Description: Malin goes well out of her way to provide a charitable boost to Yurika's efforts in rebuilding Southtown. The trouble is, being Malin, she can't just... come up and have a chat with Yurika. She has to go through an elaborate plan. Let me ask you this, ladies and gentlemen. It is 1:45 pm, the sky is overcast. The city is full of dangerous criminals. And do you know... where your chauffeur is?
Summer drawing ever closer, and yet it's a cloudy day that's looking like rain. Hardly chilly, at least, so it's actually not too bad weather to be going out and doing what a certain Yurika Kirishima is doing today. A little while ago she was spotted at Taiyo and now she's strolling toward but away from the main campus building.
What Yurika didn't do, however, was travel here be foot. She was escorted in a very nice vehicle, a sleek woodred Roll Royce parked at the front gate where a female chaufer should be waiting for the elegant musician.
Nothing better be happening to that car or that chaufer!!
Malin isn't a cruel person. She's really not. Which is why poor Ms. Brown, Yurika's chauffeur, hasn't been overly hurt. Just tasered, had her uniform stolen, and left tied up in a bush. But! Though some might think this is cruel, what they don't know is that she's been provided with some serious recompense, and will be fine in just a few hours. And that the bonds wouldn't really hold up after a few decent tugs.
Malin needed to talk to Yurika, you see, and sometimes, you have to go a little bit out of the left field.
So it is that she's standing there, in uniform, to strict attention as she waits for the elegant musician to turn up. Not a hair out of place, she certainly looks the part of chauffeur, even if she isn't the usual one. Who /really/ stops to look at the hired help, neh?
"Ah, Miss Kirishima!" Malin would call, when Yurika gets into calling-range, producing an umbrella from... somewhere(?!), as she pops it open moments before the rain starts to fall. "It really is looking terrible, please, please, allow me to escort you to your next destination."
Someone... Actually looking for her? Well, that's certainly a new one for the elegant Seijyun student, not including the paparazzi of course. She was able to quietly write up a damage report and estimated repair cost of the Pacific High School so her work here is done, and that's pretty much her only concern. At least that was the case until she heard her name called out. Blinking a couple of times, she looks to the well-dressed chauffer (Malin doesn't look too bad in a black suit and hat. Maybe she should consider a change in career?). Perhaps there isn't a reason for her to be suspicous, but Malin for some reason really gets Yurika's attention..
And yet what ends up happening is curiosity gets the better of her. Yurika greets the young woman with a small smile and bow when the umbrella is opened, "Thank you very much.. I apologize for taking so long I didn't realize there would be a change in shift.." assuming the door is opened for her, Yurika slips in and takes a brief look at her watch. "I shall be headed toward Justice before we return to Seijyun."
Malin flashes a winning smile, "Oh, no trouble!" she declares happily, opening the door, and slipping into the drivers door herself. Naturally, Malin knows precisely how to drive a car. Lets not dwell on precisely why.
"Over to Justice, Miss Kirishima? No problem." And with that, the car slowly pulls away from the school, though the barrier between the pair remains firmly down.
Malin is doing a pretty good job so far. If she kept it up, maybe she'd even get a tip! But, of course, this is Malin, and that means she has to keep talking even though it might just threaten the image of professional. "I trust everything is going well. We've all got to pull together now, eh Miss? You'll have to sell a lot of armbands to start to rebuild even one of the schools, won't you?"
Yurika won't question it, it isn't like she doesn't know how to drive herself. If anything the skill is quite impressive to Malin so long as she doesn't decide to drive the entire way doing a wheelie or something like that. The musician gives a short, relaxed sigh as she glances out the window.
Once adressed she glances back with another smile, ".. I most certainly will, yes.. But I'm not too worried, while I'm certain the bands will draw in a nice enough profit, there is the Charity Fight Project I'm be putting togeather as well." the musician's silver brows raise a touch, "That will be the main draw that I believe will be an undisputed success.. Oh, were you interested in purchasing an armband?"
Malin certainly isn't going to do anything so silly as that. No, no. She just... trucks on. If anything, she's going a touch slower than is strictly necessary. After all, the schools aren't that far apart. Instead, she keeps up the light conversation. Holding up her arm to reveal-- yup! She'd already managed to get her hands on one of the coveted bands.
"I heard about those Charity Fight things." She says, absently. "I was actually a little bit curious about it. I mean, I'm not sure how it works. Do the people taking part get the cash... for themselves, or do they have to--" She catches herself at the last moment, clearing her throat lightly. "Or do they give it all to a charity at the end?"
Yurika looks surprised; pleasently so of course and the musician nods her head in clear approval, "Oh I see!" she notes and ponders out Malin's words. Well, she's pretty perceptive, she can easily see where this is headed, the faulter of Malin's voice isn't missed by the sound-sensitive student.
