Description: On orders from Geese, Billy decides to go and pay an old rival a visit to coerce him into meeting Mr. Howard...
Most people aren't Iori Yagami.
The weather today isn't it's typical chilling cold today; rather, a pleasant and relaxing breeze drifts through Southtown today, offsetting the warmth of the sun sitting above in the cloudless sky. It's one of those days that it is certainly not /warm/, but still simply cool enough that all would be needed would be a jacket at best to protect from the cold. In short, it's nice.
That's not necessarily why the Yagami heir is having a good day today. He could care less about the weather; if it's cold or unbelievably hot, that's just a minor factor to the young man's mood. Rather, he is having a nice time today -- relatively speaking -- because the last few days have been free of interruptions. No one trying to pick a fight with him, no one stupidly getting in his way on the street, no one trying to judge him and his abilities like they know shit about shit. And that's why as Iori walks, his look is one of a strange calm. A grumpy-looking calm, true, but that single visible eye is not full of its typical instability as it has been.
It's been a good day. And so Iori decided to go shopping. And here he is, walking through the outer limits of the Southtown Mall, a single, large plastic bag in one hand. Right now? He's going to get some soda. Maybe a sandwich and some fries, too. It's not an exciting decision...
... but it's good because no freaks have tried to explode through a wall and kick his ass yet.
One figure has remained somewhat off the radar in direct Southside Syndicate actions for quite some time; Which is hardly surprising, given that Billy Kane has been a bodyguard foremost. Enforcing has never been his preference, especially given that few warrant the overkill that a former champion of King of Fighters tends to inflict. Yet some people happen to be an exception, and even fewer still incite such pleasure while doing such. Geese wants to have a 'chat' with Iori Yagami; Apparently his overt presence within the city is no longer going to be tolerated. And after his humiliating defeat all those months ago, Billy has been itching for another shot at the man. This was the easiest sell Howard's ever had to make.
In other words, today will not be a good day after all.
Tracking the Yagami heir was not difficult. Billy is rarely forthright, and it tends to create a flurry of informant activity when he is hand's on in the street. The look upon his face likely expedited the process, and before long a simple mall security guard called in his whereabouts. Ah, the joy of the syndicate's long reach. Quicker then Big's pants drop at a swinger's party the Brit was at the mall, stalking through it with an intentful expression, trying to catch sight of bondage pants. And lips already curved into a smirk, like he's relishing a victory and merely has to go out and take it.
Billy happens to be incredibly stealthy and quick, when circumstances dictate, most civilians turning to look at an empty space as his low charge is made once his quarry is seen, rushing the Orochi-blooded's blind spot. Which is precisely why Iori's first clue that things are going to be rough is a sudden cry, tinged with both ridicule and hate.
Immediately thereafter, Billy Kane makes a home-run swing with his staff in both hands, attempting to strike Iori upon the side of his right leg with bone-crushing force. Literally kneecapping him, only without the use of a lead pipe in this instance. The bodyguard is dressed in his standard blue leather ensemble of jacket and pants, blond hair enshrouded with the white and red bandana. Given shirts are for losers, such is lacking at the moment. People immediately pay attention -- both these people are pretty high celebrities after all. And Billy's not too well-known for smacking someone with a stick in public, unless they happen to be smoking.
"So how you been doing, Yagami? Enjoying your little prowl around Southtown? Hope you didn't think I forgot about you..." is mocked thereafter, Billy attempting to circle Iori while lightly tapping his staff upon one shoulder. There's genuine hatred in his eyes, twirling the weapon thereafter and falling into his battle stance. Leaning backwards, the length of his weapon held beneath an armpit. "Because when I'm done with you, you'll be lucky to crawl!!" Oh, yeah. Bring it.
COMBATSYS: Billy has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Billy 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Iori has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Iori 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Billy
COMBATSYS: Iori interrupts Fierce Strike from Billy with Yumebiki.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Iori 0/-------/--=====|==-----\-------\0 Billy
Hey hey... hey. Iori Yagami pauses, free hand slowly slipping out of his pocket as his eyes narrow. "Hmph..." Bot /this/ guy again.
