Description: Battle of the bishy blondes! (Winner: Benimaru)
Greetings to all of our fans here in...
... Where the hell are we? What town is this, Metro City? Ah, yes. So Metro City is in for a treat today, it's yet another one of those classic, Bishounen versus Bishounen battles. The uptown area seems to be doing.. Better. Better in the sense that a certain blonde model doesn't mind being around the particular area. That would be Benimaru Nikaido, who'd been MIA for a while, doing god-knows-what are god-knows-where. The important thing though, was that he was back, and about as bitter as he had been since before. Why? Who knows.
Black pants and leopard-print halfshirt, worn under a black trenchcoat, he's not even in the mood to do any pre-match showboating and you know what? He's still getting cheers and screams from the fans. Clearly his charisma just goes right through the roof without even trying!
The setting is just a blockaded street in front of some classy-looking cafes, where good ol' Benimaru is just waiting in the middle, hands in his pockets, and sort of a far-off look in his eye. He really should be excited, it's been a while since he had a male opponent after all, but he's clearly not even making an effort to show any sort of upbeatness. Oh Beni. Will you ever win?
See, the problem is the clothes. Coming to a fight in clothes like those makes a man a loser before the first punch is thrown. The opposite end of the spectrum from the vain model/fighter is his opponent tonight. Just where /is/ his opponent tonight? Well, the first announcement of Adel's arrival is the fast-approaching revv of a speedbike's engine, more than a bit of speed and a quick weave onto the sidewalk and around the barricade heralding the young Bernstein's arrival. The nearly brand-new BMW K-1200S certainly inspires the crowd to part for the youth. The bike's engine idles as Adelheid considers his opponent for a moment, face hidden behind a gloss-black helmet with a dark, mirrored visor. The rest of the young man's ensemble really matches it... nothing flashy here. Baggy military-styled pants tucked into heavy black leather boots, and a skintight shirt of black cloth that's partly visible under the leather jacket that's worn over it. Nope, no leopard print here, but he does get his share of appreciation when the helmet comes off.
Platinum blonde locks fall free, his fair features showing little sign of the eyeshadows and foundations and, well... nasty hair grease that Benimaru is partial to. The motorcycle helmet is set at the back of the bike as Adel wordlessly climbs off it, tightening his black leather gloves and smirking a bit at Benimaru, "Least I already know you fight better than you dress." Oh yes, this is already getting off on the right foot. The young Bernstein nonchalantly paces into the cordoned-off upper-class street. The mostly-unknown youth may not be the winningest fighter on the tour, himself... but he certainly does inspire a certain curiousity in the fanbase.
The entrance is a bit unexpected, but Benimaru is anything but impressed- At first. An uninterested gaze shifts toward the cycler, and then.. Wait a moment, his eyes widen rather hopefully; even if there isn't a skull insignia on the helmet, it could be... Be...
Oh damn it all it isn't, and the frown on the models lips only grows frownier, brushing a hand through his hair as he shakes his head. Whatever disappointement he was feeling almost washes away however, once Adelheid speaks up, and he quirks an eyebrow in response. In normal circumstances, he'd just kick Adelheid in the mouth right then and there, but.. He doesn't really feel like getting disqualified tonight. Instead he just tightens his own fingerless gloves, giving the younger fighter a lazy gaze, "One shot," he murmurs calmly enough, "You get one shot.. And then you're as good as dead." and that said, the 'come hither' motion is given.
COMBATSYS: Benimaru has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Benimaru 0/-------/-------|
Good as dead! Adelheid's heard that one a lot lately. The young fighter's smirk becomes a bit more of a grin, a slightly dangerous gleam in his rich eyes (Which he has two of, unlike his handicapped father), "You're too generous." He offers with a rather insincere bow, "But let's dispense with the pretense. Just show me what you can do." That's what Adel is here to see, after all. Nikaido is a well-known name in its own right, and this guy's got to have some power behind him to have the reputation he does. But hey... enigma is its own advantage, right?
