Description: Bernstein's secretary Mature and the man himself pay a visit to the site of one of Rugal's many, shady deals. Much to everyone's dismay not one but TWO unexpected arrivals put a damper on plans, and a fight ensues.
Shady dealings are not an uncommon happening here in Southtown. When you are the host to one of the world's most notorious criminal cartels, well, these things happen. Drug deals, weapons manufacturing - even slave trade can happen here. Though the latter is rare and certainly not the wine of choice for the more refined of criminal enterprises. But every so often, other prestigious organizations see fit to infringe upon the decadence that is Southtown. After all, there's so much ripe pickings here -- why not /exploit/ it.
It's night time. It's always night time when these situations occur. It is also, typically, located in some far away, abandoned area of civilization. An alleyway, if you will. Tonight, it is a warehouse that these dealings happen. It is nothing major, save for those involved in the exchange.
The leader of R and his secretary don't oft take care of drug deals themselves, after all.
The deal has only just come to a close. Normally Rugal would not be here to deal with these things himself. However, circumstances have brought him to this disgustingly run down neighborhood to begin with, and so it's only fair that he takes care of his own business personally. He carries a briefcase with him now, an overcoat draped over his usual, expensive outfit of red as he exits the warehouse. And with him? One of his two prized secretaries, Mature. The other men are out of sight, but no doubt still in the area, checking over their 'pure shit.'
"It's a lovely night out tonight, don't you think?"
A lovely night indeed.
She doesn't necessarily enjoy coming to these shady dealings--in fact, coming to a place as dumpy as this? It rather upsets her. She's above all this; however, the boss wants her to come, so clearly she can't turn him down. That wouldn't be wise, both for her reputation with the man, and perhaps her well-being.
Following along beside her employer, the woman--who has tonight given up her black and white dressy duds for a nice suit and a long, fur coat--carries little more than a nail file, which she uses to carefully file down her long, well-manicured nails. Eyes appear focused on her fingers, but in truth they carefully eye her environs for anything out of the ordinary.
"It's a lovely night," the woman says, tending to her left hand's nails briefly before she looks up and puts her file away, rouge-colored lips pulled into a broad grin. "I have a good feeling things will only improve, sir." Spilt blood would make the chilly night that much more merry.
The criminal elements of Southtown are certainly anything but alien to Robert Garcia, especially with the uneasy peace that currently exists between Southtown's Syndicate and the Kyokugen Dojo. Both have meddled in the affairs of the other before, and both have also paid the price - something that neither are particularly eager to repeat so soon without an obvious advantage. That being said, Robert...he's a good guy, really. Normally he'd have absolutely no reason to be out on this side of town, where these types of deals were made. But this shady guy...said he had a genuine vintage Cadillac of a rare make, and's hard to resist. He isn't unwise to the ways of the world, knows that it's probably stolen, and is *telling* himself he's only coming out here for a glimpse at a rare collector's item in person...more than likely, had he made it to that warehouse, he would have agonized over it quite a bit before his morals got the best of him. Unfortunately for Garcia, he had a temporary moment of dyslexia and is currently *not* bound for the warehouse of his original intent.
Robert walks along the road here, having enough sense to park his car a safe enough distance away that it won't get jacked by his business associate or anyone else who happens to fancy it, intending to close the remaining distance on foot. It just so happens that his path crosses that of Rugal and Mature as he nears the warehouse - certainly a sight that he wasn't expecting. He pauses for a moment upon sighting them, figuring that they're a couple who were also interested in the car, and decides to offer them a smile and a nod as he continues past them...walking directly towards the warehouse stacked with drugs. Yes, that's right. A smiling goon in a leisure suit is walking directly into a drug transaction in the black of night. Comedies this great aren't put down on paper.
It's really just as well that Guy's not the most picky of people when it comes to matters of battling evil. When it comes down to it, and Guy likes to think he's not alone in his method of doling out vigilante-style justice, if you find some shady dealings, you do you damnedest to put a stop to them. Whether it's because you caught wind of it from a source of some kind or just happened to be in the right place at the right time, it's important to use whatever works and then go to kick some ass.
And as to how, exactly, the Bushin-ryu ninja knew to come here? It's seems lucky, but if you follow some shady people for long enough, you're bound to find more shady people, and the web just expands from there. It's a useful way to go about things, but to keep it going it helps to find out more shady people that the original shady person knew. Watching from a shady spot himself a short distance away, Guy is trying to determine just what, exactly, these three suspicious looking people are doing here. I mean, come on. A dude with a glowing red eye accompanied by a chick in a fur coat, and a greasy looking yet finely dressed person smiling at them and heading in toward the drug deal? It's all too much, but Guy's not quite ready to make a move yet. After all, he doesn't quite know what he's up again here, so charging headlong into things...might be a little bit unwise.
She has a feeling things will only improved. The words slip from her lips as Robert draws ever closer to the pair, seemingly without a care in the world.
And Rugal Bernstein grins.
"I find myself agreeing with you, Mature."
If you were to ask him, Rugal would tell you flat out he has no idea who this man is. Give him a name, and he might call to mind certain things, but for now? This is just some rich-looking man in a poor-looking neighborhood, something that strikes out just as boldly as Rugal and Mature do. And things that strike out boldly tend to be either idiotic... or up to something.
The glowing red point of Rugal's cybernetic eye turns to consider Robert as he approaches. Maybe that could be a sign to the Kyokugen user that things are slightly /amiss/. Still, for Garcia's smile, there is a grin, even as the crime lord offers a casual nod of his head. "My, someone out on his own, on a night like this? Dangerous that, isn't it?" So very dangerous. So why is Robert out here, at night, in a place known for dealings of disputable ethics?
And why is he heading towards Bernstein's shipment of narcotics?
It's rather unfortunate that, when Robert gets closer, he might possibly get a glimpse of what lies inside that warehouse. He might not as well, but who is going to take the risk? One dead body just means food for Rodem.
He really should not need to say more than that.
COMBATSYS: Robert has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Robert 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Mature has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Robert 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Mature
His compliance is met with a casual smile, the woman's smooth face falling into something akin to a pleasant expression. "Why, thank you, sir," the states, nodding her head politely to the clearly taller man by her side. Only after she voices her thanks do her eyes spy the oncoming Italian, and with a lift of a groomed eyebrow does she eye him suspiciously. Who is this? A business partner he's meant to meet? Then again, the face isn't pleasantly familiar to Mature.
Her eyes turn to Rugal, lips pulling into a thin, thoughtful line across her face before she stirs her attention back to Robert Garcia. The way with which he speaks, and the tone he employs suggests that this man clearly doesn't belong here. This stirs a smile from those red lips, and with a slight bow of her head, the woman goes about closing her eyes and mindfully removing her coat before she hands it over to Rugal. "Please be careful. That's genuine fur," she warns.
With mention of her name the woman nods once, and without hesitation she rushes in at the Italian, her feet quickly covering the distance between the pair and the out-of-place fighter. Once she's covered some distance she'll deliver a quick punch straight for the man's gut.
