Description: Teaming up once again, Tran and Alma do righteous drunken battle against Benimaru, revealing their ULTIMATE ATTACK. Except it's not ultimate because a certain somebody SCREWED IT UP. I'm looking at you, Alma. And...and Benimaru, too. Both of you screwed it up.
The tall, youthful blond slams his palms on the bar in front of him, turning -- or perhaps swaying dangerously, really -- to look at his diminuitive and unlikely companion. "What'sh shhe sho mad about? I mean, really. /Really/." Eyes widened more than usual and eyebrows raised lopsidedly, head bobbing with his sweeping gestures, the photogenic young man makes his case. "Sho I gave her a little gooshe. Who caresh!? Shhe shhould be flattered that people care sthat much to see her in a dreshsh! Right? Am I right? I'm right." Taking a moment to steady himself on his stool, he blinks a couple times and takes a deep breath of the night air before continuing. "Really," he says, in tones a bit more controlled, "it's a quesh... a question of respect. If she can't respect hersh... /herself/ enough to be confident in a... /dress/, how am I supposed to respect her under so much presh...sure?"
It sure is funny, Alma Towazu reflects, the things you can manage with Psycho Power. He's definitely taking it easier than he did when he got drunk with Vanessa, but even then he was able to stay up way past his bedtime, as it were. Score one for iron resolve, and score another for body control.
...but you know what's funnier? That he's hanging out with the Doctor.
Well, it's one thing to be going for a late evening walk to clear your head and end up at a charming streetside stand where they're serving cold beer, cool wine and warm sake, but it's quite enough to end up drinking there with the Tran Train himself. But then, this isn't the first time Alma's gotten drunk with Tran. And this time, he may need it. Because, he figures, he should probably get through all this self-righteous crap himself before he goes to apologize for being a jerk.
"Shnot like anyone else would even /want/ to," Alma mutters, with a bit less conviction. "Too skinny... big forehead... dumb bells..."
"Oh, who am /I/ kidding," he moans. "Her bells are /adorable/..."
And he slumps on the counter, the brightly shining moon above. not something to be taken lightly. The dangers in getting roaring, shitfaced drunk are many, and not to be approached by the faint of heart. Toward this purpose, there are rules to be followed, for the safety of all people involved. Tran knows at least 90% of them, because for the past several years he has been a complete drunken asshole. Even when not drunk. It is a mystery as to how he has accomplished this, but people as awesome as him have to have secrets. Not the easiest thing when you're as totally and completely smashed as he is right now.
"Oh, man, I'm schooooooo drunk right now!" Unsteady in his own stool, Dr. Tran has the strange suspischion that he's forgetting to take care of something right now, but he quickly brushes it off. What's important now is listening to the troubles of his best friend/drinking buddy in the whole world. Because when drinking, you clearly have to lend a sympathetic ear to your buddy's troubles! Swaying a bit as he attempts to make his vision come back into focus so he can properly look Alma in the face as the model whines about his lovelife, Tran throws in several choice comments. " know, you shouldn't let her shtring you along like thish, man! You're trying to hard! All I'm shaying here, I'm shaying, take a couple shteps back, maybe go out with another chick onshh or twishh!" Here he hiccups and shakes his head at Alma's poor situation, raising an arm to give Alma a hearty encouraging slap on the back.. This turns out to be a mistake, because it disorients him enough to make him fall clean off of his stool.
"I'm alright!" Despite the doctor's assurance, the point is arguable.
The bar.. Not a place that Benimaru Nikaido goes to very often, he liked to have a drink or two every now and then though. Tonight just happened to be one of those nights where he felt like coming on down, and buy a drink or two for a lonely, lucky lady.
Unfortunatly for him, there was a terrible shortage of ladies, realized only two steps into the place. Benimaru Nikaido.
Model, Fighter, and Lover. Lover of Women, of course. He steps inside suprisingly casual, given the weather, just a nice pair of pants and a button up shirt under his trenchcoat; though.. There's a flower is his downcast hair; a petunia to be exact. It's a pretty petunia too. Before he makes a u-turn in disappointment though, he catches that unmistakable tone of that pain in the ass Alma, and he finds himself being pulled in by the models gravitational pull.
