Description: Mature's intentions on going to the local tailor for her new dress are interrupted by a chance meeting with Lord Shadaloo himself: Vega. She'd rather avoid a confrontation, but Vega seems persistent on seeing the skills of Rugal's other secretary...
Early evening settles itself across Southtown this fine Sunday evening, and while the majority of people have since made their way home, others choose to emerge for the remains of day to enjoy the encroaching evening hours.
Mature just happens to be one of the latter.
Given reprieve from her boss, she's taken it upon herself to take a shortcut of sorts through the park to the nearest tailor, of whom she has specifically asked to stay open late. She just HAD to have that fancy new dress made for her with the newest silk fabrics he got in. Why would the tailor turn her down? She has a lot of money to offer, all thanks to her boss.
Thus Mature wanders through the beaten paved path, chin held arrogantly high as she saunters in her find black-and-white duds. People will stop to turn and stare, and the woman's arrogance only grows. It's good to be good-looking and know it.
From afar, there are one set of eyes that watch Mature uncaring about her beauty. Admittedly, there's an appreciation of the lines, of the hints of muscle under the fitted silk that she wears.. But it's more for the concept of strength than the attractiveness of the undeniably beautiful woman.
And so, he enters the park, following the woman steadily, his boots matching her footfalls as he approaches, the steady soft whisper of his booted feet on the grass growing closer. Finally, when he reaches earshot - he grins a bit, and then calls out. "Mature.. I request a moment of your time."
Sadly - it's not to talk about the weather - or how she looks. Hands folded against his chest, he waits to see if she'll respond.
Appreciation in all its forms are fine by the Orochi maiden--with an ego and confidence as bold as hers, she all but encourages both men and women to admire her form in all its glory. She has the looks, she has the moves and she's got the poise and posture to match. She's a true piece of art--or so she'd gladly say to anyone who would inquire. For now the eyes from afar are unnoticed; Mature seems more intent on making her way across the park.
Yet her excursion into the city is cut short by a commanding voice, the woman's form coming to a sudden pause on the concrete path. Heels cease to click, and with a slow turn of her head, the woman's sharp azure eyes follow that voice. "Oh?" the woman says, her voice laced with a hint of curiosity. "And who might you be? I see you have the honor and pleasure of knowing my name, but I do not know yours. Tell me,"
A brow quirks curiosity, almost wary of this newcomer.
"Who might you be?"
"The name is Vega. Consider the honor returned."
Vega doesn't come out and say 'Lord Vega' - it's a bit pretensious to use when first introducing. That part will come soon enough. And his own pure white eyes widen as he watches the woman, taking a quick judge of character. "I work.. with your current employer. As such.. " he says, then moves in a slow, deliberate manner, to place himself between Mature and her destination, before clipping his heels together in a formal bow. ".. I wish to learn more about your skills."
Vega? The name doesn't ring any bells--not immediately, anyway. Still, the woman hardly lacks the manners to politely honor her current company with a fluid bow, long fingers reaching for the corner of her half-skirt and pulling it outwardly. "A gentleman, I see," the woman is polite to respond. "An honor indeed."
Straightening her posture, the woman releases the garment, the black half-skirt falling back into place against her legs. Once the formalities are out of the way Mature seems intent, eyeing the man carefully still. Is he really the man in charge of the Shadaloo Rugal informed her--albeit briefly--about? Then again, any man can be quick to say he's in charge of a powerful organization. Only a fool would truly invest all their trust into a perfect stranger.
Still, he's awfully formal and polite.
A cheerful laugh slips past the woman's lips, the back of her hand pressing softly against her smooth cheek. "Ah, you wish to know of my skill? Well, I must say I'm not as quick to engage in combat, unlike my cohort Vice." She'll attempt to take a few steps to otherwise avoid a fight and possibly breaking a nail, but it just seems that mister Shadaloo himself isn't going to allow this. The woman pauses, rouge lips pursing tightly before pulling into a fierce grin.