Adelheid lurches forward into a sudden, quick sprint, planting his weight on his right foot to bend his left knee up towards his chest, and simply /shoot/ his left boot straight out for the model/fighter's gut, forward momentum bringing the young Bernstein in harder still, as he swaps feet and spins into a brutal reverse roundhouse, aligning heel with Benimaru's skull.
COMBATSYS: Adelheid has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Adelheid 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Benimaru
COMBATSYS: Benimaru just-defends Adelheid's Double Tomahawk!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Adelheid 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Benimaru
".. Uh-huh." It seems Adelheid gets to see what all the talk, what all the fuss is about first hand! Benimaru said he'd like Adelheid get the first shot, but he never said anything about letting it be a clean one. The movement is swift, the first kick making meeting it's mark, but with the way he steps back with the blow, it's a wonder how even the roundhouse kick gets its momentum! Needless to say, that's completely avoided with a light crouch, and Benimarus counter-attack is swift, right fist crackling with electrical chi, then bursts to life moments before impacting with his opponents chest.. So long as Adelheids defenses say otherwise, "Raijin Ken!"
COMBATSYS: Adelheid fails to reflect Raijin Ken from Benimaru with Dark Barrier.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Adelheid 0/-------/----===|=------\-------\0 Benimaru
Impressive defense. Adelheid looks a bit surprised at the technique Nikaido uses to negate his assault, but not so surprised as he is when the model/fighter lurches back in with an electrified jolt... Adel leaps backwards, bringing his own hand around... but before he can do much with that plan, he's spasming under the current of having that ball of lightning tasering him in the chest. The young Bernstein staggers backwards, clutching at his pained chest for a moment, "That... was fast." He notes, the smile now on his face a more genuine one. This isn't going to be easy, but apparently that doesn't bother Adel too greatly. Still, all he has time for at the moment is correcting his own defense... or trying to.
Benimaru purses his glossed lips a moment, as he, for a brief moment, is forced to come to a stand-still after his blow- Hasn't he don't this to someone before? He's pretty sure he totally wasted some other blonde guy with his Raijin Ken before, but the victim completely eludes his memory. Oh well, he could remember that a little later.
Adelheids comment though, does bring a bit of a smile to the models face though, "It gets better," he promises, this time the energy forming a small orb in his palm as he homes in to try and grab the younger fighters shoulder and slam said orb into him, giving off yet another unpleasent electrical shock, which is followed by a kick back..
COMBATSYS: Adelheid reflects Benimaru Collider from Benimaru with Dark Barrier EX.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Adelheid 0/-------/--=====|==-----\-------\0 Benimaru
"Yes, yes it does." Adelheid agrees, fairly ominously. Brown eyes narrow as Nikaido rushes right back in, and this time, he backsteps with a lithe twist away from the grab and gathered energy... but that doesn't mean Benimaru's strike was ineffectual, oh no... as the model/fighter comes in at the egressing Adel, the young Bernstein's palm thrusts forward, right in-line with the orb of lightning-chi. In a flash, a spiral of silvery chi expands outwards into a shield-sized disc of grey-crackling energy, the swirling winds fluctuating violently as the electrified chi meets their wall at speed...
Arcs of electricity course up, down, all around the barrier, the disc glowing wildly before simply... /exploding/ back at Benimaru, with all the propelling force he intended for Adelheid behind it, the chi forces blowing outwards like a shotgun, as Adelheid calmly lands behind the reversed torrent of power, a whisp of silvery chi dissipating in his hand.
Its more than obvious that Benimaru didn't see /that/ little trick coming, and the suprised look on his face pretty much says it all- Not so much to the sudden barrier of energy, but the way it deflects his own chi, sending him staggering back a few steps with a perplexed expression on his face.
