First Tourney - [Upper:R1B2] Dan vs Billy

Description: Chinatown: Land of takeout dinner, illegal arms trading, and the fight between Billy Kane and Dan Hibiki. (Winner: Billy)

As the sun drops into the western sky, a crowd begins to gather on the main
street of Chinatown. A large square arena has been cordoned off, which
extends from the sidewalk out to the middle of the street. Nothing has
really happened yet, but the camera crews setting up are cause enough to
draw curious onlookers.
Their questioning murmurs are soon answered, though, as Dan Hibiki leaps
into the ring from a rooftop once the cameras are set up. The pink-clad man
rolls along the ground, coming up on one knee to thrust a thumbs-up at the
crowd. "YATTA ZE!" Dan does like the cameras. "It is time for me, Dan
Hibiki, to prove to Southtown that I am no loser! I lost one match, but I
swear on my father's memory I will not lose again! OYAJIII!" By this time
tears are streaming down his manly cheeks, and he holds that pose for a good
five minutes.

"You have got t'be kiddin' me. This guy's my opponent? Tch." Accompanied by
far less fanfare is Billy Kane, who, despite his wealthy occupation as
bodyguard to the world's richest man, arrives by stepping off of a public
bus, not far down the street. Hands stuffed in his pockets, Kane doesn't
seem foolish enough to go shirtless, not in this weather. In addition to his
typical jacket, he wears a stylish sweater underneath, looking quite warm.
Regardless, as he hops off the bus and begins to walk towards the ring in a
far less dramatic manner than his opponent, Billy seems eager to get this
started and over with. With one fluid movement, Billy plants his hands on
the ropes of the ring, swinging himself over and into the center. "Hey, hey,
hey! You're this Dan guy, huh? The one who's supposed to be my opponent,

A few seconds pass, as Billy appraises Dan with a squinted eye from beneath
the rim of his bandanna. "... You don't look like much. Never heard of you,
neither. What the hell is Saikyo-ryuu, anyways?"

Iori? Well, he's just around, really. Today he's one of those gathered to
watch this match. He appears bored, and he is. Very much so, but the
possibility of a certain individual... an individual that Iori had a score
to settle with making an appearance was enough to drag Yagami out here to
watch this event.

For now, he's not trying to stand out in the crowd or anything like that.
His eyes fall on Billy, though and they squint. "There you are," he

Dan's tears cut off as Billy hops in the ring with him. He leaps to his
feet, planting fists on hips as he studies his opponent with a squinted eye,
looking Billy up and down. "You? You're my opponent?"
"BWAHAHAHAAHAHAHA!" Dan staggers back, laughing his head off as he points at
Kane. "What sort of getup is that? Did your mother dress you today?" Still
snickering, Dan plants his bare feet firmly, pointing at Billy. "If you are
not afraid of Dan Hibiki, you will be after today! You will feel my
Saikyo-ryu, and you will fall on your knees and call -me- Master! I aim to
make you how you look, the LOSER of this tournament!" Clearly, Dan doesn't
really know who Billy is, and just as clearly doesn't care. "Now do you want
to face me or take the smarter route and forfeit?"

Hmph. Billy... doesn't seem impressed. But there's something else. For a
moment or so, Billy doesn't look so sure of himself, or of his chances of
winning. Normally confident to a fault, Kane squints a bit for a moment of
very visible doubt. Why? Well... It just isn't normal for anyone to be so
confident. Not unless they had some sort of an ace up their sleeve.
Arrogant, sure. But this guy? Billy was officially on his toes. "... Yeah,
yeah, whatever. You're a loser, too, pal. C'mon, let's hurry this up..."

At this point, Billy, who has taken to leaning lazily against the ropes that
separate the fighting area from the rest of Chinatown, peers over his
shoulder... at Iori. And then there's nothing but raw malice and hatred in
those eyes of his, an almost psychotic expression. "... I've got bigger fish
to fry, pink boy." And then his attention is back to Dan, as Billy pushes
away from the ropes. Looks like it's on, now.

COMBATSYS: Dan has started a fight here.
COMBATSYS: Billy has joined the fight here.

"Wise choice, but a foolish one." Dan chortles. He hops forward, eager to
fight. So eager, he shakes his fist at Billy. "You're going down! OYAJI!"
Doing a few backflips, he twists around and lands in a squat position,
flexing his arms mightily. "Yoush! Feel the power of Saikyo, you big British
buffoon!" He just can't help himself. He always gets excited when it's time
to fight. He rolls forward, slamming a fist into an open palm. "Yatta ze!
Let's go!" It the heat of pumping himself up for the fight, Dan
is forgetting to actually -attack-.

