Description: Katelynn and Choi go at it in Katelynn's home town in a rather unusual spot: An industrial factory! Both fighters will have to work hard to make it through this fight! ( Winner: Choi )
U.S. Steel. The darling of J. P. Morgan, it was the start of this Neo League's story. U.S. Steel was all about monopoly. Morgan didn't mess around when it came to high quality steel, and Pittsburg was the home of this. For years, this place took in the air and iron it needed to feed the metallic diet of the United States. Then Morgan left the foundry to fend for itself. And then the demand dropped and looked overseas. Parts were becoming too old, as were the workers. Management came and went, and finally, the Foundry was foreclosed in the late 80s.
The foundry was reawakened again for a fight. Old sites were always the best option, especially considering the history of one of the fighters participating. The crew set up the 'black box' cameras all over the abandoned foundry. They did SOME repairs with the catwalks, though all of the smelters were long since dead. The cameras whirr on, introducing the world to the fighters. A 3-foot LCD screen was placed right over the catwalk where the fight would begin, revealing the steady countdown to the start of the match. The crew themselves wouldn't be on site... too dangerous. Instead, it was going to be just Katelynn Monlina... and Choi Bounge.
The midget clutched the railing of the catwalk nervously. The claws of his gloves make a sharp scraping sound as they graze along it. The midget recoils, and entire thing wobbles awkwardly. He looks down at the catwalk, checking out his opponent. Basic information passes through his brain stem. Woooooman. Heights bad. Wooooooooman. Ook ook ook. The Korean opens his mouth to say something, but he closes it, unable to come up with anything immediately suggestive to say.
Instead, the Korean desired a banana.
o/` Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home... o/`
OK, maybe home is where you keep your heart, but Katelynn isn't visiting here for a reunion or to visit classic sights that she once knew and loved. She's here to take on her newest opponent in the Neo League. She only knows his name, Choi, but nothing else. Dressed in her casual attire, not wanting to risk going barefoot in a place like this, Katelynn walks onto her end of the catwalk and looks down it at her opponent.
"Wait? THAT is my opponent?" Katelynn mutters, but she doesn't laugh or anything like that. Instead, she gets a faint glimpse of his claws, as well as the sunglasses and his dimunitive size, and her eyes narrow. This guy may be small, but he's definitely not one Katelynn wants to get to know too personally. The best course of action here would to just take him on, and knock him out however necessary.
Katelynn utilizes the rail of the catwalk to do some last minute stretching, before getting into her fighting stance and brushing her auburn hair back over her shoulders. "OK, ugly, I'm ready when you are."
Choi scowls from his glasses, his brow furrowing. There were many things he didn't like. Being called ugly was one of them. At least she didn't make a short joke. Continuing his stare, he looked up and down the girl. Not a bad figure. And then, the little man's undoes itself, and the midget carefully adjusts his weight on the catwalk, pointing a single claw at the girl.
"I'm ready all right. Ready to guess your 'stats'" The midget coos, dancing his claws in the air. With a burst of impulse, the midget leaps on the bars, causing the catwalk to moan loudly. "Lets see. Hips... waist... chest... My, you are tricky. Maybe I should start with the basics." The midget begins running along the rail briefly before bouncing between the two of the them. "You seem taller than me, but not by much... how about 5'2 to 5'5? That only leaves your weight... Any hints, toots?"
The midget leaps from the railing towards Kate, tucking into a tight ball. If he hits, he will simply bowl up and over her, using her body to pick up into the air for more aerial options.
COMBATSYS: Choi has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Choi 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Katelynn has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Choi 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Katelynn
COMBATSYS: Choi successfully hits Katelynn with Hien Zan.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Choi 0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0 Katelynn
"You dare ask me my _weight_?!" Katelynn replies with a scowl forming on her face as well. She'd really like to give Choi a piece of her mind, but right now he's coming right at her... fast. In fact, too fast for Katelynn to be able to get into her defensive stance in time. Choi hits and goes up into the air while Katelynn is knocked backwards, the wind knocked out of her for a second. But there's still plenty of wind left inside of her, and she's only getting warmed up, so Choi better not get too arrogant.