"Persistent, much? ...very well. I can't turn down a man when he asks politely." Hopping back a step, the woman casts her purse aside and half-turns, extending her arm out and gesturing toward her with her long fingers. "Well, come!"
COMBATSYS: Mature has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Mature 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Vega has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Mature 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Vega
"Vice.. is overly eager to battle. I'm more interested in seeing skill, not blind rage." Vega's already seen her, yes - already battled her, and taken his measure of her. She's not what he's looking for at the moment, and certainly not what he wants to end up with in his organization. However, someone less psychotic, and more focused on following orders? This could be a good match.
Her own grin is matched by his as she steps into that combat stance, bracing himself up and throwing his cape up and off his shoulders, to let it land on the ground at his feet. ".. As you desire!" With that, he dashes forwards, a speed belied by his bulk, his arm cocked back and then thrown in a firm twist of hip and shoulder, trying to test her defenses with a psi-infused closed hand punch.
COMBATSYS: Vega successfully hits Mature with Medium Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Mature 0/-------/--=====|-------\-------\0 Vega
"Oh, I concur, my dear," she says with an amicable smile, one that comes easily enough across her red lips. "A bit too hot-headed for my tastes, I must say." A brief chortle slips past her lips before she idly tosses her hand about. It's small talk at best. She'll save it for later. Right now he insists on testing her skill; thus she provokes him--politely and with class, of course.
He's indeed much, much faster than his physique would suggest--she very nearly underestimates the man. But, rather than dodge his assault the woman instead lifts her arms, attempting to block and hopefully shrug off his closed-fisted assault to her. Unfortunately there's a LOT more oomph behind him than she'd estimated.
His punch hits--hard--even if she's got her defenses up. It winds her briefly, sending the woman staggering back with a light shake of her head. Shrugging off her disoriented mind, lips pull into a broad but calm smile. "You're quite a man," she compliments, letting her arms shake off the numbness lingering in the wake of his strike. "I like that in a man!"
Despite the bad start, she's not about to let it get to her. Rushing forward, the woman is graceful as she leaps into the air, long arms elegantly lashing out, a harsh, cutting wind following in the wake of her motion--aimed right for the man's upper torso and shoulders.
COMBATSYS: Mature successfully hits Vega with Despair.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Mature 0/-------/-======|=------\-------\0 Vega
Ah, yes - nothing .quite. feels like the sensation of crushing an enemy beneath an iron fist. Vega's pleased with the effect his strike has on the woman - it's always good to knock someone back a peg. "Interesting.. are you faster than she is? Let's test.." As the attack comes inwards, Vega braces - that wind battering at his defenses, then blowing right through them, knocking his hat and hair askew, small cuts appearing on his carefully tailored outfit.
"Nhh.. Shadaloo could use someone like you, Mature. Skilled, fast - and with a knowledge of Rugal.." With the seed planted, Vega rushes in again - determined to make her woozy enough that she doesn't have a chance to think about the consequences of the words - instead making her focus on the fight, to let the idea percolate in the back of her brain first. He does this simply enough.. He dashes in, going for her feet, that dark purple energy crawling up his hands to his shoulders as he attempts to throw her, assisted by the swirling streams of psycho power around his limbs.
COMBATSYS: Vega successfully hits Mature with Psycho Fall.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Mature 1/----===/=======|===----\-------\0 Vega
A hand rises, flipping her long bangs softly about, a flippant, arrogant gesture of sorts. "I'd like to think so, sir," she replies with a polite smile, the confidence just oozing from her lips. The odds may be greatly against her, but she won't let herself be so swiftly crestfallen or intimidated.
"Ah, is that so?" she asks, looking what seems to be genuinely interested in the man's seemingly idle remark. Whether or not the woman actually considers the offer seriously is unknown; instead she just offers a polite smile, bowing her head graciously. Not that she has TIME to seriously consider--
--he comes in quickly, making his move without hesitation. Dashing forward, the man goes for her feet. Seeing his move, the woman decides that trying to get out of the human train's way is probably better than letting him directly hit--but even that idea, coupled with her evasion maneuvers, proves futile. Struck, the woman does little more than issue a startled cry before she's tossed, sent skidding painfully across concrete. Eventually she comes to a stop. Eventually.
