First Tourney - [Upper:R2B2] Charlie vs Billy

Description: Okay, it should be a warning when Charlie feels the need to put his glasses on in the middle of a fight. It's a close one, though! (Winner: Charlie)


   Without a shadow of a doubt the heart and soul of Southtown, the downtown
area occupies the largest single chunk of the peninsula. A completely urban
area where most of the city's population not only makes their home, but also
makes their living. Dotted with mid-height buildings, Downtown lacks the
elegance of the money-quenched business district...generally middle-class,
crime also happens to thrive here, making even the best parts of the area a
place where many would watch their backs in the thick of night. However,
thanks to the work of the vigilante students of nearby Gedo High School, the
area has become a far more comfortable place to live.

Good. This was, without a shadow of doubt, Billy's turf. He was, after all,
more or less the second most powerful person in town, in terms of sheer
influence. So, it's no evidence that a surprisingly large crowd has
gathered, even when one considers that a US Champion and a former KOF
champion are both fighting, surely a tremendous draw to the fight. In
hindsight, the line of men in black suits and shades, looking more like
mobsters than anything else (go figure -- They ARE mobsters) may seem to be
out of place; after all, sinister-looking gangsters seldom cheer like little
children. Regardless, Billy has a slight crowd advantage, it seems, as he
waits within the cordoned-off track area, bo staff resting over his shoulder
as he leans against a large wooden barrier.
As a TV camera slides around behind him, Billy turns around briefly to flash
it a thumbs up and bright grin, apparently eating up the public eye for the
moment, as he visibly hits on the bikini-clad Ring Girl, chatting her up and
somewhat audible for the nearby camera. "So, anyways, tell y'what -- I'll
beat this Yankee up for you, eh, hot stuff? You just wait! And maybe you and
I can celebrate... well, maybe a rain check. I wanna smash this joker up
quick... I've got laundry to wash back home." Yes, laundry. No, don't ask.
It's a Billy thing.

Charlie, on the other hand, is not nearly as chatty as his opponent.  After
looking his opponent up and down, and entering a few things in his palm
pilot, he puts the device away, and removes his glasses, placing them
squarely in his pocket.  He unlaces his shoes, taking them off- socks too-
and putting them fairly far from where the majority of the fighting is going
to be.  He cracks his knuckles, and plants his feet firmly.  "Are you
ready?" he calls to the /other/ former champion in the fight, sizing him up
yet again.

Whoa. Bare feet on asphalt in the Winter. Billy's obviously impressed, his
jaw dangling just a bit. "Wow, man. Just wow. That's hardcore. Totally
hardcore." Billy, certainly, is mostly shirtless save for his jacket, but
that's not SO bad. Shrugging his shoulders, Billy, his staff laying placidly
across his shoulders, merely looks back at Charlie. "Tell you what, Yankee,
why don'tcha just charge in and we'll get this over with, eh?" In other
words, Billy seems to be handing the initial move over to Charlie. Maybe
he's not an entirely arrogant bastard, after all. Flipping his staff over
his shoulder and slapping it down into both hands, Billy glances back at the
bikini-clad ring girl, who is now out of the camera's view and getting warm
underneath a jacket and sweatpants until she's needed again, flashing her a
quick wink before returning to the fight. "And make it fast, I'm in a

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Billy            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0          Charlie

Charlie's a hardcore guy, Billy, though you'll never get him to admit just
how hardcore he is.  "It's not terribly impressive, I don't think," he
replies.  "It's just a question of priority." And then, Charlie does just
what Billy told him: he charges.  It's not as hard as Charlie can charge,
but it's quite impressive; as he nears Billy, he summons up some of his
strength into a punch.  It's not the kind of punch that will split lesser
men in two, but it's not something to be taken lightly, either, especially
from someone with the kind of focus Mr. Nash can put on a fight.

COMBATSYS: Billy dodges Charlie's Medium Punch.

