Description: A Kyokugen user, secretary and two crime lords walk into a bar...
The lights brighten in the auditorium as the final bidding war comes to an end, bringing the auction to a close. Not just any auction, but an international affair where only prominantly wealthy business figures were invited to attend. Was Robert one of them? No, but his father was, and guess whose allowance was blackmailed to attending in his stead? Garcia Junior stalks down the aisle in a penguin suit, just glad that it's finally over. Vases, silverware, famous paintings...really, he couldn't care less about this crap. Now, if they were auctioning off any sportscars? *Then* maybe that would be another issue. Stepping out into the crisp, clean air of the night, Robert chances a glance around and begins making his way to the parking deck. He still has a few hours to go before his flight is sheduled to depart, but he has better things to do than spend his time with a stuffy bunch of old folks who would happily spend millions bidding on some prehistoric dentures.
Auctions are more of a place for the rich to gather and to hobnob, to look for prospective opportunities to expand business while, at the same time, pretending they care about obnoxiously expensive vases that were made by a senile old man out of nothing more than clay. It is also a place for young men to go when forced to by their overbearing fathers, when threatened to lose their precious, precious money. Rugal? Could care less for most of these things offered at the auction. Of course, his cohort, one secretary by the name of Mature, might not. And that was why she was brought with him to this little event. But more than anything... this was a time to look for opportunities.
There are more bad apples amongst the rich than anywhere else, after all.
Surprisingly, Bernstein is not dressed in his usual crimson attire tonight. Instead, he is dressed in all black with a fine, red silk tie. A suit much like his crimson one, and of course the cumberbund that blends in rather well with the whole of the outfit. He is leaving, intent on simply returning to the Black Noah to finish off some paperwork. Except... except.
He sees someone of notable interest as he heads towards the parking deck. And a small smile creeps over his lips.
"Ah, Mr. Garcia! What a coincidence." One he's sure Robert will be /most/ pleased about.
Whatever reason the rich and powerfully wealthy may have for coming to an auction of all places is beyond Mature. Frankly she prefers to spend her time (and money) in high dollar malls and boutiques, ordering fine custom threads and otherwise spending obnoxious amounts on unnecessary things.
Still, Mature feels compelled to accompany mister Bernstein on his little escapade this evening, following him in tow like a very well-dressed shadow. Black, like always, is the color of choice for a particularly flattering silk gown with spaghetti straps that lace neatly at the back. Like always the blonde keeps her hair immaculately pulled back in an overly-priced fancy clip, her make up equally impressive. Truly she is the spitting image of arm candy.
Nothing of particular note stood out to the woman, though such is beside the point. Following by her employer, the woman only stops to look up from the ground before her attention is drawn by Rugal's voice. "What?" she asks rather quietly, blinking in mild confusion before following his eyes to the Italian man in question. Pursing her lips faintly, the blonde's expression is very mildly annoyed at best. "Oh, him."
After spending several weeks on a remote island in Indonesia, mingling with high society is not exactly what Kain most wanted to do upon his return. Still, he does have responsibilities to take care of in order to maintain his business contacts. And he /was/ able to pick up a rather nice painting that struck his fancy. The woman pictured in it bears a rather striking resemblance to Marie Heinlein, which is one incentive. And then, it never hurts to remind people that you have money to waste on such things, when they know it's because you have a lot /more/ money that you aren't wasting.
Kain mingles briefly with people as the auction ends, standing out from the crowd in his white tuxedo, with a cummerbund and trim of a blue shade that match his normal suit. More than a few of the people he speaks to seem a bit nervous when talking to him. That's understandable though, considering just how much power the young German wields. Still, scaring the herd does get rather boring, and it seems that someone more interesting is in attendance. Spotting Rugal and his secretary, Kain begins making his way over toward them, brushing off the attempts of one man to get his attention. Yes, yes, his earnings were a bit short this last quarter. A quick reminder that he /will/ come up with the money somehow (or else), sends the man scurrying off, allowing Kain to resume his approach. As for Robert... He's vaguely familiar, but Kain is rather more interested in Bernstein.
The whole social function aspect was more than likely the whole point of sending Garcia to the event, but there's still a little too much brat in the Italian for him to have been able to pick up on it. No, Robert just wants to get this over with and get back to Japan...he had been hoping that he'd be able to pick up some expensive article here to bring back and impress Yuri with, but Robert knows better than to bring Yuri of all people pottery. It doesn't how expensive the price tag is, it'll be the first thing to break the next time she throws a temper tantrum after discovering dear ol' dad has cancelled her credit card. ...And since Robert will be the first person she'll turn to for mall runs afterwards anyway, he might as well skip out on that first expense.
Naturally, Bernstein's timing is perfect. No sooner than thirty seconds after the young man's face draws into a smile at the thought of Kyokugen tail does he blanche at the sound of Rugal's voice. Quickly regaining his composure, he makes a point to stand just a *little* taller as he circles on his heels with the most sincere of smiles on his face! "Ah, Mr..." Cue card? Someone? He's had the sense to do some asking around since he was rather mercilessly put through the wall of that restaurant, but he doesn't have the name fresh on his memory. "...Bernsteen, is it?" Pronunciation is a bit off. Exactly what you would expect from some rich man's son forced into attending a social gathering, but whether or not the slip was on purpose he just keeps smiling. "A pleasant surprise to find you and your assistant here. You certainly do get around." Seethe. Seethe seethe SEETHE. It's all he can do to contain his ire for having been *defeated*. Kain? Too focused on restraining said ire into such a convincing smile to take note of someone noticably younger than the old fogeys.
