Description: While giving a speech about her performance in the Neo League, a familiar figure appears again...
It's a busy day in Metro City today. Namely because there's a big event today being held in the heart of Metro City. It's a celebration for one of their heroes who helped fight off the Mad Gears and keep Metro City safe: Maki Genryuusai. While she only placed fourth in the Neo League, the fact that she still made the Top Ten is more than reason enough for everyone to celebrate.
People are gathered around the large stage set up for Maki, who arrives on there after the speaker finishes and welcomes her. Almost immediately, Maki waves to the crowd with a neutral look on her face. That is, untill she reaches the microphone, and smiles a little.
"Thank you, ladies and gentlemen," Maki begins. "I appreciate you coming here to show your appreciation for my skills in the Neo League. However, I am not entirely doing this to make a name for myself. While I do notice that it is happening and my name is becoming more commonplace, I also do it because I enjoy the thrill of a fight. It's good practice and when my adrenaline is flowing, it helps me get it out." A pause as Maki takes a drink of water. "I do intend to keep fighting, not just in the tournaments, but also to make sure that Metro City is safe from the Mad Gears and any other creeps who threaten its safety!" With the last part, Maki makes a fist to show she means business. With that, more applause sounds, as the citizens appreciate Maki continuing to swear to protect them.
Cammy so happens to be in that crowd, in her guise as the eyes and ears of Shadaloo this time, rather than as assassin of Shadaloo. Big events involving fighters tend to attract the nefarious side of the fighting scene, after all. Clad in her red cloak disguise which is probably by now almost as distinctive as the Shadaloo uniform beneath it, Cammy watches from the second rank.
Whether she counts as a creep who threatens Metro City's safety is anybody's guess. Maaaaybe. In any case, this is new news to her. She calls out from her spot near the front, a little dubiously, "You foght the Mad Gears? I thought that was Mayor Haggar.".
As soon as the question is asked, Maki looks over to the cloaked figure, and almost immediately she recognizes her from past encounters. She narrows her eyes for a moment before returning to her previous facial expression. "Mike Haggar did, in fact, take on the Mad Gear gang, but he didn't do it alone. He had the assistance of Cody Travers, my friend Guy, and myself as well." She clears her throat and then continues. "Even I can't do things like that alone, but that is not what this gathering is for."
Another drink of water, then, "This is to commemorate my high placing in the Neo League. I ranked in fourth place, but the fact that I placed in the Top Ten is a big thing for the citizens of Metro City apparently." She doesn't try to draw attention to the cloaked figure, since she doesn't want any problems right now.
Cammy blinks at that, tilting her head to one side, and seemingly impressed. "You did? I did not know that." the Doll admits, apparently sincere. "Impressive. I do not think I have ever had the opportunity to meet with Mayor Haggar. A great shame. I suppose that explains why I keep meeting you in Metro City.".
Nudging her way through to the front rank, she adds, "And I did read the NeoLeague news. Congratulations." she offers. "Ken Masters handled all the announcements.". See, proof she knows what she's on about. Cammy apparently has no problem having a discussion from the front rank. But after saying her spiel she goes quiet, just looking up at the stage with blank blue doll eyes.
Maki smiles a little more. "That's quite all right, it's not always common knowledge about my heroic actions in Metro City unless you're a regular here or have lived here for awhile. However, with my recent promotion in the Neo League tournament, it seems that more and more people are learning about me."
Maki takes a drink of water and brushes a strand of blonde hair out of her face. "Honestly, though, I'm not about becoming a hero or things like that. I mean I like helping people when I can, but I'm not intending to become like a superhero or anything like that." She looks down at Cammy and then adds, "And yes, I know that Mr. Masters did that."
"I thought I did know about the Mad Gear gang, with Belger and the others, and how Haggar and his friends defeated them, but it seems there was a gap in my knowledge after all. Most distressing. Especially given I have already met you in person on two occasions now.". Cammy blinks, and shakes her head, narrowing her eyes. Clearly some records are out of date here. Or, gasp, incomplete.
"As for becoming a hero, it is good to remain humble.". Dolls are very humble. "Pride comes before a fall, as the saying goes.". She shrugs her shoulders beneath her heavy cloak. "Are you participating in the next League? Assuming there is one.".
"Of course I'm joining the next league!" Maki says with a tone that indicates she's serious about this. "It's all about the fighting, and the more I fight, the better I get. After all, I have been studying the Bushin-Ryuu style for many years, and while I am considered a master of the style, there is still more to learn." Maki takes out her tonfa to show it to the crowd briefly before putting it back down. "Although, I do admit that I need to work on my defensive skills somewhat, since while I am skilled in defending, I still have my flaws."