He takes a step forward, but ends up moonwalking all the way over to the bar, where he stands with narrow eyes, catching only the last of the words of the two men. A light smile plays on his lips though, seeming to get a decent grasp of the situation, and he attempts to slap his hands on each mans shoulder, "Hey there, sissies. I hate to barge in on your parade, but I think you two've had enough for the night. Why don't you find yourselves a nice hotel room and give up on women alltogeather, hmn?"
Alma lifts the face that graced a hundred magazines from the countertop, and blinks soggily. "Find... another chick? But..." He shakes his head slowly, trying to clear his head and reason this out -- and also to remember what happened more than beyond five minutes ago. "...well, if I could find one older than 15 interested in a guy like me. Beshidesh... /besides/... I never thought of myself as picky, but, I'm beginning to wonder of the only people I'm interested in are people with fighting spirits that I--"
It's amazing how the drunkenness just /melts/ out of Alma's eyes. His back straightens, even before Benimaru has made his presence known. His eyes narrow slightly, and he acquires an expression of long-suffering patience that, well, may have just suffered too much for too long. They didn't exactly last part on very good terms; and they've never been the best of friends. In fact, they're downright rivals, and Alma only survives by confusing the hell out of Benimaru. Fortunately, that's not usually too hard. Their epic battle continues...
Benimaru Nikaido: Model, Fighter, and Lover; and Alma Towazu: Model, Fighter, and... and... Romantic. Hey SHUT up. No YOU shut up!
Calmly, Alma doesn't bother to try to move out of the way of Benimaru's 'friendly pat', but when he turns his head around, he looks a bit disturbingly sober. He looks it, anyway. "Nikkaido-san, what a pleasant surprise," the taller, younger model says with a... smile. That /is/ a smile, right? "How much better that you are here instead of stalking the streets for your unsuspecting prey."
He turns around on his stool, not bothering to rise but letting the hand slip off his shoulder as he moves, and leans back on the bar, putting up his elbows. "Your flower is a good touch," he says, expression as deadpan as his voice, nodding once in respect. "It attracts the eye away from your mockery of a hairstyle."
\ t Tragically, Tran's position on the floor keeps him well out of reach of Benimaru's manly grasp. The reason that this is tragic will soon become clear. Vision still significantly more blurry than is altogether healthy, Dr. Tran stumblingly climbs to his feet, using Alma's stool as a sort of makeshift ladder to get there. He may be bumping it around a bit, but that's fine, really. Once there, he looks first at Alma (who by the way is obviously not nearly drunk enough in Tran's mind), and then over to Alma's lovely, beautiful, flower-haired goddess friend. And her twin sister who is quite clearly standing right next to her I assure you.
Not really paying attention to the insults flying around, Tran flashes a drunken grin and states quite simply, "Hey, baby. There'sh a party in my pantsh, and I want to have wild shex wishh you and your shishter."
Well that was fast. Astonishingly quick. It leaves Benimaru wondering if Alma has some sort of... Anti-Benimaru mode, the transformation is almost disturbing. The smile on his face doesn't faulter though, he actually giving a light chuckle as he nods his head, "Cute, Towazu, really cute. Look, I can see you're still upset about the whole 'Saturday Night Fight' thing, but lets let bygones be bygones, hm?"
"It's a nice night out, in fact.. I thought'd it'd be an excellent oppotunity to have a little friendly spar, you know, get ourselves a little more into that team spirit. I think it'd be a really..." beat ".. A real.. Bonding experience."
The model then casts a glance down to Tran, the blonde quirking a brow. He doesn't even really know how to respond to that, he could kick the so-called doctor, but.. "..."
He looks back to Alma, "You can bring your friend too. Don't keep me waiting too long, buddy." another pat on the shoulder and then he straightens his trenchcoat before, finally making his way over to the exit. He's serious though. Don't keep him waiting.
Alma may not be /completely/ sober, but he's sober enough to understand that it's finally come to what he's tried to avoid for so long. He and Benimaru will have to actually fight to the finish. For reals.
But he's /drunk/ enough to actually wanna do it.
"...wipe that smile off his face..." he's muttering as he gets off his stool, once Benimaru has already left. "...need some respect... s'all I ask... need to teach him the error of his... hey, Tran!" he suddenly calls down to the collapsed, apparently barely conscious pseudo-doctor. "Did you hear that?" Alma adds loudly. "He insulted your mother! Let's kick his..." Uh oh. Not profanity. He's never drunk enough for that. "...face."
