Description: Once upon a time in Gedo High, a Shadaloo assassin came to join the happy gang of delinquents. Edge gets a beatdown, Nassir gets a beatdown, and everyone lives happily ever after. (No refunds will be given due to false claims of happiness.)
Gedo High, home-from-home for the delinquent youth of Southtown whether reforming, reformed or beyond all possibility of either. All negative opinion aside, there is something undeniably special about an educational institute that manages to have a horrifically low attendance, sub-par grades, and a student body comprised of the scum of society, and yet still continues to thrive. Perhaps it's something to do with the minor gang uprisings that get crushed fast and hard by packs of roving teenagers, or is it solely the looming prescence of honourable Daigo Kazama? Either way, thrive the school does. And it thrives this afternoon, the concrete paths and main yard clogged with groups of bantering punks. The odd brawl breaks out occasionally but it's all in good faith.
Currently one of the grander names in Gedo's record books is making his way along the path from the main building, hands crammed into his pockets and a huge orb of pink gum inflating and deflating between his lips. Ladies, gentlemen and gangsters... Eiji Yamada has just left the building. In his trail is a small posse of ragamuffins some of whom have tried to imitate his inimitable 'style', at least one other purple rollneck on view. And one other peak of blonde hair, though its owner has neglected one thing; he's NOT Edge. There can be only one.
Where is the knife-hucking delinquent's gang going? To all intents and purposes it can be adequately described as a patrol, Edge's casual swagger carrying him on a route around the school grounds with eyes darting constantly left and right. The school gets busy at this time of day courtesy of Daigo's martial arts classes - the only lesson with a remotely high attendance - and there's usually some fresh pickings to be had among the newbies. Our hero doesn't seem too irritable though, if anything there's a spring in his step and a gleam in his gaze. It's good to be a Gedoite.
The words are whispered, possessed of an aborted lifespan generally reserved for the truly cursed amongst the populace. Even if someone happened to be close enough to overhear, the heavy arabian dialect would all but ensure that the words went undeciphered. Why the speaker even bothered to speak them was something of a mystery--as of late, he couldn't help but feel...abnormally alone in his duties, lacking a certain /something/ which departed him some few weeks ago. He could've blamed the Metro City loss for it, but then he'd merely be lying to himself. There was something...else, something wrong. Amongst other things, that unknown quantity was the reason why he fell into the habit of talking to himself.
Perhaps, then, it's best to ignore it before it becomes a serious issue. So, then, did Second Lieutenant Nassir Mahomet throw himself into his studies, regardless of the form they took. If he concentrated hard enough on the tasks at hand, he wouldn't have time to make commentary to himself.
<...and yet, vaguely admirable. A self-policing system.>
Maybe he'd buy himself a recorder, and start an audio diary of sorts. Then he could ignore whatever root problem was making him so prone to...monologues. Regardless, Edge's patrol didn't go without notice--Where Edge and his gang walked, Nassir spied from behind the relative saftey of a pair of binoculars...from atop a wall. It wasn't his first day monitoring the events at Gedo High, nor even his first week.
A lot of work needed to be put in before deciding where to attend school, after all.
He's seen these patrols before, though never Edge's. Today presented an opportunity, one that needed taking. He would approach a patrol, gauge reaction...and...
...Well, the rest might be left to fate.
Dropping from his wall, Nassir allowed the binoculars to swing from the tether that was looped around his neck. His dress--traditional Shank Squad uniform in tow--would no doubt draw suspicion, but that was ultimately acceptable. If it came down to it, Nassir could collect a battle assessment from the man intelligence pointed to as Daigo's right hand man. Starting into a slow, leisurely walk, Nassir threw his hands into his pockets...and started to whistle a showtune.
Patrols, gangs, and other things that go bump in the night and hold a tense border skirmish between discipline and anarchy. She's only been here for a while, but the rythms are starting to make sense to the intense girl who watches all of this, and the words of the last person she ran into here who was worthy of more than simply watching as an innocent bystander.
Prove yourself, stay strong, and prove you're strong enough to hold your own.
She's already scouted Edge as one of the movers in the crowd, though it's likely he's not seen her. Even standing out from your typical high school kid just struggling to get passing grades, or find a way to skip out on class entirely, or maybe just even find a path home without being waylayed by bullies by the sheer intensity of purpose she posseses, Juli .does. try to stick to the margins. She even dresses the part, her uniform gone in place of denim jeans and a loose white blouse
This changes. Now. Breaking from the pack, Juli makes her way to Edge .. close, dangerously close, then, finally as close as Edge's escort of ruffians will allow.
"I want in," the girl announces in a dull monotone, her eyes staring atraight past the goon with the gumption to stop her at the knife wielding leader.
o/~ Ge-do, Ge-do, it's one helluva school! o/~
...okay, perhaps Edge and co. do not feel overly inclined to bust into song at the drop of a switchblade. But Nassir is correct in assuming that indeed, the student body is remarkable in its approach to adversity and in the very politics it creates solely by existing. Whoever founded the highschool - contrary to popular urban legend, not 'the Boss' himself - had the right approach in mind when designing the almost non-existent rules and regulations. Rebellion is only rebellion when it has something against which to rebel; when given freedom, a rebellious individual is found to be surprisingly able to self-govern. Combine a mass of like-minded individuals and you have a similarly skilled community. Perhaps what Rolento Schugerg strives to create is not so different from this very place.
However. His same mistake is also manifest in the actions of Yamada and his posse. Though they may operate on a code of honour created by Daigo and evolved into Edge's very character, that code is unforgiving to outsiders who attempt to cause any manner of rupture in the system. These scales do not react well to tipping, as numerous other academic bodies and would-be gangsters can attest. Even the formidable Southtown Syndicate has had its share of bloodied noses at Gedo's hand. By hand? We mean dagger, chain, crowbar, and whatever else comes to hand... but honour DOES exist.
Which is all related to why Edge's patrol suddenly grinds to a halt, teeth gritting and murmurs starting up between various members of his most trusted. The sound spreads to the other students nearby and attracts a ring of spectators in a matter of seconds - perfect cover for any sneaky types to get closer, though Juli has already found her own way as evidenced. She is indeed stopped though, by two of the Krazy Yamada Krew; one short and sneery, the other large and burly, otherwise nondescript as far as Gedo thugs go. They move very little beside blocking the monotonous girl's path, merely stepping in front of their glorious leader and making a show of slowly cracking knuckles. For his part, Edge spits his wad of gum to the floor before grinning... widely.
