Description: The log was originally called "I hate Jiro e_e" but that seemed sort of, you know... egregious.
It's another day in Southtown. However, this current day is a bit different. While the winter is slowly clearing up as March is coming around, it leaves for the days to be rather cold without snow. Even with the sun up, people will have to dress up warm in order to gain some sort of head. Unfortunately, this means that snowboarding is over. Which is a shape, as it has been something that would had been nice to continue.
Walking through the business sections of the streets, the Stray Dog, Jiro Kasagi, is walking along the sidewalk past the many men in business suits. Using the trenchcoat to cover him, Jiro immeditely turns to face the television, looking at the news through a store window. The volume barely audiable, Jiro's close enough to hear the report.
"...Well damn. Looks like I'll be paying a visit to Metro City again." He snorts, "The Glow." Of course, that just means he'll be leaving without telling anyone again.
Southtown draws all kinds. Being the global center of street fighting culture, there's men and women of all nationalities wandering these streets. And not all of them are happy campers. Not all of them are filled with joy, or the stress, or the bustle of everyday living.
Some of them are just bored with it all.
His tall frame towering over the relatively shorter Japanese citizens around him, Remy moves through the midday sea of Southtown like a black and pale green shark fin slicing through the dark blue water of salaryman anonymity. He's come here on a mission, but it's not exactly like it takes up all his time. In fact, Remy's life is made of free time. He's spending it now wandering what will be, for some time, his new 'home', getting the lay of the land.
He too notices the story on this so-called drug and espies the same bank of TVs Jiro is looking at. His response, however, is slightly less generous and certainly less altruistic: he simply says, in a tired tone, "Pathetic."
From this point, the Stray Dog offers a curl of a frown. He can't help but wonder the state of the situation in Metro City as to how bad it is. Hopefully, it can't be as bad as folks are saying. Then again, why the hell does he care? He just wants to see Kyle and get on with his life. The Stray Dog dismisses his feelings towards Metro City, "Tsch..."
However, once the green haired man speaks up, the Stray Dog shrugs, "Eh, the news does offer crappy stuff at times." He slowly starts to back away, straightening up the trenchcoat. "But, the sentiments are true for this Glow thing." He shakes his head, starting to walk back from Remy, "Have fun."
It's Remy's turn to snort at that. "Sentiment... that's one way to look at it." He glances back at the television with clear and obvious disdain in his expression, seafoam-green brows furrowing in annoyance. "People who decide to drown their stupidity in chemical solutions... they're among the lowest." He suddenly smirks, amused at some internal joke. "Never mind that people like Cody Travers deserve what they get. At least he admits he's nothing more than a foolish warrior."
Then he turns to Jiro, glaring at him. Kids these days. "You're different than the rest of these clones, boy..." he says, suddenly. "In fact, you're dressed like a street tough. Or possibly... some other kind of 'bravo'." He imbues the word 'bravo' with enough venom to kill a horse.
The Stray Dog pauses for a moment when he mentions about Cody Travers. Jiro Kasagi looks very irritated for a moment, turning to face Remy with a leveled gaze. "Huh, I think he's been through enough without folks talking shit about him." He remains quiet after that too much.
But, as Remy glares at him, Jiro returns the glare.
Staredown. Include eyelasers.
The Stray Dog suddenly tightens his fists. "And you're dressed enough to be a reject from the Queer Eye for the Straight Guy's boyfriend." His tone is equally acidic, the venom dripping out as his hand tightens into a fist.
"What's your damn point?"
Of course, there's the temper flaring up again.
Remy doesn't blink at the insult. He's French; you're going to have to do better than that to make him so much as bat an eye. Instead he just gives Jiro a bored expression. "You're young so you can afford to be stupid. Don't grow up the same way while you can still avoid it." Gets right to the point, doesn't he? Hands in the pockets of his black leather pants, the Frenchman turns away, darkly amused at something only he can hear, once again.
"Anything that Travers went through he deserved. What did fighting earn him, or anyone, but sorrow?" In a swirl of light green, Remy snaps his head at Jiro. "That's all fighting brings: sorrow. Forget about the Glow, forget Metro City. Go home. Do something else."
