Description: Mimiru turns a corner in her career... but it just so happens this is the day the Southtown Syndicate pulls a last-minute change to the fight card. Cammy vs Yamazaki with Mimiru as Chaos Agent... becomes Cammy and Mimiru vs Yamazaki and Chen? Oh noes! (Winner: Yamazaki)
Meh... Saturday Night fight. For some reasons, Mimiru's a little glad that she's got to be a Chaos Agent. That way, she won't have to be fighting against someone in particular. After what had happened, she doesn't really feel all into fighting. At least, not fighting for some random reasons. She thought it would have been great for her to join! She thought she had had a great idea but what she did ruined everything.
Ever since that happened Mimiru laid low a bit. That was enough of a shock on the head to make her realize some stuff and make her consider lots of things. The shock therapy of putting into question everything you've been doing!
Right now she's in the girl's locker room, clad in her usual day to day attire. She's idly practicing with her chi. She's definately improved! At least it seems like it, since she's making sphere of chi in her hands, shifting it into a pyramid, a cube, or even little snakes that curls and twirls around as if trying to embrass each other. She can even make something that looks like a bat or bird. Though she hardly seems into it, her free hand supporting her chin while her other hand is palm up in front of her.
Poor Mimiru. But if there is one person she can't hide from, even if she tried, that would be Himeko. There's just some sort of odd link with the pair, and she just knows Mimiru that well. In a way, it's a little eerie when you think about it. It's nice and quiet in the girls locker room, but suddenly there's a *puff* that flashes from the locker in front of Mimiru, a light rattle, and then the door opens, a starry-eyed bookworm nearly stumbling out with stars for eyes, "Oh wow that was the -perfect- picture!" she sighs dreamily, camera in hand of course, "The expression, the atmosphere, and the cute little snake, it's a moment that will never be replicated again for the rest of my life.. Ever ever ever,"
There's another sigh, and Himeko slumps back a bit, and fans herself with one of her hands. She looks like she could use a cigarette.
It was quite a sight indeed! Something that Himeko will probably never get to see again. There was a mix of seriousness in Mimiru's facial expression and something ressembling doubts. Perhaps something akin to depression. The flash of light that comes from the locker makes Mimiru blink and closes her eyes, the chi in her hand slowly fading away and disappearing due to the lost of concentration.
Mimiru straightens herself a bit and she leans back, tilting her head to one side, "Himeko..." She says faintly. She tilts her head to one side and she can't help but let a smile curl on her lips. How couldn't she? It's Himeko after all, and her antics are enough to bring a smile to her face. Though she wonders, "... What were you doing in one of those locker?"
That's a good question.. What -was- Himeko doing in there? When she seems to come back to her senses, and realizes what was just asked of her, she simply responds with a nervous laugh as she shakes her head, "I'm the reporter, Mimi-chan, I'm the one supposed to be asking the questions," she so creativly re-directs the subject, taking a few steps over to stand by Mimiru's side.
Her smile is a liiiittle more meek this time, because truth is, she did notice the look of doubt. In fact, she may know a bit more than she originally led on to, letting her camera dangle about her neck as she tries to reach and take Mimiru's hand, "Mimi-chan.. Are you still unhappy about what happened in that Goose match?"
Mimiru's not in the mood for little games, and she actually lets Himeko's redirection pass, without insisting on the question she asked. It's not like it was essential for her to know why she was there, "I suppose," She admits, lowering her gaze for a moment, while Himeko approaches her. She only lifts her eyes back when she feels Himeko's fingers wrapping around hers and lifting her hand up. Mimiru blinks a few times and she stares up at Himeko for a second, just long enough to hear that question.
The girl stays silent and she turns her gaze away. She bites on her lower lips and heaves a sigh, as if debating the question for a moment, "Yeah..." She says. "I don't know what to think of it," She adds. "I... I just feel a little out of it. I think this is going to be my last fight."
Himeko looks thoughtful, gaze drifting off to the side for a moment. This is actually.. Very new, Mimiru not wanting to fight could quite possibly be the best thing Himeko had ever heard! It would be really nice if the schoolgirl just had a nice, normal life so that she'd be able to keep up with the basketball star. However, that..
That wouldn't be what was best for Mimiru, and she knows it. Her other hand raises to set on Mimiru's shoulder, and she shakes her head, "Mimi-chan, don't say that. You've gone through all this trouble to even /get/ to where you are now. Look me in the eyes.. And tell me right now why do you fight."
That's the thing -- why does she fight. Mimiru lifts her gaze up toward Himeko, though it seems to take her incredible amounts of efforts to do that. Mimiru bites her lips and she whimpers a bit faintly, her eyes straying away for a second, "I..." She seems to search for her words for a moment, before she adds, "I just want to be able to protect myself, and protect those who are dear to me, Himeko..." Mimiru admits.
She glances back at the other girl, eyes a little watery. She lifts her hand up, to rub her eyes, "I don't want to make you worry like I did before, I did all kind of stupid stuff, I don't wanna do that either," She says, "I just want to be able to protect you, I want to be strong, for you, so nothing ever happens to us," She bites her lips and says, "And... That's not what I've been doing at all, I... I just got lost or something, I'm doing it all wrong, that's not the way..."
Mimiru closes her eyes and she leans over against Himeko, to press herself against her, closing her eyes. "So after this... I'll go back to the real me, no more of all of this... I'll just stay by your side and never worry you, I want to protect you, Himeko... All the rest, it was just... Nothing, nobody cares about it... But you do, you care about me, and I know that, no matter what, so... All I want is to fight for you, to protect you, and that's what I'll do, nothing else.."
Himeko blinks a little in suprise. She.. She's never seen Mimiru crying before, as least not in this way. This is much deeper than Himeko could have ever thought would happen, and the shock wipes any trace of a smile off her face.
.. The roles have been reversed. This time it's Himeko who has to be strong for Mimiru.
".. Mimi-chan.." she whispers, pushing her camera over her shoulder and draws her best friend into a gentle hug, resting her chin on teh other girls shoulder, her expression still just.. Stunned. In a normal circumstance she would scold Mimiru; she knows why Mimiru fights, but she's also accepted that the path she's taken has evolved into something more. But she'll hold it back this time. She'll give Mimiru time to think a little more carefully, "All right, please don't cry, Mimi-chan," she whispers, lightly stroking the girls back, "I'm not upset with you, I promise. But just like everyone else, I want to see your smiling face, too.."
The girl's holding back though! She doesn't want to, she thought she'd be stronger than that, but the other day did deeply affect her emotionally. It troubled her and Mimiru's all confused now. When Himeko shifts her position, Mimiru gladly accepts it so she can curl up around Himeko and wrap her arms around her to get into the hug. She sobs and stays silent though, merely wiping off her tears on Himeko's shirt it seems.
All she wants to do is just hold on to Himeko for a while, like this she feels better, and it soothes her. Though before too long, one of the officials, a woman, comes in into the locker room. "Ah! There you are, the fight is about to start, just where have you been, come on! Up in the arena!" The woman says.
With a faint whimper, Mimiru forces herself out of the embrace, pulling away from Himeko, as if this were a great burden or chore she had to do. Though it's her responsability and she has to do it. The girl forces herself up to her feet and she nods, rubbing her eyes a bit for any signs of tears, "Right, I'm ready..." She says, before following after the lady.