"Heh! Looks to me like you already /are/ in, cute stuff. Hey, hey..." the last goes out to Short and Chunky, the purple-clad youth lifting a hand from his pocket to wave them off as they look around, "Leave the kid alone, she ain't gonna hurt anyone." Sneering at the pair, he looks back to Juli with a reinstated smirk as the boys take ever-so-slight steps aside. "By 'in', you mean to Gedo, right? Hehehe," yep, he actually giggles.. but schoolgirlish it isn't. Try 'borderline psychopath'. "Maybe you didn't hear how 'special' the Boss' institution is. We don't let no little flowers in here."
Twiddle Dee and Twiddly Dum. They may not even exist. Surely, the girl with the gumption to speak up, nay, demand, entrance into your group of merry gentlemen doesn't seem to notice them. To be certain, she knows she's there, but she's already analyzed how to leave most of them laying on the ground bleeding and cradling broken limbs before she gets winded. Maintainers of the general order they may be, but they're still riffraff, and Juli knows how to deal with annoyances like that. You ignore them, and if they get in the way, you walk over them.
Fortunately, that doesn't seem to be necessary as Edge does mostly the right thing by calling them away.
"Flower?" Juli asks, then tchs, a faint noise in the back of her throat. "I didn't say I was here to be buried in dirt and stepped on. I said I was joining your group." Even now, as the faint hint of annoyance starts to creep in her words, Juli's words remain calm and steady, and her blood colored eyes steadily bore a hole through yours.
Well, they would seem to agree on something then. Edge honestly couldn't even tell you the full names of the pair - a handle for each, certainly, but beyond that? Useful hangers on. Though the masterful delinquent wouldn't hesitate to kick ass on their behalf if it became necessary... hopefully today that will not be the case. He much prefers to do that of his own accord, on his own provocations. Perhaps he has attitude to interference in the same vein but on another matter Juli has a clear advantage here; so far, she has been pegged as 'just another girl'. Which is entirely different from 'just another guy' and especially different to 'Akira Mk. II'. As she replies though, he finally deigns to meet her gaze with his own slightly unhinged one, and hesitates noticeably in his cocky demeanour.
Hesitation is not a thing the purple punk would /ever/ deign to admit to, however, and though the words that come forth from this fascinating trespasser are appreciated - teeth showing as one side of Edge's mouth darts upward in open amusement, her attitude has torn any chance of his remaining entirely civil. Hand back out of his pocket in an instant, he leans forward and jerks a thumb back toward the gates of Gedo, sneer on his lips. "Then if you're not lookin' to get stepped on, /flower/, you might wanna beat it. All these guys...
Edge leans back once more into his habitual slouch, waving his hand in a wide motion to take in most of Gedo's grounds. Though specifically his own little posses. Short, Chunky, Rollneck, Hairy and the remaining half dozen. "They earned a place here by being too damn good for other schools! You ain't earned that right." All but spitting the last, he thrusts his tongue out and gives it a threatening waggle before spinning on his heel, arms folding across his chest. "Tch! Let's go."
Though... he doesn't seem to be going anywhere just yet, and those with the right analytical view of things might /just/ notice the way his hands seem to tense inside his baggy pockets. Those in front of the crazy teenager would certainly see the expectant smirk and the way he's glancing to one side to catch any sudden blur from behind. Sure, she's probably just another weak little girl... but there's more exceptions to that rule than just Miss Kazama.
COMBATSYS: Juli has started a fight here.
COMBATSYS: Edge has joined the fight here.
Those seem to be the words Juli was looking for, her body tensing just so at the moment you bark them out. Surely, if she let you walk away now, she'd stand little chance of joining this .. or any other .. gang at this 'illustrrious' school for thugs and general wannabe dropouts. So she's not going to let you, at least not until she's had a chance to prove a point.
The girl's quick, to be sure, and that glance to the side was all that she needed to get her own act going .. a dashing step n your direction, then a long leg reaching out to clip your head.
"Pay attention," Juli demands, and if her words aren't enough, she's got a wicked roundhouse to make sure you're .forced. to pay attention to her. Which is what she wanted all along, really.
COMBATSYS: Edge dodges Juli's Strong Kick.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Edge 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Juli
Pay attention, you say? "Hehehe!"
The instant Juli lashes out with her kick, she's met with only that distinctive shock of blonde hair, the vertically inclined strands brushing past her denim-clad leg as Edge drops down low and spins around in a surprisingly fast manuever. Can this really be the same lazy, slouching youth who creeps around so casually? Anyone who's seen the boy in action - and there are many - can only too firmly voice a positive. Giggling as he rises, there's not long for the liltingly psychotic sound to die out before Edge's arms are suddenly going out to encircle Juli firmly around the waist.
"Little girls should stay at home!" The delinquent hisses out, before giving a grunt of exertion and kicking backwards off his feet, using the sudden momentum to drag the second most powerful Doll backward into an overhead suplex. There's a little more to it though, the very exertion placed behind the move just enough to ensure she comes down on her head nice and hard - no sense in holding back, after all. A challenge is a challenge, no matter how weak he assumes his opponent to be.
COMBATSYS: Edge successfully hits Juli with Brainbuster.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Edge 0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0 Juli
That .hurt. somehow, despite her best effords to bring her body back into line to avoid this most simple of grapples, Juli fails miserably, and there's a resounding *CRACK* as her head hits the pavement. Stunned only briefly, Juli rolls backwards to her feet and back into an offensive posture seconds after that initial impact.
A glance at the pavement would show that it's most the road crew with more work today, rather than the overworked school nurses and their dedicated EMT's. Once on her feet again, Juli eyes her opponent with the same gaze she always seems to have.. Even after sadly underestimating her foe, she doesn't seem the least phased with it.
Once on her feet, Juli charges in again, vaulting on her hands no more than a foot away from you. Pushing herself upside down with them, she tries to wrap her legs around your head and return the favor. At least she'd get good marks in the gymnastics team.
