The air is rather cool and the moon is full. The twinkling lights above are from the several stars, accompanied by the crescent moon. Luna's blessing calls down through the forest, cascading on those who would bathe in it.
The animals rest in the night.
It gives the Stray Dog plenty of time to meditate over his actions. Only meditating over the bad intentions he had as of late will clear his mind.
What the hell happened to him? He is usually instinctive like a wild animal. Like... a stray. Now, he has been filled with rage. Very not like him.
The Stray Dog is wearing the letterman jacket gear, something the typical teenagers wear. His head lifts up at the sky, staring at the moon. "Man... I've changed for the worst... Meh, I need to get back in focus.. to my own self."
Gen's quest to find death is eternal. He searches day in, day out to find someone who can finally put his soul to rest. His is a life of fighting, he exists only to fight, to defeat his enemies, and to pass on his talents to a select few students, through example--Yun, Yang, and Chun-Li being most notable. He is in a constant moment of glory, every moment of his life played out as though it would be his last.
Gen is still just a man. And every so often, he has to escape from it all, to find some time for himself. He finds himself in the clearing today, on the outskirt of where Jiro happens to be, his crazy ninja assassin powers concealing his presence from the stray dog for the moment at very least. Gen was going to meditate, and Jiro had to go and mess that up by talking to himself.
Oh well. Gen isn't in a violent state at present, so Jiro doesn't need to worry about getting mutilated. Besides, Gen could probably tune such things out if he really wanted to. But he doesn't. He's curious.
"Lost your way, child?" Somehow, it's clear the question is a spiritual one, and not spatial.
A sudden voice that comes out of nowhere takes Jiro by surprise. His eyes narrow as his fist tightens. There is the instinctive nature in him that is bottling up the distrust that he has. So many people being mysterious.
...Well, if only Jiro turned around, which he soon does. His eyes observe the old man for a moment, then he snorts. "I suppose you can say that." He shuts his eyes, trying to clear his head from the feelings that he has been mulling over.
"What's it to you?"
Mystery is the greatest asset of fighting game characters. Or assassins, one or the other. Either way, Gen stands with his hands in front of him, the sleeves coming together in the middle of his chest to cover his arms.
"Anger destroys men." Gen notes in all his aged wisdom. Sensing someone's anger isn't a hard feat, even if Gen doesn't quite have the empathy skills of Kain. "You are young." He adds, an obvious comment, not finishing the thought but implying, clearly, that anger and young shouldn't go together.
Almost a growl comes out, but then it comes back to him to where his eyes turn reflective, "...Yeah." Jiro lowers his head, shutting his eyes, "...Ryu told me the same thing." Those flames of hatred... He looks over at the hands, igniting them in his hands. Those flames... the violet flames are dancing along the fingertips of the Stray Dog. There is a contemplative frown on his face at first. But soon, that frown and flames end with a dismissive grunt.
"Who're you anyway?" He stretches his hands out, tightening his fists as he is trying to work the kinks out of his arms.
An eye is widened as the purple flames are formed along Jiro's arm, a thoughtful expression appearing on Gen's face, lingering for a long moment. The aged master has seen things like that only twice before... Yagami and Heinlein. Does this boy have a relation to one of them? Gen will find out. "That is an interesting talent... Unique, also." Gen points out simply, letting Jiro take it as he will.
The question causes Gen's expression to even out once again, his eyes giving nothing away, completely blank, emotionless. "I am Gen." He answers unfeelingly. "Where did you learn to make those flames?" He decides to ask, not bothering waiting for Jiro to answer on his own, taking a more proactive approach.
Lifting an eyebrow, the young man keeps his eyes towards the old man, especially when he refers to his chi as unique. It is unique alright, given that it was taught to be manifested through his emotion: Hatred.
Eh, his real name's compromised by now. "Jiro Kasagi." No use of telling his street name to a kung fu master or something like that. His eyes focus at the figure. "Kain Heinlein, my mentor." There was something about Ryu's speaking of Kain. It seemed a bit disapproving, even if his tone wasn't in that way. Then again, many people disapproved of the idea.
Had to be one or the other, right? Gen doesn't look overly surprised by this bit of information, simply giving Jiro a gesture, involving his hand pulling from his sleeves, lifting up to his long, grey beard, straightening it out slowly and thoughtfully, his whole demeanor contemplative, as it always is. "I see. Your mentor is strong..." Gen starts, trailing off for just long enough to make him feel good for a moment, before crushing his hopes or something of the sort. "But he still has much to learn himself."
