Description: Hotaru's 2nd league fight, in the first week of the inception of the League. Having lost to Seishirou in her first league fight, Hotaru finds herself with an opportunity to balance the loss in a challenge from Mimiru! (Winner: Hotaru)
What a surprise when Mimiru saw that Hotaru was part of the league fights! Of course, being part of team awesome, Mimiru had to challenge her friend for a fair fight. The score is 1 to 1 after all, and they have to see who's the best! Well not really, but she figured it would be good training and since they'Re both fighting... Eventually they'd have to fight each other, right?
And so, Mimiru asked for Hotaru to meet her here. The reason was pretty obvious. For a league fight. Along with other activities afterward and some talking but still... So, here is Mimiru, in the clearing with Max not too far away. The dog is panting by his mistress side and Mimiru's idly ruffling his hair, "You see Max, if we actually can get enough money, we'll be able to be rich and Yoko won't have to be working again, so we'll be able to see her more often."
Yes... Hotaru's in the league. She's already had one match, a relatively close one against Seishirou, but the results hadn't been posted yet. Still, Hotaru wasn't too surprised to see Mimiru in it; she's been asking Jiro to join, too, but he's been resisting. With Mimiru and Max already at the designated spot, Hotaru is left looking around for the camera crews, spotting them hiding at the edges of the clearing.
"Hi Mimiru-san, Max-kun!" she cries, waving to her friends, Itokatsu chirruping. The ferret runs across the clearing, easily outpacing Hotaru, and climbs up onto Max's head to... continue to nap. z.z Crazy ferret.
"Neh, Mimiru-san, let's have a good fight, ok?" Seems like Hotaru knows what's what.
Turning around on her heels, Mimiru faces Hotaru and she lifts her hand up to wave to her, "Heh girl!" Mimiru says. She chuckles and heaves a sigh, giving her a nod and resting her hands on her waist, "Sure thing! I'm going to beat you for sure this time! Last time I wasn't at my peak and stuff..." Mimiru grins and she winks to Hotaru, before her gaze goes down over to Max, who seems a bit busy with the ferret.
Mimiru shrugs and she returns her attention to Hotaru, "So...! Let's team awesome have one of their first official training session begin... I guess!" She giggles and then bites her lips, before she cracks her knuckles, "So Hotaru... You seem like you're a good friend with Jiro... You know, you seem pretty close to him and stuff I'm a bit curious the kind of stuff you two do together..."
That question might seem to be totally random, but Mimiru still says it as she approaches Hotaru and attempts to get her hands on the other girl, so that she may make her trip and slam her down in the snow.
COMBATSYS: Mimiru has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Mimiru 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Hotaru has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Hotaru 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Mimiru
COMBATSYS: Hotaru blocks Mimiru's O Soto Gari.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Hotaru 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Mimiru
Haven't we done this before? Hotaru replies, as Mimiru approaches, "Ah, well... mostly we spar... I guess... or just talk. Your brother is very conflicted but he told me that despite how he treats you he actually loves you a lot." It was very heartening to Hotaru to hear it. As for that trip-throw, Hotaru falls back into it, slamming a hand down to absorb the force of that trip and turn it into a back handspring--Hotaru flips away from Mimiru, landing in the snow.
And this--Mimiru's seen this before too, Hotaru calling up her chi energies, focusing them into her palm--but this close it's almost like she's trying for an energized palm strike, the projectile barely flashing into being as Hotaru thrusts her hand forward, before crossing the distance.
COMBATSYS: Mimiru parries Hotaru's Hakki Shou!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Hotaru 0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0 Mimiru
The tripping wasn't completly successful? It doesn't really matter, Mimiru has plenty of nice techniques up her sleeves. In fact, Mimiru doesn't give Hotaru the chance from moving too far away from her, she follows after her and just as she attempts to fire off that ball of energy, Mimiru's proximity just allow her to make a swift parry by side-stepping and getting right by Hotaru's side.
