Description: Another ordinary day in Gedo, with Edge tackling Jiro about his little emo disappearing act. Prepare to feel the burning school spirit of delinquency!
It has been a while since Jiro has came back to Gedo High after the whole fight incident, has it. However, it is a new day and Jiro has been getting readjusted with himself after the training session with Kain.
School is ending and the cold wind is blowing heavily. The essence of the wintry drift howls in the air, the call for those to leave the school is apparent. Even while the sun shines in the air, the bitter wind awaits for those who leave.
Thankfully, those who exit are quite happy to leave. Slowly making his way out of he school, the Stray Dog of Gedo High is wearing the brown trench coat and the green camoflauge pants. Slowly lifting his hand into the air, he feels the temperature.
"Eh..." He sighs, rubbing his forehead while looking at the Christmas list. "...Alma's present, check. Mimiru... check..." He scratches his head, "Daigo... still have a way to go..." He grumbles, "...I hate this month." Yes, Edge's name is in the list.
Jiro isn't the only Gedo punk with a checklist to fulfill. The aftermath of the inter-school hyperbrawl left numerous questions unanswered and quite a few matters for a certain brightly dressed gangster to tend to, not least with the recent defection of Juli from the school's ranks. Unlike the Stray Dog however, Edge hasn't been attending his classes today like a good little boy, and instead is hanging about around the wall near the gate, idly honing the edge on a long combat knife whilst smirking at some immature jest from one of his cronies. Yep, right now is downtime.
Relaxation hardly stops the purple punk from remaining astute however, and once he glimpses the flash of a familiar figure and feels that oh-so-slight telltale tinge of a fighting aura - something he is ill trained to recognise for what it is - Edge looks up with a light 'tch'. Squinting into the area occupied by Jiro, it takes him a moment to spot the 'Dog amongst his peers, before a grin twists itself upon the youth's lips. "Hehe..." He kicks off from the wall without a word to his subordinates, dismissing their confusion with a swipe of one hand.
"Lookie what got dragged back to our doorstep!" Proclaiming himself loudly, the delinquent swaggers forward to bar Jiro's path, scattering a couple of younger students nearby as he then spreads his arms - no longer bearing knife and stone - in a mocking gesture of welcome. The cocky king holding court. "Stray Dog! Been wondering what happened to /you/..." Trailing off he catches Jiro's eye with a smirk, hands lowering to ram themselves back into his pockets. Suffice to say, his list features Jiro, but a Christmas list.. it ain't...
It is amusing that Jiro has been put on trial by the older man in his little court. The 'king' greets Jiro 'warmly', or rather, mockingly. This does not phase the Stray Dog at all. His eyes narrow ever-so-slightly, denoting his annoyance. See, Jiro is somewhat in his normal mood, irritible.
However, Jiro had expected Edge to come after him for some time. His eyes narrow a bit, the he folds his arms once more to adopt an aloof stance. The question that is offered his way is where has he been. Acacia approached him some time when he made his presence known again. What to tell Edge after suffering a humilitating defeat during the whole brawl?
Jiro tells Edge the same thing he told Acacia.
"Training." Likely under Kain, again.
There's no concealing the further twitching upward of Edge's lips as the annoyance is registered, the youth even feeling compelled to briefly crick his neck to one side. Smug and cocky, it would seem the delinquent is in lower spirits than when he tackled Jiro before the big fight - another beatdown by a little girl and the 'driving away' of his new addition have successfully seen to that. The answer he receives, then, is hardly conductive to the lampooning session he so looked forward to, and when that single word comes it prompts a scowl from the youth.
"Training? Kasagi... why the /hell/ d'you feel a need to disappear for that? We got the best instructor Japan can offer," he says this seriously enough, before breaking out a wry half-grin and glancing off to one side, "Not to mention all the practice dummies you could need." This draws mixed reactions from the crowd, some snickering away and others looking rather hacked off to be referred to this way. Damn emo kids. "But seriously." Edge looks back to Jiro and takes a step forward, giving a shrug of his shoulders and settling down upon his heels, as if preparing for a fight.
"You don't just run away from this stuff, Dog. There's an /image/ to uphold, and it ain't gonna be helped if you run like a pencilneck brat every time the situation looks bad." Smirk. A hand lifts slowly from his pocket, bearing a small switchblade. With a *snikt* the blade is produced, the tip then jerked toward Jiro before its pulled back to indicate the crazy-haired youth himself. "You say you've been training, eh? Then hit me. Show me the Jiro Kasagi this place needs!"