Her hand raised to her chin then, the musician clarifies, ".. Well.. I'm afraid the first guess isn't exactly helpful to the city. So it would indeed be non-profit for those involved.. However.." Yurika's eyes close briefly and then open once more, "It.. Isn't exactly impossible to arrange a sizeable tip for ones activity for those interested. I couldn't promise it'd be as much as one could gain from, say, a Saturday Night Fight of course. For obvious reasons I couldn't say something like that on the air, you understand. Shall we keep that between us?"
Malin pauses for a moment, and slowly turns the car around a corner. It's difficult to dodge all these terrible potholes from tanks and explosives, but, she does her best. She considers this in silence for a little bit longer. After all, it wasn't as though she would be adverse to getting a little extra for her fighting, but... that wasn't exactly why she was here.
"Well, I see, I'll have to tell my sister that, she might be interested- she's into the whole... fighting scene, you see." Malin tucks the cap down a little more on her head, "But your secret is safe with me, Miss Kirishima. Don't you worry about that. To tell you the truth, I think it's great! After Mr. Howard turned out to be a villain, well. It's good to see someone taking things into their own hands, and just organizing something without any nasty ulterior motives behind it. I don't think this town could survive another betrayal, you know?"
Her tone is still so casual, chummy, almost. More a taxi-driver than a chauffeur, but there was a reason Malin never went into the servant business. Though at some point, she seems to have produced a can of pepsi (tm) from about her person, and popped the lid. Quite where that came from, or where the umbrella went for that matter, is something of a mystery, but she takes a slug from it as she drives, eyes flickering back to watch the girls response.
"Please do.. I don't have as many entrants as I would have hoped, though there are still a few days left to gain more able bodies." Yurika replies, and then her cheeks darken a bit. Ah yes, the compliment was most certainly what she wanted to hear; it isn't such a bad thing to want to hear praise is it? This would be the first time she had talked about Geese outside of the school though, "Yes, that is rather unfortunate," she murmurs, "I was rather shocked to hear of Mister Howard's true self, it is nice that Mister Masters will be taking over, he's a very positive image.. I personally wish it could have been someone japanese picked it up instead; Southtown may be heavily american but it is still part of Japan after all. A strong japanese face would be wonderful in a situation like this, very good for morale."
What she said may or may not be true, perhaps a veil of her own true thoughts, ".. I suppose that does sound a little selfish."
Malin smirks at that, and her eyes fall back on the road. "Well." She says, heavily. "You know, I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting Japan to stay Japanese. Besides. It's not like you are saying -you- should have been the one to take over." She gives a hearty laugh, sipping down more soda. Mmm, delicious soda.
She sets down the can in the drinks holder, and just... smiles. It was good to know that the world wasn't actually becoming full of disturbingly pure people with no foibles or flaws. Even if Yurika's was about as mild as it was possible to be.
"Oh, I'm sorry!" She says, suddenly. "I didn't mean to be rude. This could be the start of something big for you, eh Miss Kirishima? You -could- be the next Mr. Howard. But without the crime, eh? After all, he did a lot of bad, but I doubt Mr. Masters is going to be caring too much about our little community. He'll be too busy eating burgers and modeling cowboy hats."
Uh, yes.. Delicious, sugary, caloried, acid-laden soda, delicious indeed! Yurika will just stick with her tea, thanks. She isn't certain what Malin's 'gib' is at this point, though perhaps she's just looking too deeply, looking for something that simply isn't there. It's not often she gets to enjoy company like this though, that's for certain. Cheeks still a touch pink she quickly shakes her head 'no', "O- Oh well.. Ah, I.. That would certainly be nice, I cannot really deny that. Please, don't worry no offense taken at all, Driver."
The musician smiles warmly once more, "That most certainly would be something, wouldn't it? .. It seems like you understand." Yurika sits up a touch straighter. "I suppose such a goal isn't entirely out of the question, but I do have youth going against me. Mn, but first thing is first, we do need a restored Southtown before anything more complex, don't we? Oh, if you wouldn't mind I would like to ask something.. Do you go to school?"
Malin looks a little bit taken aback at that, her eyes meeting Yurika's in the rear-view mirror for a moment before she focuses on the road. "Oh, I wouldn't presume to understand, Miss. Ain't my place really now, is it?" She flashes a winning smile, and then carries on talking. If there is something she's looking for, she's taking her sweet time in getting to the point.
"But yeah, I reckon getting Southtown back on its feet is the first thing we need to do, eh?" Wait, we? "But make no mistake, Miss. I might look young, but I'm all done with school. I finished a couple of years back, I'm flattered though! Thank you!" Another hearty laugh. But this one, to the trained ear, is just a little bit less sincere.