COMBATSYS: Dan gathers his will.

Yagami is amused more than anything. He chuckles once. This is going to be
interesting at lest. Maybe, this other guy will humiliate Billy. That would
be good and would certainly cheer up Iori some. For now, he continues to
remain an expectant, watching the show with a bored expression on his face.
Yet his eyes... his eyes betray the interest for those that manage to gaze
at them.

When Billy looks at Iori, Iori just smiles back, in that psychotic way too.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Billy            0/-------/-------|====---\-------\0              Dan

Billy stares at Dan for a long moment or so, squinting just a bit at the
oddity of the Saikyo master. "I... uh... um, are you sure you're my
opponent?" He doesn't sound taunting, or mocking -- He sounds serious.
Surely, there must be some sort of mistake. Scratching his head through his
bandanna, Kane shrugs for a second, reaching into his jacket to pull out
three pieces of wood, chain-linked; his bo staff, or at least, it will be
when he puts it back together. But, somehow, he doesn't feel right attacking
this guy. I mean, he might really hurt him.

COMBATSYS: Billy takes no action.

Dan struts around a few seconds more, then appears to notice Billy out of
the corner of his eye. "!" Brit, with a staff. He -knew- he was forgetting
something. Heedless of Billy's hesitation, Dan dive-rolls to one side,
nimble like a cat (or so he tells himself). "IKU ZE!" Springing up onto one
leg, he kicks off, spinning around once in the air to aim a roundhouse kick
at Billy's head. That's whatcha get for taking too long!

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Billy            0/-------/-------|====---\-------\0              Dan

COMBATSYS: Billy dodges Dan's Medium Kick.

The fact that Billy has been paired up with this... opponent is enough to
bring a smile to Iori's face. He continues to watch, amusment now playing on
his face. "So, I see you've gone down in rank so much they had to find a
suitable competition for you, Kane," Iori says, loud enough for Billy to
listen, but not shouting it. That's all the antagonizing that Iori will do
for now, though. He could catch up with his old 'buddy' after this fight.
And by buddy, Iori means someone he wants to kick around like a rag doll.
Billy... steps to the side, in an almost casual manner. "Tch. You're not as
bad as I thought you'd be, but you're gonna have to be a whole lot faster
than that if you want to take me down." And then, in a step generally unlike
Billy... he puts his staff away, without ever assembling it. Simply slipping
the three sections of his crimson bo stuff back into his coat, Kane puts up
both fists in a far more traditional fighting stance. "But I like your
spirit. Most people who suck act like losers. -You've- got some fire in you,
pal. I'll burn /you/ the hard way." Looking a bit more like an untrained
street fighter without his weapon, Billy's movements are still fairly fluid
as he rushes up to Dan and takes a quick jab, right at his face.

COMBATSYS: Dan blocks Billy's Jab Punch.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Billy            0/-------/-------|====---\-------\0              Dan

Kula walks in from on of Chinatown's ubiquitous alleys, quiet as she comes
up towards the sidewalk to watch the fight. She silently looks over towards
Iori, noting but not greeting. She then looks back to the fight, reaching a
hand up to rather mechanically shift her bangs away from her face as she
watches with dead eyes.

Dan goes flying past Billy, and lands foot first on the pavement. He wheels
around just in time to throw up a hand to knock Billy's punch away. The pain
barely registers. In fact, pain? What pain? Dan feels no pain! The Saikyo
master takes in the situation briefly, noting the lack of staff. "You would
put away your only asset?" Dan scoffs. "Don't think I'm going to go easy on
you just because you're showing off for your woman in the crowd!" He -had-
noticed Billy looking over his shoulder at someone, but didn't see who.
"Feel the full fire of my flashing fist! GADOUKEN!" And with the hand that
didn't block, Dan flings a rather impressively-sized ball of chi at Billy at
point-blank range.

COMBATSYS: Dan successfully hits Billy with Gadouken.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Billy            0/-------/------=|=====--\-------\0              Dan

"OW!" The gadouken, fortunately for Dan, strikes Billy square in the face.
Knocking his head back like a rag doll, Kane lingers in that stance, still
standing, before craning his neck back up to stare right at Dan. A bit of
blood leaks from his nose, and he looks red elsewhere, indicating the
effectiveness of the attack. "You little /shit/." And now he sounds pissed
off. Iori egging him on isn't helping, either. "I was /tryin'/ to make it
sporting, but now I'm just going to kick your ass." Cracking his neck with a
movement of his chin, Billy winds up with his right fist, and hits Dan in
the face again. This time, he hits him /hard/, throwing his back into it as
he follows through with a complete arc.

