Description: Rugal and May Lee and Hotaru and Edge OH MY! P.S. Rugal owns you, and your mom, for free.
Mysterious invitational exhibition match?
Fun, excitement, danger?
A chance to show how much butt the power of JUSTICE can kick?
Hey, it's not like May Lee Jinju has much else to do. It seems as though she's the first arrival in the match, the doors opening up to allow her in and make the stride to the wooden fighting arena. How many times has she been here...? Well, the thoughts of that are just punted right in the backside, forgotten as she gives a big arm-wave toward the audience and smiles brightly, just like she's always been taught. Give it some time and she'll get her teeth to ping like a certain someone. Standing near the edge, yet, the routine is pretty basic, rocking her weight from one leg to the other to stretch herself out, hands on her knees and looking back to the door to see just who else is involved in this.
As for Hotaru... well, she doesn't know exactly what she's doing here. Exhibition match? Promote the league? Why her and not one of the heavyweights like Ryu or Chun-Li? Ah, it doesn't matter; with some free time and interest, she's shown up anyways, in the trademark blue coat and with the trademark golden ferret pacing around her heels. She seems a bit awed by the arena, having never been here before, but manages to keep her mouth shut.
Spotting May Lee, Hotaru just smiles and gives a friendly wave... figuring the girl is on e of the participants in this exhibition match thingy.
Well, aren't we all lovely and jovial? The sound that emerges onto the arena floor following the entrance of the two young girls is rather less perky, at least in the same manner. Whistling. But not a nice little jaunty hymn to get spirits up on a cool winter's day, rather it's an old Judas Priest number - something with lyrics that would shock and offend the mild-mannered Ms. Futaba, but then the third member of Team Kick Rugal's Ass is hardly mild-mannered. Nor is he a pretty little girl. Ladies, gentlemen, and wild ones of all ages... Eiji Yamada has entered the building.
Slinking onto the polished wooden boards with hands thrust deep into his pockets and the aforementioned 'tune' on his lips, Edge is clad in a rather different manner to the norm. Gone is his heavy purple jacket and the ever-present rollneck sweater, and in its place he wears a black t-shirt emblazoned with the Gedo High crest on the back, and his name written military style on the breast. His name? Edge. Naturally. There /is no Eiji Yamada/, as the delinquent will be sure to tell the announcer later if he dares to get it wrong.
"Hey, ladies." The purple punk slurs when he finishes his merry song, standing a good few feet away from the pair he has come to fight alongside, and offering them a wide grin, eyes glinting with some malovelent mischief. "Looks like you get the honour of fighting with a legend. So if we win, which one of you gets to hit Seattle with the one and only Edge?" If possible, his grin widens all the more, and he leans back on his white-booted heels to crack his neck to one side, flicking that fiery gaze between Hotaru and May Lee. least he's not Dong Hwan.
"And on the right side, we haaaave... resident student of the Kaphwan Dojo, May Lee!"
The first to be announced, the first to show up. All three of these people were invited here for an exhibition match with an 'unknown, but powerful opponent.' Mysteries. Always the way, isn't it? But it's something that they should find /appealing/. That any true fighter would find absolutely irresistable. And since there are three of them, this opponent should be strong -- shouldn't they? Well, May Lee will be able to see soon. As will...
"And joining her tonight, is Hotaru Futaba aaand..."
One more person, right? And there he comes, whistling his way in, casual and arrogant. Ah. This should be /fun/, then.
"Eij--" There's a pause from the announcer's booth, a hushed discussion about something. "Ahem! Err... sorry. 'EDGE!'"
And that's all of them. Which means that only their opponent is left to be revealed. It's a few moments until the the enemy is announced, and is not done with much fanfare or theatrics. A simple announcement goes as follows:
"And, fighting them today will be the former host of King of Fighters... Rugal Bernstein!!"
He comes in from the left. Joining him? No one, save for a large, black panther that walks beside him, its tail curling around his crimson pantsleg. He looks at those assembled as he strolls in, hands in his pockets - gait all too casual. And his lips spread in a grin. "Well then! Three on one! This will be a bit intimidating, I imagine. So please... go all out on me. I promise I shall do the same." And one hand raises - his right one. Beckoning them all to attack.
COMBATSYS: Rugal has started a fight here on the left meter side.
COMBATSYS: Edge has joined the fight here on the right meter side.
COMBATSYS: MayLee has joined the fight here on the right meter side.
COMBATSYS: Hotaru has joined the fight here on the right meter side.
Stopping with the rocking and the bobbing and the hopping as Hotaru arrives, she gives the other girl a cheerful wave, fists planting on her hips and looking considerably happy. Well! She doesn't seem too odd. And then Eiji arrives, offering the luxurious weekend trip away from home in the Rainest Place on Earth. Anyway, there's an announcement being made-- introducing them, no less! And their opponent is ...
Oh. Um. Crap.
Eyes bugged at the panther more than the man (they let animals like that in the BUILDING?!), she also seems a little surprised at how graceful and accepting he is of the whole matter. Are they really going to fight three on one? Is he really going to do something that silly? Why does it SMELL LIKE EVIL in this hizzouse? Clenching up her fists, she nods with determination. "Let's do it!"