The last thing on Himeko's mind is letting go. But she's simply not used to being on this end of the situation, and later on she'll likely feel guilty that she couldn't have been better support; she's unaware that currently she even is having a positive effect on Mimiru.
She's extremely proud that Mimiru is going to finish what she started though, and is going to go through with the match, the bookworm smiling faintly as she steps back and uses her thumbs to brush away the missed tears, "Do your best, Mimiru.. My camera doesn't show any mercy." she says, trying to get her best friend a little more light-hearted. She even raises both of her hands, giving a double 'v'-sign, "Good luck!"
Mimiru glances over her shoulder as she makes her way out, a faint smile spreading on her lips. She doesn't answer Himeko's cheers, but she does give her a thumbs up. Leave it to her... She'll go through with this and then, well, it'll be over.
Meanwhile, outside, in the middle of Taiyo's dome, the match is going a little behind schedule! It should be starting very soon though... It has to! The crowd's getting a little impatient after all.
Late? Maybe a little. There's no particular concern with regards to time, though. The crowd will be fine waiting for a couple minutes longer, because it won't be much longer. One of the SNF officials looks towards the table as a phone starts to ring, and he walks over to field the call. It's a brief one, and the phone is hung up moments later. He walks over to Mimiru and nods his head. "Your opponents have been sighted on campus. They should be here shortly." Opponents? .. for Mimiru? There's no further explanation, however, and he just continues to walk away to prepare. It's not long after that one of the double-doors swings open to reveal a driveway, and a long, black limosuine pulls in through those doors just a moment later. A path has already been cleared between those doors and the fighting area, and the motor of the limo rumbles as it approaches, stopping just a few feet short.
The driver steps out as the motor cuts, and he walks around to the back of the vehicle. The passengers' door opens, and a moment later, Ryuji Yamazaki steps out in full formal dress; sunglasses and white fur coat on display as he straightens up, and a martini glass in his hand. "Y'know, Chen, y'make a damn good martini, I must say. Glad you came along." His associate has yet to step out of the limo, but it seems that Ryuji's brought at least one friend with him.
Ryuji's associate slides out of the limo immediately afterward, nodding his head with an appreciative smile. Friend? ... In a manner of speaking, yes.
The black-suited Chinaman stands a bit stiffly, but for the most part follows Yamazaki's lead. While there, he does glance over to Mimiru, and then Cammy, with an abbreviated version of his usual smile.
Should be interesting.
For her part, Cammy's been waiting patiently, standing at her 'corner', arms folded behind her back, eyes closed and head tilted downwards. Her ears are open, her thought processes calming themselves... reviewing what information she could get on Yamazaki Ryuji on short notice. It isn't much--but some match videos gave her a hint as to the kind of fighter he was. In a word--brutal. But Cammy's faced brutality before.
Dressed in her Pacific High uniform--at the request of the SNF officials--she looks up as she hears Ryuji arrive... with his companion. Hmm. Perhaps Cammy should've asked Megumi to show as well, but... too late now. She looks at Yamazaki, her blue eyes intent, then merely nods at him. She's ready for this fight... or as ready as she'll ever be. That determined, she walks out to her 'starting point'--and while she's walking out, she's pulling on those curious, red-grooved metal bracers she wears. Given that she knows Yamazaki uses knives... maybe she hopes they'll take some of that edge away from him. No pun intended. Chen gets a brief nod, but as far as she knows, he isn't the opponent, so he's filed away for now.
Huh? Well whatever they say. It's true, after all, that Mimiru is going to be fighting both of them! Something like that. She's a little surprised though, they did come get her.. And here she thought she was late. Well, seems like she's not the only one late. Mimiru groans and stays on the side of the arena, sitting down there. She only has a partial role into all of this after all.
Mimiru heaves a sigh and she lifts her gaze up toward Ryuji as he makes his entrance. Ahhh, at last, he's there. The other person coming in behind him totally goes unnoticed. Mimiru stays sit, elbow on her thighs and hands under her chin to support her head.
The martini glass is lifted, and Yamazaki has himself a sip. "Mm. Good pre-fight drink." The drink is empty, now, and the glass is set atop the roof of the limo. "C'mon. It's time to get this started." That much is said to Chen, and the official nods to the announcer in turn. He lifts from his seat, mic in hand. "LADIES and GENTLEMEN!" He coughs once, clearing his throat. "It's time for this evening's festivities to begin!" The limo's lights dim, and Ryuji starts to walk over towards the stage. "The officials have asked me to inform the crowd that the card for tonight has been changed. This is no longer a Chaos Agent match. At the request of the booking staff, this is now a TWO versus TWO team event!" A few moments are allowed for the crowd to gather this information before the announcer continues. "Entering the fighting stage from the black limosuine, both dressed in black. The team of Chen.. and Ryuji Yamazaki!" Yamazaki stops at the edge of the fighting area, then looks back over his shoulder to the approaching Chinaman. "And at the other side of the stage, their opponents... Miss Cammy White, and Mimiru Kasagi!"
COMBATSYS: Yamazaki has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Yamazaki 0/-------/-------|
Smirking faintly as he's given such a dramatic announcement, Chen nonetheless plays his part to precision. Nodding silently as he follows along after Yamazaki, glancing up at Yamazaki once he's peered back at.
"Right behind you..." he notes quietly, well below the level the mic can easily pick up. He's never been the showy sort, preferring to orchestrate from the shadows, but he'll do what's asked of him -- at the very least.
Meeting Yamazaki at ringside, he seems more than ready to jump in at the slightest provocation. Even though that's =kinda= the reason he's here. "I have a feeling this will be a very short match..." he notes with musical amusement.
COMBATSYS: Chen has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Chen 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Yamazaki
At that... Cammy raises her eyebrows. Special request of the booking staff...? Cammy glances over at the officials... then over at Mimiru. Doesn't look as though the girl's up for it, does she? Cammy raises one gauntleted hand then steps away. Towards Mimiru. And as she nears, she gives the girl a bright smile.
"Hey, c'mon, we've got a fight to do here." It's not said with any sort of cruel intent--she's trying to pep the girl up.
"I heard about what happened. So you gotta get up and show everyone what Taiyo is really about!" Yeah, that'll have to do for now; she slugs Mimiru on the shoulder, lightly.
"And I don't think I can take these two alone. Help a girl out, wouldya?"
That said, Cammy walks back to her starting position... takes a deep breath... then raises her arms, slowly closing her hands into fists, as she awaits the match start.
COMBATSYS: Cammy has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Cammy 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Chen
> //////////////////////////////]
|-------\-------\0 Yamazaki
Wait... What? That's not supposed to happen that way! Mimiru blinks a few times and she glances about, as if wanting to know if this is serious or what. After all, this is a rather last minute change! Not that the crowd seems to mind after all, the more fighter, the more action, and the more action, the happier the crowd gets to be! At least the announcement seems to make the mass cheers. Especially since it means the fight is also about to begin!
The girl frowns and she whimpers a bit. This wasn't supposed to be that way! She's definately not in the right mind set for that kind of thing. Still... She lifts her gaze up toward Cammy and she bites her lips. The slug on her shoulder causes her to lift her hand up to rub it a bit, "Yeah..." She says faintly, lowering her gaze.
Still, she seems a whole less enthusiastic about this whole thing. Mimiru groans and she forces herself up to her feet. No point sitting there and get beaten up after all, since that'd be no good! Thankfully, if someone comes to her she'll always be able to defend herself with her jujitsu.
As for Mimiru, well she's there! Behind Cammy, in the back row. She's the support character.