"Oh, well -- What an American lookin' punch!" His staff still in hand, Billy
doesn't seem to move as Charlie charges towards him... until the last
moment, anyways, As soon as Charlie is upon Kane, the British bodyguard
simply steps to the side and deftly avoids the attack. Pulling his chin away
and leaving only a very narrow margin of error, Billy does seem a bit
perturbed: The punch very nearly clipped him, as confident as he seemed in
dodging it. It was definitely a close call. "Tch! Serious, are we?!" He
responds in an equally passive manner as his nearly casual evasion; rather
than attacking, Billy merely pokes out the tail end of his staff into
Charlie's path, apparently aiming to trip him and use his formidable
momentum against him.

COMBATSYS: Charlie blocks Billy's Quick Throw.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Billy            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0          Charlie

Charlie falls forward, tripped by the staff; he quickly catches himself,
however, with his hands.  As such, he gets out of the damage that wasn't
directly caused by the staff.  "I have to admit, that was very clever," he
says as he returns to his feet.  Taking a few steps toward Billy once he
finds his footing, Charlie suddenly bursts into as fast of a spinning motion
as he can muster, extending his fist as he does so, and aiming it squarely
at Kane's jaw.  This move has become something of a standby of Charlie's,
despite not being anywhere near the best he can muster.

COMBATSYS: Billy dodges Charlie's Spin Back Knuckle.

"Whoa there, cowboy!" This time, Billy dodges Charlie's by a much wider
margin. Pulling his face back the moment Charlie starts spinning up, Billy
moves with the practiced ease of someone who seems to have read Charlie's
movements from the beginning; or, at least, someone who's been careful and
has watched some footage of the former U.S. Champ at work. "You're so gonna
have to do better than that!" Almost immediately, Billy starts a spin of his
own -- This time with his bo staff, gripping it in both hands and rotating
it around and around his right side with remarkable speed; the sound of the
stick chopping relentlessly at the air is more than enough to convey its
destructive power. The sound if it chopping relentlessly at Charlie's
shoulder and chest should do an even better job.

COMBATSYS: Billy successfully hits Charlie with Whirlwind Cane.

Charlie starts a dodge-jump as soon as Billy begins spinning; however, he
misjudges the length of Kane's rod, and Mr. Nash is sent staggering back as
it slams into the side of his chest.  Briefly analyzing his situation,
Charlie wastes no time in getting back at Billy while he may be having a
'recovery moment' from his cane attack.  He suddenly stops, a brief second
before planting his foot in the former King of Fighters' /face/ as hard as
he can muster without tapping into his chi reserves.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Billy            0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0          Charlie

COMBATSYS: Billy dodges Charlie's Strong Kick.

Someone seems to having a remarkable amount of fun on this one. Every time
Charlie takes a swing, it seems that Billy's margin of error grows larger
and larger. This time, it seems almost as though Billy had spare time to get
out of the way of Charlie's kick as he collapses his staff into three
chain-linked pieces and ducks underneath it. "Whoa, whoa. You're /really/
the former United States champion, mate? You're kidding me! How the hell did
you losers even win the revolt against the Queen, eh!?" Shifting his weight
to the left, Billy completely evades, while swinging his arm around HARD as
he hopes to smack Charlie square in the cheekbone with his now-disassembled
bo staff. It's a fast and mostly untelegraphed attack; fortunately, it's
also not as strong as Billy can muster -- a great deal of his momentum is
directed AWAY from Charlie, and only that one arm can really be devoted
towards striking.

COMBATSYS: Billy successfully hits Charlie with Medium Punch.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Billy            0/-------/------=|====---\-------\0          Charlie

Thugs aren't the only people here that may seem out of place. Among the
crowds of enthusiastic fans, newscasters, and 'Businessmen', sits a
different kind of soul. Those who have had the chance to meet this man,
which are very few in numbers that being in such a place at such a time
would seem quite uncharacteristic for him. He holds a particularly strong
distaste for large crowds, and an even larger distaste for fighting
tournaments. ESPECIALLY watching them. But yet, here he stands with an oddly
good view.

