Description: Secrets unveiled! A look behind-the-scenes! Board posts from "R", Blackjack, and Darkside Student Congress.
============================== "R" Organization ==============================
Message: 23/7 Posted Author
Jinchuu Stuff Tue Oct 2 2007 Rugal
Okay, Round 4 in Jinchuu is 'R' Invasion round, as you've no doubt noticed from Seishirou's posts.
ICly the event is taking place over 24'ish hours.
For a glimpse at how the invasion started.
The question is, what now?
This is basically everyone's excuse to jump on the boat and chaos havoc with the people that've been RPing in the TP. Alan has a scheduled match as a Chaos Agent, but that doesn't mean he can't bust a few heads outside of that match.
I'll be requesting a lowbie ratio NPC to hang out with you guys for group fight scenes, so if that happens, expect me to ping you guys for scenes if possible. If that doesn't happen, there'll still be stuff, but I'll probably have to leave you on your own to carry it.
The objective of the invasion is to take over the boat. We want the Suiryuu for itself so we can pick it apart and see what makes it work. We're not interested in sinking it, but like all villians, if we can't have it, no one will, so damaging the boat is not out of the question, it just isn't the /objective/.
For the mission match of Rugal vs Sakura, I'm planning on taking Adelheid for for some father/son rampaging.
For other scenes, I had a few ideas in mind, including Brian + Vice verses a group of Jinchuu folks, Spider vs a Jinchuu person, etc.
I wasn't planning on making up detailed, highly specific objectives for you all. You can just kinda pick what feels right while you're there. Taking the bridge, looking for engine controls, taking passangers as hostages, or whatever seems like a good idea at the moment. If you would /like/ specific 'orders', let me know and I'll cook something up with my half mad mind.
Anyway, if you've not had anything to do with the TP but would like to, this round is your chance. Feel free to confer with me if you need any advice/help/backup in setting up scenes. My goal is to try and have something going every night starting tonight and going through next Tuesday, to keep the action-factor of Round 4 fairly high. :|
Kurow. Get in there and cause some trouble. Don't bump into your alt though.
- R
============================== "R" Organization ==============================
Message: 23/9 Posted Author
Jinchuu ULTIMATE MAYHEM Wed Oct 10 2007 Rugal
Okay, there's a few missions coming up over the next week that I'd like to assign out to you all. If you're interested in me trying to fit you in to one of the missions, please let me know via @mail/page/etc.
Kurow, let me know who in DSC is also interested in being assigned.
We might have a few temps filling in as well to bolster our numbers for the action to come. It should be some fun scenes. You're not going to want to miss out! Let me know by tonight since I'll have to have planned them out by tonight.
- R
================================== Blackjack ==================================
Message: 24/3 Posted Author
Jinchuu Assignments Sat Sep 1 2007 Elle
Alright, pay attention. 'Jinchuu' in at full tilt, and we're still without some important answers. So here are the assignments for round two of this tournament.
-Locate potential buyers for the ship.
-Construct disruption device/bomb.
-Investigate cargo hold upgrades/ballast tanks/expansion.
-Investigate non communications systems in superstructure.
-Investigate cargo crates.
-Investigate library.
-Investigate the 'Bazooka' box in the superstructure.
-Steal any applicable books in the library.
-Steal 'Cheat Book' from the concession stand.
-Investigate Hiretsu.
-Determine location of Ryuohara ninja village.
On a special note, Naerose, I want you to play up the cluelessness to the extreme Everywhere you shouldn't be, I want you there, causing headaches. The more the crew, other opponents, and the ninjas are busy looking at you, the more they're not looking at the rest of us.
As for the rest of us, keep on your toes. Steer clear of Aislinn and Soma for the time being. I've cut deals with the both of them. I don't forsee a problem with Aislinn, but if Soma gets out of line, feel free to roll him over and toss him off the side of the ship.
Also, be on the lookout for Kyle Travers. I hired Yamazaki to keep him off our backs, but given his ties, I wouldn't be surprised to see him try something stupid and copycat me.
Finally, I don't need to repeat that there's no love lost between us and Alan RB. Don't spend any time with him. If he gives you trouble, ace him. We don't have time for his nonsense.
Any questions? Call me. We don't have a big margin to work with here, people, so do it fast.
================================== Blackjack ==================================
Message: 24/4 Posted Author
Jinchuu Report: Pt. 1 Mon Sep 10 2007 Elle
The Ryuohara Clan is one of the less visible ninja clans in Japan. To those that know them, they're recognized primarily as 'tech ninjas', who fuse the arcane with the modern. As a result, the Ryuohara have an expertise in advanced chi manipulation through seals and runes, as well as the ability to fuse their chi capabilities with modern machinery, resulting in 'chi powered' machines. Chief amongst these capabilities: Automatons. 'Robots' powered by energy.