COMBATSYS: Mimiru has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Cammy 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Chen
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Mimiru 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Yamazaki
"Agreed." Yamazaki nods his head back to Chen, then takes a few steps closer to where the two girls across the way are standing. One leather-clad hand is balled into a fist, and he cracks his knuckles into the palm of the other before the process is repeated with opposite hands. "I'm going to want another martini when this is done, too." That much makes a small grin creep across Ryuji's face before the final call of the announcer sounds over the loudspeakers. "NOW... let's get it on! FIGHT!" The official claps his hands together, and the match has started.
At the sound of the hands clapping, Yamazaki straightens up, and lets his right hand settle into its place within his pocket, fingers gripping the switchblade resting there. He takes a couple short steps out into the middle of the arena, and he takes a moment to pop his neck before he stops walking, and just slides his left foot forward, angling his left shoulder out. He tilts his head down just a little, squinting briefly as his left arm starts to hang rather lifelessly in front of him. It dangles back and forth as Yamazaki murmurs to himself, pondering potential targets... then his left arm snaps into motion, crossing the distance between himself as Cammy as he aims to drive his knuckles square into the girl's right leg. If his aim is with him, hopefully somewhere close to the knee.
"I expected you would," responds Chen cheerily, himself stepping into the ring.
Mimiru, as a support character? "Now, now, you heard the nice announcer, Miss Kasagi." There are very few things that actually irritate Chen... but his opponents acting like they don't want to fight -- when he =himself= doesn't want to fight himself -- is one of them. Especially since his vision of Mimiru is altogether different than what he sees before him. His smile darkens into a frown as he strides over to the young Kasagi, hands folded behind his back. It's something of a condescending stance, really -- something else a bit uncommon for the normally-polite barkeep. "... This is a two-versus-two match, and I'm sure you don't want to let your fans down, mm?"
And once he's close enough, one of those hands goes whipping overhead, a glint of light flickering out towards Mimiru. It's a shot glass, twisting end-over-end en route to the Taiyo student. "Show me what a Chaos Agent can do!"
COMBATSYS: Cammy dodges Yamazaki's Snake Tamer.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Cammy 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Chen
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Mimiru 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Yamazaki
Hmm. An interesting attack--one that Cammy -has- seen before, if not in person. Yamazaki's arm is moving alarmingly fast, just a blur as somehow it crosses a distance greater than one should reasonably expect. Cammy sidesteps easily, however, turning her sidestep into a full-on, twirling skip-step that brings her towards her chosen opponent, Yamazaki.
Cammy is moving as she goes, twisting around in mid-air; as she goes, she aims to land next to Yamazaki and, at the same time, attempt to strike with a quick backfist punch to the man's temple. Normally, she might aim for the jaw, but she isn't yet interested in the potential for serious injury...
COMBATSYS: Chen successfully hits Mimiru with Thrown Object.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Cammy 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Chen
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Mimiru 0/-------/----===|-------\-------\0 Yamazaki
That's something Mimiru wasn't expecting! Perhaps her reflexes aren't all there though due to a little lack of motivation... The shoter glass hits her right on the temple, and it causes Mimiru to stagger back a little. She lifts one hand up to her forehead and she winces, dazed slightly by the impact. Her vision's a little blurry but she's still some distance away from the other fighter, so it's not so bad. She rubs her forehead for a moment, straightening herself.
It's not like she has any kind of things to throw back to retaliate, and that'd make up for a rather bad fight. Looks like she'll have to start the hostilities... Though, she'd need to use her self-taught style instead of the current 'style mood' she's in, and it makes things dificult.
Mimiru rushes over Chen, hoping she'll be able to get to him before he tries to smack her again with one of those shooter glass and if she suceeds, she'll try to get a hold of Chen's clothes, before she tries to trip him by sweeping him off his legs and dragging him down.
COMBATSYS: Yamazaki endures Cammy's Quick Punch.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Cammy 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Chen
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Mimiru 0/-------/----===|=------\-------\0 Yamazaki
There's a brief frown as he doesn't feel his knuckles impact against... anything. He pulls his left shoulder back up straight, and his arm returns back to his side. His fingers flex, then ball into a fist again as he has about a moment before there's a fist heading right for his head. Eh. To hell with it. There's too much energy necessary to go about throwing up a proper defense. He simply turns a bit and redirects the punch, taking it square in the forehead instead of the temple. The Yakuza enforcer has been accused of having a thick head before, and it serves him well in absorbing the brunt of Cammy's fist as it collides with his skull. With her that close, he decides to take a shot. His left hand shoots up again, and he tries to tangle his fingers into the blonde's hair. Should he manage to get a good grip, he rears his head back right before slamming it hard against Cammy's face. And should that occur, there'll be a small explosion of chi at the impact point, much akin to a bomb hitting its target.
COMBATSYS: Chen blocks Mimiru's O Soto Gari.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Cammy 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Chen
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Mimiru 0/-------/----===|-------\-------\0 Yamazaki
Chen's expression lightens considerably once he hears the satisfying 'TONG!' sound of hollow glass hitting the girl's skull. He might not delight in others' misfortune the same way Yamazaki does, but he =does= think well-placed violence serves as an excellent motivational tool.
It =does= seem to be effective, as Mimiru charges him. He doesn't consider the attack to be of much concern, calmly stepping backward, and then seamlessly rolling along with Mimiru's gestures. In other words, he lets himself be tripped, =too= easily, and catches himself upon the ground with a hand.
As if rising from a session of the game Twister -- two feet and one hand on the ground -- he snaps back to his full height with a single swiping backfist -- leaving himself plenty of defensive capability should he be retaliated. "Hnnnnh!"
COMBATSYS: Yamazaki successfully hits Cammy with Bomb Headbutt.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Cammy 0/-------/----===|-------\-------\0 Chen
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Mimiru 0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0 Yamazaki
In a word: UNGH. Cammy is grabbed, headbutted, and sent flying backwards; that was a painful hit, to be sure, and not one she appreciates in the least. Well; she'd been wanting to have a friendly match, but obviously Yamazaki is anything -but- friendly. Cammy tumbles, rolls, and springs to her feet; deliberately slowly, she cricks her neck, popping some vertebrae into place.
"Alright then, Mister Yamazaki," says the young blonde, turning the word 'Mister' into two drawn-out syllables, "Let's play." And then she's loping forward, taking two quick steps--then she's dropping to the ground, hands first, pushing off, using her arms to impart a wicked twist as she is suddenly speeding forward along the ground, a bright, electric-blue and white aura of power forming over her crossed feet as she twirls, like a drill aimed to take out Yamazaki from the legs.
COMBATSYS: Mimiru blocks Chen's Medium Strike.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Cammy 0/-------/----===|=------\-------\0 Chen
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Mimiru 0/-------/--=====|==-----\-------\0 Yamazaki
That was quite a stunt, at least, Mimiru wasn't expecting him to catch himself like that and come back on his feet so fast. At least, Mimiru's not a masochist, and she does her best not to get hurt in this whole mess. She lifts her right arm up to block the incoming backhand. The little girl winces a bit at the force behind the blow, but she quickly counters the attack by trying to get a hold of the man's wrist with the hand that blocked it.
If she suceeds, Mimiru swiftly turns around on her heels, bringing her other hand right under the man's armpit, while she presses her waist to his, bending over to haul him off on her back. And with a single rotation of her waist, she hurls him off over her back and slam him down to the ground.
