Description: Geese takes Yamazaki and Billy out for a late-night yacht ride. And then they spar. It's wet. And HOT.
What's better than a relaxing evening filled with good company, the finest liquors, and ample recreational options? Why, all these things, with a view. Which is why the massive vessel dubbed the 'Golden Geese' has sailed forth from her harborage in Southtown, out onto the open sea. Land is but a distant memory, the twilight ocean spreading for miles upon miles in all directions, only the rippling sea visible. Visible from where? Why, the highest aft-facing observation deck on the many-decked superyacht, of course. A minibar stocked with all sorts of aged booze and crystal glassware sits off to one side, and the deck itself is stocked with weatherproofed leisure aids in the form of easychairs and lounges. And tonight, a big ol' honking gun rack filled with a number of antique firearms. An old Winchester and a snifter of fine scotch graces Geese's hands as he steps out to the railing, dressed in a half-unbuttoned shirt of fine, red silks half-untucked over a pair of crisply tailored black slacks. It's not a formal occasion. Which is further evidenced as Geese sets down the glass of booze on a glasstop table, looks out towards the oceany horizon and hefts the rifle.
"Nice shot."
Off to the left of the Howard Industries CEO, Ryuji Yamazaki leans against the railing of the observation deck. His own lever-action Winchester is carefully propped against the rail, and a glass of whiskey rests in his left hand. Formal or not, he's dressed in his usual outfit; all black with a pair of sunglasses perched on the bridge of his nose. The white fur coat, however, has been left behind. Once the skeet launcher has been given time to reload, the glass is set down, and the rifle brought to bear. "Right gentlemanly of ya to invite us out here, boss. I appreciate it." He cocks the lever of the rifle, then brings it up and rests the butt against his shoulder while preparing to aim. "PULL!" The skeet is launched, and spotlights provide a view of it as it flies. The crack of the gunshot echoes right before the clay pigeon shatters and falls into the sea. "Haven't gone skeet shooting in ages." The rifle is set down, and the whiskey is retrieved. A short sip follows a lick of the thug's lips. "... what is this, 20 year old whiskey? Ain't had liquor with a bite like this in a while."
There's not a lot of opportunities for Billy to relax; And when he was invited to a superyacht, amongst some of the greatest luxuries that money could buy, Geese was probably not surprised that he was hesitant. He didn't need a bodyguard for such a voyage after all, and what little free time available he tended to spend at home with Lilly. There's clothing to wash, dishes to clean... But to his horror, Billy's sister is going out this evening. And was disturbingly ambiguous as to where, or with who. So as Billy also leans his back against the railing a few meters from Geese, still having fresh gauze wrapped unseen around his chest and head, there's a rather distant expression. Given it's a somewhat formal occasion, a grey form-fitting shirt with open black blazer and trousers are worn, although he retains the white and red bandana. And out of the selection of fine alcohol and wines, hundreds of dollars per ounce, Billy's got ...a lemonade. Unspiked. It's sipped intermittently, fingers tapping a steady and restless rhythm upon the banister as he seems to stare in a random spot away from the others. Geese likely knows thoroughly of his rampant beating of Mr. Big, but it was actually minimal inhibition in terms of his own recovery from Iori; Beyond a headache and sore throat, he just got himself tired smacking the crime boss down!
And it's the report of the guns that snaps him out of his reverie. Blinking a few times, another heavy sip of his lemonade is taken before Billy begins to pace, free hand slipping into his pocket. He's opting not to take part in the skeet shooting himself, for whichever reason. That little game the pair will have to themselves. And after Yamazaki's commentary, Billy stops to turn towards his employer. "So what's the occasion?" A mild edge of curiosity beneath it. Yamazaki is given an understandably wary glance, having never trusted him as anything beyond a potentially violent and unstable presence, but as long as he's paid -- and be VERY sure to -- there's never been too much incident. "Just treating your minions to the good life, eh? I never knew you were so generous..." Smirk.
Of course, Billy's little vendetta is interesting. But Iori's request is more interesting. Send someone worthwhile. Smirk. Maybe he will. They don't come much more worthwhile than Billy, and while Iori's a particularly curious target... well, serious ponderings for another occasion. Geese observes Yamazaki's shot with a mild grin, nodding, "Yours too." The half-grin is set towards Billy as he approaches the shooters... Billy's as social or not-social as he wants to be, at whatever occasions he's there for. And sure, Geese isn't liable to need a bodyguard against Yamazaki or the spartan crew of the superyacht, but let's face it... Kane and Howard are the closest thing either man has to a brother, and that translates to an open house policy, more or less, "Twenty-five, I believe." Geese answers of Ryuji's question, sipping from his glass of scotch.
"We need an occasion?" The Syndicate boss' blonde brow arches with a passing smirk, "Come now Billy, you know I'm a generous man. We've been having an exceptionally good year, and what good is business if not for the pleasure and prosperity of ourselves and our friends and family?" And of course, the building of personal power. The toast moment passes with another swig of liquor, and Howard paces back towards the edge of the deck, "If you don't feel like target shooting, we can always shoot pool or spar." He's not about to let Billy's straight-edge attitude ruin a good party, "But don't look a gift horse in the mouth, Billy. You wouldn't -really- prefer I throw a company picnic, would you?"
Click-click, the gun cocks, "Pull!" BANG! Geese bags himself another spotlighted clay pigeon.
"Hmm. Twenty-five." Yamazaki lifts the whiskey to his lips and takes another short sip. He smacks his lips, afterwards, and looks curious. "Damn." The Enforcer picks up his rifle in the other hand, then walks it over to the gun rack and sets it back in place. While Geese and Billy are going back and forth, he just stands back and observes the two for a moment. At the mention of sparring, the blonde's eyebrow quirks for just a moment. Sparring against the two of them would be interesting, to say the least. He tosses the rest of the whiskey back, then scrunches up his nose just a bit to fight off the urge to whiskey-face. He straightens up again, a moment later, and walks over in the direction of the other liquors. .. but stops, at mention of a company picnic. ".. kids." Yamazaki almost looks mildly ill, at that idea. One of the few things he hates in life: children. This, in turn, gives him the urge to pour another glass, mixing vodka and orange juice. A screwdriver should wash the idea of having kids around out of his mouth.
"There room for the three of us to fight here? Me 'n Kane would be bad enough for collateral damage, but you thrown in, too?"