COMBATSYS: Juli successfully hits Edge with Frankensteiner.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Edge 0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0 Juli
Edge knows full well when he's pulled off one hell of a hit, and on this occasion the impact causes him to burst out laughing. Rolling off one shoulder and back to his feet, the juvenile delinquent puts a hand to his forehead, head tossed back as he cackles like the wannabe maniac he is. The other hand has habitually stuffed itself back into his pocket, and so all in all he seems altogether too prone to the rising Juli's next assault. The laughter abruptly halts once he hears the smack of feet, and a muted "...huh?" makes it past his lips in time for those wonderful legs to wrap around his face.
Under normal circumstance this might be considered a success for the teen - this upstart chick is pretty cute, after all - but right now he's a bit more bothered about the resounding impact of concrete on his skinny frame. WHUMP. He bounces twice once released, pulling himself into a crouch at the edge of the assembled circle, which begins to widen slightly even as brash voices are lifted to cheer on their champion. "Heh! I dunno how you got up from that, girlie, but you made a mistake coming here. I'LL KICK YOUR ASS!!"
Scrambling to his feet, both hands now out of his pockets for once, Edge breaks into a direct spring for Juli, spittle flecking his lips as he screams his challenge. The last distance is covered in a lunge and he whips one arm back before bringing it /crashing/ forward for a connection with the Doll's pretty face, throwing his full one hundred and thirty five pounds behind the blow. Yep, all of it.
COMBATSYS: Juli dodges Edge's Fierce Punch.
The girl's focused, you have to give her that too. Even as her opponent slips all too easily into a rage and charges her with murder in his eyes, Juli's expression is calm, every motion of her body as fluid as if she never got to know the pavement better than anyone really should with the top of their head.
Hopefully, his insane rage will make this all the easier for the dispassionate doll to do what she needs to; prove she's worthy. Of course, if she ends up thrashing the man during the process so much the better.
That starts, of course, by trying to twist out of the way of the heavy blow. Vega would kill her if she got herself decked by something so blatantly telegraphed on the field.
$tAnd so it goes. Twisting easily out of the way while Edge goes charging after her, Juli sticks with what she knows works. Grabbing him by the arm, Juli raises her other arm in a clothesline, the muscles in her slender arm standing out like cords as she prepares to meet froth spattered lips with rock hard muscle and bone.
COMBATSYS: Edge fails to interrupt Fast Throw from Juli with Cheap Shot.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Edge 0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0 Juli
Truth be told, Edge is already impressed - but being a chauvinist and a violent madman he's not overly inclined to show it, particularly when there's good fighting to be had. So his charge continues even as he glimpses the rock-hard stance of his feminine opponent, and all attempts at attempting to ignore the trained, athletic muscles in her body succeeding completely. Lalala, Edge can't hear you, Mr. Common Sense! Which is precisely why he leaves himself utterly open for the simple clothesline that comes in lightning response to his brutal punch.
"Hrrrk!" Smashed onto his back by the blow, he lands heavily across his shoulders, leg twitching upward as though some plan belatedly come to mind... but it's one that will never see the light of day. "Okay, maybe you're strong." He concludes, smirking up at Juli after he's caught his breath. Giving a shrug of his shoulders, the delinquent uses the same motion to flip back to his feet, landing in a half-crouch and shoving both hands back into his pockets, gaze locked onto this surprisingly skilful young woman. "But you've earned nothing yet... flower." Snerk.
Flower, that hated word again. That, and you scoff too much. Juli has precious few words for you, a faint hrmph of disdain making do with all she feels at the moment, though a bystander would probably figure they're along the 'shut up and die already." variety if she were to make them.
She's too busy with preparing her counter attack for anything like that, the strong legs you've already met so intimately propelling the girl forward to where you're standing up. Which is just fine to Juli, really, she hopes to knock you back down again, after all.
As she plants herself steady on one leg, Juli uses the momentum of her forward progress to swing her trailing foot up.
Were she standing, the attack would resemble an axe handle kick, an efficient one two strike with her leg, designed to catch you on the way up, then on the way down again. This one more resembles a football punt.
COMBATSYS: Edge blocks Juli's Falling Arc.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Edge 0/-------/--=====|====---\-------\0 Juli
There's precious little movement from Yamada as Juli rushes in, his eyes grazing up and down her admittedly impressive form as she comes to a halt and plants herself for the subsequent blow. Cracking a half-grin, he opens his mouth to offer one of the already-familiar 'scoffs' before he's forced to slam his mouth shut rather forcibly, as that kick smacks him in the jaw. "'nk!" Head snapping back, he looks nice and open for the second strike, until a hand suddenly darts upward to firmly grip a tensed, denim-clad calf. In particular, the one that was due to deal out the pain.
"Ha! Close, but you're in Gedo now! Heh..." Edge looks all set to start giggling again, the sudden lashing out of a white-booted foot ending any chance of this happening, for the moment. He aims to catch the Doll full in the stomach, buckling her over and opening him up for whatever he fancies doing next. "By the way, never caught your name?" Sneering sadistically as he adds the subtle questioning tone to this, the gang leader then makes his follow-up known, a hand whipping from his pocket in a metallic gleam.
"SYAAA!" Tongue protruding, a wide slash is made with the switchblade, the Gedoite aiming to cut his opponent from shoulder to hip across the torso, and any blouse that comes away due to this? Simply a bonus. He's looking for blood, here.
COMBATSYS: Juli dodges Edge's Heavy Strike.
Well, there's a little blouse slashed there, but the loose bit of Juli's top that falls away is your only reward for that wicked slash. She knew that hand was tucked away in the pocket for a reason, and the moment she catches movement coming from it she darts back quickly. Her skin intact, if not her dignity, Juli regains her balance and her composure.
So the girl can talk. That's all you're getting out of her though before this is settled. A quick glance at her side to make sure nothing's exposed that shouldn't be exposed and Juli's back to doing what she does best, tossing noisy Gedoites about like yesterday's laundry.
Darting in quick and low, covering her vitals for any further slashes from your knife until the last moment, Juli makes a grab for you with her arms this time, hoping to catch you under your arms and a leg for your basic suplex. At least she isn't trying to do her best for urban renewal by leaving decorative Edge's head shaped holes about the pavement.