COMBATSYS: Robert interrupts Quick Punch from Mature with Ryuu Zanshou.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Robert 0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0 Mature
Really, they make such a nice high-class couple. It's a sad state of affairs to find good-natured, upright citizens such as these participating in criminal activiti--woah there, did that guy's eye just glow red? It *did*! That's...a pretty cool effect honestly, but also damn creepy. Okay, Robert is definately starting to feel that vibe of Something Not Right, but maybe they're coming from a scary party or something. As such, Robert does his best to hold his smile and respond, "Business, the same as you. And yeah, it is dangerous, but I'm sure the lady has nothing to fear in the company of a sophisticated gentleman such as yourself. Have a good evening!" Flash of pearly whites, and back to walking towards the warehouse; no need to keep the two occupied needlessly, *especially* with that eye peering at him with seemingly baleful consideration. La la la, walking towards warehouse now, making distance from creepy couple~...^R^TSuddenly, Robert feels that certain tingle. A mixture of the slight auditory cue of someone's rapid advancement coupled with fighter's reflexes...Robert hardly knows what is going on when he suddenly finds himself doing a backflip, taking a punch in the back but delivering a swift placement of hard leather to his assailant as he travels backwards. Landing on his feet, the well-dressed man takes a step back and raises his arms in a defensive stance. "Hey now..." Sizing up his surroundings, he now learns that his attacker was the *lady*? Now that was unexpected. "Was I supposed to kiss your hand? I assure you I meant no insult to your dignity, I just didn't think it was the local custom here!"
Now, that, there? Robert and Mature starting to beat the crap out of each other is a sign. It means 'come interfere, Guy! Given the few movements you've already seen, these people are clearly really dangerous, and need to be stopped for a variety of reasons!' Mind, the fighting isn't terribly heated, but that doesn't mean it couldn't escalate.
Really, Guy's just looking for that moment to go in and kick some drug-pushing ass. Stepping forward out of his hiding spot, probably looking just as out-of-place as anybody else here, he says nothing at first, simply drawing closer. And then he halts, folds his arms, and gazes at Robert, Rugal, and Mature in turn. "Turn yourselves in, or I'll do it for you." He's ready for somebody to get violent on him, mind. Hell, that's the usual reaction. But it never hurts to try, right? And if somebody does attack him, well, Guy will be fully prepared.
COMBATSYS: Guy has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Guy 0/-------/-------|==-----\-------\0 Mature
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Robert 0/-------/-----==|
COMBATSYS: Guy focuses on his next action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Guy 0/-------/-------|==-----\-------\0 Mature
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Robert 0/-------/-----==|
My, things certainly go to hell rather quickly around these parts, don't they? It's a sign of low class, when someone just decides to stumble in on a drug deal. It's unethical.
The fur coat is taken, and Rugal considers it with casual eyes. "Ah dear. I'll be sure that it stays in good shape then! We wouldn't want to have you go through the hassle of having to buy another one." His gloved fingers curl around the fabric, bunching some of it up idly as he follows the path Mature takes, a speedy rush to deliver a sudden, snapping jab--
Only to get a firm kick for her troubles.
"You realize, Mature, that when you aim to hit someone, you should hit them - not let them hit you." It's a casual remark, made so that his secretary can keep it in mind for the future. He is content to watch for now, with a lazy smile. Until... well now. A brow arches. Who... is this?
"I'm afraid I can't follow the orders of someone significantly weaker than I am. I apologize immensely." The coat shifts, from Rugal's right hand to his left. And with that right hand, he raises it and gives a casual beckon. "But since you seem intent on 'doing it for us,' I suppose I'll entertain you for a little while. Try not to break any bones in the process."
COMBATSYS: Rugal has joined the fight here.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Robert 0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0 Mature
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Rugal 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Guy
COMBATSYS: Rugal focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Robert 0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0 Mature
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Rugal 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Guy
"Do so," she says, her tone a touch playful as she grins and marches forward, eyes set on Robert. Her boss wants her to deal with the man--fine. She'll do just that. It's been a few days since she got to see blood. Mature was starting to get a touch restless. Thus with a sweep of her arm the coat is offered over, and ultimately she rushes the Italian and executes a quick fist toward his back--
--only, it doesn't hit. Instead the man leaps up and OVER her, kicking the woman rather uncomfortably and sending her staggering a few feet forward, rather unceremoniously. This does not settle well with the woman at all. In fact, her eyes narrow a touch, calm features a slight bit annoyed as she turns around and faces him. Rugal's backseat fighter advice doesn't make matters worse--she only gets even more irritable. Somehow, however, she manages to keep her head on her shoulders.
"I'm aware of that, sir," she says, bowing her head a touch forward...
Again she charges forward. However, rather than deliver a nice punch she instead slashes her arms ahead of her, long fingers delicately slicing with precision through the air. Three consecutive slashes are issued at the man, intent on cutting whatever those long, well-manicured nails of hers--and the wind that slices in its wake--can get a hold of.
COMBATSYS: Mature successfully hits Robert with Metal Massacre.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Robert 0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0 Mature
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Rugal 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Guy
It was one thing when she was behind Robert and he didn't know he was clocking her smartly with his shoe, but once she's in front of him and charging at him with slashing hands? Caught by surprise he simply tries to duck out of the way, but the delay is enough to give her freedom to cut into the exposed expanse of chest and leave rather telling red gashes. That *hurt*. Flowing with his original motion and eventually breaking free from Mature's grip, Robert quickly gains some distance.
Chancing a glance down at his injured chest, Robert grins smugly at Mature arms swirling into motion once more. "Suit yourself lady, you had your free hit. But know that I am a disciple of Kyokugen, and it won't go easy for you!" His arms come to rest in a vaguely sentai martial arts pose, actually *does* look like genuine martial arts, sort of. But that doesn't make it look any less corny. Crossing his arms in front of him at the wrists, he appears to be focussing on Mature and allowing her the initiative again.
COMBATSYS: Robert gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Robert 1/-------/=======|===----\-------\0 Mature
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Rugal 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Guy
Quirking an eyebrow, Guy certainly has to respect how up-front Rugal is about this. It cuts down on time that would otherwise be spent just bantering worthlessly. Sure, Guy could probably banter back at this point, but the important message he's taken from what Rugal has said goes like this: 'I am a bad person, if you kick me I won't straight die, and I am not going to come along quietly.' And that, naturally, is very useful for Guy - it means that he doesn't have to worry about hurting Rugal too much.
With this information in hand, Guy's course of action is clear - hurt Rugal and Mature, who are clearly together, and then assess whether or not he has to hurt Robert, too. But first things first. Dashing forward at Rugal, frowning imposingly, Guy rams a foot forward at Rugal's midsection. Whether or not it impacts successfully, or even impacts at all, doesn't matter, as afterward Guy will spring off of that raised foot in a backflip, bringing his other foot around for another strike, before landing a short distance away.
It's awesome to be a ninja.
COMBATSYS: Rugal blocks Guy's Kamaitachi.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Robert 1/-------/=======|===----\-------\0 Mature
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Rugal 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Guy
Awesome to be a ninja. But more awesome, to be strong.