The young man known only as K' watches the fight from his spot a short
distance away from the sidelines. Not surprisingly he watches with a
stand-offish look on his face. Yet even though he usually watches these
kinds of things with the very opposite of enthusiasm, he has his reasons for
being here. He considers the match for a moment. He's quite well aware of
both of the fighters and their histories. A slight bit than an average
person would, but definitely not as much as a serious fan would. He was
forced to study these people not long ago, but he didn't do it with any
particular interest. It does seem to be an even match, though. With his
gloved hands fingering the pockets of his leather jacket, he stands and
watches through his sunglasses. Yes, sunglasses at night. That usually draws
a few looks, but not at the current moment. Right now, K' is just another
member, if a reluctant one, of the crowd. He wasn't really sure why he came
here, but the chances of 'them' being around seemed possible. Possible
enough for K' to just sit and wait it out with the idiot fans and the
equally stupid fighters.

Charlie doesn't answer Billy's question, though he is a little frustrated by
the constant arrogant replies he's getting from his opponent.  The punch
hits him quite squarely just the same, and he staggers back a little again.
This time, however, he doesn't just run at Billy; he outright /jumps/ at the
man, forcing himself as hard as he can forward in something of an inverse
dodge-jump; as he lands, he grabs Billy and attempts to quickly toss him
over his shoulder.  It's a little basic, yet, but at the moment it'll have
to do.  Charlie's really in need of some luck tonight.

COMBATSYS: Charlie successfully hits Billy with Quick Throw.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Billy            0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0          Charlie

Finally, it seems that Billy is NOT invulnerable. Tossed over Charlie's
shoulder, Bilyl lands rather unceremoniously ont he ground, bouncing once
with a dull thud. But... he doesn't seem all that injured. Rising up from
his spot on the asphalt and rubbing his behind, Billy grins with one eye
shut. "Ow, that kinda hurt, there. NOW are you gonna fight seriously, Yank?"
With one snap of his wrist, Kane deftly reassembles the three bits of his bo
staff... and then pole vaults straight up into the air. Okay. Sure enough,
Kane merely started moving forward and then straight /up/. The best part?
He's coming back /down/, right on top of Charlie, twirling his staff beneath
him even faster and harder than he was before. "Then TRY THIS!"

COMBATSYS: Billy successfully hits Charlie with Flying Assault Cane.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Billy            0/-------/---====|======-\-------\0          Charlie

"I was already fighting seriously," he replies, attempting to get out of the
way... but he gets clipped across the face, stunning him for a moment, and
it only gets worse from there.  However, managing to stay standing, he uses
the situation to his advantage; jumping up a little, he attempts to catch
Billy in the air and kick him away, back toward where he started.  Granted,
that's probably not a very effective maneuver, but apparently Charlie
/can't/ take a very effective maneuver in this fight given how well Billy's
been doing.

COMBATSYS: Charlie successfully hits Billy with Airjack.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Billy            0/-------/=======|=======\-------\1          Charlie

"Eh?!" Even Billy's surprised by this one; ineffective? Maybe, but
considering the circumstances, it's ingenius -- And it's more than enough to
propel Billy backwards forcefully, as he hits the ground and skids across
rather painfully. After his tumble, the bodyguard clambers up to his feet,
grumbling audibly... before grinning again, despite the newfound delay in
his movements as he walks off the sting of a few scrapes and bruises. "This
is better! I can get used to this... I'll kick your ass, but I can get used
to this!" Opting not to close the distance between the two of them, Billy
instead thrusts his arm out at Charlie, effecting a 'ranged melee' attack --
His staff, separating into three to expand its range as the tip darts out at
Charlie, attempting to strike him square in the chest... A careful eye might
notice that Billy, whether intentionally or not, might just hit Charlie's
glasses pocket if everything works out. What's more? If it DOES hit... well,
that's not just it; somehow, the entire bo staff explodes with chi-fueled
flame after striking, propelling itself forward once more to bite with fire
after biting with raw force.

COMBATSYS: Charlie dodges Billy's Blazing Cane Thrust.