It's time to kick some ass! Wasting no time, she makes a swift run at Rugal, her leg sweeping up for a sharp kick at his side, her leg lashing up high for a second successive strike at his head! (or at least, as high as she can get with a dude this tall)
Hotaru, too, is surprised at the appearance of Mr. Rugal Bernstein, Evil Jew Lord extraordinaire... but she doesn't know that about him. Aww, cute kitty. Hotaru could turn the panther to the side of good, she knows it. But for now--even with the announcer shouting "BEGIN!" Hotaru holds out a hand as May Lee charges forward. "May-san, wai--!" Well, nevermind. She's not waiting... Hotaru will, though, not so foolish as to just charge an opponent like Rugal. He looks mean. Mean, and vicious. Mean, vicious, and possibly inbr--no, Hotaru doesn't think like that. But she does study Rugal some, taking just a moment before doing anything about going on the offensive herself.
COMBATSYS: Hotaru focuses on her next action.
No answer? The lack of recognition from the girls draws a snort from Edge, though he seems less displeased and more amused, a shake of his head following the expulsion of air. "Tch," tutting lightly he looks around to observe the entrance of Rugal Bernstein, tracking the man's movements with a careful eye.
The delinquent may be cocky, but he's far from an idiot, and while May Lee is quick to rush in on the given invitation, Yamada hangs back with a smirk on his lips and violent thoughts raging through his mind. Timing his own attack carefully, his hand twitches about in his pocket for a moment and he pauses to let May's kicks fail to land - because what kind of little kidgloves girl is going to take down the KoF organiser? - and instead chats amiably to Hotaru for a moment. "You know, I always did dig the quiet ones. Not seen you around, cutepants... what's your name again?"
Sauntering over to the ferret-wielding schoolgirl, Edge reaches out with one hand to seemingly make a grasp for her own, bending low as though he intends to.. kiss it, and then abruptly snickering and stopping his motions. "Just a sec! Ehehehe," Giggling with his own sick form of amusement, the youth spins on his heel to face the two combatants nearby, other hand whipping from his pocket in an upward motion to send a sharp switchblade lashing out toward the large Jew. "HEADS UP, SLICKBOY!"
COMBATSYS: Rugal endures MayLee's Lightning Needle.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Rugal 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Edge
> //////////////////////////////]
|-------\-------\0 Hotaru
> ///////////////////////////// ]
|-------\-------\0 MayLee
COMBATSYS: Rugal blocks Edge's Reversing Blade Strike.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Rugal 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Edge
> //////////////////////////////]
|-------\-------\0 Hotaru
> ///////////////////////////// ]
|-------\-------\0 MayLee
There we are. Time to get things started, hm? The announcer launches the beginning of the match, but Rugal... stands perfectly still. He seems content to stand there, and wait for his opponents to come to him. And they do - at least two of them, in their own ways. The first, of course, being our favorite justice student --
"May Lee, is it--"
He doesn't move. The attack strikes, not so much his head, but his neck. And Rugal? Doesn't even budge in the slightest. "Hm! Very good, very good. Now then, let me show you some of my power, shall I?" Even as he speaks, he casually reaches out with a gloved hand. Palm pointed towards Eiji, fingers outstretched, that switchblade strikes his palm... and then falls off. Not even a dent in the skin. "As I was saying!"
What Rugal does is simple. The hand used to block Eiji's attack curls into a fist, and he intends to blow it right into May Lee - an uppercut to the jaw, and a rather strong one at that, lashing out with a vicious suddenness.
COMBATSYS: MayLee blocks Rugal's Medium Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Rugal 0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0 Edge
> //////////////////////////////]
|-------\-------\0 Hotaru
> /////////////////////////// ]
|==-----\-------\0 MayLee
Color her surprised, her foot kinda staying there at his neck for that dramatic pause. Bringing her foot back down quick-like when she realizes just -how- unfazed he is by this, May Lee's surprise is vast like an ocean-- especially as he turns aside a KNIFE thrown at his HAND. The uppercut is caught just in the edge of her vision, her hands coming up to put a defense in place for her jaw, the big meaty fist met with a two-palm slap down as she leans back, forced to fall back a few steps from the force.
Never one to accept defeat that easily, she shakes out her hands with a grin. "I learn from the best, old man!" she replies, with no small amount of zeal. Hotaru's prior warning having fallen on deaf ears and not even taking a second to catch her breath, May Lee throws herself into the air, twirling vertically and allowing the momenum built by the spin to lead her kick-- a wide and forceful split kick with her heel aimed to catch him in the jaw. "Eat this!"
Well. Hotaru can't let May Lee and Edge have all the fun now can she? Still, she doesn't want to just run in on Rugal, particularly not with May Lee there... he might try and throw one girl at the other and this isn't Penthouse. Hotaru steps around, trying to get a clear shot--and when she does, she's prepared, pulling back her right palm, infusing it with chi, then thrusting the hand forward, accelerating a blue-white ball of chi aimed at Rugal's side. No attack name is shouted, just a simple "HA~!" kiai.