This places them on par, if not over, what NESTS is capable of doing with chi at this time.
The ninja clan patriarch is currently Hiretsu Ryuohara. According to Marise, this man is one of the most powerful people on the planet, with an extremely powerful arcane sword. While the whereabouts and fate of his direct descendants are unknown, Hiretsu had two identifiable grandchildren: Seishirou and Arinari Ryuohara. Arinari was the oldest, and therefore the next immediate heir to the throne.
Approximately 13 years ago, Arinori disappeared. This coincides with rumors that he had begun entering underground tournaments at the time. Also during this time period, ther is record that shows that the Ryuohara clan was working on alchemical chi manipulation. That is: transforming chi types to other chi types, such as Fire into Water, or ie into Electrical. The correlation at this juncture is unknown, but it is suspected that Arinari's disappearance may have something to do with Nikolai, a Russian mobster currently present in the Jinchuu tournament.
================================== Blackjack ==================================
Message: 24/5 Posted Author
Jinchuu Report: Pt. 2 Mon Sep 10 2007 Elle
The Ryuohara ninja clan basically fell off the face of the Earth when Arinori did. Their long disappearance from the playing feild was only punctuated by sporadic bursts of activity, which culminated into what we now know as the production of the Ninja Ship, the 'Suiryuu' (or Water Dragon):
1) Months ago, two Ryuohara ninja (Riko and Seishirou) absconded with an entire yacht during an SNF, which would later be retrofitted and rechristened the Suiryuu.
2) During the Thailand conflict, the Ryuohara clans assisted the Thai government in fighting Shdaloo for a phenomenal sum of money.
3) Subsequent to that, the money from Thailand was used to buy supplies to construct a massive foundry in the Philippines. This foundry was constructed and operated wholly by the Ryuohara clan and their automatons to construct the Suiryuu. Evidence of massive Chi-seal based activity covered their tracks, melting everything down.
4) The Ryuohara also financially sunk Nikolai Tippin, the head of one of the biggest Russian Mafia organizations in Asia.
================================== Blackjack ==================================
Message: 24/6 Posted Author
Jinchuu Report: Pt. 3 Mon Sep 10 2007 Elle
The Suiryuu is a completely unique design. Much of the original vessal has been changed, and it appears that the ship has been lengthed. We know very little about it. What is understood is that it's primary function is a chi collector and tanker. A series of seals and runes amplify and channel all chi used on the board like a capacitor, storing it for some unknown purpose. The location of the primary capacitor is unknown, although there appears to be a nexus to all the chi 'circuitry' in the lowest deck of the ship: a sealed door with no visible openings
The ship seems to respond organically to chi, reacting to it's generation and use. It seems to be 'blind' to those that can carefully control, dampen, or subvert their chi or have no chi at all.
The ship is armor plated like a battleship, and would probably be able to withstand a small scale military assault. It's questionable if the ship would be able to hold it's own against a dedicated military vessel, but the purpose of the ship isn't really meant for prolonged military engagements. It's primary armaments seem to be broadside cannons that fire cannonballs (presumeably with chi seals), or cannons that fire chi.
As per expectation, there seems to be at least one secret room on the ship. The library contains a passage way to a training dojo and an armory stocked with ninja weaponry. The expectation of further secret passages and rooms is there, but perfunctory investigations have been unable to turn up any more previously unknown rooms.
================================== Blackjack ==================================
Message: 24/7 Posted Author
Jinchuu Report: Pt. 4 Mon Sep 10 2007 Elle
As we all know, the purpose of the Suiryuu is to provide a staging ground for 'Jinchuu', a tournament sponsored by the Ryuohara ninja clans. According to reports, the point of the tournament is to crown a 'hero to the proletariat', as well as provide the 'biggest conflict in 70 years'. These statements come from
Hiretsu Ryuohara. The actual meaning is unknown. It is important to note that the Ryuohara ninja are inherently selfish and possess a keen arrogance, beleiving themselves to be superior to not just other ninjas, but most people as a whole. Seishirou consistantly addresses tournament participants as 'Agents of Jinchuu'.
Jinchuu means 'Earthly Justice', and can be interpreted as meaning 'Revenge'.
The following people make up the so called 'Agents of Jinchuu':
Hakuya: High school student, demon 'fighter'.
Pas; High school student, capoerista.
Himeko: High school student and bookworm.
Marisol: High school student, boxer.
Tiffany: High school student, boxer.
Luc: High school student, street fighter.
Tenma: High school student, demon hunter.
