Description: Sticking true to his gumptions, Billy makes a rather painful offer to Yamazaki to check the peak of his training regiment.
Although Billy stated prior that he intended to do an advanced training regiment, Geese might be pleasantly surprised to find the extent of his dedication to such advancement. He's been spending almost excessive times working on routines and physical training, to the point of beginning to neglect Lilly. In a way this is quiet revenge; She's been somewhat distant herself these last weeks, for whichever intangible reason. At the present many of the employees privy to this private floor find Billy to be a common fixture. At the moment he's in the midst of an endurance drill, wearing blue jeans and a white shirt, with standard bandana of white and red. His jacket was long since abandoned, crimson bo staff held tightly. Heavy weights are on each end, but the bodyguard continues to press onwards to the point of near collapse, nigh smothered in sweat. The swooshes and flips of the weapon are barely stalled, although the effort such takes is tremendous. Finally ending the present 'kata', Billy doubles over while allowing the staff's end to impact the padded floor adjacent with a terrible thud, trying as best he can to recover. This present room is mostly a broad open area, blue matt covering the middle and mirrors on the walls. ...The very same one that he put down Mr. Big in a few weeks earlier, actually.
Even to someone like Yamazaki, that spends such little time at Geese Tower, word trickles down regarding things like the fight between Big and Billy. And it brought quite a bit of amusement to his face. His only regret is that he wasn't there to help. He's got nothing against Big, persay, but missing the opportunity to nearly cripple someone is something that makes the blonde a bit annoyed. Such is life, though.
It was about this time that he was supposed to show up. Kane didn't quite specify why, but when the fifty-fifth floor was mentioned, the intent was deduced easily enough; Billy wanted to punch someone. And who was Ryuji to turn down an opportunity to punch back? Almost leisurely, he strolled right through the front door and up to the elevator. The security guard /almost/ gets up to make a move and... well, do his job, but last-moment recognition and a sense of self-preservation combine to remind him of just who that is. And with a quiet *ding*, the elevator opens, and in Yamazaki goes.
It was a damned painfully slow ride up to the 55th floor, too. When it finally arrives, he almost stomps out of the damn thing. His arrival to the training floor is announced by nothing more than a large shoe-clad foot crashing into the door and knocking it open before he walks into the training room proper.
Well, it would seem that Billy's desire for a proper sparring partner was accepted. The herald to Yamazaki's arrival is as overt as always, the second in command hefting up the staff to rest across his shoulders almost lazily. Elbows hook over either end, tongue drawing across pursed lips. The first impression of the enforcer might be that Billy's in little condition to do a pushup, but that could be exactly why now is when he wants to fight. Pressing himself to his utmost limits, against an opponent who has absolutely no potential to fathom mercy. An involuntary slouch is evident when the Brit faces the Orochi-blooded. "Hey hey hey... Yamazaki." is mulled, hand snaking out to the first weight on his staff. Yanking off the straps, they collide with the ground with a violent crash. The same is repeated on the other end. How much they weighed is questionable, but already Billy looks a half-ton lighter. "Not looking for a free walk. ...I got an offer for you. ... Fifty thousand if you can drop me and I don't get up." And not even a perquisite that Billy remains alive?! The grin is almost masochistic upon the other man, with just a slight nuance of instability. "What do you say?"
COMBATSYS: Yamazaki has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Yamazaki 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Billy has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Yamazaki 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Billy
A curious glance was given to the weights on the staff, then to the sweat-covered Kane standing across the way. .. wait. He stops, then quirks an eyebrow for a moment. Someone tired as this, Kane or no Kane, just offered him 50 large just to knock him out. Yamazaki's right hand dips into its pocket for a moment before withdrawing the switchblade. A quick twist and snap of his wrist bares the blade, and he just gives that wide, almost fang-like grin before he.. yes, he licks right along the side of the blade. Dangerously close to the sharp end, too. "Deal." The fur coat is shrugged off, pushed into the corner before his left hand reaches up to pluck the sunglasses from his nose. Those, as well, are tossed to the side. The knife is put through a slow series of twirls, moving it from finger to finger before snapping it closed just as quickly. And with no further delay, in charges the Syndicate lieutenant. He goes in headlong, rushing right at Billy without abandon, and once he's within range, his lead foot stops, planting itself into the floor while Ryuji spins around on it, aiming to bring his back foot around in sort of mule-style kick for the Brit's ribcage.