The glasses are just for show, though Billy may not know that.  After all,
you have to have good vision to be in the Air Force- either way, it doesn't
matter much, as Charlie manages to get the dodge-jump /right/ this time,
jumping some distance back and to the left, completely avoiding the fires
/and/ the physical damage.  "I'm glad to see you're enjoying the fight,"
Charlie replies, before sending his right limb into a whirl, passing the
speed of sound... and there is a little whirl of sound and light-based chi
streaking toward Billy all of a sudden.  Here it is, folks, the hallmark of
the US Special Forces... the Sonic Boom.  The feeling of it hitting or
passing is not unlike standing rather close to a plane engine, albeit not
quite as... intense by any means.

COMBATSYS: Billy parries Charlie's Sonic Boom!

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Billy            1/-------/=======|=======\-------\1          Charlie

Well, now Billy seems to be getting fancy on poor Charlie. As the chi-based
projectile emerges from the air before Charlie, Billy seems to lunge right
/into/ it without fear. Staff held forward as he dashes up to meet up the
projectile, Billy literally smashes it with his staff, sweeping one end into
it and dissipating the entire blast. "HA!" His face exploding into a
satisfied grin, Billy keeps running at Charlie, dropping his center of
gravity mere instants before he rises up and jumps at his foe with an
'uppercut' sort of motion, his staff rotating as it rises to hit Charlie
with a particularly brutal sort of blow.

COMBATSYS: Charlie dodges Billy's Sen'en Sakkon.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Billy            1/------=/=======|=======\-------\1          Charlie

Charlie simply stands there a moment, before doing something that /looks/
very unorthodox; he gets a bit of force going, and pushes backwards,
seemingly sliding across the asphalt, though putting a very small amount of
air between the ground and himself in actuality.  "Hm?" is all he says to
Billy's 'HA!', dodge-jumping back to clear some distance, and then...

He reaches calmly into his pocket, and puts his glasses on.

He's wearing his glasses, in the middle of a fight.  Something's probably
going to die soon.  Charlie runs back toward Billy, and it all begins...
with a punch. Soon, however, Charlie is sending melee attacks Billy's way
fast and furious, using every trick he knows, and faint waves of light trail
his fists.  He closes with two attacks: an uppercut, and a hard kick, hoping
to send Billy up and quite some distance back.

COMBATSYS: Billy fails to counter Crossfire Blitz from Charlie with Ifrit

[                     \\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Billy            0/-------/-======|-------\-------\0          Charlie

Billy TRIES to do something. It's not clear what it was, but he seemed to
have been trying to counterattack before Charlie could so much as lay a hand
on Billy. It... didn't work out, in brief. Blow after blow sails clean into
Billy as he promptly flies backwards and hits the asphalt, battered,
bruised, and rolling. And, for a long moment or so, he doesn't get up.
Eventually he does, however, showing a distinct limp as he tries to shake
off the new injuries. "Heh... /Now/ I see why you're a champion, mate. Maybe
you Americans aren't as sour as I thought you were... But it ain't over
yet." Leaning on his staff for an instant or so, Billy pulls off his jacket,
exposing his shirtless self as he tosses the garment off. Charlie has
glasses; Billy's got his coat, it seems. Hoping that Charlie doesn't take
this moment to attack, Billy pulls his bandanna a bit further down towards
his eyebrows, making damn sure the Union Jack is clearly visible. "But the
English don't go down so easy, mate..."

"Of course they don't.  There were some solid moves made by both sides
during every major conflict both countries have been in," comes the counter,
as Charlie adjusts his jacket slightly in response to Billy's outright
taking it off.  Once Billy's done with his dramatics, Mr. Nash takes a few
steps toward Mr. Kane.  (For some reason, a reference to the Strider series
would almost seem necessary here, but it won't be made.) On the last step-
fairly close to Billy- Charlie plants his foot down hard, and launches the
other into a quick, slightly sideways kick, aimed squarely for the exposed
chest of Mr. Billy Kane.

COMBATSYS: Charlie successfully hits Billy with Step Kick.