As for Mature? He eyes her briefly. Enough to cause undue annoyance he hopes, before looking back to Rugal. It wouldn't be proper to address her directly, after all.
Well, perhaps if Robert didn't take time out of his schedule to concern himself with the cares of girls, he would be a touch bit stronger. What a pity.
Because right now, Rugal doesn't see the man as anything much more than an amusement.
/Entertaining/ is Robert's 'forgetting' of Rugal's name, enough so that the man gives a good-natured laugh, waving a gloved hand through the air dismissively. "Bernstein, boy. Rugal Bernstein. Apparantly..." His lips curl up into a smile that is all too pleasant, enough so that it cannot be considered anything other than mocking. "... those blows you took to the head when I beat you into the ground are affecting your memory. I apologize." Robert wants to play the 'pleasant' card? Then Rugal will just have to be pleasantly mocking.
"I think it's more surprising to see a man like yourself here today, Mr. Garcia! I would think you'd be more concerned about chasing women or, perhaps, getting stronger. But I see I was quite wrong in that assumption." Bernstein gives a helpless shrug, before giving a glance towards Mature. "We were simply here to catch up with... old friends." And, speaking of. Rugal catches a glimpse of someone familiar, someone in distinctive white, out of the corner of his eye. ... Aah.
"Kain. What a pleasure." At at least this time, he is sincere.
Meanwhile the shortest of the gathered three stands quietly at the much taller Bernstein's side, blue eyes fixed on the likes of Robert. While the pleasantries between Robert and Rugal are sarcastic and meant to offend, the secretary merely observes, ever the taciturn lady. She says nothing; instead she lets her eyes speak volumes for her. She really dislikes this Garcia kid, for he has committed grave sins against her. No one grabs her leg in such a crude manner. No one.
Silently brooding, Mature keeps her mouth shut for the most part. Rugal offends him enough with his chiding, and frankly his associate sees no reason to dive into it. It would be rude of her to interrupt her employer in such a fashion. Thus do baby blue eyes draw to a close, lips pulling in a thin line across her soft face. Acknowledge her? Good thing he doesn't. She wouldn't want him to anyway.
Only do her eyes open when Rugal speaks, welcoming the newly-arrived Heinlein into the mix. She regards him with a soft nod, politely bowing her head to the man with the faintest of smiles. Pleasantries are spared only for those who do not earn her ire.
Lifting her chin arrogantly, the blonde focuses her attention on Heinlein, head held high as she offers a faint smile. Secretly she's seething--still. One look at her eyes gives it away. Those eyes? They're currently glaring aside at Robert. "..."
Being able to take in the emotional context of a gathering in a matter of moments is always a useful talent. A quick glance at everyone's eyes gives Kain the basic layout of the situation, even if Robert and Rugal aren't being quite as obvious as Mature. That having been taken care of, Kain simply fords ahead anyway, paying it little heed. There's no particular goal to be had from attempting to manipulate anyone here... Not yet, anyway.
"Ah, Rugal. Wonderful to see you again." A nod is also given to Mature. Unlike Vice, she doesn't seem to have any personal problems with Kain, at least so far as he's aware. Some of that anger might be directed at him, of course... He has empathic senses, but he's not a mindreader. "And this is Mr.... Garcia, if I heard correctly? Would that be Robert Garcia, of the Garcia Foundation?" Kain may not recognize Robert's face, but he does keep himself up to date on the various movers and shakers in the business world. The question is slightly less than enthusiastic, however. Considering the rather more 'direct' nature of Kain's recent dealings, mingling with businesspeople is a bit boring, really. On the other hand, Kain isn't up to his elbows in blood here, and that's good. It'd totally ruin his tuxedo.
Pleasant, oh yes. To a fault. Perhaps Robert did forget Rugal's name, or perhaps it was he that set the precedent for pleasantly mocking this evening, but he'd tell anyone else that it's the latter. (which naturally means that he honestly forgot) In any case, the day Robert *stops* chasing Yuri's tail will be when he lies cold and lifeless ten feet under. ...Not that this should be interpreted as a clinical remedy that needs acting on, mind you.
But yes, smile. SMILE. Robert can play this game quite well, and it seems that he's content to continue verbally sparring for the time being. "Ah yes, I imagine that would be the case! My sincerest apologies. As for chasing women..." He notes Mature's *glare*, and offers her a glimpse at his pearly whites. " much as your darling assistant seems to enamoured to the contrary, one is enough for me, really." Wait, he hasn't dug deep enough yet. "And of course, *no offense intended*, but she's just a bit too endearingly maternal for my taste." Oooh~, he just politely called Mature old and baggy. DISS.
"That aside, I assure you that fighting remains one of my passions." As well as driving really fast in expensive cars on weekends. Okay, so he's a bit of a slacker. "But unfortunately, the family business does come first, and my father thought it would be a good experience for me to attend this" The facade gives briefly, his lip visibly twisting. Apparently his immense boredom with the last few hours is enough to push him past the point of giving.