Of course, the reason Billy's distracted at the moment is rather simple. Him and his obsession with Lilly! What's she doing that's so important?! "Hey, it was a joke!" Billy comments belatedly with something of a grin, an attempt at lightening up and shifting his focus away from sister suspicions. He could use a distraction for now, that much is damn certain. Although he's not too used to outright comradery with Geese in this nature. The pair are certainly close friends, but Billy's used to the more subtle nuances, especially his own personal aggravation in failing the man yet AGAIN. Not to say in the least he dislikes such regardless; He may not of joined or even remained within the Syndicate for the cash, but hell if it's not quite a view from up here. To boot, it may only be lemonade... but it's the BEST LEMONADE MONEY CAN BUY. "Fine, fine! I'll take a shot. As long as you don't threaten a damn company picnic." Billy grabs a winchester of his own, looking it over a few moments before chambering it and flicking off the safety. He holds the sight up to his eye appraisingly, but looks somewhat awkward and uncomfortable, lips creased into a frown. He's very much unfamiliar with guns, especially this kind. "Alright... PULL!" The clay pigeon spirals out.
BANG! Nothing.
Rapidly, Billy ejects the casing and trails it again.
BANG! Nothing. The clay pigeon will splash into the water, since Billy sure as hell isn't about to hit it. He was disturbingly close for such a rank amateur, however.
"Son of a bitch!" Billy grumbles, shoving the gun against the railing rather hard. It clatters to the deck, but the bodyguard doesn't seem to care. Obviously, this game is just going to aggravate him. Even Yamazaki can do it better then him! The idea of a spar is rolled over his mind, having been a bit glossed over before Yamazaki overtly pondered it. "A scrap, huh? Sure, why not?" is smirked, adjusting the sleeve of his blazer. "What good's one of the world's most expensive yacht's if you don't use it? Besides, it's not our tab." The latter towards Yamazaki, and a mischevious grin is aimed right at Geese.
Jokes work both ways! And if one cracks wise around Geese, well... it may or may not be all that uncommon for Howard to be willing to put forth a bit of cash and mandates for his own personal amusement! Possibly 1/4 of the memos that circulate Howard Enterprises can be traced to practical jokes. Especially 'Clown Shoes Tuesdays'.
Yamazaki's concerns are back burnered by Billy's surprise participation in the marksmanship trials. Geese lives an eccentric life of luxury that lends itself to such oddities as being an exceptional marksman. There -aren't- a lot of recreational activities on your average trek to ancient sites or discoveries, after all... and expeditions have been a noteable portion of Geese, and to a lesser extent Billy's lives. It's not Howard's fault that the Brit would rather blast his walkman and spar natives than shoot down a few choice steaks waiting to happen. But, yes, sparring.
"Hmph. Just don't sink us." Geese smirks. Of the three of them? He's the most likely to do something like -that-. But he's got a little more control than all that. Rather than climb down a few flights of stairs, Geese sets his gun aside, swigs the last of his scotch, and plants a palm on the railing. With that, he -vaults- over the edge of the deck and drops with surprising grace and buoyancy down the substantial fall to the main mid-deck of the aft stretch of the impressive superyacht.
The span of deck is spartan but sturdy finished hardwood and metal, the sea stretching out to either side of the broad deck, which is unbroken for quite a span save by the stretch of a pool that has to be close to Olympic scale. Geese strides out near the edge of this ocean atop the ocean.
COMBATSYS: Geese has started a fight here on the right meter side.
> //////////////////////////////]
|-------\-------\0 Geese
"I think I can handle that." Yamazaki quirks an eyebrow as he watches Geese vault right over the edge of the deck. He walks over to the edge, then looks over to see where the company CEO has ended up. A brief chuckle rolls past his lips before he just shakes his head. He leans back, then, looking over his shoulder towards Billy. "C'mon, Kane. Ain't seen you in a while, want to see if you can still swing that club of yours like I remember." One hand plants on the rail, and like Geese before him, Ryuji launches himself over. He's notably less graceful than his predecessor in falling from one deck to another; Yamazaki simply descends. There's a loud *WHUMPH* when the brick-wall of a man hits the ground, and it takes him a couple moments before he straightens up again, grinning like the proverbial cat-eating canary. "You know, I can't even remember the last time we scrapped, Howard. This should be entertaining."
COMBATSYS: Yamazaki has joined the fight here on the left meter side.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Yamazaki 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Geese
While Geese is off doing his 'high life' chores, Billy's off practicing his guitar, or training a bit, or chatting on the telephone with certain relatives as well. He's had no interest in really dabbling in such new experiences. Geese has probably never got him to try caviar yet, for one. For all of his resounding efforts. The street has never quite left him even now, if his dressing habits are no indication. "Oh, you want us to hold back, do you?" Billy retorts. If they don't sink the boat, everyone's not fighting at the hardest, damnit. Pulling out his disassembled staff, Billy flicks it back into a single shaft, resting it thereafter upon his shoulder. "Better watch out, Yamazaki; You're the underdog in this fight..." Rushing towards the edge of the upper deck, Billy plants his staff and vaults high into the air. Whirling his weapon like a propeller, he lands with acrobatic grace in a crouch, forming something of a triangle between the fighters. Cracking his neck to either side, Billy taps the base of his weapon restlessly on the ground. "Hey hey hey! Let's get this started!" Apparently eager, he flows immediately into his defensive stance, bobbing from foot to foot as he watches between the pair. Let's see who goes after who!
COMBATSYS: Billy has joined the fight here on the left meter side.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Yamazaki 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Geese
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Billy 0/-------/-------|
As both Billy and Yamazaki join him on the main deck, Geese cracks his neck and folds his arms over his broad chest, "Hold back? Hardly. Just try to make sure your attacks go in the right direction, Kane." A little bit of trash talking never hurt anyone, now did it? But, Yamazaki -is- the underdog here. Not only that, it's only recently he's -really- started ingratiating himself to Howard, bringing in all that money and upping the Syndicate's protection rackets something like 300%. It's only recently that Ryuji's really become a player, and not just a pawn... and frankly, Geese kind of likes the guy. Sure, he's a PR -nightmare-, but he manages to live life publically being what Howard is on the inside. Stark raving mad, a killer, and a sadist. Mmm, good times. Of course, Billy knows this side of Geese, and what ambitions the man has... but this is a war, and they're all soldiers.
If other soldiers die? Well, that's part of war. But this? This is plain old fashioned R&R, the type that only warriors can enjoy. Slamming each other in the head in the name of camaraderie. Or maybe hazing. Is Geese throwing a wry grin towards Billy? Was that a wink? Hey, why is Geese standing right beside Yamazaki, looking to pick the pleased Ryuji up by his shirt and heave him into the ice-cold pool. Hard. Right off and over the concrete edge.