He smiles grimly.
"Let's kick his face."
He actually likes that better, honestly.
And getting to his feet, walking perfectly straight -- /too/ perfectly straight, /dangerously/ straight -- Alma walks out to the center of the empty street and eyes Benimaru quietly. "Are you sure about this?" he says quietly, dark-voiced. "Back then, I wanted to show you right from wrong. But here... well, I suppose I can show you what's wrong with your look. That's something."
"You'll be much more harmonious," he adds, quietly shifting his feet and straightening his posture, limbs relaxing, "after I feng shui your face."
COMBATSYS: Alma has started a fight here.
In response to Alma's drunken plea for help, Dr. Tran only has one option, one course of action that is acceptable. Raising an arm to point at the ceiling with vigor and drama, he shouts at the top of his lungs, "I'll kick hish mother'sh fashe!" Then he boldly starts walking forward, without realizing that his feet were just on their coffee break and it's taking them a little bit to get back into the swing of things. Climbing to his feet yet again, Tran manages to stumblingly make his way out without further incident. His drunkness is a sharp contrast to Alma's pathetic drunkness. Why, you can barely tell that the model's soused, whereas Dr. Tran is pretty clearly smashed to anybody who's even vaguely paying attention.
And when he's there, he has something important to share. A single piece of wit and wisdom that deserves to be given to the people of the world. "I'll kick hish mother'sh fashe!" His enthusiam shows that he either doesn't realize that he's already said this, or that he doesn't care. Frankly, he's drunk enough for either.
COMBATSYS: Benimaru has joined the fight here on the right meter side.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Alma 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Benimaru
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Tran 0/-------/-------|
Benimaru isn't kept waiting long, well that's good. And he's in a suprisingly good mood tonight; who knows why, but he did know that this evening was only going to get better. He tugs lightly at his fingerless gloves, looking only half-interested in what the other model has to say; "Uh-huh.. Mm hm.. Right..." is pretty much all he says, and raises his hands as he slouches back a litle into his well known fighting stance, "Alma, you know I don't like to kick a man when he's down, don't make me say something crude about your girlfriend dumping you, besides, I am rubber and you are glue," baby-blue eyes shift Tran-wards, his smile faultering a bit- He really is pretty damn drunk, isn't he? "Whatever you say, sticks to you and bounces.. Wait.. Oh whatever, lets do this, boys," and as one might predict, he makes a beeline toward Alma, draws back his fist and makes a big biig swing to the other models gut; should it connect, its followed by a second punishing blow, "HAH!"
COMBATSYS: Benimaru successfully hits Alma with Fierce Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Alma 0/-------/--=====|-------\-------\0 Benimaru
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Tran 0/-------/-------|
Alma turns to Tran.
"Okay, listen," the young model says quietly, "I have a plan. First, you get around the side and bWARGH--" Benimaru is, if nothing else, pretty darn fast. The punch sinks into Alma's gut, and the second one sends the youth staggering back a few paces; but other than causing him to wipe his lips with the back of his hand and a great narrowing of the eyes, there's no visible reaction. Or audible; not even a cough.
Alma swallows once, and those narrowed eyes start to gleam with an inner fire.
"Alright," he says, taking a slightly wobbly step forward. "Let's go." And he lunges! And brings his hand back! And-- grabs Tran by the collar and throws him at Benimaru!
"I choose you, Dr. Tran," Alma murmurs as he throws the man in front of him.
COMBATSYS: Alma assists Tran.
If one could look into the mind of Dr. Tran, his thoughts might run something like this.
~Man, that chick totally just punched the crap out of Alma. I wish I could punch the crap out of Alma.~ Overcome with depression over his inferior skills of punchery, Dr. Tran is lost in a wave of drunken self-pity. Then he gets distracted again when Alma chucks him forward like some kind of...of bowling ball or something.
Unable to stop himself from stumbling forward, Tran's not left with much of a choice, honestly. "Holy craaaaaaaaaaaaaap!" His scream is ended as he finally trips, sending his forehead crashing down toward Benimaru.