Rugal's focus moves away from Mature. He trusts that she can take care of herself, and so he won't bother with trying to keep an eye on her. Instead, his eyes take in Guy, following the patterns of his movements until - there! The man moves, and he's quite fast at that! Good, that means that this will be an /entertaining/ fight! Guy is not nearly fast enough, however. Rugal intends to prove this, because, where Guy's intent was to shove his foot into Rugal's stomach area - he finds a solid, gloved hand to get in his way. Rugal does not try to stop the other man from leaping. The ninja is free to land as dramatically as he wishes behind Rugal, because R's leader... seems very intent on checking the status of Mature's coat. Once it has proven to be safe, he turns to offer his enemy a wide grin.
"Be careful. It's genuine fur, you know."
One push off his foot sends Rugal flying through the air. His intent is rather simple, actually; flipping through the skies with a sort of grace and skill not often found in a man his size, he intends to slam one foot, /solidly/ against the top of Guy's skull.
Here's to hoping he has a thick cranium.
His avoidance of her arms' onslaught seems to fail him, and caught in the midst of her flailing arms and lashing fingers he's given three relatively smarting lashings. Upon contact the woman's eyes widen just a touch, a flicker of morbid delight briefly passing through deep blue eyes. Ah, how she enjoys the macabre sounds fighting makes.
Once she's done the man quickly gives himself distance--darting away, he puts space between the pair, and this causes the blonde to pout rather disappointedly. "What's wrong?" she asks, looking sincerely offended. "You don't enjoy my delicate touch?" A sigh follows. Clearly he doesn't--he's taking the time to procrastinate and waste her time by sitting there, crossing his arms like some fool. A light sneer passes her rouge-colored lips.
Again the woman's legs swiftly carry her forward, her figure sprinting suddenly across the way and closing in the distance. As she does so, one arm dips low, nails just centimeters from the ground as she runs. However, the distance between them is sealed as she suddenly and violently sweeps that hung arm violently up, a wide arc of biting wind following in its wake as she issues a guttural 'Ha!' in execution. How DARE he mock her by wasting her precious time!
COMBATSYS: Robert blocks Mature's Death Row.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Robert 1/-----==/=======|===----\-------\0 Mature
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Rugal 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Guy
Robert just grins mockingly in the face of Mature's advance, apparently starting to get into the thrill of the moment despite the blood trickling down his chest. A bit old to be that sort of cocky brat, isn't he? But apparently that confidence is grounded in something, as Robert uses those same arms to not only shield himself from cutting winds that lash at his sleeves and bite into his forearms, but he smoothly flows back from the attack with a spark of orange lighting up between his hands, "Haoh..."
Only to thrusts both palms forward in her direction, a large sphere of roaring back in answer to her Mature's assault. "Shou Kouken!!"
COMBATSYS: Guy blocks Rugal's Medium Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Robert 0/-------/-----==|===----\-------\0 Mature
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Rugal 0/-------/-------|==-----\-------\0 Guy
As for himself, the majority of Guy's attention is fixed near-solely upon Rugal. He's only barely keeping an eye on what's happening between Robert and Mature. There will be time to deal with that later, hopefully. As for now, Guy is suprised by Rugal's speed, barely able to cope with the incoming kick by raising an arm and simply absorbing the impact. If there was any doubt before, there's none now; Rugal is a dangerous man.
Guy has a way of dealing with dangerous men. Hopefully well before Rugal has a chance to sufficiently recover from his attack, Guy ducks down and uppercuts as hard as he can. Look at the logistics of the situation, and just guess where he's aiming for. Go on, guess.
COMBATSYS: Rugal fails to interrupt Fierce Punch from Guy with Genocide Cutter.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Robert 0/-------/-----==|===----\-------\0 Mature
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Rugal 0/-------/--=====|===----\-------\0 Guy
... Ow.
Well then, it goes without saying that Guy is going to suffer great pains now.
Rugal seems to be preparing something for Guy's impact, but it seems to sadly go amiss. Whatever he was preparing is stopped short as the ninja seems intent on trying to stop Rugal from bearing any more children. That said, his fist impacts quite firmly with Rugal's family jewels. There is a moment, where the man's eyes widen, and he staggers back a little. But he's not about to show any obvious signs of pain in front of an enemy. Save for one thing.
"I am going to rip out your spine."
And that, as they say, is a promise. For now, though, Bernstein is just going to stumble back, and be in more than a small deal of pain. The after effects - those are the worst parts of it.
COMBATSYS: Mature blocks Robert's Haoh Sho Ko Ken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Robert 0/-------/-----==|=====--\-------\0 Mature
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Rugal 0/-------/--=====|===----\-------\0 Guy
His arrogance amuses the blonde; she meets his grin with one of her own, her features still as calm as ever. Regardless of her seeming calm, she's aware, watching him closely without fail. What is he planning? What's his next move? Only time will tell.
It's not long after he gives her a mocking grin he makes his move. Between his hands a strange, orange energy comes to life, and without hesitation the Italian thrusts his arms forward, giving direction to the projectile of orange energy. Seeing this, the woman does little more than lift her arms up, looking perturbed as it strikes. The thread of her blazer shreds a touch, fraying as the attack grinds against her arms, but ultimately she's kept safe from his onslaught. Hissing a touch, Mature just lowers her arms, slowly, glaring at the man with hateful eyes.
But she doesn't act. Instead the woman's arms coyly cross of her chest, a smile forming its way across her red lips. Rather than assault him like previously, she stands her ground away from him.
COMBATSYS: Mature focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Robert 0/-------/-----==|=====--\-------\0 Mature
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Rugal 0/-------/--=====|===----\-------\0 Guy
Robert's hands flow back into his karate stance even as he hurls the chi with force, not knowing whether or not she'll risk a counterattack with such close proximity. Once the sunspot fades from his vision he sees that his own turn has come, apparently drinking that malice right up and stoking his own fire with it. Not sparing the matter another thought he decides to press what he perceives as his advantage (just ignore the bleeding gashes like he does), he leaps toward the threatening woman with a powerful series of midair kicks meant to keep her on the defensive. "Flying Whirlwind KICK~."
...He's only vaguely aware of Rugal taking the uppercut in his pride with his peripheral vision, and even glancingly observed Robert is forced to wince in mid-kick. Not to his advantage at all, but, well, he's a guy, and that looked like it *hurt*.
Guy is not terribly worried about the threat of imminent spine-removal, because that's what he sees it as. A mere threat, not a promise. If he had a dime for every time some ass said that they were going to harm him in some excessive, gory, brutal fashion, well. He would have at /least/ ten bucks. The funny thing is, none of them have actually happened yet, although certainly none of the people making threats have had Rugal's sheer ability to hurt people.
Still, a threat along those lines deserves a proper response. Glibness was never Guy's thing, so a cocky retort is straight out of the picture. Really, that only leaves one other acceptable option. Face-kickings. Rushing forward in a very low sprint, not intending to give Rugal a single moment of respite more than he can possibly prevent, Guy prepares to do just that. He hops and spins...and then goes down to the ground in a sliding kick? There's certainly something to be said about keeping your opponent guessing.