And he was so close to having a completely uninterrupted day. Which is probably why...
"... You think you can /SNEAK UP ON ME/!?"
... Iori is extremely quick to teach the Southsynd right hand a little lesson in not being so dumb.
The sound of that obnoxious hollering is all Iori needs to hear, and affords him all the time he needs to retaliate. Almost instantly is Iori sweeping around, crouching low to the ground as he drops his shopping bag. The staffstrike swings, and instead of hitting his knee... Iori SMACKS the cane to the side, such that it strikes his calf. Painfully, but diffusing most of the force that Billy initially intended to use in the strike. There's only a low growl on Yagami's part, and by the look in that visible eye of his...
... He's not done by a longshot.
"GUWOOOOHH!!" As soon as the cane strikes, Billy might feel something tearing at his stomach. That would be Iori's hands, gauging clothes and flesh with sharp talons one one viciously fast movement. That's not it, however; immediately afterwards, Yagami spins, intent on striking Billy with a single backhand to send him STRAIGHT towards the ground with yet another bellow.
"Better than /you/, you spineless piece of crap. You know what? I'm in a good mood today." Slowly, Iori stands, his angry expression shifting to one of twisted amusement as he takes a single step back. "If you run away like the little coward you are, right now, maybe I /won't/ be so tempted to put you in put you in a hospital for a week. Got it?"
That really wasn't expected by Billy, who's face warps with pain as he's send staggering backwards before being floored like a woman thereafter. His upper back smacks the tiles resoundingly, but he kip-ups barely a moment later to land within a crouch, seeming somehow satisfied despite the jagged wound the lack of personal grooming inflicted on his chest. Certainly that beginning tussle hasn't shifted the tide in any irreconcilable direction. He continues to circle, cracking his neck to the side. "Iori Yagami in a good mood? Did you find a box of kittens to eat today?" Apparently the bodyguard isn't about to back off nearly that easily, shifting forward quite abruptly in an attempt to get well within melee range. To most this would be suicidal, especially when one's weapon is dependent on range. "Well you won't get lucky this time!!"
And then he lets out another battle cry, and begins whirling his staff around at rapid speed, attempting to thoroughly pummel Iori about the head and shoulders as the red blur takes on the appearance of a defensive rotor blade for those moments. Trying to get Iori to back away even further -- which might be more important then it actually landing, in truth. A short hop would follow to place him at a more comfortable distance. There's little arguing who is the best in a raw melee deal; The trick is to not let the Orochi emochild get TOO close for comfort again, unless it's precisely intended! Almost hopping from foot to foot, flipping his staff around his shoulders in a bit of restless showboating. A rather sizeable crowd has gathered now. ...While keeping a very safe distance, of course.
COMBATSYS: Iori blocks Billy's Whirlwind Cane.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Iori 0/-------/--=====|===----\-------\0 Billy
Crowds. People. Iori hates that. And it's a building amount of aggravations, accompanied by Billy's completely too cocky attitude, that makes the last Yagami heir curl his hands into fists, and gnash his teeth distastefully. Kittens? He says nothing about that, instead letting his lips peel back across his face in an unpleasant smile. "Are you kidding me? You think my beating you like a little schoolgirl has to do with /luck/?" This elicits a sharp laugh from Yagami as he tilts his head back, grasping his face. Mocking Billy. And he continues to laugh even as Billy flings himself toward him like a mini twister of pain. The intent is clear. But intentions and actuality are often not the same thing. And even as Iori laughs, that staff whips about towards Yagami's head...
... and finds a thick forearm there to cushion the blow. That's when the laughing stops.