"Jeez..." His romantic pursuits are totally forgotten as Edge watches Rugal make merry nothing of his brutal something. Mouth hanging open a moment, the boy's hesitation gives plenty of time for everything else to occur - the successfully defended strike on May Lee, and the girls' countering attacks. For two chicks with nice asses they sure seem to be serious fighters. Crazy what the fairer sex gets up to these days. Giving a shrug of his shoulders, both in an attempt at casual disregard and to loosen a little tension, Yamada takes a few steps to the side, circling the action. Then he gets a plan.
Reaching into his baggy purple pants, the Gedo lieutenant scowls toward the man who so easily deflected his punishing knife-strike. There's another twitch of motion from Edge's fingers when he begisn to stride forward briskly, pace quickening to the extent he is soon breaking into a headlong sprint on the tail of Hotaru's attack, swerving around at the last moment to make a brash charge on their opponent's left flank. That hand whips from the youth's pocket now adorned with a set of shiny brass knuckles, which are aimed to impact with the "R" leader's jaw right on the tail of the split-kick. "SEIYAAAAAA!"
COMBATSYS: Rugal dodges MayLee's Surprise Air.
COMBATSYS: Rugal blocks Edge's Fierce Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Rugal 0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0 Edge
> //////////////////////////// ]
|-------\-------\0 Hotaru
> ////////////////////////// ]
|==-----\-------\0 MayLee
COMBATSYS: Rugal overcomes Hakki Shou from Hotaru with Reppuken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Rugal 0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0 Edge
> //////////////////////////// ]
|-------\-------\0 Hotaru
> ////////////////////////// ]
|==-----\-------\0 MayLee
His right hand - the only hand out right now, the left still being in his pocket - shakes a little bit as Edge's knife falls to the ground and after May Lee blocks his strike. It's a mocking gesture, to be sure, offering the other man a good-natured, and far-too amused grin. "It almost stung!" Meant to jeer what he believes to be a hot-headed young man. Let's see just how effective it is.
The first attack comes, and Rugal's response... is to casually bend himself at the waist, to pick up the knife that Edge had tried to use against him, letting the kick soar above his head. "I'd rather not, but..." And then Edge comes screaming at him, and Rugal jerks that hand up again, so that the metal of Edge's blade takes the brunt of his blow. Bending it, to be sure, but that's about it. "Mm... and I was going to keep this as a souveneir."
Blue-white chi wells up around Rugal's hand as he tosses the bent blade aside. One swift jerk of his hand, and he releases a blue-white ground projectile that roars towards Hotaru's own. The two clash for a moment, a battle of strengths... before Rugal's bursts through Hotaru's own blue-white blast, carrying on towards the poor girl.
Swoosh! How dare he do that. With Edge and Hotaru moving in close at this point, May Lee lands on one foot with no small amount of smoothness, knee buckling just slightly as she opts to instead take a step back and re-evaluate her position. Even the silly Kensou boy was knocked silly by her trusty Surprise Air! Grandpa here is on a whole 'nother level, though, so perhaps it wouldn't be wise to hold them on nearly the same pedestal. Taking this moment to catch her breath, May Lee closes her eyes tight and slaps her hands against her cheeks, looking, waiting for the next opening to strike!
COMBATSYS: MayLee focuses on her next action.
COMBATSYS: Hotaru fails to reflect Reppuken from Rugal with Ko-bi Kyaku.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Rugal 0/-------/----===|-------\-------\0 Edge
> /////////////////////// ]
|====---\-------\0 Hotaru
> ////////////////////////// ]
|==-----\-------\0 MayLee
Hotaru wasn't expecting that--sure, Rugal probably knows how to use chi, but--the speed on that Reppuken... in desperation, Hotaru quickly turns, not to run, but to try and kick upwards, to use her own chi against the attack--and instead is blasted right in the legs, flipping gracefully over in midair before landing on her back--hard--raising a cloud of dust. Ow.
The shriek of metal-upon-metal as Edge punches the crap out of his own weapon is a delight for the ears to behold, though the fact his brutal blow has been so easily deflected is hardly welcome to the boy. Withdrawing his arm from the blow as Rugal sweeps his own arm upward to send a packet of pain streaking in toward Hotaru, the delinquent draws his other hand across his mouth, muttering a quick stream of curses. They're all rather vague until he tails off and then pitches back in with a wild scream, stumbling forward in under Rugal's guard and reaching out to encircle the big man's waist with his arms.
"Time to take a lesson in having yer brains mashed, /ASSHOLE/!" The last is punctuated in synch with Edge taking a leap backward, straight off his feet with intent to drag the much larger fighter with him, only to bring his gloating noggin into sharp collision with the hard wooden floor of the arena. Of course... if he fails to even get this far, Yamada will simply have to be content with straining to pick up the ugly brute before staggering back like a wussy boy.
