Description: After the encounter with Vega in China, Mature reports to her employer. Unfortunately, Mature is most unhappy with the encounter--a rare sight--and bites a bit more off than she can and probably should chew.
Today has been anything but calm or relaxing. On a wonderful day like today, Mature was meant to be out, doing her nails and generally enjoying what she would presume to be her day off. In fact, she intended to meet up with her cohort Vice, possibly for tea and just to simply catch up. It's been quite a while.
Unfortunately, those plays were laid to waste.
Vice was dropped off at to recuperate somewhere along the way back to the Black Noah. With her Orochi blessing Mature is more than positive the woman will be back on her feet in a day--hours at best. Having fared better between the two in their unforeseen encounter with Lord Shadaloo himself, Mature walked away with a few bruises at best. Those have already since begun to heal up, clearly; there's a confidence in her stride as she walks down the long corridor. She had requested an audience with the R leader before her cohort Vice. With hope she can talk sense before Vice comes hissing and flailing. Mature is sure Vice is none too happy about the turn of events.
Stepping into the trophy hall, the blonde issues a sigh, long fingers idly tugging at the sleeve of her black silk blouse. Whether or not he's here, the blonde takes the time to fix her makeup and hair, making herself far more presentable than she had been previously, no thanks to the fight.
"Ah, Mature."
It's a voice that rings true throughout the halls as Mature passes over the frozen memorials of fighters fallen. Not the form of the man, just a voice.
"I do hope you're bringing good news with you today."
Shock, horror, anger are some of the expressions that Mature is greeted with as she travels down the long hall. Shining in bronzed glory, these trophies can be either disturbing, or humbling. Very rarely, pleasant. That type of sensation is typically reserved for the man who sits amongst them, towards the end of the corridor. A man who wears clothes as red as blood, whose one, cybernetic eye shines clear through the darkness.
Rugal Bernstein has always been something of a fan of living art.
There is a rumble of something. Something natural, something cat-like. And that something should be clear as Mature makes her way to Rugal's 'throne', where the large Rodem lounges at his feet. Its head lifts to peer boredly at Mature as she advances, before with a flick of its tail, it settles its head down and rests again. And Bernstein? Swirling in his gloved hand a glass of red wine.
A good way to enjoy coming victories.
It's been a while since she's had the 'pleasure' of being in the hall. Lately, most of Mature's time is spent fighting in the public eye, or running errands and the like for her employer. So the hall is a touch comforting in a way, if only for the familiar surroundings she's otherwise used to. The trophies of the R Syndicate's felled enemies don't stir the woman's emotions--very little seems to accomplish that. She simply strolls by them. She's seen them all before.
Only pausing to fix her face, the woman ends her treatment with the soft but audible click of her compact, idly tucking it away into the depths of her blouse. That's when he speaks up, drawing the woman's attention from her feet to across the room. The look on her face is her typical expression of calm. Her eyes, however, are anything but.
"Good news..." She doesn't finish. She offers a half-hearted laugh at best.
The click of heels signals the woman's approach, her arms lacing behind her back, held together by one hand at the other's wrist. "Good news? Well...I'm alive and relatively in one piece, if this counts for anything, sir." She pauses a beat, blue eyes squinting briefly at his feline before she turns her attention back to her employer.
"Answer me this, if you would be so kind, mister Bernstein." Her jaw settles, red lips pulling into a thin line. Blue eyes lock on the man's own, awkward gaze, burning with the anger she so very delicately keeps under wraps.
"When was 'Lord Vega' given permission to attack Vice with the intent on seriously doing harm to her?"
That feline's long black tail idly wraps around its masters leg as his eyes drift down to stare at the ripples he makes with the lightest of flicks in that red wine. Hm. Well then... Today will prove to be a very interesting day indeed.
And so he sips.
It's only afterwards that his gaze lifts upwards to the secretary's blonde brows furrowing at her laughter. That cybernetic eye pierces, with no emotion whatsoever. The other? Filled with a mild sort of curiosity, even as she continues onward. An interesting day. Bad news always helps to add a little spice, whether it ends up livening the taste... or fouling it up.
"I would certainly hope you are alive and in one piece, my dear. Otherwise that precious power of yours would amount to very little, wouldn't it?" But--what's this? His lips pull down in a contemplative frown.
(When was 'Lord Vega' given permission to attack Vice with the intent of seriously doing harm to her?)
He feels a foul taste on the tip of his tongue.
"He was not." It's said bluntly, after a few minutes to contemplate this. Attacking Vice, was he? The great Lord Vega has attacked her before -- and Mature too, if he's not mistaken. "But perhaps you can answer /me/ this, Mature, and do your best to answer to the utmost of your capacities -- I'll remind you that a large, large part of what I am attempting to accomplish DEPENDS on our friend Vega -- ... Why did he attack Vice?"
The ruby-red glare of his false eye does little to unnerve the blonde secretary; in fact, she seems really cool and calm, her nerves well in check as she paces forward toward the room's throne. Let him enjoy the wine while he can. The news she brings is anything but pleasant, she's sure. Her laugh should give him hint enough.