At last, the younger Garcia is given a welcome distraction, looking with genuine interest to Kain as Rugal addresses him with a welcoming tone. Interesting...Robert isn't immature enough to not overlook little things like with whom his antagonists associate with. More surprising is the fact that this gentleman seems to know of him. "I was, the last time I looked in mirror. To whom do I have the pleasure of speaking with?" Yeah, he doesn't know, he doesn't *quite* have the worldly attention span of you supervillains. If you have a problem with that, you know where you can bite him.
This is a song and dance both Robert and Rugal should know very well. Pay close attention...
This is how rich people fight.
Of course, this is all a matter of entertainment for Rugal. The second it stops being entertaining, is the very second that it ends. This is no battle as much as it is an attempt to see what buttons he can push of Robert's to get a reasonable reaction from the man. He'll continue to test, for a while longer. As it stands, however--
"Ah, Mature? She's /quite/ enamored with you Mr. Garcia. I'm sure she'd like to show you how much, as well."
The context could mean anything, but Robert should know the truth behind Rugal's words well enough. Let's see if he goes with it. But, Robert's other, subtle, insults of Mature go without any word by Rugal. After all... that's her battle. He /assumes/ she is strong enough to fight it.
Fighting, however, is something he can comment on. "Judging by your performance, I have to admit I am rather surprised you consider it a /passion/, Mr. Garcia. But of course, I suppose it's only natural..." Rugal idly adjusts his suit, slips both hands into his pockets, "... if you can't manage to be reasonably strong as well as manage business matters as well." Of course. What a pity.
"I would not have thought you would come to an event like this, Kain." His attention now focused on the other blonde, Rugal cants his head to the side idly. Though he imagines... Kain's here for the same reasons /he/ is. "It has been quite a while. Off on business, I imagine?" What kind of business, goes unquestioned. He doesn't need to ask; Bernstein imagines he has a reasonable idea.
Standing as solid as ageless oak, Mature remains quite withdrawn from most, if all, of the conversation currently flittering about between the three wealthy men. Instead she stands in silence, hands woven together and held steadily against her thigh. Red lips are pulled ever so tightly across her face, an expression of suppressed animosity, clearly. Still, the blonde does damn well to keep her emotions for really getting the better of her. She is a master of the poker face.
Blue eyes still remain focused on Garcia as he speaks, and narrow dangerously the moment he opens his mouth and regards her. Enamored, by the likes of Robert? Hardly. But oh, he had to go and remark about her age didn't he? Angry blue eyes SNAP to Rugal in response, her lips tightly pulled over her face by this point. Any further and they might just tear off.
Show him how much she's enamored with the man? "Hold this," she says, stepping around Rugal and slapping her expensive Gucci purse against the much taller man's chest. Sharp, very expensive heels click-click-click as she crosses the smooth pavement to approach the Garcia kid. For all the seeming hostility she wields, Mature is considerably calm, cool and very much collected. Kain and Rugal? Their conversation is none of her concern.
"Hello," she says, coming dangerously close to Robert, going so far as to invade his personal space with a tiny smile oozing its way across her lips. "I would be more than delighted to show you just how far my affections for you stretch. Would you do me the honors of dancing with me on this lovely, moonlit night?" inclining further, Mature just lingers about in that personal space, and doesn't look like she has any intentions of moving just yet.
Kain nods to Rugal with a faint grin. "Yes, business has been picking up, of late." He then looks back to Robert, still smiling. "Ah, where are my manners? Kain Heinlein, at your service." Well, not really. But that's the kind of thing that's said in polite society. And 'at your service' is less rude than 'and I want to see if you're worthy of continued life'. At least, in certain social circles.
Glancing at his watch for a moment, Kain looks over his shoulder back toward where the auctioneers were standing, and where people are making arrangements to pay for their new acquisitions and have them delivered. "A pleasure running into all of you, but I'm afraid I have some business to attend to, and then a flight to catch. A pity, as I'm sure we have plenty of things to catch up on." He grins at Rugal, a quick spark of purple flame appearing around one of his hands for a moment. "Until we meet again, Mr. Bernstein. Mr. Garcia." Kain gives a quick nod to Robert, then turns in Mature's direction and sketches a quick bow toward her. "Madam." And then he's off to deal with the boring matters of payment and shipping.
Does Robert conede defeat to Rugal's taunting? He *was* pointedly focussed on Mature a moment ago, almost as if he had turned his barbs to her for lack of ground to fight on, it's her turn to go off the radar for a moment, as bristling as she is. Making more pleasant conversation as she reacts so delightfully to his baiting! The boy has talent. "Oh, you kidder, Mr. Bernstein! You should know better than to compare yourself to a young upstart like myself! Of course there's no way I could hope to bridge infinite gap of time that stands between us at this point in my life, but you flatter me to suggest so. Perhaps after I've become a little more travelworn like yourself." Insult turned to barbed compliment, check. Old fart? Double check. Finally he can deal with the more pleasant one again.
