspace.
With a resounding crash, Kyosuke lands on the boat's deck. The wood actually splintering from the sheer force. He slides a little, bounces, fetching up near where Daigo is. Nearly joining his teammate in defeat.
Or so it seems, for a moment. Then, breathing heavily, Kyosuke pulls himself upright, gripping the side of the boat for support. "Well," he observes, a trickle of blood working its way down the side of his mouth, "I may not -win-, but I certainly can't disappoint...Hyo would -never- let me live it down..."
And then, he moves. Lunging forward. Fast. Not like someone who's just sustained such an injury. Electric blue light engulfs Kyosuke, pooling in his hands, little arcs of stray lightning filling the air with an acrid, ozone-tinged scent...
...his fingers knife towards Ryu, summoning a retina-searing pillar of coherent blue-white force, arrowing towards the stratmosphere.

COMBATSYS: Ryu blocks Kyosuke's Super Lightning Uppercut.

[                      \\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Ryu              1/-------/=======|====---\-------\0          Kyosuke

Ryu spirals into the same singular twist at the apex of his Rising Dragon Punch this time, greeted with the panorama of the river on which the longboat rides, before dropping back to the deck, shifting slightly with the boat's rocking, his breath coming in deep, but rhythmic pulls. He's definitely feeling the burn of this one, so to speak, and win or lose... well, Kyosuke is putting up one /hell/ of a fight. He lets the Taiyo fighter know just that with an appreciative nod as Kagami rises, "This is why I entered King of Fighters." Ryu offers Kyosuke's way with a half-grin that fades so quickly, one might not be sure it was there. Still, the fire in the nomad's eyes remains, and when Kyosuke charges... this time, he's ready.
Throwing up his arms in front of him, crossed forearms meet that pillar of chi, the arcing blast conflicting with his own centered energies in a brilliant flash of nearly every shade of blue imagineable, a shockwave blasting around Ryu, rather than through him, as he's shoved back slightly, feet sliding with the force Kagami puts behind the strike. Then, his guard is down, even as the surge is ending, and Ryu puts his gathered energy to good use, shoving his hands forward all but point-blank towards Kyosuke's chest, that upsurge of swirling blue the split-second warning as the heels of his hands meet, sending the furious mass of potent chi across the short span, aiming to simply blast Kagami squarely with the searing energy, echoed by a focusing, "Hadooouken!!!"

COMBATSYS: Ryu successfully hits Kyosuke with Hadouken.

[                       \\\\\\\  < >  //////                        ]
Ryu              1/------=/=======|=======\-------\1          Kyosuke

That's all the response Kyosuke manages to get out. As the flaming mass of chi crashes like a freight train into his body, driving him backwards. His sneaker soles skid against the wooden deck of the rocking boat...
And when the fires fade, Kyosuke sways, unsteadily, struggling for breath. His uniform charred, smouldering, wisps of smoke rising from his body.
He's still standing. But barely, just barely. And he knows it.
Kyosuke squints through his glasses, the spectacles still miraculously intact.
"Well played," he manages, forcing a weak grin.
After a moment, he moves.
It might not, perhaps, be the most imaginative tactic. But it's his best move. And so, once more, Kyosuke bears down on Ryu, his hand curving upwards, clawing at the sky. Unleashing another of those reverse thunderbolts. Energy gathering beneath Ryu's feet, swirling in a maelstrom - lashing upwards, with furious might.
Kyosuke knows he has nearly nothing left. And this time, he does yell, a kiai:

COMBATSYS: Ryu dodges Kyosuke's Super Lightning Uppercut.

[                       \\\\\\\  < >  /////                         ]
Ryu              1/------=/=======|-------\-------\0          Kyosuke

Ryu's eyes narrow on Kyosuke as the well-dressed warrior falls away under the force of his Hadouken. Still, the youth weathers it better than many could, and has the fight in him to come back with a dangerous technique indeed... it /looks/ a lot like the previous chi-conjuring blasts Kyosuke's brought to bear, at first glance... but the /feeling/ is nothing like it. It screams /get the fuggawaynow/! Ryu does just that, leaping backwards as the burst of chi bolts skyward, the World Warrior's bare feet thunking steadily to the deck a short distance away from Kyosuke, his hands already at his side... "Denjiiiiiin...."
The incantation corresponds with a massive surge of the Ansatsuken master's own chi, this time manifesting itself as lightning as well, the current rushing down his tensed arms as lashing out from palms and fingertips, forging rapidly into a wildly luminescent, white-hot sphere of electrified power, which surges ever-brighter for the brief instants before it's shoved forward, all but bolting from the nomad's hands as they come together before him, sending the wildly coruscating mass of electric-crackling chi barreling in on Kagami's position, with a finalizing, "Hadooooouken!!!!!"

COMBATSYS: Kyosuke dodges Ryu's Denjin Hadouken.

