Description: Maki meets a mysterious woman in Metro City. Then again, just about anyone could be considered mysterious in Metro if Maki doesn't know them!
[OOC] Maki says, "Rolling!"
[OOC] Cammy says, "Ok then. :)"
[OOC] Maki says, "You wanna start?"
[OOC] Cammy says, "Sure if you want."
Cammy quite likes Metro City, it is such a busy place, so many sights to see, and even fighters to spot for Master Vega. And she quite likes television, too. And so right now she settled at one corner of the square, her Shadaloo uniform concealed beneath a huge red cloak drawn up around her body, her gauntleted hands hidden in her pockets.
A long tuft of blonde hair escapes from under the hood though as her face is turned upwards so she can better look at the screens, giving some vague indication of who she might be, at least for those 'in the know' as it were. Most of her attention is focused on the giant TVs, though she does glance over the crowd as well every so often for things of greater interest.
Meanwhile, Maki Genryusai has been walking through the crowd not paying much heed to anyone or anything. While she's wearing her standard fighting uniform, those who know her would not find this the least bit unusual. In fact, even her tonfa is visible. Which shouldn't scare most people within Metro City. In fact, when a criminal sees Maki, they usually turn and run away. But there are those who don't always see it untill it's too late.
Such as the case of a punk who happens to be pestering a young teenaged girl, hitting on her (when she's clearly too young for him) and when she tries to run, pinning her against a wall so he can do who knows what? Unfortunately, Maki's attention has been drawn to him, and she is not happy about it. Breaking into a run, Maki rushes up to the punk and puts a hand on his shoulder, turning him around to face her. At first, the punk doesn't seem to believe that Maki is capable of kicking his butt, thinking her just another girl. He then tries to remove her hand from his shoulder, only to be whacked in the side of the jack with her tonfa. Down he goes to the pavement, the young girl thanking Maki profusely while other people stand around her cheering. All the while, Maki simply nods it off, not paying much heed to anything else. Although that cloaked woman does get a brief glance from Maki...
Cammy is, of course, focused wholly on Maki when there's a brief spate of violence. Her rather blank gaze wanders over her briefly, her face expressionless. And then Maki moves off, which causes Cammy to move after her, in fact falling into step next to her. She keeps her hands in her pockets, but turns her head slightly, so she can speak to Maki a little more politely, that little tuft of hair waving around and getting in her eyes. Not the most practical of haircuts.
"Good evening." she says, agreeably enough, though her cut-glass English is just a little bit... flat. "I heard that Metro City was quite a dangerous place, but you seem more than able to handle yourself. I don't actually know who you are, though, which is a shame, as I take quite an interest in martial artists of calibre."
"Whoever told you that was right," Maki replies, folding her arms and giving the mysterious woman a stern gaze. "I can appreciate you taking an interest in martial artists, but why are you talking specifically to me if we're not formally acquainted?" Obviously, Maki is not too thrilled about being approached by a stranger and being spoken to like it's an interview. Never mind the fact this other person is wearing a cloak obscuring themselves pretty much.
"Why you?" Cammy asks. She glances back behind them briefly, before her blue gaze returns to Maki once more. "I was standing under the screens back there, and saw your minor altercation. So having seen it, I am now curious. About you specifically, I suppose, at least for now.". She shrugs. "As you are here and nobody else is.". No other fighters, anyway. "And now we have swapped a few sentences, we are even acquainted.". She looks over Maki's tonfa curiously. "Cops use those. Are you a cop?".
"No, I'm not a cop. I am condoned by the mayor of Metro City, though, since I can kick ass whenever necessary." Maki narrows her eyes. "And because I helped retake the city from the Mad Gears." Stepping a little closer to Cammy, Maki adds, "I still don't consider us formally acquainted yet, namely because you haven't even shown me who the hell you are or told me your name."
