Azrael doesn't know enough about Southtown to know that the Southtown Syndicate pretty much runs the place, nor does he know it well enough to know which street thugs are a member of it. He's essentially minding his own business when he comes across a rough looking man standing beside a door in an alley. Azrael himself isn't in the alley, nor does he know that behind the door is a temporary warehouse. The toughguy has had a long, boring as shit day, and when he sees Azrael looking at him he decides he must not be minding his own business, and walks up. This causes the teenager to stop and look some more, not noticing the knife the guy's reaching into his pocket for.
There's not even a warning, the blade comes out and a slash is taken, but the thug didn't know that Azrael is more than his match. The redheaded teen reaches out and grabs the arm, twisting it hard and then kicking the guy in the back of the knees. That's when the thug learns that Azrael isn't any two-shoes do-gooder, as he takes the knife out of his hand and lodges it firmly in the small of his back. Not a killing wound, but not very nice either. "Better watch who you pick a fight with." Oh, the irony...
The problem with causing trouble in Southtown, even if it's entirely not your fault, is the risk of somebody around that IS a somebody. Of everyone within earshot, likely the second worse in all of Southtown ambles quickly with a frown. Billy's already had a terrible day, and right now has an overfilled brown bag of groceries in either arm at best precariously kept from spilling even with his supernatural reflexes. Opting to walk the short distance home rather then use a fleet of limousines is just one of his quirks; He likes the night air, after all. In actuality, his approach was not even initially due to knowing that it was someone affiliated with his organization -- had a helpless person been mugged, depending on his mood he might very well have kicked the person's ass.
And thus, rounding the corner at a fair trot, is a fairly imposing but lithely built man in blue leather and red-white bandana. Billy Kane squints, leaning slightly forward while juggling both his assortments of food. And the scene is not really heartening. "Oye! Hey, what the hell is going on here?!" He sounds to be rather aggravated more then outraged, but far from actually a threat. Given how distracted he is, to even a dull assassin's eyes he's a completely open target. And then Billy recognizes the downed man -- this warehouse isn't important *YET*, but a shipment is due in an hour. "H,He attacked me..." the grounded 'victim' wheezes, a complete and utter lie. Nope, not a one-sided story at all. Oh, this is just what Billy needs. Lilly's favorite icecream is going to melt.
"--You made a big mistake, buddy!! Messing ar--oop," Billy almost drops a bag as he advances. "--Now I've gotta kick your ass... Come here, I can't run with these..." The latter sounds oddly genuine.
COMBATSYS: Billy has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Billy 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Billy takes no action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Billy 0/-------/-------|
Azrael puts his foot on the mans back and shoves. Not hard, but enough to put him face down on the ground. Jackass deserves it for lying. He turns and looks at Billy, "Don't listen to him, the jerk tried to jump me and paid the price for it." He shakes his head a little and approaches slowly, despite the fact he doesn't think there's a real problem. It isn't too hard to think that someone might want to stop him from 'attacking' a 'helpless' person, but even a look at him is enough to think that he's at least a little suspicious.
Billy gets more serious, and Azrael frowns slightly, shaking his head. "Look, I don't know who this guy is to you, but if you have trouble with me than I guess I don't have a choice." He reaches behind his back and pulls a strap, releasing his weapon into his hand, pulling it around in front of himself and trying to intimidate the Brit with some impressive twirling. After he's only five paces away he stops moving forward. "...shit. You're that guy that won the King of Fighters tournament, aren't you?" What the hell has he gotten himself into? Well, if there's gonna be a fight, he'd better strike hard and fast, otherwise he's boned.
He holds his hand out and fires off a small ball of black energy, trying to let it hit Billy before rushing in and spinning his blades around quickly and slashing him across the stomach.