COMBATSYS: Yamazaki blocks Geese's Medium Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Yamazaki 0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0 Geese
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Billy 0/-------/-------|
"Underdog? Pfft. Being called an underdog is what happens when you know you're going to lose and you just want to pussy out and make excuses." Yamazaki's voice takes on a slightly mocking tone. o/~ "Look at me, I'm a stupid pussy-ass underdog, that's going to be my excuse because I'm going to get my ass kicked." o/~ "BAH! Fucking pathetic. Like hell, I'm any underdog." He clenches and flexes his fingers, causing his knuckles to pop before... Geese is grabbing him by the shirt. "The fu--?" He's cut off as he's heaved off the ground. He turns his body around in mid-air to let his back absorb the impact of slapping against the pool water with enough force to sound like a fat guy going a belly flop. Cold water then explodes from the pool a moment later as he re-surfaces, yelling out in much the same way that one would expect a sailor to after getting kicked in the balls. He climbs out of the pool, sopping wet, dripping onto the floor. "Very fucking funny, Howard." He mutters something to himself, then looks one way.. then the other. Whooooo's closer. He decides to test the reflexes of the British straight-edge punk, darting right towards Billy. Wet feet clatter against the ground as he brings his right foot up in mid-run, pushing off the back heel to try and just plant his dress shoe square into the bodyguard's teeth.
COMBATSYS: Billy counters Heavy Kick from Yamazaki with Fire Dragon Pursuit Cane.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Yamazaki 0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0 Geese
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Billy 0/-------/------=|
"Don't get your panties in a bundle, Yamazaki." Billy seems to sound far too content in this, grinning rather wildly towards the other man and all but egging him on. "You're a contender, but me and Geese Howard are the big dogs." Maybe if he wasn't so self-assured and cocky about this it wouldn't be so insulting, but he is. Yamazaki could almost feel the tangible waves from it. And then Geese suddenly hurls the man into the pool, inciting a rather amused snicker from the bodyguard, bringing up one fist to smother it at least marginally. And yes, he had returned the wink. Rushing forward, Yamazaki will find he has far less distance to travel then expected. Which might make his kick more awkward, as he'd have to begin it sooner. ...Only for Billy to catch it with the extended staff, skipping it up and making Yamazaki completely vulnerable for that moment. "You still look like you need to cool off, Yamazaki--!!" And then Billy disassembles his staff into three parts, unleashing a vicious series of strikes against his chest with one side, and utilizing the second one more as a baton; An upwards blow, intending to send Yamazaki RIGHT back into the pool, probably with a fair concussion for his efforts. As for Geese? Thumb's up, as the weapon comes back together into a single long piece.
Ah, it's good to be the king. Geese gets to survey the chaos he has unleashed without consequence, at least for the moment, and he strides in a wide arc around the makeshift battleground poolside as Yamazaki drags himself out... and Billy puts him right back in. Oh god. Howard chuckles as well, and pauses in his step. Which puts him, oddly enough, sort of angled so that Billy is between him... and the pool. Oh he wouldn't... oh yes, yes, he would. Billy would know that, even as Geese's right hand rips through the air, a tumult of flaring chi trailing his fingers, and surging forth from the ground in a ripping, flaming plume. The racing lance hurtles full-on for Kane, threatening to take his legs right out from under him, and launch him right for the pool. Possibly even in Yamazaki's way of climbing out. Wouldn't that be funny?
The Syndicate boss snickers a second sly cackle. Oh, it's a good night. If only he had a cigar.
... he's in the water again. Why is he in the water again? The sudden shock of being dropped into ice-cold water a second time does a fair bit to dull the pain that being cracked about the head and body by a three-piece baton. And it's there that he floats for a few moments, just letting the ice water cool his face as rage starts to build. And build. And build. He finally floats over to the edge, then climbs right back up again. "Alright." A moment is taken to brush a few clinging pieces of ice from his clothes. "Gonna fuckin' play that way, fine. Fine." One of Yamazaki's hands reaches into his pockets, rummaging out a small pewter flash. He removes the top and takes a draw from that, then tops it and pockets it again. He furrows his brow, after that, and just settles back and watches. A fair portion of that sitting back is letting heat return to his limbs; honestly, his legs aren't quite working from the subzero temperatures that've infected his limbs. Let Billy get smacked around for a moment, it'll be amusing.
COMBATSYS: Yamazaki focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Yamazaki 0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0 Geese
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Billy 0/-------/------=|
COMBATSYS: Billy blocks Geese's Reppuken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Yamazaki 0/-------/---====|=------\-------\0 Geese
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Billy 0/-------/-----==|
"Oye!" Billy comments, looking to be marginally surprised as the flash of chi comes rushing in his direction. He hops backwards a moment, whirling his staff intensely and diffusing the majority of it. Such still burns like the dickens, sending him skidding backwards. Not close enough to the pool to actually fall in, but it's apparent that the man wasn't expecting such. "So you wanna play rough too, Geese?" He skips away from the edge and crawling out Orochi, having little intent of actually getting himself wet. He shifts his red staff from hand to hand in flowing motions over his shoulders, looking between both fighters. Realizing that Yamazaki's thoroughly pissed off, and Geese still maintains an advantage, Billy just hands back, gathering his bearings as well. He's no fool to charge after his boss without every iota in his favor. Yamazaki's kind of a laughable wild card. Amusing, but harmless. Whether such turns out to be a rather horrible mistake or not remains to be seen. For now, the primary objective of getting Yamazaki incredibly wet succeeded. Secondary is to start the actual fight.
COMBATSYS: Billy focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Yamazaki 0/-------/---====|=------\-------\0 Geese
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Billy 0/-------/-----==|
Silly Billy. Creeping away from the edge still puts you between a Geese and a wet, cold place. Whether or not Kane is able to egress to a safe distance, Geese isn't about to relent, "Isn't that the point?" Howard retorts, with a wide, challenging grin, as his left hand slices through the air in a similar motion to the first. This time, though, Geese's right follows suits as well, and what was a sudden, rampant geyser of deep blue, purple-tinged chi is suddenly a veritable -tidal- wave of power, more than most people could summon with -all- of their will behind it conjured in a flash. A biting hurricane of a flash, that barrels in a man-high wave straight in on Billy, "Try a DOUBLE!!!" Geese shouts behind the exertion of blasting forth his power. But Billy just can't be allowed to saunter off like that! Plus, Yamazaki's going to be climbing out, and that's even -more- hair-raising fun!
"Try a double. Good idea." The flask is fished out of Yamazaki's pants pocket, and he pops the top again. He tilts his head back, then he tosses the flask back and proceeds to down the contents in one long, steady gulp. "There. Now it's a party." The flash is tossed aside, just in time for Yamazaki to see the Double Reppuken rushing straight for Billy. Hmm, what to do. Follow it up, or go after the person distracted with throwing it? Both of them /did/ toss him headfirst into the drink. As he thinks, he turns one shoulder in towards the both of you, and that arm slowly starts to just drift back and forth, letting a stiff wind send it in any which direction.. "Come on... cooooome on, fucker..." He's eyeing Billy for a few moments, then at the last moment, then at the last moment, he shifts directions, and his hand snaps up. His arm seems to stretch out beyond normal dimensions as he lashes out with a quick strike aimed straight for the side of Geese's face.