On second thought, Mature isn't pleasant to be around at all really (eyecandy aside), but he does enjoy her presance remarkably - simply because she reacts so well to him so well. She does a remarkable job of controlling herself again once she makes her approach, but it's the little bits that shine through...the initial bulge of her eyes, the roughness with which she slaps her purse into her employer's chest...that proves such a source of entertainment. Pointedly ignoring her as she does so, he offers a cheerily contained wave to Kain, "Perhaps another time, Mr. Heinlein." Yeesh, all of these foreign sounding names. At last, he's left alone with Rugal and Mature. ...How thrilling. He has more pressing matters to concern himself with of course, like the woman who threatens to almost press up against *him* with her proximity. He does take a step back, which might at first seem to suggest that he's troubled by it...but he merely begins unfastening his vest, folding it and setting it on the trunk of the expensive looking car behind him. Loosening the top two buttons of is collar, he takes one step forward and extends his hand to Mature like a gentleman. "But of course, the pleasure is ALL mine." Or at least he intends it to be, because he plans to win. <3
COMBATSYS: Robert has started a fight here.
COMBATSYS: Mature has joined the fight here.
COMBATSYS: Rugal has joined the fight here on the left meter side.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Mature 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Robert
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/-------|
Oh my. It seems that Robert has come back at Rugal with yet another thrilling insult. Bernstein takes a moment to consider this, tapping a finger to his chin lightly... before his head tilts towards Garcia. "Age doesn't mean an increase in skill, Mr. Garcia! What a naive notion. No wonder you've only gone so far!" There's a short, friendly laugh at that, shaking his head as he turns to face Robert fully. "Did you think just by getting older you'd get stronger? Perhaps no one has told you... but you'll only get weaker, thinking like that! Sadly... it seems the process has already begun." He'd continue, but...
He is having a purse slapped against his chest.
There is a moment, when Bernstein archs his brow. He takes a slow look at Mature, considering her with mild curiosity as she makes her way towards the Kyokugen user. "Now now... don't let your temper get to you." It's whispered before she gets too far away. A friendly bit of advice for his trusted secretary. But for now... he'll simply watch.
Attention turns to Kain as he departs, briefly. "We will have to schedule a meeting, Mr. Heinlein! It has been far, far too long!" But it will simply have to wait. For now, he has an interesting little scuffle to watch. Which he does, with all due interest, lips curling up into a smile less than pleasant.
The sound advice offered by her employer is met briefly with an exhale, soft but thin red lips parting in annoyance. She's not as mad as she could be and can be, this Bernstein knows. Still, she offers the man her purse and steps forward with a purpose. That purpose? To get right in Robert's face and stand him down with the tiniest of cruel smiles she can muster up for him.
Unfortunately for mister Heinlein, Mature's attentions are anything but focused on him. He offers a parting bow to the blonde, which only earns him a brief side-glance a best, if simply to acknowledge him. After all, Mature's currently occupying Garcia's territory, and for this lack of courtesy she'll simply have to grace mister Heinlein with her presence at another time.
There in the close proximity does Mature crook her head slightly, blue eyes drawing half-shut as she peers. The secretary lets him try to get to her by ignoring her for the interim, offering a parting gesture to the other blonde present. Does it bother her? Not in the least.
Ultimately the man steps back, peeling off the vest and setting it aside on a nearby car. The blonde offers a light grin, long fingers rising up and resting gently at the side of her face in delight. "What a man," she coos idly, shaking her head softly. "But I insist that as a gentleman you go first. By all means, darling." For now the woman just watches him--closely. She was never really one to throw the first punch. It's very uncouth of a woman of her caliber.
COMBATSYS: Mature focuses on her next action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Mature 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Robert
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/-------|
It's just a shame that Robert doesn't show any sign of discomfort under all of that pressure. You want female terror? He courts it. The Italian just keeps *smiling* in that friendly fashion as Mature feigns flattery. He got over her being a chick a quarter of the way into the first fight. Last time he was on a recorded event, and he didn't want Yuri's lip if he went too rough on her. Now...? This little grudge match can be settled. And, of course, he intends to start it off right and in a very fitting way. "Oh, thank you! But of course, as we both know by now...looks can be quite DECEIVING." Robert simply twists in what looks like the startup of a roundhouse, but instead he continues into the motion into a full reversal with a folded knee; only then does his leg snap out like lightning towards her face. Typically he saves that for halfway through. This time he has a message to send. Whether or not the blow connects, he draws back into his Dragon stance, hands at the ready. "We've come to learn quite a bit about each other over time, don't you think?"
COMBATSYS: Robert successfully hits Mature with Ryuuhan Shuu.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Mature 0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0 Robert
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/-------|
Whatever wet rat Robert calls a 'lady' and courts is none of the Bernstein secretary's concern. What IS her concern is this Italian stallion and his intent on trying to drive her into being outright irritated with him. Sadly he won't get that far. There's precious little in this world that truly ruffles the likes of Mature. Robert is not one of them--but he does get under her skin.
The motions are made, the sound of fabric rustling on the wind catching the woman's ear. When she goes to lift her arms and defend herself from the onslaught he crashes straight THROUGH her defenses and smacks her in the face with his expensive shoe. Sent reeling back, the woman in Prada pumps puts a hand to her jaw and rubs it idly, blue eyes slitted. Her expression is neutral, regardless of the offending kick.
