Description: After some observation of Sanel.. Setsuka decides to enact her plan to send Sanel running... hopefully into the arms of her contractor...
If you're a young boy named Sanel, then today... hasn't been a good day for you. There are things about your routine--the usual routine--that have been... changed. The kids you used to play with? They're shying away from you--some, at least. The parents of others look at you with suspicion. The schools that might've looked upon you with friendly eyes are now wary...
...Chinatown? It's as safe as it ever was... almost. It seems like, though, the people you used to help, that used to love you... they're not willing to see you today. Most are closed-mouthed about it--but at least one lets on the secret. They were attacked, someone injured, gravely. And... because of you. But none of them know who was the attacker... it's like an invisible plague, following you, or rather... arriving just before you do...
There is something particular about this day. It has been puzzling and in all honesty? Disheartening. It was strange for Sanel to be putting people away from him. All of the new friends that he made were shying away from him. The parents looked at him with great suspicion and the school children of various schools started looking at him with that wary look.
It was a sickening, alienating feeling that the boy had not felt before. But the question is: Why is it a familiar feeling?
The store clerks aren't even willing to see him anymore or let him help them. But the boy is running along the park, placing his hand against his eyes to sob. So the boy is running to the park to try to do something to make himself feel a bit better. Like maybe see the kids play out in the park.
Ah... crying. Yes, Setsuka likes that. How -is- she tracking him? Well... it's a combination of skill, and hard work. The park... yes, of course he would go there. The park. It is an idyllic place, all green and lush... but today... it's quiet. To repeat an oft-used phrase... too quiet. There aren't the sounds of children and families playing in the park... though some figures can be seen, in the distance. It won't be until Sanel approaches... until he's at the playground... that he'll see.
The girl's name? Unknown to Setsuka. She doesn't care. Just a tool... but perhaps one of Sanel's better friends. She's hunched up, curled up at the base of the slide... and she is crying.
Of course, Sanel's footsteps would carry to her ears; with a wide-eyed look her head snaps up, the tears sliding down silently, and she shakes her head. Trying to tell him something...
While journeying through the park, Sanel actually looks around, quite surprised. His eyes shift about, trying to get a good look at his surroundings. "Where is everyone? Everyone would be playing out here!" The boy frowns once more, then he shifts his gaze out towards the girl along the playground.
"Ah! Hitomi!" Sanel frowns, running towards her direction. He frowns, "Why are you crying?" He stops as she shakes her head. "...Wha---what is wrong?"
And that, see... that's when it happens. An explosion, a silent one--not the explosion of a bomb, persay... at least, not a physical one. An explosion of light and energy that occurs from her back... making Hitomi arch her back and gasp in silent pain... and then she's out. Not dead--still breathing. But out, and in a most painful way. A blue-purple tinged energy, that was...
And then Setsuka's voice... echoing throughout the park. "You're alone now, boy..." Of course, it's slightly processed--deepened, with odd echoes. This is... an unusual job for her, to say the least; that she took it is more out of curiosity than a need to be paid. "You've no one left..." Or does he? Of course, her goal is to push him towards one certain person... but it can't be done too obviously... or the ffect is ruined.
When there is an explosion of light manifesting in front of him, the boy's eyes widen when Hitomi arches her back in pain before she falls. The boy's widen visible eye suddenly manifest the tears that are flowing, "Hitomi!" He is running towards her form, trying to hold her close.
"...." The boy looks around, bewildered, with a tearful gaze on that visible eye. There is shock and fear, yet there is just the look of hurt. "... Why did you do this?!" He grits his teeth, frowning, "Why do you go after these people! I don't know who you or what these people have done to you! Or what I done to you!" He tries not to start crying, but he's holding to unconscious girl.
A laugh, light and mocking; once again, Setsuka hasn't shown herself in any way... casting her voice about, likely through pre-set speakers, and the like. No permanent damage to anyone... yet.
"Simply put..." She pauses, considering. Laughing. "It's fun... to see you cry... to hear your despair... it is delicious..." Yes, sir, she sounds certifiably crazy, doesn't she?
"Of course... eventually they won't be fun anymore... and then I'll simply have to drink your pain..." There's a rustling from the trees, as if a cold wind were blowing through them. Indication of a person's location? Perhaps... perhaps not...
The laughter, needless to say, has the boy shaking in fright. He frowns towards the voice that casts the voice about. He clutches onto Hitomi, holding her close to him with tears running down his eyes. He is vainly trying to protect the unconscious girl. However, the problem is who will protect him?
When the woman is out to see him cry, the boy shivers uncomfortably. Such intentions has the boy scared out of his wit. The tears continue to flow, "Why me?! What did I do to you?!" But, when she mentions of causing -pain-, the boy is literally scared and he is looking around the trees. The boy, releasing Hitomi, is slowly making his way towards the tree.
It is a slow step. There is the fear in moving, but Sanel continues. "..I..." He runs his hand against the bushes, trying to open it to see if the person's there.
"You haven't guessed?" Setsuka sounds amused, her voice now coming from an entirely different part of the park... well, close enough to be heard... "You haven't done anything," she says, matter of factly, though her voice retains that teasing, condescending lilt. "Like I said... I do this for fun..." Mocking laughter fills the park again... and maybe Sanel doesn't 'feel' it at first... but if and when he looks back towards where Hitomi is...
He'll see his 'assailant'... though her face is covered in a mask, Zaki-style, minus the buckles... and she has a naked blade out, the oh-so-sharp edge resting against Hitomi's cheek.
"If I were you," she says, her mouth moving but the voice still coming from the closest speaker, "... I would start running for someone you know..." And the blade's edge digs in, parting flesh... just a fraction of an inch. It shouldn't even scar...
The boy frowns. He can't help but feel that something is admist. He looks along the bushes to find nothing. The words on the lady's idea of fun is unsettling.
But when he turns around to see Hitomi, that is when he gets his surprise. As the assailant reveals herself while holding onto Hitomi with the blade to her cheek, the boy's eyes flow with tears as he shouts, "Hitomi!" He shuts his eyes with sobs, then he grits his teeth before he looks at the strange masked woman.
"....Hitomi!" He looks around, then he starts to run away, "Help! Someone help my friend!" The boy calls out, trying to find someone. "...Please!" His words are becoming sob-filled, making it hard for him to speak.
Setsuka smiles again... and lifts her blade. The blood is wiped off with a fingertip; leaning down, she smears it over Hitomi's lips. Then her blue eyes fasten on Sanel's... seeming to bore into his head.
"I thought I told you already..." She begins walking, slowly at first... and then faster, leaning forward, picking up speed. "_Run_." Run like she is... her hand on the hilt of her blade as she suddenly -lunges-... and if Sanel thinks that she's coming right for him, well, she is.
But she never seems to reach there; a blur of speed, and then she's gone from his sight, and, presumably, from the park...
...And it is then that Sanel is -running-! In fear, he has to find someone that he can trust. Big sis Ingrid, Van, Drake, anyone that he knows! Someone will be there for the boy to run to, right?
Log created on 22:24:34 06/19/2008 by Setsuka, and last modified on 12:26:17 06/30/2008.