Hinata: High school student, joke.
Momo: High school student, tennis prodigy.
Kyle: Cody Traver's brother.
Arika: Third-rate pop singer.
Aranha: Theif, capoerista.
Soma: Investigator/writer. Possible 'opposition'.
Kaiwei: Crazy person.
Vyle: Washout wrestler.
Zach: No data.
Alan: Enemy agent. Not dangerous for his skill, but where he seems to end up.
Nikolai: See above.
Aislinn, Naerose, Tran, and myself, are obviously not on this list, for obvious reasons.
================================== Blackjack ==================================
Message: 24/8 Posted Author
Jinchuu Report: Pt. 5 Mon Sep 10 2007 Elle
The tournament itself is largely unconventional. There are few fixed rules. The only real restrictions appear to be a result as to where the combatants are required to fight. As opposed to standard arena and stadium fighting, KOF tournaments or World Warrior tournaments, all fights are designed to be near, in, around or within the a certain area, namely the Suiryuu. Almost all the fights are in high stress, high
tension environments, such as the middle of the ship's generator, on the superstructure of the ship, or battling on a plank.
As a result, almost all battles are high intensity fights, resulting in copious use of chi powers, which is something that the Suiryuu reacts to, in some cases spectacularly.
Another aspect that sets the tournament apart from standard fighting competitions is that no fighter is truly eliminated, if they can remain on the boat. This ensures that each fighter can battle over and over again without fear of elimination. It's interesting to note that in most cases, there is no visible supervisor observing the fights that occur. There has been no issuance of how the fighters are evaluated. It's taken for granted that the victors of each battle are doing 'better', but there has been no real issuance as to what the judgment criterion for the winner actually is.
Tournament and ship security is overall very lax, which allows fighters to freely roam about the vessel. The sole named 'security officer' is Sakura Ksugano, a Southtown Student well known in the fighting circuit. It's unknown why she is the sole security officer, but it's presumed that the number of ninja crew can serve
as a makeshift shipboard 'militia' if need be. It should be noted that not all Ryuohara are combatants, however.
================================== Blackjack ==================================
Message: 24/9 Posted Author
Jinchuu Report: Pt. 6 <Final> Mon Sep 10 2007 Elle
So, what does all this mean?
The thumbnail looks like this:
The Ryuohara ninja clan lost it's primary heir approximately thirteen years ago, possibly to an underground tournament, possibly at the machinations of Nikolai Tippin, a Russian mobster. During this time, the Ryohara were rumored to be working on alchemical chi processing. Immediately following the disappearance of Arihari, the Ryuohara disappear from all visible activity.
A few months ago, the Ryuohara, led by Seishirou, resurface and capture a boat and start collecting money to fund the boat's reconstruction. The primary paths for the collection appear to be the drainage of Nikolai Tippin's black market accounts, and the mercenary actions during the Thai conflict instigated by Shadaloo.
Shortly thereafter, the Ryuohara reappear with the revamped yacht in tow, proclaiming to host a tournament: Jinchuu, or 'Revenge', whose sole purpose is to crown a 'leader of the proletariat' (working class), and cause the 'greatest conflict within 70 years'. The boat itself is devised to collect massive amounts of chi that the fighters of Jinchuu provide by repeatedly battling, which presumeably has something to do with the alchemical project the Ryuohara were working on 13 years ago.
It can be postulated that the Ryuohara want 'revenge', but for what? The mention of 'proletariat' seem aimed primarily directed to Nikolai, who is a Russian mobster and therefore tends to take advantage of the 'working class'. Vengeance for Arinori would be the most obvious motive, as Nikolai likely has something to do with Arinori's death. However, simple assassination would have worked much better, and it doesn't take into account the massive Suiryuu chi battery.
Instead, I suspect that the answer does lie with Nikolai, and in the clan leader Hiretsu himself. This may be an actof killing two birds with one stone: acheiving their alchemical experiment and attining retribution for Arinori's disappearance.
I'll keep you all posted.
-Elle Belmounte
================================== Blackjack ==================================
Message: 24/10 Posted Author
The 'N' Report Tue Sep 18 2007 Naerose
This week on the 'N' report:
The crates in the hold do not appear to contain anything of great ninja-ee interest. The people who run the ship also make no attempt to prevent any theft of these things, or anything else that our witch managed to get her hands on thus far.
The books are mostly stuff like tactical war books, a porno mag, and some hand written things without authors or ISBN numbers. There was also a book of notable interest in war economics. This does not however suggest that the point of this tournament is a
war, who leaves incriminating evidence out in the middle of their boat? Also pulling on one of the books (as likely detailed in another report) opens a secret dojo full of weapons. The ninja organizers have this area under surveillance along with every other
room in the boat. They will take note of who enters this room, but not do anything to stop you, nor form stealing the weapons which are the real deal.