"Not bad for someone as small as you," Katelynn comments with a sarcastic tone that's plain to see. And she then waits for Choi to get into range before attempting to catch him in the air with a swift kick, sending the heel of her boot into him.
COMBATSYS: Choi dodges Katelynn's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Choi 0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0 Katelynn
Choi hoots as he rams into the woman, shooting up in the air in the slowly expanding ball. Choi was fast. He was also fragile, both physically and emotionally. So when Katelynn lets loose her biting remark with the kick, she already did her damage. Deep inside, the little girl under custody of Choi is crying at the pain Katelynn caused her. How dare you, Katelynn.
How dare you.
Suffering enough from the fresh scars Katelynn created, Choi nimbly whips around her leg, landing on the catwalk section behind her with a groan. No, not from Choi. The catwalk. The midget sneers, hiding his internal torment. "Funny. I was about to say the same about you. 30, 24... 31?" The midget coos, taking in every measurement with his lecherous gaze.
Finally, he just shrugs. "I guess I'll have you measure you the fun way!" The Korean squeals, leaping on another rail to rake his claws across her chest, eyeing the target with far more attention than any respectable woman should have.
Heck, even women without respect at least CHARGES for it!
COMBATSYS: Katelynn blocks Choi's Power Strike.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Choi 0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0 Katelynn
"Not if I can help it," Katelynn replies, this time managing to get into her defensive stance quicker than she thought. And this time, she's ready for when Choi's claws come at her. She tenses herself and prepares for the impact. They rake across her forearms, but her jacket seems to absorb most of their sharpness, meaning it doesn't hurt as much as it should. She might still be bleeding a little underneath, but compared to what those claws are probably capable of doing, this is nothing.
And poor Choi, crying inside at the scars Katelynn caused him. Well, that sucks for him, but you don't ask a girl her weight or age. And if he wants Katelynn's measurements, then he's gonna have to do it the hard way... that is, if he can get her to confess. But Katelynn's not just some street fighting girl who joined the circuit. She holds a black belt in Shotokan Karate, and intends to keep Choi from getting his desired measurements.
For now, she keeps her fighting stance steady, watching Choi and waiting to see what else he has in his arsenal.
COMBATSYS: Katelynn focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Choi 0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0 Katelynn
Shotokan Karate? Choi was not of the Japanese stock, nor was 'just some street fighting guy' who joined the circuit. He was forced in by the master of Tae Kwon Do (Otherwise known as 'the art of hand and foot punching.') And now, here he remains, except without the ability to hand punch. Instead, he claw punches, combining it with his foot punching. And now, his punching powers would be placed to the ultimate test.
In hitting people.
Choi let the claws rake across the arms of the girl. "Don't be coy for Choi, babe! Think of it as a way of flattering your fans... though they must love you for the ~tease~ you are- KYA HA HEEEEEE!" The Korean brings his arms back in, balancing on the rail delicately as he covered his mouth, looking as small and innocent as possible.
And then, he begins to slip. The midget swings his arms in circles, trying to catch his balance. "Oh, ho, oh crap, help, help, craaaaaaaphelpmeWHOOPS!" The midget throws himself forward across the catwalk in a front flip, his foot sticking far out in a stealthy kick aiming right for the Phillie girl's body in his fall. But would she see through his sneaky strike?
COMBATSYS: Katelynn counters Toorima Geri from Choi with Palm Blaster.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Choi 0/-------/-----==|===----\-------\0 Katelynn
"Coy for you? Oh, give me a break," Katelynn says sternly, still keeping an eye on the midget sized fighter as he comes for her. And then it looks like he's messed up or something, but is he gonna be able to catch Katelynn off-guard? Well, don't count on it, since Katelynn's watching him with an extra scrutinizing eye, and then it happens.