With Hotaru's arms stretched, Mimiru actually wraps her arms around her to get a good lock around Hotaru's arms and if she suceeds, she'll actually throw herself backward, mostly to force Hotaru to make a full flip over and slam her down. "Ahhh... Really? Did he say that? He's so sweet... But I guess that'S how sibling loves go, you know?" The girl says, lips curling into a wide grin, "ISn't it like that for everyone? I mean, just a little? I guess I was just worried Jiro might have tried up to hit on you or something but... Eh..."
[OOC] Hotaru says, "I know I'm going to fail this and cry. :)"
COMBATSYS: Hotaru blocks Mimiru's Uki Goshi EX.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Hotaru 0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0 Mimiru
Hotaru's getting a lot better at dealing with throws. Mimiru's heave-ho is assisted up and over, by Hotaru, the blue-haired girl pushing off to bring herself to a high vertical position before she lands--taking the impact on her hands again, using them like shock absorbers. She twists away from Mimiru's grip, going from her handstand position into a conventional crouch, kicking out low along the ground in a sweeping roundhouse kick aimed at Mimiru's ankles.
And despite that, she still has the breath to respond.
"No, I don't know... my brother would never--well, maybe someday I'll make him say it, but..." Still a sore subject with the bluehaired girl, but she doesn't resent Mimiru her relationship with Jiro. She just envies it.
COMBATSYS: Mimiru dodges Hotaru's Heavy Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Hotaru 0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0 Mimiru
Slowly getting back to her feet, Mimiru grimaces a little and she glances up to Hotaru, "Man, you're a nimble and slippery girl, I can't seem to get a direct solid hit." Mimiru comments. Her lips curl into a wide grin and she says, "But that's why I love ya and you're part of our team! 'cause you're just that good!" And just as Hotaru goes for a sweeping kick, Mimiru merely jumps off in the air to avoid this.
"I'm sure you will someday! Because we'll find him with you! THe more that are helping, the more likely you will find him!" Mimiru says with a few nods. The girl closes her hand into a tight fist and she tries to give Hotaru a powerful strike in her midsection, "We need to practice anyway and make sure we're as strong as possible for when team fighting tournaments will be held again! Think about... All those great world tournaments and all the champions in them, we could be one of those!"
COMBATSYS: Hotaru dodges Mimiru's Strong Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Hotaru 0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0 Mimiru
"You're pretty nimble yourself, Mimiru-san--" as evidenced by the fact that Hotaru hasn't laid a -hand- on the girl yet. Not even close. "--oop!" As Mimiru's fist swings on in, Hotaru sets herself--and actually grabs the incoming fist, pushing off of it and flipping over Mimiru in a picturesque cartwheel. Once she's landed, about two steps away, she twists away, hurling her leg upwards at Mimiru--but it isn't a kick meant to hit. No, what's meant to hit is the blue field of chi that suddenly snaps into existence, rippling upwards from the bottom of Hotaru's kick all the way up.
"And I'm sure we'll find him someday, Mimiru-san! I appreciate your help--and your friendship!"
COMBATSYS: Hotaru successfully hits Mimiru with Ko-bi Kyaku.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Hotaru 0/-------/---====|=====--\-------\0 Mimiru
She might have been quite nimble up to now, but Hotaru's just about to place one rather solid hit. Her fist has been blocked. Not too much of a problem. Unfortunately, this time, she doesn't quite have the same agility when it comes to avoid Hotaru's attack. The first kick? No problem, but Mimiru never saw the the wave of energy coming. In fact, it catches her just as she was over eager to get to Hotaru after what Mimiru thought was a miss.
A direct hit. And a rather good hit considering how Mimiru's defense was totally down. It knocks her back and halts her assault, causing her to stagger back and actually fall on her butt. She grimaces and winces, shaking her head a bit as she tries to shake it off. She can't leave herself open for too long though! "Max, do something! Use your super pounce attack!" And with a bark, Max, along with the napping furret on its back, rush over Hotaru and attempts to tackle-pounce her so that Mimiru has a few seconds to get back on her feet before Hotaru tries to attack her again.
