First Tourney - [Upper:R1B1] Dan vs Charlie

Description: Charlie beats Dan. Dan makes a surprising showing, considering. (Winner: Charlie)


   Odd. Placed in a small clearing of forest, almost in the middle of
nowhere, is a small Shinto shrine. It consists primarily of a miniature
building and the lengthy, stone walkway leading down to the stereotypical
stairway. The entire place, however, seems to be in disrepair, and isn't in
the least occupied...and hasn't been for some time.

==================================== Dan =====================================

  Pink. The Pinkster. Pinkorama. Pinkitude.

  Anyone passingly familiar with him--hell, anyone at all would be able to
pick Dan out of a crowd, no matter how large it is. This is because Dan is
almost never seen wearing anything but his favorite fighting gi. Which is
  He seems to like it well enough. Appearing far less than self-conscious,
he instead tends to swagger around, doing his best to look badass. The pink
gi's arms are ripped off, letting him show off his decent, though by no means
awe-inspiring, biceps. The gi hangs loosely, permitting glimpses of the
tighter black undershirt he wears beneath it. The gi is tied with a black
belt, which is an indication that Dan at least has some reason to swagger.
That is, assuming he didn't simply find it at a flea market somewhere. He
wears leather gloves which wrap around his wrist and cover only the back of
his hands.
 Dan's face, though no longer showing any signs of youthfulness, has yet to
show age lines. He's probably somewhere in his thirties. Still, when he
grins, he tends to look a lot younger, and indeed carries quite a bit of
youthful energy with him. His brown hair is pulled back into a ponytail,
though one insistent lock springs out from the front.

Carrying nothing. (Currency: 501 MAC-10s)

Before you stands Charlie, leader of the Vigilantes.
The most noticeable thing about Charlie is his hair, by far.  The majority
of it is normal, but a small amount near the front of it juts forward and
upward, and then sharply angles back down.  This, of course, leads you to
his glasses, which have thin, silver frames.  His facial features are very
pronounced and masculine; he is also clean-shaven.  Dog tags hang around his
neck, as well.
He has a fairly average-looking build; while he is more muscular than, say,
Cody, he doesn't have the massive presence of force that someone like
Zangief does.  He wears a loose-fitting orange jacket and similarly loose
green pants, allowing him freedom of movement.  A simple-looking watch is on
his left hand, and you can make out the outline of something rectangular- a
palm pilot, perhaps- in his pocket.


As the sun sets and day turns to dusk, more and more people begin to gather
at the spot designated for Charlie and Dan's fight. The Pink One is already
there, mugging to the camera. This in itself isn't that unusual...except
that the camera isn't even set up yet. Doesn't seem to deter him much,
though. He even starts signing autographs for the few people that have
started to show up, giving them wide smiles. "When that Charlie guy gets
here," he boasts, "I'm gonna show him what a real fighter can do."

Charlie shows up at the designated place at the appointed time, removing and
folding his glasses as he takes his last few steps toward the shrine
grounds.  Scanning the area for a moment, he quickly notices Hibiki, and
walks over to him, extending a hand to his opponent.  "Hello," he says,
smiling.  "Here's to a good, clean fight." He stands there waiting for a
moment, expecting Dan to shake his hand... but then, he's not entirely sure
WHAT to expect from a fighter in pink.

Megumi might be infringing on Dan's trademark. But it certainly won't be
enough to take away his spotlight, since this is his fight. She got here
nice and early, finding a good tree to sit on near the edge of the clearing,
using that perch to watch. And when Charlie shows up, she applauds and makes
some encouraging yells/cheers, then quiets down. She's chosen sides on this
one, it seems.

Cammy is over by the shrine, red cloaked, and watching silently, a good
little drone.  Dan's antics get a slight smile, but aside from that she's
pretty much silent and still.

*ping!* The moment Charlie arrives, Dan quits his mugging. ...Well...not so
much -quits- mugging as redirecting it. He hops back, turning to face
Charlie. Rather than shake the man's hand, Dan puffs himself up, pointing
at Charlie. "So! You've arrived!" He throws his head back and laughs, then
gives Charlie a sly smile. "I didn't know if you were going to or not."
Clapping his hands together, he nods agreement. "A good, clean fight. Just
don't get surprised when I send you home to momma!" A confident grin on his
face, Dan hops back once, settling into a fighting stance. "Bring it on."