Katelynn steps back a little and then abruptly delivers a swift palm strike aimed directly at Choi. Usually she aims for the stomach, but with someone as small as Choi, hitting him whereever works fine for her. Not to mention her palm-strike is enhanced with her chi, which should send Choi sailing across the catwalk, giving the fighter more breathing space.
"Got anything else in mind?" Katelynn asks, still not showing the slightest hint of humor in her voice. She's not too thrilled with how perverted Choi is.
Breathing space. That's something that is very valuable when dealing with Choi. The rule works like this: You let Choi stay in your personal space bubble, he doesn't leave. Even when he isn't there, that's just him stretching your personal space bubble out. Once you get caught in, you need to knock him free before he keeps you in.
And that is exactly what Katelynn does.
Choi is sent flying down the catwalk, landing three times before driving his claws deep into the flooring with a painfully loud screech. "Baby. I have at least five or six things in mind, but I don't believe I should do half of them on international television." The little troll slithers out towards Kate, pushing himself off the ground and into a run. He gallops several steps, picking up a top speed as quickly as he can. And then, he leaps back on the railing and high up into the air.
The little man sails through the air... and begins to spin. Sticking his claws straight out, he whirls around like a football thrown. Behaving like a human drill, the midget twists and seems to corkscrew through the air, twisting and bend as he keeps his point of impact irregular. Looks like he was trading the chance to land on the catwalk to tear into the body of Katelynn.
Maybe his drilling would pay off.
COMBATSYS: Katelynn interrupts Houkou Tenkan from Choi with Energy Fist.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Choi 0/-------/--=====|====---\-------\0 Katelynn
Drilling things into Katelynn is something she's especially familiar with from her days of taking Karate from her father. He was known for being obsessive about making sure Katelynn got everything by making her repeat it or hold it for up to an hour on end sometimes, but it worked in the long run. Look where it got Katelynn. But being drilled by this guy? That's not entirely something Katelynn would look forward to having done right now. And he's coming at her very fast.
Thinking quickly, Katelynn takes a couple of steps back and brings one of her fists back as well. As Choi hits her, her fist comes forward, but not with a punch. Rather, it's with a blast of chi in the form of a sphere, aimed directly at the small-but-deadly fighter, hoping to knock him away while Katelynn goes down.
She lands on her rear... hard. As she struggles to get the stars out of her head, she sits up a little and rubs at her bottom, muttering curses under her breath. She tries to get back up, the heels of her boots making it hard to get her balance a little. She leans against the catwalk railing, starting to show a few signs of looking like she might start slowing down.
Slowing down? Hah! The only time Choi slows down is when he is knocked out. And that's because he has an uncanny ability to come back after being struck down. Most people blame the fact Choi feeds off the inner fear of most people that the horrible man will come right back. Choi is just like a serial killing psychopath, except cuddly, bald, and prefers eating crabs.
However, despite all that audacity, Choi is stopped. And knocked back again. Katelynn's constant attempts at making sure the Korean doesn't stay near her is paying off, as he is beginning to look the damage he is taking. The midget takes a blast of chi in his face, covering it with a funny combination of bruises and abrasions. He is sent sailing OFF the catwalk, dumping over the edge. The sound of metal against metal is heard, following by scurrying of such sound. The midget scampers along the bottom of the catwalk, swinging hard side to side to hurling himself back on the right side. "Come on, babe! Seriously, when was the last time you got a man interested in you like this!"
The midget hoots as he swings himself back over on the catwalk, a good 15 feet away. Not letting the lack of balance, initiative, or momentum hold him back, the midget just grins as he quickly crawls on all fours to close the distance. "Maybe we could cut a deal?" He shouts, popping up in the air to deliver a quick flying kick at the woman.