Of course, it's no bother to Gen who he picks as a mentor. But he's all for belittling other people's styles every now and again. "You are doomed to failure if you fail to learn how to empty your mind. Emotion has no place on the battle field."
Jiro Kasagi shifts his eyes over towards Gen, then he grunts to himself as he draws himself into a defensive position, looking none too happy with his insult. "Grrr..." He twitches a few times, then he tightens his fist. "It is possible to control your emotion for the chi without showing that emotion!" He growls, then he is straightening himself.
He shakes his head, trying to calm himself. "Tch."
"Doomed for failure..."
A dry, somewhat condescending laugh erupts from Gen, a short lived cackle that ends in a cough, a fist lifted to cover the old man's mouth. He forgets he's sick now and again, for a brief moment, but it's always there to remind him whenever he finds something amusing for a moment. And with that out of the way, Gen is back to staring at Jiro evenly.
"Is that what you think?" Gen asks bluntly, looking at him in the most calculating fashion he can manage, that way that is less looking the boy over, and more trying to let the boy know that he's looking him over. Figure that one out. "Is that what Heinlein has taught you? The key to power isn't controlling your rage, it's casting it aside. Only with an empty heart can you hope to stand up to the true fighters of the world." Nevermind Kain and Gen are currently 1-1-1.
This is what irritates Jiro at times, people punting around the styles that Jiro learn. The Stray Dog growls under his breath, tightening his fists together. "Right then." He extends both of his hands extend towards the ground. Flames erupt from his hands to where Jiro is drawing himself out to prepare himself in controntation with the old man.
"Feh. We'll see about that... Since you know so much..."
The Stray Dog sprints out towards Gen, drawing that left fist back, with flickers and glimmers with the purple flames. Chi, furnished by hatred, come to life and form into a blade of energy, which extends out towards the old man's gut. "Try this for size!"
COMBATSYS: Jiro has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Jiro 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Gen has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Jiro 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Gen
COMBATSYS: Gen endures Jiro's Odious Fang.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Jiro 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Gen
Gen doesn't bother to move, at all. He just stands in place, accepting Jiro's hit and looking not much worse for wear from it all. It scorches him a little bit, sure, but otherwise he's unaffected. "Unimpressive." The old master says simply after this attack. "Your anger fueled chi can not harm an empty spirit."
Naturally, Gen can't let the boy get away without a lesson after that, although he opts to wound rather than explode Jiro's heart right off the bat. A leg lifts up to very gently tap Jiro in the leg with a toe. Of course, should this light tap hit him, right on the knee cap, his whole leg would go numb instantly, throwing him off balance for a moment at very least. It's uncomfortable to say the least. "You must be serene to excel."
COMBATSYS: Gen successfully hits Jiro with Satsu Jin.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Jiro 0/-------/--=====|==-----\-------\0 Gen
With Gen just standing into the path of the blade, Jiro is merely lookint straight at Gen's form. His attack doesn't seem to do so much against the man, except scratch him. His eyes widen, then he glares at the older man.
The toe smacks against Jiro's knee cap, which causes for a wincing hiss from Jiro, "Ow, ****!" He tilts over, then he growls at Gen, before he draws his body forward, plunging himself straight towards Gen as he aims to slam the right arm out at the older man's neck in a clothesline.
COMBATSYS: Gen blocks Jiro's Strong Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Jiro 0/-------/--=====|==-----\-------\0 Gen
Jiro does impact against Gen, although against his chest rather than a forearm. Gen was already in the air by the time the clothesline hit, and it didn't phase him much.
Gen ends up behind Jiro, a leg flying back to kick him in the back of the head, before the old master lands on the ground on the other side of him, standing exactly as he was before the combat started. "Cast out your rage. Your emotions hold you back. Focus is what's important, not anger."
COMBATSYS: Gen successfully hits Jiro with Saizu.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Jiro 1/------=/=======|====---\-------\0 Gen
Jiro is fighting out of aggression, yes. Unfortunately, his aggression is doing him no good as he finds his attempt to take Gen's head out fails s the man takes off into the air.
The kick lands solidly at the back of the head. "Eghhnnkkk!" Both eyes widen from the impact, then he stumbles against the ground. "Ugghhh...." He clutches onto his chest, then he staggers back to his feet.
His eyes focus at Gen.
...He is the Stray Dog. Not Wild Dog. Not Rabid Dog.
