Description: An evening stroll after one of many business deals is interrupted by none other than Mister Bernstein himself, interested in the business deal and clearly bored. Unexpected (although it should be) is the man's thirst for combat. Special appearance by Rodem.
Nightfall. The park has long since died down, the Sunday afternoon activity of the city's people dwindled to a few people at best as dusk settled. Soon the darkness came, and with it the park became a distant memory as the last people left, despite its size. More or less empty now, there's a strange silence that settles itself upon the park, save for the distant murmur of the breathing city which embraces the park, and the occasional passing breeze through sturdy branches of trees.
The atmosphere is serene, a definite change of pace for some who live day by day in the hurried rush of city life. The park offers a distraction of sorts, a getaway and brief reprieve to the denizens before they're sucked back into the hustle and bustle, capital-driven world that swallows them.
Mature is, however, an exception to all this.
For once the blonde moves without purpose. Instead she moves with a fluid grace and delicate poise that suggests she's got nothing better to do with her time on this particularly cool winter's night. There is no concern or worry that lingers about her, no primal fear of the dark or the predators that potentially lurk within. Instead she moves through the dark, simply enjoying the simple tranquility of the evening. There are no people here--and that is just how Mature likes it.
There are no people here. An eerie sort of silence settles over certain areas in the dead of night, when there is no one around. So natural, it may seem unnatural to some. There are no people here.
... Well.
Almost no people.
Even the most lifeless of places in the dead of night will inevitably draw life to them. Such is the case today as the Metro City park has garnered the attention of a single woman with blonde hair, dressed in the most pristine of outfits. Mature, always the professional. Drawn here likely due to the silence, but perhaps for another reason as well...
"Ah, Mature."
Because she's not necessarily alone.
The voice comes from behind her. A voice she should know well enough to recognize. Perhaps Mature walks with no particular purpose at all... but Rugal Bernstein is here to /give/ her one. Standing behind her, hands in pockets, he offers the polite inclination of his head. A grin settles across his lips, even as he waits for the woman to turn.
"I imagine the meeting with Kain went well?"
The peaceful tranquility is a sort she can easily enjoy. The dead of night, the nigh-stillness of the city as it sleeps...the serenity and peace empty city streets bring, the dead still of an empty city park; the fewer the people, the better. They're little more than filth at best. They simply take up space.
The purposeless steps she takes draw her deeper in the heart of the Metro City park, further away from the buzz of the distant city all around. So quiet is the park she can hear her own breath--and the presence of another, breathing body. Still, the woman does not make hasty moves. She doesn't even bear any concern; instead the blonde draws blue eyes shut, lips pulling into a thin line across her smooth face.
One, two, three...
His voice arises from behind, the woman's lips tugging into some semblance of a smile across her delicate face. He tracked her down? Why? She'd easily report to him--when she was ready to, of course. Obedient Mature may be, but she is not kept on chain and leash.
"Well enough," she replies calmly, no hint of malice present in her tone. "That man is an interesting one. Dare I say dangerous." Her words come to pause, lips pulling shut as she stirs, turning around to face her employer squarely and look up into those off-color eyes.
"Are you sure you want to spar with him?" A gentleman Kain may be to a woman like Mature, but who is to say he won't decimate the likes of Rugal? She grins a little.
"I wouldn't want you to lose your temper and hurt him."
The fewer the people, the better. It means there are less people to /see/ when you desire dastardly deeds to be done. It means that people can't be there to see how you truly react when someone rubs you the wrong way. So indeed... the less people, the better it will be.
Purposeless walking has found a purpose; or rather, purpose has found it. In the form of an eye that glows crimson clearly through the night, and the lips of a man that are spread wide in a grin. She knew he was here, of course. If she didn't, she wouldn't be of any use to him. She would simply be better off dead. But this -- this is why she is his trusted secretary.
Why did he track her down? Well, that's a question better saved for later. Instead, he deals with what Mature says first, the corners of his lips twitching upward a bit more. "Ah, he is indeed dangerous. And a profitable business associate. Who happens to not be the biggest fan of Mr. Howard..." For whatever reason, Rugal hardly knows. Or cares. It just means more potential profit for /him/ in the future.