COMBATSYS: Katelynn fails to interrupt Light Kick from Choi with Energy Fist.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Choi 0/-------/-======|======-\-------\0 Katelynn
"Me, cut a deal with you? No way!" Katelynn says, moving back a little as she watches Choi, attempting to anticipate his next move. When he goes onto the ground, Katelynn gets ready to try to swat him down or something like that, but then she sees he's coming at her with a kick. Katelynn thinks another blast of chi should take care of him, but this time she's wrong... very wrong.
She misreads the whole thing, and finds Choi coming at her with a kick that she's powerless to defend against. She's hit, and it does hurt a bit as she staggers backwards into the railing. It's a miracle she doesn't fall over, but it does hurt her pretty badly. It leaves her dazed and unable to do much more than shake the stars out, although that's a bit harder this time.
Choi's kick lands, and he begins to get his groove back. "Come on toots, it's easy! It's fair! And after it, I promise I won't bother you about your weight - 150?- again!" The midget squeals. And then, it occurs to him. She is up against the railing. Choi gets a dirty thought. A nasty thought.
And it doesn't even involve sex.
The midget lands, and already begins to twirl. Spinning like a top, the midget sucks in the air around him, giving his spin even more power. Crests of blue energy whip through his claws as the Choi-Based Whirlwind is complete. And with that, Choi charges straight at Katelynn, attempting to trap her between the rail... and his blades. If he put enough pressure on her... he might just be able to push her over.
And that's just mean.
COMBATSYS: Choi successfully hits Katelynn with Tatsumaki Shippuu Zan.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Choi 0/-------/=======|=======\-------\0 Katelynn
When you're dazed and pretty badly beaten up, it's not always easy to stay in the fight, even if your opponent is as small as they are. Katelynn sees her opponent coming at her, and realizes just how dangerously close to the edge she is. Now would be a good time to get the hell outta here... or not, since Choi is coming at her again.
Defending would be a key part of surviving this fight, but unfortunately, Katelynn's defense is very weak right now. She can't get her guard up, and she finds herself going over the rail and down to the floor below. It's only about fifteen feet, but landing on your back really hurts. Obviously, Choi will probably jump down to join her on the floor below, but for now, Katelynn needs to focus on how she's going to stay in this fight.
As she struggles to roll over onto her stomach, she groans, feeling like something is pinning her down. It's just her injuries, but they still feel like a wrestler holding her down. Nonetheless, she finds the ability to roll over and slowly push up onto all fours. She manages to get to a kneeling on one leg position, and then makes it onto both feet. Her stance shows a bit of difficulty staying up as she closes her eyes, and then begins to focus her chi into her body, trying to take away some of that pain and restore her stamina.
COMBATSYS: Katelynn gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Choi 0/-------/=======|======-\-------\0 Katelynn
Choi does it. Using the jerkiness and the oppotunistic nature of a evil dwarf, he manages to exploit the woman being on the ropes, and pushes her over with a combination of claws and pure aggression.
The ball is back in his court.
The midget swiftly snatches the rail, and hangs freely over it. Heights, unlike most people, aren't a problem for Choi. The claws act as a great way to slow falling near walls, and his nimble and agile technique practically lets him roll from anything into anything. This was Choi's chance to push himself into the offense... and never leave it.
The midget swings back and force, eyeing the slowly recovering Kate. He wind back far, and with a grunt, hurls himself through the air. Bringing his body in tighter and tighter, he prepares to break into a roll. But not for purely defensive purposes, no. As he passes near Kate's focusing face, he swiftly lashes out, attempting to catch her off guard as the fight enters the foundry floors.
COMBATSYS: Choi successfully hits Katelynn with Quick Strike.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Choi 1/-------/=======|=======\-------\0 Katelynn
Now that Katelynn's got her stamina back, the first thing she sees when she opens her eyes is Choi coming at her. Unfortunately, her first instinct to get out of the way doesn't really help her much. She finds herself getting hit in the face by Choi, leaving her dazed and a bit bloodied too. But in spite of her injury, she's still got adrenaline making her want to keep going at it against Choi.
"You're pretty tough for a pervert your size," Katelynn comments as she waits for Choi to make his next move, so she can possibly pop him while he's in the air with a swift jab.