Hand falling to his side, knife swinging loosely back and forward between two fingers, Edge stares Jiro down with humour diminished. Seems he really means that, the displeasured set of his mouth emphasising the scenario.
COMBATSYS: Edge has started a fight here.
COMBATSYS: Jiro has joined the fight here.
There is frankly no point in telling his life story all around. Jiro already concluded his peace long ago. While Edge contiues to speak, Jiro listens to his words. Why -didn't- he return to Gedo after that loss? Avoid people that he knew. And therea re some things that not Gedo can teach him. In fact, there are things that only Kain can teach him. Ad with that in mind, Jiro looks at the crowd, the back towards Edge.
There is a point to Edge's words. He should not had walked off during the fight. However, after so much humiliation? What else was Jiro to do? His power was in poor form that day and the past week. Jiro's eyes reflect on that. However, the reflection ends when Edge flicks out a knife.
That is the fighting language of Southtown. Jiro's eyes become more attentive towards Edge when he is ready for the fight. "Very well..." His expression becomes liquid cool, no longer showing in his visage with a smile nor a frown. In fact, it becomes as calm and neutral as it can be.
He adopts the stance that he used to do. This was something that earned him 'Mini-Daigo' during the time; his hands reach into its coat pocket, no longer unsure of himself. His eyes focused, his stance seems relaxed.
Then, Jiro starts approaching Edge, walking over towards him, then he launches himself forward to a sprint with the wind of his right fist casted back. Then, the fist casts out, lashing forward to deck Edge across the cheek.
COMBATSYS: Edge endures Jiro's Quick Punch!!
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Jiro 0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0 Edge
"Heh!" Edge's expression brightens a notch the instant he sees Jiro fall into his stance, though his gaze remains intent as he awaits the incoming blow. His neck is cricked once more, in the opposite direction, but he only halfway straightens his head - turning the targeted cheek to catch the blow full across his chilled flesh. Jerking his face to one side with a slight grunt, the skinny youth pauses a moment before hawking out a globe of saliva, beginning to giggle before it has reached the ground. "That," he comments between titters, "Is one hell of a lot better."
Slowly he turns back to face the Stray Dog, smirk widening his lips and eyes narrowing in focus. "COME ON!!" The shriek bursts forth with an inhuman suddenness, a madness consuming the boy's vision as he lunges forward to scattered roars of appreciation from the Gedo set. Left hand lashing from his pocket, it moves to obtain a sturdy grip on Jiro's neck - fingers piercing downward to hold him in plact, and then the punk follows through with a lethal ramming forward of his head, bringing that bandanna-clothed forehead forward to smash into the younger man's nose.
"Ehehehehehe!" Keeping his grip for the duration of impact, Edge then spins on his heel and tosses Jiro away with a twist of his form, applying just enough force to topple mini-Daigo facefirst toward the concrete underfoot. "/This/ is how you train!"
COMBATSYS: Edge successfully hits Jiro with Strong Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Jiro 0/-------/---====|==-----\-------\0 Edge
After slamming the fist towards the cheek of Edge, Jiro narrows his eyes at the comment of the youth. The skinny young man never unnerves Jiro. In actuality, Jiro is used to Edge's antics, so he does keep a straight face on everything. But when he reaches over towards the neck, Jiro is tensing his body, glaring as he tries to keep hold from the youth's grasp. He is greeted with a headbutt, which sends him sprawling back from the impact.
Slowly, Jiro staggers back, until he is tossed away towards the concrete with a heavy thud. Once Jiro gets back in a relationship with the ground, the youth gives off a hiss and a snort. He immediaely pushes himself back up to his feet, shifting his attention towards the wild knife-fighter.
Jiro greets the warrior by immediately launching himself outward, extending the left fist towards Edge's cheek, then he launches his right leg into the air with a raised position. With that in grasp, Jiro merely slams his right foot down towards towards Edge's head. "Tch.." The guillotine like strike is ready to make a pothole on the ground.
