Description: The Mad Gears try to cause trouble in Metro City, but Maki has something to say about that! (Winner: Maki)
The Industrial Area is a bustling spot where people work hard to provide Metro City with things like food, power, and maintenance. All the while, things like construction sites and other things of that sort can be found as the workers try to build more industrial businesses to increase the productivity. Unfortunately, productivity sometimes goes down, because of the Mad Gears, who love terrorizing citizens while taking what they can. Many citizens live in constant fear because of this, and despite the police's best efforts to maintain the police, they are mostly powerless against the gang.
But one citizen is not taking this sitting down. That citizen is Maki Genryusai. A woman familiar with the Mad Gears, she walks down the street with a look that indicates she's taking no prisoners if the Mad Gear should come upon her. As she walks near a construction site, she pauses for a moment, thinking that something is definitely not right within the area.
Mad Gear has lost much power over the years, with loss of control over certain districts, members leaving, and a general lack of funds. Though, one could say the tatters have become more dangerous. Currently a bunch of MG's thugs are hanging around the construction site Maki stops at, where the skeleton of a new warehouse is being built. Some sit and smoke, others stand and talk. About midway up the construction is a platform where some visiting Japanese mobsters are looking at some drugs being sold to them by MG. The massive leader of the gang, Katana, is before them, flanked by a guy in a red biker outfit and a tall, lean man in a red uniform and bottles of molotov cocktails. The rest are just generic thugs.
"<I am assurance that the crack is purely quality,>" states Katana. The Japanese mobsters look at each other, but try not to remark on the American's Japanese. Katana sweeps his arm to a briefcase full of money. "<Bringing lot's of money to you for this. It is very good business doing with true Japanese individuals.>"
Maki's instincts are on the money, as she spots the various thugs hanging around. At first she thinks they might just be some kids hanging out and being rebellious, untill she spots the giant man standing beside them in his armor that nobody could easily miss, even if they wanted to.
"Katana!" She mutters to herself.
The next thing she knows, she's inside of the construction site, tonfa drawn and a fierce look being given to all of the Mad Gears hanging around there. She shows no signs of fear on her face or any sign that she's going to retreat. Instead, she's all pumped up and looking for a fight.
Katana sees Maki, but his minions are already on it. "Hey hey, it's a chick and she's tresspassing!" one yells as he comes at her with a lead pipe. Another comes from the side with a punch, while more stand and walk over to her. A car pulls up just then and a man in grey pants and a tank top hops out, running right towards Maki from behind. "Hey guys, am I late to the deal or what?" he asks, not seeming to notice Maki or what's going on.
Trespassing? Maki? Well, that all depends on how you look at it. To be perfectly honest, Maki doesn't consider herself trespassing as much as she considers herself doing the good citizens of Metro City a big favor by helping fend off one of the worst gangs there is. And the first thug coming at her is likely to find himself wishing he hadn't as Maki swings her tonfa at him, hitting him square in the chin.
Another thug trying to get her with a knife finds himself getting the knife kicked out of his hand, and then being thrown to the ground before they can even realize what hit him. And the thug trying to get the drop on Maki? Let's just say Maki's swept him off his feet with her Bushin Senpuu Kyaku spin kick technique.
Once all is said and done, the thugs are out cold or just too injured to attack. That's when Maki stares at Katana. "<Looks like you and your minions still haven't learned your lesson.>" She says in very fluent Japanese. "<I'm afraid I'm going to have to teach you a lesson!>"
COMBATSYS: Maki has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Maki 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Katana has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Katana 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Maki
The pipe thug gets a crack on the chin and goes down, while the other is dazed from the throw. And the guy in gray, Bred? "Seriously guys, what's going o-UWAAGH!" Bred goes flying and slams into his own car, out cold. Katana stares down at Maki and feels rage within him. "<You will regretting your stepping into of the deal!>" he says, twirling both jutte and leaping, aiming a flying kick right into Maki's chest. "HIYAAAAAAA!" he screams.