As for Kain being dangerous? Well...
Rugal is dangerous, too.
"Now, what kind of question is that? I'd think you wouldn't have to ask, Mature. I have fought him before." Several times, in fact. There is nothing quite as invigorating as a /challenge/ after all. All the better when you overcome it.
"Unless, of course, you doubt my /skill/..."
While that solitary red, artificial eye instills a sense of dread into most, it's quite the contrary for the Bernstein secretary. There's a touch of humor on otherwise still lips, fair features poised in her typical deadpan fashion. His smile may be wide and fearsome, but hers is anything but.
"Profitable indeed, sir," the blonde replies, employing her usual soft-spoken, mannerly tone. That said the woman dips a hand into her collar, withdrawing from within a slender white envelope. With a casual gesture she offers it over, slender fingers holding the smooth paper carefully. "Here is the information necessary to complete the transaction." Did she expect Rugal to track her down? Chances are yes. A very good yes.
Titling her head softly to one side, the woman's brows furrow just a touch, eyeing her employer closely. What kind of question is that? "I meant no offense by it, sir," she clarifies, the corners of her lips tugging a touch. Another smile dares to cross her lips, a hint of humor that speaks volumes clearly in her baby blues.
"Doubt your skill? My, your faith in me is slipping quite a touch, isn't it?" she inquires with a certain humorous lilt, stepping aside and folding her slender arms across her chest. She paces about, circling like a hawk on its prey. "To think you'd doubt ME, your most humble secretary? After I do so much for you." Pausing behind him, she draws her eyes to a thoughtful close, shaking her head softly.
"I am most hurt, sir."
Ah, always helpful, Mature is. Always eager to please. It allows the man a brief chuckle as he lifts a single hand to run through his blonde hair briefly. And she is prompt with delivery. Certainly, this means a reward is in her future. At the very least...
He thinks it will be exciting.
Gloved hand extends, and curls around that paper offered to him. With a calm, casual grab he pulls it away, and slips it into his coat pocket. "Ah, excellent. Kain is as prompt as usual. Thank you /very/ much my dear." Is he that predictacle? No. Mature is simply that skilled. But just how skilled...?
Time for a little fun.
As Mature talks, Rugal shoves his hands into his pockets, and turns his back to the woman. "My faith in you slipping? Most certainly not! In fact... you could say it's bolstered quite a bit." A small, wicked smile forms on his lips, even as he takes a step away from her. "You are, after all, most loyal. I trust you quite a bit. That's why I've decided to do something for you."
And as he talks?
A dark form moves from the shadows behind him. A brief bustle of activity...
Before a large, black panther leaps through the air to tear claws at Mature.
"... If you can entertain me for a little bit, I will get you a very nice gift."
COMBATSYS: Rugal has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Mature has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Mature 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Rugal
COMBATSYS: Rugal successfully hits Mature with Random Weapon.
Glancing Blow
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Mature 0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0 Rugal
The woman does her job. Nothing more, nothing less--at least that's the impression a woman as outwardly emotionless as Mature gives. Thus the transaction was tended to and taken care of promptly and succinctly, save for the fight she instigated at the behest of her employer. It was one sided--and such should come as no surprise. Rugal Bernstein's 'business associates' are men of considerable strength. Any less would be...insulting.
As she walks the woman's lips curl a touch, a half-hearted smile, like always. "Of course, sir," she offers, bowing her head politely to the much taller man in her company. Would he expect any less of his humble secretary? She would sincerely hope not. But...
His faith in her bolstered? Briefly mystified by the response, Mature issues a soft chuckle, arms still calmly folded across her chest. Is he stepping away? Surely he doesn't assume she'd recklessly stab him in the back? The secretary isn't that foolish. The latter, however, earns him a questionable glance. The words do not bode well.