Precious power? It's enough to bring the faintest of smirks to the blonde's lips, her eyes narrowing a scant touch in mild amusement. She says nothing of the matter; instead she half-turns, letting the latter of her news sink in. She'll let him contemplate matters and slosh that around a touch in his brain before she says anything further. Still, however, Mature is none too pleased.
"Is that so?" she replies, lifting a brow sharply in what one may misconstrue as interest in the matter at hand. It's anything but, really. "Funny, that's not exactly the hint I got from his intentions this afternoon."
She's one of his two secretaries. Of course she's aware of the goings-on between R and Shadaloo, at least for the most part. So it shouldn't surprise him when she glances back, her expression calm, but eyes clearly offended. It's a brief, passing feeling. "I am well-aware of what you two have been up to, SIR," she emphasizes, turning again to face him squarely.
"As for his intentions? It was something about his Doll. Apparently he was inquiring to Vice as to her whereabouts as of late. Where she is? I do not know, nor do I really care. But that's neither here or now, is it?" Another step forward. "I got there just in time to hear something you might find of interest, sir." For once the woman shows considerable emotion. Thin red lips curl most demurely, an almost feline-like gesture as she inclines, hands resting flat atop his throne's armrest. Yes, she's very likely endangering her own well-being with the closeness she seeks to employ here, but that's not her concern.
"He called us insane harlots, and claimed you used us as a means to protect your own self from harm in battle. Oh, but that's not it." She maintains that dangerous closeness. "He claims we interfered in his business. I do not recall this happening. However, Lord Vega saw it fit to attack us as payback, if only to deal with you on equal terms as payment." She cants her head to the side before asking softly, "Please explain to me why he saw it fight to initially take on my colleague Vice with the intent of putting her in the hospital? Is this a part of your deal with Lord Vega, 'sir?'"
Apparantly, Mature does not realize that when Rugal calls Vega a friend, he means an ally. And those two words have a tendency to be entirely different. It seems that Mature has forgotten... what it means two hold an alliance with a man who would like nothing more than to destroy them and be done with it. Education is in order. Thankfully, Rugal is just selfless enough to do it. How fortunate for her.
"As friends, Mature, we need to remember the /temper/ of our would-be dictator. I would think that you, at least, would keep it in mind. It is one of the things I intend to /use/. You look angry." His smile grows a little, though it is NOT a pleasant one. Rather, it is a restrained one. "How rare for you. And how unnecessary."
So Vega has insulted Rugal, and his secretaries. Brows furrow, look thoughtful even as Mature becomes so daring as to invade HIS personal space. Clearly she is allowing her emotions to get to her head. What a strange happening. He'll cure her of this obvious illness that seems to have come over her. "So...
"What of it?"
He does not allow time to respond. He stands, hands slipping into his pockets. Rodem rouses, and as he walks away, the panther follows him, only offering a backwards glance towards Mature. "You fail to realize the importance of Vega at this point in time. Did I teach you nothing? I hired you for a purpose, after all. Are you not supposed to be a reasonable, level headed woman... Mature?"
He looks behind him, at his secretary, one of his two second-in-commands. The one who can realize the intricacies of a plot. He hoped. "Vega is an arrogant and pompous fool with only raw power to back him up. Are you really /that/ surprised that he would insult you? Or me? Certainly it might be /angering/, hm? But are you going to allow all my plans to unravel simply because you became slightly upset over someone calling you a harlot? I would /hope/ not."
His gaze turns, lifts to look at one of those many statues. One of his many victories. He sips his wine. "Vice heals quickly, does she not? And vengence is better when it is most opportune. Your reactions to this entire matter are somewhat concerning. You really need an explanation? The great Lord Vega became upset, likely because Vice picked a fight with one of his toys, and broke it. And his reaction is, and always will be, to crush what upsets him. Is there anymore I need explain...?"
Oh, she's aware of the two. She knows very well the difference between an 'acquaintance' and a 'friend.' She's also aware that Rugal has very few, if any what so ever of the latter. So when he begins to speak up the woman's expression falters slightly, a brow quirking briefly in response before it settles into place. Moments later, the woman's calm is back in check. Her lips pull tightly in reply and jaw squared, Mature lets her blue eyes remain fixed on his.
"That I am well-aware of," the blonde replies, brows furrowing slightly so, an expression of annoyance breaching her otherwise expressionless defenses, but only briefly. Instead she approaches and invades that personal space of his, letting her emotions get the better of her again. Slightly, of course.
What of it? She's not given the time to formulate a proper retort. Instead he rises, and naturally does the blonde backpedal in response, peeling her hands of the armrest and pacing away. Clearly frustrated, Mature turns her back, folding her arms gingerly across her chest. "If I fail to realize, then you fail to give me the credit I am rightly due." Her arms drop from her chest, resting comfortably at her hips. Still, Mature steps forward, eyes narrowing the faintest of touches as she approaches.
"I am well aware of that man and his emotions. I'm not a fool, Bernstein." Yes, she dropped the formalities. Clearly this entire ordeal is, in a sense, upsetting to the blonde. "I am no insulted at his empty insults. I am insulted that he would take out his frustrations on my colleague and I for his foolishness. I have been called worse, I assure you." Her eyes again narrow, dangerously so.