COMBATSYS: Katana successfully hits Maki with Light Kick.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Katana 0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0 Maki
The kick hits its mark, and it hurts a little, sending Maki stumbling backwards, and gasping for air a little. But she's back in action almost immediately. "<Not bad, but I'm just getting warmed up, you know.>" With that, Maki rushes towards Katana and raises her fist in an effort to land a medium punch on him.
COMBATSYS: Katana endures Maki's Medium Strike.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Katana 0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0 Maki
Katana takes the punch with an 'oof', staggering back from the force of the blow. "Hmmph!" he goes. "<You will learn to lick my blades!>" he proclaims. Despite the fact the statement makes no sense at all, Katana puts his jutte under his arms, holding them there while he makes a grab for Maki, aiming to toss her in the opposite direction and into some barrels.
COMBATSYS: Maki endures Katana's Shogun Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Katana 0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0 Maki
That was a pretty nice throw for Katana, but Maki is ready for it, and as soon as Katana throws her into the air, she quickly recovers as she hits the ground, missing the barrels by inches. Had it not been for that, she could've easily found herself in a world of hurt. But she's still standing as it is, and she won't let Katana make such strange statements to her.
"<Lick your blades? Give me a break!>" Maki says with a sarcastic smirk as she drops to the ground and begins to spin around on her hand while yelling, "Bushin Senpuu Kyaku!"
COMBATSYS: Maki successfully hits Katana with Bushin Senpuu Kyaku.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Katana 0/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0 Maki
The repeated spinning kick slams into Katana's stomach for multiple hits. He gets thrown back, almost falling but managing to keep his balance, although he has to catch his breath from that one. "Ungh! are a fierce fighting Japanese women. A treat to fight." Too bad he doesn't have a videotape. "I must remember this!" The giant false-Japanese man then leaps, slamming both jutte downwards and slashing at Maki in an x-shape, landing in a crouch on the ground.
COMBATSYS: Maki dodges Katana's Fierce Strike.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Katana 1/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0 Maki
That slash could have easily hurt Maki, and it would've been painful too. But that's saying if it hit. Unfortunately for Katana, Maki rolled out of the way in time to avoid being hit, so all Katana hit was nothing but air. She shakes her head and says, "<Not good. I was expecting more from the Mad Gears.>" With that, she thrusts forward with a strong kick.
COMBATSYS: Katana counters Strong Kick from Maki with Shiraha Catch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Katana 1/------=/=======|=======\-------\0 Maki
Katana quickly slips his jutte into his armpits and makes a grab for Maki's leg just as the foot reaches him. "<Then you shall learn to fear, and loathing!>" he spits, before throwing her, hard to the ground.
Looks like Maki really underestimated Katana there, and it was a really bad move, too, since she finds herself going into the ground. And boy does it hurt, as Maki finds herself a littel dazed as she stands back up and dusts herself off. Nonetheless, her glare still remains strong at Katana.
"<You have guts, I'll give you that, but it won't be enough to beat me!>"
With that, Maki rebounds off of a nearby barrel and attempts to strike Katana in the face with her, "Hassou Kyaku!"
COMBATSYS: Maki successfully hits Katana with Hassou Kyaku.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Katana 1/----===/=======|=======\-------\1 Maki
Katana is struck in the face before he has a chance to block, and is sent flying into the fence of the construction area, crashing into a pile of metal girders. His helmet is cracked and stars flash before his vision. This woman is tough. "<Why attack us anyway, woman?>" he asks as he stands, pointing his jutte at her. He runs, extending his jutte and attempting to stab them into Maki, or at least grab her, before leaping into the air and lifting her over his head, finishing the movement by slamming her into the ground by his jutte.
COMBATSYS: Maki dodges Katana's Butsumetsu Buster.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Katana 1/----===/=======|=======\-------\1 Maki
Well that was a valiant attempt on Katana's part, but when you're an agile person like Maki, it's no problem to move out of the way of an attack like that. Poor Katana is going to find himself wishing that he'd tried something a little more carefully planned, since Maki's coming at him to administer a quick throw. Not exactly powerful, but it's the speed that matters.