There comes a rustle from behind, the woman's sharp blues swiftly cutting over her shoulder. From the darkness his familiar panther leaps out, looking to seemingly tear the woman in half. Her feet move swiftly, pulling her out of harm's way, although those nasty claws tear into the side of her garments at the waist, leaving a nasty looking gash across her midriff.
"How vexing you would drag your pet into this," she murmurs, lips pulling tightly before she turns on her heels, facing Bernstein once more, directly. "Very well. If such is your wish," An arm folds across her midriff, the woman's fingertips pinching the hem of her half-skirt and pulling it outwardly in a graceful bow. "Then I am obliged to entertain you."
Thus does Mature move, despite the wound at her side. Swift are her feet to carry her across the smooth stone sidewalk, closing what distance lay between them before twisting her figure, long nails slicing through the air, that familiar blue, Orochi-blessed chi trailing in the wake of her fingertips brutality.
COMBATSYS: Mature successfully hits Rugal with Metal Massacre.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Mature 0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0 Rugal
There we are. That's more like it. While not as responsive as Vice is, not nearly so, Mature is her own form of entertainment in and of herself. Calm, composed. It is so amusing... to see when that calm is cracked, if only ever so slightly. Will he be able to crack it today? Let's see.
Mature is not /quite/ fast enough to get out of the way of Rodem's claws. An amused chuckle rises from deep within Rugal's throat, even as he claps his hands together in /applause./ "Excellent reflexes!" But not quite good enough, hm? "I figured you could use a little /excitement/ for tonight, Mature. Forgive me; Rodem has been itching to go hunting for some time now." And he really couldn't deny his pet its right to prowl, now could he?
"Let's see how fast you are."
She rushes at him, and Rugal turns to casually move to the side. Except -- it doesn't quite go as he plans. Those claws dig into his left shoulder, sending him back a single step, tearing through clothes and making red welts along his shoulder muscle. "... Mm." He looks down, briefly, frowning. "... I should really invest in tougher fabric."
That's about all he'll say before he shoves one fist FIRMLY into Mature's gut, to send her flying back and away from him.
COMBATSYS: Mature dodges Rugal's Fierce Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Mature 0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0 Rugal
Not fast enough, but just enough to avoid losing half her insides. The claws bite--hard, enough to draw blood and stain the torn side of her garments and mildly inconvenience Mature. Upset? Hardly. It takes miracles to make her lose her complete and utter calm. This is sport. If anything, it's excitement in an otherwise dull evening.
The applause is met with little more than a smirk, blue eyes dropping into a sharp squint of sorts. Excellent? Is he patronizing his respectful secretary? Whatever his intentions, the woman offers the faintest of grins. "Perhaps," comes her reply. As for Rodem? Her eyes narrow just a slight touch further, out of amusement more than anything else.
"Wouldn't he be better suited to hunting people you'd rather see dead? Or is there something you aren't telling me, sir?" Not that he's given much time to reply--she moves like the wind, swiftly covering the long distance in mere seconds, lashing out ruthlessly at his chest. Nails bit and clothing tears; that alone is enough to draw a minuscule smile across his secretary's lips. How delightful, those wondrous sounds.
Crooking her head idly to one side, the woman seems momentarily pensive. "If we keep meeting like this sir, it might be best," she replies softly, baby blues flickering up shortly thereafter to spy the oncoming fist. With a graceful turn the woman avoids his brutal punch, using the momentum of her evasive maneuver to swing her foot around and drive the heel straight into the side of his ribs.
COMBATSYS: Rugal dodges Mature's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Mature 0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0 Rugal
Dodged his attempt at hitting her? He doesn't mind. Rather, he is suitably impressed that she manages it. Not that she can really keep it up forever, of course. All he needs to do is be patient, and strike her when the time is right. Which is why, he still smiles wide at her words, and laughs in sheer entertainment.
"Oh no, Mature, I would never keep secrets from you. Just consider this a warm up for him; it's been a while since he's gotten to see the outside world, after all!" Rugal slings his fist forward, but meets nothing but air; and there comes that heel for his ribs. But Rugal is more than fast enough, sliding just out of the way of the kick and allowing it to slip /right/ beyond his large form. "Perhaps so!" And then?