COMBATSYS: Benimaru blocks Tran's Strong Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/--=====|=------\-------\0 Benimaru
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Tran 0/-------/-------|
Benimaru can't look into the mind of Dr. Tran. And he's quite thankful of that, really, who knows what's going on in that beer addled mind of his. There's a satisfied look on the blondes face as he takes a small step back, not sure what to expect from Tran and what he -does- get... He isn't too impressed with, holding a hand out to block the doctors face with his palm, ".. Who /are/ you?" Benimaru finally asks- Of course he has until a kick to the side of his head to answer, legs snapping up high in a quick roundhouse.
But meanwhile, Alma is continuing in his lunge. There! An opening, while Tran begins the assault of their combined power! Alma is ready! Now it's time to--
--trip on a rock, stagger drunkenly, and fall to his knees.
And look up, to see Benimaru grab Tran by the face, their attack failing.
Chest beginning to heave in rage, Alma clenches his fists, and rears back, unleashing a ferocious, defiant cry to the night sky, raising his hands, drenched in moonlight:
And white flame exploding around him, Alma lunges again, lashing out with a point-blank blast of psychic energy right in Benimaru's vicinity.
COMBATSYS: Tran blocks Benimaru's Medium Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/--=====|==-----\-------\0 Benimaru
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Tran 0/-------/-----==|
Dr. Tran's answer is quick and jubilant. "YOUR MOTHER!" He pauses for a moment, confused while at the same time distracted by Benimaru trying to kick him in the head. It's not much of a problem - Tran goes ahead and brings both hands up to halfway catch Benimaru's leg, resulting in those smacking into his face instead. Stumbling back, he revises his theory. "Er...I mean...Hish mother! Shomeone'sh mother? I got nothing." Nothing except for some buddy-buddy encouragement for Alma.
"That'sh sho good of you to be consherned for me, Alma!" Manly tears start to form in the corners of his eye. "In fact, here, let me show you my appreshiashun!" He then neatly steps in behind Alma, grabs his sides, and starts to massage, steam rising up from his fingers. "You're my besht friend, man."
COMBATSYS: Benimaru interrupts Self Expression from Alma with Iai Geri.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Alma 1/------=/=======|===----\-------\0 Benimaru
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Tran 0/-------/-----==|
Good defense, Benimaru's actually pretty impressed, is Tran then perhaps some sort of Drunken Boxing master? Could be.. Probably not though. Benimaru looks again suprised by Trans outburst, glossed lips curling into a frown for a moment, "..." No one disses his mom. But then it's not even clear if Tran really dissed his mother or not. Well, just to be sure, he makes sure Alma feels his knee suddenly slam into his kidney before he can even release that psychic energy. Of course he still does, but there's plenty of 'punch' taken out of that strike- In fact, did Benimarus leg even /move/? "I was actually implying you two get the hotel room after the fight," he murmurs playfully.
COMBATSYS: Tran successfully hits Alma with Dr. Tran - Hot Lovin.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Alma 1/------=/=======|===----\-------\0 Benimaru
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Tran 0/-------/-----==|
"TRAAAAN! TRAAAA-- wh... what are you /doing/?"
In the middle of unleashing his lance of white soulfire, Alma nearly staggers and turns to look over his shoulder. "Are you... /touching/ me?" he sputters. "Don't /touch/ me. Did I say you could touch me? No. I didn't. In fact, I GWUNF!"
And he staggers back a step -- but recovers quickly. Perhaps thanks to Tran? Under normal circumstances he'd probably give Tran some props for that, but he's, well, drunk. Anyway, under normal circumstances, they'd be beating the heck out of each other, so the point is moot already. "Rrr... rrrr..." He has no idea what the hell is going on, really, but that's just a good excuse to get furious!
A gout of white soulfire erupts around him, the wind blowing Alma's hair... rather drunkenly, if that's possible. Ah, Psycho Power. "RRAAAAAAHH!"
Ahh, he feels so much less frustrated, now. Or was that the massage?
COMBATSYS: Alma gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Alma 1/--=====/=======|===----\-------\0 Benimaru
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Tran 0/-------/-----==|
"I'll toucsh you if I wanna toucsh you, damn it!" Still directly behind Alma, Tran frowns and adds, "Like right now!" And then he punches Alma directly in the back of the head, totally ignoring the special Psycho Power effects. "Sho quit shcrewing around and get to fightin', prettyboy!"