[                           \\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Billy            1/-------/=======|=------\-------\0          Charlie

Billy gets kicked pretty hard on the tough, tumbling back but barely
managing to stay standing. He's starting to look a little wobbly on his
feet, too... This could be over soon. But Billy seems to be keeping with his
tradition of not taking things laying down. Lowered to one knee, Billy sucks
in air as he struggles to keep himself up. "Alright... Looks like you might
win this one, Yankee... But I'm gonna make you earn it!" Catching a second
wind (not literally), Billy grabs the bottom end of his staff, wielding it
like a giant baseball bat as he twists his body around like a corkscrew.
Building up a huge amount of force behind his staff, Billy roars at the top
of his lungs, playing at a popular American sport: "BATTER UP!"

COMBATSYS: Billy successfully hits Charlie with Random Weapon.
- Power hit! -

[                           \\\  < >  //////                        ]
Billy            1/-----==/=======|=====--\-------\0          Charlie

Charlie might've forfeited in Billy's situation; Billy seems to have a bit
more belief in fighting than in tactical probability, though- and it seems
to help him out, given that Charlie is sent /flying/ by the attack, as it
strikes him squarely in the head.  He's down on one knee, in serious pain,
now; that hit him harder than words can frankly say.  "I don't know... you
have a lot of skill, and a lot of luck.  This could be..." He pauses for a
moment, before propelling himself sharply forward, and once again grabbing
at Billy; this time, though, if he succeeds he's going to jump up and
forward, slamming him down with no small degree of momentum.

COMBATSYS: Charlie successfully hits Billy with Flying Buster Drop.

"GAH!" Though his crude attack seems to have struck pay dirt, Billy has
leaped out of the frying pan and into the fire, so to speak. Grabbed by
Charlie, Billy finds himself heading towards the ground far faster than he
wants. Plummeting to the Earth with Charlie, Billy glares his opponent right
in the face, grinning the grin of a man who isn't so much concerned with
winning or losing, but caught up in the passion of what might be an
excellent fight. With his staff still in hand, Billy tries to introduce a
spinning motion to their fall, trying to wriggle free at the last moment;
for what purpose, however, is a question mark... at the moment, there's no
chance in hell that he's going to avoid a messy impact with the ground.

COMBATSYS: Billy can no longer fight.
COMBATSYS: Billy has left the fight here.
COMBATSYS: Charlie blocks Billy's Dai Senpuu.

[                             \  <
Charlie          1/-------/=======|

It's a miracle; it's gotta be. Billy manages to free himself of Charlie in
mid-air, spinning slightly as his descent actually begins to slow slightly.
Stick in hand, Kane succeeds in making one revolution in mid-air, hefting
his staff over his head mere feet from the ground as the bo does
something... odd. It seems to multiple, splitting apart into three sections.
But while Billy holds on to one end, the other seem to multiple, until Billy
is holding a handle attached to dozens of staffs -- An inexplicable effect,
as Billy brings this physically impossible monstrousity of wood and chains
straight down on Charlie's head before he hits the ground. HARD. Landing on
a shoulder and audibly dislocating it with a bit of a pop, Billy lets out a
sharp grunt of pain before landing flat against the ground, his grip on his
staff going limp -- a sure sign that his fight is over.

Charlie manages to keep hold of Billy long enough to send him to the ground,
indeed; however, he didn't count on Billy momentarily breaking free, and-
despite having plenty of momentum to go sprawling- giving Charlie quite the
whacking.  He can distinctly feel his nose being realigned, then put /back/
into place by the attack; it bleeds profusely as more hits register, and
finally he, too, hits the ground.  His glasses are, amazingly, still intact.
However, /this/ fighter's getting back up.  Slowly, but surely, Charlie gets
up, with the last bit of his strength.  "Nngh... excellent fight," he says,
unsure if Billy is able to hear him; he's not a jerk like some of the
fighters involved, though. He kneels down next to Billy, and checks to make
sure he isn't dead or in severe need of medical treatment.

Log created by Kobun, and last modified on 17:22:16 12/06/2005.