What /he/ plans to do is rather simple. Lash out with his right leg, to smash into Mature ribs swiftly, before lancing upwards to hit her in the head, and then finally... dropping it down on her shoulder, to send her to the ground. All, with a laugh.
COMBATSYS: Rugal successfully hits Mature with Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Mature 0/-------/-======|====---\-------\0 Rugal
As he delights in the exchange of words, his loyal secretary remains ever the straight-faced woman, seemingly devoid of any humor. In truth there's an amusement within, buried but present in the depths of those eyes--eyes which are narrowed dangerously, eyeing the much taller man with scrutiny.
"I would hope not," the blonde expresses, mildly aghast at the thought. Surely if he wanted her dead he'd do the honor of killing him with his own, two hands? "But very well." Spinning out of harm's way the woman delivers her kick, and like his prior attack, hers too meets with empty air. A tiny frown passes her lips, the woman's foot carefully touching down near the other against the ground.
Glancing up as he moves, the blonde lifts her arms, to shrug off the kick and make her counterattack. Still, the man's kick packs quite the power behind it and severs her defense, clearing through past those thin arms and striking her ribs. She exhales before she's struck again and one last time, sent to the ground in a small heap of woman.
"You know," the woman states in a matter-of-factly fashion, for all the motion her words convey. "Mister Heinlein was gentleman enough to avoid hitting me in the face." Her slender hands rub her cheek idly as she rises, before--
--before she quickly lashes out, intent on snagging the man by his coat with both hands, a foot swiftly moving to sweep his feet out from under him and drive him with those two slender hands straight into the ground.
COMBATSYS: Mature successfully hits Rugal with Strong Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Mature 0/-------/-======|======-\-------\0 Rugal
"Mr. Heinlein /is/ quite the gentleman, but..." Rugal steps back easily enough, slipping a hand into his pocket. He takes Mature into consideration even as she charges at him, intent on moving again -- save she's just a /bit/ too fast for the man. And so, she manages to snag him, and SLAM R's leader straight into the ground. But Rugal?
"Good, good! Try and hit a bit harder though -- I'm looking for some /entertainment/ after all!" The words slip past his lips even as he rolls out of the way and onto his feet easily enough, straightening out his coat as he stands. "As I was saying. Mr. Heinlein is quite the the gentleman, but... I doubt he would hesitate to burn your pretty face should you ever become an enemy."
And with that, Rugal darts forward, intent on slamming a single knee into Mature's solar plexus, to force the air from her. If successful, it sets up for the uppercut that comes in to knock her squarely beneath the jaw, intent on sending the poor secretary /flying/ through the air.
COMBATSYS: Mature just-defends Rugal's Medium Punch!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Mature 0/-------/-======|======-\-------\0 Rugal
Swift like the sudden winds that kick up between the fighters, Mature lurches forward and grapples him by the coat's collar. Fingertips curl tightly inward, getting a secure grip now that she has him in her hands. A half-second later he's slammed quite fiercely against the ground, the impact alone enough to leave fine cracks in the smooth blocks beneath him.
Try harder? The woman lets the faintest of smirks linger on her lips, her fingers letting up a touch as she briefly inclines. "Alright," she states, and with that rises, letting him rise as well. As for Kain? "I do not plan on making him upset in the near future, sir." No way.
The conversation out of the way, Mature lets her lips pull tight as he rushes inward, intent on slamming her with his knee without remorse or hesitations. For all the strength behind it the woman seems to miraculously intercept and shove him back and away. She isn't sent flying; she remains quite grounded. But she's no fool. This is a perfect opportunity.
With a sweeping upward motion the secretary crosses her arms briefly, fingers tensing before she suddenly cuts downward, a blast of chi wind slicing through the air and ultimately toward her employer. "And why do you delight in hitting my face?"
COMBATSYS: Rugal overcomes Ebony Tears from Mature with Reppuken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Mature 0/-------/-======|======-\-------\0 Rugal
"My, my!" How impressive!
"You've got quite a bit of strength there!"