She doesn't say anything. The blonde just listens, her jaw set and lips pulled tightly still. Once his piece has been said the secretary just glances elsewhere, clearly insulted by the manner to which he speaks at her. A child or mindless, tactless subordinate she is not. Good business relations do not involve their powerful leaders taking their frustrations out on the other's subordinates because of their misplaced toy.
"No," she replies somewhat harshly.
Good business relations?
Since when has this been 'business relations' rather than what it REALLY is -- a scramble to see who can effectively use and eliminate who first?
The answer is never.
Mature is not a child, nor is she a mindless subordinate. That is why she has such a position in 'R.' If Vice is the ability to destroy, than Mature is the ability to think and to rationalize. Which is why her responses have him increasingly more concerned. Can she not see the bigger picture, or is she simply letting emotions cloud her judgment? Hm. How curious.
"This is not a mutual arrangement, Mature. This is a brief alliance between myself and Vega in order to eliminate a potential enemy. But perhaps where you've misjudged the extent of this relationship is in how we /treat/ each other. I /plan/ on eliminating Vega and Shadaloo once they have been weakened by what will be an imminent war between them and the Southtown Syndicate. I cannot afford to lose any ground I make. At ALL. What this /hinges/ on is ensuring that we are at the fullest of our capacities when Vega is at his weakest. And so I cannot afford to have him as an enemy at this point in time. Our advantage must be to stay level-headed while he fumes, Mature. Do you understand? Allowing emotions get the better of you, at this point..." Rugal's eyes narrow, and he frowns. "... is more than a little worrisome."
What does she want him to do, after all? Rush in and attack Vega for some perceived wrong? Turn around and do the same thing Vice likely did, the same thing Vega did to /them/? Now that, is just foolishness. But it seems she's nothing more to add. And with his back turned to her, he says two, simple words.
"Attack me." A pause. Hm. Not quite two words.
COMBATSYS: Rugal has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/-------|
Concern? For his subordinate? Then such could probably be said about the man in charge himself. She does not expect the truce between the two to last or remain solid--in fact, the blonde secretary expects Rugal to com out on top, in the end. That is why Mature and Vice are there as his loyal subordinates. They are meant to serve loyally and defend his cause--which is what Mature does, at least.
This is why the woman is clearly unsettled by the matter. Vega threatened not only her colleague Vice, but dared to hold himself in higher regard over the likes of her superior, Bernstein. His actions dared to incapacitate Rugal's 'harlot secretaries' and keep them from their duties. And for the life of her, she can't seem to understand why he--Rugal--can't see this.
Curious indeed.
"I am aware of what this is," she insists, her tone steady but low, almost dangerously so. "I know of your intentions in the long run, and I realize what things must be done. But how can Vice or myself be at our 'fullest capacity' when we're being bludgeoned by that god-awful Psycho Power he wields in abundance? Answer me that one, Bernstein." Stay level-headed? Considering the calmness she wields quite effectively in overabundance, the uninformed outsider just may very well laugh at his statement.
Fortunately the only eyes and lips present are forever frozen in bronze.
As his eyes narrow, so too do those of the blue-eyed secretary. Worrisome? Since when did he worry about such petty concerns. "My emotions are NOT getting the better of me," she replies sharply, her words harsh but sure. She does not expect him to make Vega pay for his insubordination of sorts. They took care of that together, after all. The thought brings a tiny smile to her lips. At least until he gives that ghastly order.
Attack? The woman drops her arms to her side, planting her heels securely on the smooth floor beneath her feet. "No," she replies, sounding most assured. "I am not going to attack you pointlessly, sir." Not after she'd just got done being pitted against Lord Vega hours ago. And especially not when Rugal's more than likely unhappy. Then again, her defiance is probably no better a solution.
Still, Mature remains resolute, her expression calm and assured.
COMBATSYS: Mature has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Mature 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Rugal
COMBATSYS: Mature takes no action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Mature 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Rugal
Can't see it? Rugal can see it quite clearly. He can also see all the other factors involved in this. Vice's own incredibly violent behaviors, her and Mature's own abilities to rapidly heal. If Mature does not believe Rugal is going to do /nothing/ about this, then she is sadly mistaken. After all, people are not allowed to simply liberally knock around his secretaries whenever they want to. Something he taught Chun-Li some time ago. They're /his/, after all. But even Rugal knows...
Revenge is best taken when the enemy is least expecting it.
"I was not aware your ability to heal was hindered by Psycho Power! My apologies. But then again -- I think you're suffering from injuries other than a slight bruise, hm? You're quite angry. Otherwise you would realize -- it is better to /wait/ until the time is oportune for us to strike back at a man so clearly deserving of it." Another sip. Rugal finishes his wine, and he turns once more to take Mature into consideration. Especially given her reply to his request--no, ORDER.
"Perhaps you don't understand."
His right hand flings to the side, tossing his glass into the wall with a shatter.
"I did not ask you."
He is calm, collected. She, however, is not. It's quite clear by the look in her eyes. "There is a point to this, whether you have the capacity to see it or not. You will attack me, now. Otherwise, you will be able to take a refreshing bath in the Pacific." His right hand casually curls into a fist, and uncurls. "Now, come at me."