COMBATSYS: Rugal interrupts Brainbuster from Edge with Genocide Cutter.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Rugal 0/-------/--=====|=======\===----\1 Edge
> /////////////////////// ]
|====---\-------\0 Hotaru
> ////////////////////////// ]
|==-----\-------\0 MayLee
So the only one who's going to be attacking him this round is the boy. Well. Rugal will show him a bit of his power, than! This should be incredibly /invigorating/, he thinks. Hopefully Edge can keep up. What Rugal plans to do next is all going to happen within the span of a few moments.
Edge's attack connects. In fact, he even manages to throw the large megalomaniac and plow his head into the wooden floorboard. What Edge might not notice until it's too late, though... is the face that Rugal is laughing. Laughing loudly. He might also notice... how Rugal's feet are slightly bent.
What happens next should be a new and exciting experience for Edge; one polished shoe, charged with golden chi that trails behind it like a crescent. The blow is enough to send Eiji--Edge straight into the air. Rugal pushes off the ground like a blur, his second attack coming in a knee to Edge's back to send the man up further, R's leader righting himself in midair as he spins, and finishes off the attack - with a rather vicious axe-kick to Edge's mid-section, sending the poor boy crashing into the ground below.
Oh no he LE DIDN'T.
Though apparently he le did. With Hotaru floored and watching as Eiji is planted into the ground as thus, it leaves it up to her to be the one to make the more immediate and direct assault! Moreover, it should be noted how creepy it is when someone who just got their head beat into a hardwood floor starts laughing like that. Why, it sets her blood boiling! Vengeance must be wrought, in the name of all things good and just! With a swift run in, May Lee cuts her charge short and sweeps up her left leg for a vicious kick to the chest, her right leg brought up and high for a shot at Rugal's pearly whites! "HA!" Let's see him crack a smile after that!
Getting to her feet, Hotaru finds herself surprisingly pained by this 'Reppuken' business. But not pained enough to be out of the fight--seeing Eiji take that hit reinforces that it's a bad idea to try and get close to Rugal... but she'll do it anyways. She dashes in, surprisingly fast, attempting to go for the high-low combination with MayLee--while the Korean girl tries to kick Rugal in the chest and face, Hotaru is dropping low and attempting to sweep the man's legs out from underneath him.
There's really no way to detail exactly what kind of exclamations burst forth from Yamada as he's carried upward after his successful attack, to be laid into with an absolute buttload of pain. Sweet pain. Agonising, devastating, body-wracking pain. There's no blow he's ever felt that comes even remotely close to what Rugal Bernstein now unleashes, and so as he lands on the floor after being all but ripped apart, Edge swears. Loudly. A constant stream of expletives burst from his lungs for quite some time, the boy kicking around on the floor as he unleashes his rage.
Pissed off? Slightly. How the /hell/ can any one person hit him like that? That little doctor guy hit hard and all, Jiro's got some oomph when he's not being a weaksauce emo, but this? This was something else. Eventually though, Edge is back on his feet, breathing hard with saliva flecking his lips as he seethes in breath after irritated breath. "What the shit... I'll... I'll..." Pausing to compose herself, making a show of straightening his outfit and grooming idly at his freakishly undishevelled tower of hair, the youth reaches a conclusion after a moment, thrusting a finger out toward Rugal.
"I'LL KICK YOUR ASS!" And he tries to, breaking into a crazed sprint around the outside of the arena. Giving plenty of time to let the girls unleash their attacks and likely for Rugal to do whatever he wants to do next, the delinquent par excellence storms in behind his titanic opponent to quite literally aim a kick up into the man's backside. "BASTAAAAAARD!!"
COMBATSYS: MayLee successfully hits Rugal with Into the Sky.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Rugal 0/-------/-======|=======\===----\1 Edge
> /////////////////////// ]
|====---\-------\0 Hotaru
> ///////////////////////// ]
|==-----\-------\0 MayLee
COMBATSYS: Rugal dodges Hotaru's Heavy Kick.
COMBATSYS: Rugal dodges Edge's Heavy Strike.
When Rugal falls, he falls quite gracefully on his feet, a light crouch accompanied by a sudden and swift hop to a fully standing position. Ensuring that his left hand is still in his pocket - it's very important, after all - he turns to face the other two competitors joining the Gedo boy tonight. The first one - May Lee. She's fast, he'll give her that much at least. Whatever he was planning falters as her kick strikes his grinning face solidly, but even then... Rugal takes a single step back, and frowns. "Harder. Hit... HARDER." He'll deal with her later. For now...
The first of the other two's blows comes in an attack from below. He sees this, and also -- sees Edge rushing towards him with intent to kick his ass. Literally. Far be it from Rugal to let little boy's dreams come true, though. No one ever said he'd make a good father type. One leap is all it takes for him to get out of the way of Hotaru's strike, Eiji's blows harmlessly past Rugal as well as he soars /high/ into the air. "I'm afraid you won't." Is his laughing retort, as he descends...
Right for May Lee.
His foot is outstretched, in an attempt to deliver a rather debilitating kick right towards the girl's face. To be even.
