Description: Vega has a bone to pick with Vice in regards to his 'Doll.' Unfortunately, Mature happens to be in town, with a bone to pick in regards to him picking fights with her colleague.
Vice is having a pretty good day. So far, she has eliminated her target, gotten a good bottle of booze, gotten a whole load of money, and now its time to head on back home and get the information on her next bunch of targets, its been a good day for Vice, and it looks like things can only get better from here on out!
Of course, there is the little matter of getting back -out- of China, but that shouldn't be too hard... she has a private plane booked, in fact, the next few hours as she travels back home are likely to be the most boring... absolutely no chance of fighting on a plane, not without risking the thing plummeting from the sky in a flaming mass of twisted metal... and that just isn't fun.
And so she wanders down the street of China's biggest city, drinking booze straight from the bottle and reflecting on her last few fights... for once she is feeling mildly sated... as though she could go whole -hours- without the urge to kill someone becoming overpowering...
Vega has this .. presence about when the best time to make an appearrance is. It's a carefully honed instinct. One that whispers in the back of his head 'Now. Now is the right time to threaten, to boast.' Admittedly, it has become an issue at times where he ends up perhaps biting off more than he can chew at a single moment. But here, in the ramshackle district and alleyway he's moved to, in an effort to intercept Vice - he's sure enough this will not cause trouble.
It's nothing more than a voice in her head - one that she's heard before, but with the throngs of people about, certainly an oddity, as it comes out much more clear than those directly around her. It's firm, with an underlying hint of annoyance or anger - after all, Vega always tends towards the slightly impatient side.
'Vice - We need to speak.'
With that, were she to look towards the side of her head that the voice comes from, the alleyway would glow, just a bit - the dark aura that Vega emenates causing the brick and wood to gleam eerily.
Vice blinks slightly, halting. For a moment she considers what she has just heard. Other people might suspect they are insane, but Vice is certain that she recognizes that voice. And she is more than used to being addressed by voices in her head... usually they are screaming at her to kill people, break bones, drink blood... inflict pain, that kind of thing. She hasn't been addressed so clearly before.
She does indeed look around, and spots the alleyway... she hesitates for a moment, she -had- run into someone whom she was still half-convinced was working for that same agency that had captured her in the past... could this be another ruse? Nah... they usually tried to drug her first, or would just strike. No warning. And she -recognized- that voice.
With a shrug Vice starts to move towards the alleyway, speaking quite clearly. "If someone is playing silly games they better start running or they'll start losing limbs."
The same voice, in person, comes from the figure standing in the relative darkness of the alleyway. Vega - she'll probably remember him. He certainly remembers her. He's standing and waiting, not a movement made, save for when he speaks.
"This is no game, Vice. I require information - and as our organizations are working so 'well' together, I had hoped you could give it to me."
He takes a step towards the woman, and narrows his eyes, the white-light from their pale irises seeming to cast strange shadows along his features. Each step is deliberate - certainly not above trying to put a fair amount of tension into the woman's mind through his advancing and the harsh bark of his words - an attempt to keep her off balance, to get true information.
"You attempted to kill a student - one that I have been keeping my eye on myself. Where is that girl now?" No mention of Juli's name, yet. So far - he's trying to pretend like this is less important to him than it is.
Vice smiles slightly, ah, it was this guy... Vega... arrogant, but powerful, she grudgingly admitted that. He had beaten her pretty soundly, although she is fairly confident that she and Mature could take him down. And he had something to do with that... freaky child? This just gets more and more interesting... but Rugal had told her to play nice, and play nice she would. It wouldn't do for her to get in trouble with Rugal now- she is doing so -well-.
"I take it you mean the kid who looked at me funny... and then wouldn't stay down?" She asks, "I don't know, to tell you the truth. I thought she was someone she wasn't, but that definitely isn't any normal kid. If you are looking for recruits or something, I'd say find her, 'cause she even managed to slow -me- down, a little." She seems to consider something, and then shrugs.
"Eh, I'd watch her though... her voice, there was something in her voice. Like she is dead inside. I've seen that before, its not a good sign... it means that she is allied with powerful people already... and I'm telling you right now, she ain't one of ours."
She yawns, leaning up against the wall of the alley, "Now is that all? Because a beautiful woman like me and a guy like you in a dark alley, well, I better get going or people'll talk."
"So you have no idea where she is now, or what she is?" Mnf. Vega's vexation is very visible, letting things slip without truly meaning to. The prospect of losing _another_ of his elite to circumstances of being out in that throng of humanity infuriates him, and is rapidly making him less and less polite.