COMBATSYS: Rugal takes no action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Mature 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Rugal
"I said nothing of the sort," the woman retorts rather quickly, her blue eyes snapping immediately from the side to settle upon the much taller man across from her. "It's true that his power hurts probably more than it ought to. But every moment that Vice and myself are kept incapacitated and are forced to mend our wounds the greater his advantage becomes." The blonde steps forward, an audible click of heels against the solid ground beneath her as she sweeps a hand out, a graceful gesture offered in response.
"He has many Dolls at his disposal. And while they are in no way the least bit superior to the likes of Vice and I, they are still available to him in greater number than we are." If they could take out Vega two on one, she's sure the Dolls of Vega's could likely do the same to the R Syndicate leader.
Suffering from a wounded pride? "Hardly," the blonde quickly retorts again, her expression calm. She is fine. They defeated him, after all, did they not? If anything she was elated with the outcome, however wounded her accomplice may be. Still, the secretary is defiant. She refuses to attack him wantonly. A fight between them is entirely uncalled for, in her best judgment. Unnecessary. Pointless.
Without warning he harshly slings the glass aside, the shattering glass doing little to startle the woman. In fact, Mature does not flinch. Her posture remains sure and resolute. There is a point? What? For him to reprimand her with violence? To threaten her as he does?
Now he beckons her. The woman's expression remains calm, save for the way her blonde brows furrow just slightly, blue eyes narrowed fiercely as she peers across the distance between them. She watches him closely, carefully. All her attention is on him, carefully monitoring every slight motion and nuance he makes--just in case.
Still, Mature does not attack.
"Why?" she asks, a hand sweeping out from her side. "Why do you want me to attack you?" That's the problem with a woman like Mature in one's employ: she will not recklessly and wantonly rush head-first into conflict. Not without finding a just cause or reason...or the perfect opportunity.
COMBATSYS: Mature focuses on her next action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Mature 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Rugal
"We have other people in our employ besides you and Vice, Mature. You may be the greatest of them, but I still /have/ manpower." And the fact that even if they are down, they are not down for long, is what Rugal is trying to show her. "You and Vice compromised my plans far more than Vega incapacitating either of you ever could. I think that's something you've yet to realize." Vega? He hardly cares of the man's doll is gone. All the better; it means that it is one of his better soldiers out of the loop.
"Vega has servants far more dangerous than his dolls will ever be. Those creatures are no worry of mine, nor should they be yours. The Muay Thai Emperor, Sagat, is far greater than any of them could ever hope to be." And Rugal has crushed him, too. "But if all goes accordingly, they will not nearly as great an issue as you perceive them to be."
She is not suffering from wounded pride. She is suffering from unwarranted fury that is largely unbecoming of her. That's why all this is necessary. Rugal does this selfless act, to allow Mature to /vent/. Because she has far more use to him when she is calm then when she is not. She is not Vice, after all. She is Mature. The planner. And however reserved she may want herself to seem to be... he only needs to look into her eyes to see the truth.
But she defies him again.
And it is the last time she will do so.
Why does he want her to attack.
"To vent, of course."
And then he moves. He pushes off the ground and towards Mature, one elbow raised to SLAM into the woman's sternum -- hard. To vent, of course. He does not specify who, because it doesn't really matter. All that she needs to know, is that there is a large elbow flying dangerously close to her.
COMBATSYS: Mature blocks Rugal's Fierce Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Mature 0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0 Rugal
How insulting.
For all the explaining Rugal gives in defense, there's still an underlying insult there beneath it all. And now he insists that they have compromised the plan he has in mind? Is he trying to insult her intelligence? Is he trying to make those loyal to his cause have doubts and second thoughts about the entire alliance, however brief? The more he talks, the more insulted the blonde seems to become. The only tell-tale signs of this are the way her hands curl into tightly bound fists and how utterly afire her blue eyes are.
She is not happy--at all. And it seems the more he chastises her for her and Vice's actions, the closer to that proverbial line she is forcefully ushered. By his hand--the last person she'd expect it from. This just does NOT bode well with the Orochi secretary. That's why the tiniest of red rivulets can be spotted oozing between bone-white knuckles. The extent of Mature's 'fury' goes only this far.
Does he wish for her to vent? Or does he simply want to take her down a few (hundred) pegs and make her reconsider the tone with which she'd approached him? Either way, the blonde still seems to refuse to make the attack. Instead she stands her ground, heels firmly planted against the smooth stony floor beneath her. To vent? "Feh," the blonde says, half-turning away. This is foolish.
Only, when she turns to actually walk OFF the man makes his move. The sound of his feet hurrying him along betray him in that instant, and swift is Mature to turn around and intercept his assault with her hands. There is considerable force behind his assault, but she remains ever stern and solid. For an instant Mature looks surprised.
Then she looks positively irritated.
That's when she makes her move. Lashing out the blonde's long fingers and nails reach for his face, intent on snagging him painfully by flesh and burying the back of his skull into the ground. All this without a word.