COMBATSYS: Mimiru successfully hits Hotaru with Max Rush.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Hotaru 0/-------/--=====|=====--\-------\0 Mimiru
Well, I never! (That isn't true, she's had this happen before...) Itokatsu wakes up as Max starts moving and merely meeps and holds on for dear life as Max does his thing. The pouncetackle hurts but not too badly; it does knock Hotaru down, with an "OOF!" as she hits the snow-covered ground.
Still, she gives both Max and Itokatsu a pet before the dog gets off of her and Hotaru springs back up to her feet, not looking too much the worse for wear, yet. Though probably worse off than Mimiru is. She never thought Itokatsu would betray her like that.... or something. Well. Now that Mimiru's up on her feet, Hotaru... doesn't move in. No, she pulls a Mimiru Special.
What's a Mimiru Special, you ask? Well, it's simple--a snowball, aimed right for Mimiru's face, packed with loving care by Hotaru during her time with Max.
COMBATSYS: Hotaru successfully hits Mimiru with Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Hotaru 0/-------/-======|======-\-------\0 Mimiru
Mimiru indeed has the time to get back on her feet. Only to get nailed by a snowball right in her face. Mimiru staggers back a few steps and she lifts her hands up to wipe off the snow from her face. She grimaces a bit, still having a bit of snow here and there and she frowns at Hotaru, "Eh, no fair." She says. The girl pouts a bit and she says, "Alright! Now you're looking for big trouble girl!" Mimiru says.
Mimiru rushes over to Hotaru, "I'm going to get you!" Mimiru says as she attempts to pounce-tackle her herself. If Hotaru has the time to move aside well, she'll just fall head first in the snow, if not, well she'll fall with Hotaru in the snow! Ahah.
COMBATSYS: Hotaru blocks Mimiru's Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Hotaru 0/-------/-======|======-\-------\0 Mimiru
Mimiru Kasagi is going to give Hotaru some rough love too for that snowball full of love.
Well, Mimiru gets her rush in; Hotaru's footing temporarily unsteady, she doesn't try to dodge. But she does brace and it basically ends up with Mimiru ricocheting off of Hotaru who got her footing back just in time! Lucky Hotaru. She doesn't want Mimiru to just fall, though, so she grabs for Mimiru's arm... to pull her back and sling her back the way she came, with a little outstretched-leg trip for good measure and some good fun too. All's fair, right? Though Hotaru doesn't go for that herself, necessarily.
COMBATSYS: Mimiru counters Quick Throw from Hotaru with Ippon Seoi Nage.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Hotaru 1/------=/=======|=======\-------\0 Mimiru
Looks like Hotaru fell in for Mimiru's super feint! Well it wasn't really one, but it just happened to be that way. Probably it was just big luck. Mimiru's flick wrists actually move about and she actually just uses the grasp Hotaru has on her to turn the situation to her avantage. She presses her back to Hotaru and she actually bends over before she can make her trip, thus forcing her to get on her back, "Hop!" She says, before she actually turns her waist and force Hotaru down by slamming her to the ground. BANG.
And rather roughly at that. Mimiru even winces. She tilts her head to one side and she asks, "Oh, eh, that seemed brutal... You alright?"
*wham* Well, the ground still works. Niiiiice and solid. Yep... and gravity works too. Hotaru rolls away and back up to her feet, coughing as she draws a breath, then grins.
"Of course I'm alright Mimiru-san." The question is... will Mimiru be? Hotaru suddenly launches herself forward, spinning, windmilling her arms around at Mimiru, striking with palmstrike slaps and wrist-blocks. Mimiru probably knows the score, she's seen this before--Hotaru goes around twice, then...
...then she shifts, twirling upwards, striking with shoulder, elbow and wrist, attempting to carry Mimiru upwards for that final strike of this attack, the Sou-Shou Ten-Ren-Ge--a 'falling star' double knee strike, Hotaru's body blazing blue, energy focused around her knees, flaring back from that point.