COMBATSYS: Yamazaki blocks Cammy's Spiral Arrow.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Cammy 0/-------/---====|=------\-------\0 Chen
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Mimiru 0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0 Yamazaki
"You want to play?" The smirk is widening across Yamazaki's face now; that was the sort of impact he was looking for. Hard, fast, brutal. He was almost grinning as he watches Cammy tumbling away. "This isn't some schoolgirl game, girly." He tilts his head, cricking his neck soon after Cammy does it. "I break people, I don't take 'em out for goddamn tea." A low chuckle rumbles in his throat while she watches the blonde girl starting to come towards him. As she drops low, he bends at the knees, starting into a crouch.. and as she stays low, his arms go down, and the crossed feet collide hard against his forearms. His hands turn, after that, both hands snapping up to try to grab Cammy by her ankles. Should he get a good grip, he pushes off the balls of his feet and starts to spin, twirling the girl around once before flinging her towards the nearest wall.
COMBATSYS: Chen counters Ippon Seoi Nage EX from Mimiru with Monkeywrench.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Cammy 0/-------/---====|==-----\-------\0 Chen
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Mimiru 0/-------/=======|===----\-------\0 Yamazaki
Chen clucks his tongue lightly. There's a method to his madness -- the most basic rule behind Wing Chun martial arts is to avoid giving your opponent anything to work with. Most often, this leads to cautious attacks, and devastating punishments for an opponent's aggressiveness.
Which... is a philosophy Mimiru experiences firsthand as her attempt at grabbing for Chen's wrist goes awry. Not only does his wrist pull back after the strike, but he steps forward, ploughing his elbow into the girl even as she's lunging forward, taking advantage of her slight forward momentum. Since she's planning to turn one way, he simply steps the -opposite- direction, twisting past the girl. Momentarily placing his back to her, he slams his other elbow into her from the side. Another rotation has him facing her once more -- at which point he calmly slams both palms into the girl's back for a quick, double palm strike. "Haaaa!"
He ... does take a rare moment to chuckle. "I heard rumors that Super Mimiru was in town. I... had rather hoped to meet her, actually." A moment is spared to glance over to Cammy and Yamazaki -- it would seem his help is not required just yet.
COMBATSYS: Cammy blocks Yamazaki's Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Cammy 0/-------/--=====|==-----\-------\0 Chen
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Mimiru 0/-------/=======|===----\-------\0 Yamazaki
Hunh. Stopped short by Yamazaki's arms, there's still Cammy can do to prevent his grip; and so she's going around, and around, and around... and at the wall. Well, she can deal with that. She's flying headfirst at the wall--no wait, she isn't. She reverses her position and hits the wall feet first, with nary a scratch to worry about it, and her powerful legs are coiled up, pushing her off the wall and sending her right back at Yamazaki.
As she flies, she yells, "You 'break' people? That has got to be the most -stereotypical-, -banal-, -witless- line ever! You sound like you stepped out of the worst kind of gangster movie!"
Then there's the matter of her attack; she's lunging at Yamazaki, at head height, her arms outstretched, hands seeking his shoulders; should she find purchase she'll flip her body up and over and dig her feet into the ground and use the momentum to fling Yamazaki overhead and away from her.
It's all about the technique, and when just a single step in the technique goes awry, the rest goes all wrong. In this case, when it's the first step of the technique that fails her, it leaves her quite open for the chinese man to strike her. Mimiru groans a bit in pain, wincing at first as his elbow hits her side. The double palm strike that follows up quickly afterward causes her to stumble a bit foward and fall down on her face, flailing her arms a bit in a vain attempt to actually catch herself.
It doesn't help that Mimiru's motivation isn't all there. She bites her lips and lifts her gaze up toward Yamazaki and Cammy's fight... And yet, she has a hard time with just a cursory evaluation to know if the other girl's handling herself well enough. Mimiru slowly forces herself back to her feet. She glances back at Chen and frowns, "I don't think you'll meet her." Mimiru answers.
She rushes over Chen and lunges at him. She rushes to his side and attempts to sneak up against him, pressing her left hip to his right hip. Her left arm wraps around his midsection and her right hand reaches out to hold on to his right arm. Of course, she stragically places herself now, sliding just a bit in front of him with, enough so that she can actually lift him up using her waist and so that when she turns her waist about, her legs will be in the way of his, to destabilize him and lift him off the ground that way. And with a quick turn of her waist and a good grip around his midsection, she does a quarter circle before slamming him down.
COMBATSYS: Cammy successfully hits Yamazaki with Medium Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Cammy 0/-------/---====|==-----\-------\0 Chen
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Mimiru 0/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0 Yamazaki
"Think I'm lying? Ask Mimiru and her friends." He chuckles underneath his breath, then shakes his head just a little. He braces his legs behind him as he watches Cammy spring back off the wall, preparing himself for a strike.. he wasn't expecting a throw, and he finds himself going over Cammy's head and making a rather abrupt appointment with the ground. He skids for a couple feet, then rolls back onto his shoulders before kipping right back to his feet. "Ask Jiro, or Safiullah, or Sean Matsuda what they think." He closes his eyes for a moment, rolling his neck before his right hand flips up and out of his pocket. There's a brief -clik- of a switchblade being unsheathed when his hand comes up, and his hand flashes down just as quick as he throws the knife across the arena towards Cammy's midsection.
COMBATSYS: Chen dodges Mimiru's Strong Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Cammy 0/-------/---====|==-----\-------\0 Chen
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Mimiru 0/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0 Yamazaki
Chen seems slightly disappointed in Mimiru's answer. He =does= so try to get fighters motivated to do their best -- but sometimes it's necessary to come out and say it. "Ah. It's a shame, then..."
But he doesn't get to finish right yet, for Mimiru's rushing her hip up against him. Almost immediately he sidesteps, arms to either side as if he's stepping along with the highschooler, forcing a comment, "... I'm flattered, but it's not a good time for dancing!" Further attempts to grab the Chinaman will also be thwarted by a reactive sidesteps, always leaving him six inches away.
But... he's smiling again. Her enthusiasm is comforting, if a bit delayed. "That's more like it..." he encourages while re-steadying his inward, defensive stance. But rather than stride in for another punch, he steps in sideways, snaking out his foot for two quick strikes at the girl's knees, one-two!
COMBATSYS: Cammy blocks Yamazaki's Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Cammy 0/-------/---====|==-----\-------\0 Chen
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Mimiru 0/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0 Yamazaki
Almost casual, is Cammy's reaction to Yamazaki's knife; she looks at the gangster, then the knife, and makes a point of catching the knife, blade-first, in an open palm. She hefts the thing, the shallow cut across her hand no big deal to her, and smirks at Yamazaki.
"Ask.. who? Sorry, I've never heard of any of them. Come back with that when you can give me a name I might -recognize-." Is it cocky? Sure, but it's also calculated, Cammy apparently trying to see just what it takes to push Yamazaki's buttons and how it affects him... with another *click* Cammy closes the switchblade and tucks it away. Then the blonde beckons to Yamazaki.
"Whenever you're ready."
COMBATSYS: Cammy focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Cammy 0/-------/---====|==-----\-------\0 Chen
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Mimiru 0/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0 Yamazaki
COMBATSYS: Chen successfully hits Mimiru with Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Cammy 0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0 Chen
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Mimiru 1/-----==/=======|=====--\-------\0 Yamazaki
Chen may be smiling, but Mimiru, on the other hand, maintains a perfectly serious and calm expression on her face. Even though she always seems to be a few notches behind and lacking since the fight has started, she stays collected and calm.