COMBATSYS: Azrael has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Azrael 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Billy
COMBATSYS: Azrael successfully hits Billy with Necrotic Slash.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Azrael 0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0 Billy
"Still think I'm about to let you get away with shivin' someone on my watch, you've got something coming." Billy sounds a lot more menacing then he looks, which really is the case. He's probably more vulnerable then he's ever been in a fight in many years, trying the best he can to get within, well, kicking distance. He really has no alternative at the moment that he can do with his payload, and even a shinstrike might overturn him. But what Billy wants and what Billy gets are two entirely different things. At least he's recognized, if too late. "Oh, yeah! Billy Kane! You're gonna remember that name in traction!!" Yet he has no idea who the other man is, and is struck right in the chest. Actually, he didn't even try to move. Or block. Or defend himself. Doing that would of jeopardized his food, and that's hardly what he desires right now. But he managed to only drop a can of beans when the initial chi dissipates... and then the twin blades slash.
A thin line of red carves across the exposed chest, but the bags are far less hardy things. A veritable avalanche of food, frozen dinner, fruits and cereal collapse on the alley floor. Eggs splatter. A carton of milk explodes. A couple oranges bounce away. He's left holding tatters, slowly looking towards the ground. Billy's eyes begin to widen, as he sees precious Lilly's favorite icecream now a crumpled heap, seeping into the dirt and grime. Worst of all, much of it has stained his pants and jacket.
"...Oh." Billy intones, hurling the remnants of brown paper aside and reaching into his jacket. "...You're a dead man!!" And then he snaps out the disassembled staff, flicking it into a single piece with disturbing fluidness. Now that he's no longer got to worry about his groceries, thanks, Azrael might better see he's -- well, a former King of Fighters. One who no longer has a shred of mercy within him!
COMBATSYS: Billy focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Azrael 0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0 Billy
Eep. He didn't even try to defend himself, and yet he looks like that attack barely did anything to him at all. He really is a former champion, isn't he? And who is Azrael? The newest of the new, only having arrived in the city a couple days earlier. "What do you mean 'on your watch'? You mean you've got something to do with that guy?" Azrael frowns slightly. No use trying to talk his way out of it now that he's already struck the first blow. And now Billy's got his weapon out and ready to tear some ass up.
The teen doesn't back away though. He's intimidated for sure, but he's not going to back down. He looks down at the ground, and steps forward, swatting at Billy's sisters favorite ice cream with his weapon, hitting it with the flat of the blade and sending it flying up to Billy's face. "You dropped something."
COMBATSYS: Billy interrupts Thrown Object from Azrael with Salamander Stream.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Azrael 1/-======/=======|-------\-------\0 Billy
"I think I see someone you just shanked! How's that NOT on my watch?!" He looks ready to unleash some sort of attack upon Azrael, but when the sword impacts the icecream to fling in his direction, that seems to be too much. Whatever minute hesitation might of been present within the Brit vanishes, as he merely barrels forward quicker then the boy might be able to perceive. His weapon disassembles, seeming to manifest into countless additional segments that blur together, sweeping the alley floor clean and barely missing the already floored man. It ignites into flames as it sends Azrael into the air, but he'd only enjoy the sensation of flight for a moment -- thereafter, Billy brings the entire onslaught down, literally swatting the once-dead man into the concrete in a tremendous gout of flame that surges multiple meters skyward. His weapon retracts a moment later into one piece, the end result of Azrael's attack seeming to be a stain on his chest where the icecream hit. Billy's breathing heavily, dimly aware that what he just did probably qualifies as absolute overkill. The third party in this has wisely managed to adopt the fetal position, and just tries to stay out of the *way.*
Azrael doesn't even have time to blink as Billy rushes forward and gives him what might possibly be the beatdown of a lifetime, the flames burning the shit out of him and throwing him up into the air. He can barely even cope with the amount of pain dealt out in that single moment, only to get smashed right out of the air and pounded into the concrete, indenting in it and sending spiderweb cracks everywhere. As horrible as all that was, though, there's a small twitch, and then finally movement. He picks himself up slowly, and then stands. His only response is to turn his head and spit blood out of his mouth. He lets out a small grown, and then grips the end of his weapon and stabs it forward, trying to implant it into Billy's chest. If he manages it a large release of negative energy is released straight through the blade into the fighter to stun him, and then her steps forward and slashes as hard as he can manage, twice to the left and then once to the right.