COMBATSYS: Juli successfully hits Edge with Hooligan Suplex.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Edge 1/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0 Juli
No blood? Well... crap. Edge looks distinctly displeased by this, a frown marring his brow along with the more general snarl - teeth bared like some manner of wild animal. Though the gleam in his eye continues to suggest a slant toward exhilaration, to excitement, the purple punk is considerably less amused then he has been. The rageful cry he lets out as he suddenly finds himself pounded backward over Juli speaks volumes of this; it does, however, also gain him fresh support from the baying Gedo crowd. The more intelligent gangmembers have sussed something isn't entirely right, but this is a mob! Intelligence is petty by comparison!
Crunch. Edge hits the ground as might be expected, hastily slithering away before his opponent can dole out any more damage. He's not a coward, he just.. prefers to play on his own terms. Honest. "Juli, eh? Don't take this personally, but I'm not done." Thrusting hands back into his pockets, the delinquent has only taken a handful of steps away, but he's now reversing this motion to take a long step in under Juli's guard, lunging in with one shoulder. The hand that flies from within his pants pocket bears another slither of steel, and the slash accompanying it this time clearly has a good deal more intent behind it... "Hehehehe!"
COMBATSYS: Juli interrupts Fierce Strike from Edge with Cannon Spike.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Edge 1/--=====/=======|=======\-------\0 Juli
In steady ignorance of the crowd as usual, Juli keeps only enough attention on it to make sure that nobody's sneaking in a weapon to try and get a sucker punch in while her back's turned. There's clearly no hope in making sure that this is a clean weaponless sort of fight, as Edge has already attempted to draw first blood. This annoys her, in much the same way as that braggard Spaniard annoys her leaping around and screaming about beauty all the time.
This time though, the screams are for blood and pain and all that stuff that psychotics have dreams about. Oddly enough, Juli can cope with that better, at least she knows how to respond to someone trying to get their hands messy with her blood. You beat the crap out of them and make sure they don't try it again.
Gearing herself for Edge's inevitable attack, Juli keeps herself in a ready stance .. and there Edge goes, and there goes Juli right after him. Waiting until almost the last moment, Juli ducks, then suddenly pushes herself upwards again in a kick that launches her a few feet into the air just as she'd literally underneath Edge's nose. First one leg lashes out, then the other, and then the other again, a literal whirling deverish of long legs and hard strikes. True, she gets a knife in the side for her efforts, but it's worth the beatdown she knows she's giving Edge.
Ohshi-! The assembled students all groan in unison as one of their most respected warriors finds his most punishing technique interrupted by something that looks about as nasty - the fact it takes a form of a single mighty kick instead of a series of wide stabs and slashes only heightens their annoyance, though honestly? Just like Edge, the 'audience' is getting thoroughly impressed by the girl apparently looking to join their ranks. This bears an uncanny resemblance to a similar beatdown by another cute young thing... the only difference being that Juli is /noticeably/ female, not covered up by thick leathers and a biker helmet.
One of the things that makes it harder for the delinquent par excellence to come to terms with his botched 'ultimate move', and though the first spatter of crimson on his blade serves as some compensation, he's all but frothing at the mouth as he rolls to his feet after absorbing that mighty kick. "...some flower..." he grumbles, trying to conceal the slight upturn of his mouth as he says this. So how does Yamada react to this emasculation? Well, he doesn't take it lying down; he takes it crouching. Sitting tight for a moment he watches the Doll with a strong intensity, fingertips of one hand brushing the floor as the other slides back into his pocket.
Quite the beating. But he'll be damned if this is over.
COMBATSYS: Edge takes a breather.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Edge 1/---====/=======|=======\-------\0 Juli
Panting from the effort of her attack, the girl's starting to show the first sign of--possibly--starting to slow down. She's come this far though, and damned if she's going to get herself beat at this point.
It's perhaps just as well that Edge takes that break; although something in the back of Juli's mind might be envious of a chance to rest, she clearly can't do much of anything herself.
After Edge's short break, and after Juli finds her feet again, the girl tchs low in her throat and advances again. Throws seem to work the best, so Juli focuses on that for now, a feigned jab to draw his attention, then another shift to throw him off balance again. Or, at least, that's how Juli has it planned.
COMBATSYS: Juli successfully hits Edge with Medium Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Edge 1/=======/=======|=======\-------\1 Juli
COMBATSYS: Nassir has joined the fight here.
It would appear Juli's particular brand of feinting is one that works wonderfully on Edge, his gaze shifting sidelong to her hand and a smirk spreading itself on his features. His hand slipping slowly from his pocket, he shifts to one side - under the jabbing hand - and starts to unleash a little something of his own now that the Doll's guard is wide open. What he /actually/ achieves is to get slammed right back down to the ground, this time hands going clawlike to the floor and a quick scrabble taking him away from the punishment of this 'flower' he's goaded into this schoolyard brawl.
"Maybe... /maybe/... you're better than me, 'Juli'." Well, last time a mysterious woman beat him up she turned out to be a guy, why wouldn't this one have given a false name? Edge Logic is Good Logic. "But y'know?" Standing up and slouching again now, he pauses only to spit a wad of blood off to one side, running a hand across the back of his mouth afterward. "I ain't the one being tested here," suddenly he grins maliciously, eyes positively sparkling, and tosses his hands up - fingers curled upward. "HEADS UP, FLOWER! Ehehehehehe!"
Breaking into maniacial giggling, the delinquent lunges forward and throws his hands - palm out - toward Juli. What happens next implies there must be other movements during the brief blur of motion, but they're lost to the eye. Quite unlike the veritable /storm/ of daggers, knives and razor-blades that goes lashing out toward Juli in a devastating spiral, crossing the distance between them in a flash and threatening to make this a bona fide bloodbath.
Behind Juli, Gedo's finest have already thrown themselves left and right to make room for the incoming cutlery. They know only too well what happens to anyone who gets in the way without sufficient training to survive an artillery blast.
Hey, remember Nassir? No? Good.
Nassir was good for that kind of thing--remaining quiet, remaining unseen, becoming a forgotten element. Blending in was difficult, and another creature entirely, but hiding was his forte--even hiding in plain sight, thanks to some handy chi tricks. Cutting off his whistling as soon as a conflict was inevitable, Nassir stood well off to the side...observing. Analyzing. Judging. Making mental notes.