COMBATSYS: Jiro successfully hits Edge with Guillotine Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Jiro 0/-------/--=====|====---\-------\0 Edge
After his exclamation is delivered, Edge steps back to run a hand back over his mouth before extending it toward the rising Jiro. Palm down, a single finger rises to indicate the boy before the gesture is swivelled about to become a quick beckoning motion, the purple punk's feet shifting beneath him as he urges his opponent onward. "You know your problem?" He mutters the question in a low, dark tone, watching Jiro run in and lazily flicking a backhand toward the incoming fist. Naturally this lethargic defence is less than enough, and the answer to his query goes unanswered as Edge is hammered down toward the floor.
"NGHH!" Jaw hammering hard into the stone, body weathering the impact surprisingly better, he lays still a moment before tucking in a shoulder and rolling to his head. Blood dripping from a sizeable gash in his chin, Daigo's craziest lieutenant stays in a crouch while he favours Jiro with something between a pained grimace and a jubilant grin; the latter certainly favoured in his gaze. "You quit knowing how to enjoy yourself, Dog. It's all about passion!" The last is delivered with a manic lilt, and the youth rushes to his feet before blitzing in toward his fellow Gedoite.
"SPEAKING OF WHICH!" His right leg snaps up hard in an attempt to clock Kasagi right between the legs, the biting toe of a white boot aimed in a dandy attempt at creating a Helium effect. Once the strike is made, successful or not, Edge stalks back a couple of paces, slouching onto his heels and regarding Jiro through veiled eyes. "How far /have/ you gone with Gillespie?"
COMBATSYS: Jiro counters Low Blow from Edge with Bull Fist.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Jiro 0/-------/=======|=======\-------\0 Edge
Admittedly, Edge is right about the matter. Jiro stopped learning how to have fun. Instead, he has been focusing and obsessing about growing stronger. The fear of being weak pervading his mind in every turn. That was why Jiro ran from the fight. That fight against Gabriel and long before was an eye-opener of his weakness. How long was it since Jiro has been able to really enjoy himself? Or go on an actual date? ...Or just hung out instead of just fighting for a reason or another?
All of those mental questions go unanswered while Jiro pushes himself back from Edge. His eyes narrow at Edge when he attempts to draw himself over to a fighting stance once more. He awaits for Edge to get back up. However, he won't go easy. Neither Edge or Jiro will learn anything otherwise.
"...Passion..." He states flippantly, "Alma told me the same thing."
Then, Jiro sees the right leg snap up, and the young man launches his right arm towards the foot.
It's caught. The knuckles tighten for the grip.
How far?
"SEI!" Jiro hisses out, tightening the stance to cast forth like a bow. The left arm tenses aup as the fist tightens. Then, Jiro prepares to launch the fist like a battering ram. The thrust of power is apparent as the youth aims to have the fist with the metallic knuckle implant strike the groin. "DO!"
The impact will likely send Edge flying across the schoolyard.
"Further than you'd likely get with a girl."
Flying? In a physical sense, that would be a perfectly adequate summary. In a mental sense it rings even more true, Edge's eyes widening in a mixture of shock and excitement as his leg is actually gripped so firmly by the Stray Dog. Seems he hasn't been slacking quite so much lately. The impressed pause does not last long though, before a fine spray of spit is unleashed before the youth and he goes hurtling backward with lungs violently emptied. Gut well and truly wrenched, he actually flips head over heels several times before coming to a rest beside the wall where he started this encounter.
"/.../" Staring up at the sky for a long moment, Edge seems not to be moving at all until he suddenly kipups to his feet with a wild grin. "Holy /shit/ Dog! You DO have some fight left in that scrawny body!" Directing an equally chaotic gaze toward the waiting wannabe-flamer, the Gedo lieutenant pauses again to double over snickering, hands clutching his stomach - which no doubt is a fine cover for the fact it hurts like holy hell. On straightening, he breaths a flamboyant sigh before letting his grin fade quick as a flash.
"Not over!" He directs with a jubilant snarl, spinning on his heel to present his back to Jiro before turning about once more with a stride forward, a hand dipping in and out of his pocket to bear a flash of tumbling steel toward his sparring partner. The combat knife he was sharpening earlier, firing off end-over-end to embed itself firmly in whatever flesh it can find.
COMBATSYS: Edge successfully hits Jiro with Reversing Blade Strike.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Jiro 1/------=/=======|=======\-------\1 Edge
After slamming Edge quite far, there is a bit of a smirk in satisfaction over the damage that he has given to the flamboyant warrior. His eyes remain calm while he looks over at Edge. The fight is usually a good way to burn off the unexciting bone.