To be able to so thoroughly take care of his attack, Mature must have dredged up some hidden strength from /somewhere/. Still, it simply helps in the overall amusement factor. Which is why Rugal's lips split /wide/ in a grin, moving back and /away/ from Mature as soon as he sees that the woman is able to fend off his attack with such ease.
"Well then, you do not have to worry abotu being burned to a crisp by /Kain/ in the near future..." /However/.
She should be more wary about Rugal burning her to a crisp.
Chi-empowered winds fly through the air towards Rugal in a truly impressive fashion. His lips twist into a smile, however, as blue-white energy curls around his arm. "I believe it is the reactions you give to it that make it so fun, my dear. For example..." And with that, he /slings/ his arm forward, creating a rather large wave of chi that tears across the ground. It smashes into those tears of wind before ultimately dispersing the chi... and raging onward. Straight for Mature.
COMBATSYS: Mature dodges Rugal's Reppuken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Mature 0/-------/-======|======-\-------\0 Rugal
Fending off his attack, she's given a compliment. Mature knows better than to presume her employer mocks her skill with those words. Others, less informed, might suggest otherwise. Still, the woman meets his words with a tiny grin, blue eyes half-lidded in amusement. There's a certain bit of delight that lingers in the depths of those rich blue eyes. Yes, this is entertaining indeed.
Still, the words he speaks next are foreboding, and with a careful eye the woman slashes through the air, intent on slicing the man across his chest with pure wind. His later reply earns him a brief-but-muted expression of astonishment, the chi energy that bursts to life around his hand warning enough.
With a nigh-casual toss of his hand his energy consumes the woman's attack, devouring it and ultimately barreling for her. Careful and swift footing allows her to pivot on sharp heels, turning her body around and out of harm's way. A smile is quick to pass her lips before she lashes out with an arm, the snake-like length of her black blouse's sleeve looking to wrap itself around his ankle and toss him.
"How childish, my dear mister Bernstein," she replies. "Hitting a woman for the reaction alone?"
COMBATSYS: Rugal dodges Mature's Decide.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Mature 0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0 Rugal
"Perhaps it means I have a particular fondness for you, Mature. Or perhaps.."
She dodged the Reppuken. Impressive, but... it's not something he'll allow to happen again. Nor is he about to let Mature simply catch him with a SLEEVE of all things and toss him around. How ridiculous. Instead, Rugal does something rather simple -- he just lifts his foot into the air, letting that sleeve length simply fly past his ankle harmlessly.
He is quick to move. He rushes in, apparantly intending to shoulder rush her in some sort of a throw maneuver. However, when he gets close enough...?
Rugal /leaps/, straight through the air, landing directly behind his secretary.
"... I do it because it's terribly amusing."
And in that moment, he spins through the air with profound grace, leg snapping downward in an attempt to catch Mature on her left side and send her skidding far away from him from the sheer force of the blow.
COMBATSYS: Mature blocks Rugal's Medium Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Mature 0/-------/-======|=======\-------\0 Rugal
A particular fondness? The blonde tilts her head idly to one side, blonde brows barely lifting over brilliantly blue eyes in curiosity. Lips twitch faintly, the makings of a grin daring to touch those immaculately painted red lips of hers, though she's quick to spin, pivoting out of harm's way and following through with a graceful swipe of black sleeve toward his ankle. It misses, grasping and groping at empty air. A pity.
He comes then, swift as expected. But rather than assault her head-on the man leaps over and lands behind with a snap-kick intent on sending her flying to the side. Rather than bite through her defenses, the kick meets her forearm. "Mn," she replies, nodding her head once, softly so. "I see. Very well, sir."
Once again they are close. It's close enough to allow her a sudden stoop low before she sharply swipes upward, an attempt to cut the man cleanly across his chest with her long, well-manicured nails.
"Only if I get to ruin those pretty coats and expensive shirts of yours in return."