There is a slight pause from the Stray Dog, who offers a grumble. The young man is starting to pause once he goes on about what all fighters experience. From that, Jiro stares at the man in a cold manner. "..." The Stray Dog looks odd for a moment, then he lowers his head. "...Nothing but sorrow..."
He starts to reflect back.
~ ...Ever since being a fighter, had folks always wanting to fight, been put in these ridiculous matches, had folks after my family. But if I had never fought, I would not been able to even defend them. ~
"Tsch." The Stray Dog finally answers, "Thanks for the advice, but I have business to take care of at Metro City." He lifts an eyebrow, staring at Remy, "What are you, some anti-fighter advocator?"
The Frenchman's eyes narrow at Jiro's reply. It was the wrong thing to say, for sure, and the tall, lanky fighter advances a step on Jiro. No farther than that; he's not ready to turn this into some sort of to-do just yet. But he's trying to make a point. "I'm someone who's lost everything because of fighters like you... and I'm searching for the man who took it all away from me so I can pay him back for all the damage he's caused."
Another step. His eyes narrow. "There are others who can handle Metro City. Stay home. Stop fighting. Grow up smart instead of stupid." There's a very tiny hint of 'or else' in his voice at this point.
Once the lanky fighter advances towards Jiro, the boy responds by getting up close and personal towards the man. His expression becomes unfaltering. "So you blame fighters for losing everything you have? What, did you bet on a fighter who got his ass beat? Unless you associated yourself with the wrong crowd, I am not sure how."
"Frankly, for now, I don't too much care." he growls, "As for Metro City, I will deal with that on my own or at least until I am satisfied with what I need to do. If you plan to stop me..."
He snarls, "Try it."
COMBATSYS: Jiro has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Jiro 0/-------/-------|
"My father," Remy says, in a tired voice, as if he's getting sick of telling the story at all. "Abandoned our family, ran off to be a 'warrior'... for nothing. Cost my sister and my mother their lives." He balls a hand into a fist in his pocket, regarding Jiro. He's a stubborn kid... so normal tactics of persuasion aren't exactly going to work. Well, that's fine by Remy.
"Stop you? I don't care about stopping you. Fools get what fools deserve. But as for showing you the futility of your beliefs, well..." And then he whips his hand around, palm glowing with a bright, pale green light as he flings a crescent of energy toward Jiro at considerable speed. "You asked."
COMBATSYS: Remy has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Jiro 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Remy
COMBATSYS: Jiro dodges Remy's Light of Virtue.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Jiro 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Remy
"..." The Stray Dog frowns at the mention of the story, then he shuts his eyes with a very unhappy look. "..." It somewhat hits home. That is almost why Jiro falters until he states, "Then that is where you have to do something about it, if you were the oldest." His eyes focus at Remy.
"..." Once he decides to reveal the crescent wave of energy, the Stray Dog immediately weaves himself out of the way, rushing towards Remy with an aggressive intent. His right arm winds up, then he races forward with a snarl to start sprinting towards Remy. The arm lifts up with a snarl, "Here's my call sign."
The arm prepares for a clothesline.
COMBATSYS: Remy dodges Jiro's Strong Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Jiro 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Remy
The Frenchman looks bored as Jiro attempts to clothesline him, stepping gently to the side and letting the Stray Dog move right on by like a toreador caping a particularly clumsy bull. As he turns around, he continues to talk in a distracted tone, as if the entire effort of conversation is boring to him, but at the same time he keeps up the assault, lashing out with a raised knee toward the center of Jiro's back. "Looks like your frequency's heavy on the noise and low on signal, boy."
COMBATSYS: Remy successfully hits Jiro with Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Jiro 0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0 Remy
Once the man gracefully moves past Jiro as the boy attempts to clothesline him, Jiro grunts irritibly over how much a pain this guy is going to be. Slowly on the verge of turning around, he does get greeted with the knee against his back. "Argh! Son of a..." Jiro launches both of his arms out while his back is bent from the knee, aiming to grip Remy by the collar.
Should he be successful, he's going to whip the man flat on his face with a toss.