"Indeed.  Give it your all," comes the reply, though Charlie is a little
frustrated by his opponent's lack of good manners at a tournament fight.
Usually you shake or bow before starting the posturing... oh, well.  It's
not really his problem, so he just shrugs it off.  Stretching his right arm,
rolling it in its socket a few times, he begins running calculations in his
head as to his chances... except he can't quite lay a finger on Dan's
ability level.  Most fighters he can size up, but he's drawing a blank here.
This could be interesting...
You can't give it up!
Well... not really, but the point is made.

Chalk it up to Dan being overly hyper. In a quieter setting, he might be
more formal, but where there's a camera crew and audience in front of which
he's already spent several minutes hyping it up, it ain't gonna happen. Dan
bounces back and forth a moment, taking in Charlie. Yeah, he looks pretty
tough, but what means that to the Master of Saikyo? Unable to contain
himself any longer, Dan kicks off from the ground, launching himself forward
with his fist cocked back, aiming to plant it right in Charlie's face.

COMBATSYS: Dan has started a fight here.
COMBATSYS: Charlie has joined the fight here.
COMBATSYS: Dan successfully hits Charlie with Fierce Punch.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Charlie          0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0              Dan

"'Oyaji'?  Man, what a loser..."  Ken comments to himself as he hears the
cry on his way in as the first blow is landed.  Looking about for a good
place to view the action, he hrmms as he sees Cammy, but says nothing.

Charlie attempts to jump away from the fist, backwards... and unfortunately,
he doesn't catch enough air.  The satisfying 'thok' of a fist sends Charlie
back a little ways further.  "Good momentum, but you need to work on your
form," Mr. Nash replies, before moving to grab Dan... and knee him once in
the stomach, before tossing him up and away slightly and punching him as he
moves through the air.  ... assuming, of course, he connects.

COMBATSYS: Dan fails to interrupt Medium Throw from Charlie with Seoi Nage.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Charlie          0/-------/-----==|====---\-------\0              Dan

Dan barely has enough time to bask in landing the first hit before Charlie
catches him. A wide grin appears on his face, and he reaches to grab
Charlie's vest too! But, alas, the knee wasn't expected, and with an "OOF!"
Dan is momentarily at Charlie's mercy, and he goes flying to tumble along
the ground. Once he rolls to a stop, he kippups, looking a mite unsteady for
a second as he brushes dirt off his gi. "Not bad, not bad," he acknowledges,
and indeed, he seems to look a little more seriously, although still
supremely confident. He takes a stance again, and beckons Charlie forward.
"But I'm still not impressed. What else ya got?"

Charlie, in response, backs off a little, giving his opponent the same
courtesy of a momentary respite that he himself has been given.  It /is/ a
fair fight, after all.  "You'll see.  Just wait a little while," he replies,
making a fist with one hand and pushing it into an open hand, knuckles
cracking faintly.  "We all have potential ability, but it should only be
used when necessary... and it's not necessary quite yet.  Let's continue.  I
know you have more fight in you than a grab attempt and a punch, strong as
they seemed."

Dan gives a shrug, waving a hand dismissively. "Sure, sure, I get you.
'Course, if we were really concerned with necessity, neither one of us'd be
in this tournament, right?" He flashes a winning smile at Charlie. "Loosen
up, have some fun! Or d'you want me to knock some of that stuffiness right
outta you?" Without waiting for an answer, Dan charges. But not at Charlie,
not directly. Instead, he races toward the nearest wall of the shrine and
leaps up, his bare feet striking the wood. Pushing off, he launches himself
at Charlie, his feet kicking out in front of him as he sails through the

COMBATSYS: Charlie blocks Dan's Dankuu Kyaku.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Charlie          0/-------/-----==|=====--\-------\0              Dan

Moving his hands to guard his head, Charlie partially deflects Dan's
boot-through-the-air in his general direction, though a fair deal of
concussive damage is done again.  He slides back a little from the force.
"I suppose you're right." He rolls his head around slightly, saying,
"Let's... get this party started, then." Taking a few steps toward Dan,
Charlie abruptly stops, beginning to spin... and directing an extended fist
at Dan, so that the back side of the fist ideally connects with Hibiki's
upper body area.

COMBATSYS: Dan blocks Charlie's Spin Back Knuckle.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Charlie          0/-------/----===|=======\=------\1              Dan

As Dan lands, he suddenly finds himself face to...well, fist with Charlie's
spinning move. The supremely confident Saikyo Master has a word for
situations like these.