[                       \\\\\\\  < >  /////                         ]
Ryu              0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0          Kyosuke

Once again, Sakura's on the edge of her seat for this battle... though this time, it's not the same seat she's been warming all fight. She's bandaged herself up, for the most part -- she'll probably need a quick doctor's visit after that last hit from Daigo, of course, but right now she's holding steady. Clenching her fists from the anticipation of the final moments, she watches the battle see-saw back and forth between her classmate and her teacher, knowing full well that whatever happens... she'll be satisfied with the result. Maybe she wouldn't be pleased for not advancing, but wow, for a fight this narrow...

As he comes to a halt, dropping to one knee in the wake of his abortive chi attack, Kyosuke lets his breath go in an agonized hiss. He's hurting, and hurting bad. Kyosuke can -feel- the red haze of pain pressing at his awareness, threatening to snuff out what little spark of consciousness he has left. He's injured. Probably a broken rib, if not several. Possible internal injuries. He's barely standing...and Kyosuke's far too pragmatic a person to fool himself.
Through his hazy, blurred vision, the young fighter watches as Ryu creates a massi
This is it, then.
Kyosuke closes his eyes.
And then, his eyes -snap open-.
The fireball explodes against an empty deck. Searing the wood. But not Kyosuke.
The student isn't there. He's above. The crimson-lined fabric of his long coat trailing behind him as he flips above the fireball, over the massive blast, and towards Ryu. Leading with one spinning foot, cleaving a three hundred and sixty degree arc towards the Ansatsuken master's torso.

COMBATSYS: Kyosuke successfully hits Ryu with Shadow Cut Kick.

[                           \\\  < >  /////                         ]
Ryu              0/-------/----===|=------\-------\0          Kyosuke

Wait, wait... where'd he go?!? Of course, it doesn't take long for Ryu's gaze to snap from the scorched, splintered deck upwards, sensing Kyosuke's chi... but not in time to move his tired, battered form away from the youth's sudden descent, the sweeping kick catching him squarely across the face and chest and sending him reeling backwards, staggering under the impact as a spray of blood leaves his already mashed-and-bruised features in the wake of that fierce impact. For a split second, it looks like that might well be it. By all rights, that /should/ be it... he's taken more than enough trauma this fight to put him down, but the Ansatsuken master just /refuses/ to quit, planting his left foot behind him as he recenters his gaze on Kyosuke and twists, bringing his right foot up and around, that side turned towards Kyosuke as the nomad's arms tense, and he drives his foot out in a potent thrust-kick aligned with Kagami's ribcage. As if the youth hadn't had enough punishment levelled on his chest, right? One more for good measure.... this is the big leagues, after all, and just like Kyosuke refuses to surrender, the legendary nomad refuses to let up, letting out a stubbornly determined, "Kyaaaah!!!" at the point of intended, forceful impact.

COMBATSYS: Ryu successfully hits Kyosuke with Joudan Sokutou Geri.

[                            \\  < >                                ]
Ryu              0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0          Kyosuke

With a distinct -cracking- sound, Ryu's foot impacts against Kyosuke's chest. If he hadn't broken any ribs before - well, he certainly has -now-. Because that foot hits Kyosuke like a jackhammer through tissue paper. A cry of pain - erupts, involuntarily, from Kyosuke's lips. Along with the breath driven from his lungs.
God almighty, that hurt. God in heaven, that hurt.
And so, Kyosuke begins to topple backwards, like a puppet with its strings cut...
...except -not-. Because as he falls, Kyosuke's hands shift, reaching for a hold on Ryu's ankle.

COMBATSYS: Kyosuke can no longer fight.

[                            \\  <
Ryu              0/-------/----===|

COMBATSYS: Ryu blocks Kyosuke's Hurricaranna.

[                             \  <
Ryu              0/-------/----===|

Ryu just doesn't have the energy to evade the quick grab, but he does focus his energy, prepare himself for impact, dropping into and against Kyosuke a bit prematurely, not bodyslammed nearly as efficiently as the young fighter might have liked. That's what years of a body-hardening martial art will do for one, and the nomad puts it to good use here, one arm shifting to shove Kagami back, even as the collision occurs. Gritting his teeth, he staggers a moment, and does everything he can to keep his footing. Lord knows he's only || that far from losing it entirely. However, when Kagami goes limp, he shifts forward, hooking his other hand under the younger warrior's arm and using the strength in that corded appendage to lower Kyosuke more gently to the deck, rather than letting him just sort of... flail free after impacting what amounted to a concrete wall with the last of his strength. Letting out a deep, reaffirming breath, the bloodied World Warrior staggers backwards and drops his weight into one of the benches off to the side of the longboat, leaning hard against the side of the craft. Despite his near-unconsciousness and extreme exertion... it's obvious which of the men is still standing.
A man with a very distinctive accent pipes up, "THE WINNER IS : RISING DRAGONS!!" Hey... right now... he seems more excited about it than Ryu is. The nomad just reaches up to gingerly touch his bruised face. Wince. Okay, baaad idea.

COMBATSYS: Ryu has ended the fight here.

Stifling her cheer until the final, definitive end, Sakura watches the two bring it right down to the wire. When everything stops, and the winner's announced to roaring applause from the shore... Sakura throws up both hands in a cheer! ... Only to realize, -wow- that hurt her ribs...

Log created by Ryu, and last modified on 13:49:20 06/13/2005.