"Hrm." Jiro shakesh is head a bit towards the lieutenant when he is aiming to launch himself outward with the knife strike. Jiro immediately tensesh is body, then he lunges himself straight into the combat knife. A hiss is given as the knife jams itself right into the shoulder.
Jiro barely flinches. What is Jiro's retort?
"Had worse." Ahh... Metro City.
He greets Edge by extending his left arm outward, ready to clothesline the deranged Gedo student straight into the ground.
COMBATSYS: Edge dodges Jiro's Strong Punch.
"We've all had worse," comes the smirking retort from the waiting delinquent, as he resumes his slouching battle stance with the fidgeting of the knife-slinging hand back into his pocket. Edge watches Jiro charge with a great deal less disdain than first exhibited, and the glint in his eye is somewhat more tinged with respect, though 'more than none' is hardly a difficult feat... still, much as he'd hate to admit it the feeling that the Dog has not slacked off is a good one. Gedo needs all the warriors it can muster, after all, with the rising competition from those other cursed schools.
"I've had faster!" The comment comes with the casual swaying of Edge's body, the purple punk moving around that damaging clothesline with scathing ease, ducking down low as he steps away and then starting in toward Jiro with the frosty shriek of his boots across the chill ground. "EAT THIS!" Whipping himself into a tight forward somersault, the punk attempts to smash Jiro with a one-two kick atop the noggin, heels descending a fraction of a second apart. All being well he will be well placed to land back in his slouch, hands still concealed away and smirk intact.
It might appear as though the gangster is holding back, but there is a little more force thrown into the double blow than might be first apparent - likely something Kasagi knows only too well. The skinny youth is stronger than he looks.
COMBATSYS: Edge successfully hits Jiro with Spinning Axe Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Jiro 1/---====/=======|=======\=------\1 Edge
A shrug is given by the Stray Dog at Edge's retort. Wiht he clothesline missing away from Edge's form. This merely earns a snort from the youth, who tightens his stance, then he is awaiting to see that Edge is coming forth wih an attack of his own. Whe he somersaults his way, Jiro is attempting to brace himself for the powerful double-whammies against the head. Jiro is grimacing in pain. He is planted straight onto the ground, face first. This isn't looking too well off for the Stray Dog. But no less, Jiro figures that he may as well make himself known. "Eghn..."
Shutting his eyes softly, Jiro looks over towards Edge with an eerie glance, then he shrugs as he spits out his blood. "I suppose you've also been wanting to see what I've learned from Kain." He extends his right hand outward. His poise is more calm, then the body radiates with purple flames that swirl along the body. More and more, those wicked flames erupt into life to swirl along his body. They eat away at the coat, tearing it apart from it's hunger. This leaves him with his grey sleeveless shirt and exposes the leather straps along his forearm and the hand as gloves. While the flames do continue to breath into life with it's purple hue, his eyes are deathly focused towards Edge.
Drawn from the body, Jiro allows the flames to engulf along the arm, then he lunges himself forward, aiming to send the fist out towards Edge's stomach. While the fist is casted out, purple flames transfer from the rest of the body to the arm period. The fist angles to strike upward, aiming to launch the punk into the air.
COMBATSYS: Edge interrupts Rebel Spike from Jiro with Sneak Attack EX.
[ \\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Jiro 1/-------/=======|====---\-------\0 Edge
"You might say that, Kasagi..." The words are spoken in an unusually soft tone, Edge's lips curling briefly upward in what amounts to a smile rather than the usual expression he might adopt. After all, he's heard the rumours and glimpsed the billowing flames for himself on one occasion - more than enough to excite a genuine interest in the purple-clad youth, both as a friend and a fellow student. Friend? Perhaps his friendship does not manifest in the traditional sense, but there's only so many people Yamada would bother running across a fierce battlefield to make a save for.
Steeling himself with a slow clenching of teeth, the delinquent prepares himself for whatever chi-sorcery Jiro has stashed up, watching with a vicious gleam as that purple stuff is channelled forth by the one-time brawler. As Jiro lunges forward, a sudden spark of inspiration strikes his opponent. "Heh!"
Taking a lunging step forward, Edge throws himself straight onto the incoming blow, hissing with pain as his flesh is scalded by the warm energy and the by the weighty blow it enshrouds. There's a sudden burst of motion and once that arm is thrust upward, there is no sign of Daigo's lieutenant beside a hazy after-image of his spiky haired form. Then, a moment later a curt giggle breaks out from the silence behind the Stray Dog. "That hurt," the words come blunt and weighted with concentration as a blade is slid deep into Jiro's exposed back.