COMBATSYS: Billy slows Double Reppuken from Geese with Blazing Cane Thrust.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Yamazaki 0/-------/---====|=------\-------\0 Geese
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Billy 0/-------/----===|
Well. That's just cheap pool. Billy has rather few options at the moment, taking a hesitant step backwards while they boil around in his mind. Gripping his staff two-handed in the middle, he suddenly whirls it around to prematurely ignite it with fire -- then lunges it at the oncoming wave, staff disconnecting into three points. It hits the tidal surge, and there's a rather sizeable detonation that causes it to destabilize. With expert care he yanks the weapon back, still partially on fire, and spins it yet again in a vain attempt to ward off the majority of Geese's assault. Which... manages to avoid serious harm, but not the pool. Blown backwards, the hapless man lands in the freezing cold water. He splashes in a comical matter, leaping out a heartbeat later to jog in place. "GODDAMN TH-THAT SHIT IS FUCKING COLD!! AND YOU CAN'T GET LEATHER WET!" He's now rather singed, but still looks to be far from out of the fight. And angry!! Geese isn't getting away with that. Not in the SLIGHTEST. "You know, Yamazaki... if we kick his ass... aren't we getting paid for it?!"
COMBATSYS: Geese fails to counter Snake Tamer from Yamazaki with Joudan Atemi Nage.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Yamazaki 0/-------/-======|===----\-------\0 Geese
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Billy 0/-------/----===|
And as Billy is being dealt the fearsome wave... and countering it in typically dangerous Billy style, Geese turns to face the sudden charge of his other soaking underling. Yamazaki slams his fist into the side of Geese's face despite his best attempts to stop it, sending him staggering to the side. Geese lifts a hand to the side of his face, and rights his stance, though there's no denying that being punched by Ryuji -hurts- like a motherfucker, "Don't be ridiculous... you're my bodyguard, and I've just been assaulted." Hmph. Billy just can't appreciate a good sense of humour. Like he doesn't smash guitars every day, and have a closet full of that same -stupid- jacket. Either way, Geese backs up a step or two...
These two are perfectly capable of carrying out that course of action, after all.
Yamazaki pulls his shoulder back, and his hand clenches back into a fist as it returns to his side. .. then, he watches Billy get knocked right back into the pool. A smirk tugs up at the corners of his lips, then he just shakes his head after the punk hops out to start drying off. ... but, then, one eyebrow quirks. ".. you know, that's a damn good point." He looks toward Billy, then looks towards Geese again. There's a certain underlying satisfaction about getting paid to punch your boss in the face.
A moment of inspiration strikes him, and Yamazaki ducks down for a moment. "Hey, Kane! He said don't sink the ship, but he didn't say nothin' about anythin' /on/ the ship!" One hand snaps around the base of a table, and the other hand latches onto one edge. Muscles cord and tense up as Yamazaki heeeeeeaves, slowly raising up to standing straight before lifting the table over his head. "Hey, Geese! CATCH!" And with a mighty grunt, the table is pitched with high velocity.
"Ohhhh... tryin' to order me around now, are you?" He's joking now, the initial upset almost completely abating. But Billy's other weak point has always been his clothing. He doesn't like to even get it singed!! And every one of his jackets is dear to his heart, after all. Washed, restiched, patched, lotioned and maintained better then one might fathom. But water with chlorine, man, this is a CLOTHING EMERGENCY. If Billy doesn't dry it out fast, it could ruin it! "I think we've got him in a corner... He deserves to try out the pool, don't you think?" This is asided to Yamazaki with a smirk, before suddenly Billy rushes forward, running disturbingly low to the ground with his weapon held prepared under an armpit. Zipping ahead of the table, he almost manifests behind Geese, trying to anticipate him shifting to evade or block. In order to grip him by the shoulder, brace the staff against his side, and FLING his boss towards the middle of the pool with the combined force!! That much, at least, would fully balance out the fight!
COMBATSYS: Geese dodges Yamazaki's Large Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Yamazaki 0/-------/-======|===----\-------\0 Geese
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Billy 0/-------/----===|
COMBATSYS: Geese dodges Billy's Strong Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Yamazaki 0/-------/-======|===----\-------\0 Geese
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Billy 0/-------/----===|
"A table?" Geese mouths the words, sidelong, towards Billy with a questioning look and wide, predatory smirk on his face as Yamazaki hefts the pool accessory and sends it hurtling his way. Geese isn't normally a particularly -evasive- man... but swift and surefooted? Those are two big checks. So it is that the clumsy object hurtles end over end past where he -had- been standing, as Geese all but glides to a new perspective several yards to the side. Of course, Billy's hurtling in with the threat of a dunking, and Howard is forced to relinquish ground once more. It's a tactical withdrawal, really. The probing quarterstaff is met with air as Geese deftly weaves away from it, his shoulders moving before his feet as he backpedals, still sparing a breath for a chuckle, "You two have got to be kidding me. Don't let a little fun get... out of hand, now." Smirk. To Geese, Billy is kind of like Yamazaki is to Billy. At least, in the arena. That may have been close, but Howard isn't about to let down his poker face.
Make sure they remember who they're dealing with.
COMBATSYS: Geese gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Yamazaki 0/-------/-======|=------\-------\0 Geese
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Billy 0/-------/----===|
"We just think you aren't appreciating the full commodities of the pool." Billy offers, rather reasonably. But he does look outright surprised the duel effort failed, glancing almost warily towards Yamazaki and rubbing his chin with an almost grudging sigh. He can get his terrible vengeance later. "But I guess he's right. I can't be having you throw tables at him..." And suddenly Billy is quite the backstabber, pressing his staff hard on the ground and bending it to an absurd level. This causes him to launch a dozen meters into the air, descending right above Yamazaki while whirling around his leg and dropping a vicious kick towards his head in an attempt to send him face-first into the ground. Whether he expected such or not is questionable, but the intent is pretty damn obvious.
Yamazaki lets out a brief chuckle to himself before he just shakes his head.. "Alright, fine. No more stupid jokes." He brushes his hands off while standing back, watching Billy rush in.. that looked like it had a chance, but then Geese just kinda... ends up out of the way. He's not precisely sure how, but that's one of the problems with being a walking brick wall; agility isn't particularly high on your list of talents. "We'll have fun with this." He lets his hands drift out wide, almost in an apologetic gesture... before that predatory grin snaps onto his face. "Just remember what exactly I consider a game when you say that."
The next movement is one of those moments that Yamazaki manages to use to defy common logic; he moves from a stand-still to darting forward like nothing, legs nearly a blur as he charges forward, crossing the distance between himself and Geese in a matter of moments as he aims to bring a hand up.. he feints as if he was going to throw a punch, and his hand comes forward like he was going to sock Geese in the face... but then his hand opens up, and he tries to clamp that meaty leather-clad palm right onto his boss' face.