"I'll let you in on a little secret." Iori's hand twists, intent on taking a firm grasp of Billy's staff. And if successful, he'll tug at it /harshly/, intent on keeping Billy from leaping away and gaining more ground and, instead, send him straight for the Yagami. If successful, then Billy will get a knee right in the gut as a gift, swift and painful and directed right at those fresh wounds.
"I beat you because you're a /CHUMP./"
COMBATSYS: Iori successfully hits Billy with Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Iori 0/-------/-======|=====--\-------\0 Billy
It's actually obvious that Iori's the one who's pissing Billy off with that last comment, clenching his teeth and visibly seething as he lets out that laugh. Which truly makes the man want to smack it right off his opponent's face. Such a violent surge is far from uncommon, but it's reaching a higher pinnacle at the present. And that will certainly be the case, if he has anything to say about it. Given that his staff was grasped, he shifts his stance, attempting to ignore the knee to the stomach. But this is easier said then done, and there's a hiss of pain as the man doubles over a moment. "You...!" He's too out of breath to respond verbally, which is probably for the best. Losing in a battle of sharp tongues is bad enough.
And Iori also might find he'd regret keeping hold, as suddenly Billy is lunging into the air while spiraling the weapon madly, letting out a cackle in the midst. Trying to send Iori upwards in a flurry of pain, and hopefully hurl him off quite some distance thereafter. At the apex Billy would descend to land in a crouch, breathing a bit heavily.
Iori's a world contender, that's for sure. An overwhelming adversary. Yet that only makes Billy thirst for it more. This is no easier then the last time they confronted. Nothing is immediately said, resuming his iron defense and waiting for Iori to come again. He fights with passion and emotion as well; Which can be a great asset, but he'll never have Geese's calm and perfect discipline. Right now, he just wants to whack Iori until he stops moving. They are alike in that regard, at least...
COMBATSYS: Billy successfully hits Iori with Spinning Cane Slash.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Iori 1/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0 Billy
Now that was unexpected. Just to prove a lesson to Billy, Yagami had intended to take the full blow of Kane's staff strike. The flurry of blows knocks Iori backwards over and over, the tall Japanese man staggering at the Southsynd right-hand's vicious blows. The final strike sends Yagami flying through the air, just as intended -- though it doesn't keep him quite out of the count for as long as Billy might have liked.
As soon as Yagami lands, he lands in a crouch, and he doesn't stand idly by; instead, he rushes headfirst at Billy... and that's when his hands explode into vicious, violet flames. Eyes narrowing to slits, Iori crouches low to the ground, becoming like a blur of motion as he comes to a sliding stop just in front of Billy. And then... he snaps a single hand forward, to grasp Kane's face.
There's only a brief pause in between if the grasp holds true. In that single moment, Yagami intends to engulf the British thug's head entirely with the cursed flames of the Orochi, bathing him in its terrible power before an explosion will send the man rocketing away as Iori gives a sharp cry, "HUUUUAAAARRGH!!"
COMBATSYS: Billy blocks Iori's Koto Moon Negative.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Iori 1/------=/=======|======-\-------\0 Billy
Oh, bring it! Billy rushes forward as well, right towards the vicious flames, seeming almost suicidal in the motion. Sliding the last distance in response to the more tangible lunge from Iori, eyes widen at the speed. But it's not beyond Kane's own, whirling the staff around so the palm grasps only the man's shaft, with explosive results. Delicious innuendo. The gouting Orochi fire from the detonation still goes through, the bodyguard managing to wrench his head mostly away and keep some distance between the hand as he's forced to recoil. Thereafter he makes some distance by shifting up his right foot, and attempting to kick Iori backwards with a grunt in order to give some breathing room.
...In order to suddenly launch out his staff, falling into three parts attached by chain and hissing with incredible speed and precision. It shimmers with sparks, prepared to burst into flame with the first thing it comes in contact with. "C'mon, c'mon! I thought you were going to tear me apart!! You don't look so hot right now, Yagami!" Apparently the jibes have returned to Billy, resuming a look of thorough overconfidence.