COMBATSYS: Mature successfully hits Rugal with Death Blow.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Mature 0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0 Rugal
There it is. That rage. That hatred, that anger, all welling up inside of Mature. This will do nicely, he imagines. All he needs is one more thing to cap it all off --
And he does so, quite easily, with that blow.
He does not need to take anyone down a peg or two. Mature's incompetence in this scenario is due entirely to her rage, something that he is selflessly going to cure her of. Vice has compromised his plans. Mature is not thinking straight. ALL THIS? Is going to be FIXED. Because he CARES. And if Mature believes that /she/ is enraged, well. She will just have to wait and see /just/ how angry Bernstein is. This will require some work, to fix.
And much more work soon after, in order to teach Vega he cannot simply assault Rugal's secretaries whenever he feels a need to.
There Mature comes though, latching onto his face. And Rugal? He does not even /move/. In face, he accepts her blow fully, being smashed into the ground rather powerfully. But as soon as he is slammed down?
Rugal laughs.
"Excellent!" That's more like it! His laughter fills the trophy hall, even as little red lines form around his face where she managed to successfully strike him. She did not pierce skin, however; that would be overestimating her own abilities. It is still well enough that she succeeded, however. Because even though she might be feeling angry, or irate --
A single hand snaps forward to interrupt whatever thoughts she might be having with a solid blow to the face.
It's only the first. If it connects, another punch jabs into her stomach, before Rugal spins, to smash a backhand across her jaw -- painfully. Grinning all the while.
COMBATSYS: Rugal successfully hits Mature with Medium Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Mature 0/-------/-======|==-----\-------\0 Rugal
Incompetence? He need not say it--the blonde knows he considers the entire situation such. His words, his demeanor, his mannerisms; everything. Everything he has said thus far has hinted at those feelings. This is what irritates her and angers the woman, despite the frightening calm she maintains on those smooth features. Her eyes are like blue balefire. The Orochi in her whispers softly, but it does not scream. No, she isn't like her cohort or the Orochi mercenary, Yamazaki.
She is different.
Lashing out like a snake, Mature's long, well-manicured nails make purchase in his skin, sinking in. They do not let go as she leans forward and slams his head flat against the ground beneath them, the hard stone shattering on impact. Excellent? That is not what the woman wanted to hear.
Still, Mature tries to peel back, to rethink her tactics and plan a strategy before attacking once more. It's just as she's moving back that he swings a fist forward, a loud, audible crack resounding. Naturally the woman's head follows the motion of the strike, jerking sharply to one side before she's unfairly pummeled in the gut. Exhaling, the woman reels--right into the backhand across her face. Sent flying, the blonde crashes a short distance away. She doesn't get up immediately.
Slowly but surely does the woman take her time in getting up off the floor. She does not rub her stomach or her arms. She rubs her face, where he had dared to strike her. "Sir," she says, employing a frightening soft tone of voice, the calm before the storm. There's a long pause...then?
"That is very unbecoming of a man like yourself."
It's all she needs to say. Running forward, the woman ducks a touch low, long arms held near her sides as she rushes in, to seal the distance. Once she's close she does not try to grab his belt to heft him up and throw him. She tries to drive her fingers INTO him to heft him up and hurl him across the room.
COMBATSYS: Rugal counters Strong Throw from Mature with Scorpion Blow.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Mature 1/------=/=======|==-----\-------\0 Rugal
Angers her? She was angry before. This is a lesson. He's exploiting the very anger that was inside of her and showing her just why it is so foolish for her to carry it around. This is why he laughs, even when she assaults him with such a strong blow. Which is why he continues to offer no mercy, no relenting, as she attacks him in turn. Only he has a clear head. She does not. And so, each and every single one of his blows ring true, knocking the woman to the side. No mercy. Perhaps, another time, she might have moved just fast enough to get out of the way.
But not this time.
"Get up. We're not quite done yet."
He relaxes into a casual stance. He rolls his neck, even, letting out a soft 'aaah' as it cracks. He only looks /towards/ the secretary as she speaks, arching a single brow in mild amusement. "Hm?" ... (That is very unbecoming of a man like yourself.) Ah. Well then.
"And that look in your eyes is very unbecoming of a woman like /yourself./ Here."
An arm extends.
"Let me show you exactly why it is."
Those hands come to drive into him, but he is prepared. He is calm, and in control. His hands swat hers to the side worldlessly, before his right hand jabs out -- catching her face with a powerful grip and lifting her off the ground, before he punches Mature, far away from him once more.
Exploiting her anger? Is it that, or is he simply overpowering her? The man is clearly her superior in a vast majority of ways--it is not often that the blonde would admit such a thing, but he is one of those rare instances. Still, the woman recuperates after the assault, pulling herself off the ground. Not done? She doesn't need him to tell her that much. So when she turns around to face him, her eyes are narrowed considerably, still very much on fire.
"Do not patronize me," she warns harshly, her tone oozing with venom.
That's why she pursues. Lashing out with a thrust of her fingers, the woman's speed intends on breaking past those barriers and driving through flesh and muscle. He's anticipating this, and the moment she strikes he's slapping her attempt away and snatching her by the face. Her flail is brief before she's punched, sent flying back, far and away before crashing into the ground.