COMBATSYS: Geese blocks Yamazaki's Guillotine.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Yamazaki 0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0 Geese
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Billy 0/-------/----===|
[OOC] Geese unfunfunf.
Sometimes, it pays to just -hoof- it. Like when two of your best goons are testing your very MANHOOD! Geese's is very manly indeed. Of course, it's tested when Yamazaki's meaty fist grapples in. Rather than having his head taken off by the slam, or the blast of Ryuji's substantial and surprising and rather disturbing really chi... Geese aligns a forearm, jerking back and aside, out of the grip at the last moment, just in time to skid away, rather than be punished further by the vicious technique. Geese is slippery that way. Apparently his little trial by fire is also over, because from above.... descends Billy, with much harshness, towards Yamazaki. The crouch'ed Geese's answer to this is rather simple, succinct, and powerful...
Geese sweeps his weight back to one palm and kicks powerfully upwards for the bottom of Yamazaki's chin, his well-shined formal leather clad foot all but rocketing with substantial force sharply upwards, a secondary sweep coming if a successful hit is found, meant to take Ryuji's legs from him as Billy brings down the house. So to speak.
COMBATSYS: Yamazaki endures Billy's Flying Assault Cane.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Yamazaki 0/-------/--=====|==-----\-------\0 Geese
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Billy 0/-------/---====|
COMBATSYS: Yamazaki counters Strong Kick from Geese with Sadomazo.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Yamazaki 0/-------/=======|===----\-------\0 Geese
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Billy 0/-------/---====|
There was a slight growl that rumbled in Yamazaki's throat as he, once again, felt Geese manage to just barely get away from a notable amount of damage. He pulls his hand back and takes a couple hops away.. just in time to watch Billy vault into mid-air. His eyes turn up, then back down.. once again, both of them are coming towards him. What to do, what to do.. eh, to hell with it. He turns his body just enough to give him the proper angle. As Billy descends, that foot slams hard against the back of his head, but this propels him straight into the foot coming for his chin.. and puts him forward just enough that instead of catching him in the throat, it slams right into the middle of his face. Underneath Geese's foot, he can see that grin turn up the corners of Yamazaki's lips right before his right hand shoots past the uplifted kicking leg. Perceptive as Geese is, too, he might catch the sight of wispy purple fumes surrounding Yamazaki's fist just a moment before it coalesces into a spike-shape as it drives square into his chest.
"Whoa." Billy comments, realizing that Yamazaki is all but ignoring his onslaught as he descends. This can already be told, but rather then withhold his force, Billy applies even more in an attempt to severely punish allowing him such an opening. And with so much inertia from his descent, there's little doubt that Billy's able to hit viciously hard. Rebounding away, Billy skips off and grins, twirling his staff again with his usual flourish. "That took a lot of balls. I'll give you that. But this is hardly fair; Why don't both of you come at me right now, eh? Otherwise I'm going to play mop up." And then the former King of Fighters beckons, thrusting his staff straight up while gripping the very base. The chain detaches, whistling upwards in a rather carefree gesture. "Hey hey hey!" One thing's for certain; Billy doesn't want to win by just sitting on the sidelines, after all!
COMBATSYS: Billy gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Yamazaki 0/-------/=======|===----\-------\0 Geese
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Billy 0/-------/----===|
Geese lets out a crack of a broken laugh as the air rushes from his lungs and he's -slammed- back down to the ground, instead of kicking Ryuji to the curb as intended. Ah well, these things happen... and it confirms the lieutenant's violent effectiveness. Nonetheless Geese doesn't hesitate to answer Billy's challenge, "Mop up? I'm just warming -up-!" Howard insists, seeming to build a remarkable amount of steam indeed as he rushes Kane.
Geese's goal? He drives a leading palm in not for Billy, but for Billy's wrist... feinting, at the last moment seeking to grip Billy's bo, just as his other hand slaps up from beneath. It's enough force to slam the staff around one fluid turn, and seek to crack it into the back of Billy's skull rather soundly, before slamming both it and the bodyguard to the ground.
A moment was taken to brush himself off again after Geese is sent in another direction, and Yamazaki turns to look.. where to turn his direction this time? That decision is made when Billy proclaims himself to be the target of the moment. He pops the knuckles of his left hand by clenching his fist, and his right hand slips down into his pocket. His fingers grip the handle of his switchblade while he starts to slowly stalk forward. He's going to delay for a moment, since Geese has taken the initiative on this one.. then when the timing is right, when it looks like the strike is about to land, Ryuji steps forward again, and his right foot comes right up off the ground. It goes up... and up... until it's high above his head. And right after Geese tries to slam the cudget into Billy's head, the upraised foot comes down hard, aiming to drive a sharp axe kick down into the top of Billy's head.
COMBATSYS: Geese successfully hits Billy with Combo Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Yamazaki 0/-------/=======|====---\-------\0 Geese
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Billy 0/-------/-======|
COMBATSYS: Billy just-defends Yamazaki's Yakiire!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Yamazaki 1/-------/=======|====---\-------\0 Geese
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Billy 0/-------/-======|
There's little doubt that Geese is a man who's very far from out of the race. But when a person's as fast and accurate as his boss, a feint is a damn good thing. Widening his eyes, his long shaft is firmly grasped, and expertly handled by the elder Howard. Smacked in the face with it and further impacted in the chest, he's sent staggering back rather winded, catching Yamazaki's bout of flexibility in the corner of his eye. "Ooof... Y,yama, gimme a sec, that hurt... gotta catch my breath...!" Just before Yamazaki would bring his almost straight up heel down, Billy reaches out with his staff. And literally pokes it. Although the Orochi-blooded had intended to use his maximum upwards leverage for a bone-shattering kick, instead he'd be send stumbling backwards and maybe right upon his rear, giving Billy more then enough time to crack his back and brush his jacket. "Alright... I'm good. Let's get this show on the road!" And then he rushes forward, sliding along the ground and suddenly shooting up his weapon. The attempt is to catch Geese in a rising whirlwind uppercut, aiming to smack him upon the face and send him juggling into the air a rather heavy degree. Complete with a cackle, just for good measure.
COMBATSYS: Billy successfully hits Geese with Red Lotus Requiem.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Yamazaki 1/-------/=======|=======\-------\0 Geese
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Billy 0/-------/-======|
Alright, that... that hurts. Before Geese can regain his bearings, Billy has nullified Yamazaki's onslaught, and that staff is whirring around for Howard's chin. It -cracks- loudly into his skull, and Geese rebounds upwards, all but saaailing away. He doesn't get dunked, but he does slam rather hard to the deck in a roll. It's an utter pounding, as only Billy's staff can provide. What does Geese do? Is he sore? Tired? No. He pushes back to his feet, and cracks his neck slowly, and starts to laugh. Then he laughs a little harder.