The bazooka labeled creates contain bazookas. Nothing special about them what so ever, having fired one off it was revealed that the ninja organizers also do not care if you fire these things.
Other theories around the boat seem to agree that the boat is some sort of chi magnet.
It is said by some (such as Hotaru) that it is designed to make a bomb, where as Soma believes the various things on the walls and stuff of the ship are for transferring chi and that's what the point of the tournament is. Arika and her crew have no idea but intend to find out. So far they havn't made any real progress, and then there is the multitude of people more than willing to just fight their fights.
Concluding this report Naerose has finished all of her individual tasks aside form the ongoing task of causing chaos. She will probably keep this up in the meantime. That is all.
================================== Blackjack ==================================
Message: 24/12 Posted Author
Jinchuu upcoming Sat Oct 13 2007 Naerose
So we all talked about Jinchuu generally speaking. Now that the missions are posted, I think it can be safe to say the various Blackjacks know what's what. The question is what missions do we want who to do for sure. I think it's assumed any secondary mission you can do is cool but what primary? We know our tasks, so no need to go into any detail beyond a little pointer.
I'm posting here just in case online times makes it hard to talk much in person between members. Oh yeah and because we have a board.
er.. @_@
========================== Darkside Student Congress ==========================
Message: 25/2 Posted Author
A Text Message Thu Sep 6 2007 Momo
From: TennisHearT14
Subject: jinchuu tournament
Text: sry i went awol. thot jinchu was suspicius, at suiryuu to see wut is goin on. hotaru is here n sakura is wering ninja cloths. more msg as stuf happens
========================== Darkside Student Congress ==========================
Message: 25/3 Posted Author
A Text Message (2) Wed Sep 26 2007 Momo
From: TennisHearT14
Subject: robomomo!!!
Text: it looks like im in da turnoment aftr all! dey made a robomomo and i beat it and took sum flix. i wnder why dey had a robomomo neway. :o
Attachment: 00283618.avi (a video of M0M0 jerkily walking towards the camera)
========================== Darkside Student Congress ==========================
Message: 25/4 Posted Author
A Text Message (3) Wed Oct 10 2007 Momo
From: TennisHearT14
Subject: robomomo hive
Text: drew a map of th suiryu on my arm, vents r v v cold. found lotsa robomomos, dey al trnd on @ once n attakd! i blew dem up w/a bomb sum guy had.
Attachment: 00388359.jpg (a picture of the M0M0 construction room, with three dozen M0M0s in various stages of completion scattered around)
From: TennisHearT14
Subject: bomb guy
Text: the bomb guy sed he new momo was w/kurow, wut is up w/dat? do we hav a leak? shoud b mor quietr 4 a whil til things r calm agin.
Attachment: 00388360.jpg (a picture of Momo's forearm, with a map of the Suiryuu's vents drawn on it; she has serious burns)
========================== Darkside Student Congress ==========================
Message: 25/5 Posted Author
I Hate That Ship Tue Oct 23 2007 Sada
(This message ACTUALLY got posted about last Friday. IP matches Rugal's awesome on-ship internet!)
I hate this tournament. I hate this ship. I hate everyone involved in organizing it.
Kurow has heard me talk about this but I want to let all of the rest of you know as well. Whoever has organized this tournament isn't interested in testing fighting mettle, they aren't interested in seeing who's the best or cleverest! It's all a pack of retarded lies meant to whip up a bunch of young idiots into obeying their will like blind brainwashed slaves!
They don't even have a prize! They don't even have a goal! It's a bunch of pointless organizing for the sake of organizing and a license to beat the crap out of people -- if there's some kind of hidden motive at work here beyond this, I'm going to be really surprised!
Don't waste your breath talking to them - they'll tell you that they're just fighting for the hell of it. Disgusting wretches! I'm not going to cry if a bunch of them end up dead, except that these freak ninjas will probably use their souls as slaves!
That's all. I have to go to bed now. Unlike THEM, they GIVE you a place to sleep here!
(End post.)
========================== Darkside Student Congress ==========================
Message: 25/6 Posted Author
A Text Message (4) Thu Oct 25 2007 Momo
(This message was sent moments before the immense chi explosion on the Suiryuu)
From: TennisHearT14
Subject: monies
Text: i took elles monies, i think we shoud hav a party
Attachment: 00388361.jpg (a picture taken inside Elle's room on the Suiryuu, of several thousand dollars)
Log created on 00:00:11 11/01/2007 by Prime, and last modified on 19:59:18 11/10/2007.