Then he pauses for a moment to wander back toward the bar, wondering if he can get a drink before Alma gets his ass kicked too bad.
COMBATSYS: Tran assists Alma.
Benimaru watches the two with... Somewhat mild amusement, it's very clear to him now why these two are drinking buddies. It's almost touching.
Benimaru Nikaido, Man of Action goes back into action while the two bicker, "Excuse me, ladies, but I have something to say," he makes clear, sliding along the ground, somehow without messing up pant. Hoisting himself up by one arm, his entire body swings around and around, looking to punish Almas shins while he's getting his psychic power on, "SHINKUU KATATEGOMA!"
COMBATSYS: Alma blocks Benimaru's Shinkuu Katategoma.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Alma 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|===----\-------\0 Benimaru
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Tran 0/-------/-----==|
Alma's head snaps forward slightly as Tran punches him in the back of the hand, and he glances over his shoulder blearly at his erstwhile ally. "Oh," he murmurs. "Well, alright then." So much for not being allowed to touch Alma. And then he turns his head back to his opponent, and--
"Ow!" as he's kicked fiercely in the shins. "Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! STOP!" And finally enraged enough to fight back, Alma hops over the last kick, and leaning forward, granted extra momentum by Tran's punch -- or something -- he suddenly lashes out with a downward series of fierce and blurring punches that trail white flame...
COMBATSYS: Alma successfully hits Benimaru with Destined Duel.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Alma 1/-------/=======|======-\-------\0 Benimaru
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Tran 0/-------/-----==|
And with the series of punches succeeding, each one striking with an explosive force like so many grenades, Alma immediately shifts into a front kick that pops the low-kicking Benimaru up into the air slightly, and unleashes a series of powerful thrust punches that culminates in a rising, flame-trailing uppercut.
Alma's eyes blaze with passion and uncomprehending confusion!
Benimaru. Man of Action? BENIMARU, MAN OF ACTION?!
This is the most unacceptable thing Dr. Tran has never heard. Just because it was only in the pose doesn't mean that Tran's not drunk enough not to be offended by it.
Whirling about, inexplicable fury in his eyes, Tran takes a step or two forward, letting Alma beat the crap out of Benimaru, and then rushes in, trying to tackle the blonde pretty rapidly descending from punches pretty blonde model man, and knock him straight to the ground. And then? Steeeeeeeeeeam! All over Benimaru's frontside, as Dr. Tran shows him some real action! Hot, man on man action!
Shut up. Just...shut up.
COMBATSYS: Benimaru interrupts Dr. Tran - Man of Action from Tran with Shinkuu Katategoma.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Alma 1/-------/=======|=======\-------\1 Benimaru
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Tran 1/------=/=======|
All right this is kind of weird here.. Benimaru tries to be cool and sneak away from Almas assault, but he ain't havin' any of that. One might even say there was a hint of desperation in that coolness, but Benimaru will never confess to that. And so it's a beatdown and a very pretty looking one. The final uppercut puts him right into position for Trans tackle but.. As soon as he hits the ground, he uses the momentum to perch himself up and spin furiously at the Doctor this time, is entire body swinging like a wild frying pan at the bodypart of Trans choosing. "Back the hell up off me, man!"
Alma seems to like this word a lot. That, or Tran likes getting in trouble. if anyone ever doubted that. Still, the fires of his passionate fury and joy of the fight and bewildered drunkenness raging behind his keen hazel eyes, Alma Amavela Towazu, psychic prettyboy extraordinaire, staggers back into a 'relaxed' but 'poised' fighting stance and, drawing his hand back, lunges forward and slashes out in a wave of Psycho Power soulfire, aiming to cut through Benimaru with the cresting gout of energy and maybe help poor Tran out a little.
Oh, the stinging pain. Dr. Tran has entirely failed to defend his title of Man of Action! Come to think, he's not very good at defending titles. Or defending. Maybe that just goes to show what an awesome Man of Action he makes. Still, knocked backward by Benimaru's cruel, cruel interruption, Tran just ends up in a drunken half-crouch, and tries to make Benimaru stop being two people.
Just for good measure, he also shouts, "Almaaaaaaaaaaaa!"
COMBATSYS: Tran focuses on his next action.