COMBATSYS: Billy counters Morbid Massacre from Azrael with Fire Dragon Pursuit Cane.
[ \\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Azrael 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|==-----\-------\0 Billy
An assault that slow on a rather furious Billy Kane isn't about to work! He's actually needed a venting all day, and Azrael happens to be the sad receiver of such. It's not just the groceries, or the man on the ground, or Kain blowing him away the other day. Ah, days of frustration, all burned out in the savage ferocity of the present battle. Short as it is. The initial stab is thrust aside, before Billy disassembles his weapon again and strikes out a multiple-hit onslaught, a few blows aimed towards Azrael's chest before a final swipe is aimed towards his face, attempting to send him sprawling backwards. And now Billy knows the fight's over, regardless of what takes place. Pant. Pant. "Alright... Alright, I'm cool now..." is exhaled, reaching up and rubbing at his sweating forehead. "It's only food, ain't it? And I can wash my clothes..."
And backwards he goes, getting smashed down to the ground after a series of hard beats. Azrael spits out more blood, more than is healthy, and growls lightly. He's hurting like hell, but Billy's managed to tick him off a fair bit as well. At the very least, Azrael wants to put his weapon through Billy at least one more time. He only managed to slash him a bit, it's only fair right? He picks himself up and simply charges, wielding his weapon like a lance and trying to run him through.
COMBATSYS: Azrael has reached second wind!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Azrael 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|==-----\-------\0 Billy
COMBATSYS: Billy interrupts Fierce Strike from Azrael with Random Weapon.
[ < > ///////////////// ]
Azrael 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|====---\-------\0 Billy
"What the--You still coming at me?! Well, I'll respect your determination..." Billy mulls, reaching faaaaaaaaaaaaar back with a two-handed grip near the base of his weapon, enough that his front foot lifts off the ground and his face sets in resolution. The moment that the weapon begins to sink into Billy's chest -- and yes, it DID freaking hurt -- he swings down, with an absolutely insane amount of force. Striking Azrael squarely in the head, and probably smacking him into the ground, and forming yet another imprint. ...Oops. "Er--Fuck." Billy suddenly mulls, rubbing at the new gash upon his chest and standing upright again. "NOW I'm good. Yeesh..." It does look like a proverbial load is off Billy's shoulders now. Azrael at least was good for that much!
Crunch. How much more can this kid take. You'd almost think that awful noise was the sound of collapsing ribs, but it was the sound of concrete crushing under the impact. He's tough, that's for sure, but he's running on pure adrenaline. It's going to hurt like hell tomorrow. Still, somehow he picks himself up again. Azrael looks at Billy. What the hell is that guy? The only clean hit Azrael's gotten, no the only hit he hasn't been shitbeat when trying, was the one where Billy was completely defenseless. Even now that he's tired himself out he still manages to beat the shit out of him. Azrael, even in his current condition, runs forward and tries to literally vault over the top of him, slashing with his weapon at Billy's /face/ this time, and then turning around and trying to carve up his back.
COMBATSYS: Azrael has reached third wind!
[ \\ < > ///////////////// ]
Azrael 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|====---\-------\0 Billy
COMBATSYS: Billy counters Nihilist Extinction from Azrael with Water Dragon Pursuit Cane.
[ < > ///////////////// ]
Azrael 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=====--\-------\0 Billy
Billy had turned away and begun to walk off, dragging his staff behind in a trail of sparks. He's actually incredibly tired from this whole ordeal, more then he's been in quite some time. But when he hears the rasp of a moving body behind him and turns, there's a look of almost comical horror on his face. "Wh... What the bloody hell?! Are you some kind of zombie?!" Raising his staff defensively, when Azrael lunges overhead he shifts it up, catching the assault fluidly and once more snapping out his disassembled weapon, striking the apparently *immortal* fighter cleanly in the ribs with the same bone-crushing force before yanking it back together. Even if only a single strike. The attempt is to hurl him clear, and THIS TIME Billy is not going to move until he's absolutely sure that the man is staying down. ...This is one of the creepiest things he's ever seen, by a very large margin. And oh. Billy has SEEN. THINGS.
