Fighting Vipers

(last updated: 10/01/21)

The Fighting Vipers tournament is the best source for up and coming talent for each of the rival gangs of Sunshine City. The West Coast city's best and brightest are outfitted with sturdy protective armor, and tossed in pairs into makeshift arenas, surrounded by steel cages or chain-link fences.

No holds are barred -- protected by their armoring, the young competitors are urged to make the fights as brutal and extreme as possible, because who knows which of the rival gang leaders might be watching?

The winners score lucrative contracts with the highest-bidding gangs, keeping up a fresh flow of enforcer talent. The survivors are thrown to the curb, in hopes that they'll fare better next time. And the rest, well... let's just say that the law's never counted for much on the mean streets of Sunshine City.