SNF 2004.11 - Ryu vs Chun-Li

Description: Ryu and Chun-Li face off at the shrine! (Winner: Ryu)


   Odd. Placed in a small clearing of forest, almost in the middle of
nowhere, is a small Shinto shrine. It consists primarily of a miniature
building and the lengthy, stone walkway leading down to the stereotypical
stairway. The entire place, however, seems to be in disrepair, and isn't in
the least occupied...and hasn't been for some time.

[Exits   : <NE> Northeast to North Outskirts, and <S> South to Northwestern
Forest ]

A peaceful enough evening on the outskirts of Southtown, the sun's last rays
dipping over the treetops to set delicate fire to the old shrine that stands in
this place. But the peace can only last so long, as always in this city of
warriors, and already a small audience has found their way to this haven of
solitude to watch what promises to be a most interesting bout... the cameras are
ready too, scrolling back and forth slightly to describe the scene as an
announcer banters into the microphone from behind.

Of those taking part in one of tonight's arranged duels, one already stands
ready, one of those cameras remaining focussed firmly upon her. Her indeed, for
tonight the Strongest Woman in the World returns from a month away from the
spotlight to fight an opponent she has long desired to meet... and just as long
desired to fight. Someone more legendary, even better known to afficionadoes
than herself, the man Ryu. THE World Warrior.

Understandably she is alight with anticipation, but keeping her back straight
and her posture solemn as she awaits the vagabond at the base of the shrine
steps, her deep brown gaze fixed on a distant point and her mood sinking into
the careful precision of battle. But not too far, yet. She knows there will be
some kind of introduction, is aware of the announcer's intrusive prescence and
the two names upon his lips - one of which is hers. But the hype taking place is
nothing on the feeling already enveloping her.

This will be a return to battle, a return to form and a return to her
confidence. Win or lose, she can only leave this match with a deeper realisation
of self and a greater depth of experience. It's been far too long coming.

A peaceful enough evening, indeed interrupted by the clamor of announcers and
spectators, cameras and fanfare.  It's not the sort of light Ryu prefers to see
the shrine in, but he understands the popularity and entertainment value of the
fighting circuit, and so he can tolerate at least some of the limelight.  As
long as he doesn't have to stand in it too long, or give any silly interviews to
sillier reporters.  The World Warrior arrives a few moments after Chun-Li,
almost on time despite the fact that he seems to have walked here from god only
knows where, hiking steadily from the forest and making his way up towards the
shrine itself, easily picking a path through the gathered onlookers more by
presence than request, the way clearing for him rather quickly as he heads for
the center of the impromptu arena, dark eyes settled on Chun-Li.  He's a bit
windblown from his journey, but otherwise he doesn't look any the worse for
wear, refreshed and alert, and quite interested to see what this Chinese warrior
might be capable of.  He knows her by reputation, from a variety of sources, but
little more.  Making the powerful woman something of an enigma, for at least as
long as it takes for Ryu to puzzle out the facts behind the legend.  Not unlike
piecing the Ansatsuken fighter together beyond his image, really.  Hearsay is
hardly reliable, but one look at Chun-Li, a moment to sense the certainty and
ability inherent in the 'Strongest Woman in the World', and Ryu is sure that, at
least, the rumors of her fighting skills were not exaggerated.

For the young champion's part, he certainly fits his role.  Beyond the obvious
physical prowess and well-honed edge to his otherwise average build, there is a
nearly tangible air of steadfast intensity, a calm focus that burns steady, and
strong, "Chun-Li."  He observes simply, offering a polite bow, mostly
discounting the fightgoers gathered about the area in favor of concentrating on
his opponent, "I have been looking forward to this meeting for some time, though
I hardly thought it would be tonight."  Such is the way of things long
considered and left undone.  If it was meant to happen, it just comes up and
bites you out of nowhere.  The respect is evident in the legendary nomad's gaze,
and bearing, simple and straight to the point.

Yes, the small crowd parts. The murmurs also begin, and even a bit of money
begins to change hands... though less than one might imagine. A great deal less
in fact, as the onlookers tonight are mainly the aforementioned afficionadoes,
those who take these fights very seriously and knows just what they have come to
view. Behind the advancing Ryu, the announcer's voice picks up in volume and
enthusiasm, the groomed man's expertly cheesy tone cutting through the otherwise
slightly tense atmosphere as his gibberish continues. It's unlikely either
Chun-Li or her opponent care for the words, and little will be noted in their
content... it is, after all, always the same rubbish re-tooled for an only
slightly differing audience.

So heedless of these words is the woman as she looks Ryu over, the hint of a
smile turning up one corner of her mouth while this preliminary view is taken.
The first time she has seen the man so close, in the flesh, personal. And
expectations are met... to her eyes, if to others he may seem dull, not
flamboyant enough, then those 'others' clearly know not of what they observe.
Her smile broadens a little once realisation of that inner power dawns at the
deepest fringe of her fighter's consciousness. With this smile comes a slow
inclination of her upper body, hands coming together in front of her breast as
she bows low.

"Ryu. The feeling's mutual..." she straightens just as slowly, her hands parting
and falling to her side. "On all counts. I just hope I can live up to my own
expectations of this fight..." tailing off she gives a soft, breathless laugh
and pulls herself into her fighting stance, not moving from the base of the
steps at all, merely turning as she shifts position to ensure she faces her
opponent. No more words are spoken then, just a quick glance sent to the rapidly
reorganising cameras, her gaze slipping downward to avoid the flashes of cameras
from the audience. And the announcer calls out the introduction for the fight
proper, the two names called along with one final over-enthusiastic shout...
again, the words are nothing. Window dressing.

And... the woman waits, the smile gone from her lips and her arms raised about
her poised body as she waits, allowing Ryu to prepare himself at his leisure and
attack similarly. She's taking this as seriously as might be expected, allowing
the now-raised voices of the audience to wash over and off her, her attention
all focused upon Ryu.

COMBATSYS: Chun-Li has started a fight here.