"I've learned more about you than I'd like to readily admit," Mature replies coolly, letting her posture straighten up a touch more, her stance lax and casual at best. "I can't say honestly enjoy the company and time we've spent together. All this rough stuff, and you haven't even bought me dinner yet."
Making her move, Mature tears off for the Kyokugen fighter, heels rapidly clicking against cold concrete before she comes to a stop, planting a foot harshly--but carefully enough not to snap the heel. With a scoop of curled, chi-laced fingers and nails she seeks to rake her nails across his chest. "People might start talking."
COMBATSYS: Mature successfully hits Robert with Metal Massacre.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Mature 0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0 Robert
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/-------|
Well, that certainly didn't have the intended effect. She seemed furious when he *tried* to hit her here, but that reaction is nothing compared to what he got in return - resignation to dealing with a pest. That interferes with his game quite a bit, as his next calculated response after a connection was to nimbly land on his kicking foot and dance away from whatever her enraged response would be. A cool head was not expected, and that's exactly what sees her nails through to home in spite of his show of agility. Nails dig in further than he would have preferred, tearing his white shirt into red-stained ribbons with a flick of her wrist. Robert covers for a grimace with a flash of grinning teeth; he's taken far worse than that, but that isn't to say it was beyond appreciating. So, this is how the showdown is to be? Well. The shirt is ruined anyway, so he simply rips the remains off and casts them aside. It offers no protection anyway, and he doesn't want to increase the chance of infection from the fabric - who knows where those nails of hers have been, at the very least they're covered in very fine salon poisons!
"I wouldn't worry about that.", the young man assures as he takes a deep breath and returns to his measured stance. "They'd have to see us together first, and I don't think we'd be caught dead in each other's company publicly. Exhibition matches barring." Calm, collected, awesome lines. You're so cool, Bobby. Feel the awesome, let it empower you further.
COMBATSYS: Robert gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Mature 0/-------/----===|=======\-------\0 Robert
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/-------|
Perhaps once before she was furious. Since then the duo has broken the ice, so to speak. She expects him--like most fighters--to go right FOR the face, as opposed to being courteous and hitting elsewhere, like the stomach. Thus the woman does little more than rub the soreness with a delicate hand, eyeing the man with the least bit of malice. At first she was upset. Now that they're fighting she has plenty a way to vent her frustrations.
Like gutting him with her nails. Tearing through cloth and flesh with an audible rip, the woman's eyes widen briefly, the familiar feel of blood doing well to briefly delight her. Hopping back and away most daintily, Mature flicks her hand to the side, to dismiss from her long, slender fingers what hints of blood linger on their tips. That aside and out of her way, Mature looks up, crooking her head to one side as he tears his shirt free. Is he trying to impress? The woman seems deadpan, like always.
"You're actually right about one thing, mister Garcia," Mature quips back, red lips pulling into a faint but brief smirk. "There's only one way I would want to have my hands on your body, and that's with a nice, closed fist to your face, my dear!" Looking to make good on her promise of sorts, Mature lunges in as he stands his ground, spidery fingers intent on--not punching. They go for the belt, intent on making purchase on cloth and sending him skidding nice and painfully along concrete with his bare backside.
COMBATSYS: Robert blocks Mature's Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Mature 0/-------/----===|=======\-------\1 Robert
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/-------|
Wait, wait. What? First she talks about not wanting to touch him anywhere but his face with a fist, *then* her hand proceeds to dart straight for his pants? "Think before you SPEAK!", is Garcia's reply as his arms twist to meet hers in a deadlock that wrenches his arm slightly but does little else. "Firstly I never said anything about *wanting* any of your 'special services'. Secondly, after saying that, why are you dead set on giving them to me anyway??" Taking advantage of the proximity, Robert lunges forward in a series of four kicks, meant to clear his personal space and distance her again. After all, that's his other hobby you know. Kicking Mature's boobies.
COMBATSYS: Robert successfully hits Mature with Flying Whirlwind Kick.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Mature 0/-------/-======|=======\=------\1 Robert
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/-------|
The blonde secretary reaches for his pants, but far from a way he's assuming she wants to grab him in. Instead, however, those long fingers are met with nothing but his arm, blocking the woman's advances. She blinks once in an owlish fashion before her lips curl slightly, head idly tilting to one side. "You think far too highly of yourself, mister Garcia," she coos, puckering her lips idly before she softly chuckles.
Breaking her arm away the woman seeks to put SOME distance between them. Sadly it results in him having the advantage, and with it his four kicks put the distance he seeks between them. Again she staggers back, a hand clutching her chest and mindfully adjusting the top of her nice dress.
"That's hardly the way to get your way into a woman's top," she warns, blue eyes narrowed as fingers curl around her neckline and reposition the silk material. How uncouth and barbaric.
Moving swiftly with the hem of her long black dress trailing behind her, Mature seeks to regain that lost distance between them, violating the personal space he had once before and deliver two kicks--a light knee to his gut before she draws it in tightly and issues a second kick to the chest to knock him back.