And so he learned that hard way what Adelheids mysterious words meant, the model brushing off the front of his coat, nodding his head, ".. Cute," trying to mask his suprise; there aren't many people that he could recall with that kind of ability.. It could be troublesome if he wasn't careful. Fists raised upward in a bit more of a classic boxing stance, he drops back to the basics for a moment, crouching slightly as he goes for a right hook across his opponents chin, "But how about /that/?"
COMBATSYS: Adelheid blocks Benimaru's Medium Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Adelheid 0/-------/-======|===----\-------\0 Benimaru
Adelheid's left arm snaps up, forearm vertical to intercept Benimaru's fist as it snaps in for his face, deflecting the impact wide with little more than a bruising sting to his guard, "I've felt worse." The young Bernstein notes, quite truthfully, before a sudden reversal sees him twisting as he leaps straight up, seeking to simply plant a reverse heel in Nikaido's face at the apex of that short jump, the sharp kicking thrust coming as he twists fully away from Benimaru, with momentum intended to carry him right around... hopefully to carry on the assault, but it might give him a react to whatever Benimaru can whip his way, as well... "You'll need better!"
COMBATSYS: Benimaru blocks Adelheid's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Adelheid 0/-------/-======|===----\-------\0 Benimaru
Benimaru's eyebrows furrow a bit.. It looks like Adelheid wasn't the pushover Benimaru originally thought he was; the platinum blonde was putting up a pretty good defense so far, but Benimaru does wonder how much longer he'd be able to hold up. Not very long if he had any say in it. Fists are raised protectivly in front of his face, leaning back again with the nasty kick, "You and me both, actually.." he replies, and he lashes back with another simple blow, nothing fancy about a jab, a sharp hissing released as he looks to pop Adelheid one in the jaw.
COMBATSYS: Adelheid endures Benimaru's Jab Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Adelheid 1/-------/=======|===----\-------\0 Benimaru
Ah, Benimaru's defenses hold true... but Adelheid doesn't even try to guard himself as he drops in, point-blank, with the well-guarded Nikaido... no, he takes the quick punch like a man, square in the kisser, his head jerking with the impact... but the rest of him doesn't shift much, "A /lot/ harder than that..." he murmurs, mostly to himself, as both hands snap in for Benimaru's fancy, womany shirt. Should he find that grip, well....
Nikaido will get about a millisecond of Adel's eyes narrowing, focused right in on Benimaru's, before both fighters /hurtle/ forward, Adel's feet leaving the ground and carrying Nikaido right along with him. The breakneck flight won't end until Benimaru's back is driven with foundation-shaking force into the fancy hotel behind him, either, "More like THIS!!"
COMBATSYS: Adelheid successfully hits Benimaru with God Press EX.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Adelheid 0/-------/-----==|=====--\-------\0 Benimaru
Benimaru can only smirk to the other man, ".. You'll get it soon enough," he murmurs, though again to his suprise, Adelheid not only manages to break through his guard, but gets a hold of his shirt, and as such gets a free trip onto the ground, hitting the pavement with jarring force. After the impact he sits up slightly, wincing as he holds the back of his head, "... Well said,"
He probably should avoid getting caught up in that again, that seemed like a good idea. Benimarus to his feet once more, assaulting Adelheid again, this time with two quick blows, the first a straight, followed by a smooth-looking uppercut!
COMBATSYS: Benimaru successfully hits Adelheid with Medium Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Adelheid 0/-------/---====|======-\-------\0 Benimaru
Adelheid isn't quick enough releasing Benimaru, or getting clear after the slam... and his weaving dodge culminates in two sharp blows to his head. These he doesn't take quite so gracefully, staggered back and forth by the sharp pair of hits, "Nngh..." the young Bernstein manages through clenched teeth. Nikaido's stepping up to the plate well enough, that's for sure. But Adel isn't giving it up, his left fist suddenly snapping out, a straight aligned forcefully with Benimaru's solar plexus, quickly followed by an uppercut of his own. One good turn, and all that stuff. Besides, Nikaido wasn't blurry in his vision for more than that second. He's good to go!