You may be familiar with this kind of drill.
In either event, Nassir began to step forward, though it was only by a matter of degrees. Hand moving up to his bandolier, Nassir's fingers busied themselves with the task of freeing a knife from it's harness. Juli obviously had things well in hand...but how would they react to an element of chaos being thrown in?
Nassir lined his shot up, knifemetal glinting in the sun before loosing the object, pitching it at Juli. Roughly midflight, tendrils of shadowy blue energy began to trail from the knife-edge, obscuring the blade in a flower of energy.
COMBATSYS: Juli dodges Edge's Strike Out.
COMBATSYS: Nassir successfully hits Juli with Horrors of War.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Juli 1/-----==/=======|======-\-------\0 Edge
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Nassir 0/-------/------=|
.That. was unexpected, and unfortunately Juli finds herself ill prepared to handle a steady swarm of sharp object thrown in her direction. Her chest still raising and falling hard under her slashed blouse, putting to further rest any claims that just might be a guy under everything--falsies just don't move like that--Juli watches with clenched eyes as the leading edge of the spray of sharp cutty bits approaches.
Unfortunately that delay gives Nassir time to react and judge his attack. Even in midleap to the side, Juli catches the errant object coming from an entirely unexpected direction, one that doesn't look right at all.$r If she could change course in midleap, she undoubtedly would, unfortunately, physics don't work that way and Juli dodges the heavy blast only to be hit by the other thing that just makes her feel .. wierd.. very wierd. She's still on her feet though as she pulls the strange knife out of her arm and stares at it briefly. It's just metal, no poison on its surface, but it still feels .odd. making her loggy somehow.
She has a job to do though, and after a quick glance to the side in hopes that she'll spot the man who just threw this at her, Juli goes on to finish her task with Edge. At the least, she has this knife to try and trace the owner of later on.
She's merciful at least, not wanting to display the full gravity of her psychopower imbued strength. Her spin knuckle will do fine for now, she hopes, and by the looks of Edge, finally deal with one nuisance so she can go on to deal with the other.
COMBATSYS: Edge dodges Juli's Fierce Punch.
There's only one word for what Edge does when he sees his trademark bladed barrage go whistling on to cause sizeable property damage to one of Gedo's enclosing walls, and that is 'scream'. It's the kind of scream one might expect to hear from the purple punk, and accompanied with a clenching of his fists, before one is extended toward the nimble Juli. "I'll-huh?!" Cut off from what he was about to say by the sight of a stumbling young woman, and caught offguard by the haze of energy dissipating around her frehs wound, his quick eyes follow the trail of the thrown weapon to see... Nassir. "Who the hell are you?!" His extended hand now with a finger pointed accusingly at the young arabian, Edge seems rather less than grateful for the intervention.
"Gah! It doesn't MATTER who you are." Casting his hand aside in a slashing motion, the delinquent is so lost in his angry showboating that he almost fails to see the incoming Doll with her spinning fist. Keyword: almost. A quick hop back and a sidestep see the blow avoided with a fair amount of ease despite his surprise, and Edge is right back into Juli's guard - one boot lifting up to catch her with a cringeworthy strike right to the pelvic region.
Ding ding!
His attack delivered, Nassir slides back a few paces--while Juli could deal with the deleterious effects of his...very specifically charged energy...his wasn't a goal of direct confrontation, but one of observation. A need to introduce a new catalyst could go without too much worry, right?
Bzzt, wrong.
On some level, Nassir -had- to know that his attack would be nearly impossible to accomplish without at least one witness. Certainly, some of the more perceptive Gedo students saw the arabian youth moments after he threw the blade...and as it just so happened, Edge was one of them. Now, though, he'd need an appropriate reply.
Rather that shoot a verbal response his way, Nassir brought a finger up to his lips, 'shush'ing the Gedo student before returning to his previous goal: Observation.
COMBATSYS: Nassir focuses on his next action.
COMBATSYS: Juli blocks Edge's Low Blow.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Juli 1/----===/=======|=====--\-------\0 Edge
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Nassir 0/-------/------=|
This is becoming more than annoying. Just when she has another reason to take Edge out, he decides to play it cagy for once and not stand still to get thrown around or hit.
In fact, he still tries to fight back. Aiming for a place that would cripple a man, Juli decides to take advantage of that. While bringing her arms in place to grab his leg right after the kick keeps Juli from effectively dealing with most of the impact, she realizes she can take it. Can Edge take her counter attack though? Juli's willing to bet not. Now that his leg's exactly where she wants it, Juli gives it a *twist*, sweeping out with her leg at the same time to take Edge's other leg out from underneath him. Leg breakage, and knocked down. That should hurt a lot, right? Juli certainly hopes so.
COMBATSYS: Edge fails to interrupt Medium Throw from Juli with Cheap Shot.
COMBATSYS: Edge can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Nassir 0/-------/------=|=======\===----\1 Juli
If human beings could honestly make a sound like the following: siodysdlkfndfgsdrpoedr? Then that's exactly what Edge would be doing now, as he finds his strike - which let's face it, is nothing to take lightly even for the fairer sex - only marginally successful and turned into something far more beneficial to his annoyingly fast and powerful opponent. At least Akira had the grace to pretend to be a guy. Juli just has.. no respect, none at all... which is why she deserves all the cheapness Mr. Yamada can possibly produce, so as he goes down with the twisting grip he's already reaching out for that pretty head of hair, other hand slipping to his pocket for a set of brass knucks.
Which is about when a HUGE RUSH OF PAIN rips through his leg, bone crunching nastily against bone as he's pitched to the concrete on his back, howling in pain and thoroughly pissed off. "GAAAAH! Okay! Rrr..." Growling and hissing, Edge takes a moment to writhe around before describing exactly what he deems to be 'okay', eyes bloodshot and full of wonderful anger as he glares up at the Doll who's taken him down so hard and fast. "You can join, right? But yer on probation.. 'til I know how good you are on the streets..." Tailing off with a gasp of pain, he tries to sit up and fails abysmally, settling for a little more rolling around and a little more leg-clutching.