COMBATSYS: Guy successfully hits Rugal with Hayagake.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Robert 0/-------/------=|=====--\-------\0 Mature
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Rugal 0/-------/=======|====---\-------\0 Guy
Keep Rugal guessing, Guy certainly does. These blows aren't particularly strong, but Guy seems to have some sort of luck on his side today. Rugal doesn't try to dodge the strike, and though he isn't as braced as he intended to be, it doesn't hurt as much as it might have were the man anyone else. The sliding kick strikes, and while Rugal's balance is lost, and he goes falling to the ground, he isn't that way for long. One moment is all it takes for Rugal to press his hands against the ground, and spring upwards, flipping through the air.
His next maneuver is only made apparant when he lands. Blue-white chi flicks around his arm as he falls onto his feet, flaring around it for a brief span of a second before he snaps his right arm forward - still holding that coat in the other. A projectile, ground-based, goes ripping across the ground towards Guy, screaming potential pain if the other man isn't fast on his reflexes.
COMBATSYS: Robert successfully hits Mature with Flying Whirlwind Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Robert 0/-------/----===|=======\-------\0 Mature
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Rugal 0/-------/=======|====---\-------\0 Guy
Unfortunately for Rugal, Mature has long-since decided to spend the majority of her attention on this Italian fighter rather than the well-being of her employer. There's a good reason for her NOT to worry--the man can hold his own, and THEN some. The same could be said for this guy, maybe. But she's not stupid enough to admit something like that to Robert, oh no.
Rather than attack, Mature instead stands her ground, clearly holding herself in some strange, almost wanton fashion. Regardless of her intention by doing it, she's got her eyes all on Robert, and she isn't about to tear them off of him. Not until one of them is unconscious.
He moves, using this as his advantage and giving her a quick series of nice, painful kicks. She does little more than just take what the man dishes out. The kicks connect, and each one causes the blonde to oof, grit her teeth and reel back, her heels grinding against the asphalt beneath her. They leave quite painful throbs in their wake, and a moment after he's landed she shakes her head, looking a touch winded. She doesn't waste time--running forward, the secretary crouches low, planting a hand against the ground, legs continuing forward to deliver a nice, sturdy kick to his lower midsection.
COMBATSYS: Robert dodges Mature's Heavy Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Robert 0/-------/----===|=======\-------\0 Mature
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Rugal 0/-------/=======|====---\-------\0 Guy
Fortunately for Robert, that injury he took early on taught him *very* quickly that this wasn't some damsel in distress to be underestimated. Like a true pro - better than one, really - she's immediately back on her feet after that onslaught and trying to smack him for a hard one when he touches down. Wary of that opening, he immediately springs away from his first landing point to gain some more distance. Not trusting Mature to let him keep his distance, especially after that narrowly avoided follow-up, Robert immediately spins on his shoes (ignoring the ache in his wallet as he hears his own footwear grind against pavement) he throws up his arms in an imitation of one of Mature's earlier attacks. Orange crescents form as he swings both of his arms, sending them flying at Mature in what appears to be a cheap knockoff of his opponent's own move? Either he's just rubbing salt in the wounds, or just trying to keep enough variety in play that she can't predict his next move.
COMBATSYS: Rugal successfully hits Guy with Reppuken.
Glancing Blow
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Robert 0/-------/----===|=======\-------\0 Mature
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Rugal 1/-----==/=======|======-\-------\0 Guy
It's a happy thing for Guy that he periodically fights Rock, because it means that he has tons of experience with Reppukens. How to avoid them, specifically. However, much as Guy might not like to admit it, Rugal's Reppuken is both faster and stronger than Rock's. Guy hops out of the way, almost, but that small difference in speed makes it so that he's clipped by the chi. Suffice to say, it hurts, and he's thankful that it only clipped him.
But the fact of the matter is, Guy's still in a tough spot. He was doing his best to avoid that, and Rugal is a good distance away - more than enough to see Guy coming. An attack right now, as nice as it would inadvisable. Taking another quick look over at Robert and Mature, and not seeing /too/ large of an advantage either way, Guy figures he's got time - let Rugal come to him. So then he sits down, just staring at Rugal. If he had a barrel, he would break it and eat whatever's inside, but tragically Southtown is inferior to Metro City in many ways, such as not having a barrel on every corner for quick recoveries.
COMBATSYS: Guy takes a breather.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Robert 0/-------/------=|=======\-------\0 Mature
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Rugal 1/-----==/=======|======-\-------\0 Guy
... What is this.
"You started a fight with me, and now you sit down?" He doesn't care that he clipped Guy with one of his attacks, this is just an insult. He is more than annoyed with the ninja. He is /incredibly/ perturbed. But if the man thinks that this is going to gall Rugal into doing something stupid, than the other man is wrong. He wants Rugal to come to him? Bernstein does not rush stupidly towards anyone who has chosen to attack him.
"Pathetic." It's all he offers, before he turns, and begins to walk away. If Guy is so intent on fighting evil, he should have no qualms with stopping the slow, steady walk of the other man. Unless, of course, he's not up for the challenge. Regardless, R's leader takes in a deep breath, turns his back on Guy, and walks, slinging Mature's coat over his shoulder.
COMBATSYS: Rugal takes a breather.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Robert 0/-------/------=|=======\-------\0 Mature
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Rugal 1/------=/=======|======-\-------\0 Guy
COMBATSYS: Robert successfully hits Mature with Ryuugeki Ken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Robert 0/-------/----===|=======\-------\1 Mature
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Rugal 1/------=/=======|======-\-------\0 Guy
Her hearty kick avoided, the woman is quick to scramble up from what might be an otherwise prone position. Rising to her heels, Mature's eyes follow Robert closely, lips drawn into a thin, very thoughtful line across her face. On the one hand, it's nice he stopped taking her less-than seriously. On the other hand, he's really starting to get her riled up--not that her face seems to express any real, obvious irritation. What does the Italian in cheap import shoes have planned? Oh, how she'd love to know for certain, but he always seems to surprise her.
What the...? Lifting a brow as he seemingly mocks her, the blonde furrows her brows, watching as the orange energy springs to life and flies toward her, tearing through the air and ultimately at her. Again does she lift her arms, covering her face and neck from harm's way, to endure what of his energy she can when it decides to tear into her. Holding her ground and planting her feet fiercely, the energy strikes, her blazer's sleeves even MORE ruined by the projectile tossed her way, followed by more, irritated hisses. Is he really trying his best to get a rise out of her? He's slowly but surely succeeding.
Mature shakes her head once, clearing her thoughts before she again rushes forward, intent on reaching out and grabbing the man by his cheesy collar and giving him a nice, painful trip square into the ground by way of tossing him right into it.
COMBATSYS: Robert dodges Mature's Strong Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Robert 0/-------/----===|=======\-------\1 Mature
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Rugal 1/------=/=======|======-\-------\0 Guy
Fortunately the only thing matching Robert's (over)confidence, excluding the lemming-like instinctual urge to woo hyperactively annoying girls with overprotective karate masters for fathers, is his focus. Without that focus? Anyone with half that flash and dare would be ground into pavement by now. ...Okay, that and the fact that his bare-chested leisure suit lacks a whole lot of collar to get a good grip on. Slipping out from behind the cover of his projectile again, still not chancing a counter-attack, this time his caution is rewarded - Mature manages to snag the corner of his collar hanging at his shoulder, but the fabric simply doesn't provide enough leverage to heave with and tears in her grasp. Hopping a few paces back after the exchange, Robert firms up his stance, and proceeds to vocalize his focusing like the annoying martial artist he is with a 'haaaaaaAAAAH~!'.