"Of course she managed to slow you down. She's far above any power a woman such as yourself could ever obtain. You and that other insane harlot that Rugal lets lead into battle so he can protect his own carcass from danger." Yes, yes this is the reason that Vega _truly_ is the Emperor of Shadaloo. If he were in a team of any sort, well.. He'd certainly not get high marks for 'plays well with others.'
He leans in towards Vice, those white eyes flaring brightly. ".. Do _not_ interfere with her again. Ever. Have I made myself abundantly clear, woman?"
COMBATSYS: Vice has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Vice 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Vega has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Vice 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Vega
Vice considers this for a long moment... now, she had been -almost- calm a few seconds ago, and she is meant to be nice to this guy, but Vega... Vega just crossed -so- many lines...
First, this guy insults -her- now that, that annoys her... a lot, but if he stopped there, she could deal with that. She was meant to be polite, and this guy is an arrogant ass, that much has always been clear. But then he insults Mature.
Nobody. Ever. Insults. Mature.
Everything after that just helps to fan the rising flames of Vice's fury. He insults Rugal- the other person that -nobody- insults, ever, and then he gives her an order. Which is pretty nervy of him anyway. Not that it matters, at this point, there is only one course of action that Vice can take, really.
This guy must -die-
Whilst Vega is still leaned in quite close, she -SLAMS- her head forwards with all her might, aiming to crack Vega's nose with the force of the impact, whilst simultaneously screaming, all pretense of self control hurled to the wind=
"Is that so?" a familiar and eerily calm voice calls out from the mouth of the alleyway. It's a svelte figure swathed in black and white, the familiar half-skirt blowing about on the passing breeze. In that skirt is a blonde whose expression remains calm, for all the shadows that otherwise obscure her face.
"Funny. Because when I took up a fight against her in the face of millions on live television, I could have sworn I beat her to a nice, bloody pulp, mister Vega. I bet you can find the little tart recuperating in a hospital somewhere in town, my dear." The blonde crooks her head slightly, blue eyes narrowing dangerously. "And how rude to address a lady of my caliber as a 'harlot.' After I had politely and so kindly given you respect. This makes for poor business arrangements, mister Vega."
Nobody insults Mature. Nobody insults Vice. And nobody--NOBODY--insults Rugal.
The other half of the Bernstein secretary duo remains calm nonetheless. In fact, she smiles demurely. She doesn't attack yet; rather, the woman lets her cohort handle the initial blows. The tactical sort, Mature simply watches like a hawk, waiting for the proper opening to present itself.
"I do believe mister Bernstein will be most displeased to learn of this unfortunate turn of events, 'Lord Vega.'" The latter address is said with the faintest hints of sarcasm.
COMBATSYS: Mature has joined the fight here on the left meter side.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Mature 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Vice
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Vega 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Mature focuses on her next action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Mature 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Vice
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Vega 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Vega just-defends Vice's Strong Punch!
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Mature 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Vice
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Vega 0/-------/-------|
It's a powerful attack, to be sure. Vice's forhead is mighty, and the attack that she throws is the typical violence-infused combat style that the woman seems to always use. And this - this is what Vega was prepared for. He's calm, a seething undercurrent that is carefully reined in, and used to focus his power, bringing it down to one simple, single point. That point being the tip of his index finger - catching the incoming headbutt on that digit, stopping it short. His voice is harsh, hissing whispers for the woman before him, and then louder, so the new challenger can hear. "I talk about who I please, _girl_. Do not even try."
Over his shoulder, he calls out to Mature. "You've interfered in my business. Consider this meeting a 'balancing'. And when you've removed yourselves from the hospital, Rugal and I will talk as equals." With that, the fingertip against Vice's head lifts away, only so that he can use an open palm to strike at the bridge of the woman's nose. Today, he isn't intending on messing around with either of the women. Instead, he's going for a brutal, quick finish.
COMBATSYS: Vice endures Vega's Medium Punch.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Mature 0/-------/-------|====---\-------\0 Vice
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Vega 0/-------/-------|
Vice doesn't even attempt to get out the way of the attack as it slams into her, bashing her head against the wall hard enough for the brickwork to crack. She snarls. That -hurt-.
"Nice of you to drop by, Mature, I was starting to think someone had polished you off... I don't watch much TV these days." Yup, despite the fact that she has left a nice sized crack in the wall behind her, she isn't letting the pain stop her greeting her partner.
"Now, lets get this over with, don't let this guy hit you Mature. He's big, but he'll go down like anyone else."
With a roar she leaps forwards, aiming to grab hold of Vega by his shoulder and whip him around over her head as though he weighed nothing at all, before driving him into the ground between herself and Mature, hopefully leaving him nice and open... if her attack hits of course.