COMBATSYS: MayLee fails to counter Medium Kick from Rugal with Self Rebellion.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Rugal 0/-------/=======|=======\===----\1 Edge
> /////////////////////// ]
|====---\-------\0 Hotaru
> //////////////// ]
|=======\-------\0 MayLee
Jeez, is this guy made of granite or something? That kick was perfect and solid! He should've had his freaking jaw rattled by that one. Withdrawing a step for now, she watches his movements... and wow. That was a pretty impressive leap he's pulling off right there. But then she realizes, poor May Lee does, what he's doing-- he's attacking!
Not to be intimidated in the least, May Lee stands her ground and brings up her arm, about ready to do just the same with her leg-- it presents a target of sorts, though his foot is more apt, by her thought, to plow into her arm. The angle will be very awkward, but she just might be able to juggle him on the kick--
Or not.
His foot comes down, hard, the defense provided to her head by the kick proving to be just not enough. Be it timing, inexperience, or just his sheer level of strength, the superhero in training takes more of the blow to the arm than to the face... though the result is still the same. Knocked right off her feet, she hits the ground in a rather ungraceful pile, left to stare at the ceiling and wonder for a moment just what wattage the light bulbs are inside the dome.
Hotaru's not having a terribly good day of it either; though, Rugal is extremely skilled and it shows. Coming around from her sweep kick she pushes off, rising to her feet, and going for a thrusting side-kick--it's almost a natural combination of moves. Hit or not, at least she'll hopefully be back on her feet and in a more mobile stance than she was before. She just has to ignore the fact that MayLee just got ploued, like Edge before her...
...dodged. Edge isn't happy about this, but call it a moment of revelation as he sees May Lee knocked down /hard/ by that big kick from the bigger man; he stops. He takes a few steps back, looks across to the dimunitive kung-fu chick, and gathers himself for a moment. "Heh..." Pausing a little longer to hawk and spit a globe of saliva to one side, the youth then swaggers forward into a light dash toward the trio's opponent, timing himself with a burst of speed to arrive just as Hotaru's thrust kick comes in.
"Okay, girlies, I dunno what we got against this guy..." Tailing off, Edge throws himself into a skid upon his back, swivelling around with the application of his hands to entrap Rugal's powerful legs between his own, less unbelievably devastating variety. What follows is a rather simple leg takedown that - provided his partner's strike goes off without a hitch - should bring Rugal clattering onto his face without any difficulty. When it's done, Yamada clambers up to a crouch, reaching into his pockets to arm himself.
"But we're in this together. Gedo's taught me to kick ass and chew bubblegum, but without you chicas that ain't gonna work today. So we're working together, right? Team." Smirking, he shoots glances to both Hotaru and May Lee, an eyebrow arching as he awaits their approval. Uh... wasn't this what they should have been doing anyway?
COMBATSYS: Rugal blocks Edge's Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Rugal 0/-------/=======|=======\===----\1 Edge
> //////////////////////// ]
|====---\-------\0 Hotaru
> //////////////// ]
|=======\-------\0 MayLee
COMBATSYS: Rugal interrupts Heavy Kick from Hotaru with Fierce Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Rugal 1/------=/=======|=======\===----\1 Edge
> ///////////// ]
|=======\=====--\1 Hotaru
> //////////////// ]
|=======\-------\0 MayLee
Teamwork. It's a respectable stragedy, but... it's not going to work as they all plan it too. Here.
All Bernstein to demonstrate.
He lands after pushing RIGHT off May Lee's arm and face, sending the girl flying as he rather gracefully backflips onto the ground far away from her. "I want to see a little bit MORE, please, unless this is really all that the lot of you have. If so--"He's cut off, though. He's actually taken by /surprise/ as Edge's attack strikes him, taking out Rugal's legs from under him. Edge, however, underestimate's the reaction time of R's leader.
What would have been a rather nasty decent to the ground - maybe - is unfortunately cut short as Bernstein slams a single hand into the ground. His left. So they made him use his left hand. Well... He'll show them a little bit MORE, than.
His eyes narrow. As soon as Hotaru lashes out with that thrust kick to his side as he remains there, propped by one hand, he lashes out the OTHER hand in a vicious punch that uses the man's intense physical strength. The moment her attack connects, his SLAMS into her stomach with monstrous force, to send the poor lass flying into one of the arena walls as he rips away from Edge in a graceful flip.
"More, more, more, MORE."
And what a punch. Hotaru's foot barely grazes Rugal before the man's fist meets her stomach and... sends her flying. Not even in an arc, not tumbling along the ground. Just straight back and into a wall.
She's out. Under other circumstances she'd keep going--but the painful shock of the hit and the accompanying crash into the wall have blown away her will to fight, at least on this day... she silently falls to the arena floor.
Ugh. Lights, camera. Yeah. Right. Whatever. It's unfortunate, but she does have to admit that one had rattled her brain a bit. May Lee lets this deter her not, however! Hands sliding behind her head, the young justice-inspired taekwondo girl handsprings right there, in place, right up to her feet. He wants more? He wants to knock out someone who would probably end up being her friend? Oh, he'll get more.