COMBATSYS: Iori parries Billy's Blazing Cane Thrust!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Iori 1/-----==/=======|======-\-------\0 Billy
Fast. Good. This would be boring if Billy had just been easy pickings like he normally is. But it's not quite fast enough; those staff thrusts are all too predictable, and Iori is not about to fall beneath the weight of Billy Kane's innuendo. Finding his own attack spectacularly guarded against, Iori can only grunt in response. Except... except then Billy has to go and try and mock him again. Dark eyes snap towards Billy, as a vicious grin splits the Yagami heir's lips. "Are you kidding? Seriously, are you joking? I'm just..." The staff flies towards him, but to Iori, it seems as slow as mollasses. Shimmering and sparking so /intimidatingly/, Iori only has one response...
... completely deny the assault.
It's just as the first part of the staff comes flying at Yagami that the Orochi-cursed man kicks a single foot high into the air. It's just then that he brings the leg /downward/, catching that short section of the staff not with the leg itself... but the strap that connects his two pantslegs. The staff impotently bursts into flames just as the pieces are shoved into the ground FORCEFULLY with the stamping of Iori's foot, and it's just then...
... that the man's hands burst into flames.
Both fists, ablaze with flames, POUND into the ground. In that brief instant, everything pauses. Flames bubble, boil, and then... EXPLODE into a sheer gout of purple fire, shooting out diagonally with intent on simply consuming Billy within its terrible agony and flames before spitting him out. "GUOOOHH!!"
COMBATSYS: Billy blocks Iori's Yami Sugi EX.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Iori 0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\0 Billy
"Are you now?" Billy muses, almost soothingly, as he finally gets Iori over the brink into his fighting madness. Although whether he will regret ultimately sending Iori off the deep end is entirely another matter. But the method in which his staff is interrupted causes a pause, quite abruptly pinned to the ground via bondage and footwork while a potentially fight-ending surge of energy is summoned.
This is a desperate moment, when Billy yanks as hard as he can, retracting the weapon forcefully. The flame ignites a second time in this motion, and it whirls around to intercept the flash of energy descending upon him. He's lost, a haze in the purple shroud of energy, yet when it cuts off he flicks his reassembled staff aside with a flourish, a few last wisps of fire and violet dissipating in the motion. He's singed rather badly, but he's still up. This time, Billy is no pushover.
"That really the best you got? All you did was burn my new jacket, you son of a bitch!"
And then Billy rushes forward, bracing the end of his weapon upon the ground before lurching in Iori's direction akin to a pole vaulter, attempting to kick him in the face with no small amount of force to send him stumbling backwards. "YOU ARE THE JOKE!!" Things are heating up, quite literally. It's a good thing nobody was within ten meters of the pair, or a few of the bystanders might now be hapless ashes. But the finale is in sight. Likely within the next few blows, the victor will be decided!
COMBATSYS: Iori blocks Billy's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Iori 0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\0 Billy
Burn his new jacket? Billy acts like Iori cares. But no, he doesn't; perhaps Billy was attempting it, but whether he wanted it or not, he's just officially pissed Iori off just enough to send him off the brink. He doesn't even really care that his assault has been so effectively dealt with. Instead, Yagami's eyes flare brutally, his lips pulling back into the fiercest of snarls as Billy makes his suddenly claim. Him? A joke? If he weren't so angry, he would laugh. Instead?
Instead, Iori simply lifts a hand into the air, catching the foot meant to smash him in the face with little more than the slightest of stings to his palm. It doesn't really matter; and he doesn't really stop, either. Instead, he is intend on grabbing Billy quite solidly by the same foot that he used to attempt to kick the last Yagami heir, all with a most vicious look.
If Iori gets a solid hold, what he does next is simple. He intents to SNAP his arm /downward/, forcing the airborne, vaulting Kane straight towards the ground below with a sudden and vicious thud, with force enough to crack the sidewalk beneath them.