Gathering his will and refocusing himself for the final stretch to victory, Robert finishes his demonstration and meets Mature's irate glare with a daring grin. He remains tense, poised, and ready despite the close proximity. If he predicts her correctly, no doubt he'll be striking with what he thinks is a powerful deathblow.
COMBATSYS: Robert gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Robert 0/-------/=======|=======\-------\1 Mature
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Rugal 1/------=/=======|======-\-------\0 Guy
Unexpected. An interesting move, though. Just walking away liek that...Guy was just resting a moment in an attempt to draw Rugal out, make the man seize on this moment of weakness. didn't exactly pan out that way, now did it? No, no it did not. Still, one could look at that more as a temporary setback, more than anything else. There's more than one way to skin a cat, so to speak, and the way Guy's choosing involves something big, slow, and sure to cause great harm upon impact. It's dangerous, yes, wildly so, but that's just one of those risks that one has to take.
Coming up to his feet, Guy looks fairly unperturbed by Rugal calling him pathetic: say what you will, Guy's in slightly better condition than Rugal at this point, and he knows it. Walking forward, Guy speeds up into a jog, then breaks out into a straight run, before jumping up high, as high as he can manages, angling himself downward, sneaker-first, turning himself into a big, pissed-off looking comet. A ninja comet!
COMBATSYS: Rugal endures Guy's Strong Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Robert 0/-------/=======|=======\-------\1 Mature
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Rugal 1/---====/=======|=======\-------\0 Guy
Well now... that's more like it. That's what Rugal would have better expected of the ninja. Coat in one hand, the other held casually at his side, R's leader is more than content to walk away, even as Guy rushes towards him with such reckless abandon. In truth, he sees the attack coming, out of the corner of his eye - /feels/ the hostility oozing from the other man's senses. But Rugal's response... is simply to walk. Even as Guy SLAMS his foot down, into the other the madman's back.
And that is when Rugal grins.
He staggers. The blow stings more than just a little bit, but he has been hit by worse. Chi wraps around Bernstein's body in a rather sudden and shocking display, and his form begins to distort - until one hand snaps forward, blood-red chi enveloping it as it attempts to grasp Guy, quite firmly, bit his face with searing hot pain.
COMBATSYS: Rugal successfully hits Guy with Scorpion Deathlock.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Robert 0/-------/=======|=======\-------\1 Mature
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Rugal 1/-======/=======|=======\====---\1 Guy
There's a small amount of satisfaction to be had as Rugal grips Guy by the face, and as he does, he laughs. It's a condescending laughter, as Rugal grips all the tighter onto Guy's face, pulling him DEADLY close. "As I said..." His left hand leaves Mature's coat for a moment, so that it may tense in preparation.
That one hand smashes forward. It is flaring with crimson chi, and as soon as it impacts, there is a deafening BOOM of the explosion taking place - enough force to send Guy flying far, far away from Bernstein's grinning, malevolent face.
Once again the Italian martial artist manages to weasel his way out of her hands, the collar of his suit just in the nick of time. Thus when she gives the effort forward to throw him--he's not there, and she instead just stumbles forward a few, careless steps, heels clicking all the way. She regains her foot, letting her arms lift up and out, to help her briefly pivot on her heel and about-face. When she comes around, Robert is there in that same, silly pose again. The grin on his face seems to suggest he can read her like an open book.
She's anything BUT.
Her irritation is gradually and swiftly building, but she's not about to let herself go apeshit--she's nothing like her fellow secretary Vice. Instead she simply smiles, a polite gesture at best as she lifts her arms overhead, crossed at the wrists. But as fluid and graceful as the gesture seems, it's suddenly vicious, her eyes going harsh and unrelenting as they swiftly motion downward, an arc of harsh wind cutting the air before her--and flying right for Robert. Surely the secretary isn't THAT predictable?
COMBATSYS: Robert overcomes Ebony Tears from Mature with Ryuugeki Ken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Robert 0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\1 Mature
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Rugal 1/-======/=======|=======\====---\1 Guy
Okay, that *wasn't* what Robert was hoping for. Either a head-on attack, or even hanging back and letting him have the first move would have been preferable to her playing the distance card back on him. Channeling that chi he just gathered right back out, Robert thrusts his hands forward and this time the orange light takes the form of a large geyser in his palms, not travelling away from him but simply pulsating with raw force in an attempt to shield himself from the attack. Mistaking the BOOM of Rugal's attack for Mature's own onslaught, he actually *overextends* himself with the effort and ends up putting even more force behind the move than he originally intended to. When the light clears? Robert finds himself completely unscathed, and that *does* seem to surprise him quite a bit. So does he accept fate like a gracious, upright citizen? Nah. He waggles his eyebrows like a chump.
Guy would be more concerned about cries of how pathetic he is if he had made any attempt at all to evade Rugal's weird face-grabbing tendancies. As it is, he was not expecting the explosion. The force it inflicts upon Guy's hapless body makes it somewhat difficult to stay anywhere near Rugal, much less get in position to launch an awesome counterattack on him. Tumbling roughly upon landing, Guy manages to come up in a crouch, before coming to his feet once he realizes just how far he's been blasted.
Naturally, at this point, Guy starts moving back toward Rugal, although he's not exactly rushing - he's being cautious, looking to see what move Rugal is going to make. Hopefully, that will be enough.
COMBATSYS: Guy focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Robert 0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\1 Mature
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Rugal 1/-======/=======|=======\====---\1 Guy
While Guy is being cautious, at this point in time... Rugal simply throws caution to the wind. He can see that Guy is planning something. That much is rather obvious. But he doesn't care. Instead, Rugal straightens, cracking his back and stretching out his arms. His left hand grips the coat slung over his shoulder once more, as he considers Guy with a slight frown. He won't come to Guy, but... he'll give the ninja a gift for deciding that he'd rather hesitate than respond.
One nice, polished shoe dips under a slab of concrete nearby R's leader. And in one, fluid motion, he jerks his foot up, sending the chunk of debris flying upwards into the air. He spins, at that point and with a good deal of force, KICKS that concrete in midair and sends it HURLING at Guy - right for his face.
COMBATSYS: Mature just-defends Robert's Ryuugeki Ken!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Robert 0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\1 Mature
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Rugal 1/-======/=======|=======\====---\1 Guy
With a harsh motion of her arms Mature sends out a harsh arch of wind that tears for Robert, the woman's eyes widening a touch. She's intent, her confidence high. She's sure--very sure--she'll strike the man and make her hit. It's just a matter of watching and waiting for the splatter of blood or what-have-you to give her that pleasure. It's a matter of seconds...