May Lee is suddenly enveloped in a twirl, a swift twist that brings her to face Rugal and Edge once again. Around her neck, a blazing red scarf that sways and flaps and floats in even the lightest of breezes. Elbow-length gloves of blue are worn on her hands and forearms. Her sleeves are mysteriously rolled up, as if they were all that long in the first place. May Lee Jinju is grinning like a shark. "You want to get serious?! We'll get SERIOUS!"
And with that, her arms throw out wide, rocking back a bit on one leg. The pose is wide and dynamic, her voice raised to a dull roar-- and in that super hero-esque pose, she builds up a steady cry of, "UWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH~!"
Somehow, the scarf is fluttering every which way, as if caught in a perpetual wind. Don't ask how, it just -is-.
COMBATSYS: MayLee focuses on her next action.
Oh. Shit. There's very possibly no opponent on earth who could legitimately put The Fear into Eiji Yamada; Gedo's favourite delinquent is a raging ball of perpetual brash fury. But the way Rugal is so neatly disposing of his array of young opponents, laying into them like a scythe through very old and frail corn, it comes damn close. Even though his last attack seemed to have a halfway awesome effect, as he crouches down and speaks the boy becomes brutally aware that they're down to two. Though at least the one with the better rear end is making herself useful by shouting like a spaz. That helps.
"Tch!" A loud tut is given as Edge rises to his feet, lifting his hands in a boxer's stance and smirking at Rugal past this guard. "I guess it's just us then, asshole. You wanna piece of Gedo's best? Then get the hell over here and fight me like a man. One-on-one, eh?" His smirk widening to a dangerous level, the purple punk begins to shift in a light rhythm. Looks like he'll actually be fighting fair for once, just like Daigo taught him. Then again, appearances can be deceptive.
COMBATSYS: Edge focuses on his next action.
Nassir has arrived.
Well... it seems that's one down for the count. Two more to go. Rugal lands neatly, straightening out his coat and eyeing Eiji curiously. The boy is apparantly preparing for something! Well, he's not quite the dense idiot that Rugal took him for. Kudos, and such. And Rugal is about to charge the boy, show him just what he's made of... except, that is about when May Lee performs such a unique and freakish stunt. He pauses, mid-stride, to look at the girl with an arched brow and a frown. What is she doing... screaming like an idiot? He turns slowly. Cracks his neck in a slow roll... and grins.
"There's plenty of time to abuse you soon, sir! I'd like to see what our friend is up to!" And that's about the only warning May Lee is going to get, before Rugal leaps towards her, one knee outstretched to plant into her solar plexus. And if that connects, it should be enough to send the girl off her feet - until an overhead axe-kick bears down on her to smash her RIGHT into the ground below.
COMBATSYS: MayLee blocks Rugal's Medium Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Rugal 1/------=/=======|=======\==-----\1 Edge
> ///////////// ]
|=======\=====--\1 Hotaru
> //////////// ]
|=======\==-----\1 MayLee
COMBATSYS: Hotaru has left the fight here.
What is she up to? What's the screaming for? Why, he's going to find out here, in a minute! Quite simply, a fighter of justice has come to the point where she needs to go all out-- where she needs to look beyond the pain, the scrambled noggins, the KO'ed partners, the lecherous knife-throwing men, the creepy smiles. She has to dig. DIG DEEP! Perhaps one day, they'll understand. Perhaps soon, they'll understand. Her hands come up in an awkward pose (jazz hands!), looking to catch Rugal's mighty kick by the meat of his leg! The blow drops her down to one knee, her head lowered...
And then she looks up, still shark-grinning at him. She can't deny that she hurts, and that kick was a nasty load to bear-- but a hero cannot show this! "That ... is nothing! To a servant of JUSTICE!"
May Lee coils back as she rocks from her knees to her feet, releasing a vicious two-handed karate chop at Rugal intended to stun him with a rather sudden infusion of chi!
COMBATSYS: Rugal blocks MayLee's May Lee- The End!.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Rugal 1/-----==/=======|=======\==-----\1 Edge
> //////////// ]
|===----\-------\0 MayLee
Edge does his best not to just blitz in toward Rugal as the man turns his attention from the youth. Biting back a wave of anger, he clenches his teeth hard, smirk disappearing in the act. Time for one of those fighterly internal willpower lectures that the Boss has always taught him about. It doesn't matter how big your opponent is, nor how powerful, all that matters is your resolve and the approach you use. Yadda yadda, blah blah. But hey, it works for Daigo, right? Maybe there's something to it. Perhaps Yamada just needs to.. go with this, at least once in his life. Okay.
Taking a deep breath, Edge starts to move forward at a fast-paced trot, keeping his guard raised as he crosses the distance to Rugal and his teammate. May Lee's cute and all, but she must have something more going for her... she's the only one to land a solid hit this far, isn't she? "Heh." Lips flickering upward once more, Edge forces himself to make the final approach steadily and carefully, walking forward to meet Bernstein as he staggers back from whatever defence he mounts against the superheroine's assault.