She says nothing as she rises--her reflex this time around is a touch swifter. She rises from the ground, rubbing her fingers across her jaw before she glances his direction, eyes harsh before she's calm once more. That's when her arm lances out swiftly, her cuff seemingly extending like a snake on its prey, intent on snagging his ankle and lifting him up, overhead and ultimately slamming him face-first into the ground.
COMBATSYS: Rugal blocks Mature's Decide.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Mature 1/-------/=======|===----\-------\0 Rugal
There are many ways to fight. One does not simply need to overpower another person to win. He may overpower her -- that will always be true. But what she can't escape from is the fact that she is angry now, and her own maneuvers are embarassingly easy to keep up with. The fact is, he acts no differently than he normally would. The arrogant turn of his lips as she is sent flying backwards, the little laugh at her words. All the very same as he always acts. It is her... that's being so insistent on being foolish.
She comes flying at him yet again. He does not move, like he did not before. Her hand grasps his ankle, lifting him up with her impressive strength. And then, she sends him flying to the ground -- except he doesn't hit face first.
He hits arms first.
And she's forgotten that he has another leg that is free.
He chuckles, even as his arms brace and absorb most of the blow. His other leg has snapped forward, polished shoe intent on sending a swift kick straight to the woman's throat -- toes-first, like a lance.
COMBATSYS: Mature blocks Rugal's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Mature 1/------=/=======|===----\-------\0 Rugal
Of course she is angry. She is not blindingly furious, nor is she truly seeing red. She's irritable at best, annoyed at the fact the Shadaloo king decided to pay her cohort an unexpected, unnecessary visit in pain, and now her employer--the man she serves with blind loyalty--patronizes her.
Mature has EVERY reason to be upset. Today is NOT her day.
Again the blonde lashes out, snagging him by the ankle and tossing him overhead and ultimately toward the ground at her side. When he lands, there is not the familiar crush of flesh and bone she is used to. It's the sound of something far more stable. Blue eyes snap suddenly to the side, just in time to see the foot. That's when the woman stirs, lifting her arms up to absorb the blow before swiping that leg away.
Still, she looks really displeased, for all the general calm that harbors on her face.
Does he want her to try 'harder?' To calm her head? Fine. Using the close proximity, Mature plants a foot forward and lashes out fiercely, long nails cutting through the air, laced with her Orochi-blessed chi energy.
COMBATSYS: Rugal blocks Mature's Metal Massacre.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Mature 1/------=/=======|====---\-------\0 Rugal
Mild irritability in Mature is just the same as blinding rage for Vice. Except she cannot find power from it like Vice can, only errors in thinking and acting. Which is why, when she rushes, he continues to see and exploit openings. And he will continue to do so. Does he overpower her? Does it MATTER?
Excuses are for the truly weak.
She flings herself at him again, and this time he is prepared. Arms snap up, and defend the assault just as before. The nails rake through clothes but do little else besides, leaving little lines of red that quickly fade away to leave Rugal standing there, smiling. His eyes narrow.
"You're still not trying harder."
And then he brings up a knee to smash RIGHT into the woman's stomach with deadly accuracy and strength, hoping to use such close range to his advantage -- and knock her into the air and away from him, yet again.
COMBATSYS: Mature dodges Rugal's Medium Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Mature 1/------=/=======|====---\-------\0 Rugal
Taking a moment to breathe, the blonde just watches the man in that brief moment, eyes very much focused and intent on her superior. She shakes her head once, a brief frown passing her rouge-colored lips. Lifting a hand up, the blonde quickly wipes from her chin hints of red--blood, from being belted across the face with his fist. Twice.
That's why she goes for the attack. Striking as swiftly as she can, the blonde moves in for the kill, letting her foot fiercely plant before she cuts at him, long nails tearing into cloth and raking skin, but hardly leaving the mark she easily leaves on so many. Only when he speaks up do blue eyes snap up and meet that off gaze of his.
Not trying hard? What would he know??
When he goes to slam into her, she's all but gone. A brief distance away, the woman sags, favoring her left side, holding her chest. Collecting her thoughts, the blonde remains relatively calm on the face, even if her eyes are still filled with the desire to spill his blood and make him PAY for insulting her in so many ways. She collects her breath, trying to rethink her strategy.
COMBATSYS: Mature takes a breather.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Mature 1/------=/=======|====---\-------\0 Rugal
Hm. No longer there? That's rather inconvenient --
Rugal was rather hoping to show her something potentially enlightening.
As it stands, Mature leaps far and away from him. He stands up, completely straight, brown eye and glowing crimson eye both staring at her rather calmly as he slips a single hand into his pocket. Not trying? Maybe she is as far as physical output, but using all those techniques of hers must have been draining. It's proof enough when she simply stands there, taking in deep breaths. He stands there, calmly, considering her for the briefest of moments... before his legs spread.
Well, he's never been one to show mercy before. Why should he now?
He rushes at her once more. He does not, however, try anything big or fancy. Instead, he curls up a single hand into a fist, even as emerald-colored chi begins to swell in a sickening manner around it. He swings his fist upward. A single motion, to uppercut the woman with that chi-covered hand.