COMBATSYS: Billy counters Light Kick from Yamazaki with Fire Dragon Pursuit Cane.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Yamazaki 0/-------/----===|=------\-------\0 Billy
"Don't be... thinking I'm easy game..." Billy comments as best he can, twirling his staff regardless of the discomfort and flowing backwards into a defensive posture. He hunkers forward slightly, grip tightening with one forearm interposed before defensively. There's patience, as the enforcer lumbers forward after shirking his vestments. Billy is almost at a zen right now, in actuality; Too long has he languished with lesser fighters in comfortable circumstance, standing around Geese's office and playing house with Lilly. This is the life he once had... And he's going back to the founding years, when his entire future vested on mastering the bo staff. He'll do it again. The incoming foot is not exactly caught; Billy snaps to the side while shifting, shoving it away with the side of the bo and advancing during that opening. Disassembling the red weapon fluidly thereafter, the segments begin a vicious onslaught on his opponent, cackling a moment before punctuating the end with a sudden uppercut towards the face as it snaps together. "C'mon... C'MON!" Billy is almost asking for it. Despite a mild wobble.
Honestly, he should have seen that coming. One of the downsides of fighting like a berserker is that people tend to be able to anticipate what's coming, and Yamazaki suffers for it. He staggers backwards a few feet after that last uppercut, then turns his head off to the side for a moment and spits out a bit of blood. Then, he just chuckles to himself. "Christ, you just don't quit, do you, you crazy little fuckhead." The knife is snapped from his right pocket for a moment, given a light twirl between his fingers.. before the knife is proven to simply be a distraction. While the right hand is entertaining, the left is lashing out, moving in that near-trademarked strike that results in his arm seeming to stretch across the full distance between himself and Billy. His left hand comes up at the last moment as it lashes out, and his leather-clad knuckles aim to slam right into one of Billy's temples.
COMBATSYS: Billy blocks Yamazaki's Snake Tamer.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Yamazaki 0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0 Billy
"Hey... Better watch your mouth with me." Billy offers, but seeming to be more joking then anything else. A faux display of his 'rank'; Unlike Mr. Big, the bodyguard knows a kindred spirit in rebellion when he sees it, regardless of whether poking an angry dog is a bright idea or not. Indeed the eyes were upon that knife, before the incoming hand incites a brief flicker of tension. But the staff intercepts it, dampening the blow and shifting it to graze a shoulder. Stumbling away, the staff is planted on the ground, and then utilized to launch Billy forward with a snarl. One kick deserves another, and in a whipping motion an attempt is made to catch Yamazaki upon the shoulder and drive him backwards! He would land a moment after in something of an awkward crouch, assuming the motion finished as planned...
COMBATSYS: Billy successfully hits Yamazaki with Light Kick.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Yamazaki 0/-------/-======|==-----\-------\0 Billy
"Pfft. You tell me t'watch my damn mouth, but you don't argue me callin' you a crazy fuckhead." Yamazaki just grins even wider as he flexes the fingers of his left hand, popping his knuckles. "Least that means you know. Makes it more fun." And Ryuji's hands both come up to intercept the kick... but much to his chagrin, they both happen to be just scant inches in either direction, and the foot slips past his defenses. It catches him more in the chest than the shoulder, causing him to stumble back and slam into the wall. Just as quickly, though, he's moving again, crossing the short distance between himself and Billy again. One hand shoots out, and should he get a hold on the front of the second in command's shirt, Yamazaki wheels around, hauling Billy by his outfit, facing the wall just a moment before he tries to slam Billy right into the same spot he himself just impacted.
COMBATSYS: Billy dodges Yamazaki's Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Yamazaki 0/-------/-======|==-----\-------\0 Billy
"Would I be... offering you 50 thousand to kick my ass... if I was halfway sane?" This is asked with the same smirk that might bring into question Billy's thought processes on this entire encounter. As anticipated he barely stalled the onslaught of Yamazaki, literally diving away into a hard roll from the shooting hand. Sliding to a stop, one hand bracing the ground, Billy then breaks into a hard run while low to the ground, disturbingly quiet for the speed. Hopefully, just when Yamazaki turns to face him, he'll find that bo staff hitting him in the throat. In order to heft the other man up with a cackle, attempting to thoroughly strangle him in the air before /slamming/ him right back into the matt. Billy's being exceptionally slippery tonight, but such has always been the case when him and the Orochi have come to blows.
COMBATSYS: Yamazaki counters Hell Drop from Billy with Sadomazo.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Yamazaki 1/-------/=======|===----\-------\0 Billy
Yamazaki's hand meets only air, and there's a low growl rumbling in his throat while he turns around to see where the staff-wielder has escaped off to. "The hell'd you go, y'little--" And he's cut off as he sees that there's a staff heading right for him. There's no time to dodge, no time to even throw up a reasonable defense... so instead, he just runs with it. With Billy as low as he is, the Enforcer just lifts a leg up, and when bo-staff makes contact with throat, one of those big dress shoes stomps down hard, slamming the heel of said shoe right into the toes of Billy's boot. After that, the large left hand comes down, and there's a bit of gaseous purple chi wisping over his knuckles as he just strikes straight down and punches the Brit square in the skullcap.