COMBATSYS: Billy successfully hits Dan with Fierce Punch.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Billy            0/-------/-----==|=======\====---\1              Dan

"This isn't sport! It's fighting! To fight at less than your full strength
is not honorable! It is not manly! It is not Sai-"*POW*
The fist connects solidly with Dan's face. Very solidly. Really solidly.
Solidly enough that Dan probably would still be soaring through the air if
there hadn't been a news van in his path. The pink one slumps to the ground,
his face looking a lot more messed up than the little burn he did to Billy.
He lays there for a second, just happy to be breathing.
"So..." Dan pants, raising his head up to look at Billy. "I...guess you got
more than the stick, huh?" He pushes himself to his feet, his balance and
energy seeming to flow back into him as he forces himself upright. "Good.
Now I won't feel bad about kicking your ass from here to Metro City!" Dan
leaps in the air toward the ring, his feet kicking out bicycle-style as he
flies toward Billy. "DANKUU KYAKU!"

COMBATSYS: Billy dodges Dan's Dankuu Kyaku.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Billy            0/-------/-----==|=======\====---\1              Dan

Billy ducks his head, allowing Dan to fly right over him as he neatly dodges
the attack. Once Dan lands, Billy turns around, squinting for a few moments
as he stares at his... Uh, unique opponent. "Man, mate. Are you -sure-
you're supposed to be in this bracket? I mean, you sure as heck don't seem
like a top class fighter. Even a little limp-wrist like Kyo Kusanagi makes
you look like a two year old, man. How the heck did you get in here?" Again,
Billy seems curious, almost concerned. He likes violence, sure, but he
doesn't like smashing losers around unless they've pissed him off. So, no
attack, not at the moment.

COMBATSYS: Billy takes a breather.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Billy            0/-------/-----==|=======\====---\1              Dan

Dan stumbles on the landing a little, but otherwise recovers gracefully. He
turns around, wiping a bit of blood from his mouth as he smirks at Billy.
"Of course I'm supposed to be here! I specifically requested the top tier!
Some people think I should fight those who would otherwise be my students,
but I know better." He thumps his chest proudly. "A fluke may have won the
fight for Charlie, but there is no way you can beat me, Dan Hibiki!" He
points at Billy again. "Remember that name! In fact..." Dan digs around in
his gi for a moment, pulling out a glossy piece of paper and a pen. He
scribbles something on the paper, then whips it like a shuriken at Billy.
Whether it hits Billy, he catches it, or it flies right by him, the writing
says 'To Billy Kane, your best opponent, Dan Hibiki.'

COMBATSYS: Dan successfully hits Billy with Premium Sign.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Billy            0/-------/-----==|=======\====---\1              Dan

Kula watches, mostly blending into the crowd as she slides her hands into
her pockets. She doesn't have any jeering to do, nor is she particularly
interested in the outcome per se. She just wants to get a glimpse of the
fighters' styles with her own eyes, rather than on video like she did
before... as no matter how many analyses the techs at home put them through,
it's not the same.

"Lemme get this straight. You asked to compete at this level. -You-." Billy
is aghast for a few moments... And then Dan's picture smacks him square in
the face. Ouch. But Billy doesn't seem /angry/, or anything. Rather,
impressed. "Wow. Just wow, mate. That... That takes balls. Serious balls.
You've officially earned my respect, man. How can I hate someone so freakin'
out of his mind? You made the 'cool' list, Pinky." That doesn't, however,
stop Billy from attacking. This time he sprints towards Dan, lunging at him
with one foot held forward. This, too, is going to hurt -- But now, Billy's
enjoying the fight, a broad grin on his face.

COMBATSYS: Dan interrupts Medium Kick from Billy with
Kyuukyoku Tenchi Gadou Zuki.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Billy            0/-------/---====|=======\=======\1              Dan

"And your balls are likewise serious for having the courage to take me on!"
Dan replies in all sincerity. "But now it's time to put an end to this!" Dan
tucks the pen away, pulling his arm back and gearing up for one huge punch.
"TAKE THIS! Ultimate Saikyo Power Final Strike!" He lunges forward, his fist
outstretched in a blurred punch...
And it collides with Billy's foot. The force of the impact sends Dan rolling
backward, tumbling up against a lamppost. He sits up, holding his fist and
wearing an expression of utmost pain, yelping "Ow! Ow! Owowowow-" He blinks
in the middle of his pain before realizing the camera is still there. He
flashes a smile before hopping to his feet, shaking the hand out behind him.