So he starts to work on his instinct.
COMBATSYS: Jiro focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Jiro 1/------=/=======|====---\-------\0 Gen
Jiro is watching Gen. Gen can see that Jiro is watching him.
That's fine by Gen.
The old master is willing to give the boy a pause in the action, standing motionless as Jiro 'composes' himself. The staring is returned, of course, though after a moment a hand lifts up to run through Gen's beard a second time, slowly, thoughtfully. The pause to watch Gen ends up with the master giving a nod. A nod... of approval. "Focus. Observe. Concentrate." Gen lectures, returning the staring with a look of his own, expectant of Jiro, waiting for him to make the next move.
COMBATSYS: Gen focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Jiro 1/------=/=======|====---\-------\0 Gen
Both men stare each other down.
Jiro's focused.
Gen's focused at him.
Both men are circling along each other, watching each other like hawks. Jiro's eyes remain sharp, not wanting to leave from his position. He launches himself outward... a mere fake as he sweeps his body around to lash out the right leg against the ankle of the man. From there, he'll follow up with a spinning roundhouse to the back of the head..
.. and continue the onslaught from there...
COMBATSYS: Gen just-defends Jiro's Public Execution!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Jiro 0/-------/------=|====---\-------\0 Gen
Jiro had a good plan. Gen actually had potential to fail his defense and get hit. In fact it looked like he was going to, the way he stood totally motionless.
Unfortunately for Jiro, Gen is most assuredly not just going to stand by and let Gen hit him. The defense and offense are the same motion, as Gen bends down to grab the offending leg, throwing Jiro in to the air in an instant. Should the offense fail the leg will simply be deflected, but if not, Jiro finds himself helplessly sprawling through the air through the power that someone Gen's age simply shouldn't have.
And of course it's not about to end there. Gen jumps up after him, to deliver a solid kick to his back, sending him sailing at an angle a good distance away. Not that this kick is the end. No, Gen lands far before Jiro, which allows him to sprint to where he would've fallen, delivering a second Jump kick like the first, to send Jiro airborne again. Again Gen jumps, flying after Jiro to deliever a third kick from above the still airborne and probably feeling like a ping pong ball Jiro, sending him sailing back down to the grassy ground below them.
Finally, Gen finishes the onslaught by landing with both feet on the boy's chest, remaining standing there for a moment, giving Jiro time to think about what just happened... or some such. "Now do you understand?"
COMBATSYS: Jiro fails to counter Kouga from Gen with Backlash.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Gen 0/-------/------=|
COMBATSYS: Jiro can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Gen 0/-------/------=|
Well, this sucks.
Being denied of the powerful strike, Jiro is merely grabbed by the foot by the force of the old man. His eyes widen. He is tossed up into the air. He attempts to grab the arm... but fails.
Higher... higher... Jiro is soaring through the air with both eyes widen. The solid kick is striking Jiro against the back, being sent upward to a good distance, "Ugnhhh..." And then, another kick is given to Jiro's back, sending him airbourne.
...And then, the third kick strikes him once more.
...He crashes really hard.
And Gen uses his chest like a cushion. "Uegghnkkk...." He looks over towards the older man. "..." Instead of giving the older man an answer...
...Jiro falls unconscious.
Oh, Gen should probably get off about now. Stepping off of Jiro, Gen gives him a quick analysis, studying Jiro to make sure that he'll at very least survive without any additional assistance. Gen didn't' strike any fatal areas, but verily, the boy might have a bruise on his chest for a bit.
"Learn control. Focus. Fight like the precise snake, not like the brutish bear." Gen advises, shuffling around in his robes for a moment, before leaving a small, wooden container next to the unconscious boy. He then starts walking off to find someplace else to meditate, as the serenity of this place has been violated by Gen's own violent actions.
When Jiro awakes, he'll find the container is full of some chex-mix mixture of plants and herbs, should he open it. And, if he ingests it, it'd act as a powerful painkiller. There might be some opium in there, who knows. Gen does know Chinese medicine, either way, and isn't completely cruel. Jiro could use something to kill the pain. Until then, rest well, Stray Dog.
Although Jiro's unconscious... those words echo in his mind.
...Learn control...
Fight like the precise snake....
...Not like the brutish bear...
Although it looks like those words fall on deaf ears, it will have it's impact in the far future. Perhaps. ... Just not now.
Log created by Gen, and last modified on 23:46:43 10/09/2005.