COMBATSYS: Alma successfully hits Benimaru with Sacred Wave.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Alma 1/------=/=======|=======\==-----\1 Benimaru
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Tran 1/------=/=======|
Benimaru lowers his fists a bit as Tran just starts yelling for no good reason. It leaves the model asking to himself, 'What the hell?', and 'What is he doing'. And it isn't until the last moment that he notices the wave of power, and it's more than not just being able to get out of the way, he /critically/ fails trying to get out of the way, there's a lot of bite in that strike, it actually making him double over and nearly fall on his ass. Nearly, ".. Damn, note to self, don't fight him drunk anymore," Benimaru mutters, and he's back on Almas case, jumping forward and snapping a quick kick to the side of his head, "Shut up already, damn!"
COMBATSYS: Alma fails to interrupt Light Kick from Benimaru with Divine Intervention EX.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Alma 1/----===/=======|=======\===----\1 Benimaru
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Tran 1/------=/=======|
"TRAAAAAAN!" replies Alma. "KAAAAAAAA--"
And he draws his hand back, *still* blazing with white fire.
And is kicked in the face, and goes staggering back.
But he don't fall down!
"Tran," he adds, sounding bemused as he tries to refocus his gaze. On anything, really.
"ALMAAAA!" Tran responds by shouting more. Upon seeing his buddy go down, a new rage overtakes him, and he dashes straight toward Alma. It takes him a minute to remember that Benimaru's the one he should be punching. In the face. he? Well, he'll do for now, until Tran remembers exactly. Raising his arm, he jumps up into the air and brings one fist slamming down at the top of Benimaru's head, shouting, "ALMAAAAAAAAAA!" again. It doesn't make sense, but then, it doesn't have to.
COMBATSYS: Benimaru blocks Tran's Strong Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Alma 1/----===/=======|=======\===----\1 Benimaru
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Tran 1/------=/=======|
Benimaru is busy grumbling, he doesn't know what's going on, suddenly things are just getting weird and zen-like and shit and he's actually kind of feeling left out. He expresses this rage in a way that he thinks is best- By raising his forearm to block the smash, "Tran, huh?" and he just swings a right hook toward the mans jaw, a relentless, punch, full of hatred, "Your name is STUPID!"
COMBATSYS: Benimaru successfully hits Tran with Medium Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Alma 1/----===/=======|=======\====---\1 Benimaru
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Tran 1/-======/=======|
Alma rears to his feet.
"Your FACE is stupid!" he roars in indignation, staggering towards his opponent. "And your HAIR! Arrgh, you /disgust/ me!" And furious, he charges towards Benimaru and lashes out with two quick jabs followed by a fierce punch.
And with the punch... he is inspired.
"Your MOM is stupid, too!" he cries out, blonde bangs hanging over the cheerfully dancing lights in his eyes, the youth grinning foolishly as he attempts to helpfully punch Benimaru's face into something resembling good looks.
Ow, crap! Tran gets sent back on his ass by Benimaru's punch, too shocked by the accusation of a stupid name to even do anything about it. It sends him tumbling backward a bit further so that he actually ends up on his face. With a drunken groan, he pushes himself up with one hand, and then slumps back, sitting on the ground, rubbing at his aching parts. It's especially bad because Alma just pre-empted his retort. Demoralized, Tran doesn't have much to do other than gives himself a hug. Well, and a massage. Steamy.
COMBATSYS: Benimaru interrupts Strong Punch from Alma with Electrigger.
[ \\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Alma 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=------\-------\0 Benimaru
[ \\\\\\\\\\ <
Tran 1/-======/=======|
Benimaru grabs and electricutes the living JESUS out of Alma, "Don't talk about my mom you ASSHOLE!!" he yells and throws Alma across the street into some trash cans. He then turns to face Tran, "You done?"
And Alma is hurled into a bunch of trashcans.
And the trashcans EXPLODE.
"TRAAAAAN!" screams Alma, surrounded by a power field of swirling, whirling, flaming garbage. "IT IS TIME! FOR OUR ULTIMATE ATTACK! GO!" And roaring in drunken yet oddly genuine battle fury and the purest of passions, the handsome youth ignites and bursts forth from the wreckage.