Only by the barest of moments does Dan get his own arms up to absorb most of
the force. It sends him sliding back a yard or two, his feet dragging
shallow trenches in the ground. When he comes to a stop, he holds it that
way for a couple of seconds, then..."OW!" Shaking his arms out, Dan rubs the
areas that got the full effect. "Okay, so you've got a little spirit in
you," he concedes, hissing under his breath. "MAN, that stings." Shaking out
the last of it, Dan glowers at Charlie. "All right, pal, you asked for

Working his arm out of his gi for a moment--the motion is fluid,
practiced--he shakes his bare arm, shoulder, and pec at Charlie. "You will
never defeat the awesome might of DAN HIBIKI!" he roars. Taking a moment, he
turns to the camera and poses with a victory sign, "Yatta ze!" Looking back
to Charlie, he shrugs his arm back into the gi, and launches himself into
several successive rolls, shouting "Orarararara!" all the way. It takes him
toward Charlie, and unless the American wants to take a shot along the way,
he continues right on past to a spot the same distance away, just on the
other side.

COMBATSYS: Dan gathers his will.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Charlie          0/-------/----===|=======\=====--\1              Dan

Rolling around.  That's a different thing from a brief respite /entirely/.
And that, on the other hand, /is/ something Charlie's willing to attack
through... so he does.  "This... might hurt," is all the warning that Dan is
given, before Charlie crouches just a little, then pushes himself off into
the air, spinning faster than the speed of sound.  It's the legs' answer to
a Sonic Boom; the Flash Kick, as it's called in shortform, or the Somersault
Shell in proper.  And it's headed for Dan as he rolls near.  A little game
of kickball never hurt anyone, right?

COMBATSYS: Dan interrupts Somersault Shell from Charlie with Shinkuu
Gadouken. - Power hit! -

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Charlie          0/-------/-======|=------\-------\0              Dan

Despite Dan's Morph Ball state, he still hears Charlie's words. Dan's cocky,
not stupid, after all. Judging when the time is right, he pops out of his
roll, pulling his arm back. "SHINKUU GADOUK-*URK*" Despite the connection of
Charlie's foot with his chin, his fist flies forward anyway, and for a brief
second a large blue flash of light explodes between the two. It's enough to
knock Charlie back--although the boot to the chin hurt, it didn't hurt
nearly as much as if he'd completely followed through on it. Dan rolls
backward, pushing himself up to his feet once more. He wipes a bit of blood
away from his mouth, grinning wickedly. "Scared yet, Blondie?"

Charlie shakes his head as he picks himself up from the blasting backward of
Fist +4/+4.  "I still see only a nominal chance of failure." Kneeling down
for a moment- and thus leaving himself very, very open indeed- he assesses
the damage to his legs.  "... you inflicted a surprising amount of stress.
You're a good fighter, Mr. Hibiki," he continues, standing back up... unless
Dan has something to say about it.

"As are you, Charlie," Dan says, in a perfectly serious tone of voice. He
actually bows, too, but as he straightens, his devilish grin is back. "But
not good enough." He leaps forward once more, entering the fray with glee.
He hops up once within range of Charlie, snapping his knee up in a very Muay
Thai-like move to the gut. Those last few moves are likely to start tiring
him out, but Dan is never one to just lie down and take a breather.

COMBATSYS: Charlie blocks Dan's Light Kick.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Charlie          0/-------/-======|=------\-------\0              Dan

Tensing up and crunching down a little, Charlie thankfully blocks the
majority of Dan's kick, though it does force his limbs slightly into his
stomach for a fair bit of harm.  "Hrk... you /are/ good.  If you train hard,
I can see victories in your future." Grabbing once again at Dan, he is much
more merciful this time, due to his wounds, if he /grabs/ the Pink Gi.  He
simply knees him once in the stomach, then drops him.  That's not /so/
horrible... but perhaps Mr. Nash is just building up to something.

COMBATSYS: Charlie successfully hits Dan with Knee Bazooka.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////                        ]
Charlie          0/-------/=======|====---\-------\0              Dan

Dan merely smirks, keeping his knee up as he lands...but for once, Charlie
is much faster than he is. The knee to the gut is much more effective than
his own, and as Charlie lets go, Dan drops to his knees, letting out a harsh
cough. Yeah. He's really starting to feel it.