Her failed attempt at grappling Chen leaves her in a bad position. At least, defensively speaking. She tries to pull away from him before he can kick her, but alas, her attempts lead her nowhere. Mimiru winces, flinching a bit, at the strikes on her knees, making her stance falter a bit. She staggers, to regain her composure though and not fall, and despite the failed previous experience, Mimiru lunges on Chen once more in an attempt to grapple him.
If she suceeds, hands on his arms, Mimiru'll try to pull him closer to her, leaning backward to force him to bend slightly, and as he does so, she'll sweep him off his legs with her right leg, just enough to destabilize him and offer her an easy way to spin him around and slam him down on his side.
Yamazaki just rolls his shoulders in a short shrug. "Can I help it if you're uneducated?" Another chuckle rattles in his throat as his right hand slips back into its pocket. "You want another name, fine. Try Chizuru Kagura." His eyes narrow slightly, slowly stalking forward now as he starts to consider potential targets. Eyes dart up and down a few times while he thinks, thinks. What to do, what to do... finally, he pushes off the balls of his feet again, answering the beckon to charge with just what Cammy wanted. He's got his shoulder down for a bull-charge at first, and he gets to within a few feet of her before he suddenly changes his direction. He plants his left heel hard into the ground before he straightens up, and as he straightens, his right foot comes up. And up. And up. It's almost a full 180-degree angle from his left leg, much higher than a man of his build should be able to bring it. And just as quickly as it came up, he brings it back down again, aiming to drive the heel of his foot right down into Cammy's head.
COMBATSYS: Mimiru successfully hits Chen with Sasae Tsuri Komi Ashi.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Cammy 0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0 Chen
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Mimiru 0/-------/-----==|=====--\-------\0 Yamazaki
Chen calmly backs away after his kicks. It's a pacing measure, and Chen is perhaps a little selfish in wanting to see more of what Mimiru can do. The Chinese bartender's an odd one for a fighter, after all.
... Which would explain why he doesn't seem to be in any great hurry to get out of the way of Mimiru's charge. Calmly, he starts to step to the side -- but Mimiru's grab catches his shirtsleeve and drags him back in. Mild alarm flickers across his face as he finds himself pulled forward, and then spun around to slam onto his side.
But... while on the ground, he starts that smiling again. It might be considered smug, sure, but Chen's never really trying to be =rude= when he smiles. "Much more like it!" he encourages, pushing himself off the arena floor with his hands. Though -- his feet actually whip around first, for a rather sharp, high-angle kick aimed at darting beneath Mimiru's guard, propelling her skyward with a sharp kick to the solar plexus. "Hyaaa!"
COMBATSYS: Cammy dodges Yamazaki's Yakiire.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Cammy 0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0 Chen
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Mimiru 0/-------/-----==|======-\-------\0 Yamazaki
"Uneducated?" Cammy smirks, as she deftly waits for the last possible moment before quite simply backstepping out of range of that slamming heel. It quite probably lands on the ground and shakes it a little, testament to Yamazaki's power.
"Maybe you're just... small-time?" Chizuru's name is brought up, and Cammy stops to pretend to consider.
"Guess I'll have to ask her if I ever meet her," she says, as she leaps upwards, twisting her body and firing off a spinning heel kick for Yamazaki's head. If she hits, she'll 'lock' that heel in place, bring her other leg around to grab Yamazaki's head, and twist with all her might to once again bring the big bruiser down... if she can.
COMBATSYS: Mimiru dodges Chen's Strong Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Cammy 0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0 Chen
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Mimiru 0/-------/-----==|======-\-------\0 Yamazaki
It's weird to hear encouragement from your opponent. Guess he just wants to get beaten up some more. Must be something like that. At least, one of the advantage of jujitsu is to get yourself in a good position not to get hurt... When you manage to do something right, at least!
When Chen comes back at her, Mimiru moves out of the way, staggering back enough to avoid his attempt at kicking her skyward. She moves swiftly, gracefully, trying at this point not to get injuried further than she already is. Perhaps gain some time, or just wait for Chen to attack again.. After all, this is defensive fighting style.
COMBATSYS: Mimiru gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Cammy 0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0 Chen
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Mimiru 0/-------/-------|======-\-------\0 Yamazaki
COMBATSYS: Yamazaki endures Cammy's Combo Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Cammy 0/-------/--=====|===----\-------\0 Chen
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Mimiru 0/-------/-------|=======\-------\1 Yamazaki
"Or perhaps you're just an educated airheaded cheerleader bitch. Can't even figure out the names of your own fellow high-schoolers?" He laughs to himself, and he pounds one fist into the other hand while shaking his head. "This is getting boring. I'm sitting here having a goddamn conversation with a cheerleader about fighting." He cocks his head back. "CHEN! Let's finish this!" As he leans back to talk to Cammy, one foot catches him upside the head and locks in place. "The hell?" The other leg comes up and catches him on the other side, then he just laughs. No effort is made to prevent the violent collision of Syndicate enforcer and floor, and as soon as he hits, he's already rolling. Once he's on his stomach, his hands and feet both slap against the ground, and he pushes off from that low position, already charging forward. He's hunched over, barreling towards Cammy at full speed.. and once he's within range, his right hand comes out of its pocket, shooting up to try and drive an uppercut as hard as he can right underneath Cammy's chin.
COMBATSYS: Cammy dodges Yamazaki's Guillotine.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Cammy 0/-------/--=====|===----\-------\0 Chen
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Mimiru 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Yamazaki
In the original fight card, Yamazaki and Cammy would fight, while Mimiru was scheduled to be the Chaos Agent. In this twisted version... well, there hasn't been much chaos agentry as Chen has been keeping Mimiru busy. Only... he's getting a bit sidetracked himself -- especially with the girl taking a breather.
Smiling, he tips his head to Mimiru, bowing ever so slightly. "Perhaps it's time one of us steps back into the Chaos Agent role. If you'll excuse me..." Yamazaki is... a very persuasive speaker?
Chen wildly steps to one side, before charging at Cammy. Being openly aggressive isn't =really= his flavor, but that's one element of unpredictability he's hoping to catch Cammy unawares with. With Yamazaki barreling forward in one direction, Chen hopes to close in from another side, rapid-firing a series of four punches at Cammy from an alternate direction, sharply-expelled breaths being the only audible sign of each strike.
COMBATSYS: Chen successfully hits Cammy with Medium Strike.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Cammy 0/-------/-======|===----\-------\0 Chen
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Mimiru 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Yamazaki
Cammy is so, -so- much more than a 'high-schooler'. Hell, she barely attends Pacific as it is; she's already learned all they got that she needs to know, she's there because it's a convienient safe haven and a way to pass the time, plus good cover. And that, my friends, she is about to prove.
Many other fighters might freeze up, even experienced ones, at the sight of Yamazaki coming barreling in, all meanness and darkness... but not Cammy. She's watching, and waiting, and though she's got the nerves she isn't about to let it show... and then here comes the uppercut, the opener, she suspects, to something truly fearsome. So... let's not get hit by it. Cammy begins backstepping, almost matching Yamazaki's speed, and by the time he's uppercutting she's leaning away, letting the fist fly overhead--and at the same time she's twisting away...
Right into Chen's fists. They impact, but not too hard, and she gets pushed away from her intended movement path.