At least she nods at Edge. Aside from that, he's going to have to worry about scraping his own self off of the ground, or more likely, hobble off to the nurse's office, if his goon's won't carry their fallen leader for him. Juli has other fish to fry.
It shouldn't take much to get self same goons to back away from Juli. A faint growl under her breath and a direct, death threat filled glare at the first goon to edge towards her gets her message across. She'll drop you just as easily as she did their leader if anyone acts up.
It parts the crowd like Joshua at the Jordan river, leaving Juli free to take more direct action against the man who was chucking odd objects at her. "GET. OVER. HERE." She calls out, raising her voice for the first time. It takes a fair bit to get her angry, but when the girl's angry--she has a heck of a pair of lungs on her.
Oh, oh dang. That was -NASTY-. Nasty, mean spirited, brutal, vicious, and any other series of synonyms the thesaurus could produce for us. The counter to this is the relative iciness about Juli...the manner in which she simply performed what was necessary without allowing anger to overcome her in the process.
Rolento would love a soldier like that.
Nassir, on the other hand? He's going to busy himself by being weirded the hell out. A lack of emotion like that generally suggested some kind of mental mal--
It took a moment for the youth to realize that A- The crowd just parted and B- She was referring to him. Rather than waste time with playing coy or buying idle time, Nassir merely started over, slowing to a halt roughly five feet away from her.
"You performed surprisingly well against the man who is Daigo Kazama's lieutenant. Why aren't you better known?" Straightforward and to the point. Nassir was guessing that Juli wasn't much in the mood for idle banter...a guess which was very likely correct.
"I'm trying to fix that," is Juli's answer, direct and to the point, it even carries Juli's usual monotone to it, suggesting that, just as quickly as it came, Juli's anger has been washed back to the surface, Vega's mind control folding it up into a tiny ball and disposing of it in the pit where Juli's emotions go.$r "Who are you to interfere in that?"
Breathing heavily due to all the under-his-breath cursing and extension of effort involved in venting the sheer agony of Juli's final gambit, Edge finally pushes himself to his feet, angrily tugging at the creases in his beloved outfit and glancing down periodically while he straightens this problem out. Fashion victim he may be, but his behaviour right now more befits a fashion guru. Or... you know... that hack, Benimaru. Hairstyle copying bastard. "Tch..."
After he's satisfied, the gang leader casts a wary glare around at his relative Gedo subordinates, a hand lingering back into his pocket threateningly. They know not to say or do anything to upset him any further - and hell, they've seen him kick enough ass not to be put off by his whooping at the hands of yet another overly skilled girl. "Huh. Lookie what the cat dragged to the mat..." murmuring under his breath as he spots Juli now questioning Nassir, the purple punk starts to drag his heels in their direction.
He won't come forth with anything just yet, listening and surveying for a moment while he gets back his swagger. But suffice to say - the look Nassir receives is no short of scathing... who would dare to assume the legendary /Edge/ needs help against some upstart chick?
"Someone who cares."
Again, simple and straightforward. While the content of the answer might seem a bit on the snippy side, it is delivered in earnest tones...though that could easily be lost in his heavy arabian accent. "I was observing your battle with the lieutenant. I wanted to see more. I wanted to see if you were capable of dealing with an outside interference, and a small one at that."
Nassir pauses at that, just long enough to glance over at the mean-mugging Lieutenant in question. If he were hoping for a reaction to that glare, though...he'd be left wanting. Turning his attention back to Juli, Nassir offers an approving nod.
"You performed no worse for the wear, and still accomplished your objective. Are you a student here?"
Dealing with outside interference. Perhaps it was best not to remind Juli of that, or ask for an example. But, she already had something like it in mind anyways, and since Nassir's literally asking for it.
She stares briefly at Nassir, oddly silent for a second or two, and then when the man's caught off guard--hopefully--by her sudden change in behavior, Juli drops. She's not down for long though, twisting upright to her hands, then pushing off again. Edge already ate something like it -- let's see how Nassir handles the real deal.
How do you deal with interlopers? You bide your time, then beat the crap out of them when they think things are jake. He should have figured that already.
"Asshole," Edge sneers, a little too quietly to project properly to Nassir as he goes on gabbing away to the newest Gedo gang member. Nobody bother to ponder if the crazy knife addict has the kind of authority to grant her entry into the school - she never said she wanted /lessons/ anyway, right? He certainly isn't worrying about what he's just done. If she causes any problems then a beatdown with an equally strong ally should prove no problem, and there's always the big man himself...
It's lost in brief pondering of this, idly reaching up with a small switchblade to scrap some dried blood from his teeth, that Edge gets to see Juli bursting back into action once again. The surprise causes him to blink once, before a dirty grin takes over, the blade lowering back to his pocket in a little shower of dry crimson specks, and his other hand lifting to a fist in the air. Tandem with the motion a cheer goes up for Juli, from a good number of the assembled students. Looks like she made it.
"Leave a bit for the rest of us, flower!" Edge sneers jubilantly, apparently having decided to keep that name in place for now. Because clearly, Juli adores it. "Gotta make sure he doesn't bring any buddies next time." Well. Military dress code, thrown knives, formal bearing.. sounds like Justice to any upstanding Gedoite. Kill 'em all!
COMBATSYS: Nassir dodges Juli's Reverse Shaft Breaker.
Hm. Well.
One moment, Nassir's standing still, speaking in a more or less amicable manner. The next, he's a blur of motion: The Dervish, unleashed. Twirling away from the handplanting Vegadoll, Nassir curls into a tight ball, rolling backwards for another couple of yards. Once he's well and clear of Juli's attack, Nassir's body unfurls, the soldier remaining on one knee.
"I find the terms of this battle agreeable."
And that's it. Nothing else said, nothing done, nothing at all beyond Nassir looking at Juli blankly...buying time, maybe? Or serving as a distraction. Would Juli notice the fact that one of those orbs which hung from his bandolier is missing? Would she notice the small, christmas-ornament like item resting on the ground before it detonated? TUNE IN NEXT TIME, BOPPERS!
COMBATSYS: Nassir successfully hits Juli with Scorch the Earth.