After the initial greeting, Ryu is similarly businesslike.  Not withdrawn, or
impersonable, but rather intent on just one thing... The fight at hand.
Gleaming brown eyes take in Chun-Li's motions quietly, assessing what he can at
this early juncture from the way she moves, the expressions that are offered.
He's a bit short on overt shifts to his granite demeanor just now, but that's an
understandable side-effect of the interest with which he approaches this
meeting.  This test.  The overactive media and extraneous murmurs and shouts are
tuned out, Ryu remaining unaffected by the rousing calls and other noise.
Focusing past the external is one of the things the young champion excells at,
and it shows in the steely set of his face, and the grace of his motions, as he
sets his mind on the fight, sparing only a nod for the powerful woman's words.
An agreeable nod, though not particularly expressive.  The announcer sounds as a
dull, familiar call in the back of his mind, the tone and rote of it all telling
Ryu more than actual attention to the words that the fight has begun, his legs
drifting shoulder width apart, fists hovering near his body, coiled and ready to
strike.  One guards his neck, the other his waist as he fluidly weaves forward,
shifting his angle of approach once, and then twice, in on-the-fly
consideration.  The proverbial bell has rung, and for once, he seems to be up
against an opponent who's going to stand there afterwards.  And since they can't
very well both do that, Ryu finalizes his advance, leaping up and in the last
scarce distance between himself and Chun-Li in a quick jump that nearly blurs
through the air as its short travel time is accentuated by a rapid, singular
full three-hundred sixty degree twist, Ryu's upper body turning clockwise, and
snapping his lower half around forcefully, his right leg striking out straight
in a head-level strike that shines as an abridged, but lightning-quick and
precise application of his more famouse Hurricane Kick.  In the approach, in the
execution, Ryu's eyes never leave Chun-Li, and despite his speed, there is
little overextension to capitalize on, even in the airborne maneuver.

COMBATSYS: Ryu has joined the fight here.
COMBATSYS: Chun-Li dodges Ryu's Senpuu Kyaku.

And so the fight begins. The young woman truly does question her ability to deal
with this, and mixed with the excitement is a little concern over her
abilities... with all she has heard, and what little she has seen, this may be
the toughest challenge she has met. Tougher than Vega himself? Perhaps...
there's no way of really telling, with her respective experiences. But for all
this hint of concern, it -is- just a hint. She's ready to face up to her doubts,
and test her abilities to whatever extreme they might be pushed to.

Ryu's approach is met with bold calculation, her gaze hardened and flickering
over every nuance of his body as he makes his way forward and subsequently
launches his attack. Fast indeed, and clearly precise, but intent as she is to
prove herself Chun-Li knows she has to do so right from the outset. From now,
onwards. She counts mentally, everything seeming to flow with the curious
slow-motion of such a situation, including her own deft movements. To the
watchers it is all a blur, but to her as one foot crosses the other and her body
pivots into the motion she is flowing as a trickle of water past a rapid onrush
of some solid object, washed down the river towards her position. And flow she
does, spinning around the extended foot of the Ansatsuken master and emerging
back in her stance behind him as he begins to meet the hard earth beside the

(I did it!) Triumph flickers into mind, and a smile bruises her lips, her eyes
flashing in an instant as her booted feet find firmer footing, a swish of her
skirts accompanying the end of her evasive motion. Then she pauses barely a
heartbeat before surging forward, her upper body curling down in another smooth
flood of action, fingertips of her outthrust right hand brushing the floor as
they near it and propelling her into a series of kicks of her own, aimed to
collide with Ryu as he lands. Can he pull off a similar feat to hers?

"SPINNING BIRD KICK!" The attack is made, her head now whipping past the ground
as she spins, a few blades of grass licking at the few wisps of hair that
normally hang over her forehead, her feet spinning also in that vicious movement
so familiar to her fans. And even more familiar to her unfortunate opponents.

COMBATSYS: Chun-Li successfully hits Ryu with Spinning Bird Kick.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Ryu              0/-------/----===|=------\-------\0          Chun-Li

It's a rare soul indeed who can weave so gracefully away from such a quick
technique.  And it's rarer still that that fighter can place themselves in such
an opportune position for a counter-attack so readily.  None of this phases Ryu
as Chun-Li demonstrates that speed and instinctual sense of the flow of battle,
but he is a bit taken aback to see the Spinning Bird Kick come in.  Not for any
power or speed of the attack itself, though it's certainly well executed and
potent, but for the spirit imbued in it.  It's a clear derivitive of an
Ansatsuken style, and it doesn't appear to be an imitation or copy.  No, the
Tatsumaki is alive and well in Chun-Li's technique, and Ryu is momentarily
off-balance wondering who taught her to fight in this manner, and his own
weaving motion is too late, the Strongest Woman in the World catching the young
champion several times on the side of the skull with her powerful feet, and
while he recoils with the strike, Ryu does not withdraw, instead dropping low as
the woman comes in to land it, and launching up and in with his right fist
leading in a stunning rising uppercut, "Shoryuuuuken!"  Ryu incants as his legs
add their considerable force to that leading, crushing right, his ascent into
the air as graceful as it is powerful.  If anything, his answering attack is
launched with a greater expediency, a stepped up offensive rhythm rather than
one that is shaken by the initial exchange.  Indeed, there is no hesitation or
apprehension in Ryu's eyes, only the resolve that comes from knowing, in that
cold, hard, factual way... That he is in for a match.  And that requires his
best, something the World Warrior is quite willing to give.  The long tails of
his crimson headband trail behind him, his hair rustling with the gust of wind
kicked up by the sudden, astoundingly forceful and swift countering technique.
Pity the fighter who goes to the air against Ryu, for he hath many stinging
answers to retort with.