And reaching out, he grabs Tran, tosses him up lightly, and then puts his hands underneath Tran's feet. With a 'Hup!', he hurls his ally high into the air--
Holy crap those exploding trash cans are like the sweetest thing ever. That aside, Tran shouts out, "Not a chance, BenimaPOO!" Revitalized by his AWESOME TAUNT, Dr. Tran runs forward toward Alma.
--where he flies gracefully through the air even as his form is wreathed in steam and chi and awesome.
From there, Tran flips forward, staying in the air for an inexplicably long amount of time as he gathers even more steam around him. At that point, in the moment that is the intersection of drunkenness and fighting spirit, he does something that he's never going to remember in the morning. Raising his fist up in a similar fashion to his earlier punch against Benimaru, Tran starts to descend...and then his fist isn't a fist, as all the steam coalesces around it in the form of a huge white Dragon's head, maw gaping open as it comes crashing down Benimaru, just as Alma --
--just as Alma clenches his entire body, roaring with the gathering power as a surge of white flame explodes around him. Screaming with the enormous DBZ-esque intensity, Alma's feet begin to lift off the ground with the wind blowing around him like an isolated hurricane. "TRAAAAAAN!" he roars, and an orb begins to manifest before him without him even touching: an orb of throbbing, pulsing energy, that as it grows begins to resemble a miniscule white sun. Miniscule in comparison to the sun, that is. By the time it gets to be about as wide as Tran is tall, it's not so miniscule at all.
"TWIN TECHNIQUE! DRUNKEN SOUL DRAGON!" roars Alma, his eyes fields of white as the ground beneath him begins to crack and shatter. "Aaaaaahhhh!"
And he lobs the enormous fireball up to Tran.
"Tran!" he shouts. "The power is YOURS!"
And with that--
-- Tran pretty much slamdunks a white dragon head with a mouthful of Psycho Power right at Benimaru, with force enough to send most people flying out of a window or something. After a hit, though, the Dragon is still intact, and Tran swings around and just tries to uppercut Benimaru into some high layer of the atmosphere. Possibly space.
COMBATSYS: Tran successfully hits Tran with Dr. Tran - Hot Lovin.
[ \\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0 Benimaru
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Tran 1/-======/=======|
COMBATSYS: Benimaru dodges Alma's Full Confession.
COMBATSYS: Benimaru blocks Tran's Here Comes Dr. Tran!.
[ \\\\\ < > //////// ]
Alma 0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0 Benimaru
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Tran 0/-------/-----==|
Benimaru isn't even going to try and understand what is going on. His player's too busy laughing his ass off, it was a pretty sweet set-up. Unfortunatly, Benimaru is just too cool. Too damn cool for school, and he actually takes a moment to take out his compact and check to make sure that his lip-gloss is still evenly on. He's also looking at both fighters through the reflection, which is why a sidestep is more than enough to evade that huge dragon.. Thing.. Thing.
"Hmn?" Trans hand smacks into the models free palm as he checks to see what it was that nearly killed him, holding that fist until he pockets the compact once more. He squints his eyes at Tran, releases his hold, raises his hand and just bitch-slaps the Doctor. That's really all he can say about that, sorry guys.
Oh no! The attack did not fully succeed! And what's more--
"TRAAAAAAN!" Alma cries, as Tran appears to be in trouble, and with the last of his strength and resolve, the young warrior-model desperately overcomes his own semi-intoxicated exhaustion in a last-ditch effort to rescue his poor friend! What can he do!? What can he--
Oh, hey, the compact. Good idea. Alma doesn't wear lipgloss -- nor does he wear any makeup -- but it's always good to make sure his hair has remained intact, so he pulls out his pocket mirror, and checks himself--
--and then snaps out of it, remembering his drinking buddy's in trouble!
"TRAAAAAN!" he cries again, and throws his compact at Benimaru's face!
The beauty of friendship before the beauty of... Alma's face!
COMBATSYS: Benimaru successfully hits Tran with Jab Punch.
[ \\\\\\ < > //////// ]
Alma 0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0 Benimaru
[ \\\\\\\\ <
Tran 0/-------/=======|
Holy crap, no kidding Tran's in trouble! Alma and his ultimate attack...Stuff'd?! It hurts, man. It hurts deep.