COMBATSYS: Rugal dodges Mature's Strong Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Mature 1/----===/=======|=======\-------\0 Rugal
Of course, Rugal's intent should be clear. That kick that spins his whole body through the air, intent on bypassing her defenses. But, she seems more alert than /that/, and Bernstein is certainly glad for it. His kick strikes solid forearm, though he's not surprised or worried. Even blocks will take their toll, eventually. So, with a smile, he snaps his leg back -- just in time to see those claws coming for him.
"Only if you can manage to hit me."
Emphasized when Rugal simply /bends at the waist/, allowing Mature's kick to go soaring /right/ over him harmlessly, feeling relatively nothing but the wind. "Almost." He remarks, before he snaps forward again -- /right/ in front of Mature.
"But not quite."
And that is about when a single fist strikes out, to knock Mature solidly in the throat. Not enough to crush it, of course -- just enough to make breathing uncomfortable for a bit.
COMBATSYS: Mature dodges Rugal's Jab Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Mature 1/----===/=======|======-\-------\0 Rugal
Claws rises from below, intent on slashing the man without hesitations cleanly across his chest. However fast she may be, the man seems faster, and with a bend he's smoothly pulled out of the way, little more than wind gracing his chest. The woman's brows furrow slightly in response, her hand swiftly retreating back, to join the other at her side.
"I suppose. Do keep in mind sir,"
Even in such close proximity the woman is unruffled and unperturbed. She smiles softly, but most pleasantly. Mocking? Perhaps.
"Turnabout is fair play."
Swiftly the man strikes, sending a tight fist toward her throat, to strike surely and cleanly into it and temporarily stunt her breath. However, when he strikes...
She's not there. Instead, Mature swiftly moves inward again, one of her hands going for HIS neck. She doesn't intent on stifling his breath--no, she seems content to try and choke slam him into the pavement.
COMBATSYS: Mature successfully hits Rugal with Quick Throw.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Mature 1/----===/=======|=======\-------\1 Rugal
Oh, my. She's being quite the fast one today. And though Rugal tries to move as she grabs for his throat, it seems he's not /quite/ fast enough this time around. No, instead Mature grabs him rather firmly by the throat, and slams him into the ground. Apparantly, Mature is favoring throws today. For all the good they do her, at least. Because even as he's slammed into the ground -- Rugal grins, widely.
"I hope that's not the best you have..."
Turnabout /is/ fair play though. So, when Mature let's go of Rugal, he leaps into the air. She seems intent on making this a close range match, and he won't disappoint her. Instead -- he keeps things nice and close, fists clenching in on themselves as his hands raise in the air, pressed together. Almost immediately, he swings his hands downward, to smash into the side of Mature's head.
COMBATSYS: Mature just-defends Rugal's Fierce Punch!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Mature 1/----===/=======|=======\-------\1 Rugal
Making purchase around his throat, the woman is swift to drop his feet out from underneath him with a quick swipe of her shoe at his ankles. Given slack, she thrusts forward, a slipshod thrust that sends him impacting against the concrete. It earns him a tiny grin, blue eyes widening briefly as he makes contact with the concrete.
"Oh no, no," she explains with a soft murmur. "I'm only getting started."
Pulling back and away, the woman steps back in a graceful motion, the long hem of her skirt flowing behind her. He, in turn, moves, rising up and lifting his hands, intent on slamming her harshly with a slam of his closed fists against her head. Blue eyes flicker to the side as the assault comes, and she lifts an arm, meeting the assault with equal force. What's worse? It's greater force.
Tossing his arm away, the blonde makes her move. Using that momentum the woman pivots on her heel again, letting her chi-laced nails swipe sharply through the air once more, those infamously long nails intent on cutting his midriff. Again.
COMBATSYS: Rugal reflects Metal Massacre from Mature with Dark Barrier.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Mature 1/-======/=======|=======\=------\1 Rugal
Now... this is starting to get vaguely /irritating/. Having not one, but two of his assaults brushed aside, Rugal's eyes narrow, normal and crimson taking a good look at the woman. She won't be able to do that next time. Oh no -- he'll make sure of that.
"Good! Perhaps you should see what your 'getting started' tastes like... personally."