COMBATSYS: Chun-Li interrupts Shoryuken from Ryu with Koshuu Tou.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Ryu              0/-------/-======|=====--\-------\0          Chun-Li

Chun-Li feels each of her kicks land as true as ever, but there is no feeling of
triumph or elation this time... now she at least knows where she stands, and is
prepared to fight without allowing such feelings to get in the way. She knows
she can go toe to toe with the man now, whether or not she can emerge
'victorious' is another matter and not important, the simple knowledge of
ability is all she needs to switch fully into her fighting self. The first test
is done, now the fight proper begins and her uncertainty is - for now - brushed

Or so it seems, but then Ryu proves her is far from estimable, dropping away
from her final couple of sweeping blows to deliver a deft counter, one she is
ill fit to avoid. How many truly could? Expert indeed.. just what she expected,
and hoped for. Even as the breath is hammered from her lungs, and she is sent
tumbling out of her final kicking motion in an ungainly fashion, impaled on the
man's rock-hard fist, she almost allows herself to slip again. But it can't be
allowed to go that way, she has to deal  with this as she would with any other
opponent! And as the small crowd roars its appreciation, sure the woman is about
to soar up and hit dirt, she's already steeling herself, wincing against the
last vestiges of pain and spinning about in the air to sweep down in the first
motion of her fall and slam bodily into the Ansatsuken fighter as he starts his
own graceful drop.

Grace is gone, as a hand finds either side of his body and a puffy sleeve is
thrust against his stomach, the Chinese woman applying deft force up beside the
very roof of the shrine, a reversal similar to one used against a similarly
legendary fighter, a throw that sends Ryu roaring back towards the earth at a
rather less welcome pace than he intended. "YAH!" Her cry of effort is almost
girlish, and as she shoves him in one direction she thrusts herself in the
other, to drop into a fall the grace of like he originally intended, landing on
both extended feet with only a minimal grunt of effort and slipping back into
her stance. Then she waits for him to stand, chest heaving with regulated

Ah, she is good!  And then some.  It's the best challenge Ryu's had in awhile,
thus far, at least in a fair fight that's not involving evil and nastyness.
Which is the sort of fight he likes the best.  Despite Chun-Li's uncanny ability
to keep up with him, and even ahead of him, thus far, Ryu is not yet worried.
He might have reason to be with much more of this, but for the moment, it's just
one more sign that he needs to redouble his efforts.  There is no time for
measuring, no time for reassessing, and so the legendary nomad goes with his gut
as he finds his upward momentum halted, albeit painfully, and subsequently finds
himself hurtling back for the ground.  Rather than take a jarring crash-landing,
the Ansatsuken warrior hits the hard ground in a graceful roll, absorbing the
fall and the painful smack with as much grace as he can, and tumbling back to
his feet after a single, quick somersault, his hands drifting to his side.
Fingers splayed in opposing directions, the void between Ryu's palms is suddenly
filled with a roaring rush of raw chi, the blue-white sphere bursting to
tremendous life in mere instants, a quick charge of power surging from the World
Warrior's hands, to be quickly swept forward, the heels of his hands coming
together at the apex of the extension... Straight at Chun-Li, "Hadooouken!"  Ryu
intones, launching the blurring, vaguely orb-shaped fireball in a rocketing wave
in-line with the powerful woman's chest, a downpayment on his plans to halt her
forward momentum in this fight, in dramatic fashion.  The Hadouken glimmers
fiercely in the dim evening light, casting the area around the shrine in
brilliant hues in the brief moments during which the swirling ball careens for
its target.

COMBATSYS: Chun-Li dodges Ryu's Hadouken.

So where does this fight go from here? Certainly neither has anything to prove
to themselves on one level - each knows themselves to be more than capable, and
now each knows the other to be able to match that. Or perhaps even more. Now the
bulk of the match comes into play, the fighting spirit stoked and burning in
both fighters and fuelling the enthusiasm of the still-jabbering announcer and
this evening's audience. Saturday Night Fight. Tacky, naff, cheap? Perhaps, but
it also encourages face-offs like these, between legends who might otherwise
have had difficulty meeting...

Watching Ryu, Chun-Li only has time for thoughts of the next few moves, in this
struggle of a game. She's seen, and felt, two of his most distinctive attacks,
and now she must deal with another. But again she'll let him take the upper
hand, make the first move of this round, merely watching intently but
passionately, her chest rising and falling, her eyes slightly glazed with the
distance of focus. Then it comes, that surge of power that describes the start
of something so very impressive. Could it be? It could, it is. The Hadouken. Her
own attack was shamelessly styled upon it, and she knows what to expect... to
some extent. Enough to be able to LEAP upwards, both feet setting firm before
propelling her ramrod straight into the air, booted toes licking at the edge of
the mass of chi as she leaves its trajectory behind her. Joining instead the
rush of winds, she spares a quick look down towards her opponent before kicking
out to the left, her legs swaying upward to make a kick at empty space and
launch her into a sidelong spin towards the shrine's rooftop. Her right hand
lances out, grips and hauls her over the edge onto the tiles, a series of
ceramic cracks sounding as she emerges from a tight crouch into a headlong
sprint along the perimeter of the ancient building.

As the Chinese woman runs, one of the cameras breaks off from ground level to
track her progress, hands streaming out behind her and skirts whipping in the
gathered winds, traces of the day's sunlight gleaming off the golden filigree on
her dress. It's a dramatic sight, and only added to when she drops to a
half-crouch and then kicks off the roof into a spiralling leap diagonally
towards the World Warrior and downward, spinning about once, twice and a third
time. On the third, her right foot lances out, the left tucking up underneath
her rear, the former's boot aimed in a thunderous sweeping kick, going right for
the Ansatsuken fighter's collarbone. It was a long time coming, but
unpredictable and potentially devastating...

Nothing's being held back, no allowance made for the underlying friendliness in
this bout.

Both fighters are too good for that.