...only, the delightful splatter of blood doesn't come. Instead the man's gathered power otherwise negates her Ebony Tears, much to her surprise. Oh, but it doesn't end there--oh no. Instead Robert's Ryuugeki Ken comes right FOR her, giving her precious little time to make a choice. She has little options at her disposal, so rather than risk harming her dear and precious face, Mature again lets her arms protect her from come what may. She's put up with enough--there's no way she's going to lose to some wanderer off the streets.
Her internalized frustrations gather, and with a rather guttural grunt of sorts the projectile is blocked successfully--so much so the woman opens her arms upon impact, sending the thing otherwise dispersing. Mature? She wastes no time. It's time to get serious--it starts by the woman planting a hand down on the ground and crouching briefly before she leaps up and forward, her body twisting midair and coming down right for Robert's upper body. Should it land...
COMBATSYS: Mature successfully hits Robert with Eternal Illusion.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Robert 0/-------/--=====|=------\-------\0 Mature
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Rugal 1/-======/=======|=======\====---\1 Guy
Grabbing Robert rather fiercely, the woman's nails practically dig into the man's shoulders, and with a fierce jerk of her arm, she issues a nice, vicious scratch across his chest--it doesn't end there. Where once there was one blonde secretary, there's seemingly two now--one on the front of Robert, the other behind. She pauses, an arm held out and across her chest, the illusion mimicking her every movement. She doesn't hesitate to act.
With a fierce slash, the woman in the suit repeatedly lashes out and violently cuts at Robert, arms swiftly moving about as the wind about her arms delivers nice, painful gashes with each successful strike. After numerous lashings she pauses, lifting a hand up to her lips before she leans forward, a broad but clearly sadistic smirk wide across her lips. Fingers rise, pressing to her lips before she motions forward--following this, a nice explosion erupts from beneath Robert, clearly meant to knock him on his rear and then some.
Finally, Mature manages to outplay the flashy Kyokugen fighter, and it's time for him to pay his dues for arrogance. Life is tough though. Which pays less in the end, evil or arrogance? Robert throws his weight in with the latter, and even as Mature has him right where she wants him and is tearing into him, he grits his teeth and fights against the agony of the attacks. Too many attacks, too many...Matures?! Not the time to make his break for it. Instead he choses that last moment, and as Mature's hand lifts to meet her mouth, Robert comes crashing *out* of the explosion midway, the power behind the attack slightly lacking due to his wracked stamina and the highly improvised nature of the move, but if he can swing his torso around and just get in that sideways crack at her face with his fist, it'll be *worth* it.
COMBATSYS: Rugal successfully hits Guy with Large Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Robert 0/-------/--=====|=------\-------\0 Mature
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Rugal 1/=======/=======|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Guy
Simply put? Ow. Chunk of concrete impacts Guy, right in the face, and sends him flat on his ass, very much so hurt. There's what looks like a small torrent of blood leaking out from some cut hidden by his hair, and he really doesn't look to be in very good shape at all. Did I mention how much that hurt? Because it did.
Shaking his head in an attempt to clear it, Guy briefly considers the possibility that he might have a concussion after that massive head-trauma. He's certainly having difficulty managing to continue on his way toward Rugal, so that leaves Guy a simple solution: stay put and don't go to Rugal until his vision's exactly straight again. As it stands, the world's not /spinning/ per-say, but it's certainly wobbling.
COMBATSYS: Guy focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Robert 0/-------/--=====|=------\-------\0 Mature
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Rugal 1/=======/=======|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Guy
This is... sad. Very, very sad. Rugal has no pity for this man. He's actually rather disgusted. This is not what a fight should be; what once was a good day has been utterly ruined by the piece of trash that sullies the vision of R's leader. Is he not going to ATTACK? Is Rugal strike this little weakling down without him putting up so much of a ghost of a fight anymore? He feels compelled to puke. Instead...
He dips down, picking up another slab of concrete. "Complete, and utter, waste of my time and energy, boy. Luck can only get you so far." He refuses to give Guy the joy of getting close. This man is a physical fighter, and so... Rugal HURLS that stone slab at the ninja, just like the last - only this one is aimed at the man's chest, to potentially break Guy's sternum if he's not made of tough stuff.
COMBATSYS: Mature blocks Robert's Jab Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Robert 0/-------/--=====|=------\-------\0 Mature
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Rugal 1/=======/=======|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Guy
With a compassionate show of gesture, Mature seeks to offer a blown kiss as a means to mend his clearly painful wounds. However, it's far from gentle, and as her hand motions outwardly the ground erupts. Expecting Robert to have been knocked clear on his duff, the woman begins to laugh--right until he barrels THROUGH the explosion of flame and tears right for her with a fist aimed right for her face. How dare he!?
Again she lifts an arm up, intent on simply avoiding that strike intent on putting a bruise where it surely does not belong. Let her arms take the brunt of the blow--again. At least she'll come out looking as lovely as always. "How dare you!" she cries, looking a touch irritated. "How dare you have the audacity to try and touch my face, you filthy swine! Unacceptable!!" That said the woman pirouettes, spinning on her nice heels to deliver a nice, hearty kick right for his chest. Hopefully her stiletto will punctuate to the arrogant Italian she doesn't fancy boys hitting her in the face.
COMBATSYS: Robert blocks Mature's Heavy Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Robert 0/-------/--=====|==-----\-------\0 Mature
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Rugal 1/=======/=======|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Guy
Oh goody, Robert found a button to push! Noted for future reference, but he's not in the best of positions to capitalize on that at the moment. But he can come up with a variant on it. Indignant she is indeed, and that kick packs a *whallop*, but he manages to bring his arms up in time to catch Mature's leg - sliding his hands along it to find a solid grip no less! - and bar her from digging the jagged end of that heel any deeper into his angrily welted chest. Now, he just *grins*. "Oh, I'm SORRY lady, I really am. But maybe you should keep your face the hell away from mine if you value it so much, eh?" Does he let go? No. Does he use the grip to throw her? No. He just *hangs onto it*, gambling on keeping her off balance while he gathers himself again, and just pissing her off with having a greasy Italian clinging to her shapely curves. "See? Like this leg here. You're the one who can't keep yourself away from me!" <3
COMBATSYS: Robert gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Robert 1/-----==/=======|==-----\-------\0 Mature
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Rugal 1/=======/=======|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Guy
COMBATSYS: Guy interrupts Large Thrown Object from Rugal with Bushin Musou Renge.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Robert 1/-----==/=======|==-----\-------\0 Mature
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
Rugal 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|======-\-------\0 Guy
Sometimes, when somebody's throwing big 'ol chunks of concrete at you like a total butthead, you just have to suck it up and kick their ass. Kick it something fierce. Charging forward the instant Rugal throws that slab of concrete, belying his earlier moment of stunned inaction, Guy actually punches right through the goddamn thing. It shatters into a thousand tiny fragments, coating Guy with dust and cutting him in a variety of places, but that's hardly his concern at the moment.
Really, he's just sort of pissed off at Rugal. Moreso than his usual, mild anger at anybody who's being evil and crap. But as much as Guy might try to hide it, he is just a man, after all, and when you're constantly getting insulted like that, you would start getting pissed off, too.