COMBATSYS: Benimaru interrupts Strong Punch from Adelheid with Super Inazuma Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Adelheid 1/------=/=======|=======\-------\1 Benimaru
Beauty and grace.. Yeah, that's what Benimarus fighting is all about, and the clean hit made him feel good. Good about himself. Adelheid gets yet another nasty suprise though, when his first punch makes contact, he doesn't even get a moment to pull another, because suddenly Benimarus shoes are making a beeline toward the boys chin, one foot then the other crashing into its mark, hair whipping back with the sudden movement. Fists raised toward his lips once more, the model gives a bit of a cocky grin, ".. Want to try that again?" he offers a bit playfully, "I think I missed a spot on your chin."
The sudden double-crack in response to his own strikes was... well, not exactly what he was going for, but there's no time to protest that as Bernstein lurches back, flying backwards and landing hard on the street, a bit of a groan following up, "Nice hit." He congratulates. Seems Nikaido does have a bit of punch to bring to bear, after all... which leaves Adelheid in a slight predicament, doesn't it? He could've gone without another crack to his now-bleeding jaw, after all.
Then, it's Adel's turn to try to put Benimaru through the paces, simply /leaping/ out of his unsteady crouch to charge Nikaido right through the air, aiming to, of all things, clamp a palm over Nikaido's face. Should that happen, though... Benimaru will be greeted by an explosion of whipping wind-chi from that hand, the silvery edges of cleaving energy racing all about Nikaido's skull as he's blasted away.
COMBATSYS: Adelheid successfully hits Benimaru with Scorpion Deathlock.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Adelheid 1/----===/=======|=======\==-----\1 Benimaru
Another compliment? Not that Benimaru won't accept it, but he's quite suprised by the words thrown his way. Adelheids next attack though, again the setup doesn't appear to be anything special and his fists raise once more; and once again is too slow to deflect the grab. The chi thats just forced into his face is suprisingly unpleasant, but when he's blasted away, he recovers quickly enough, flipping in the air and landing on his feet with a slight waver. He brings a hand to his face, at least somewhat certain nothing was burned off, but it doesn't stop him from frowning again anyway, ".. You've got to be the luckiest fighter I've faced yet," he mutters under his breath, "It's bothersome," his charge forward is quick, just as quick as the flying knee attack that's sent toward Adel this time, "Hnnf!"
COMBATSYS: Adelheid blocks Benimaru's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Adelheid 1/---====/=======|=======\==-----\1 Benimaru
Battered doesn't mean out, and Adelheid is still fighting all-out. As such, instead of shying away from Nikaido's strike, the young Bernstein shifts right into it, taking the knee on a bent arm and deflecting it away... of course, Benimaru's momentum is still coming /forward/, and that could become a problem as the blonde does something that one wouldn't expect of a fighter of his stature...
All his strength, all his power, force one might not expect the lithe blonde to possess, comes up and around in a singular beast of a roundhouse, the kick forceful enough to launch Adelheid skyward, as it draws a wide, shimmering, ragged edge of hurricane-force wind energy in luminescent silver along the path of his boot. A mighty kick designed to, quite simply, cleave Benimaru in two as a reward for his persistance.
COMBATSYS: Benimaru dodges Adelheid's Omega Genocide.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Adelheid 0/-------/-------|=======\==-----\1 Benimaru
So yeah.. Benimaru was pretty much getting tired of getting hit by this obviously skilled fighter, so while the momentum is still there, there's also still control- Benimaru simply slaps his hand on Adelheids leg and uses the momentum to flip off of it, over his shoulder, and gets pretty much the hell out of the way of that roundhouse kick, ".. Who were you aiming for exactly?" Benimaru murmurs curiously. But before the other blonde can answer him, he's practically stalking, waiting for the younger fighter to land before rushing in again, looking to grab Adelheid by the shoulders and pull him back, smashing one knee, then the other into his spine if he can get that hold!