"THAT HURT LIKE HELL!!" Screaming passionately, Edge takes a lunging step away from the other punk, /ripping/ his embedded weapon upward and outward with the motion, the very force of it causing him to stumble and almost topple to his knees, the flashing knife's edge scattering a fine mist of blood into the cold air.
A simple sneak attack is all it takes. With blood splattering from the ripping knifeblade, the very core essence of the cold steel with the warm flesh causes most of the flesh to meat the cool air. This is merely an undersight from the youg man. His eyes narrow towards Edge, then he tightens his stance once more with a hiss.
"...Hrmph... I can say the same." With the blood running along his back, Jiro is standingbackup to his feet, tightening his body with narrowed eyes. His fists hardens, then he looks over towards Edge.
He'll just have to deal with this old school as well. This is something that Jiro isn't a stranger to. So he turns around from the sneak attack at the back, aiming to launch his irght foot right over towards Edge's face with a roundhouse kick. The aching body won't go down without a fight.
COMBATSYS: Edge dodges Jiro's Heavy Kick.
"Ha...!" There's an expulsion of breath from Edge as he forcefully resumes his halted movement, dropping back into the stagger he so closely avoided in order to drop beneath Jiro's kick - the skinny youth slivering close to the floor and sliding around his opponent on an extended leg. Ever unpredictable, there's little intent from the youth to make an immediate attack and instead he rises to his feet in the same motion, breaking into a short dash away from Kasagi. Spinning around when he reaches the walls of the school, he spreads his hands to either side in an apologetic gesture, flashing a grin that is considerably less-than.
"It's been a good tussle, Dog, but someone's gotta end it. No hard feelings!" Beginning to giggle a touch, it is quickly lost in a blur of action as the crazed delinquent flicks something into the air with a deft movement of one booted foot. It's a makeshift polearm, what looks to be a length of 2x4 with a few jagged nails protruding along its length. "SEIYAAAAH!" Ducking forward in a wild lunge, Yamada hurls the weapon forward - causing it to break into a lopsided spin toward its target, rusty appendages raking at the air. And the crowd? Goes wild, natch.
COMBATSYS: Jiro dodges Edge's Large Thrown Object.
With Edge moving away from the forceful roundhouse kick, Jiro ends up spinning around untilhe can catch himself. His eyes focus at the crazy kid as he is prepping himself backwards. But then, he is reaching towards the walls of the school with a grin on his face.
Jiro's expression remains neutral and concentrated, especially since Jiro is anticipating over what edge is doing. He has a 2x4 wih the nails. Right.
As tired as Jiro finds himself and close to exhaustion, Jiro doesn't want to meet the other end of the thrown object. So instead, Jiro merely shifts his attention to the other side to draw himself away. Then, he lunges himself forward to close in on Edge, leaping off of the ground to launch at Edge with an outward crescent kick.
COMBATSYS: Edge interrupts Light Kick from Jiro with Brainbuster.
[ \\\ < > ////// ]
Jiro 1/---====/=======|=======\-------\0 Edge
Edge may be unhinged in the extreme, he may have many twisted ideas and crazed visions, but there is no way he can be called stupid. On releasing that potentially crushing projectile, he leaves nothing to chance, hands curling to fists at his sides and body tensing in its bowed state. A grin flickers about his lips as he watches Jiro rush forth, and with a loud, "HAH!" he spins himself into a lightning quick pirouette around the flying kick aimed his way.
Completing the motion by hurling his deceptively slender form directly in toward his landing opponent, the purple punk whips out his arms to get a firm grip around Jiro's torso and neck, crunching him forcefully into a prime position before launching himself back off his feet. "AHAHAHAHA!" His cackle slightly muffled by the impact of the Stray Dog's head with the hard concrete, Edge's laughter all the same reverberates around the grounds of Gedo, and as he releases the other boy and slips up ot his feet there is an air of expectance.
Is Jiro done? Or can he pull out some last-minute miracle?
There is the overwhelming urge for Jiro to suddenly black out.
While the kick is aiming to strike against Edge, Jiro is interrupted by the young man who grasps a good hold on Jiro. The youth gives off a grimace, then he is feeling his head slam straight oito the hard concrete. Ugh...His eyes narrow from the impact, and then he is released to where he can put himself up from his knees.