In any case, getting up nice and close to Rugal in an eyeblink, close enough to whisper in the man's ear if he so chose, Guy flips the hell out in true ninja fashion. The chi surge is massive, lending artificial strength and speed to Guy's limbs, so much that he's actually unable to contain it upon every strike that lands on Rugal, resulting in a bright flash of light. There are a lot of hits, and that means it's like a strobe bomb or something going off. After a short time of this, Guy backflips away with a flourish, a definate, though wordless, point made. Don't underestimate Guy.
When someone is standing around like a big ol' idiot, something you have to kick their ass as well. With extreme force. The fact is, Guy moves so fast, that Rugal doesn't even have time to /blink/ until the man is right in his face, slipping past his defenses with an inordinate amount of skill and speed. For Rugal's credit, he doesn't let out any sounds of pain as he is struck, over and over again, with no sign of relenting until the final blow SOLIDLY knocks Rugal to the ground. It hurts, but... it doesn't hurt /enough/. That's not enough. Not nearly...
"Are you done?"
The words come from the man's prone form on the ground, as he leaps up. Blood flows down his lips, and his eyes drift down to the coat on his shoulder, frowning. "... I told you to be careful." Did it hurt? Yes. But if that's the extent of Guy's strength, well. It didn't hurt NEARLY enough to put Rugal down.
Blood red chi forms mists around Rugal's form, making it distort, waver. His normal eye has gone completely white, but Guy only gets a glimpse - before Rugal suddenly blinks out of existance. He is right in Guy's defenses once more only a moment after, one hand outstretched to clamp against the ninja's face yet again. Only this time, the chi intends to actually BURN his face and...
COMBATSYS: Guy endures Rugal's Gigantic Pressure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Robert 1/-----==/=======|==-----\-------\0 Mature
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ]
Rugal 0/-------/---====|=======\=======\1 Guy
... the chi actually DOES burn Guy's skin this time, but also brings with it an unnatural sense of fear - no, probably more natural than any fear in the world. Fear of the unknown. The fear and the burning are only secondary, though, as Rugal once more wavers through fragile reality, and DISAPPEARS. He reappears in a sudden blur of motion, smashing Guy into a warehouse wall with an EXPLOSION of crimson chi. He turns, then, and disappears once more, only to SMASH Guy one more time into what was once a wall, and now only the semblence thereof. This time, though, all that chi funneled through Rugal's body transfers into a massive explosion of crimson chi that engulfs Guy in a column, before it slowly turns into the image of a laughing skull's head and dissipates. And in the aftermath? Rugal tosses the other man aside.
That is why you don't punch Rugal in the twig-n-berries.
Let him continue to push that button--she'll continue to get her last bit of calm slowly chipped away before she just otherwise snaps. Still, for the interim, she remains considerably calm and patient. Just a little frayed around the edges, at best! Thus she delivers a nice, fierce kick at the man, intent on otherwise sending whatever air in his lungs he has--out. Unfortunately that doesn't work, and with a clever move of hand he prevents her heel from actually making purchase inside his chest.
He just didn't have to move his hand like that.
Widening her eyes a touch, the woman looks completely offended the man dare touch her. "Watch your tongue," she hisses, pointing a finger at the man, despite her off balance--she holds herself rather well with only one leg. "And don't you dare flatter yourself, you pig! I'll teach you to mind your manners!" Taking advantage of the moment, Mature suddenly tears to one side, letting her body spin once again as arms flail--and swiftly tear through the air, a fierce motion that intends on delivering a nice, deep gash from shoulder to hip across the man. "Hands off!!"
COMBATSYS: Robert blocks Mature's Death Row.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Robert 1/----===/=======|=------\-------\0 Mature
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ]
Rugal 0/-------/---====|=======\=======\1 Guy
Not quite enough to dislodge Robert alas, or even land a square hit on him. The Kyokugen fighter does a bit of a silly dance with Mature at this point, the woman clearly trying to gouge into him as deeply as she can, but Robert *just isn't letting her*, hanging onto that leg and hopping around to use her own weight against her - not to mention applying that leg as a shapely shield for his torso. All the same, she digs into him all the same where she can, and apparently the combination of wriggling and slashing is enough to shape his grip and release her. That *almost* seemed too easy.
"Kyokugen-style Secret!" Oh, that would be why.
COMBATSYS: Mature dodges Robert's Ryuuko Ranbu.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Robert 0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0 Mature
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ]
Rugal 0/-------/---====|=======\=======\1 Guy
Getting past Guy's defenses would be more of a feat if he was at all trying to get out of the way. He can see what's coming - not the specifics, but just that something big i@emit
Getting past Guy's defenses would be more of a feat if he was at all trying to get out of the way. He can see what's coming - not the specifics, but just that something big is coming. Knowing the shape he's currently in, Guy declines to make any defensive action at all, simply letting Rugal grab him and then subsequently throw him around like a rag doll. Check out those physics!
However, at the end of it...somehow Guy is still awake and aware. Barely. You don't get slammed into multiple walls like that without some consequence, and then that massive pillar of chi at the end? It's brutal. Interestingly enough, however, it does get Guy on his feet rather quickly - quickly enough, in fact, to add a good burst of speed when he rushes forward at Rugal. Guy might be going down, but he's certainly going to try to take Rugal with him. This is manifested in a blurring series of punches, which slowly phases into several kicks, ending with yet another backflip away - and this followed up by a blazing fast, parallel to the ground, flying kick.
COMBATSYS: Guy can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Robert 0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0 Mature
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/---====|
COMBATSYS: Guy successfully hits Rugal with Bushin Gourai Kyaku.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Robert 0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0 Mature
[ \\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/-======|
...Because the space Mature *used* to occupy is suddenly disturbed by the blur of a human body in rapid transit from Here to There in the span of one second. Instead of being graced with a brutal mauling, Mature instead gets to enjoy a rather pleasant breeze. No need to thank him. But feel free to. Instead of, you know, MAKING LIFE INCREDIBLY PAINFUL FOR HIM OR ANYTHING, REALLY GUYS.
Again - Guy is fast, Rugal can at least give him credit for that much. Despite his tendency to wobble around like an idiot, the last two blows he lands are solid - this attack is not so much. It distinctly lacks the SPICE the last one does, and though Rugal fails to block... he's still left unsatisfied in the end. Despite Guy's strength behind his blows, when striking Rugal's frame, it's like impacting a wall. Each strike, more damage is absorbed and shrugged off making the end result less climatic than it could have been. So, when that last blow hits home, Rugal goes flying through the air.
But when he lands, he lands on his feet.
He wobbles, briefly. But only briefly, a stagger that is slowly replaced by a strong, full stand. He won't show weakness, despite how much he might be hurting. Instead, he brings that coat he has been carrying up to his eyes, before staring harshly at Guy's prone form. "... this is genuine fur, you ignoramus." His dual gaze soon falls on Mature and her opponent, taking in a deep breath... and waiting.
COMBATSYS: Rugal takes a breather.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Robert 0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0 Mature
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/-======|
For all her effort, the man just WON'T let her connect her strike. Instead she flounders like a fish, trying to maintain balance and do him some harm. Frustration begins to paint its way across her face, red lips pulled tightly in a thin line as she ceases her attempt, the man's grip considerable on her leg. "You fresh!" she cries, twisting in the man's grip before she's set free. Stumbling away, the woman scoffs, rubbing a hand against her upper thigh before snapping her head up, eyes focused on Robert. What is he planning..?