"Okay, Beanpole! Just you, me, and Rosy's lovely daughters..." It's murmured rather than sent out as a direct challenge, but does enough to raise the Gedo lieutenant's spirits, and with a grunt of effort he makes the last step forward to lead with a straight jab from his right hand. Provided he can get this one strike on the big guy's chin...
COMBATSYS: Edge successfully hits Rugal with Slash Out EX.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Rugal 1/----===/=======|===----\-------\0 Edge
> //////////// ]
|===----\-------\0 MayLee
Thunk. The blow strikes, with enough power to at least line up Rugal for whatever Edge has in mind, and the cocky delinquent violently suppresses any reaction for the moment; be like Daigo, man, just like the Boss. Look how much ass he kicks. How bad can it be? Here goes nothing.
Dancing in underneath Bernstein's previously unassailable guard, the purple punk drops down low before slinging himself upward with a rising uppercut from the left hand, spinning away with the motion only to launch himself back into the fray with a wordless cry and a /massive/ suckerpunch from the right, the skinny boy actually hopping off his feet with the force of the motion. On a lesser individual it would break a nose, pummel cartilege into nothing, but here it should still be enough to hammer the brutal arms dealer off his feet. "SHYAAAAHHHH!"
There's even a little flash of dark purple energy as the hit connects. Ain't that cute?
The first attack - May Lee's attack - comes in quick. But unfortunately for May Lee, Rugal just so happens to be quicker. Where she chops, Rugal's left hand is there to block, the lot it doing is giving a mild sting to the man's hand as he looks towards her with a grin. "Justice...? That has to be the most RIDICULOUS thing I've /ever/ heard in the entirety--"
He doesn't get to finish. Eiji has taken him by surprise, and his eyes widen for a brief moment until the blow hits his chin. It's enough to jerk his head up, if only slightly. Enough... but not quite enough to hurt. What Eiji gets when he assaults him, is like slamming into solid concrete as his punch SMASHES into Rugal's nose. He goes flying, yes. The blow is strong enough, but Rugal didn't even try to dodge. And in fact, when he flies back, Eiji and May Lee may notice... his arms are glowing intensely with blue-white energy. And he's flying upwards far further than should be normal.
"That's a strong blow! Here!! Have one of my own!"
And that's when the two of them get an ungodly amount of chi crashing down on their heads like a wave. The roar of the Kaiser Wave drowning out all sound as it rips across air towards the pair... with a laughing Bernstein just behind it.
COMBATSYS: MayLee dodges Rugal's Kaiser Wave.
He-- He blocked?! Surprise is all she's felt in this fight, and now it's never higher. What is she supposed to do now? What could she manage to pull off? Rugal's strength is much more than she anticipated, but ... he doesn't have that one thing she does! That power that urges her on from behind the scenes, that feeling, that sense -- she will do more than survive... she will -persevere-!
Even at point blank range, May Lee's body contorts in a manner that suggests that she either has hidden super-reflexes that kick in only in the clutch, or there's a rocket strapped to her back. Never the less, her lateral dive pays off! Cartwheeling on her palms and wasting no time whatsoever, she turns and dives at Rugal, her fist aimed to strike him square and true in the gut. "YAAAAAAAAAH!" At that, her fist crackles, and should the blow land, he may just feel that silver lightning coursing through his body!
COMBATSYS: Edge fails to slow Kaiser Wave from Rugal with Double Blade Strike.
COMBATSYS: Edge can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Rugal 0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0 MayLee
Hell, teamwork's almost paid off a couple of times, but as he pulls back from hurling his all-or-nothing shot to the face, Edge can't help but wish Hotaru were still standing. So she could get in the way of this MASSIVE WALL OF PAIN suddenly produced by Rugal. There's little time for Yamada to actually do anything, but he makes a token effort, reaching into his pockets for a couple of blades and hucking one out to meet the fast approaching inferno. Perhaps he can at least smack the big bastard between the eyes for his efforts - what's the odds of a lone knife infiltrating that devastation of chi? Low, huh? Well, maybe the /second one will do it/. Hell yeah! Gedo Forever!
Except not. Because by the time his other hand is leaving his pocket, the delinquent is being wailed on by what feels something like having yourself turned inside out, then back outside in again and finally... having a grenade stuffed down Mr. Happy's peehole. Kaboom. OWFUX. Strangely though, there's no stream of cursing when the terrible vapours clear, and Edge is still standing in the middle of it all, albeit hunched over and dripping blood from several of the more ruined joints. Yes, the Kaiser Wave's /actually torn apart his limbs/. Seriously. But he manages a grin, crimson fluid seeping out from either side of his mouth, and looks up to pierce Rugal with a wild gaze.