COMBATSYS: Iori successfully hits Billy with Quick Throw.
Glancing Blow
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Iori 0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\1 Billy
Gripped by the foot after his failed assault, Billy suddenly whirls around and plants his staff into the ground anew, stopping his descent as it bends harshly. He vaults off it, twisting his ankle from the harsh extrication but otherwise landing mostly unharmed when he falls into a crouch. His breath is coming heavily, sweat flitting down his face. "This really the best you got...?" And then he finally falls back, in a defensive fashion. Twirling around his weapon thereafter, one hand reaching out to beckon Iori towards him. By now the crowd has grown to a rather monumental size, the outside housing a blackened crater and a few cracks upon the ground. In terms of collateral damage, the pair are certainly slacking, aren't they?
COMBATSYS: Billy focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Iori 0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\1 Billy
Collateral damage isn't what Iori's really interested in, though; that can be accomplished afterwards when he chucks Billy through a few buildings in order to send a message, loud and clear, to Geese Howard -- and just to vent and enjoy himself as well, of course. But, it seems Billy at least partially gets out of the way of his incoming assault. Growling, Yagami jumps back once, shaking his head as he stares at Billy. "The best...?" The question lingers, almost as if Iori contemplates it. And then... he laughs, once again.
"You aren't /worth my best/, moron!"
Yagami's right hand burns with those painful Orochi-tainted flames once more as Billy seems to try and egg him on. If that's his intent, it certainly works -- Iori doesn't really seem all that intent on stopping in his assaults. The flames around his fist intensify once again, before they are simply FLUNG at Billy. The fire at his hands snuffs out -- only to be replaced by a plume of violet flames that /explodes/ from the ground, rubble flying every which way as the inferno of power races across the ground... straight for Mr. Kane.
COMBATSYS: Billy slows Yami Barai from Iori with Blazing Cane Thrust.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////// ]
Iori 0/-------/----===|=======\=------\1 Billy
Whirling around his cane, Billy looks to have anticipated a ranged assault, although he's distantly tickled that Iori has half a brain for tactics in his state. Oh, well. After all, the alternative is probably significantly more painful. As the flash of Orochi-bolstered chi surge forth, again Billy flings his staff forward, disconnecting it into three sections once more and impacting the Yama Barai. But it is deflected and his own flash of fire is off-center, and it's then with somewhat wide eyes he finds himself struck within the chest, blown away and landing upon his back with a hiss of pain. Billy manages to roll over, somewhat feebly, and push back to his feet after retracting his weapon with a flick of a wrist and using it to brace himself. "Then it's your funeral..." is hissed. Although things look rather dire, there's no lack of confidence or burning spirit in the man. He's going to take this all the way, and go down swinging. The advantage has shifted back to Iori; Let's see now if he's got the capability of ending it!
Billy fails to realize that while Iori may be angry, he's certainly not stupid. Which is something he might do well to remember. Flames explode outward from Iori's fists, burning his blood as he narrows his eyes and STARES at Billy. The same attack, again? Iori mutters something under his breath, his bloodfury beginning to subside once more in the wake of Billy's weak attempts at deflecting his own assaults. And even further... "Seems like Geese didn't pick you for your /biting wit/, eh Kane?" He mutters out with a smirk, even as his body swings low to the ground, "And it's pretty obvious it couldn't be for /strength/, either. Really..."
And then Iori rushes forward yet again, flames sprouting from his hands painfully. This time, those hands clasp /together/, the swirling inferno of violets simply increasing, "... YOU'RE NOTHING SPECIAL AT ALL!" About mid-rush, Iori's body twists in a whipping motion, his hands sweeping outward with intent to smash themselves over Billy's head with a singular, powerful blow. "HUWAAAARRRGH!!" And, if the blow makes contact, those flames EXPLODE in a most morbidly beautiful way, intent on knocking Billy right into the ground yet again.