"OW!" And then two world-famous super-fighters (well, one world-famous
super-fighter and Billy Kane) are hopping around, nursing an injured
extremity. In Billy's case, it feels like he stubbed his toe. Gripping the
end of his boot and hopping around on one foot, Kane hisses a bit from the
pain, before shaking his foot out. "Tch. Looks I was wrong to underestimate
you, huh? Ah, well. You're doin' damn well, considering you're so freakin'
in over your head you can't even remember what the surface looks like."
Still, Billy has yet to produce his bo staff... Er, wait. Wherever Billy was
standing, he isn't, anymore. No, he's apparently revising his previous
attack -- A flying kick, straight for Dan, this time even faster than the

COMBATSYS: Billy successfully hits Dan with Strong Kick.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >                                ]
Billy            0/-------/-======|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2              Dan

Rolento and two of his mercenaries exit an alleyway, both of the mercs
carrying full totebags clinking with weapons and ammunition.  Looks like
Rolento knows the right people in Chinatown.  His eyebrow furrows as he
hears evidence of a street battle, however, mouth twisting into a smirk.
"Conda, Sanchez, get the gear back to the rent-a-van." The pair nod as they
begin to weave through the crowd, Rolento heading in the direction of the
street brawl.

"You'd think so, wouldn't you?!" Dan retorts. "I know exactly where I am!
You, on the other hand...where'd you go?" Dan blinks for a moment before he
spots Billy flying at him. With a yipe, Dan throws up his arms to make a
cross-block, but not fast enough; the kick slams into Dan's chest before he
can block it, and he goes flying once again.

..At least, he would have...if he hadn't grabbed Billy's leg at the last
moment. Paaain, but he's not going anywhere. That hit -hurt-, and Dan could
feel the strength ebbing out of him..." CAN'T LOSE!" he roars.
With a flash of residual chi, Dan gathers what's left of his strength and
drags back some of what's already fled. "KOURYUU REKKA!" Dan launches
himself into not one, but two simultaneous uppercuts, his chi leaving
shadows behind him as he does so. Billy -has- to go down!

COMBATSYS: Dan can no longer fight.
COMBATSYS: Billy dodges Dan's Kouryuu Rekka.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Billy            0/-------/-======|

Billy has to go down... but he doesn't. Instead, he leaps out of the way
once again, sliding away from Dan's attack. It is, however, a close call,
that's for sure -- so close that the edge of Billy's jacket is clipped by
Dan's path through the air. Unfortunately, it isn't enough... and Dan,
presumably, hits the ground, leaving Billy still standing. "Man. You -do-
have guts. Come back another time, though, pal. You can't win a fight by
just balls alone, as much as it helps."

COMBATSYS: Billy has ended the fight here.

Yep. Once Dan's form finishes, he wobbles for a moment. For a -brief-
instant it looks like he might be ready to continue the fight...then he just
kinda flops over, face-down. For a few minutes, he doesn't move, but he does
stir eventually, pushing himself to his feet. As far as he's concerned, his
guts feel like they should be all over the pavement...but damn if he'll let
anyone see that. Looking up, he smiles tightly as he gets to his feet. "You
hit hard for an Englishman," he allows, rubbing his chest. "It was...a good
fight." Dan's not forgetting that Billy didn't even use his staff, and it
makes him grimace a bit.

Rolento frowns, somewhat disappointed, as the fight ends so fast.  "I must
have caught the tail end," he muses to himself, although he's suitably
impressed that someone has beat world famous PINK SUPER-MAN DAN HIBIKI.
Slowly, Rolento lifts his milky-white eyes from Dan's defeated form to look
at Billy, among what must be a ring of people in the street already gathered
to observe the battle.

Kula rubs her head, wondering as she watches. She walks out of the crowd and
into the ring rather openly, flickering a glance to the camera before
quietly saying, "Good fight, Billy." Her expression remains blank, though,
as if the words were just an attempt at politeness.

Billy glances at Kula, grinning but saying little, for whatever reason.
"Yeah, it was, wasn't it?" Before tossing Kula a thumbs up. "Hey, you got an
answer about my band, or something?" He keeps walking, though, his eyes
catching Rolento without much effort... before he grimaces. "Tch."

A couple of nearby paramedics grab Dan as he stands up. Despite his
protestations, they usher him toward the ambulance parked nearby for
emergencies. "Take me to the dojo! The dojo!" he yells, just before the two
push him inside and shut the door.

Log created by Kobun, and last modified on 17:21:46 12/06/2005.