COMBATSYS: Ryu blocks Chun-Li's Strong Kick.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Ryu              0/-------/=======|======-\-------\0          Chun-Li

Stunning.  The leap, the dodge, the kick that follows, Ryu tracks them all
calmly, with a keen appreciation for the style and ability expressed in the
quick reactions.  It's not putting him in a very good situation, just now, but
that doesn't stop him from taking a moment to approve.  Or more accurately, to
assess.  She's flashy, a lot more flair to her motions than he provides, but
then, it seems like she's fast enough to make up for it.  And even capitalize on
it, with motions that would disorient most fighters.  Several times tonight, Ryu
has tried to stay out from under Chun-Li's nasty feet, but this time, he doesn't
move an inch, snapping his left arm up in a vertical guard that intercepts the
crushing kick before it comes near his collarbone, muscles tensing as he steps
into the motion, rather than away from it, bringing himself in point-black with
the Chinese warrior's landing spot, his right arm shooting outward, powerful
hand reaching for a definitive grip of dress fabric, the strength in that hand
nearly unbreakable as he drops himself backwards, launching his right leg
straight up and in at Chun-Li's ribs, a bit of a boot to add to the speed which
she could achieve while fulfilling the hoped-for result of flying up and over
the World Warrior's head, angled for a painful smack with the ground beyond.  He
hasn't had much luck knocking her back, so he swaps to drawing her forward,
using the amazingly strong fighter's speed and strength against her, to turn her
attack into a rather overshot crash landing.  It seems that whatever Chun-Li
dishes out, Ryu intends to continue to improvise, and adapt, in that same
stunning, technically perfect retaliatory offense until he gets it right.  A
lapse that doesn't register on his stern features, still bearing the same intent
focus as when the fight began.  Perhaps with a trace more sheer enjoyment.  And
in Ryu's case, that's by virtue of his pure love of the fight.  Rather than the
joys of getting one's arse handed to them by a beautiful woman.

COMBATSYS: Chun-Li blocks Ryu's Tomoe Nage.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Ryu              1/-------/=======|=======\-------\0          Chun-Li

Thunk. Another connection, and one that vibrates up through Chun-Li's toned
form, causing the quivering of the hardened muscles in her extended leg and a
slight rush of blood to pound through her brain. That's some steel defence she
faces, and she knows she's been lucky so far to penetrate those defenses so
deep... the rest of this battle may not go so smoothly. Speed and distracting
movements only go so far, before the opponent realises just what they face -
this is a universal truth, demonstrated time and again in her fights. Before
she's forced to become more careful, waiting for an opening rather than creating
one for herself.

The grip is made, and before the powerful young woman can escape from her
gung-ho assault, she's pulled free from its clutch and flipped back through the
air in the opposite direction to her initial location, a gasp escaping her
throat as she twists lithely for some semblance of order to her sudden chaotic
position, limbs flailing outward before she can get them fully back under
control. When she does, it's with more of the precision demonstrated by both
fighters, her feet tucking up behind her and her arms crossing over her front,
tucked in to make her as small as possible, as precise as possible, now she
comes in for a landing.

She hits the floor hard, teeth gritting with the shock of pain through her body,
and for a few seconds she crouches there, breathing heavily and looking past her
crossed forearms at Ryu, his position pinpointed by the glinting tip of a metal
spike - protruding from one of those distinct wristbands. The time for a shift
in the fight may well be here, and on straightening the woman starts forward
more cautiously, giving the Ansatsuken fighter ample time to recover and make an
assault as she paces in measured movements, one foot then the other crossing
over its companion, hands tensed flat, fingers together and arms remaining
crossed defensively over her upper body. "You're as good as I hoped." She finds
time to comment, sparing a small smile for her opponent, but that's all... then
she's back in the focus of battle, preparing for her next move - be it assault,
or evasion.

COMBATSYS: Chun-Li focuses on her next action.

Good indeed, Ryu still needs a few tricks to pull this one back under his
control.  Thankfully, he's a fighter with no shortage of options.  Close or far,
high or low, the World Warrior will get the job done.  And it's that iron will
that shows itself now, rolling back to his feet a touch more smoothly than the
hurled Chun-Li, and twisting in his quick ascent to once more face the agile
warrior.  His dark eyes narrow slightly as he studies her recovered stance.  His
feelings on her fighting ability can wait, at least a few moments, for a time
when all his attention doesn't need to go towards countering that ability.  With
a lightshow more brilliant and alarmingly rapid than the first, Ryu cradles his
hands once more beside his waist, his corded arms coursing with arcs of what
seems to be localized lightning, the bolting energy surging in an instant to a
centralized point between his splayed fingers, quickly drawing forth a sphere of
rampantly coursing energy, "Denjiiiin..."  Ryu enunciates fiercely from behind
gritting teeth, sweeping the tremendous bolt forward by two swift arms, the
resulting sphere of electrified chi hurtling in at nearly the speed of its
natural counterpart, a large blast for so short a time... and so precise an
application, giving Chun-Li scarce moments to heed her own study, and likely
cutting that consideration rather short, "Hadooouken!"  Ryu calls to the night
air as the wildly empowered blue-white ball of searing chi crackles its
blistering path for the dangerous Chinese woman.

COMBATSYS: Chun-Li fails to interrupt Denjin Hadouken from Ryu with Hyakuretsu

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Ryu              0/-------/-------|=======\===----\1          Chun-Li

Perhaps Chun-Li's comment was odd, given the course of the fight thus far... but
she's more than able to strip away the cheap layers imposed by successful hits
and the like, to see the ability underneath. Most truly able fighters are, and
it's more than obvious that she has a foe who on another day could score just as
many hits on her, just as easily in just as short a time. Her words were meant
in all honesty, but also with a little foretelling ringing in their depths. She
knew this would not be over so easily, that more blows would have to be landed
against her person. And now she gets a chance to see the preparations for such a
levelling of the field, her eyes widening momentarily as Ryu ducks back and
draws his hands alongside one another to charge another ball of chi. This one is
big, that much can be felt certainly enough.

"HYAH!" Chun-Li gives a martial cry and takes one last measured step, before on
the next she enters a sprint directly towards the Ansatsuken warrior, her feet
ripping up small gobbets of turf as she thunders across the distance towards
him. Quicker and quicker she goes, accelerating rapidly in the time it takes him
to charge and all but blurring from mundane view by the time his attack is
unleashed. By then she knows she's too late, and even as her right leg lifts,
the left foot setting down firmly to propel her in a lancing leap towards the
dark-eyed man, she's already facing a flood of energy, washing towards her and
crackling with that mysterious edge of lightning. A cry is her only reaction,
beside the tossing back of her frame like a ragdoll, the crackle of electric
aura consuming her also, and she flies back fully a dozen feet, her momentum
reversed with the power of the first fully realised blow of Ryu.