"Hey! Aren't you supposed to be fighting Mimiru?" she tosses over her shoulder... guess she's got to deal with Chen too, now. This is going to be tougher, for sure--but maybe she can keep them grouped together, as she reaches for Chen's shirt, intending to use it as a pivot to hurl herself upwards--should she succeed, and get her grip, Chen will find himself the envy of others as his head is crushed by a pair of powerful thighs... and then his head is driven into the ground as Cammy flips backwards in a classic Frankensteiner.
Even as her opponent leaves her, Mimiru doesn't try to stop him. In fact, she merely stares at him as he rushes away. The 'threat' for her left, so there's no reason to fight, right? At least that thought cross her mind and she simply stares the on-going fight and how Cammy performs against both of them.
That little momentary pause while Cammy performs all of those stunts and become the crowd's favorite, thanks to all the prowess she's pulling out, gives Mimiru some time to think back at what she said. Taiyo Spirit. Urg.. The last time she thought she did something along those line, she just got this whole mess, and it's all because of that, that 'spirit' that it brought her here, at this point, with all of those problems.
Mimiru takes a step foward, as if a part of her wants her to go into the melee but she holds herself, taking a step back. She lowers her gaze and bites her lips, waiting instead, glancing back up and just staring and assessing the fight.
COMBATSYS: Mimiru focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Cammy 0/-------/-======|===----\-------\0 Chen
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Mimiru 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Yamazaki
COMBATSYS: Chen fails to counter Frankensteiner from Cammy with Sloe Screw.
- Power fail! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Cammy 1/-------/=======|=======\-------\0 Chen
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Mimiru 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Yamazaki
Well.... possibly, yes, yes he =is= supposed to be fighting Mimiru. But that's not the point here! Yamazaki barked an order, and Chen's following. It's what he does!
But it doesn't mean he has to take what Cammy gives him, per se. He's told to attack, so he attempts to do that -- and for a moment, he reaches up to grab for Cammy even as she's closing in.
It's worth mentioning that, despite working in a place where he could have his pick of darn near any slightly inebriated woman around who has a fondness for Asian guys, the man has not had a date in the truest sense of the word for at least four years.
Combine that with the severe pressure to the back of the neck, and he loses his nerve. The flight around, and the slam into the ground, are barely noticeable through the haze of emotions that results. *WHAM*
Eyes swirling as he lifts his head from the arena floor, he might be down for a moment before shakily returning to his feet.
Honestly, if he weren't the person that he is, Yamazaki would have to work to fight back at least a momentary wince as Chen gets slammed hard headfirst into the ground. Being that he's Ryuji, however, it's shrugged off as just another wound taken in the heat of battle. And, for the Hong Kong-born berserker, it's back to business as usual. He's damn well pissed at the moment; the opener for the Guillotine missed. This is the first time in recent memory that anyone's managed to dodge it, and he's none too pleased about it. He slams that same fist into the palm of his other hand, and a low growl starts to rumble in his throat. With tonight's opponent down post-Frankensteiner, now seems like the perfect time.. he closes the distance between himself and the grounded Cammy in short order, and his right foot comes up in a kick aimed right at her rib cage, trying to punt the girl much akin to a football with the force to send her as far as the ol' pigskin.
COMBATSYS: Cammy just-defends Yamazaki's Light Kick!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Cammy 1/-------/=======|=======\-------\0 Chen
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Mimiru 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Yamazaki
The thing to remember is, is that Cammy being grounded -doesn't- mean she's defenseless. Frankensteiner would be useless if she had to take all that time just to get up and get back to being ready. She'd be open like the Kwik-E-Mart. But she isn't--as Yamazaki is about to find out, when his kick doesn't find Cammy still on her back--but already risen into a crouch. Her palms open, she catches and redirects Yamazaki's foot, using the momentum gained to push off the ground into a low backflip. It's only a few feet away that she touches down, then immediately she's attacking Yamazaki, skipping forward through a brief, twisting step that ends with her throwing an elbow to backfist combination, her striking arm engulfed in that white-blue psionic energy.
Well, Cammy doesn't seem to be doing too badly by herself. Though it's not Mimiru's job to regulate the fight but she's supposed to give Cammy a hand. Mimiru groans a bit at the thought though, not too sure what to make of the situation, but she makes up her mind and passes on the offensive, since she's been left out, she may be able to sneak up and strike more easily. Especially since Cammy is distracting Yamazaki... Mimiru attempts to rush behind him while he's getting Cammy's onslaught and she tries to wrap her arms around of his midsection. That's right, it worked once, it can certainly work another time, no? And so, Mimiru uses all of her strength, and a bit of help with her technique and position, to lift up Yamazaki and suplex him.
COMBATSYS: Yamazaki Toughs Out Mimiru's Strong Throw!!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Cammy 0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\0 Chen
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Mimiru 0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0 Yamazaki
COMBATSYS: Yamazaki counters Axle Spin Knuckle from Cammy with Sadomazo.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Cammy 1/-------/=======|=======\-------\0 Chen
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Mimiru 0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0 Yamazaki
Oh, this is an interesting situation in the coming. With the way that his kick was redirected, there's not a whole lot of time for Yamazaki to even react. Eyes narrow as he watches that white-blue energy coming right at him, and he's preparing to react... and, while he's preparing to deal with the attack coming head-on at him, Mimiru's arms come around his midsection. "... HELL no." With a lurch forward, Yamazaki forces himself out of Mimiru's grip and just breaks right through the attempted throw, and he's moving headlong at Cammy, just in time for her fist to catch him square in the chest. Rather than crumpling or flying backwards, though, the brute braces his legs against the concrete, and he holds his ground; a moment later, his right hand comes out of its pocket, and that entire arm is swirling with a faint, purplish energy. His right arm comes up just before the fist rockets forward, and he buries that chi-charged, leather-clad fist square in the middle of Cammy's face.
Rising from his spot on the arena floor, Chen shakes his head free of the cobwebs of confusion! His face is just a bit red, mostly due to the loss of oxygen (no, srsly), and... well. He's a =bit= out of sorts at the moment. But there's still a job to be done, and at the moment... well. Yamazaki looks like he could use a bit more assistance. Saturday Night Fights are rarely 'fair', especially when the Syndicate is involved... but more over, the prime directive of the venue is that the fights stay interesting. Standing around, much as Chen would like to do, is verboten!
Which would be why Chen charges in close, leaping headlong into a bicycle kick aimed at her upper shoulder -- hopefully complementing Yamazaki's attack rather than detracting from it. It's not a very Wing Chun thing to do, no, but against a quick opponent like Cammy, some changes are necessary!
COMBATSYS: Cammy endures Chen's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Cammy 1/-------/=======|=======\-------\0 Chen
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Mimiru 0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0 Yamazaki
Ping-ponged--that's what Cammy is, as she goes reeling from that nasty counterpunch... right into Chen's kick. But she's not out of it, just in pain, and so the way Chen hits doesn't feel quite right, or shouldn't, anyways... because Cammy was waiting. The momentum from Chen's kick sends Cammy spinning--but that's what she wanted, as she plants a foot out of the spin and uses it to push off into the air. She's rising up, above Yamazaki--and then she's suddenly... blurring out, almost, as she effortlessly redirects herself, it seems, suddenly flashing towards Yamazaki with a flying kick, her foot aglow with her Psycho Power. She flashes past him several times, a frenzy of flaring kicks coming at the gangster from all angles, the final strike meant to send him straight to the ground--Cammy herself will practically phase back into existence almost where she started, breathing deeply. It looked effortless to start, but it certainly wasn't...