The assault on her cohort draws the faintest hints of a wince across the blonde secretary's smooth expression, but she maintains utter calm despite. With a smooth, flowing grace does the woman move forward, her steps marked with the faintest click of her heels in between the loud cracks of flesh and bone.
"Interfered, Lord Vega?" Mature calls back, canting her head softly to the side. "And this, a balancing? From the outsider's perspective, you were going to take on a clearly underpowered woman. Had I not shown up in time, you would have beaten her, yes?" Furrowing her brows, the woman's stance shifts, long legs widening a touch, to let her weight evenly distribute. Her hands drop to her sides, the lightest of smirks still gracing her rouge-colored lips.
"My, that's not very fair at all. But let us not concern ourselves with such petty squabbling, as you're clearly intent on making my colleague here hurt until you're satisfied." Pausing, she glances to her companion.
"You're welcome, Vice. I was beginning to wonder the same of you. But let's finish this, yes. I have a manicure appointment at six."
That said, Mature's feet stir swiftly, and in a blur the woman tears off for the much taller Shadaloo king. Only does she come to pause when she's closed in, long nails raking out, intent on leaving a nice lasting rake across his midriff, laced with chi.
COMBATSYS: Vice successfully hits Vega with Decide.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Mature 0/-------/-------|=======\-------\0 Vice
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Vega 0/-------/-----==|
COMBATSYS: Vega just-defends Mature's Metal Massacre!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Mature 0/-------/-------|=======\-------\0 Vice
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Vega 0/-------/-----==|
The plan, theoretically, is to allow the attack to come in, that throw to be sluffed off his shoulder like water off a rooftile. In most cases, it would work. Sadly, in this case, Vega's flair for the dramatic gets the best of him. The hand can find purchase, and his cape is caught in that grip, flipped over Vice's shoulder, onto the grime and muck of the dingy alley below. A grunt escapes as he lands on the surface of the alleyway, and he returns to his feet quickly. He watches Mature's own attack come in, that bold declaration of an easy fight making him laugh in amusement - and again, he reaches out, stopping those raking hands just short of their target. "A manicure would be difficult, with your nails ripped out by the roots, woman." Vice gets a small respite - as Vega turns his attention to the second secretary, and tries to use his grip on her wrist to turn into a throw towards one of the large piles of garbage in the alley. As he does so, his skin flares up with that dark energy that both the two have already tasted before, Psychopower.
Vice growls deeply, "Don't ignore me!" She yells, running up behind Vega, she leaps into the air, her hands grasping for Vega's neck. If she can just grab him by that, she'll swing him bodily around and into the ground, a simple move, one that she has performed dozens of times in the past. And it has never let her down yet...
Of course, she is still supremely confident that she and Mature can take this guy down, there isn't anyone in the world who can stand in their way! Its just... that attack really -did- hurt, and it looks like Mature might be about to take one a bit worse...
Ah well, it'll let Vice know if her partner is still as sharp as she remembers!
COMBATSYS: Vega successfully hits Mature with Psycho Fall.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Mature 0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\0 Vice
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Vega 0/-------/----===|
His words are met with little more than a small, seemingly friendly grin. Is he threatening her? Mature seems quite taciturn in response, saying nary a word. Instead she opts to let her nails do the talking for her.
Only, as she comes to plant her foot and use the momentum to swing her arm his arms meet those nails, leaving not a trace of blood. Her baby blues widen only a touch in a brief expression of annoyance. He moves to grab, and the blonde moves to shrug him off. The defensive gesture seems a failure at best, and it does little more than help his pursuit. His arm lances out through her defenses and grabs around her wrist, tossing her to the other end of the alleyway. Mature smacks the wall with a nice, meaty thud before falling into the pile below.
After a brief minute does the woman rise up, idly plucking the remnants of her less-than graceful collision into the pile. Still, Mature says nothing. Instead she just comes up from behind, intent on letting her nice, tightly bound fist find its way right into Vega's kidneys while Vice lunges for his throat in an attempt to ground him.
COMBATSYS: Vice successfully hits Vega with Mithan's Robe.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Mature 0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\1 Vice
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Vega 0/-------/---====|
COMBATSYS: Mature successfully hits Vega with Strong Punch.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Mature 0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\1 Vice
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Vega 0/-------/--=====|
This is the sound of an annoyed dictator. After all, he's suddenly got a psychotic secretary hopping all over him, making his movements go off balance, and making it very hard to see indeed. As he tries to fend off the throw that Vice goes for, he feels that pain exploding in his lower back, kidneys getting a pummelling from Mature that will certainly leave for an interesting experience later. And eventually, he falls to the toss, landing again, on his back, in the muck of the alley - and he's not quite as fast to rise this time.