COMBATSYS: Mature blocks Rugal's Fierce Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Mature 1/-----==/=======|====---\-------\0 Rugal
Draining is clearly the understatement here. Looking considerably worse for wear, Mature stands away a good distance from her employer, holding to her chest still and trying to take a moment to simply get a nice, deep breath. A wince follows briefly thereafter. Yeah. Something's definitely ajar inside. With hope it will fix by morning.
Still, for all her attempts to gain a breath and take a moment to recollect her thoughts, it does her precious little good. Still is she irritated at the very idea of him questioning her intelligence. Still is Mature upset he would put the blame for a potential chink in their plan's armor on his two most loyal subordinates in the entire organization. Blue eyes are still afire with displeasure, her lips pulled tightly across her face.
Squinting briefly at the potential threat that large fist of his poses, the woman slinks back a touch, pulling her shoulders in as she awaits his movement. Then he's off, coming at her with the intention of plowing straight through her defenses with that emerald chi of his and smacking her cleanly underneath her jaw. When he moves, so too does Mature--
--her arms are there, intercepting the brunt of the blow before using that upward momentum to leap up and descend graceful, whipping an arm out to slice him cleanly across the shoulder and neckline.
COMBATSYS: Mature successfully hits Rugal with Despair.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Mature 1/----===/=======|=====--\-------\0 Rugal
Ah, there's a bit more of that firey spirit. Good.
He can't wait to see more.
Whatever perceived injuries to her pride or 'honor' she might have received from his insults to her abilities are none of his concern. The truth of the matter is, she still fails to see the larger picture, likely due to that very irritation inside of her. That Vega would have the gall to attack them will ultimately be dealt with -- but is not so large a concern that it needs to be so overreacted on /now/.
Still, she can't see it. So he'll show her. She rushes at him again, and strikes him with that attack. It strikes true, hitting him with a slice across shoulder and neck. But still, at the most it causes only a thin red line to appear off and on across his shoulder, not even bleeding. It hurts well enough though. And so he laughs, clenching that hand into a fist once more. But it's not what she should be concerned about.
It's the vertical snap-kick of his left foot that she should be watching out for.
He seeks to snag her harshly in the jaw, to throw her off balance before plowing that glowing fist straight into her gut, with very, very little hesitation.
COMBATSYS: Rugal successfully hits Mature with Medium Punch.
Glancing Blow
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Mature 1/---====/=======|=====--\-------\0 Rugal
Vaulted into the air by her block and the force behind Rugal's attack the blonde spins about and rotates her body, ultimately letting long fingers press together, forming a knife hand as she slashes across at him, tearing through what of the garments she can get a grip on and drawing the faintest hits of blood. It draws a look across her face, blue eyes going wide, if only very briefly so, the faintest hints of a smile tugging at her lips.
Moments later she's touching down a short distance away, landing with a soft 'click' a short distance away. That's when his leg snaps out. Mature leans back, the toe of his shoe clipping her jaw and knocking her off her balance, but the woman ultimately keeps herself standing on her feet. The other fist is narrowly avoided.
Long fingers curl at her sides thereafter, her expression still as calm as ever, despite those hellfire eyes. Furrowing her brow, the look is briefly broken by a harsh cough. Mature pulls back, and there in her hand is the faintest hint of red. She's not bound to last much longer.
That's why the woman suddenly lunges forward, outstretching her hand with fingers crooked most viciously. He's seen this maneuver plenty of times, her last ditch attempt before she is thoroughly defeated. But this time...
This time she does not simply seek to grab his collar. She seeks to latch onto his throat with those nails and plant her fingers INSIDE his neck. Only when and if she gets a nice, solid grip will she seek to drag him along...
COMBATSYS: Rugal endures Mature's Heaven's Gates.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Mature 0/-------/------=|=======\=------\1 Rugal
Fingers find purchase as the man does little more than stand his ground, a nice, meaty crunch and squish of nails piercing flesh the only sound between them. It's with that the blonde tears off with a click of sharp heels against smooth stone. It's a quick but spirited run--the woman drags him along before she digs her nails deeper, letting her fingers get a nice, firm grip before she slams him quite savagely into the floor, a nice crater forming around the point of impact. A split-second later the crater itself is surrounded in a ring of red--unlike the typical violet--before violent, Orochi-kissed energy geysers up from the floor beneath, a form of a skull bleeding into existence. Its explosion into being is tinged with a sharp, nigh-psychopathic laugh from the woman, blue eyes wide before she releases and leaps back as the geyser and the skull dissipate.
Mature, on the other hand, looks considerably worse for wear.
There's something Mature should realize before she grips Rugal by the neck --
It's that he has not moved. At all.
And even as nails dig into his neck, he is smiling VICIOUSLY at her.
He needs to feel SOMETHING before he decides to finish her off, after all. Which is why he simply does not move when the strike comes, chi burning around his skin even as she rushes along the ground with him in tow. He makes no move to react, really, to stop her. He goes with the woman's fast movements, allows himself to be slammed into the ground, allows her to do so much damage to his precious trophy room, and ALLOWS her to assault him with a rather sudden burst of deep, crimson-tainted, powerful chi. An explosion of energy that feels a bit touched with passion and hatred, perhaps? So very scary! But even as the column consumes him, becomes a skull...