The Strongest Woman in the World hits the floor on her back, her hands flapping
out to either side, slapping against the firm soil and keeping her from sliding
back much further. But she lies there for a few seconds, eyes shut and lips
parting to drag in a long, sharp inhalation of the evening air. The audience...
silent, staring in awe, before a rippling cry is raised to the heavens.

The fight ain't over yet.

Some principles of speed just aren't arguable, even with Chun-Li's remarkable
ability to debate them.  The high-voltage attack is as quick as the lightning in
the Chinese fighter's attempted counter, and then some, but Ryu is not content
to rest on his laurels.  There's a fight to be fought, here.  And won.  Whatever
the situation, whatever the cause, the young champion is well known for giving
it his all.  For believing, and striving, until the very end.  Whatever end may
come.  And so he closes the distance between point of impact and Chun-Li's
crash-landing zone quickly, staying off a short distance while she recovers on
the ground, unwilling to take a cheap shot at the talented warrior.  When she
rises, however, that's another story.  The Ansatsuken wanderer wastes no time,
offers no respite once the fight is once more on fair footing, rushing in hard
at Chun-Li's right flank, his motions failing to telegraph one move or another
until the last possible instant, as he twists to face her with his right side,
and that right leg snaps straight up and out in a triphammer of a side-thrust
that darts from the ground towards the Tai Chi expert's jaw with jolting force,
a singular application of point-blank efficiency, nearly all of the blow's power
and momentum coming from that one quick motion of his kicking leg, an attack
lacking no utility for its measured grace.  The flare in Ryu's style is indeed
in the simplicity, taking one brief instant, one scant moment to deliver a
perfectly placed and executed maneuver rather than relying on forceful
combinations and wilder ideas about fighting.  One certainly can't argue with
the results his particular brand of Ansatsuken has garnered in the professional
arena, and he's not out of this one yet!  A point he aims to drive home to
Chun-Li, to punctuate the mother of all tasers.

COMBATSYS: Chun-Li dodges Ryu's Medium Kick.

And she's down for a little while.. breathing, gathering her senses. Not to take
advantage of Ryu's sporting nature or to abuse his honour, just out of sheer
necessity. That was not an attack to be brushed aside in an instant, no matter
how resilient the Chinese woman may be compared to others on the fighting
circuit... but still, once recovered she is recovered in full, prepared and
ready, all despite the stars flickering across her vision, little explosions of
light and colour playing about the scope of her view as the Ansatsuken fighter
moves in and she pushes herself to a crouch, fingers of her right hand staying
tensed to the floor, her delicately pointed chin raised and eyes locked - as
much as they can be - upon the advancing figure.

And then? Search for the instant, and use it, that flicker of time before impact
with the full force of another expert martial artist's blow. And it is only that

Chun-Li finds it, and uses it. Her chin lifts almost imperceptibly, then she
applies enough pressure to drift back in a short skid through the cropped grass,
her feet almost knocking against the front of an audience member's once she
stops, the man forced to stagger back in alarm. But unnecessarily, because as
Ryu's attack swooshes the wind back towards her, the woman watching his leg pass
her and leave her unharmed but for the lingering effects of his overpowered
Hadouken, she moves again. This time it's in a strange crouch-into-step
manuever, rushing past his flank on still-bent knees and rising up at the back
of his muscled body. She may be too late to break his guard entirely, but the
smoothness of her motions is perfect as always, and on rising she's already
readying her own devastating attack.

"KAAAA-" Her hands graze the side of her hip, fingers on both cupping around an
imaginary ball at the centre of which bursts a pinpoint of blue chi that turns
quickly into a raging ball blossoming around her pale digits. Then she moves
again, to move away from any attempted counter, a deceptive backstep that
carries her just out of Ryu's personal space before suddenly she lunges in
again, arms snapping forward bearing that inferno of energy at their ends, her
hands uncurling to release her own chi-ball, this one as up close as they get, a
spinning orb of damage aimed to take her might opponent right in the chest from
an awkward sidelong angle. "KOUSHOU!" But this awkward approach will only serve
to batter him more, and increase the pain, should her gambit pay off.

COMBATSYS: Ryu slows Kikoushou from Chun-Li with Hadouken.
- Power hit! -

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Ryu              0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0          Chun-Li

Ah, it seems for as many tricks and quick attacks as Ryu can muster, Chun-Li has
a quick move ready to take her away from that attack.  And a brutal strike to
follow up with.  That charge of chi is a raging siren to Ryu, and as Chun-Li
sways back to charge her massive blast, his hands drop to his waist, pouring
forth blue-white torrents of his own energy to attempt to forestall that growing
burst.  It's an endeavor that's partially successful, at least, as Ryu sweeps
his arms forward in time with Chun-Li's step back in, his own bloom of raw chi
plowing a deep trough into the growing burst of swirling darker blue that the
Strongest Woman in the World hurls his way.  He's still in the way, though, pure
and simple, and Ryu finds himself barreling backwards under the impact, the
painful blast sending him sliding through the grass, his feet digging small
ditches in the dirt as he struggles to keep himself aright.  In the end, it's a
successful endeavor, and his defensive stance snaps back to readiness as quickly
as he left it.  All in all, he came out of that remarkably well, for the sheer
energy Chun-Li put behind it, and the dent his Hadouken took out of the attack
in general was fierce, to be sure.  He could have chosen a better way to take
the hit, perhaps, but he's got a few more good strikes in him, yet, his eyes
focusing past the mounting pain with a stoic dedication, unwilling to stop until
he cannot go any further.  Until the last fist has flown.

Chun-Li winces, and it would be quite visible if not for the raging clouds of
chi roaring back over her from the space between the two fighters. She wasn't
expecting the fighter to pull on his energies so quickly, and in truth seeing
him manage it causes her to steel for a mockery to be made of her attack and a
countering one to be tossed full strength into her hastily averted face... but
not so, she feels contact made, feels her energy lashing the powerful man even
through his lightning defence. But she's quick to withdraw, knowing the
near-failure she made, her left foot skidding out and then the right darting
across it, her upper body moving last as she takes a few steps away from Ryu,
letting her attack dissipate in her wake after a few more spins through the air.