She's coming at him with another attack. Only this time, he's prepared. As she comes toward him, his knees bend, crouching only slightly. She's using chi? Good. One hand /juts/ forward, emerald chi licking along his arm as it presents itself, palm-first, to Mature. And as soon as she presents that chi to him...
A broiling disk of emerald power bursts forth from his hand, /absorbing/ all that chi. And then... rechanneling it all directly into Mature without the slightest hesitation, to send her flying away from him, even as he straightens himself.
"There you are!"
This is, perhaps, a sudden change. Has he underestimated his secretary's ability? Or is he simply going easy on her? Whatever the choice he has made for the evening, the woman keep up with him for once. Thus as his eyes narrow she meets it with an equal expression. Baby blues narrow a touch, but rather than frown she offers the tiniest of smiles. She knows he's probably reaching his patience's limits.
And that's what excites her.
Whatever he says seems ignored as the woman assails him with her fingertips. However, unlike before, her attack isn't met with the rip and tear of cloth--instead fingertips claw into that green disk, absorbing her chi and plowing it right back into her. An audible 'oof' is issued as she's sent flying back. Midair, however, the woman's body twists and turns, allowing her to gracefully land a short distance away.
"Why, thank you," she says, lifting her fingers to her lips. Idly brushing them across her face, she lets her smile widen further. "Now let me give to you an expression of my gratitude."
Bursting forward like a blur, the blonde speeds forward like a bullet, long fingers seeking out his throat--again. But this time...
COMBATSYS: Mature successfully hits Rugal with Heaven's Gates.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Mature 0/-------/----===|=======\=====--\1 Rugal
This time the woman's hand secures itself around his thick neck, nails burying as deep as they can. He knows the drill--with a burst of speed the woman lunges forward and practically buries him into concrete with a fierce slam. Beneath the ground erupts in violet flame, and split-seconds later it merely erupts, a brilliant plume of violet Orochi-blessed energy consuming his form as she releases his neck and hops a short distance back and away.
Aaah, yes. He knows this one well, too. And though Mature flies at him, he makes the impression of dodging -- but he knows it is too fast. So he chooses to take it... and ACCEPT all that Orochi energy. That glorious power... he loves it. Every time the woman assaults him with it, it is no less impressive. It BURNS, it hurts, but not /nearly/ as much... as what is about to come.
Those plumes of violet chi erupt around him, engulf him, and for a while there is silence as smoke fills the crater that Rugal has been buried in. Silence, for the longest time. But Mature should know better than to assume that this has stopped her employed -- hardly.
In fact--
Rugal BURSTS out of the smoke, LAUGHING loudly as he /flies/ at his secretary, cocking a single hand back to /slam/ it right into the center of her chest with vicious suddeness.
COMBATSYS: Mature blocks Rugal's Jab Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Mature 0/-------/----===|=======\=====--\1 Rugal
Pulling back and away from potential harm, the Bernstein secretary stands her ground a good distance away from the point of impact. The silence that blankets itself up on the park is ominous and dreadful, a cold wind passing through the woman. Absently a hand lifts up, tucking errant blonde locks behind her ear.
His sudden assault is met with a soft blink, blue eyes widened only briefly before she lifts her arms up, letting that fist impact with her forearm. The laugh is met with something of a smile, blue eyes slivers as she peers up.
"That's the man I know," she replies, just before delivering a knee to his gut, followed by a turning kick aimed with the top of her foot at his face, intent on driving him to the side and ultimately away from her.
COMBATSYS: Rugal counters Heavy Kick from Mature with Omega Destruction.
[ \\ < > /////////////// ]
Mature 1/---====/=======|=------\-------\0 Rugal
Aaah. There she comes again. Rugal's arm jerks back as suddenly as it snapped forward, finding it's place at his side. The man Mature knows, eh...? Well, there's something different about him that she might not have noticed yet. Something she'll see...
As she finds the first of her assaults simply /stopped/ by a single hand gripping her knee.
"I'm afraid it's over."
