Full Name:Chevelle Beaumont
Height:5'8" (172 cm)
Weight:140 lbs (63 kg)
Blood Type:A+
Nationality:United States
Hometown:Farmville, NC
Eye Color:Blue
Hair Color:Auburn
Date of Birth:March 14th
Hobbies:Tinkering on cars, baking
Favorite Food:Chicken sandwiches
Likes:Junk food, bubble tea, peaches, classic rock
Best Sport:Football (American)
Love Interests:Buck Finley
OOC Data
Game:Original Character
Theme Song:"Nereids' Smile (Chevy Stage)" - Fox Harper


"Live in the moment!"

Chevelle Beaumont works long hours for terrible pay at a hog farm -- though she'd much rather sling people around a rasslin' ring for fun and profit. At 5'8", Chevy only stands out a little amongst her peers in rural North Carolina. Ever the tomboy, Chevy modeled her life after that of her father -- a hardworking man trying to make the best of bad situations. And now that he's passed to the next world, she hopes to carve out a good life in the pro fighting circuits, looking after her sick momma. Self-taught, she marches into combat with an unusual choice of weaponry: a bamboo pole and two water-filled buckets. What she lacks in training or street-smarts, she'll more than make up for with dedication and perseverance.

Style:Pole Arts and Waterbending
Signature Move:Riptide -- THROW ENERGY
Signature Ability:PARRY -- MANEUVER

Recent Logs

Clear Horizons - After a long time apart, Ichika invites Chevy to catch up over chicken. There's a lot of catching up, but not so much of the chicken. Perhaps the levee will hold just a little bit longer... - Log created on 08:05:37 01/28/2025 by Ichika, and last modified on 16:13:02 02/06/2025. Cast: Ichika and Chevy.

[NFG Season Two] NFGS2 Semifinals - Hawksley vs Buck - It's a battle of the brawlers as Hawksley and Buck dance with each other in La Catedral Tango Club. In this second feature of the NFG double date special, who will be the last man standing and win their place in the grand final in Rio? - Log created on 16:17:06 01/17/2025 by Hawksley, and last modified on 15:10:29 01/21/2025. Cast: Coco, Hawksley, Chevy, and Buck.

[NFG Season Two] NFGS2 Semifinals - Coco vs Chevy - The first-season fighters that have advanced furthest in the season 2 tournament are two couples -- which makes the semifinals round something of a double date! With Hawksley and Buck in attendance for their match here at La Catedral in Buenos Aires, the first semifinal bout is a much-awaited rematch between Coco and Chevy! - Log created on 05:21:28 01/10/2025 by Chevy, and last modified on 16:18:36 01/16/2025. Cast: Coco, Hawksley, Chevy, Iris, and Buck.

[NFG Season Two] Higher Learning in Higher Altitudes - With the prospect of a 'double-date' in the semifinals looming, Buck and Chevy decide to carve out some time for themselves atop the Andes. - Log created on 02:02:04 12/28/2024 by Chevy, and last modified on 11:56:17 01/13/2025. Cast: Chevy and Buck.

[NFG Season Two] NFGS2 Quarterfinals - Ayala vs Chevy - Ayala and Chevy had fought twice before: once as a one-on-one, and once in the Rumble. But after a full season and a half of development, not to mention a brief stop at Murder Volcano Island to set priorities into stark relief, we're looking at two totally different fighters now on Cabo San Juan Beach on the sunny Colombia coastline! - Log created on 11:54:55 12/05/2024 by Chevy, and last modified on 05:20:59 12/11/2024. Cast: Ayala and Chevy.

5 logs listed.
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