"Don't ignore you, Vice? Fair enough.." he says, and then reaches for that sleeve that she wears, to pull her in close, and give her a standing demonstration of his power. That would be an almost point-blank explosion of power, dark and encompassing, like the negative of a flashbulb going off in the enclosed space, a loud explosion rattling the windows high above.
COMBATSYS: Vega successfully hits Vice with Psycho Wave.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
Mature 0/-------/--=====|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Vice
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Vega 0/-------/=======|
Vice cries out in pain as Vega burns into her, the pain is excruciating... so much so that even she can't even start to pretend not to feel it. However, as she falls from Vega's grip, she lands crouched.
"Jesus... really... really don't let him touch you..." she snarls, "If there is anything -LEFT- of him!" She screams, charging forwards with a howl of pure rage.
Vice is beyond caring about anything else now, there is only her and him and killing him, ripping him limb from bloody limb, making him feel a -fraction- of her pain. She would destroy this man, destroy him if it killed her!
She lunges forwards disturbingly fast, aiming to grab Vega by the arm, if she should succeed, she'll swing him around, slamming him into the ground once, before spinning him around and grabbing him by the neck, ramming him into the wall once, twice, three times, before finally hefting him over her head and, screaming her anger to the sky, attempting to break the concrete of the ground using Vega's skull.
There's a touch more strength behind the woman's tight fist--using her increasing annoyance with the Shadaloo lord, Mature speeds in and delivers to his side and kidney a nice, swift punch intent on making him feel it for some time to come later. Payback for simply shrugging off her previous attack, as well as sending her into the garbage nearby.
She's wise to hop back and away thereafter. It would seem her cohort is privy to the power he wields as the man successfully reaches out and engulfs her in the Psycho Power. Windows rattle, and the blonde secretary's response is a brief look of amazement. That before her features wrinkle slightly, a mild look of disgust and anger haunting her face. A brief shake of her head offered and she's back to her same, bored expression.
"I know, Vice," she says, her tone surprisingly calm for such a show of strength. "Just make sure you keep yourself in one piece, alright?"
Vice moves then, making her attack at Lord Vega himself. Only after the dust between them settles does Mature make her move--running swiftly, the blonde reaches low, intent on snagging the man by his belt and cape and hurling him across the alleyway right for the wall he so politely introduced her to.
COMBATSYS: Mature successfully hits Vega with Strong Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
Mature 0/-------/--=====|====---\-------\0 Vice
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Vega 1/-------/=======|
COMBATSYS: Vice successfully hits Vega with Negative Gain.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
Mature 0/-------/--=====|====---\-------\0 Vice
[ \\\\\\ <
Vega 1/----===/=======|
"Heh. Come and try, woman.."
Vega opens one hand and waits for Vice to come inwards, to join the fray. And when she does, he welcomes it. It's time to show the woman just what power Shadaloo posesses. As he's damaged, as he's thrown and tossed, he's got the same cackling laughter that Vice herself has used at times, that same sense of 'Haha, I'm a psycho!' that she and he would use as a hello. He's seemingly uncaring of each movement, each crushing blow that rails his body against stone, against the walls and the street. The concrete .does. crack, leaving him on the ground.
And then again, he's picked up, hauled upright by Mature, and then thrown into the wall. Face first, he crushes the pitiful concrete with ease, embedding himself into the strata of the building, and then blowing himself out with a blazing fury of psycho-power, the dark purple aura flaring bright, almost enough to leave a charred impression behind people on the walls.
"Good. GOOD! This has become so much more interesting!" he cackles, triumphantly bringing his hands down, and literally blazes directly at Vice, blowing past Mature without any attention to her at all. After all, she was the one who kept demanding to be noticed, to be attacked - it would be a complete shame to not give the woman _exactly_ what she wants. That being a few hundred pounds of flying man, wrreathed in blazing purple psi.
COMBATSYS: Vega successfully hits Vice with Psycho Crusher'.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ]
Mature 0/-------/--=====|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Vice
[ \\\\\\ <
Vega 0/-------/--=====|
Vice grins, the attack crunches into her, and she doesn't even attempt to block or evade, she simply lets out a slight gasp as she feels ribs crack under the impact. The wall cracks, and for a moment, so does she.
She lands heavily on the ground, and coughs up a good sized puddle of blood... for a moment, it looks like she might even not get up... but Vice, Vice isn't down yet, not yet. She -won't- let Mature face this monster alone... she just can't do that.