He is still GRINNING when all is said and done.
One smooth motion lets Rugal leap up into the air. He straightens his coat as soon as he lands on his feet, dusts himself off. "The skull is a nice touch. Where did you learn that from?" Oh wait. Don't tell him...
He already knows.
And then he leaps into the air, with every intention -- of landing DIRECTLY on her shoulders.
COMBATSYS: Rugal successfully hits Mature with Dead End Screamer EX.
[ \\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Mature 0/-------/-======|-------\-------\0 Rugal
And as soon as he lands, she might feel the distinct burn of chi as those legs glow that sickening green that seems to sap away from her very energy. That's not what she should TRULY be concerned about, however. Because, despite the distinct weight on the relatively smaller woman's shoulders, he's not on there for long. As soon as he lands, Bernstein TWISTS his entire body to the side, his feet clamped to her neck SNAPPING it viciously to the side, even as he pushes /off/ her with titanic strength, slamming her directly into the ground to cause another crater to line up so perfectly next to hers.
Oh, the woman is well aware of his lack of budging. It's that which encourages her to shove all the harder and move all the faster and bury her fingers in all the deeper. Let him smile all he likes--Mature pays no mind to it as she slams him into the ground and envelopes him in Orochi-blessed chi. It's different this time, that's for sure. Unlike before, with its pale violet color, her energy manifests as red. Blood red.
Still, the blonde lets go and simply hops back, taking a moment to gather her thoughts and a breath. That excursion in pain took a bit out of her, a last-ditch attempt to make him feel pain before she's put out of commission. Whatever he says, the blonde doesn't really seem to coherently understand. There's blood pounding in her ears. Her heart is racing a thousand miles a minute in that lingering irritation, the faint whispers of her Orochi blood drowning out much, if anything, that sounds around her. Blue eyes widen briefly, mere pinpoints before...
The woman coughs a racking cough once again, into her hands. Her expression is thus neutral once more.
That's when blue eyes flicker up, tired as they may be. Suddenly he's THERE and very much intent on burying his expensive shoes into her shoulders. Still, Mature does not move. Instead the woman just draws her eyes to a close. The burning and pressure is brief at best--it pales in comparison to the horrible crack her neck issues before she's otherwise buried halfway into the nice, expensive floor. There's no movement from her, not for a few minutes, at least.
A cough breaks the dead silence from the woman, eyes opening sharply before she pulls herself from the mess of his floor. Staggering and swaying, the woman's eyes are still very much irritable as she attempts to stand. "I...told you," she harshly replies, one hand held fast to her other arm. "This...was p-pointless!" But did he listen? No. So pointless was it she refuses to be kind enough to at least fight tooth and nail to unconsciousness. No, quite the contrary.
Instead Mature staggers and collapses to her knees, a violent cough consuming her.
COMBATSYS: Mature takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Mature can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/-------|
Sadly -- those wounds that Mature have delivered to the man's neck are not nearly as deep as she may have thought. Within the next day, he will be fine -- thanks to the Orochi power that still flows through his own veins. It doesn't matter. But was it pointless? He smashes her into the ground harshly, flips through the air to land gracefully some distance away from her, allowing the silence to overcome everything.
(This... was p-pointless!) Was it?
... Not in the slightest.
He brushes off his suit, even as she talks. He only offers her the briefest arch of his brow. That she doesn't attack merely shows a lack of will at this point, and is hardly even irritating to him. Instead, she collapses. Rugal walks over to her as she coughs, scoops down... and lifts her up by the back of her collar.
It doesn't take long before he deposits her on the throne that he had previously sat upon with something as unceremonious as a drop. Hands slipping into his pockets, he turns and walks away... still smiling broadly.
"There was a point. At the very least...
... you'll be able to sleep off your frustrations more easily now, hm?"
COMBATSYS: Rugal takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Rugal has ended the fight here.
Felled to her knees, like always, the blonde delivers a racking cough into her thin hand, hints of red splattering her palms, but going otherwise ignored. Her words seemingly ignored, the woman just sulks forward and lets her hands rest flat on the shattered ground beneath her. Down, but not as near death as he had previously left her once before. No, she retains some semblance of consciousness.
Coughing again, the woman otherwise fails to hear the approach of her employer. Only when she's snatched up and held by the collar does she give mild protest, squirming briefly in defiance before she's dropped into the chair. Furrowing her brows a touch, she does little more than sag in the seat. His words are met with little more than an irritated grunt of sorts, her eyes flickering to the side briefly. Sleep better? Hmph.
"Sir," she replies, her hand propping her head idly with her crooked knuckles. "I apologize for my untoward behavior. It was uncalled for and unnecessary, sir." That said her lips pull into a thin line, blue eyes looking elsewhere. She doesn't expect a reply; no, instead the blonde just draws her eyes shut, a low, ragged exhale escaping her battered lungs.
Log created by Mature, and last modified on 19:35:14 01/03/2006.