And then? Then he's fucking all-out cackling about it. Arms crossed over his chest, Geese takes a moment to just shrug off the impact, at least as much as he's capable. It'll take a lot more than that to stop him! Billy can dish it out, but how's his stamina?
COMBATSYS: Geese gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Yamazaki 1/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0 Geese
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Billy 0/-------/-======|
Alright. So he's just a little outclassed right now. He's big, and he's strong, but he can't go so far as to claim the title of King of Fighters. And that very same person that /can/ claim the title just caught his descending heel with one end of the cudgel. After that redirectional push, the Enforcer is sent tumbling backwards, and he drops into a roll, somersaulting a couple times before he's left in a crouching position. "Alright, t'hell with this." He pushes off from that crouching position, taking off much like a sprinter would push off from the blocks. "I ain't goin' down that easy, goddamnit!" He's charging forward fast, building more and more momentum with each step as he charges straight for the staff-wielding Brit. And it's all that momentum that goes right into his fist once he gets within range, and he aims to just drive his fist underneath Billy's chin hard enough to lift him off the ground.
COMBATSYS: Billy counters Yondan Drill from Yamazaki with Water Dragon Pursuit Cane.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Yamazaki 0/-------/----===|=====--\-------\0 Geese
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Billy 0/-------/-======|
It might not of been the greatest turnout of high-scale combatants, but Billy DID legitimately win King of Fighters once. That's not a claim many people in the world can make, and his skill's certainly not gotten any lesser over the years. Maybe if he didn't make rivals like Iori Yagami, it would show a little more. Seeming to be more focused on Geese at the moment, Billy shifts backwards and flits up his staff, deflecting the chi-imbued fist while at the same moment detaching the base of the cane to flip up, in a fluid motion. SLAP. Yes, more or less literally, Yamazaki just got slapped across the face with the end of the weapon before the chain slinks back. "Shhh, the big kids are trying to fight." Billy muses, not seeming to fully realize the ease of which he just diffused one of Yamazaki's more brutal onslaughts. Billy then jumps backwards, which turns out to be a bad idea given he's again at the edge of the pool and almost falls in. But with a wobble he spreads his stance, looking between the pair. Yamazaki's almost out; Geese is pressured, but not enough. Damnit...
Ah, Yamazaki. The Orochi assassin is brute force personified. But here, he's on a battlefield with two of the world's foremost masters in making brute force collide solidly with itself in a rather nasty display. It's enough to prolong Geese's chuckle, but not long. No, not long at all, "Hah, wait till he HITS you!" Geese exclaims, lunging for Billy's flank. Howard knows the force in Ryuji's fists and feet... but right now, what's he's interested in is something entirely different.
Geese seeks to overpower Kane's guard, slamming the staff in and seeking to pin it between the two men before he leverages it with one knee, as both hands jerk Billy skyward, seeking to quite literally heave him up off his feet... and invert the bodyguard into an improvised suplex onto the hard dock.
Yamazaki staggers back a couple steps as he takes the staff-counter across the face. .. then comes that comment from Billy. The smart-assed remark actually does more to anger him than having his proverbial finisher interrupted with a slap across the face. "The hell, you say." He starts to stalk forward again, pushing his right fist into his left hand to crack his knuckles while Geese lifts Billy up aaaaand... down he goes. The moment the Brit hits the dock, Yama's dropping down to try and wrap an arm around the cudgel-wielder's throat. And should he get a good grip locked in, he'll just tighten his arm. No finesse, nothing fancy.. just a good old-fashioned 'big pissed off guy wants to choke someone' kind of moment.
COMBATSYS: Billy blocks Yamazaki's Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Yamazaki 0/-------/----===|======-\-------\0 Geese
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Billy 1/-------/=======|
Oh, smack Billy with his cane once, shame on you. Smack him twice, shame on him. This time when Geese snatches it, the man fights back rather viciously, gritting his teeth and holding his ground. Although the intention wasn't to do a repeat of earlier, it does absorb a lot of the intended inertia. He's thusly hefted in the air, but whirls around while yanking his weapon free to land unsteadily on one foot and begin teetering backwards, pain shooting up a twisted ankle. And then he's unceremoniously gripped tightly by the throat, letting out a strangled sound before snapping up his weapon with a hand on either end and knocking the hand away. "Alright." Billy wheezes, backing up a few more feet and rubbing his neck. "Think I twinged a nerve, huh?" He's not going to last if both men go after him at once, however. That much is certain. Yamazaki's steaming, any advantage he got on Geese is gone... Well, then they can just bring it, can't they? "C'mon, c'mon!" He's not backing down. That much is certain!
COMBATSYS: Billy focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Yamazaki 0/-------/----===|======-\-------\0 Geese
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Billy 1/-------/=======|
Well, up and over goes Billy, but he's a better tumbler than most... Geese taught him well, after all. Billy goes down well, with his rod tightly in his grip, and all Geese can do is push back to his feet, and resume his chuckles as Yamazaki tries to choke a bitch. Oh damn, "See now? You've gone and upset him." Ryuji can be such a nice man. As long as someone doesn't go and upset him. Geese bides his own time for the moment... Yamazaki, even enraged, isn't going to last a real long time against a prepared Billy... but that could change at a moment's notice, and Howard? Well, Howard still owes Billy one hell of a crack upside the head, doesn't he?
Geese's icy blue eyes narrow as he surveys the battlefield, gaining his own bearings, quietly preparing.... but for what, "Come now gentlemen. This is what we came out here for." Gentlemen. Hah. But it's true enough... this isn't over.
COMBATSYS: Geese focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Yamazaki 0/-------/----===|======-\-------\0 Geese
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Billy 1/-------/=======|
Admittedly, those few moments of getting his arm locked around Billy's throat were a bit therapeutic. There's something soothing about listening to the gurgles of someone's breath getting choked right the hell out of them. When Billy manages to squirm himself free, Yamazaki takes a couple steps back before he crouches down, settling onto his haunches and resting on the balls of his feet. This.. normally, his tactics of just beating someone into submission... isn't working. So he decides to just settle for a moment. He closes his eyes, then mutters something under his breath before slamming once fist down hard against the ground. "Last time, damn it. I ain't just gonna let you and that goddamn stick knock me around, Kane. You want to drop me, you get off your ass and come earn it."
COMBATSYS: Yamazaki focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Yamazaki 0/-------/----===|======-\-------\0 Geese
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Billy 1/-------/=======|
"Great, now we got ourselves a standoff." Billy sighs, stretching his staff over the back of his shoulders and looping an arm around either endof it, arching his back with a pop. He's rather weathered. This has been an incredibly long fight after all, and the end is not in sight. "I guess I could put the underdog to sleep..." And with that, Billy shifts forward with surprising speed, and suddenly crouches down. Through the midst of this he's actually kept his staff in the awkward position, arms spread out across it like a scarecrow. Only one segment flits off as his body twists, chain flashing out and attempting to wrap around Yamazaki's ankles. Billy would then yank up with his entire body while retracting it, attempting to take Yamazaki's feet out from beneath him -- and slam him into the ground, for good measure! "Woo!!"