With a shriek of rage she charges forwards, aiming to grab hold of Vega's neck, if she can manage that, she'll run, screaming out of the alleyway, dragging Vega's face along the wall as she goes, her legs threatening to give way the entire time...
Until she is charging towards the middle of the road, oncoming traffic rushing by...
She keeps him locked there, for just a few seconds until...
"Eat truck, scum." She hisses into his ear as the heavy vehicle slams into them both... and she finally lets herself collapse into unconsciousness.
COMBATSYS: Vice can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////// ]
Mature 0/-------/--=====|====---\-------\0 Vega
Once Vice's onslaught has run its course with the dictator does the woman rush in, as if tagged. His body crunches into concrete, and that alone is her starting signal; she hefts him up and hurls him with surprising force across the alleyway, straight into the wall and waiting garbage he had previously hurled her into. She does not gloat or follow with harsh words; Mature stands her ground, blue eyes narrowing. She expects more of the man. He hasn't yet begun to really show what he's made of.
That's when it's his cue to do just that.
Rising from his ashes in Psycho Power, the Shadaloo king flares to life in a plume of brilliant violet which, quite frankly, sets the hairs on the back of Mature's neck standing on end. She holds her ground, awaiting his attack--and that's when he goes for her cohort, not her. Blinking once, the blonde narrows her eyes, watching the aftermath as Vice is brought to her knees in a puddle of her own blood.
For once the woman's expression stirs into an expression of mild anger.
Vice, however, has her swan song. She'll give her combat-loving colleague that much. Meanwhile the blonde rushes forward with considerable speed before crouching deeply and swiftly ascending upward, long nails lashing at his chest. Another strike follows, a clean downward slash, following by a slash to his midsection, intent on knocking him down and hopefully out--before he can knock her out.
COMBATSYS: Vega dodges Vice's Negative Gain.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Mature 0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0 Vega
COMBATSYS: Mature successfully hits Vega with Death Row.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > // ]
Mature 0/-------/-======|======-\-------\0 Vega
"I.. am not hungry, Vice. Enjoy dining.. alone."
It's amazing, how someone so large can simply fade out, almost as if they became incorporeal - insubstantial and gone in one second. And that, my friends, is just what Lord Vega does. One second, he's held in front of the truck, one hand on Vice's shoulder, to make sure that she doesn't move - and the next, that split second before impact - he's gone. To reappear in the alley - and to watch with a sadistic sort of glee the 'fall' of Vice.
This leaves him open to Mature's attack - and he is almost prepared for that as well - as the attack comes in, he begins to sidestep. To twist his body to the left, away from the attack, away from the raking of Mature's violent nature. And sadly, he fails - the first slash catching him, the second doubling him over, the third dropping him to one knee. "Hnn.. So jealous of your little friend? Let.. Let Lord Vega share with you, then.. a gesture of his .. genorosity.."
With that, he pushes himself to his feet - and then leaps forwards into the alley - the aura that blazed before even brighter now, dark energy reaching a frenzied peak, engulfing the alleyway totally, burning trash and scorching the water that muddies the surface of the street. No escape, this time..
COMBATSYS: Vega can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Mature 0/-------/-======|
COMBATSYS: Mature dodges Vega's Psycho Torpedo.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Mature 0/-------/-======|
The moment Vega appears there in the alleyway, Mature is waiting. Blue eyes widen briefly, pupils dilating to pinpoints as she rushes forward with intense speed, issuing three harsh, consecutive strikes for the much taller man, despite his attempts to move out of harm's way. Nails cut and rake, laced with her Orochi-blessed chi as her lips twitch, daring to break into a wide sneer.
She maintains her calm, like always. The final slice delivered, the woman stands her ground, only jutting a hand out and down, to free her fingers of what blood or cloth may have snagged. Jealous? "Me?" she says, her voice steady. "Oh, do show me this 'generosity' you speak of. Really--I'd love to see the last, gracious attempt of a man who has clearly lost." Is she tempting fate? Probably.
Fate seems to be with her, however.
He moves swiftly, his speed surprising. Likewise, Mature's speed is impressive as well. Anticipating his attack, the woman springs up and over, narrowly avoiding the flames of Psycho Power and his assault. She touches down behind him with a soft click, arms folded over her chest.
If Vega chooses to flee, she does not give chase. Instead she lifts her head and calls out, "Say hello to your precious, wounded Doll for me, would you? I hope those nasty cuts heal properly." That said she makes her way to Vice's unconscious body and scoops her up, pulling her over a shoulder to rest on her back as she fishes a phone from her pocket to call for a ride with a sigh. What a mess.
COMBATSYS: Mature has ended the fight here.
Log created by Mature, and last modified on 11:49:53 01/03/2006.