And that is when Rugal's /other/ hand snakes forward to grab Mature by the front of her blouse. Yanking her forward, the next blows come with /remarkable/ swiftness, his form blurred and distorted by the amount of chi that crackles around him. He strikes Mature with a series of titanically strong, blindingly fast punches and kicks, all infused with energy all their own as they slam into the woman over, and over, and over again. The blows count fifteen total in the space of a second at the /most/, before Rugal crouches down...
And slams a polished shoe, powered by chi, straight into Mature's jaw.
Sent flying, Mature is greeted by Rugal a fraction of a second later, twisting through the air to slam a chi-empowered foot RIGHT into her gut, to send her crashing to the ground below.
There. That should do it.
Her words are soft, barely audible, save for the space between the two as they engage in combat. Smiling ever so faintly, the woman's words are followed by a sudden jut of her knee upward, intent on plowing straight into his sternum. However, the man has something new to show her.
Catching her knee with his hand, the woman's eyes blink once, eyeing the gloved hand that grips her leg. A beat, and those eyes lift, peering at the man with mild disbelief. It's only after she's snagged by the shirt and pulled into the fray, a serious of intensely painful strikes delivered in record time. She does little more than take the punishment, unable to really fight back in the wake of such a ruthless onslaught.
The final blow cuts into her jaw, a vicious crack resounding as she's tossed into the air. Only then does she attempt to breath, but is cut short at the sight of the imposing man nearby. She doesn't bother trying to move--she can't. Wracked with pain the blow connects violently slamming into her stomach and sending her into the ground beneath her, a morbid halo of broken concrete left in the wake of her impact.
For a moment the woman is still. Blue eyes remain shut, her expression one of macabre serenity. There's a silence that falls upon the park, much like the peaceful calm that lingers at the helm of a storm. That's when the woman's blue eyes snap open and she rises from the ground beneath her. Those eyes make purchase on his striking form and she tears off, intent on delivering a series of violent slashes and slicing motions to his chest before sealing the final motion with a burst of chi-laced wind energy.
COMBATSYS: Mature can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/------=|
COMBATSYS: Rugal fails to interrupt Nocturnal Lights from Mature with Random Weapon.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/----===|
Well now... that should be it. Rugal is intent to walk towards Mature to help her up... save she does it very well be herself. There is a brief -- very brief moment of surprise as the woman rushes at him, intent on slicing him to ribbons. From the darkness, Rodem rushes forward again -- but sadly too late. Those blows all connect, but... Mature might be able to see, the most they do are send small amounts of blood dribbling down extremely shallow wounds. The burst of chi? Sends him staggering back, but not flying back. By and large, Rugal is fine. Mature though? Likely is not.
Before she can collapse, however, a single arm snaps forward to grab her and lift her. Easily enough, and if there is no struggle, Rugal will carry the Orochi secretary off with him, his black panther following behind his footsteps.
"Well then, you were fairly entertaining. We will get you washed up, and then... I believe I remember a certain piece of jewelry you've been wanting, hm?"
COMBATSYS: Rugal takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/----===|
COMBATSYS: Rugal has ended the fight here.
Help is unnecessary. Instead the woman finds a burst of newfound strength in her blood, the pulse of that Orochi-tainted energy bringing her to her feet and ultimately sending her rushing at the man in red, her intent seemingly to kill him. Her employer. The man that cuts her checks, to whom she has more or less wholly devoted herself to.
The panther emerges, but its assault is too little too late. Instead she strikes the daunting R leader, each slash and cut connecting fiercely with newfound intensity before she hops back and sends that familiar arc of blue chi barreling at him. Staggering but not felled, the man stands his ground. Mature?
With a loud exhale of air from her lungs the woman falls to her knees. Or so one would suspect, had he not been considerate enough to catch her.
Hefted, the woman is considerably lax, barely conscious as she's carted off. "Mmn," is the reply he's bestowed, baby blues drawing to a shut. Jewelry? However nice, she's more grateful to still be breathing, however shallow her breath may be. Others have not been so lucky.
Log created by Mature, and last modified on 23:08:00 01/16/2006.