Well, that was unexpected. Although the attack hit home, there was no purchase to heft. Stomped in the foot for his trouble with a snarl, it's the sudden drillbit of chi which sends Billy right into the ground like a sack of potatoes, forcedly rolling himself to a stop out of immediate range before somewhat lethargicly rising to a hunched stand. Billy's breath is coming heavier now from just that solid blow, but he begins to shimmer with chi regardless while shifting the long bo overhead in measured, slow spirals. Crackles and sparks of fire surround the bodyguard, rippling across the full-wall mirrors and casting the dimly illuminated room in an array of hellish oranges and reds. There's a mildly expectant look on Billy's face, lips spread in a grin. He thinks he knows just what Yamazaki will do...
COMBATSYS: Billy gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Yamazaki 1/-------/=======|=======\-------\0 Billy
He takes a few short steps back while Billy works to recover, and a grin starts to pull at the thug's lips again before he chuckles underneath his breath. Yamazaki, admittedly, is breathing a bit heavily, as well, but he's not quite able to manifest his chi in such a manner; he just has to settle for a freakish physical stature to impose himself. When the fire starts to illuminate the room, however.. Yamazaki just plain doesn't move. His right hand tucks itself into its pocket, and the left flexes its fingers before relaxing. "Fool me once, Kane, shame on you. I ain't gonna let you get to fool me twice." He cocks his head to one side, spitting a fair-sized mixture of spit and blood into one corner before Ryuji licks his lips, then.. he just plots.
COMBATSYS: Yamazaki gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Yamazaki 0/-------/=======|=======\-------\0 Billy
"Hah... Is that so?" Billy looks to be faintly impressed at some distant show of intelligence burrowing in the other man, swishing his staff downwards and dissipating the gathered chi conduited through the crimson weapon. "I thought you just beat on people... until they stopped moving." Wry amusement maybe, even if that approach failed twice already in only this fight. But rather then bring the attack closer, Billy suddenly snaps out his staff, holding it near the very end. It breaks into three pieces connected by chain, rocketing across the distance and aiming to peg Yamazaki right in the stomach, hopefully driving him back a step. Thereafter it's retracted, and in that motion Yamazaki might very well burst into flame, if only for a second, although it takes a moment for the weapon to combine anew.
COMBATSYS: Billy successfully hits Yamazaki with Blazing Cane Thrust.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Yamazaki 1/-----==/=======|=======\=------\1 Billy
To his credit, Yamazaki almost seemed prepared. When the staff shot out towards him, he started to rush right in against it, and while it caught him square in the midsection, it almost looked like he was going to push his way past it and continue inward.. but, it was that last bit of fire at the end that caught him off-guard, creating just enough of an explosion to knock the Enforcer down to one knee. There's another growl rumbling in his chest for a moment, when.. well, for lack of a better term.. he snaps. Perhaps for just a moment, but that's all it takes for his feet to leave the ground. And that loud, almost obscenely high-pitched cackling starts to echo off the walls as he goes airborne. At the apex of his jump, one hand comes up to swat at any potential staff defenses, and should he bypass those, his right hand will snap down to grab right onto Billy's face.
[OOC] Yamazaki says, "More if y'arr."
COMBATSYS: Yamazaki successfully hits Billy with Yondan Drill.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Yamazaki 0/-------/----===|=======\====---\1 Billy
And that cackling continues as he gets a grip. Gravity does the rest, and the first thing to hit the ground is the back of Billy's head. It's there that he pins Billy down for a moment, just so he can grin. "That's not all I do, but it is a large part of my resume." With that, he rears back, straightening up before he hurls the Brit upwards hard enough to slam him into the ceiling. And when he comes down again.. he'll catch Billy again. Then, a rain of headbutts will fall, slamming his face into poor, poor Billy's a good seven or eight times before tossing him into the air once more. In mid-descent, the left hand will snap up, and a sudden flare-up of golden chi will surround his entire arm as he drives an uppercut right into.. hell, whereever he can hit while Billy's flipping through the air with the greatest of ease.