Luckily, the alchohol is still there to dull the pain. However, no amount of it can dull the pain of this godly bitchslap. Tran's defenses mean nothing, and he goes straight into the ground. Whoom.
Dazed, it's all Tran can do to stare blearily up at Benimaru, tears welling in his eyes...
Oh, wait. That's steam. For STEAM EYE LASERS. Going right at Benimaru!
COMBATSYS: Benimaru dodges Alma's Thrown Object.
COMBATSYS: Benimaru overcomes 3 2 1... Dr. Tran from Tran with Raijin Ken.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\ < > /////// ]
Alma 0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0 Benimaru
[ \\\\\\ <
Tran 0/-------/=======|
Benimaru has to shake out his hand after a smack like that! Though Benimaru's really getting tired of this whole 'Traaaan!' 'Aaaaaaalmaaaa!' thing! He should be putting a stop to that shortly enough though, thank god. The compact is dodged with little more than a tilt of his head, and an upward tilt of his eyebrow, "Tch," as his right hand then crackles with electrical energy as he looks to Tran. Bad news, Doc, Raijin Ken coming your way! And he leaps forward, thrusting his fist toward Trans face that explodes with electrical energy, "All right ENOUGH already!"
But the compact was JUST A RUSE.
Because with it thrown, perhaps Benimaru will not notice Alma going "Aaaargghh!" and charging forward! ...okay, who am I kidding. However, he /does/ seem pretty ticked off. Like, exhausted as he is, he's starting to blur...
...and that blurring body turns into blurring fists as Alma tries to lunge in while Benimaru is unleashing his counterblast, and pepper that friggin face with a series of punches like Alma promised.
"Atatatatatatata!" he cries, and the Xiangfei reference brings, just for a moment, a drunken tear to his eye. "This one's for you, baby!" he cries, which probably isn't a good idea, since it sounds like he's talking to Tran.
COMBATSYS: Tran fails to reflect Raijin Ken from Benimaru with Dr. Tran Doles Out the Harshness.
COMBATSYS: Tran can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\ < > /////// ]
Alma 0/-------/-----==|====---\-------\0 Benimaru
With one final scream of "ALMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" Tran summons up the last of his energy and bl-ohshitelectricity in his face augasdlfsldfjwefsmoking unconcious doctor.
Sleep, blessed drunkard. You have earned your rest this night.
COMBATSYS: Benimaru interrupts Spring Shower from Alma with Iai Geri.
[ \\ < > ///// ]
Alma 0/-------/-======|=====--\-------\0 Benimaru
Coincidentally, blasting Tran out of existance was just a ruse as well! ....
The blonde model, the prettiest and sexiest model right here and now looks to Alma after taking care of that business, and becons his teamate and rival to come forth. Punches to his face, huh? Well, he actually takes one or two, before he's decided he's had enough, and slams his knee into Almas kidney again. He runs a finger along the bridge of his nose afterward, just playing it cool and not minding the slight red prints on his face. He's hurting, yes, but why show it to these numbskulls? "Damn, I should have been a little more careful.. Well, I'd say this fight is over."
Yup. The fight is pretty much over.
Alma falls to his knees, sighs drunkenly, and falls on his face.
There's a moment of silence.
And then, silently, without warning, without even moving another muscle, Alma's fist snaps up, and aims to punch Benimaru right in the nuts.
COMBATSYS: Alma can no longer fight.
COMBATSYS: Benimaru dodges Alma's Quick Punch.
> ///// ]
|=====--\-------\0 Benimaru
Well, I have to admit, it'd actually be pretty sweet if Benimaru got nailed in the family jewels. He doesn't though, actually hopping up and over Alma as he falls. "..."
And that's about it, no more words, the fighters are down and he can go home, so he heads on over to his car. But then he walks back, kicks Alma a couple of times and Tran a couple of times as well, just to spite them. Then he goes to his car to drive home and be in time for Gillmore Girls.
"Ow..." mumbles Alma, twitching slightly in his unconsciousness from the kicks. "Xiangfei... not so rough..."
COMBATSYS: Benimaru has ended the fight here.
Unconcious, Tran's hands move up to the neck of his shirt, and slowly, ever so slowly, tear it right off his chest, revealing his moisture-covered chest. Then he rolls over and starts drooling on the pavement.
Log created by Tran, and last modified on 21:40:17 02/07/2006.