COMBATSYS: Hotaru successfully hits Mimiru with Sou-Shou Ten-Ren-Ge EX.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
Hotaru 0/-------/------=|=======\=====--\1 Mimiru
Perhaps if Mimiru actually worried a little bit more about herself than Hotaru she might have felt better and would have been in a better shape than this. Hotaru's quick recovering and her quick reaction speed obviously breaks though Mimiru's guard and while she doesn't get totally plundered like a littke rag doll, she gets hit by most of those palm-strikes and most of the actually attack. And considering how she's not having the upper hand here, Mimiru knows that it's going to end up pretty badly.
And with the grand final, the double energy knee hits Mimiru and the girl actually staggers a few steps before she easily stumbles in her legs and falls down in the snow. Body trembling a little, Mimiru winces and she shakes her head a little, "Bleh..." She winces and holds her side, "Well... You know how to hit pretty hard.." She says, sticking her tongue out a bit as she gets back to her feet and tries to take her breath back.
COMBATSYS: Mimiru takes a breather.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Hotaru 0/-------/------=|=======\=====--\1 Mimiru
Hotaru gazes at Mimiru and actually looks a little worried. If this weren't an actual match... but she was always taught to treat a match like a match, even between friends.
"Gomen ne, Mimiru-san," she says, and... and lunges forward. Part of her hates to do it--she just hit Mimiru pretty hard after all--but she -does- want to win...
She'll give Mimiru some vocal warning, though.
"Prepare yourself--!" And with that, Hotaru calls upon her chi once more, though it'll leave her breathless, concentrated energy filling her right palm and being thrust out at Mimiru, once again, in the form of that energy ball...
COMBATSYS: Hotaru successfully hits Mimiru with Hakki Shou.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////// ]
Hotaru 0/-------/----===|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Mimiru
The girl tries to get her breath back and when she lifts her gaze up, she barely has the time to see the other attack coming. She tries to defend herself but since she's been trying to take her breath back, it doesn't leave her much of a chance to get herself back on her feet fast enough to react to the energy projectile.
It hits Mimiru and the girl is knocked back again and sent down. She falls down with a loud thud and she just pants loudly. The girl just lies there and she stays there, "Bah... I... I give up, you've won..." Mimiru admits, sticking her tongue out a bit, "You got me there.."
COMBATSYS: Mimiru takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Hotaru 0/-------/----===|
COMBATSYS: Mimiru can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Hotaru 0/-------/----===|
Frown! Even though she won, Hotaru is frowning. She walks over to Mimiru, looking apologetic, kneeling down next to her erstwhile teammate. The first words out of her mouth?
"I'm sorry, Mimiru-san." Only Hotaru would apologize for winning. She reaches out to give Mimiru a hand up, hoping the girl isn't like... mad at her or anything.
"Tell you what, because I won, we can go do karaoke or have some desserts or something, ok...?"
Mimiru blinks a few times and she glances over to Hotaru. She blinks some more and she just laughs. She just lies there in the snow and laughs, "Ahah! Hotaru, you're really something!" Mimiru admits, lips curling into a wide grin, "Ah, come on, Hotaru, I'm a sport girl! I do all kind of sports, competition is one thing, but I'm not a sore loser! You won, you won, that's it, nothing to be sorry about, you deserved it, you've done your best and all."
Mimiru glances up to her and she says, "Beside, you're not the bad winner type anyway, so I'm content with that." She says. She glances at the offered hand and waits a little before she reaches out for it, "Nah, how about I treat you to some oranges, apples and bananas, eh? Now that's a real dessert!" Mimiru grins and she says, "How about you let me have a rematch sometime? But... Let's do it in Seijyun next time, okay? We'll try to do some big promo for our super team awesome!"
Hotaru just nods, and smiles, and pulls her teammate up into a hug.
"It's a deal, then, Mimiru-san," she says, releasing the hug after a moment, then turning to beckon to Itokatsu.
"C'mon, Itokatsu, we're gonna go get some food." Itokatsu, being the mostly obedient boy he is, wakens once more to go scurry and crawl up onto his master. And then Hotaru and Mimiru walk off into the sunset, to face a night of oranges, bananas, apples, and girltalk.
Log created by Hotaru, and last modified on 13:55:21 12/05/2005.