COMBATSYS: Remy endures Jiro's Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Jiro 0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0 Remy
It's easy enough for Jiro to get a grip on Remy's collar, but the Stray Dog knows enough about fighting to realize that the Frenchman's body heads toward the ground TOO quickly and easily, and Remy's motions once he nears the ground are proof that it is going too well to be a real success. Whipping out both hands as he is about to face-first into the concrete, he suddenly catches himself in a handstand and lashes out with both feet, attempting to catch Jiro under the chin and right himself in a single motion.
COMBATSYS: Jiro counters Heavy Kick from Remy with Backlash.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Jiro 0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0 Remy
Once the young man immediately flips Remy over, the Stray Dog is noticing the movements that Remy is making. In fact, the boy expected that when the fighter has himself down quickly and both hands touch the ground.
He caught himself.
With that in mind, Jiro backs up slightly for the next strike coming his way. Both legs are extended out towards Jiro, who immediately reaches out to grab the ankles. "Thanks for offering yourself."
Once the legs are held, Jiro starts swinging the man around repeatedly. Around and around, the emo man goes. Where will he stop?
Jiro immediately hefts the man upward, then he opens his legs out as he thrusts the man on his face for a powerbomb.
Immediately, Jiro's rolling to his feet and to a distance.
While Jiro's counterattack may be swift, judging from Remy's reaction it lacks stopping power. Indeed, the Frenchman merely picks himself off the ground and dusts himself off, not all that bothered at all. Dusting grime from his cheek with a smirk, he eyes Jiro and doesn't press his attack, instead choosing to hang back and observe him. "Heh... if that's the extent of what you can do, maybe I don't need to say anything... you'll fall through the cracks of the real fighting world soon enough."
COMBATSYS: Remy focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Jiro 0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0 Remy
The Stray Dog exhales a sigh for a few moments after the slam is made,t hen he observes the Frenchman while he gets up. "Uh huh..." This is where Jiro rolls his eyes and he starts to walk towards Remy, "Right, normally, I'd save this for women I don't like..."
He pauses, "You're close enough. And I hate you already."
Jiro winds his right hand back, then he swings the right arm out.
Emrbace the pimpsmack.
COMBATSYS: Remy counters Quick Punch from Jiro with Blue Nocturne.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Jiro 1/------=/=======|=------\-------\0 Remy
Embrace this, kid.
The narrator is probably getting tired of applying 'lazy' to Remy's demeanor and movements, but it really does describe the way he moves. Graceful but brutal, everything an economy of motion. When Jiro goes for the slap, Remy snaps his hand out of the air with a grab of the fist and thrusts it aside, immediately inside the Stray Dog's guard, light green bangs sweeping over his dark eyes and blank expression. "Maybe you should have saved it, then," he drawls.
And then the beatdown begins. The assault is brutal and swift, a flurry of kicks and punches punctuated by Remy's deep, resonant, and disdainful voice. "You're weak... foolish... and worst of all..." Finally, practically from a standing start, the Frenchman does his own variation on a Flash Kick, flipping a complete 360 upwards in a massive swirl of light to knock Jiro back and give him some time to regret this. "...boring!"
Unfortunately, the attempt to slap the older man across the face earns the young boy a nice smack away, which opens his guard for the older man to reach in. Soon, the first thing that Jiro sees is the older man before he is greeted by the flurry of kicks and punches against his form. The Stray Dog is knocked back from several strikes as those kicks of fury keep sending Jiro back, then he grunts angrily before he keeps his feet on the ground. "Ughhrrr..."
But soon, Jiro is immediately caught by the flash kick with the light emitting from the boy's form. "Arrgggghhh!" Caught in the air, Jiro lands right on his back, collapsing on the ground, "Son of a..." He coughs, then he snorts. "Fine then.. kid gloves come off."
Forming two spheres in each hand, Jiro gives off a roar as he forms the two blazing spheres. "Arrrggghh...!" Feeling the fury engulfing him, Jiro finally brings both hands out to where he throws the spheres out to spiral around. "RIOT CROSS!"
Soon, the spheres spin and converge together to form a huge, white blazing cross that aims to explode on contact with Remy.