COMBATSYS: Robert interrupts Light Kick from Mature with Ryuugeki Ken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Mature 1/------=/=======|=======\==-----\1 Robert
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/-------|
The jagged edge of Mature's heel connects with Robert's stomach, but the second doesn't quite make it. This would have a great deal to do with the fact that her lunge is met by his outstretched palm thrusting towards her collar. It might seem an innocent enough threat in and of themselves before they ignite with orange chi - too late for any reconsideration of strategy to be made. The forward momentum slams right into the orb of chi, which proceed to blast her right back out his immediate proximity. Dusting his hands off from a distance, Robert dryly inquires, "Is that any better? Or am I still being too delicate?"
The first assault makes its mark, plowing nicely into the man's gut. A smirk barely registers on her lips, but she's given reason to pause as he simply catches her off her guard with a thrust of his palm toward her neckline. Blinking is all she has time to do--moments later it erupts in orange chi and sends her flying back. But, being a proper lady, she spins mid-flight and lands a distance away on her expensive heels, arms folding across her chest.
"A little," she replies with equal dryness. "But I'm still not impressed, mister Garcia. Some girls prefer their partners a little rough."
She takes a moment to go over her appearance, adjusting her long dress in the right places before she assumes a casual stance, long fingers drawing up and ultimately drawing long blonde bangs briefly from her face. "Are you ready?" she asks. "Watch carefully, now!"
With a sprint the blonde tears off like a streak, only pausing to crouch low and spring into the air overhead, intent on slashing a long gash of chi-laced fingers through his shoulders and neckline.
COMBATSYS: Robert blocks Mature's Despair.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Mature 1/------=/=======|=======\===----\1 Robert
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/-------|
Robert times the airborne strike and takes a single step back, the edge of the chi grazing the side of his neck but doing little else. Hooking his hands into his pockets, Robert leans forward slightly towards Mature once she touches down and turns to face him once more, head tilted to the side. "...You know, I've had hickeys which sting worse than that. I can tell you were trying to get a message needs a little work though. I did get the overall idea though!" Sprinting forward, hands still in his pockets, he rushes forward and with another kick aimed at Mature's face - but that's only the start. Rugal knows this one. It begins and a simple kick but he keeps going with the forward momentum, leaping forward and beginning a midair series of nine kicks before touching down and performing a reverse backflip meant to launch her away. You want rough? Compared to earlier, this is a full massage! <3
COMBATSYS: Mature dodges Robert's Muei Shippuu Juudan Kyaku.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Mature 1/------=/=======|==-----\-------\0 Robert
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/-------|
Leaping and soaring briefly above the Italian, Mature's form twists as she swipes a hand down fiercely, intent on drawing more blood. Instead he simply steps back, letting the breeze of her chi-laced winds graze his neck, but does little more than merely that. Landing behind him, she folds her arms against, smiling ever so faintly as he faces her.
"Is that true?" she asks, looking vaguely amused. "And pray tell what idea would this be? Tell me, mister Garcia," He makes his move, and so too does the woman. Eyes flicker wide briefly, watching his footwork closely. Just before he connects that expensive shoe to her face she steps out of the way, a blur of black as she sidesteps and appears beside him. Leaning forward she murmurs, "Tell me just what that message is."
Again does she try to take advantage of the close proximity they share, Mature looks to grab Garcia by his pants--yet again--and slam him rather unceremoniously against the concrete. "I'm aching to know!" Literally. But she won't admit that much.
COMBATSYS: Robert dodges Mature's Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Mature 1/------=/=======|==-----\-------\0 Robert
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/-------|
Well, she wanted to dance, right? That seems to be exactly what is happening here. Just as she reads his movements and compensates for them, so too does Robert immediately read that second attempt at his belt for what it is and sidestep out of the way. Taking a few steps back, a dark eyebrow of his quirks. "...By all accounts, it would appear to be 'don't touch the merchandise' for both of us. Hmm." Crossing his arms, he contemplates the situation, watching her coooly as he stokes his inner furnace again.
COMBATSYS: Robert focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Mature 1/------=/=======|==-----\-------\0 Robert
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/-------|
Long fingers fail to grasp onto the hem of Robert's slacks, and for the failed effort she's left with empty air between her fingers. A soft chuckle rises from the woman, her fingers rising up to rest delicately at the side of her cheek, lips pulled into the tiniest of smiles. "Oh no no, you mistake me, mister Garcia," she corrects, arms dropping from her side as she begins to pace, idly circling around him. "You can touch me if you'd really like to...however, I'm afraid I'd have to kill you afterwards. A pity."
Thus does she extend an arm out, fingers curling idly, a gesture for him to come. "Are you a gambling man, mister Garcia?" The smile widens a scant touch, blue eyes narrowing just a touch before her features resume that same expressionless fashion she's notorious for.
COMBATSYS: Mature focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Mature 1/------=/=======|==-----\-------\0 Robert
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/-------|
Robert draws a single coin from his pocket, idly flippint it into the air and catching it with an outstretched fist. "Yes, actually! But you see, there's one little oversight on your part..." Drawing his arms together in that now-familiar fashion of his, crossing them, a visible haze of orange chi begins to be light the air around him. "...the gamble has to be worth the risk. You asked for a dance, and you're getting one alright, but I'm the one who is going to come out of this on top." The aura briefly blazes into flames before dieing down and fading away. "Ladies first. But I won't keep you waiting any longer if you insist."