A standoff? Oh yes! But like all good standoffs, they must end in explosive fashion! Billy springs into action, whipping about his extend-o-staff, and Howard is right behind, rushing into the fray. He may not be in time to 'save' Yamazaki from the guillotine, but he also doesn't rush Ryuji's execution... despite the encouragement to gang up on the King! No, he races for Billy, grins as he comes in at the bodyguard, and then?
Geese snaps out one hand for Billy's coat, as one foot snaps in, seeking to relieve him of the support from one ankle. While simultaneously slamming Kane down into the deck. Whumph!
COMBATSYS: Yamazaki fails to counter Quick Throw from Billy with Sadomazo.
[ \\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Yamazaki 0/-------/-======|======-\-------\0 Geese
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Billy 1/------=/=======|
It was a valiant attempt, but unfortunately, luck was just not with the Yakuza-trained Enforcer. When Billy came at him, he turned his body at what he perceived was the right angle to prepare for a good counter-strike... but, much to his chagrin, he wasn't expecting the chain to wrap itself around his ankles. Once again, he's off his feet. He makes an abrupt trip through the air, only to make a triumphant return to the ground, face first. ... and it's there that he just lays. Admittedly, he's had the wind (and sense) knocked right out of him, and for a moment, he just catches his breath. "... I.. fuckin' told you.. .. don't call me.. a god damn underdog.."
COMBATSYS: Yamazaki takes no action.
[ \\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Yamazaki 0/-------/-======|======-\-------\0 Geese
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Billy 1/------=/=======|
COMBATSYS: Geese successfully hits Billy with Fast Throw.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Yamazaki 0/-------/-======|======-\-------\0 Geese
[ \\\\\\\\\\ <
Billy 1/----===/=======|
Although Billy's assault was stylish and succeeded as intended, it really didn't offer him an incredibly large amount of room for defense. He notices Geese, attempting to slip backwards but tangling in his staff and getting his face quite literally floored upon the deck. Hard. He manages to get to his feet, now rather woozy, while slipping off the red staff and leaning heavily against it. But still with a grin. This has been a heck of a good fight, after all. "Tch. can't take a joke, Yamazaki? Your makin' it sound like your a chump for not being toe to toe with world champions. People who can take me and Geese... can count that on two hands. And that's one at a time." He's fully up now, cracking his neck to either direction. And just takes a few moments to rest, rubbing a trail of blood upon his lip. "Looks like we both might lose this one, though..." This is mulled somewhat dourly in Yamazaki's direction.
COMBATSYS: Billy gains composure.
[ \\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Yamazaki 0/-------/-======|======-\-------\0 Geese
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Billy 1/-----==/=======|
"Hah. The gambler's on the money with this one." Geese confirms, rather confidently, "Can you hear us, Ryuji? This is just your kind of sport, though. Tell you what, training in luxury's the way to go, forget those Rocky movies." So what if Geese's initial power came much the same way? This regimen has worked for Billy, and for Big, and it's definitely working for Yamazaki, "What we have here, is three legitimate, certifiable badasses. Some would call us thugs. Maybe we used to be thugs. But now? They all work for us. So, now we all take a deep breath, end this with a bang.... and have a stiff drink." Geese smirks mildly, taking a moment to catch his own breath. Yamazaki... might have a moment to get up, even. Before the bitter, painful end.
COMBATSYS: Geese gains composure.
[ \\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Yamazaki 0/-------/-======|=====--\-------\0 Geese
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Billy 1/-----==/=======|
Slowly, Yamazaki starts to lift himself back up to his feet. There's a momentary stagger before he lifts all the way up to his full height, then he tilts his head sharply enough to cause his neck to pop. He looks to Geese, listening to him before a slight grin turns up the corners of his lips. It's only then that he responds to Billy. "Chump's the one that loses. If I lose here, then I'm gonna keep kickin' your ass until it's the other way around." He chuckles underneath his breath, then slowly shakes his head. He looks to Billy, then Geese. "I ain't no damn second-rate chump henchman. I'm Ryuji goddamn Yamazaki." He pounds his right fist into his left hand, then rolls his neck again. "And it ain't gonna be today, but hell if I won't beat the asses of world champions." He takes a deep breath in, then nods his head. "Alright. One big bang. Let's see it, you chumps. Hit me with everything you got."
COMBATSYS: Yamazaki focuses on his next action.
[ \\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Yamazaki 0/-------/-======|=====--\-------\0 Geese
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Billy 1/-----==/=======|
"No offense, Yamazaki. And I mean this. But just like you... I'm playing to win." And then he grips either end of his staff, spreading his stance and beginning to whirl his staff at an insane speed. Both ends sprout into flame, which starts to create a giant pinwheel and multiple sparks, blending together. "AND I INTEND TO!!" The inferno builds up to a fevered pitch, scorching the yacht beneath before suddenly Billy snaps out his arm, sending a truly gargantuan fireball hurtling in Geese's direction -- at least the size of his fabled Double Reppuken. Of course, it's also not aimed towards the ocean; But the rest of the ship proper. This is entirely to be blamed on Geese's placement, though. What's a huge chunk of collateral damage between friends? Normally he'd yell for Geese to go to hell, but it's probably somewhat inappropriate to say to his boss at the moment...
COMBATSYS: Geese slows Blazing Whirlwind Cane from Billy with Double Reppuken.
[ \\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Yamazaki 0/-------/-======|======-\-------\0 Geese
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Billy 0/-------/------=|
ANd here comes the bang, indeed. FWOOM!! Billy's got scads of power, and he uses it in a brilliant blast of fire, to which Geese can only say, "DOUBLE!!!..." And indeed, a geyser of power is summoned, even as the flaming sphere washes in. But before the Double Reppuken can be fully aligned, the flames are being shorn apart as they wash past it, spraying past and around Geese in a flaming wind of violent chi. It's enough to steal one's breath, and sear his nice, new shirt. Aside from that, the crimelord just lets off a singular cough, "Bang... or whimper. Yamazaki? Care to critique?" That's right. That was Billy's load, blasted all at once out of his hard, red rod. And Geese just... slashed it apart and shrugged it off. Now apparently, he's looking to beat down a bodyguard. Howard just grins.
Yamazaki hmm. He tilts his head just slightly to one moment, before he lets his head dip in a brief, appreciative nod. "Wouldn't call that a whimper, by any means." He rubs his chin, looking back and forth between the remains of the Double Reppuken and the Whirlwind Cane. "I give it an 8.7. It still got through the double, after all." He grins again, then shakes his head as he lowers back down to settle onto his haunches. "Good form, good rotation.. would have gotten over a 9 if if weren't for the counter." He straightens back up again, then rolls his shoulders. "I don't think he can hit me half as hard as he hit you, though. You ain't a goddamn one-minute man, are you, Kane? Blow your load and give up after?"