COMBATSYS: Jiro successfully hits Remy with Riot Cross.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Jiro 1/-----==/=======|===----\-------\0 Remy
Attempting to move out of the way of the incoming attack, Remy misjudges the timing thanks to the unpredictable trajectory. He grunts in pain as the cross sears his skin, but when the smoke clears he doesn't look impressed. Instead he looks at Jiro with a blank expression, not attacking. The introduction of chi into the equation means the Frenchman wants to think about this more... but he's still not terribly impressed. "Do you know what the 'kid' in 'kid gloves' is? A baby lamb. Their skin, tanned, makes for very soft, comfortable leather." He grins, faintly. "I think the only way to remove your kid gloves is to take off your hands."
COMBATSYS: Remy gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Jiro 1/-----==/=======|==-----\-------\0 Remy
While Remy gives Jiro his blank look, the young man looks more irritated and what not. He grumbles at Remy as the man keeps speaking. The Stray Dog, in turn, sprints towards Remy to get a close up towards the older man. With the distance closed, Jiro prepares to get inside of a good opening that he can.
First, Jiro leaps forward to close the distance with a double kick towards Remy, then he draws his right fist out for a right hook.
Aiming for what he feels is a nice opening, Jiro is drawing himself forward to thrust his fist out towards him chin, aiming to uppercut him.
"Save the talk for Hot Topics."
COMBATSYS: Remy fails to interrupt Strong Punch from Jiro with Rising Rage Flash.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Jiro 1/----===/=======|===----\-------\0 Remy
Hmm. You have your ups, you have your downs. Remy leans back, ready to make another aerial flip to kick Jiro out of his little punching technique, but gets the timing a little bit wrong. The blow instead catches him in the stomach instead of the chin, sending him stumbling back. Catching himself on a nearby alley wall, he puts out a hand and then draws himself up to his full height, looking bemused. "It's not my fault if I can talk and fight at the same time," he says dryly. "But with work you could make it to that level."
After uppercutting the man towards the stomach, Jiro looks at Remy being against the wall. The first thing that a person should never do is charge forward with a punch or kick, but the thing is this, Jiro goes with what works ideally.
"It just makes you more annoying."
The Stray Dog immediately launches himself forward with a snarl, "This is how I treat annoyances!" He aims to plant the foot right at the man's stomach while he's still nearby the alley wall.
COMBATSYS: Remy parries Jiro's Light Kick!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Jiro 1/----===/=======|====---\-------\0 Remy
In a dazzling display of aerial acrobatics, the Frenchman doesn't bother to respond; instead, he lifts up a leg and lashes out with a kick at exactly the same time, meeting Jiro's incoming kick with the sole of his foot. While the two fighters stand transfixed in that moment, Remy simply shrugs, then hops up using Jiro as a springboard and leaps at him like a descending arrow, long leg outstretched to kick the Stray Dog right in the stomach with no small degree of force. "You must spend a lot of your time annoyed, I presume. Fool!"
COMBATSYS: Jiro endures Remy's Cold Blue Kick EX.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Jiro 1/-======/=======|=====--\-------\0 Remy
Once the Frenchmen moves and has his foot against Jiro's foot, both are colliding together, almost emitting sparks from the contact for one reason or another. It's like an exchange of spirits in some sense, or just the exchange on how much the two dislike each other.
The Stray Dog glares at Remy once he springs board off of his leg, then he comes forth like an arrow. At that time of him coming back, Jiro is drawing his right leg down and his left fist back. The white blaze breathes into life as the raw power builds up. The Fist of Heaven, only not. What powers the flame is the fury that is omnipresent in the boy.
Underneath his feet are rings of chi emitting along his body, which causes for the Stray Dog to charge right into Remy for a close encounter of having his stomach pressed through by the foot. At that same time as Jiro charged right into the incoming blow, he feels the chi erupt to leave off a dragon-tail to trail from the flames left as the burning right fist is practically alive.
The fury born into place is now outstretched as Jiro swings his fist outward, aiming to plant it against the man's chest. "BREEAAAAAAAKKKK!!!!" The impact will result in a powerful explosion, and a nice geyser bursting out after the fist strikes.