COMBATSYS: Robert gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Mature 1/------=/=======|======-\-------\0 Robert
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/-------|
"Oh, you are?" she asks, feigning interest with a slight widening of her baby blues and a pucker of her lips. Lifting her chin a touch, the blonde offers a weak smirk, eyes drawing elsewhere as he speaks of her oversight. Long, bare arms fold across her bosom, blue eyes closing as she merely listens. Even as he gathers his chi and focuses the woman seems anything but impressed.
"I did ask for a dance. I can't say I'm disappointed in what you've shown me so far, darling." A hand outstretches, long fingers curling, beckoning him to come before it rises overhead, accompanied by the other. Touching softly at the wrists, she lets her eyes narrow slightly, focused on his face as the smile grows a touch. "Please, don't disappoint me."
That's when her arms descend, a wide arc of blue chi energy and razor-like wind barreling for the Italian, intent on plowing into his chest and send him knocking back--painfully.
COMBATSYS: Robert blocks Mature's Ebony Tears.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Mature 1/-----==/=======|=======\-------\1 Robert
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/-------|
...Figures. Make him work for it, a real woman alright. Off he goes, raising up his arms as cuts through the edge of the wave of energy. Unfortunately, this means that he's shooting in the dark now. And what does Robert do when he's shooting in the dark? That's right! He twists his torso sideways in that familiar darting punch of his, but instead of aiming it at Mature's face as per usual (he already got that lick in, duh), he aims straight for the collarbone. He doesn't just stop there of course, but by that point his opponent is doubtlessly already reacting to his closure of distance...the rest will have to wait until he has a good shot.
COMBATSYS: Mature blocks Robert's Jab Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Mature 1/-----==/=======|=======\-------\1 Robert
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/-------|
Of course. Mature isn't about to just give it to him so easily--victory, that is. If he wants it, he'll have to earn it. For now she'll just make it as difficult for him as she possibly can.
Shrugging off her assault, the blonde drops her arms to her sides, resting them gently on her curvy hips. A smile lingers there, daring to widen more than usual as he seeks to close in the distance and smack her in the collarbone. That's when she moves--lifting her hands, the woman catches him by the wrist, blue eyes snapping up. The other hand? Lifting from her side, she wags a finger from side to side.
"Now now," she lightly chides. "You have to earn the privilege of going there first."
With her hand around his wrist, Mature lunges forward, intent on driving her knee straight into his midsection in a harsh, rather sudden knee thrust.
COMBATSYS: Robert dodges Mature's Heavy Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Mature 1/-----==/=======|=======\-------\1 Robert
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/-------|
Come on. You knew it was coming. What does Robert do?!
Come on, guess. You'll never get it right in a million years. Wait, what's that you say...? Grab her by the leg?
"Now put your right foot in..." Mature may have picked up a trick from him by grabbing onto his wrist like that and using it to impede his motion, but he does one better by sidestepping her knee and grabbing it with his other hand! "...Your right foot out..." o/~ Oh god, no, he isn't. "...Right foot in..." His left leg, appropriately, raises. "...And shake it all about...!" Concentrating briefly, his leg suddenly blurs as he tries to assail her with a torrent of thirteen kicks. Yes, to the tune of the Hokey Pokey.
Because, verily I say, 'tis what it's all about.
COMBATSYS: Robert successfully hits Mature with Gen'ei Kyaku.
[ \\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Mature 1/-======/=======|=======\=------\1 Robert
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/-------|
Mature's leg swiftly rises from the ground, intent on slamming itself rather harshly into the Garcia boy's midsection. fails to connect to flesh, meeting instead with his hand snakes out and snags her leg. Briefly she offers a faint expression of disbelief, blinking once again before she glances to the side. "What the..?" What the hell is he doing? what she'd say, were she not so utterly...well, disgusted.
"Let me go, you swine," she hisses, doing well to pin a hand down on the hemline of her dress. Most women would probably slap him by now--but he's about to hurt her. Lots. That's why she moves suddenly when he lifts that leg, attempting to block him and ultimately pull herself away. Unfortunately it fails; his kicks are fast, a violent blur that slams repeatedly into the woman. On the thirteenth she sags briefly, trying to catch her breath and looking...well, a touch worse for wear.
He wants closeness? Fine. With one last ounce of strength the woman blurs, seeking to grab the Italian by his skull and bury fingers deeply into his scalp. Should it succeed? Well, she'll show him just what happens when you touch her legs.
COMBATSYS: Mature can no longer fight.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Rugal 0/-------/-------|=======\=------\1 Robert
COMBATSYS: Mature successfully hits Robert with Heaven's Gates.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Rugal 0/-------/-------|=======\=====--\1 Robert
For all his attempts the woman's fingers make purchase on his scalp, nails biting like teeth as she grabs hold. That's all she needs; she doesn't even bother dragging him like usual. Instead she just lifts him up briefly with surprising strength and slams him violently into the ground below, a small crater of concrete forming like a sick halo around his body. A flicker of violet and the ground beneath him erupts in a pillar of painful chi, engulfing him before fading into the ether.