"One thing... you... huge, freaking lump of bastardmeat..." Drawing himself up and starting to stumble forward as May Lee makes her attack, the youth couldn't care one iota less that he's not being listened to. Screw it. Screw everything. Live for that one special moment, where the pain courses through your opponent's body. Grasp life by the testicles and live to tell the tale. Hell. Yeah. "I'M. NOT. DOOOOOOOOOONE!" Roaring for everything he's worth, Edge picks up his pace, thundering forward in huge strides to once more close with this titanic monstrosity. Maybe Rugal's just that good, and perhaps they never stood a damn chance. But nobody takes a Gedo punk down that easily.
Once he's all up in Rugal's business - even if it takes hipchecking May Lee to one side - Yamada rears back and then drops down into a low lunge, whipping his unclad fist in a shot direct to... well. Did anybody order a brutal punch to the balls, with extra spicy meat? 'Cause if not, this one's on the house. Don't forget to leave a tip.
COMBATSYS: MayLee successfully hits Rugal with May Lee- Lightning Blow!.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Hotaru 1/-======/=======|====---\-------\0 MayLee
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/---====|
And tried and true does May Lee's attack strike, even as Edge is consumed by the Kaiser Wave and SHE is not. Well... that's just going to have to be rectified, isn't it? His eyes narrow as she rushes towards him, and he moves for yet another casual dodge - except it doesn't work like that. Her fist hits him in the gut, followed by the super heroic BOOM of thunder as Rugal goes reeling back a few steps. She dodged his attack. She hit him. He'll... not allow this to happen again. /Ever./
"Here is your justice, you twit!"
It's yelled, even as Rugal steps forward, towards her. One step, before he delivers a brutal uppercut straight to the girl's jaw with a sudden, fast movement. To send her flying, /away/ from the arms dealer. Dodge his attack, will you...
COMBATSYS: Rugal successfully hits MayLee with Medium Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /// ]
Hotaru 1/-======/=======|=======\==-----\1 MayLee
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/--=====|
She sure did dodge. She sure did like doing it, too. But the question is, what will Rugal do about it, now? Does he truly have say in the matter? Well, from the looks of the giant meaty fist sailing straight at her face ... he does. The blow rattles her jaw quite soundly, once again worrying if that wisdom tooth is going to be shaken loose from hits like that. Landing in a rough heap a distance away, it looks almost like the avenger of justice is down for the count!
But no-- not yet! May Lee twitches at first, but she still manages to shamble up to her feet. With a swift gesture of her hand, her fingers aligned and pointing at Rugal with this chop-ready limb, with one eye squinting and blood on her lip, with her face red and swollen-- that's it, Mr. Bernstein. That's it.
May Lee pulls back her hands and begins a harsh yell, charging forward a short distance before she makes a leap into the air, arm raised high and knee poised to drive squarely into his face. Should the blow land... it'll be time to recieve some PAIN.
COMBATSYS: Rugal blocks MayLee's May Lee- Dynamic!.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > // ]
Hotaru 1/-======/=======|==-----\-------\0 MayLee
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/--=====|
Such theatrics are starting to BORE Rugal. At first the girl was interesting, but then she had to have the gall to evade his Kaiser Wave. At least Edge was a good enough sport to be absolutely destroyed by it. But she's insulted Rugal's incredibly massive ego, and for that, she's going to have to pay.
Thus, when May Lee goes to strike him with her knee, there is a single hand to stop her. He does not BUDGE. He does not move an inch. It's as if May Lee's just assaulted the unmoveable object, and for her efforts, she gets a sneer.
"People who shout out their attack names are the most idiotic bunch."
One leg snaps forward to intercept May Lee while in midair, to strike her in the spine with the speed of a serpent. He'll show this girl what a kick is.
COMBATSYS: Hotaru has left the fight here.
COMBATSYS: Rugal successfully hits MayLee with Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ]
Rugal 0/-------/-======|======-\-------\0 MayLee
Stopped-- again?! May Lee grits her teeth and stays there for a moment, her knee to his hand. It takes a moment for gravity to remember that May Lee is under it's influence, and thus the girl begins to fall back toward the ground-- right when the crashes into her spine, sending her flying at an angle and crashing into the wooden floor.
Landing rather harshly face-down, one eye is cracked open the slightest amount and her breathing deep and exhausted, fingers uncurling from their tight-balled fist and muttering out a quiet, "Dang it..."
Would someone be so kind as to realign her spine later, too? The angle she's laying at is just downright unhealthy.
COMBATSYS: MayLee takes no action.
COMBATSYS: MayLee can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/-======|
His leg lowers, slowly. May Lee goes flying, and Bernstein sets about tugging on his gloves a bit tighter in preparation for her to get up again. His eyes narrow, however, when she does not. "What? Is that all the strength of justice can muster? Don't make me /laugh/, girl! Get up! Attack me again! We're not done here yet!" But... she doesn't. And he frowns a little, restraightening his cumberbun.
That's all he'll offer, though. Hotaru still seems to be out of it, so he simply stuffs his hands into his pockets, and walks off, dual gaze filled with a mild amusement despite May Lee's lack of staying power. Well... that was invigorating, eh?
COMBATSYS: Rugal has ended the fight here.
Log created by Edge, and last modified on 12:39:10 01/18/2006.