She barely lets the ties on her buns settle, her dress calm its billowing, and
her lungs quickly refill, before another attack is launched from her extended
hands. Little effort is thrown into this blow, little can be given after the
last assault, but she has to ensure the man is kept on his toes. He could
recover quickly from that grazing, she knows, and though he probably already has
she doesn't pause to look - simply thrusts forth a golden pinpoint of light that
blossoms into another chi-ball, this one flying across the distance between the
two fighters, its pale blue surface pulsing with an organic quality as it
closes. "KOUKEN!" And she remains, feet set firmly to either side and hands
extended, watching with glazed eyes and gathering herself to make whatever move
needs making next. Upper hand or not, this has been pushing her limits and as
the audience knows.. this is far from over.

COMBATSYS: Ryu blocks Chun-Li's Kikou Ken.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Ryu              0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0          Chun-Li

As quick and powerful as Ryu may be with his chi, Chun-Li is no slouch, a fact
she illustrates once more.  Instead of opposing this blast with an attack of his
own, however, Ryu tosses up an arm in its path, an angled forearm cutting the
bloom of energy as it strikes the hardened muscle of the World Warrior's
nigh-impregnable guard, the colorful torrents of energy spilling around the
point of impact in waves that do little more than sting the resilient Ryu.  A
nod is paid to Chun-Li, a gesture respecting the fight to this point, and the
sheer ability she's been able to bring to bear.  It's going to be tricky for him
to work out weaknesses in her style, and he's still noting some of the
similarities her fighting bears to Ansatsuken.  Traits that are almost
unimaginable in anyone who wasn't trained by someone who really, really knew
what they were doing.  But that's a conversation for another time, and for the
moment, Ryu maintains a steady guard, his brown eyes locked on Chun-Li's,
neither advancing nor retreating before the Kikou Ken, simply taking it, and
biding his time.  Despite the hectic, high-pressure nature of this battle, Ryu
seems quit at-east showing a bit of patience, considering how best to recover an
advantage.  And the first step in that process, the ready defense, is in place
like well-laid cement.

COMBATSYS: Ryu focuses on his next action.

Breathe. Concentrate. Focus. Chun-Li watches her second mustered blast shatter
across Ryu's powerful arms with an expression almost of relief - that she
finally has a moment to recover her wits, that her opponent isn't streaming
through her attack with something of his own. She has some time. And breathe she
does, concentrate she does, then... the focus. Ryu. A smile then, in return to
his nod, an almost girlish expression of happiness and elation breaking through
her serious outer shell, a slight breathless laugh accompanying it. But there's
no time to linger on this. Pausing just a few more hastened heartbeats, the
Chinese woman then starts forward, pacing evenly and quickly towards the
Ansatsuken warrior, her hands slowly lowering from a guarding position down to
her sides.

Once each arm settles its movement, one final step is made before Chun-Li lunges
forward into Ryu's waiting guard, her right knee jarring up in a vicious knee
strike aimed for his gut, her opposite arm swinging back for balance and the
right lifting to guard her front once more, ready for a counter. All the while
her eyes remain locked on his, reading his expression to pre-empt his next
movement and counter any counter... this may be more reserved than what she has
been throwing around, but it's that time in the fight. The seeming lull that so
often occurs before the last frenzied bursts of activity.

COMBATSYS: Chun-Li successfully hits Ryu with Medium Kick.

[                        \\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Ryu              0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0          Chun-Li

Time for Chun-Li to catch her breath, indeed.  But it's also time for Ryu to
prepare.  And that duality serves both fighters, it seems.  Thoughtfully, he
watches her paced approach, and the kick coming in at his gut.  He makes an
attempt to twist with the gesture, to take it on a slightly lowered arm, but the
impromptu guard is ineffective.  With the impact of the powerful woman's foot to
his ribs, Ryu is jolted backwards the distance of a couple paces, but the truth
of his initial motion is revealed, as his hands drop to his waist in that
chi-channeling posture, though this time the energy is not blue-white, nor
electrical, but a searing plume of rapidly intensifying fire, burning an angry,
flaring variety of dark crimson and vibrant red hues, the literal fireball
swirling together in a massive conflaguration in meer moments, Ryu's arms
driving that fiery missile of ultimate fury forward at Chun-Li, "Hadoooouken!"
He shouts to the night air as his stunningly quick conjuration of wrathful
energy napalm singes the grass and superheats the air as it hurtles across the
scant distance between the World Warrior and his opponent.  If anything, this is
the most tremendous chi attack Ryu has unleashed thus far, but he creates and
utilizes it with an efficiency that denies common sense, that exemplifies the
sheer natural talent, along with the razor-edge of technical discipline in the
young champion's life.  What other fighters couldn't do in minutes, Ryu does in
instants, and sends the devestating results right in at the lady who's giving
him so many pretty bruises.

COMBATSYS: Ryu successfully hits Chun-Li with Shakunetsu Hadouken.

[                         \\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Ryu              0/-------/--=====|=====--\-------\0          Chun-Li

A connection? Chun-Li didn't expect that blow to land so firmly, and as her knee
strikes flesh her eyes widen with near-imperceptible shock. Her form tenses at
the zenith of the attack, the woman leaving her leg raised for a moment and
watching Ryu make his slight retreat and summon up another gobbet of powerful
energy... instants indeed. His control is frightening, staggering ability on
display that leaves her as only so much raw meat in the chi-ball's passage. The
pause costs her dearly, and she takes the attack full on, flames whipping out
around hastily thrown-up arms but making a mockery of these and instead setting
her alight in a ball of painful fire, the gathered momentum of the blast adding
injury to injury and sending her rocking back in a prolonged fall through the
air. Shrouded in flame, her powerful form only becomes properly visible once
more as it hits the bottom steps of the shrine, a burst of crimson accompanying
the landing as flames dissipate in a warm blast about her, roasting the nearby
oxygen away to nothing. The audience gasps, the announcer gives a passioned
gabble of speech and the cameras all train on this single point - apart from
one, that remains fixed on the World Warrior.