Well that didn't quite work out. Nor did Mimiru get his attention either. Then again, it's normal considering Cammy's much more of a threat than she is. Still... Mimiru staggers back a little after Yamazaki breaks the hold fairly easily, before Mimiru can even do anything. She winces a bit as Cammy takes a beating and Mimiru growls.
"Damn it, let her go!" She shouts. "I won't let you gang up on her more like this!" Super Mimiru might be just a name for the show and all, but even if now Mimiru doesn't want to use it as she has since it lost the real meaning behind it, what's unfolding before her calls on it though. "I'll protect you, Cammy!" She says, before she rushes toward Yamazaki and performs a high leap, chi flaring out of her feet to empower her jump, flames gushing out farther to her knees as she flips in the air and cascades down toward him, whether it be on his shoulders while Cammy's performing his onslaught, or right on his belly if he gets knocked to the ground, it's all a matter of timing. Whatever's the result though, Mimiru bounces off afterward.
COMBATSYS: Yamazaki endures Cammy's Killer Bee Assault.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Cammy 0/-------/------=|=======\-------\0 Chen
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////// ]
Mimiru 0/-------/------=|=====--\-------\0 Yamazaki
COMBATSYS: Mimiru successfully hits Yamazaki with Super Mimiru Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Cammy 0/-------/------=|=======\-------\0 Chen
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////// ]
Mimiru 0/-------/-----==|=====--\-------\0 Yamazaki
"This is getting tiresome." He mutters this to himself under his breath, fingers clenching and relaxing rhythmically for a few moments while he watches Cammy spin away post-kick from Chen. "This fight's just draggin' on." He finally clenches his fist hard enough to cause his knuckles to pop, and his eyes go up as he watches Cammy rise, and his hand just lifts up in a 'bring it' motion to her. "That ain't gonna be enough to finish it, little girl." In a further matter of cockiness, he just lowers his hands down and lets Cammy's attack come right in. Muscles tense, and Yamazaki braces himself as kick after kick lands hard against him, body tilting forward from the impact of the psi-charged kicks as each one hits him... and that last shot makes him stagger backwards, but he manages to hold his footing.. and send him right back into the kick from Mimiru. This collides hard against his shoulder blades, which sends him stumbling forward again.. and charging right back for Cammy again. There's no nonsense in his approach this time, only raising his left hand as he tries to drive his fist into her rib cage.
As much as it'd be great for Yamazaki to win, Chen's still inwardly pleased that Mimiru's gotten some of her enthusiasm back. He =does= so dislike it when someone has a bad day -- even his opponents. Like Cammy!
Of course, he's a bit =scared= when =she= disappears from view -- not much can be done about =that= one, anyway. What he =can= do, however, is stay put long enough to block Cammy's escape! Or at least, y'know, =attempt= to grapple shoulders long enough for Yamazaki's strike to land true. All pretenses of 'Chaos Agent' have completely gone out the window...
But the audience is =loving= it, to listen to the predominantly-male cheering.
COMBATSYS: Cammy dodges Chen's Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Cammy 0/-------/------=|=======\-------\0 Chen
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////// ]
Mimiru 0/-------/-----==|=====--\-------\0 Yamazaki
COMBATSYS: Yamazaki successfully hits Cammy with Quick Punch.
[ \\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Cammy 0/-------/----===|=======\-------\0 Chen
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////// ]
Mimiru 0/-------/-----==|======-\-------\0 Yamazaki
Doubleteamed again. This is something that happens with alarming regularity, given that Cammy does look like a teenaged girl. But then, Yamazaki's the kind of guy who gets his rocks off on hitting girls, so she shouldn't be surprised. Cammy twists out of Chen's grasp--but the time it takes to do that costs Cammy when Yamazaki's punch comes crashing in. Cammy half-stumbles, half-drops, then growls, dropping to her hands and simply attempting to clear the place out with a twisting, whirling handstand kick, the kind seen in Capoeira quite a bit.
Falling down back to the ground, Mimiru would have had hoped she would have gotten someone's attention but... Nope. So much for actually trying to protect someone. Well, guess that means both of them are just sitting ducks for Mimiru if they want to bash on Cammy, it's not like Mimiru can distract them both. She lunges back at the little melee, chi flaring out of her fist as she tries to punch Chen behind the head, sending a burst of force through the flame surrounding her fist.
COMBATSYS: Yamazaki blocks Cammy's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Cammy 0/-------/----===|=======\-------\0 Chen
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////// ]
Mimiru 0/-------/-----==|======-\-------\0 Yamazaki
It took a bit of shifting to catch the nimble schoolgirl in mid-dodge, but there was a mildly satisfied grunt as he felt his knuckles catch Cammy while she evaded Chen's grasp. His eyes go down to watch the ascent, and en eyebrow quirks up faintly as she starts to bring her legs around in mid-kick. He brings his arms down and puts his forearms between himself and the incoming foot, and once they've collided, his hands both twist around and snap downward, trying to catch Cammy by the ankles again. Should he get a good grip, he'll spin around once more to attempt and slam the girl into the ground close to Chen's feet. Regardless of the reaction, though, he calls over the noise of the fight, "CHEN! Ignore Kasagi, she's not worth it right now!" This fight needs to end, and the quickest way to end it is going to be taking out Cammy first.
COMBATSYS: Chen blocks Mimiru's Super Mimiru Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Cammy 0/-------/----===|=======\-------\1 Chen
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////// ]
Mimiru 0/-------/----===|======-\-------\0 Yamazaki
COMBATSYS: Cammy successfully hits Chen with Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Cammy 0/-------/---====|=======\===----\1 Chen
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////// ]
Mimiru 0/-------/----===|======-\-------\0 Yamazaki
Cammy's sudden evasion surprises Chen... so much that he had missed the telltale signs of Cammy's twirling handstand kick. (Somewhere, Maki is preparing a trademark infringement lawsuit!) Accordingly, he gets pummeled right in the face, knocked backwards and into Mimiru's waiting fist! ... Well, at least he has the presence of mind to dive to the side, taking only a glancing blow from the Super Mimiru Punch!
Well... this battle has kinda gotten out of control! But that's what happens when a Syndicate runs just about everything, and ceeeertain people get to have their way.
That, and Chen's just a lackey who does what he's told without question. That -- and Chen's actually =in= the fighting mood now. "Right!" he shouts back to Yamazaki, pushing back to his feet -- and breaking into a run for Cammy -- hopefully a =downed= Cammy! "Pardon us, ladies -- coming through!" And he leaps into a massive, aerial bicycle kick. One, two, three, four, five kicks he delivers, before gravity catches up and he drops to the ground to throw out another series of punches, each intended to push Cammy back to the point of exhaustion.
Not that he won't be right on the brink, himself!
COMBATSYS: Chen successfully hits Cammy with Zombie.
[ \\ < > ////////////// ]
Cammy 0/-------/-======|-------\-------\0 Chen
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////// ]
Mimiru 0/-------/----===|======-\-------\0 Yamazaki
COMBATSYS: Cammy dodges Yamazaki's Quick Throw.