Slowly, but surely, Jiro isgetting back up. His eyes narrow, then he launches himself outward to give afinal strike towards Edge's face. It doesn't look like he'll stop there if the first strike is made, due to the momentum.
COMBATSYS: Jiro can no longer fight.
COMBATSYS: Edge interrupts Public Execution from Jiro with Spinning Axe Kick EX.
[ \\\ <
Edge 0/-------/----===|
As Jiro's fist smashes sidelong into the nose of his opponent, a collective 'oooooh!' goes up from the crowd of Gedo students that has steadily gathered. Edge actually staggers, his knees buckling even as he attempts to force a grin past the punishing blow, and those who've bet upon a draw are already elbowing their peers to make with the cash. For a moment it looks as thought neither fighter will have anything left... and then?
"Shot to the face, Dog? Heh..." The purple-clad gangster is sounding weary and breathless, but forces the words out as he forces his face forward, diverting the fist and leaving Jiro wide open for just a moment. Which is all he needs. With an extension of the seemingly endless reserves within his body, Edge hurls himself into a forward flip, bringing one leg around in a devastating wheel kick as he spins... to smash his leg HARD into Jiro's collarbone as a final insult to injury. "NOW THAT'S JUST CHEAP!"
Rebounding with the heavy strike, the delinquent par excellence lands in a crouch, chest heaving as he draws in deep breaths, savouring the consciousness he still feels despite the blood pouring steadily from his nostrils courtesy of that final punch. There's a moment of uncertainty before the biggest, most shit-eating grin bursts out on Edge's features and he surges to his feet, throwing a fist into the air and spinning to throw a wild gaze at the assembled punks. "YEEEEAH!"
COMBATSYS: Edge has ended the fight here.
That last strike is enough to send Jiro sprawling down to the groud. With that powerful foot slamming against the collar bone, Jiro is smashed against the doorway of the school itself. A grunt is given as he grumbles. "Urgh..."
A snort is given, Jiro lowers his gaze, then he stands back to his feet. "Eh, you won..." His eyes shut softly, smirking a bit. "... this time." With his eyes shutting, the youth exhales then he dusts his clothes off. "Hrm."
"Good fight. No hard feelings."
Edge turns toward Jiro once he is done showboating, pausing to shove both hands back in their accustomed place before swaggering forward to arive in a slouch beside the rising Dog. Returning the smirk with a wider one of his own, he shakes his head slowly, glancing to the once-more chattering gangsters to either side before pulling a hand forth and offering it out to the younger boy.
"Hard feelings? Screw that. You did damn good, Kasagi, just remember this for next time you decide to jack around." One side of his mouth twitches a little higher than the other, turning that smirk into a crooked grin, "Gedo's where we belong, and there ain't a single place else you should turn first. Remember that... Stray Dog."
The offered hand extended Jiro's way is retured by his own hand. With that grasped, Jiro shakes it wih a firm grip, nodding at Edge. "Alright.." He sighs, "I just..." His eyes narrow a bit, "Don't know. It was not my first lost in a row that I did not put up a good fight. Between Saturday Night fight with Alma and Vyle, my solo against Alma, and the the brawl..." He shakes his head, "Egh..." He grits his teeth then he shrugs.
Releasing the hold, Jiro says, "But eh, it's no matter. I'm over it now and I don't feel as useless as I had been feeling over the time." He slowly starts to walk off, waving a hand back, "Later."
Once the grip is released, there are no prizes handed out for guessing to which location Edge's hand retreats. The words offered from Jiro along with the gesture bring forth a slightly puzzled frown from the crazy punk, his nose wrinkling as he briefly attempts to comprehend exactly how the Dog feels. In Jiro's shoes? He'd likely just go out and beat up some random juves from other schools, vent his rage on a few wannabe bullies with no idea of true strength, or perhaps just stab random stuff. Still, he's said his piece, and simply gives a shrug in return to the younger man's own, glancing sidelong as he walks away.
"Tch," once Kain's student has drifted a fair distance away, Edge tuts under his breath before giving a wide yawn, "Sometimes I worry about that boy..." Trailing his self-directed murmur off into a second, smaller yawn he kicks his heels briefly in the dirt before reaching a decision. Enough action for today - time to stalk off in search of a good comic book and even better, lazy nap. After that?
Tomorrow is another day.
Log created by Edge, and last modified on 17:52:08 11/30/2005.