COMBATSYS: Yamazaki gains composure.
[ \\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Yamazaki 0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0 Geese
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Billy 0/-------/------=|
While there's no outward show of raw chi in the tremendous offensive.... it's all but broiling within Howard himself, enunciated in each brutal strike.
COMBATSYS: Yamazaki endures Billy's Light Kick.
[ \\\ < > //////////////// ]
Yamazaki 0/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0 Geese
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Billy 0/-------/-----==|
COMBATSYS: Yamazaki endures Geese's Jaeiken.
[ < > //////////////// ]
Yamazaki 1/-----==/=======|=======\-------\0 Geese
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Billy 0/-------/-----==|
This is what he was waiting for... if he's going to go down, then he's going to take someone down with him. He's all but expecting the strike from Billy, and he plants his legs and braces himself. He doesn't quite have the stability he was hoping for when it comes to taking the kick, and he staggers backwards just a little. He pushes forward again, and that grin starts to pull at his lips again... and then he takes that strike right in his ribs. ".. bloody hell.. He almost looks to stagger for a moment... then his eyes go wide, and that loud, hyena-like cackling starts to rattle in his throat.. "That's the way, goddamnit!" He just continues laughing, and he almost looks like he's not even with it as he just snaps his hand out and tries to latch a grip onto Billy's face.
COMBATSYS: Yamazaki can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Billy 0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\0 Geese
COMBATSYS: Billy endures Yamazaki's Guillotine.
[ \\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Billy 0/-------/---====|=======\-------\0 Geese
COMBATSYS: Billy counters Jaeiken from Geese with Ifrit Crisis.
[ \\ < > //////// ]
Billy 0/-------/---====|=======\==-----\1 Geese
... and he finally manages to latch on. The next bit is just said amidst the psychotic, Joker-like laughter. "UNDERDOG THIS, MOTHERFUCKER!" And with his last burst of energy, Yamazaki manages to heft Billy off the ground by just his face. Off the ground, and into the air he goes. Yamazaki follows, and both Syndicate members fly through the air with the greatest of ease. At the top of the arc, the hand brings Billy from the top of the leap, down to the bottom, and as gravity takes over, the back of the British man's head is the first thing that impacts the deck. Yamazaki hits the ground running, and he drags Billy across the ground for a few meters.. too drained to straighten back up again, he just slams the punk head-first against the ground once, twice, three times... then his grip slackens, and Yamazaki just staggers to the ground.
"Geese wanted to end this with a bang, didn't he?!" Billy shouts towards Yamazaki, looking like he's preparing to do something rather terrible while skipping backwards and cleanly avoiding his boss' own attempt to rather simply end the fight. But before he can reciprocate against his boss, he's grasped by Yamazaki, which seems to have all but ended the fight. Impacting the ground and seeming to succumb to the onslaught, Billy does not get up. He remains down, and for a few moments the man is slumped. But then...
Billy lunges up, and hurls his staff as hard as he can. It beans Geese directly within the face, staggering him back a moment. In that heartbeat, Billy's in his face, catching the rebounded weapon. And then the entire shaft ignites with flames as he begins pounding it upon the elder Howard, driving him backwards in the frenzied attack. And then Billy backflips up, his weapon lengthening and seeming to grow into dozens. Such might very well be the sheer speed in which he swings, but regardless of the fact, Geese is impacted with a huge, smothering strike that causes a massive column of flame to burst into the air.
...And then Billy crashes upon his back, seeming unable to do much else. He's getting up, with all the speed of a kitten, but he's probably more or less defeated. Geese just has to finish him off!
Ah, count on Billy. When all the cards are down, when it looks like he's about the lose it all... he launches into the mother of all counter-beatings. Geese's onslaught is stopped short as he's hammered backwards, burned, and slammed smoking into the deck, skipping over towards the edge, and the dark ocean beyond. One palm finds the ship's deck, and it seems to Geese that it's swaying an awful lot more than is typical, just now.
Laughing, Geese pushes himself up to a crouch, and then to his feet, shaking his head once briskly and drawing in a deep breath of the sea air, "Ah Billy. You never do stop fighting, do you? You're just asking for this now." Howard's not malevolent about it, though you can bet it may hurt like hell. He just paces over towards where Billy rises to try again, and just... slams both of his palms down between himself and the bodyguard.
Absolute torrents of raw chi surge forth from below Billy, rushing from Geese's palms and blasting from the deck in arcing blades of darkly luminescent energy. The gale, thousands of individual cleavers of icy power, threatens to envelope and thrash Billy until he really -is- out of this fight. And then some, maybe.
Yamazaki x_x
COMBATSYS: Geese successfully hits Billy with Raging Storm'.
[ < > /////// ]
Billy 1/------=/=======|-------\-------\0 Geese
"Hahaha. I don't want any more mercy then you'd give someone else..." Billy states, looking to be absolutely fearless as he pushes to his feet. It was definitely bottom of the barrel tricks; Geese had thought he was down due to Yamazaki after all. But he's always been one to do whatever it takes. As Geese arrives, he tries to stumble out of range, but is consumed in a flash of chi, blown backwards and skidding to the ground. Trembling he gets up, before rushing forward in a clumsy and absolutely harmless stumble. To unleash a wild, full-force swing of his staff with every ounce of strength he has, that regardless of connection is inadvertently flung spiraling off into the waters far beyond the edge of the ship. And then Billy slumps to his knees, panting furiously. "...Ow." is offered, with some amount of humor to his voice.
COMBATSYS: Billy can no longer fight.
> /////// ]
|-------\-------\0 Geese
COMBATSYS: Geese counters Random Weapon from Billy with Joudan Atemi Nage.
> ////// ]
|==-----\-------\0 Geese
Naturally, Billy's going to give it that last, futile college try. Go easy on him? Oh -HELL- no. Billy may be about to topple over anyway, but Howard gives him a hand. As the bo descends with that furious force, Geese gracefully sidesteps, alert despite the blood trickling from his mouth. The side of his hand deflects, and then his palm clenches, and in an instant he's -helping- Billy swing his staff downward... as Geese's right hand grabs the bodyguard by his throat, and suddenly, Billy is flipping up over his staff on a sort of impromptu polevault.
The scenic flight ends as Geese -slams- Kane down with a shift of his shoulder, punctuating the assault by dragging Billy's staff, which has been jarred into three sections by the impact, up across his face one by one, and stepping away with it, "Hmph. You might hurt someone. Hah. Now, I think that deserves dinner." And no, no caviar for Geese. But the best fresh buffet of spicy oriental dishes is on the menu today, and it sounds gooood.
Log created by Billy, and last modified on 11:31:45 02/18/2007.