Mature staggers back afterwards, Prada heels click-clicking as she staggers back and away, ultimately sagging and falling to her knees, hand resting flat against the ground for support. Pausing, she sports a glance at the young man and spits weakly, "I was good for you." A sharp cough follows thereafter.
Okay, Mature is *definately* a better street artist than her boss when it comes to putting people through concrete. Robert is rewarded with a sight of the promised land as he batters Mature silly, not that it was his actual *real intent or anything*, but the same grip that allows him to kick her senseless gives her the same opportunity to pick him up and, well, for lack of a better word, crater him. His entire body is on fire, and those expensive pants of his that he had thus far managed to avoid messing up? Ribbons. GEE, THANKS MATURE. But when the evilly hued light fades, Robert manages to rise from his new underground home with the parking gnomes to emerge victorious over Mature. "...It was, actually. The fight I mean. Seriously, that was fun. Glad that we could work that out without interruptions finally." Giving her the thumbs up, he takes a step back so that he can see both her and Rugal. Because, you know, he just suddenly gets the impression that having his back turned to Rugal *is not a good idea*.
"My, my! Impressive!"
The voice is accompanied by the sound of clapping, even as Rugal approaches rather /amiably/ towards the pair. "Though... perhaps you should have kept a closer guard of your /clothes/ Mr. Garcia." Rugal shakes his head silently, before he moves towards the other man, intent on taking stock of the situation. "It seems you've made a mess of my secretary, however, and we can't have that. So you don't mind..." His hand curls into a fist. "... if I avenge the poor girl, do you?" He is still walking, casually, one hand in his pocket. The other, his right, is a fist. Polished shoes press against the hard ground as he walks, he offers a brief nod towards Garcia. "Please, take a moment to sit down..." That fist lances out, to smack Robert right between the eyes, "... and relax."
COMBATSYS: Rugal successfully hits Robert with Jab Punch.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////// ]
Rugal 0/-------/--=====|=======\=======\1 Robert
"Actually, yes, I think I would min--" *crack*
That hurt, but not as much as it could have if Rugal was really trying. The smarmy ass was trying to one-shot him casually! ...Like he's going to stick around for that guy's entertainment if that's on the schedule. "...Ow. Okay, let's try that again. If you want a rematch Rugal, some other time. I've got a plane to catch, and you're in the way." Dashing towards the car behind him, keys are in his hand in a flash; nothing less should be expected. Door open, close, lock, ignition switch, TURN FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. The parking deck suddenly comes to life with the roar of not just any car; one of Robert's cars. Tires screech against the pavement as Garcia hurriedly backs out of his space - thank goodness for private parking decks and no neighboring cars - and with a determined shift of the gearstick Robert puts the pedal to the metal.
Rugal, you might want to, you know, move out of the way.
COMBATSYS: Rugal fails to counter Ryuuko Ranbu from Robert with Jab Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////// ]
Rugal 0/-------/--=====|====---\-------\0 Robert
What's this? Robert is...
Getting in the car?
"Running away, are we? I suppose you just don't know how to take punishment well, hrm?" That car blazes towards Rugal? And the man...
Does not move. In /fact/.
Rugal shoulder-plows RIGHT into the vehicle.
This wouldn't really be that great a feat for him, normally. He simply intends to stop the car through sheer, physical might. The thing is -- he underestimates the speed the car is going. So that, before he can even muster up the full force of his thrust, the car slams RIGHT into him. Metal dents, crunches, doing more than his fair share of damage to Robert's fine vehicle... but he's still knocked into the air, sent flying upwards to ultimately fall...
On his feet.
In fact, Rugal looks hardly even phased by the assault. Idly, he adjusts his suit, watching the fleeing Garcia. "Mm. I have no respect for cowards." His gaze shifts, to Mature. "Are you conscious? If you are... then it's time to go." And after that? Rugal will simply walk away.
This has, all in all, been vastly entertaining.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////// ]
Rugal 0/-------/--=====|====---\-------\0 Robert
COMBATSYS: Rugal has left the fight here.
> /////// ]
|====---\-------\0 Robert
[OOC] Robert says, "You know, hitting Rugal with a car."
[OOC] Robert says, "Had to do it, man."
@emit Meanwhile, as Rugal emerges and garners the attention of Garcia, Mature just keeps herself for the interim, a hand clutched to her side as she tries to gather her breath and wits. Eventually she's collected enough to rise to her expensive pump-clad feet, if only to better access the situation at hand. Avenge her? Furrowing her blonde brows faintly, the woman is vaguely disgruntled at best, but far from offended. Not when he's about to punch the perverted Garcia boy in the face.
It gets his attention alright, but he seems far from willing to fight through to the bitter end. Instead Robert gets into his car and slams the gas, plowing straight for Rugal. Naturally the woman is swift to find cover out of the car's way...but Rugal? He tries to take the car on. Head on. It's not everyday you get to see THAT.
Suffice to say the gesture draws something likened to 'surprise' out of the woman, her oft expressionless features briefly shocked before she shakes her head. Once he's torn out of the parking lot in his wreck of a sports car Mature paces forward, slowly but surely to follow after. "I'm fine," she says, adjusting the length of her dress as she paces a few steps behind with a mild scowl on her face. No one touches her legs. NO ONE.
Log created by Mature, and last modified on 11:02:12 01/16/2006.