Now that Katelynn's got her stamina back, the first thing she sees when she opens her eyes is Choi coming at her. Unfortunately, her first instinct to get out of the way doesn't really help her much. She finds herself getting hit in the face by Choi, leaving her dazed and a bit bloodied too. But in spite of her injury, she's still got adrenaline making her want to keep going at it against Choi.
"You're pretty tough for a pervert your size," Katelynn comments as she waits for Choi to make his next move, so she can possibly pop him while he's in the air with a swift jab.
COMBATSYS: Katelynn successfully hits Choi with Quick Punch.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Choi 1/-----==/=======|=======\-------\1 Katelynn
Choi's chance at locking in the momentium was rebuffed. Sure, he managed to get in his sneaky strike. But at what a cost. As he passes by Katelynn, he begins to enter his roll. And she hits him. Not a nasty hit, but in this case, it isn't about power: It is about timing. Choi gets knocked out of his roll, and the entire 15 feet of falling suddenly bites him in the butt... or at least the spine.
Choi lands like a rag doll, bouncing twice. He howls in pain, and then changes his tune to a more profane one. Cursing, he picks himself up, and hacks wildly at the air. "You- Your pretty hot for a fighter!" He snaps bitterly, spitting out a tooth. "Besides, the best things come in small packages..." The midget looks down, and flashes a sick little grin. "But some great things can be found in massive ones."
The little man hoots loudly, scurrying along the ground by alternating claws to feet, claws to feet. Pumping himself along, he throws himself to the ground, rolling to her right. And with a quick push, he rolls to the left. Sure, it lost speed, but if the feint worked, Kate would be finding an angry midget grabbing her by her knee joint and thigh, hurling her to the ground.
COMBATSYS: Katelynn interrupts Quick Throw from Choi with Quick Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
Choi 1/---====/=======|=======\=------\1 Katelynn
Attempting to grab Katelynn like that may not be the best of ideas, even if you've got claws on your hands. Because Katelynn, as wounded as she is, is still keeping an eye on Choi, and watching him and his every single move. And when he tries to grab Katelynn, she's ready for him.
As his claws dig into Katelynn's leg, she quickly delivers a downward jab, knocking the midget off of her. She then groans in pain, rubbing at her leg where she's probably gonna need some stitches, or at least a few bandages, after this. But at least it should indicate to Choi that she's not out of the fight yet.
Choi's attempt at a bluff backfires... badly. When he gets the claws' grip on, he only manages to break skin. No, the hurl doesn't work. And she is getting sharp again. With a single blow, Choi is knocked back, and the fight goes back to anybodies' game.
The midget rolls his neck as he lays on the ground. She hit his spine. Doesn't anyone like his spin. Her groans, however, acknowledge that all her attempts to shake him off had SOME side-effects. He rises up, cackling. "Baby, I didn't know you enjoyed this so much! Maybe I should show you some my more... exotic moves later."
The Korean somehow makes it clear that he just winked from behind his dark glasses.
With that, the midget just does a little jig, cackling loudly. He shuffles to the left, shuffles to the right. You barely notice that every turn causes his body tense up from pain. Or that his face is trickling thin streams of blood from many of the orifices. And then, he dives again, this time aiming right between her legs. If successful, he would simply turn around on the other side, and drive his claws into the young woman's kidneys.
And twist.
COMBATSYS: Choi successfully hits Katelynn with Geketsu Tsuki.
? Strange Hit! ?
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////// ]
Choi 1/----===/=======|=======\===----\1 Katelynn
Getting claws sent into your kidneys? Now that's really painful. How Katelynn is still alive after that is anyone's guess, but she's really wincing from that one, holding both of her sides in pain, blood seeping through her jacket. It's obvious that Choi has got her on the ropes now, and he's definitely going to win this battle, but even in this situation, Katelynn won't go down without a fight. In fact, there's something that Choi should realize.