Cammy arches a brow at that. "You can see the important bits." she points out to Maki, turning a little more full on briefly so she gets a good look at her face. "Not everybody likes to wear revealing clothes." she observes, rather ironically given what she has on beneath the cloak. "As for my name.". She shrugs, narrowing her eyes briefly, in consideration. As she's never heard of Maki though, it seems likely that the reverse is true, so who cares, she figures. "I am Cammy. Who are you?".
"Maki Genryusai," Maki replies, still looking at Cammy with suspicion. The name does sound a tad bit familiar but Maki isn't sure why. "And I'll tell you now, this is more of a traditional outfit than just 'revealing attire!'"
Cammy smiles a thin smile, though the Doll doesn't actually /laugh/. "Maki Genryusai. No. I do not know you. But now I do.". She shrugs. "I suppose you are not all that significant, but who knows, I am hardly one to judge that. As for your attire, well. It is not particularly revealing." she admits. "Only compared to my cloak perhaps. But revealing clothes is fairly standard for martial artists, I suppose. Freedom of movement and all that. #You seem rather angry. Are you always this way with people you do not know?" she wonders, one eyebrow arched slightly beneath the red hood.
"In Metro City, generally yes, when I don't exactly know someone or I'm not sure what to make of them." Maki says, folding her arms and tapping her tonfa against her idly. "You never know what kind of creeps you can meet in this place! And trust me, I should know, becuase I've mopped up so many creeps here that if there's someone on the wrong side of the law who doesn't know me, once they do they'll regret joining the wrong side of the law."
"Oh. You think I am some street punk, like the old Mad Gear gang?" Cammy asks, and shakes her head slowly, mildly insulted. "If I was we'd probably be fighting already. You do sound a lot like a cop, really. All this talk about the law...". Her gaze unfocuses slightly for a moment, as she thinks on Maki's words... "There are those out there who would make you regret joining the 'right' side of the law, as you define it, you know.".
"I don't know, really, there are some punks who would take the time to chat in hopes of testing my patience," Maki says. "And I'm not entirely on the right side of the law either. I'm not exactly with the law, I just help Mayor Haggar out by kicking out the scum." She narrows her eyes at Cammy again. "If you do want to fight me, I'd advise against it, since you don't know what I'm capable of..."
"No, I don't know, and that is very sad. I'd like to watch you fight... against someone a little more challenging than that punk back there. Not necessarily me.". Cammy smiles, and glances over the rather dingy streets for a moment meaningfully for a moment. "If you spend your waking hours beating 'scum' here in Metro City, I probably will see it before too long. I like Metro City. So much to see here.".
"I'd be sure to notice if there's someone in a cloak following me around watching me," Maki says, leaning against a nearby wall. "So I doubt you'll be following me around and spectating. Besides, what's to say someone else isn't going to stop and try to take advantage of you like that poor girl I saved a moment ago? Not everyone goes after just scantiy clad women."
"Oh! Well, maybe if you are nearby you'll do something about that, after all, you did for a previous total stranger so why not me, mm?" Cammy replies with another thin smile, standing perfectly still, facing Maki as she leans. "That would be great. Though I get the impression you really hate people who wear cloaks, so maybe I wouldn't be so lucky.".
"No, it's not the fact you're wearing a cloak," Maki says. "It's the fact that you're hiding your identity for some reason that I obviously have a good reason to be suspicious of." She looks bored, but still has a suspicious look in her eye.
"I did tell you my name, Maki Genryusai." Cammy points out. "So I am not really trying very hard. You do not seem likely to be all that significant, to me.". She shrugs thin shoulders beneath her cloak, and shakes her head. "Oh well, never mind. I am curious anyway. Curiosity is what I am all about these days. I'm sure we will meet again at some point fairly soon, Maki. I look forward to it!". And with that, she turns, to slowly make her way back towards the square, with all the big television screens she so likes to watch. When not interviewing those of potential interest to the master, anyway.
Maki hmmphs, but shakes her head. "Another promoter most likely looking for a girl like me to star in their stupid thing." She shrugs and heads off. "I'm going to get something to eat."
Log created on 18:38:55 10/17/2010 by Maki, and last modified on 19:54:06 10/17/2010.