Slowly but surely the woman peels herself off the pavement, a hand pressed against her exposed arm--the threads of her blouse have since rubbed free, and there's a nice concrete burn marring her arm. "That ...wasn't very polite," she grunts, looking a touch irksome as she eyes the man. A fearsome foe indeed. Play time is over.
With a newfound burst of speed the woman lurches forward, closing in the long distance between them before crouching low, legs bent before she springs up, her body twisting elegantly in the air as she ascends, long nails slashing violently as she rises from the ground, laughing merrily all the way.
COMBATSYS: Mature successfully hits Vega with Sacrilege.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Mature 1/--=====/=======|====---\-------\0 Vega
"Lord Vega does not remain polite in battle. After all - the fight is all, no matter what..!" Yes, he just broke out the 'Lord Vega' - watch out! He stands strong as she comes in - watching the sweep of her hand as it comes across. He's prepared to move just enough to avoid the lashing hand, then to make a comment about her nails, or some such. Instead, he finds that lashing swipe crossing his chest, splitting new lines in the fabric, and into the skin beneath. "Nhh! That.. was a good hit, Mature. You're stronger than I gave you credit for." and so - he's going to be serious as well - or more serious than he was before, which was pretty serious.
His eyes glow whiter as he starts to tap into that pain he's been given - drawing it out to the forefront, radiating it out as he congeals his psychopower into his hands, the dark purple aura seeming to swell as he launches himself at Mature. In each hand, that aura grows as he dredges his hands through the air, culminating in a very short-range blast of pure dark energy, intent on blasting Mature with it, point blank! ".. Now, to show you the strength of Lord Vega!"
COMBATSYS: Mature blocks Vega's Psycho Wave.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Mature 1/=======/=======|=====--\-------\0 Vega
'Lord Vega?' Momentarily perplexed by this new revelation, the woman's expression remains cool and confident. She won't comment--she doesn't quite intend on making the Shadaloo king angry to the point of wanting to brutally rend her limb from limb. She has a dress to have tailored for her, after all. She instead lets her hands do the talking for her--and they seem to impress the man, to say the least. Still, she smiles.
However, the man seems to be getting more and more serious with every blow exchanged--this is, obviously, a very bad thing. He draws out his power, which seems to set the bells off even more in the woman's head. Regardless, she keeps her cool, even as he launches himself to her, his hands engulfed in violent, dark flames. Show her the strength, indeed. With little left to do than block, the woman's arms again come to rise, blocking her precious face from harm's way. Still, that man can pack a PUNCH.
"Quite...strong," she murmurs, eyes narrowed to mere slits. Despite her outward calm, her sharp blues seem as vicious as unforgiving waters. Is he trying to test her, or rend her unconscious and ruin her nice clothes? Irritated at this point, the woman calls upon her confidence and lunges forward with intense speed, rushing in at the man with long fingers outstretched, hooked like the claw of a bird that wants to down its prey. "Now, let me show you MY power, 'Lord' Vega!" the woman cries, eyes wide as her lips break into a sneer of delight. Should she connect, she'll show him what it feels like to slam the ground and have that dark energy of her own surge through him.
COMBATSYS: Vega endures Mature's Heaven's Gates.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Mature 0/-------/---====|=======\-------\0 Vega
"Show Lord Vega this.. power, you speak of. Show Lord Vega your strength!" Yes, Vega has just completely fallen into third-person megalomaniac mode. He's not quite frothing yet, but that wide grin seems to split his face, making him seem all the more crazed. He braces up, and then simply stands there, to let the attack complete.