COMBATSYS: Benimaru successfully hits Adelheid with Catch and Shoot.
[ \\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Adelheid 0/-------/---====|=======\====---\1 Benimaru
Okay, now this is starting to sting. As he lands, Adelheid is caught, and comes close to being paralyzed. Lucky he's more resilient than that, right? Rugal's come closer, but damn, that still stings. Dropping to his knees, Adel looks a bit, well, addled. His vision swims a moment, before he defiantly twists his gaze back over his shoulder, twisting to face Nikaido with a motion that brings his right heel out, for a point right below Nikaido's knee. The simple hit may not be flashy, but it's thrown with enough force to make a leg bend in a very painful way, "This isn't finished!" Stubborn, sure... but he's got the talent to make that dangerous.
COMBATSYS: Benimaru interrupts Light Kick from Adelheid with Iai Geri.
[ \\\\ < > ///////// ]
Adelheid 0/-------/=======|=======\=====--\1 Benimaru
A short burst of air passes the models lips again, doing his best not to let his temper make its ugly appearance in this match; sure, it's very annoying that Adelheid is doing at least this well, but nothing to flip out over, he thinks to himself. They were just some lucky hits, nothing more. And he can see the younger fighter's really starting to wear down, the model's smile suddenly becoming devilish as his fists raise again- ".. Yes it is. o/~" The hit to his knee actually makes contact, but it isn't until after his own quick knee, the motion a blur as it buries itself into Adelheids kidney, and takes out quite a bit of the kick that makes his stance faulter a bit.
Incoming knee! Adelheid may feel contact from his attack, but the sharp hit that drags him back to his feet is far more notable, air audibly leaving the young fighter's lungs as he struggles to hold his footing... and then launches forward instead at Benimaru, "One... more... time.." He states stubbornly, if a bit unevenly, snapping his right boot around and in for Nikaido's ribs, the momentum quickly reversing into a standing forward roundhouse, that follows through into an axeing slam from his other boot. ... the kicks are uneven, tones of the beating Adel just took coming out in the technique, but despite his blurred vision the young Bernstein's feet are flying with dangerous force... just looking to catch Benimaru in that last blender of strikes.
COMBATSYS: Adelheid can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\ <
Benimaru 1/--=====/=======|
COMBATSYS: Benimaru blocks Adelheid's B's Destruction EX.
[ \\\\\\\ <
Benimaru 1/-======/=======|
While Benimaru may be wearing down a little himself, he's still in a good enough condition to put up a good defense against Adelheids strikes, nothing fancy about them, nothing flashy.. In all honesty, Benimaru should be ashamed of himself for such a non-sparkly finish. swaying to the side, those arms of his pull through for another successful defense, stepping back with the force once more.
And it'd seem to him that that was that, the model brushing a few loose strands of hair from his face, "Seems I misjudged you, you aren't half-bad. You just might be as great as me one day, kiddo," he murmurs, "Look me up sometime when you want to learn how to really fight."
COMBATSYS: Benimaru has ended the fight here.
"You've got skill." Adelheid admits, as he falls to his knees after his desperation attack is deflected. leaning to one elbow and laughing once. Wouldn't think it to look at Nikaido, as far as Adel can see, but the reputation seems to be accurate, "But I've seen what I needed to see." It's as if he thinks this was all some experiment. Which isn't really the most flattering standpoint to Benimaru, but hey. Adelheid straightens his jacket as he rises, apparently having little interest in really endearing himself to Nikaido just this instant. Not overly interested in the post-fight minutia or photo ops, he simply heads back the way he came, to climb onto the black and silver BMW. Folks look to be eager to clear his path. After all, there are other camera angles... and the mighty Benimaru to distract them!
Log created by Adelheid, and last modified on 09:34:23 07/02/2006.