Maki then looks to Cammy and adds, "As for being humble, it's pretty much what I want to do. Indeed, pride does come before a fall, which is why I'm not one to brag or boast or anything like that. Granted, I could tutor some new students if I had the opportunity." A pause, then, "In fact, if I could, I would open my own dojo here in Metro City so I could train others in my style."
"The League is good to watch. So much you can learn, just from sitting at home with a TV.". Cammy, being rather lazy, approves. "I hate braggarts." she agrees, thinking of one in particular - Juri. Bah, Juri.
"I did not know that you were a master, either.". Cammy ponders if she is a master. Nobody does Doll martial arts better than her after all. She makes a mental note to ask Lord Vega where it all came from.
"I am not really interested in dojos and training much." she says with a shrug. "But it seems to me that if Dan Hibiki can open a dojo, then anybody can open a dojo. It can't be that expensive to rent a big empty building and put up some ads.".
"Dan Hibiki?" Maki snorts and then turns away, raising her nose into the air with her eyes closed. "Dan Hibiki is a joke! Seriously, that guy doesn't take his martial arts style with dedication and discipline. He's always about bragging and having a big smile." She shakes her head. "I honestly don't understand how he managed to get his dojo built for his style."
Cammy smirks a little at that. Dan Dan, infamous Dan. And then shrugs. "Well, if he can do it, anybody can do it. He is proof. I guess you should do it too. I have never really heard of many using your style anyway. Maybe you could get Hakan to help you. He is rich, and he likes promoting his own rather obscure style. Obscure to me anyway. Not obscure in Turkey, I suppose.".
"I do not think I have met Dan in person before." she muses. "I will have to see if his reputation is deserved.". Someone else to check up on, clearly.
Maki turns to the cloaked figure and narrows her eyes a little. "Honestly, I still don't get how Dan Hibiki could actually get his style to work. I've seen it and it's a joke. I mean, his projectiles have barely any distance at all, and his maneuvers are very easy to read, meaning that it's easy to counter him."
Maki starts to pace back and forth. "Not to mention, he did this because he was kicked out of the Ansatsuken dojo run by the famous Gouken because he learned that Dan intended to kill Sagat." She taps her tonfa a little as if to emphasize her point. "Martial arts are not about killing, that is a fact."
Cammy arches a brow at that. But the Killer Bee does not comment! "Does Sagat know? He is no joke, after all." she asks, faintly amused. She will have to go ask, he likes baiting Adon but he never mentioned Dan to her before.
"And if martial arts are not about killing, then what are they about?" she asks. "Keeping fit?". That seems to the secondary function to Cammy, no cheesecake for her unless there's a lot of training as well to work it all off! Lord Vega will not allow his future body to get fat, after all.
"Martial arts are about discipline, determination, and learning to work your mind and your body," Maki explains. "But a style made for killing someone is not a true martial art." She turns to face Cammy once again. "And it is true that these arts are used for fighting, but the general rule about martial arts is not for combat, but to defend oneself."
Cammy hmphs at that. "I do not think the army teaches martial arts for self defence.". Her own style, in fact, is kinda pseudo-military, as maybe Maki remembers. "It is about fighting. Fighting can be done as a sport, yes... but that is not the original reason people fought. Maybe self defence. But defence against whom? Other people who train.".
She yawns, waves a hand dismissively, the gesture coming across as a bit imperious when combined with her posh accent. "Oh well. Now is not the time for philosophical debate, in the midst of a crowd, with you on a stage.". She glances around. "I fear we are boring people." she observes, tonelessly.
"The martial arts the military teaches are because when you're deployed into action, you are going to face people who will stop at nothing to kill you. That is a completely different thing," Maki explains in a stern tone of voice. "Traditional martial arts have been practiced for countless years, and have reasons besides fighting for being utilized."
"Well, yes. So for them, at least, it is about fighting, and winning, in the deadly art of war. Something like the Neo League is obviously very different. And discipline and determination are virtues in their own rights, I suppose." Cammy observes. "I dread to think what I would look like without that discipline and determination.". Anyway.
She waves a hand at Maki. "This is a most inappropriate venue for conversation. Perhaps next time we will meet in more congenial surroundings than a crowd in Metro City. I will be in Metro City for a few days at least, so it is not an impossibility.". After the recent unpleasantness in Southtown it might be time for the Killer Bee to be somewhere else. Lucky Haggar and chums!
Farewell given, Cammy moves away from the stage, to lose herself in the crowd.
Log created on 16:38:48 01/24/2011 by Maki, and last modified on 17:49:13 01/24/2011.