COMBATSYS: Maki successfully hits Katana with Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Katana 1/-======/=======|=======\-------\1 Maki
Katana is slammed into the ground by Maki's throw. Luckily being a beefy guy all the damage done to him hasn't knocked him out yet. But he might not last long against this crazy woman. While he's down, however, he suddenly performs a handstand, using his jutte to actually walk forward while in this position. This way, the jutte 'feet' will stab repeatedly into Maki's lower body. It's a quick movement and he gets right back up after it, ready for her. "I shall ask again, in english. Who are you, and why do you oppose Mad Gear??"
COMBATSYS: Maki blocks Katana's Tengu Walking.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Katana 1/--=====/=======|=======\=------\1 Maki
The stabbing connects, but not the way Katana hoped they would, since Maki protects herself from the attack, sending her backwards barely. She glares at Katana and says, "Why am I against you? Because you kidnapped my family, that's why! I am Maki Genryusai, and your gang kidnapped my sister and father! What foolishness do you think you were doing with that?!"
Without waiting for an answer, Maki swings her tonfa at the giant man.
COMBATSYS: Maki successfully hits Katana with Random Weapon.
[ \\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Katana 1/=======/=======|=======\==-----\1 Maki
Katana raises his jutte to block the attack, but Maki gets in anyway, the tonfa slamming into Katana's side and crushing his armor, hitting his flesh underneath. "AYAAAA!" he yells. "I have heard of you, Maki-chan," he says. Yes, he used chan. "It is too bad you're family was kidnapped...Mad Gear was not under my leadership then. But, you will still pay for attempting to stop our deals. So, I must finish you off." Katana power-poses, although he doesn't have much in the way of flashy chi auras.
Katana then just rushes Maki, aiming to first perform another Butsumetsu Buster, except quicker this time. He then leaps /again/, still holding Maki, pausing mid-air, then SLAMMING her down with great force as to cause the ground to shake. But he then drags her across the ground until she actually catches fire, and finally letting her go. It's like three attacks in one!
COMBATSYS: Maki endures Katana's Ten Chuu Satsu.
[ \\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
Katana 0/-------/---====|=======\=====--\1 Maki
Indeed it's like three attacks in one, and it does hurt quite a bit actually. But fortunately for Maki, she prepared herself for the attacks and tenses her body the right way to absorb the damage from the attacks. Unfortunately, it still causes some damage, and when she gets back up, she finds she's bleeding from her nose and she'd a bit bruised. But that's not enough to stop her.
"Me pay for what I'm doing? You're one to talk," Maki shouts, and then rushes at Katana, attempting to administer a lightning quick series of tonfa strikes and kicks while she yells, "Bushin Gou Rai Ha!"
COMBATSYS: Maki successfully hits Katana with Bushin Gou Rai Ha.
[ < > ////////// ]
Katana 1/----===/=======|=------\-------\0 Maki
Katana is blitzed, his jutte flying to the wind as he's assaulted with tonfa strikes and kicks. The last one, finally, sends him flying, straight through the fenced off-area, making a massive hole. He groans, raises a hand. "Desu...desu..." he gasps, before falling backwards. The rest of the gang has, of course, started to take off.
COMBATSYS: Katana takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ <
Maki 0/-------/------=|
COMBATSYS: Katana can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ <
Maki 0/-------/------=|
Maki looks at Katana and shakes her head. "Too bad, you should've quit while you were ahead." She says as she wipes her hands off, and with that, she's off on her way again, heading for the nearest medical center to get patched up. All the while the police will decide what to do with Katana. Probably lock him up only to have him break out again. But hey, what can you do?
COMBATSYS: Maki has ended the fight here.
Log created by Maki, and last modified on 10:28:43 03/24/2007.