[ \\ < > ////////////// ]
Cammy 0/-------/-======|-------\-------\0 Chen
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////// ]
Mimiru 0/-------/----===|======-\-------\0 Yamazaki
Once again, Cammy finds herself only half successful... Yamazaki's grab is evaded, but Chen's flying kicks find their mark beautifully, and she takes each hit with nothing to do but feel the crunching attacks. But by now, she has only -one- thing in mind, and that's to try and at least get to Yamazaki and put him down. So the last kick crunches into her and she bounces off the ground... but lands on her feet, enough to throw herself at Yama feet first once more, her feet blazing with a fading form of that blue-white energy... it's her last resort.
COMBATSYS: Cammy can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Mimiru 0/-------/----===|-------\-------\0 Chen
> ////// ]
|======-\-------\0 Yamazaki
Looks like that wasn't enough. She failed to protect Cammy and give her a hand in the last part of the fight. Mimiru staggers back a bit and she just stares at the grand finale, at the scene unfolding. She shivers a little, feeling a bit weak in the knees as they buck slightly together. The girl just lowers her gaze a bit in defeat. The one thing she felt like it was worth doing, that meant something and she couldn't do it.
COMBATSYS: Mimiru takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Mimiru 0/-------/----===|-------\-------\0 Chen
> ////// ]
|======-\-------\0 Yamazaki
COMBATSYS: Yamazaki Toughs Out Cammy's Spiral Arrow!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Mimiru 0/-------/----===|-------\-------\0 Chen
> /// ]
|=======\-------\1 Yamazaki
He reaches forward, and his hand just, once again, completely misses its mark. Goddamn, this is getting annoying. Watching Chen rush in, though, prompts the Enforcer to take a step back and just see what happens. And when that bicycle kick lands, Yamazaki just tosses his head back and /laughs/. Sure, he's taken one hell of a beating over the course of the match, but watching the Syndicate bartender come out of nowhere and just start pounding her with kicks and a rain of punches makes the Orochi-blooded thug cackle like a damned hyena. And he continues to do so, even while Cammy gets back up to her feet. "I told you, it's not enough! Not goddamn enough!" He throws his arms out wide when he sees another foot-first strike coming at him, and he digs his heels in. Muscles tense, and when Cammy collides with him, he takes a couple staggered steps back... but he manages to stay on his feet. And when Cammy stays down, Yamazaki turns to look at the now-downtrodden Mimiru. Her mood is of no concern to her; she's a target in this fight, and there's just enough juice keeping his brain going to send him careening in her direction. It's a bit of a zombie-like stagger at first, feet dragging before momentum just starts to carry him forward. Four or five steps in, adrenalin kicks back in, and his head snaps upright just a moment before he barrels forward at the Kasagi girl in an attempt to snap his leather-clad hand onto her face.
COMBATSYS: Yamazaki can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Mimiru 0/-------/----===|-------\-------\0 Chen
... And Chen? Well... he's pretty dog tired after that series of blasts. Seeing that Cammy's been taken down, and that in all honesty his raison d'etre for becoming involved in this fight has gone down with her, he can't in good faith see any point in fighting more, himself. He walks over to Cammy for a moment, offering a weak, apologetic smile, his hand brushing across the back of his head. Just business, this was -- but actually =saying= so to her would be the worst form of insult.
He turns then to the new battle between Mimiru and Yamazaki, already in progress!
COMBATSYS: Chen takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Mimiru 0/-------/----===|-------\-------\0 Chen
COMBATSYS: Yamazaki successfully hits Mimiru with Guillotine.
[ \\ < > ////////////// ]
Mimiru 1/-======/=======|-------\-------\0 Chen
.. and Yamazaki's hand grabs firmly onto Mimiru's face. His right elbow bends as he works to project Mimiru in the upward direction, and the muscles in his legs coil just a moment before she goes up in a motion she's probably well-familar with since their last fight. The thug goes airborne, and he hefts Mimiru up high before reaching the apex of the jump. As he descends, so does she, and Kasagi is the first thing to hit the ground. His feet his a moment later, and there's a visible stagger in Ryuji's step as he starts to drag her across the ground by the back of the head. He can only manage a few feet worth of dragging, but at the end, he brings his right leg up and drives his shoe-heel hard into her stomach once before kicking her hard in the side. Then, finally, Yamazaki drops down to a knee, and he takes in a deeeeeep breath. "... god-damn.."
The fight's not quite over yet. Though for Mimiru, it's already over. It's just a matter of seconds, but even before Yamazaki comes at her, it's already over. She does hear him coming, his movements a bit sluggish at first, but it quickly gains speed. The young girl lifts her gaze up at him and she stares for a few seconds. A part of her tells her to fight, to defend herself but it's repressed, she has no reason to fight right now, and the fight didn't quite turned out to be what she expected. Not only that, but even what she did expect she wasn't really so hot about it. The only reason she has to bulge away from her place is for Her, but being here as a whole is just against the very reason of why she should move... And then again, it'd be just prolonging her suffering.
Mimiru bites her lips and she winces -- she hasn't even gotten hit but she knows it'll hurt. She barely has the time to spare a glance to her right, as if to recomfort herself by not being able to see her in the stands, so that way it'll make it less painful and she'll feel less remorse. It'll be over sooner, but she has to bear it. And then... Well, smack! She gets hit, grabbed right in the face. Instinct of survival being stronger than anything else, Mimiru squirms and struggles some, hands reaching out for his wrist as if to try and loosen up his grip, but alas, it gives no result.
High up in the air she goes and then she's slammed down, dragged all the way and the kicked.. That's plenty enough to drain out whatever bit of energy's left in Mimiru's body, now she's aching from everywhere. At least that feels like a more honorable way to end by knowing she can't stand. She groans a bit at that last kick in her stomach and winces, but it's all over after that.. She coughs and grimaces -- and maybe, just maybe she could have enough energy to give it just one last shot but... At this point, it'd be useless. She just lies there and closes her eyes. "... Huh... Arg... I'm so stupid..." She whimpers faintly to herself, before she stares up at the top of the dome for a second, she bites her lips and she turns her head to the side, "... I'm sorry.. The best I could think of.."
COMBATSYS: Mimiru takes no action.
> ////////////// ]
|-------\-------\0 Chen
COMBATSYS: Mimiru can no longer fight.
> ////////////// ]
|-------\-------\0 Chen
It takes Yamazaki a moment to get back up to his feet, and the effort is accompanied by a ragged cough. When he finally does straighten up, though, a smirk turns up the corners of his lips. He looks down at the fallen Mimiru, then over to Cammy. He coughs again, then shakes his head as he walks over to Chen. "Oi. Let's get the hell outta here."
The crowd isn't quite sure how to react. I mean, sure, the fight is over, but Mimiru didn't even try to defend herself, and Yamazaki just... well, not that anyone would say it to him, but he may have just gone a step too far, there. But, a fight is a fight. The speakers crackle back to life again. "... and.. the fight is over!" This, of course, prompts the crowd out of their surprised state and they resume cheering. "YOUR WINNERS! Chen, and Ryuji Yamazaki!"
Yamazaki walks past Chen on his way to the car. The driver has already opened the door to the limo. "Alright, it's martini time, Chen, and don't skimp. Nice work, though." He's too tired to even be surly, at this point. He just walks over to the limo and ducks his head down before stepping in. It's safe to assume that Chen joins him, and the driver shuts the door. He walks to his own door, climbs in, and closes it. The vehicle's motor roars to life, and it takes the two Syndicate employees from Taiyo Dome.
Log created by Mimiru, and last modified on 03:05:59 11/14/2006.