"O.. Oh, yes. I suppose you're right." Yurika reluctantly backs off, slouching a touch in her seat again and fidgets a touch with her folders. Yurika is normally known to be quite patient, and even she isn't certain why she was feeling anxious all of a sudden. Though to hear that Malin was completed with her education was a little disappointing. Alas, one has to learn to take their losses gracefully, and after taking a small breath, does just that.
"Well that is good, actually I had just completed my senior year at Seijyun. Our terms have extended a touch, but with the project going on the administration has been gracious enough to lighten the workload considerably." Yurika doesn't know what to make of the laugh other than to back off the subject. Whoops. "But, hmn yes you would be correct. I still can't believe it happened, really. You'd think of all places Southtown would be the last place in the world to get invaded. Funny how that works.. But yes, indeed we all need to do our part, I'll even be part of the RSC Project you know. It's been a while since I've been active in the fighting circuit."
"Oh really, Miss?" She asks, looking a little surprised all of a sudden, Malin actually turns in her seat. "Well, I can't say it wouldn't be welcome. I'd love to see you fight."
For a moment, she is silent, and then, the brakes come on as she draws the car slooowly up in front of Justice high. "Just a moment, Miss, and I'll get the door for you."
Good to her word, she'll slip out of the car, and produce the umbrella, open it up, and provide a bit of cover as she opens the door for Yurika. The real trick will come as she offers her hand to help the employer out of the car, this, after all, was the whole point she had come out all this way, tasered an innocent person, and practically inflicted her company on Yurika for... because if Yurika's eye is distracted for even a moment... she'll find that an envelope has been stuck to the back of her dress with tape! Dun dun duuuuuun.
Yurika blushes a little again, though she's obviously pleased! "Thank you, I'm happy you feel that way. I can only assume many more desire the same then." and with that she doesn't move an inch, she didn't really need to be told after all, some chauffer's get fired for not opening the door for the passengers!
Ah, Justice High.. Kurow hadn't been around those grounds lately, and she wondered off-hand what Raizo had been up to- Maybe she'll find him on-campus and they could talk. So to say that she'd be distracted, for even a moment, is pretty much the inevitable as she stares up at the almost gloomy tower of academic superiority.
The musician, with envelope and folders in one arm, accepts the umbrella with the other and looks to Malin again with a short bow, "Thank you very much, you do your job quite well. I should be about twenty minutes, as usual."
Malin flashes another bright smile. "Not at all, Miss. It was a pleasure talking with you!"
Of course. When Yurika disappears, Malin isn't hanging around very much longer. A phonecall to the agency had /yet another/ chauffeur turning up to take her place, a very confused and somewhat embarrassed one who might just apologize for the trouble that terrible imposter must have caused; honestly, it isn't every day the agency falls for a silly prank like that. Luckily, they are fast enough that poor Yurika's journey wasn't going to be delayed.
It's the envelope which might be most interesting. Primarily because it contains a roll of notes- somewhere in the region of $5000 to be precise. It was all that she could spare, honestly, but it wasn't every day that she decided to give up a huge chunk of her savings. And what a chunk it was! Malin still couldn't -really- believe that she'd gone ahead and done it. She'd be crying herself to sleep for weeks.
And then there's the note!
"Hey Yuri!
Malin here. You've probably heard all about me, being 'plugged in' as you are. Which is, of course, awesome. This is my way of saying 'sorry I couldn't help'. I'm sure you know how it is. You get a whole bunch of orders from up above, and have to run off to save the world on your own, and then when you turn around, a whole bunch of other people have saved some of it without your help! I'm sorry, but my organization has had me all over the place lately.
Anyway. I love what you've got going on here. I mean, seriously. Awesome stuff. Consider this my little contribution to getting your thing off to a good start. I'll be taking part if I can find the time, of course, but no promises! You have no idea how busy I am lately. Well. Either way. I'll definitely be watching. And if there is anything you need, well, we'll have to have another chat!
Love the hair, by the way. Stay classy!
Lots of love.
The letter is signed off with a little sketch of a chibi Malin giving a cheesy grin and a thumbs up.
Yurika doesn't seem to 'notice' until later.. How much later is difficult to say but by the time she does start reading the note she's well aware that it's too late. Her dark eyes half-lid to the nickname. She hates that nickname. Needless to say, though, the rest of it is a touch shocking. Of all things she wasn't expecting that should would have been in the presence of -the- Malin. On the other hand no ameteur could have put together such an.. ...
Interesting plan. ".. Friendlier than I expected.." she murmurs to herself with a small smile. She understands quite well what it's like being busy; though it makes her so curious about the girl's contacts. So no, she won't be pitching a fit about this, though she'll probably have to be a little more on her toes to keep from getting caught off-guard again. But there was little doubt in her mind she'd be meeting Malin again, and she'd certainly be looking forward to that. But for now... Back to work, observing the damage with her own eyes. But feeling in a better mood.
Log created on 15:09:48 06/18/2009 by Malin, and last modified on 18:04:44 06/18/2009.