Description: While out for a tapioca fix, Maki happens upon the red witch Naerose... and gets more than she bargained for!
For some reason. . Naerose is in Metro. She got on the first plane and then got off the plane (in metro) rode around on a subway for a while and ended up in Metro square. Why was she here..? Well . . . Good question. "Where is.." She finally finds what she is looking for. A little shop called 'Stone Henge'. She goes in. It's totally not what it was supposed to be. She finds the nearest bench, sits down and slouches,
"Aww man, I looked up the internet and everything.." She was really in a weird way. Truth be told Naerose was totally like the type to go to random places and just sort of stumble there, so for some reason she decided to go to stone henge this time. Why is she doing this? Who knows, asking why when it comes to Naerose is always a recipe for disaster.
When you're in Metro City, it's important to know where you're going and have a plan of action in case someone tries to attack you. While the Mad Gears and other gangs have been under control with Mike Haggar as mayor, there are still a few occasional attacks here and there. However, there are those who make the fatal mistake of attempting to attack Maki Genryuusai, or do so when she's nearby. People think she's just a blonde dressed in a bizarre outfit. But those who make that mistake often find themselves on the receiving end of Maki's tonfa.
Fortunately, today seems to be a rather quiet day and there isn't any problem happening on the street. When people spot Maki, they give her a wave, knowing her as the heroine of Metro City. Maki doesn't mind waving back, since these are the people she's fought hard to protect. Most likely, Naerose is getting a few stares of her own with that weird outfit of hers. And Maki just so happens to be heading in the direction of Naerose...
Brandishing a tourist map, the one who is lost in Metro and totally unaware that anyone is heading her way, just turns it over and over and then decides, it isn't helping her at all do anything. So why don't you just give up? She does, crumples the map and tosses it toward a trash can. It is only at this point that she remembers.
"Oh man! How am I going to get out of this city."
An interesting side point, she is trying to get someplace on an entirely different continent. So far she's taken a plane that had a stop or two on different continents and was in fact closer on the way to Metro than she is in metro. Where is she trying to get? Stone henge. Why? . . .
"I am so lost.." She whines.
If you're lost in Metro City, there are plenty of places to get information, and the subway runs all over. But apparently it's of no help to Naerose. Meanwhile, Maki continues to walk through the city, nodding to citizens and thinking to herself about something... untill she looks up and does a double-take as she sees a certain witch in red.
"Naerose?!" Maki asks to herself, cocking an eyebrow.
Indeed, it is Naerose. Apparently, she looks like she's lost and doesn't know where to go. While they've encountered each other in the arena before, Maki's not exactly looking to fight. In fact, if she's lost, Maki might be able to help her out. With a few running steps, Maki catches up to Naerose. "Hey, are you lost?"
Looking up at Maki, Naerose has the expression that gives an obvious impression of total lack of recognition. To be fair, Naerose has seen this person a few times, well once or twice. . that she remembers. Sure their past runs far deeper than that, but it doesn't seem like Naerose remembers that past, or she's a really good actress.
"Ah yeah, I'm totally lost, hey, where in this city is there a place called stone henge?" She asks, innocently. Indeed there was a business that operated out of Metro using that name, but indeed she was not looking for that place, instead the actual stone henge. Wish her random directional sense was more specific.
Leaning against a nearby wall, Maki listens to what Naerose has to say. When she mentions 'stone henge,' Maki bites her lower lip, almost like she's trying to process all the locations in Metro City that she can think of. "Stone Henge...? Hmmm..." For a moment she closes her eyes, deep in thought, then opens them and shakes her head. "I'm afraid I don't know of any place called Stone Henge in Metro City."
Maki is about to step off and head off, when she does a double-take and realizes something. "Wait, did you say Stonge Henge?" She tries not to laugh as she realizes that, despite the situation, it's not one worth laughing at. "You're nowhere near Stonehenge I'm afraid. It's not exactly a store or something. It's a landmark in the United Kingdom."
"United ... kingdom.." Naerose repeats and looks more confused and lost still. "Wait, where is that?" She asks, still not seeming to realize it isn't in Metro, because she lifts her head and literally looks around. "I wish I didn't throw away the tourist map. So is it like ahh, China town, Greek town, the german district?" Probably making this stuff up. Is she really that stupid?
Now she's looking at Maki with the hopes of someone that well, expects that they'll get help. Quick! How do you shake the witch?
Maki is resisting the urge to facepalm as she shakes her head once again. "You're in the wrong continent! You're in the United States, you need to fly to Europe! Or take a ship... I don't care!" Maki folds her arms and turns away, not wanting to believe that Naerose is this stupid, and really hopes she's not doing this just to test her patience. "I could go for some tapioca right now," Maki says to herself in a low whisper.
"Huh? Did you say food?" She looks around as if something really grabbed her interest. She's totally got sharp hearing whenever she hears anything related to food. There is something else in her mind too while she's at it though, "So this united kingdom.." She starts and says, "It's another country and people have weird names right?" She scratches her cheek, looking quite confused. "Mmm.. " She starts to go through all of the people she knows, "Varvara, is that a United Kingdom Name? " She scratches her cheek, "What about Aranha?"
Gripping her tonfa tightly and gritting her teeth, Maki shakes her head again. "No! The United Kingdom is part of Europe. Haven't you heard of places like Scotland, London, Ireland?!" She doesn't bother turning to face Naerose or even bring up food again. All she wants is for Naerose to get out of here and leave her alone. But apparently, Naerose is either very uneducated into geography, or she's just playing dumb to test Maki's patience.
"No, Varvara is not a name from the United Kingdom. Nor is Aranha. Last I checked that name is Spanish or something..." She trails off and looks back to face Naerose. "Wait a second, you know Aranha?"
"Met him once or twice I think," Naerose says then continues, "Oh.. I don't know, something about a team, and he insists I knew him once before playing broom hockey or something. Do you think he's into Broom hockey? I think he's totally not. But anyway. . . " Naerose pauses a while then continues, "Okay so Aranha is spanish? And that is on the same general area as Stone Henge and so.. all I have to do.." She seems to be reasoning this out loud, "Is kidnap Aranha and make him take me!" She stands up quickly. " I've got it!"
"Look, all that matters is that you know where Stonehenge is, and that it's not here, OK?!" Maki says, starting to run out of patience. "And I have no idea if he's into broom hockey or not. You should ask him yourself!" She sighs and leans against a wall again.
"Oh I totally will! Great idea, I'll hit him over the head and then ask him later.. Man, thanks, I'll totally let him know that you ahh, suggested all this too, he'll be thrilled I bet, to go on a trip. I would of never thought of kidnapping him and using his money to buy us a flight to this stone henge place." Man when Naerose runs with it, she runs with it, but this could be Maki's chance to pass the buck.
"Suit yourself. Do whatever you want with him, as long as you don't kill him," Maki comments as she turns to walk away. Apparently it looks like Maki's finally free of Naerose. "Now to go get that tapioca I'm longing for!" Maki utters to herself.
Log created on 23:23:10 01/21/2011 by Maki, and last modified on 00:31:31 01/22/2011.