Glancing Blow
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Nassir 0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0 Juli
So much for a quick end to this battle. With most of her energy wasted in fighting off Edge, perhaps picking up another fight right away was foolhardy. He was asking for it, though.
Those pesky attacks of his don't help matters, while they do little in causing actual pain to the girl, their affects on her system is obvious. It's like a drug in her system, making the girl loose and floppy, and whatever it is, not even her psycho energy in its latent form can chase it off. Clearly, if she's going to win this fight it's going to have to be fast.
Perhaps it's because she has the offense in mind that she misses the mine she's blundered upon, but off it goes in her face, and like the other attack, it does little damage but keeps her from getting a good attack on the man.
She growls, then launches herself foward to do something about this again. She sticks with the basics for now, that vicious axe kick of hers, but she's already preparing to get into another throwing campaign if it comes down to that.
COMBATSYS: Nassir fails to interrupt Falling Arc from Juli with Phantom Patrol.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Nassir 0/-------/---====|=====--\-------\0 Juli
It might be somewhat surprising, at least initially, to find Nassir...not bothering to move, even after the explosion, after his gambit was revealed. Certainly, he had to start moving eventually, had to do something lest he allow Juli to just have her way with him--a way which was guaranteed to lead down the path of pain and broken things that would be best left unbroken. The only thing that shifts at all are his eyes, following the foot on its' way to the crown of his head. The foot connects without resistance, driving Nassir down, knocking the youth into an unkempt sprawl.
Behind her, something flickered --a largish, almost humanoid shape cast in more of that shadowy blue hue-- before disappearing back into the ether from which it came.
Now that she's started in on the pain, Juli allows herself a short break. A short one. Standing away from Nassir, she allows him to get on his feet again.. Of course, there's the red glow charging around her, psycho power doing its thing to get the girl back into fighting shape.
Once recovered to some extent, Juli nods her head at Nassir. "This is how I deal with interlopers." Listening to Juli talk in the middle of a fight is odd, nothing but stone cold silence and determination to take out her foe, then that monotone voice and tone that suggests she's not entirely there.
COMBATSYS: Juli gathers her will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Nassir 0/-------/---====|=======\=------\1 Juli
Nassir couldn't help but smirk at that--a reflex that drove his face into a certain configuration--but on the whole had to be impressed. Juli...hurt. A lot. Moreover, she was much faster than what he was expecting...though nothing that he was incapable of dealing with. She was preparing for something, that much was obvious...therefore, the ideal response would be to negate that concentration and put her on the defensive.
"/Interlopers,/" Nassir intoned, dropping his hand down to his waist, by his belt. "That's a very big word, not one often used today. Did you learn it here? I was led to believe that education was not a primary concern at this school." Pulling free a slender black object, Nassir extends it into a baton with a snap of his wrist. Another snap, and the length of rod is sent whipping in towards her face, looking to catch her across the jawline.
COMBATSYS: Juli blocks Nassir's Random Weapon.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Nassir 0/-------/--=====|=======\==-----\1 Juli
Juli was expecting that, one simply doesn't take a break from fighting and not expect to be pummeled for it. Though her arms go up to block the baton, it still does damage, though fortunately nasty welts are left on her arms instead of her face. She can deal with that. Mostly.
Even after focusing on her psychopower, Juli's still not up to snuff, so she sticks with the basics for now. She wishes she could do more. She'll have to make do though. After circling Nassir to look for an opening, she ducks in, weaving like a professional boxer, narrowly avoids stepping on a small animal scurrying about, and lashes out with an uppercut to Nassir's chest.
COMBATSYS: Nassir dodges Juli's Fierce Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Nassir 0/-------/--=====|=======\===----\1 Juli
Rather than bob and weave--and thusly completing the boxer circle, Nassir goes rolling backwards in an evasive maneuver very similar to his opening efforts. Seems he likes the ground for that kind of thing. Popping up into a crouch oncemore, Nassir oncemore just kinda...stares at her. There was no retort to his words, an oddity for the Japanese. They loved to talk during their fights. Kept them busy, Nassir wagered.
In any event, there would appear to be no trickery going on from his side of things, no grand gambit to be made. No, Nassir was just biding time, and taking a moment to catch a breath himself. Now, if only Juli returns the favor and unloads on him...
COMBATSYS: Nassir takes a breather.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Nassir 0/-------/--=====|=======\===----\1 Juli
Roll, Roll, little man .. Juli has something for you. The fact that Nassir's just standing there staring at her seems to annoy her more than usual... but he's offered her a chance she can't resist.
It's the attack she tried earlier, the one that failed, the big one, but now he can't dodge else he'll waste the effort he put into just standing there.
COMBATSYS: Nassir endures Juli's Reverse Shaft Breaker.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Nassir 1/---====/=======|===----\-------\0 Juli
Caught almost directly under the chin, Nassir goes flying in ways generally only done in anime movies: Up and backwards, the slight form of the arabian youth flies in a picturesque arc, crash-landing unceremoniously in a jumbles mess of limbs and military equipment. Head twisted at a painfully unnatural angle, there's little for him to do but twitch and...well, twitch. So wholly awesome was the kick that Nassir had little opportunity to do anything beyond start to flail at the young woman...and in the process copping a feel.
Wait, no. That's not right at all. Should Juli happen to look, she'll find another one of those small explosives laying on the ground--with an odd clip to it, one might assume he tried to attach it to her.
COMBATSYS: Juli dodges Nassir's Scorch the Earth.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Nassir 1/---====/=======|===----\-------\0 Juli
Copping a feel from Juli isn't that hard, really. The clothes she's wearing really aren't designed for combat, something she'll have to fix now that she's more active around here.. but in the meantime, she's wearing little more than rags and shredded fabric, her once proper blouse and denim jeans suffering serious damage at the hands of her two opponents, it's only movie magic that keeps her decent at the moment.
Perhaps it's an equal trade--Nassir gets a good feel of the girl's tight body, and Juli gets to pummel him into next week. She even gets to notice the mine Nassir planted by her foot and move past it. All things considering, she'll accept that trade.
Past the danger of the mine, Juli continues to fight with the last of her fading energy. Nassir's nice enough to lay down like that with his neck in such an odd angle, so she'll give him another taste of her feet, dropping down to her hands and lashing out with a leg in a sweep towards his head.