COMBATSYS: Jiro successfully hits Remy with Vandal Breaker.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > //////// ]
Jiro 0/-------/----===|=======\===----\1 Remy
My, that's a pretty lightshow. Remy doesn't move. In his mind, he was going to withstand the blast and punish Jiro for it, but it's certainly more impressive than he was expecting. Does that change his outlook, once the smoke clears? No. Singed and bruised -- Jiro's blows have taken their toll -- Remy is nonetheless not down on the mat just yet. In fact, he's... laughing. "HA! Haha. You're amusing, boy. It's fun to hear all these things you shout out... what is it you Japanese call it? Kabuki? Lots of flash to prove what a great warrior you are. Terribly cute."
And then, from a standing start and with absolutely no preamble, he sweeps his hand forward a total of three times, moving left to right, right to left, and then left to right again. What was before a single crescent of energy is now a raging torrent of them, scythe after scythe of pale green light flickering through the narrow space at Jiro. "I hate cute."
COMBATSYS: Remy successfully hits Jiro with Light of Justice.
[ \ < > /////// ]
Jiro 1/------=/=======|=------\-------\0 Remy
Meh, he's still alive.
"You're still annoying." The Stray Dog adds, "It's liberating."
The Stray Dog growls under his breath, then he notices the single crescent immediately becoming a huge torrent of crescent energies, slicing against the Stray Dog within the narrow space. Each wave of energy has Jiro beaten and smashed around, the boy keeps falling onto his knees, groaning in pain while he staggers around.
Slowly losing his balance, Jiro growls out his final roar before he slams his fist into the air, "Die..." His hand slowly forms life through the appearance of the chi. A small white orb is brought into birth as a field surrounds the three foot radius where Remy stands from Jiro. It's a white circular field on the floor that marks the light as a spiral of sparkles swirl around the body. While the chi gathers up from all over the place, Jiro lifts his head up and he tightens his fist.
"...Not done yet... I have one final roar. So you want to hear talk... you'll hear talk. As for the shouting.." A vicious, feral grin curls up on his lips. Remembering the words of a friend when he once said that to her, Jiro responds with, "It's liberating." Sakura influenced him too much, it seems.
~ You can do it.. ~
The fury is an uncontrollable thing. Considering that Remy is easily helping Jiro channel the fury, Jiro immediately responds by growling at the man once the chi is gathered. All of the spiraling light joins close to Jiro.
Immediately, Jiro slams his fist towards the ground. A torrent of geysers immediately rises from the ground like spikes. The rising 'spikes' rapidly flutters the air as the chi rapidly rises, working their way to encase around and probably Remy himself if he isn't careful.
Either way, Jiro is dropping on one knee.
COMBATSYS: Jiro can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\ <
Remy 0/-------/-----==|
COMBATSYS: Remy dodges Jiro's Rebel Spike.
[ \\\\\\\ <
Remy 0/-------/-----==|
Sadly, Jiro's final roar -- while impressive -- is too restricted by the damage he's already taken; Remy watches the approaching spikes coming toward him with a dispassionate glance, before stepping aside in a short hop that leaves his long tresses fluttering and then settling about his shoulders. Apparently, emo includes volumizing and conditioner. "I may be annoying, but unlike you, I'm also on my feet."
With a flick of his black sleeves, Remy turns to go, leaving Jiro to his own devices. "If you see a man that fights like I do, mention it. But I hope you don't for your own sake. Get out of the fighting world while you still can... or someone less charitable than me is going to take you out by force."
The Stray Dog grunts under his breath, "...Tsch..." Weaken, blurry-visioned, but not unconscious, Jiro -forces- himself back up by gripping against a wall. "...I have business to do... I will finish that and I will continue to do things own my own..."
~ Who the **** does this guy think he is?! ~
"...Bastard..." He grips the wall, forcing himself up. Almost allowing himself to become animalistic, he immediately throws a nearby trashcan to the wall and he starts to stagger off.
Log created by Remy, and last modified on 15:58:59 03/05/2007.