Azrael is smacked down again, this time without even being able to hurt Billy at all. It's just getting worse. Maybe he's insane, or maybe he's stupid... but Azrael's getting back up. Again. He breathes heavily, now getting tired as well as horribly sore. He shakes his head a little, "I'm going to hit you one more time..." An almost feral grin pulls into the corner of his mouths, "And you could say that. I've died once. Do you worst." He lets out a small laugh, (hits to the head, temporary insanity people), and charges again, this time swiping with his weapon for Billy's weapon arm.
COMBATSYS: Azrael has reached fourth wind!
[ \\ < > ///////////////// ]
Azrael 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=====--\-------\0 Billy
COMBATSYS: Billy fails to counter Medium Strike from Azrael with Fire Dragon Pursuit Cane.
[ \\ < > /////////////// ]
Azrael 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|======-\-------\0 Billy
"J-Just get the fuck away from me!" Billy snarls, stepping backwards. He definitely doesn't want the kid to get anywhere near him, that much is for certain. He attempts to interpose the weapon again, but with a sort of disturbing lethargy, tinged with the surreality of the encounter itself. He's raked across the forearm somewhat jaggedly, recoiling and gritting his teeth while whirling around to again face his opponent. He's not scared exactly -- he knows that Azrael is really not that great a threat -- but that doesn't mean he's anywhere near appreciative of the present situation. "If you are immortal or something, just tell me now. I'm not in the mood to beat on you like a pinata all night..."
And Azrael gets his hit in, slicing Billy's arm. "Am I immortal?" He muses, "I don't know that. I've died and come back to life once before... so maybe I am." He just looks at Billy now, blue eyes meeting the Brits and waiting for what's going to happen next. And just in case Billy still wants to fight, he takes a moment to get himself somewhat recuperated. Of course, that leaves him wide open.
COMBATSYS: Azrael drops his guard to recover.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Azrael 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|======-\-------\0 Billy
"Alright... You serious? Whoa. Damn. Well, shouldn't just mulligan you stabbin' someone on the street. But -- I think you damn well learned your lesson!" Billy points a finger almost accusingly, resting his staff upon his shoulder. Normally one of the bodyguard's personal teachings ends in someone being unconscious, but the equivalent of shattering them in half a good three or four times should suffice in special circumstances. But he's keeping a very careful eye on Azrael, gauging his next action while motioning towards the fallen Southside enforcer. Who has managed to push up and lean against the wall, gripping his wound with a pained expression. Well, he won't die; That at least forfeits a blood vendetta!!
COMBATSYS: Billy takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Azrael 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|======-\-------\0 Billy
"Yea, I'm serious." As silly as he's been beaten, Azrael isn't completely stupid. If he tries to continue this any longer he might just get himself killed. Now... he might not actually mind that, but he has a strict policy of not trying to get himself killed. He's definitely learned his lesson, and his wounded pride can at least be somewhat mended by the fact that he's going to manage to walk away from a fight with the famous Billy Kane. ...It's just too bad the wounds on his body won't heal so easily.
COMBATSYS: Azrael takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Azrael 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|======-\-------\0 Billy
"..." Billy squints suspiciously, still not quite sure what just happened. He knows the feeling of his staff impacting someone very well. In this occasion, he's done the equivalent of obliterate him four times. Each one was far beyond the necessary amount to permanently floor him. To still be able to walk... IS he a zombie? Well, until proven otherwise, that's the case. And if he tries to swat him again and Azrael gets up, that's probably game over on his SAN check. "Freaking creepy ass..." Moving over to the man leaning against the wall, he pokes him rather stiffly with the staff. "If you started this shit, I should be kicking YOUR ass." Hissed under his breath. He's tired, he lost his food, and he's probably right back as irritable as the onset. At least for a little bit before the beating turned sour he felt better... It looks like at a certain point, it's possible to hit someone TOO much.
COMBATSYS: Billy has left the fight here.
[ \\\\\\\\ <
Azrael 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|
COMBATSYS: Azrael has ended the fight here.
Log created by Billy, and last modified on 11:33:25 02/21/2007.