Clearly something she isn't privy to. The moment he lets her go she is long GONE, out of harm's way and ultimately out of dodge. Whatever technique he sought to employ against her fails, the woman's eyes widening a brief touch before she simply steps back, putting a hand to her chest and breathing slowly but cautiously. She really needs to rethink her tactics if she's going to take him down a few (hundred) pegs... She makes no move yet. Instead she tries to recuperate.
COMBATSYS: Mature takes a breather.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Robert 0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0 Mature
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/-======|
Robert lands from his lunge, opposite Mature, back to her. He rises smoothly enough, not faring too poorly in terms of power he's packing, but his opponent has one significant edge on him - blood loss, and he's getting *very* dizzy. Turning so that his back isn't to the 'newlyweds', he leans forward and braces himself for a moment with hands on knees. "If it's any consolation...", he pants, "...I'm only pulling your chain." Standing up again, forcing himself to for circumstances similar to but not quite what Rugal is making an effort with...he looks to the fallen form of Guy, then Mature and Rugal. The odds are against him in numbers here. And Mature may yet win, but perhaps he's given her enough trouble to where she'd consider calling it off. If ol' one eye will let her. Robert knows how this game works, that'll require some of the ol' Garcia Grease.
Robert waves a hand to Mature. "You're a good fighter. But I'll stop if you will. Seriously, I just came here to look at the car. You guys can have it, I probably wasn't even going to pay what the guy was asking anyway. And it certainly isn't worth this!" A nervous laugh, and he scratches the back of his head. "So. Do you guys take a check?"
COMBATSYS: Robert takes a breather.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Robert 0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0 Mature
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/-======|
He straightens. Slowly. His breath catching up to him... Rugal Bernstein's gaze focuses on Robert.
"Your friend has potentially damaged a fine piece of clothing that belonged to my secretary here. I don't think you understand the significance of that in comparison to your life. The percentages are vastly different." The coat isn't that bad off, really. But it's bad off enough so that Rugal slides his attention back towards the start of this whole mess. "Someone has to be punished, and our ninja friend here is too out of sorts to get proper screams out of." He takes a single step forward. Bracing himself for what is merely inevitable. Blue chi coils around his arm, snakes about it in a hiss of power.
(Do you guys take a check?)
"I'm afraid we don't accept those."
His arm snaps forward - but the projectile that is unleashed from it, like before, does not come from the air. Rather, it digs into the ground and races after Robert with power screaming around it. Threatening to slam right into the poor man and send him flying if he's not careful.
COMBATSYS: Robert dodges Rugal's Reppuken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Robert 0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0 Mature
[ \\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/-======|
She very nearly forgot she didn't come here alone, so it comes as a slight surprise when the otherwise booming, authorities voice of her employer rises from the ashes of his own fight. It brings a smirk to her lips, eyes narrowing a touch as the man tries to work his way out of a clearly dangerous situation. "Ah, my coat!" she cries, looking pleasantly pleased it's in one piece still. She was worried it wouldn't make it.
Looking back to Robert, the woman's expression goes a touch cold, but a smile lingers nonetheless. "It's as my boss said," she states, lifting her arms overhead with an exasperated sigh. "We can't just let you walk away so easily." Thus do her arms descent, a sharp slice of wind screaming its way toward Robert just as he otherwise dodges OUT of harm's way from Rugal's own attack.
COMBATSYS: Robert dodges Mature's Ebony Tears.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Robert 0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0 Mature
[ \\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/-======|
Seriously, don't make it easy for him or anything, guys. Robert is definately posturing here, because these attacks are by no means *easy* to dodge, but that doesn't mean he isn't going to do it anyway. It's not like him to give up his confidence as a marital artist! Rugal's energy geyser is a trick enough to dodge with how rapidly it advances on him, and he actually *limbos* around Mature's follow-up. What does this look like, a shooting alley? You people suck if it is!
"Two things.", Robert vocalizes once he has gotten out of harm's way, and sufficiently demonstrated that he isn't some bug for their convenient squashing. ...If he can keep up. "One, I don't know that guy. Two..." He thumbs towards the space Guy used to occupy with a fingerless glove. " let him get away, so that's your problem and not mine."
Robert glances between the two once more, producing his wallet as he continues. "Look. Either we can stand here wasting our time, or we can be professional about this. I'll even pay for the lady's coat despite it not being my problem." He idly toes the ground, making it blatantly obvious that he's just going to dance around their attacks if they try again. That's what he *wants* them to think, anyway. plz take the b8 alrdy, free $$$ 4 u
COMBATSYS: Robert takes a breather.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Robert 0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0 Mature
[ \\\\\\\\\\ <
Rugal 0/-------/-======|
What people want you to think, and what you know, are two entirely different things... aren't they? It's rather impressive that Robert can dodge /both/ attacks at once, but the strain is obvious. How long can Robert continue to dodge? He's likely just buying time, in the end. But if Garcia thinks /money/ will solve his problems, he should take a better look at the kind of clothing his opponents are wearing. Not the types that need it, certainly. But...
/But/. This boy is amusing, in an irritating way. Rugal knows how this will ultimately end if he and Mature continue to attack. And where would the fun in that be? His eyes drift down to to the man's feet. He's ready to dodge again, but not ready for the repercussions. "... HAH!" The laughter finally comes out loud and entertained, even as Rugal clutches a hand to his head, and leans back. "Priceless! You are an amusing one, aren't you? I would like to see how well you fight... when you're not in such dire staits as this. But this is the holidays."
A gloved hand raises towards Mature, and beckons. A command that should not be denied. "Mature! Let's go. We don't have time to waste on trash. The real irritant is gone now. Let's give our friend another day to live." Robert didn't kick him in the jumblies, after all. So Rugal will turn to walk away, fully expecting his secretary to follow.
"I will pay you a personal visit soon, sir. I would very much like to see the extent of that strength of yours."
COMBATSYS: Rugal has left the fight here.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Robert 0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0 Mature
COMBATSYS: Mature has left the fight here.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Robert 0/-------/-------|
Oh, Robert obviously knows two people who are well-off. They aren't the only ones who are rich. It's less about the actual numbers that float and more about the symbolism; you offer to make amend where it's due, and cover at *least* the actual monetary damages. Robert is in line to inherit the Foundation one day, so matters such as these are second nature to him.
Oddly enough, it's that last sentance of Rugal's that allows him to connect the dots, when he considers the implications of getting the Sakazakis involved - particularly Yuri. Rugal isn't Geese Howard, Reppuken or no Reppuken. But he clearly wields similar influences, deals in similar trades, and demolishes walls with similar ease. Clearly, this is a man to be reckoned with. Even more surprising? Robert has the audacity to reply, with a surprisingly on the spot remark. "A request. ...Not in Southtown. Geese might crash the party. He knows me, and he certainly knows you."
Log created by Mature, and last modified on 17:47:25 12/05/2005.