Billy is losing his focus. It's not really hard to fathom given his physical and mental state. There's a hesitation between intercepting the lunging figure, or trying to drive it aside. It's these moments, this lack of instinct, that has grown and festered like cancer within Billy. And will, with this as a teaching aid, get torn from his body. Gripped by the throat and hefted up, there's enough time to attempt and better endure the coming storm. The breath still leaves his lungs upon impact with the ceiling, the rapid-fire headbutts almost lost in the heavenly darkness. The final uppercut sends Billy into a mirror, which explodes outwards in a hail of shards. Billy actually loses hold of his staff in this moment, thudding on the ground limply. There'd be a few seconds where he seems down, but with a hiss he... breaths. And then snakes out a hand to his bo staff, rising back up. He wobbles, but has an almost too distant grin. "Hah... getting my... money's worth after all!!"
Billy then snaps back his staff, and it blooms like a serpent into many long coils attached by chain, which may be an illusion -- or may not. A hissing sound is evident as the entire entity bursts into flames, gripped two handed. "...BUT YOU'RE GONNA EARN IT!!" And then he rushes forward, sweeping out in a broad arc. The walls explode in a hail of burnt wood and mirror, attempting to slam Yamazaki in an upward arc right into the ceiling. Before a second swing tears apart the other half, to impact Yamazaki into the ground likely hard enough to bust the foundation of this part of the floor. A huge bloom of fire follows, blowing out across the ceiling in a roar. Thereafter his weapon would retract into one entity, Billy all but falling over from that exertion.
COMBATSYS: Yamazaki fails to interrupt Salamander Stream from Billy with Suna Kake.
[ \\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Yamazaki 0/-------/-======|=------\-------\0 Billy
Where he ended up standing, his foot ended up nudged against one of those heavy weights that once weighed down the staff. And thus, an idea found its way into his head. He wedged his toe underneath the weight, and then, just braced himself as he grins right back to the sanity-lacking brit across the room. To the screamed comment, he simply raises a hand up, palm-up, and makes the universal motion for 'bring it.' And as Billy moves to do just that, Yamazaki's foot snaps up, coming across to fling the weight right for Billy's face. Much to his chagrin, the staff manages to swat it aside in mid-air, and the spike-haired lieutenant goes for a ride. He slams hard into the ceiling, and just as quickly, he's brought back down, slamming face-first into the ground. The fire washes right over him, and for a few moments, it's there that he remains. He lays there for a few moments, and it almost looks like he's knocked the hell out. The rubble shifts, though, and Yamazaki crawls out of the crater that he made in the floor. His face is bloody; nose likely broken, with blood streaming down his lips and over his chin. It takes him a moment, but then... he grins. And it looks even worse when Yamazaki grins and blood is on his face. "Shit." He chuckles to himself, grinning all the while. "That didn't even knock me out, Kane."
"...Can say the same about your last little number, Yamazaki... I think you gave me enough workout for today." His staff begins to spiral madly, some second wind giving the final burst of adrenaline to see this fight to the conclusion. And as Billy advances, he braces the end of his staff and /shoots/ into the air, flipping a single time before descending with incredible speed. "RRRRAUGH!" is snarled, a vicious sidekick and then whirl around with the bo staff following, trying to almost literally blow Yamazaki right into the already ravaged wall behind before landing on... his knees, actually. Mental note to next time avoid fighting the other man when your limbs feel like lead.
COMBATSYS: Yamazaki fails to counter Flying Assault Cane from Billy with Sadomazo.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Billy 0/-------/-----==|
COMBATSYS: Yamazaki can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Billy 0/-------/-----==|
As Yamazaki watches that staff starting to spiral around... while he would never admit it, he knows he's hosed at this point. He's too tired to even /try/ to dodge, and battered enough from the last attack that he can barely stand up straight. So, what does he do? His arms go out wide. "Come on, Kane! Hit me, you bastard!" And he just tosses his head back and starts to laugh. And laugh. And *laugh*. It's almost an anime-ish moment as Billy descends; the sidekick lands solid, and Yamazaki throws his fist out after that. There're a few moments of struggling as he fights as hard as he can to drive his fist through the attack, and he goes so far as to growl out a brief 'rrrrgh!' before the staff-strike wins, and Yamazaki is blown back into the wall. Hard. He just hangs there, stuck in the crater that he's imprinted into the wall. A moment passes before he coughs, and a bit of blood splatters over the floor at his feet. And it's there that he hangs, supported only by what's left of the crater.
"Hah... hah..." Billy barely manages to get up to his feet, resting on the staff with almost all his weight. But he looks to be satisfied by the outcome, glancing over the shattered room. Geese will probably be displeased, but overall the bodyguard is happy with how this turned out. "...Double if you take me down next week." is offered towards Yamazaki, fully aware that he's likely still able to hear it. And then Billy starts limping along towards the exit, more or less dragging the bo staff behind with a rasp. This training regiment might be worse then anticipated.
Log created by Billy, and last modified on 17:40:25 03/08/2007.