But he grins up at Charlie still, even while holding his stomach. "You must
be able to see into the immediate future, then," he chuckles. Tensing for a
split second, he shifts his feet, and--

"KOURYUKEN!" From Muay Thai to Ansatsuken, Dan launches himself upward,
aiming a fist for Charlie's chin. It ain't over 'till the pink guy can't

COMBATSYS: Dan successfully hits Charlie with Kouryuken.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////                        ]
Charlie          1/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0              Dan

It simply comes too fast.  No fancy footwork faults, no blocking failures,
nothin'.  It just comes too freakin' fast for Charlie to do anything... and
sends him to the ground.  "I'm afraid not.  Watch out..." and with that, Mr.
Nash moves to stand... and then, in what can only be described as a wave of
motion through him, begins to strike.  Every limb moves with lightning
speed, sound and light-based chi forming into swirling waves, headed for Dan
at all levels... and if one hits, Dan may well not be able to block the rest
from following their brother, as is the nature of some combos.  He does have
many options to stop it, though...

COMBATSYS: Charlie successfully hits Dan with Sonic Break.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >                                ]
Charlie          0/-------/-------|=======\=====--\1              Dan

Unfortunately, Dan's tendency to turn around at the apex of his leap really
doesn't do him any good. He lands on his feet right at Charlie's warning,
but even an attempt at a mad dash away is too little too late. The power
combo Charlie had been storing up gets unleashed, buffeting Dan aroundl it's
all he can do to stay upright through the whole thing.
When it finally winds down, Dan is indeed, still on his feet. Of course,
that's about the only thing he is at this point. He staggers slightly,
looking very punch-drunk by now, and quite bruised up. "
you've done it." He shakes his head, glaring at all three Charlies. "It's
time to finish you off." He takes a ready stance as best as he can, still
grinning. "Take hit finishing strike!" He launches a fist at
Charlie with a speed belying his current state, but the motion is oddly
wrong. Whether he connects or not, that's plainly the last surge of energy
Dan's going to get for a while. *flop*

COMBATSYS: Dan can no longer fight.
COMBATSYS: Dan has left the fight here.
COMBATSYS: Dan successfully hits Charlie with Kyuukyoku Tenchi Gadou Zuki.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  <
Charlie          0/-------/------=|

"You tried your best, and did very well.  I salute you," Charlie replies,
extending a hand to help Dan up assuming he's conscious.  "I'm surprised.
That's the first time in quite some time I've had a fight just for
recreational purposes... I've kind of missed it." He smiles a little,
possibly for the first time in quite a while, and retrieves his glasses,
along with a palm pilot.  He puts his glasses on, and taps a few things with
the palm's attached pen.

Megumi breaks into applause once the fight is clearly over, and unlike the
prior bout she witnessed, she's a bit more supportive of her favorite for
this one, even calling out "Way to go, Charlie!", and hopping down from the
tree limb she was sitting on.

Cammy heads over to Dan, to check the damage.  She doesn't actually say
anything, she just walks right up to him and looks him over, checking for
bruises, checking to see how steady his gaze is, etc.

Dan's made of pretty hard stuff. It's really only a second or two that he's
knocked out, and he does indeed accept Charlie's offer up. "Thanks," he
murmurs. Then, realizing the cameras are still on, he seems to regain some
of his composure. "Yoush! It seems you were indeed a match for Hibiki
power!" Not appearing at all dismayed at his loss, Dan instead bows
respectfully, though for a moment he looks in danger of toppling over again.
"Congratulations on a fine win, but don't expect a second one next time we
meet!" He blinks as Cammy comes over, laughing a bit self-consciously. "Err,
hey there. No, really, I'm fine! Really!"

Turning to Megumi after Dan speaks a little, Charlie waves, and takes a few
steps over.  "Well, I guess I should've expected to see you here.  How have
you been doing recently?" He seems a little spent now, the fight beginning
to catch up with him, but he's still pretty fine on the whole, like Dan.
Naturally, he puts his palm pilot away as he begins talking to the younger

"I see what just happened had as little effect on you as the cold water."
Cammy replies to Dan diplomatically.  "You did very well." she adds, and
then wanders over to give Charlie the same checking over as she just did for

Megumi is pretty casual, albeit rather energetic. "Just fine. But I wanted
to stop in and watch your match. Glad ya won, too. Seems you really were the
US Champ not too long ago, huh?"

"Not much can put me down," Dan boasts. kinda filters off as she
walks away. Hmph. He gives a shrug, though. Hey, Charlie won, what can you
expect? Rubbing at his shoulder--dammit, shrugs aren't supposed to
/hurt/--he starts heading toward the nearest bed. He'll watch the replay on
TV after he wakes up. Hey, it's a double-elimination tourney, after all.
He's got to get his strength back for the next match.

Log created by Hikaru, and last modified on 17:53:10 12/06/2005.