COMBATSYS: Billy fails to counter Tsumagushi from Iori with Ifrit Crisis.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Iori 0/-------/--=====|
COMBATSYS: Billy can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Iori 0/-------/--=====|
"Let's end this now, Yagami!!" Billy snarls, before reaching back his right arm and then flinging his staff wildly forward. It goes spinning off about ten feet to the side of Iori, striking a nearby pedestrian in the face and knocking them over with a cry of alarm. The Brit seems to realize that he just made a mistake, suddenly cowering as Iori advances. Normally this underhanded move would cause a moment's hesitation, but Iori is considerably more ruthless then your average person. Billy made a motion to draw something, but he's struck in the head before it comes out. Legs buckle, eyes widen, and the explosion is too much. Right into the ground Billy's face goes, creating a rather fashionable imprint of his face and smoldering his white and red bandana. He's out; Limbs spread somewhat willy-nilly, and only twitching slightly. A valiant effort -- but he's not quite there. Not yet. "You... son of a..." is hissed, Billy trying to get up thereafter. But it's apparent that this rivalry is far from over. Oh no, it's just going to get WORSE.
Let's end this now.
As if Billy stood a chance in the first place.
Iori's blow strikes clean, if not brutally. There's nothing elegant or graceful about it; it's full of the last of the Yagami's unbelievably intense rage, full of savage and ruthless efficiency. And as Billy goes crashing to the ground, Iori almost apathetically shoves his hands into his pockets, straightening as he turns his head from Billy. As if he were too disgustingly /weak/ to even look at. The flames have died, and all that's left is the arrogant look of Yagami lording over his opponent. Whatever happens next, certainly can't be good.
Billy hisses something out, probably another attempt at an insult; but all Iori does is scoff. "Whatever. Idiot. Did you /really/ think you stood a chance against me? How does Howard hire such gigantic morons like you? I don't get it." As Billy attempts to lift himself up, Iori swoops down to pick Billy up by the collar of his shirt, lifting him straight into the air and letting the British thug's feet dangle in the air. "You're weak. You're a chump. You know what? ..."
Iori's clawed hand rears back, clenching into a fist before SLAMMING into Billy's gut to aggravate the man's injuries further. "... You aren't even /worth killing./ So how about you be a good lapdog and go tell Howard to send someone more worthwhile after me next time, alright? You can at least do that without fucking up, right?" He doesn't bother waiting for an answer. Instead, Iori intends on THROWING Billy away from him like unwanted trash, with enough force to turn the man into a human missile. His aim is to send Billy crashing through the glass windows of a nearby store as Yagami spins neatly on a heel, dips down, picks up his shopping bag... and walks off. To get a sandwich, some fries, and eat as if nothing even happened. Nothing is going to stop him from having a good lunch today... least of all some British twit.
COMBATSYS: Iori takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Iori 0/-------/--=====|
COMBATSYS: Iori has ended the fight here.
Dangling like some abused kitten, Billy manages to blearily glare in Iori's face just long enough to begin and spit, but that's quite literally punched out of him. Doubling over and pulling up his legs with a hacking cough, disoriented enough that when next he knows what's happening he's barreling through a glass window and impacting a tray of clothing, tangling up as he thuds upon the ground. A few long moments are spent, carefully seething in his rage as he stares at a discount sign for women's blouses mostly filling his suddenly ground-laden vision. He did better... this much is doubtless. But not enough! One fist impacts the ground hard, Billy painfully rolling over and getting to his feet. Stepping out of the broken window while holding his throbbing head, the first thing he does is march over towards the downed pedestrian. An adjacent person is holding his staff, which is snatched out of the man's hand. Ehhh, he didn't mean to bean the guy, but he'll live. And mercy's not in his dictionary, not while his own blood is boiling to this degree. "Gimme that." Watching Iori's back before he disappears from sight, Billy starts limping off in the opposite direction. If this is the way the Yagami wants it, whoever said they had to play fair...
Log created by Billy, and last modified on 09:12:39 02/18/2007.