He touched Katelynn's rear, and that's something that, even in her wounded state, Katelynn realizes, and she's really mad about it. An aura of chi radiates off of the woman and then she rushes at the midget, attempting to hit him with a kick that should launch him into the air. If it works, she's going to launch into her carefully choreographed series of punches and kicks, designed usually to hit regular sized opponents. But with Choi, he's gonna be air-juggled!
COMBATSYS: Choi parries Katelynn's Ultimate Kata!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////// ]
Choi 1/---====/=======|-------\-------\0 Katelynn
Choi manages to slip by her legs. A feat in itself. And he even manages to drive his claws right into her precious vitals. This normally would not be a major event, however, as putting himself so close puts him in the perfect location for... karma. Already, every sensible female wants Choi to die. Not defeated. Be killed. And Katelynn is already unleashing the perfect attack to do this. However, something happens that changes the entire pacing of the battle.
He touches her butt.
A fresh wave of energy overcomes Choi. He feels young, able to perform, able to back in the swing of things. He is a man again. It is just like the music videos on BET, except with midgets. And Choi destroys what ought to happen to a perverted middle-aged man after lightly touching the buttocks of a fair young lass.
He gently pushes himself under Kate's punting leg, destroying the aerial juggle. But that isn't the worst part. Choi had positioned himself not only inside her personal space bubble, but directly in the center of it. Standing beneath Kate as she goes through with her attack, Choi tries to act before she can recover. He spins. faster and faster he spins, picking up as much speed as possible. The entire building rattles as pressure builds and ebbs, a tornado beginning to form right underneath Katelynn.
If Katelynn did not react quickly, she would find herself in the middle of three things. The first was the chi-powered whirlwind, rocketing her up into the ceiling of the foundry. From there, the second element, the debris, would begin pounding and ripping her asunder. Already old nails, gravel, and scrap metal was being dragged into the storm. And finally, she would be dropped. With the groans of the building around them, that might be the best thing. If the tornado got too out of hand...
The whole building might go down.
COMBATSYS: Katelynn blocks Choi's Shin! Tatsumaki Shinkuu Zan EX.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //// ]
Choi 0/-------/---====|=------\-------\0 Katelynn
In her wounded state, there's not a lot Katelynn can do, except prepare for the inevitable impact. She gets into a defensive stance, knowing it's all over at this point, and awaits the impact against her guard. Once all is said and done, she finds her legs turning to mush and her body ready to go down to the floor. But before she does, she somehow musters the strength to throw one last energy bolt at Choi. After that, she's lying facedown on the floor.
COMBATSYS: Katelynn can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Choi 0/-------/---====|
COMBATSYS: Choi blocks Katelynn's Energy Fist.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ <
Choi 0/-------/--=====|
Choi's whirlwind just takes Katelynn away. She blocks, but really, blocking a whirlwind is tough to do... unless you are someone like Birdie. God. Birdie. Choi might feel a shiver up his spine if he was paying attention to what Katelynn was doing. Instead, he was focusing on the violent release of energy, shaking the very foundation of the building to it's core.
But it doesn't fall.
Instead, Katelynn did. When she hits the ground, the storm is already disintegrating. With blue streaks harmlessly returning back to the world around it, the midget staggers, refocusing his energies. And as if to respond to him, Katelynn lets loose a parting shot. Choi, still focusing his mind, barely catches this attack. So he does what he does third best: shield his body. Bringing his arms up, the energy blast cascades around his body. His arms take Choi into agony, but the midget... still stands.
The medical crew immediately rush on to the scene, followed by the clean-up crew and take-down crew. Choi just waves at the nurse of the medical. "Hey! Hey! I think I got cut by a rusty nail! I need someone to suck out the pooooooison~" He coos, moving over to the medical team focusing on Katelynn.
At least Choi will be introduced to the concept of a 'peanut butter shot'
Log created on 18:45:16 09/28/2008 by Katelynn, and last modified on 11:06:50 09/29/2008.