COMBATSYS: Juli successfully hits Nassir with Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Nassir 1/=======/=======|===----\-------\0 Juli
Nassir began to roll over, roll out of the way...or perhaps just let gravity do it's thing and straighten out from there when Juli provides the mercenary with a nice, hefty helping of soccer action. Flying sideways, the youth is flipped head over heels with the force of the blow before rolling along the dirt oncemore. He was a hurting unit, very much so--and it was beginning to show thanks to the large welts that ran along the side of his face, the bruises hidden beneath his uniform...and worst of all the fact that he was getting a pretty serious beating at the hands of an enemy who not only went through Edge...
...but was a woman. This just wasn't right.
Laying there on the ground, Nassir just looked up at his opponent for a long, long moment before slowly raising himself to his feet.
COMBATSYS: Nassir focuses on his next action.
Time to finish this. Panting heavily, Juli's clearly on her last legs.. even Pschopower can only hold you up for so long. Hopefully, it's enough to finish what she needs to do, and once again Nassir helps make it all so easy on her.
She's going to beat all of you. Even if she is a woman, Lord Vega's provided her with a mission more important than the small, unimportant, details of her gender, and she'll see it through. Those in her way must be dealt with.
As Nassir raises to his feet, Juli does her best to make sure he doesn't stay there and makes a grab for his shoulder to push him backwards, a leg snaking out behind him to knock him over. It's not her style, but it's simple enough of a throw that anyone with any talent whatsoever can do it. Is it enough, though?
COMBATSYS: Nassir fails to counter Fast Throw from Juli with Indoctrination.
[ \\\\ < > ///////// ]
Nassir 1/------=/=======|====---\-------\0 Juli
Exhaling slowly, Nassir forced himself to steady as Vega's doll started in for him oncemore. He couldn't afford to crumble and fall here...for ego reasons if nothing else. Granted, even if he didn't fall he would still leave with a positive outlook on the High School. They bred fighters, and had an eye for revolution...but were merely misguided, perhaps. Nassir could live with that.
Sliding his hands down to his sides, Nassir began to fumble with the clasps which held a pair of knives steady in their holsters--a slip which would ultimately cost him dearly. Unable to abort, nor capable of recovering, there's little for Nassir to do but be sucked into Juli's throw, simple as it was. Landing roughly, Nassir just...laid there, the focus in his eyes draining away.
Juli stares down at the man as he fades, and then does something unusual for her. She laughs.
It's a harsh, coughing sort of sound, the sound made by someone who's clearly unused to such an open display of emotion .. perhaps doubtful that she even properly knows .how. to laugh, but there it is.
The sound lasts even as Juli moves to finish the man. And she's not so gentle with him, either. Kneeling down next to him, Juli raises her fist, then sends it slamming down on the man's exposed throat.
COMBATSYS: Nassir fails to counter Quick Punch from Juli with Depravity.
[ \\\\\\\\\ <
Juli 0/-------/---====|
COMBATSYS: Nassir can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\ <
Juli 0/-------/---====|
A monosyllabic word that, while in a language other than English/Japanese/Whatever's being spoken here, is still easy enough to follow. Nassir's eyes snap back into clarity, though it's only for a fleeting moment. Arm thrusting skyward, Nassir's fist drives up for Juli's throat with middle and index fingers fully extended and rigid. Bluish energy cascades off of the offending limb, casting afterimages in it's wake. Unfortunately, the shot isn't quite fast enough, stopping only an inch off of the mark before Juli's own blow forces the soldier into unconsciousness. There's nothing gentle about this goodnight, either--with his adam's apple briefly forced into the back of his neck, Nassir produces a brief choking noise before falling limp.
Juli considers those fingers that tried for her throat, then smirks a bit. Were she not surrounded by so many people, she'd probably do something about that hand to make sure it's not a threat to her anymore.
She's fulfilled her mission here, however. After taking out Edge, then going on to thrash a newcomer while barely standing on her feet to begin with, Juli's built a considerable amount of respect from the crowd about her.
It's only when she's sure Nassir's down that she deigns to acknowledge it though, or the man she serves under. Supposedly.
"Do something about him. He has information I need." Juli murmurs. It's not exactly the way you talk to your new boss, but is the new boss in any condition to do anything about it?
...and with the urging of their leader's lieutenant, Gedo High breaks into whoops and cheering at the brutal finish offered up by their new recruit. Never let it be said the school doesn't stick up for their own - even if those in need of support aren't /quite/ their own just yet. So regardless of Juli's acceptance or otherwise, Edge pumps a fist in the air, smirking at his direct subordinates who still loiter around nearby. When the cheers die down, the purple punk lowers his hand and swaggers over to the girl who was hobeating him something fierce only minutes ago.
"Heh. Looks like you showed /that/ asshole. But the Boss is gonna need a bit more before we can just let ya behind closed doors." Because this isn't a school, tax payers don't fund this place! Really! Pasuing to look down at the fallen Nassir, hands shoved deep into his pockets, Edge considers the scene a moment before giggling, shooting a shifty sidelong glance to Juli. "Hang about a while and we'll sort out a bit of a raid, take it to some other school... Gedo's the best there is, and they gotta understand that. As for /you/!"
With the last, the delinquent rounds on the dervish, apparently ignoring Juli's humble request. Seems he has his own ideas. And though Nassir may not be disposed to chat right now, the finger that's pointed at him and the hand gesture sent to Short and Chunky guarantees he'll be hanging around for when he is. "Yer getting a backstage pass, brainpan!" Giggling a little more as he jubilantly watches his two henchmen come over and begin to drag the presumed Justice student away, he turns fully back toward Juli with a shrug of his shoulders, amusement bubbling down into despondency. Mood swings much? "He'll be around. Prove you got what it takes and we'll see about setting you two up in a locked room."
Funny, the beating doesn't seem to be effecting Yamada much now he's had time to stand around and have Gedo's ballsy atmosphere pump him up. He's all firm and commanding despite earlier events. As he turns away to leave, allowing Juli to get acquainted with her new 'classmates', he offers one last grin, and a lopsided thumbs up. "Welcome to Gedo... flower."
Log created by Edge, and last modified on 06:06:39 11/16/2005.