Impressive. And it takes Chun-Li a few seconds to get up, staggering to an
upright position and arching her back to remove the pain of the landing. A
slight trickle of blood makes its way from the left corner of her mouth, before
she wipes it away with two raised fingers. Then she gives another smile, sly and
quick, her eyes glinting as they fall on Ryu - the glaze falling from them in an
instant. This is a true battle, and it must end with all her spirit thrown onto
its fires. "HAAA!" She surges forward, right foot leading but the other hot on
its tracks, turf and evening dew flying in her trail as she dashes in towards
the Ansatsuken master. But her attack will have to wait, until she can see his
reaction to her charge... the distance takes some time to cover, long enough for
any master of his calibre to take advantage.

COMBATSYS: Chun-Li focuses on her next action.

A true battle, indeed.  This one is taxing Ryu to his limits, and indeed,
perhaps beyond.  Those limits have not yet been reached, however, and a slight
smile answers Chun-Li's show of good nature this time.  Yes, he's entertained
enough for it to break his stony exterior, now.  This is becoming one of those
fights he longs to repeat, the Strongest Woman in the World taking on one of the
contenders for that same title on the other side of the gender fence, and Ryu
isn't about to disappoint.  If the Shakunetsu Hadouken was incredible, that
which opposes Chun-Li's charge is, in short, epic.  Naturally, there is plenty
of distance to utilize a projectile, but this isn't just any projectile... No...
The Chinese warrior has shown the young champion what the heights of her
techniques look like, and turnabout is only fair.  Between Ryu's cupped hands
suddenly swirls a dark void of chi, the coruscating sphere expanding quickly in
a tumult of energy.  Not only does this energy, tinged in blues and whites,
along with deep circles of darkest cerulean, flow from Ryu's fingertips and
palms, but the gathering itself seems to take on a will of its own, a tremendous
inward wind rising about the entire arena, whipping the World Warrior's red
headband dangerously close to the tremendous vortex, "Shinkuuuuuuuu...."  Ryu
incants, his voice helping him focus the utterly astonishing levels of energy
that cascade in torrents into the rather unorthodox fireball, which grows in
leaps and bounds with every blink of the eye, only to be hurled forward on a
tremendous sweep of strong arms into a singular, swirling mass of
ultra-concentrated power, "Hadoooouken!!!"  Ryu shouts as the rippling mass of
chi careens at breakneck pace for the charging Chun-Li, timing the release with
one of her steps to provide the absolute minimum chance of the agile fighter
getting out of the way.  A chance that's further complicated by the tremendous
gusts that the Shinkuu Hadouken swallows up, tearing up grass and dirt and
devouring forest debris as it rends a trench through the earth along its course.

COMBATSYS: Ryu successfully hits Chun-Li with Shinkuu Hadouken.

Of course there'd be a reaction. She could only expect as much, and perhaps..
just perhaps.. a more cautious route could have been taken. But that would have
been less of a challenge, and as their first battle Chun-Li wanted this to be a
true experience of her opponent's power. Winning isn't an issue, it never was,
but simply being able to face down the World Warrior and see his ability for
herself, not clouded by the small screen or dusty data-files, was very much the
agenda. And this next summoned assault should fit the bill.

Her heart's pace quickens as she closes, the Chinese woman's eyes narrowing upon
the blossoming chi being sent forth by Ryu, her hands curling around a sphere at
her side in preparation to perhaps exchange his power with her own. But no. This
is much bigger, and her fingertips brush her palms as she lets them close,
releasing any notion she had of crushing any attack by the Ansatsuken fighter.
This has to be evaded, it's simply too large for any other action, and as the
distance between draws excitingly close and the wave is sent towards her with
that passioned cry, she knows even that is out of the question. Her feet begin
to redirect her course, to send her around the energy, but she's caught in the
first blistering wave and launched back towards the shrine a second time,
hitting the floor once en route but being picked up again by the force of the
Shinkuu Hadouken. There's no standing up to such power, and stand.. she doesn't,
and can't. The World's Strongest Woman is sent back-first into the steps, before
slithering down to rest at their base, one eye closed with pain and the other
open against the last traces of dissipating energy, focusing through tears of
agony and the blur of chi on the man who sent this her way.

Chun-Li lies defeated, it seems, but for a long few moments the audience sits as
motionless as she, only the sound of bated breath bringing life to the area.
Then.. a hand raises, palm out to Ryu in a gesture of supplication. Her open eye
closes slowly, and the young woman sinks back against the hard stone, not quite
unconscious.. but resting, the bout conceded to the more powerful fighter.

"THE WINNER... RYU!" And the small crowd gasps, a few cheers resounding but most
standing dumbstruck, in awe of the ability that has been displayed - most
knowing that the dignity being shown deserves no clamour, but just respect. The
voice of the announcer dies away, and the cameras remain on the silenced scene.
Nobody seems to dare even to murmur amongst themselves, for the moment.

COMBATSYS: Chun-Li takes no action.
COMBATSYS: Chun-Li can no longer fight.
COMBATSYS: Chun-Li has left the fight here.

[                          \\\\  <
Ryu              0/-------/-----==|

For many fighters, such an art as the Shinkuu Hadouken would be unecessary.
Against Chun-Li, however, Ryu is keenly aware that it's taken well near
everything he's got in him to take tonight's opponent down, and the Eternal
Challenger is nearly as winded, and beat-up, as Chun-Li.  Her kicks have him
bruised badly, particularly in the ribs and forearms, and that blast of chi?
Abated or no, he feels it in his bones.  That, and the sheer /exhaustion/ toll
of the battle weighs on the World Warrior's stance, which wobbles just a hair
when Chun-Li concedes, that moment the first time he's allowed himself to feel
the full breadth of his body's rebellion.  He drops his fighting stance almost
immediately, having little energy or drive to maintain it, for one thing, and
after a moment to recover some of his wits and a bit of strength in his limbs,
the young champion walks over towards where the Chinese warrior fell at the
steps.  To help her up, for one thing.  He's not overly concerned with the news
crews, or the awestruck fans, sparing none of his depleted reserves for fanfare
or showboating.  His face has lost some of the stern edge, calmed to a simple,
easy alertness, his demeanor relaxed, and thoughtful in that retrospective sort
of way, "You fight like the wind."  Ryu notes, quite appreciatively.