Power indeed - He's thrown to the ground, and that energy courses through him like the sensation of electric shocks being directly applied to his heart. It's a different feel than the psychic energy that he nominally uses - and certainly, an amazing show of strength. All it does, however - is urge him on. He growls underneath the woman, and reaches for her. "Adequate. Strong. You would make a fine Doll, Mature. A fine place in my organization - but only after you know the true strength of it's leader." With that, he grabs at that arm that pumps energy into his body, and attempts to throw it and her towards one of the park's many trees. After all, that's what they're there for, isn't it?
COMBATSYS: Vega successfully hits Mature with Strong Throw.
[ < > ////////////// ]
Mature 1/-----==/=======|=======\-------\0 Vega
He needn't worry about falling into another mindset altogether. Despite the calm the woman expresses, even with the odds greatly against her at the moment, her mind is aflame, the heat of battle doing well to spur her into giving her all against this obviously stronger man. She'll do what she can, damned or not. The former seems to be the greater of the two.
Rushing at the man, her nails dig fiercely into his chest, rushing with considerable speed across the concrete and ultimately slamming the man into the ground, a pillar of dark energy rising into the air, consuming the megalomaniac leader in the process. Her grid is frighteningly wide, doing well to match the wide grin that split his face previously. What are the Dolls he speaks of? Wide blue eyes just stare fiercely at the man, her expression scarily calm still. Know his strength? Her features flush a touch before she sneers.
She scrambles rather suddenly, an attempt to peel herself back and away as quickly as possible and simply EVADE that potential strength he boasts of. Futile is her attempt to avoid pain, and with a fierce toss she's sent spiraling into a tree, hitting with a fierce crack before falling into the grass. It's over, more or less. She'll not go out so easily, however. Another sneer crosses her red lips.
Her speed is considerable, despite her state. Rushing the man, her arms slash viciously through the air, consecutive motions of her long arms swiftly slicing through the air, one last, final attempt to do some harm to the man before she's simply brought to her knees in defeat.
COMBATSYS: Mature can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Vega 1/-------/=======|
COMBATSYS: Mature successfully hits Vega with Nocturnal Lights.
Glancing Blow
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Vega 1/-------/=======|
It's over, indeed. Vega's throw landed, the girl tossed into the tree for the finale. And Vega stands then, brushing his shoulders off as he returns to his feet. ".. A fascinating fight.." he starts, and then - is rushed. Surprise etches his features as the woman darts forwrds towards him, those sweeping hands moving in a blur. He sidesteps, only to be caught by one across his face, messing his hair and leaving a line of blood just beneath his left eye.
As she falls to her knees, Vega looms over her, his voice quiet in the sudden silence of the ended battle. "Hnn. Very well done, Mature. Lord Vega is.. impressed by your performance. It was worthy of one of my Dolls, I believe. I shall.. remember this, for when circumstances change." With that, he reaches down to retreive his hat and cape, replacing them on his head - and moves towards the edge of the park, to return to his VTOL, and then - back to Shadaloo. This has been a most.. fascinating day.
She may be down, but don't dare put her out for the count JUST yet. Her confidence is her strong point--she'll endure humiliation until she can endure no more, if it means saving face. He wanted to test her, and a test he got. She did her best, and the hard look on her face shows that, despite the dirt and hints of blood that smear her lips.
At her end, the woman seals the distance between them, long fingers slicing like knives through the air four times. Brisk, harsh motions cut the air, and while he sidesteps, he's caught across the face, leaving a cut and messed up hair. It's enough for her, and with a tired grin she just crumbles to the sidewalk.
Loom all he likes--she's busy trying to catch her breath and collect her thoughts. She very nearly lost herself in combat. "Heh," she murmurs, lifting a hand up to idly fix what of her hair has since fallen from its clip. "Dolls..." It's said almost thoughtfully, but whether or not she seriously considers...well...
Off he trots to his VTOL; meanwhile Mature eventually rises to her feet and withdraws a compact, flipping it open to go about reapplying her face and fixing her hair. Honestly--she just wanted to hit the tailor's shop before he closed, but now she's hardly in any shape to step foot into town proper. What would people think of a well-beaten woman?
Log created by Mature, and last modified on 23:32:57 11/27/2005.