Chun-Li seems to consider Ryu's words seriously for a moment, hearing them
through the dull thump in her head, only the silence of the gathered crowd
allowing her enough concentration to even hear them at all, but after a few
seconds she gives a dry laugh, shifting her head on its step and cracking open
an eye to look up at the World Warrior. There's the glint of life there, of good
humour, that seeps past the optic's bloodshot veneer easily enough. "I.. fight
like the wind? To feel that last attack.. I'm not the only one..." she tails off
with another, weaker laugh, and then sighs.. letting her eye close once more.
Suddenly the seriousness of battle seems almost amusing, and though aware she's
lost the elation she feels at having experienced this washes away any
possibility of disappointment or introspection, and no thoughts of 'rewiring'
for the future cross the young woman's mind. Not for the first time either,
though few have made her feel this way... that merely lasting so long was
achievement enough.

But there it is. There is no need for improvement, no need to build on anything
in particular, save the gradual honing of her skills that will always progress -
no matter what. Back in the outside world, the spectators soon begin to dwindle
away and the cameramen begin to pack up their equipment. Night is coming to
replace the evening in due course, and the familiar tang is in the air,
something else serving to invigorate the fallen Chinese martial artist. She'll
be up soon enough, once the dizziness induced by such a crushing final blow can
pass. Until then, a smile is offered blindly - though she knows Ryu is still
there - and she quietly offers, "Hopefully we can meet again soon, Ryu... I
waited a long time to meet you."

Ryu chuckles lightly, a deep, soft sound, more of a passing murmur than a hearty
laugh, but sincere in its amusement, however subtle.  No, she's not the only
one.  In fact, that's part of what intrigues him, are the similarities in her
style, in the very signature of those moves, that intangible essence to
technique that reads like a martial artist's signature to an attentive eye, and
Ryu is certainly attentive to fighting style.  She's not utilizing Ansatsuken,
but the elements of his style that have integrated certainly rouse his
curiousity.  Particularly in a fighter of Chun-Li's calibre.  For his part,
however, the World Warrior embodies the elemental and spiritual principles of
Gouken's masterful art, and utilizes that efficient and versatile form
exclusively.  But it's not as if Assassin's Fist is a style that can be picked
up just anywhere.  The wanderer stands by the stairs leading up to the shrine,
his stance relaxed, and still a bit fatigued, as he waits near the resting
Chun-Li, seeming quite at ease with the rather unusual method of conversation.
He's probably been in this situation before, "That would be welcome... There are
several things I'd like to speak to you about, but I don't think either of us is
in the best condition for it right now.  I'm staying at Kim Kaphwan's dojo
outside of town, off and on."  It's a run-down place, and that's one of the
reasons it's suiting Ryu so well just now, "Come by in the next couple of days,
if you would."  It's an invitation that should suit them both, and there's no
urgency or disease to Ryu's straightforward words, though it is tinged with
friendly curiousity, "Are you alright, or do you need some help getting
somewhere?"  Ryu is aware of the impact his techniques can have, and while he's
fairly sure Chun-Li is made of strong stuff, he's really only 100% clear on what
she can dish out.  Plus, the fight is one thing, and an admirable fight deserves
lasting respect, "It has been awhile since I've fought like that."  In a
good-natured, all-out, edge of his seat bout.  That brings a small smile to the
young champion's serious features.

The ability to dish out harm tends to come with a certain ingrained sense of how
to take a similar amount, and Chun-Li may need rest but.. ultimately.. she could
be up and fighting again tomorrow. Something to do also with the enemies she
knows she may face at any given time. An eventuality the woman has to be ready
for, even through any amount of injury. Determination alone can go a long way to
aiding recovery time, at least in the short-term. She's quick to recover today
especially, the cool air and the relaxed mood that has descended bringing her
the peace of mind required to truly put mind over matter. At Ryu's words there
is a faint nod, and an equally vaguely described smile. "The Kaphwan dojo.. got
it. I'll be there." She may even attempt to phone ahead, but the invitation made
it clear enough that the man would 'be around'. A pause, before Chun-Li takes in
a quick breath and forces herself to open both eyes, giving a broader and more
openly friendly smile. "And I'll be fine, I just need to rest for a moment. I
ran into that one a lot harder than I should have done... you're everything I

COMBATSYS: Ryu has ended the fight here.

It's a feeling of necessitated readiness that Ryu knows all too well.  The need
to work beyond the pain, beyond the sore muscles and bruised tissue.  Which is
part of why he really didn't slow down until he had time to take a relaxed
breath and realize how hard he'd been getting hit.  But similarly to Chun-Li,
the Ansatsuken warrior will be ready when he needs to be, sooner than many would
be after a similar beating.  Neither fighter escaped unscathed, even if Ryu
managed to land the heavy strikes when it mattered most.  Ryu crosses his corded
arms loosely over his chest, shifting his weight lightly back and forth to work
out some of the kinks, and ease the fact that he doesn't particularly want to be
standing, but plans on managing a hike out of here.  The legendary nomad nods
his understanding and acceptance of Chun-Li's words, knowing that 'me nap here'
sentiment all too well, and recently, "Your reputation is well-earned, as well.
It was everything I could do just to pin you down."  It took him awhile, and
abortive attempts at offensive drives one after another, but one thing is a
given when fighting this particular wanderer... If the fight goes on long
enough, he will work out the rhythm of whatever style's he's faced with.  Even
one as odd as Chun-Li's blazing fast Tai Chi hybrid.  At any rate, he seems at
ease standing there with little or no conversation for a few moments, or however
long it takes Chun-Li to catch her breath, and then he'll offer that hand up,
and take his leave.  Off northward via the forests.

Log created by Rock, and last modified on 19:41:47 10/12/2005.