Description: Rock desires information, a particular opponent, and a change of locale. He doesn't get any of what he asked for. (Originally recorded February 2nd, 2004)
Without a shadow of a doubt the heart and soul of Southtown, the downtown
area occupies the largest single chunk of the peninsula. A completely urban
area where most of the city's population not only makes their home, but also
makes their living. Dotted with mid-height buildings, Downtown lacks the
elegance of the money-quenched business district...generally middle-class,
crime also happens to thrive here, making even the best parts of the area a
place where many would watch their backs in the thick of night. However,
thanks to the work of the vigilante students of nearby Gedo High School, the
area has become a far more comfortable place to live.
He doesn't have an appointment. He didn't figure he needed one. He's not
barging in, at least not by his reckoning, either. He's knocking on her
office door, or at the very least, bothering her secretary to let him in to
see her. Either one works. Regardless, Rock Howard has wandered his way down
to Lisa Nichols' office, with only one possible topic in mind; the
tournament, obviously. It's a rather abrupt visit, truth be told, and he
seems to have given no mind to the possibility that Lisa is speaking with
other fighters (or even someone else entirely). Heaven knows what /exactly/
he wants, though.
Lisa glances up from her papers at her desk at the knock, frowning. She
didn't have an appointment now.. She glances at her calendar to confirm,
however, just in case. Sighing, she closes the file she'd been going over,
and calls aloud in a tone that just barely manages to not be aggravated.
"Come in." She takes a moment to shift some papers so her desk isn't so
messy, and someone seated before her can see her clearly. Not that she
expects her visitor to sit -- the unexpected ones rarely do.
Rock opens the door and pokes his head in first, as if testing the waters.
Wow, what a dump. "Uh, sorry to drop in on you like this. I was wondering if
I could ask you about some stuff, though." Quickly brushing a lock of blonde
hair out of his eyes, the rest of Rock -- a surprisingly polite Rock, given
his abrupt appearance -- follows his head into the office. Taking a few
steps forward, Rock does as predicted and fails to sit down. Rather, he
chooses to stand, thumbs pushed through the belt loops of his pants and left
to dangle there. "I was wondering if you could tell me s'more stuff about
the guy I fought in the first round. The ninja."
Lisa leans back in her seat as today's contestant enters: the boss' son.
Instead of verbally sighing -- like she happens to be inside -- she offers a
faint smirk. Lacing her fingers together, she rests her hands on her desk,
looking Rock over for a few moments before replying. "Well, Mister Howard,
it really all depends. Most notably, it depends on what exactly it is that
you're wanting to know." She looks up at Rock, her face placid with the
patience of someone who has all the answers, and is just waiting for the
Patience that, really, she doesn't feel on days like this.
Rock remains standing, but he does steal a few glances at the chair, which
is free and clear, just waiting for someone to sit down. Maybe later. "For
one... Where'd he come from? I don't recognize his style at all. I wanna
learn a bit more about him. And if possible, in the future... I'd like to
face him again." On this, Rock sounds fairly resolute, pulling his hands
from his belt loops and resting them on the back of the chair in front of
him. Why Rock wants to fight him again is anybody's guess; it can't just be
that he wants an easy fight, like the first bout with Seishirou was, could
it? Maybe it has something to do with Rock's brutal beating at the hands of
another unrelated ninja, later on, however... "I don't know if you've got
some sort of privacy deal going on, or something, but... I wanted to ask.
And... no offense, but my name's Rock. I'd prefer it if you didn't call me
Mister Howard."
Lisa addresses the last item first by explaining in a dry tone,
"Technically, given the status of your family and my employment, I should be
calling you 'Master Howard', but I thought that might be a bit much. Be
thankful I've decided to compromise." She offers a clear, wide, and
obviously insincere smile, then continues in a more serious tone. "I do have
limited confidentiality constraints, yes. For instance, I don't give out
current residences, or means of tracking someone. However, when it comes to
background, and how someone fights.. Yes, sometimes I can work something
out." She takes a moment to reach into a stack at the corner of her desk,
pulling out a small file, setting it in the center of her desk where the
label is visible to Rock -- but not presenting it to him. "However, I'm not
certain that now is the appropriate time for that, nor is it yet time for
you to face him again." She doesn't seem to intend to clarify her statements
of her own volition, at least, not at this point.
The file? It's labelled Ryouhara, Seishirou.
Rock doesn't seem thrilled with Lisa's general mannerisms, but it's obvious
that he's at least making SOME effort to be polite as possible, as opposed
to, say, normal Rock Howard, stereotype rebel teen. Grimacing a bit as she
sets the file on the desk, Rock glimpses at it only briefly, trying to
maintain eye contact with Lisa herself. "What do you mean, not certain now
is the time? Listen, I want to fight to him again, and I'm not sure he'll be
able to win as much as I am. There's other... stuff, too." He doesn't
specify what the deal is with this nebulous 'stuff'. Maybe he doesn't want
to. "Well, alright. If this isn't the appropriate time, when /is/ the
appropriate time?"
Lisa replies blandly, "When I'm less certain he'll get run over by you,
Mister Howard. I don't like to set up one-sided fights, and while I'm
interested in tracking Mister Ryouhara's progress, I don't think he's ready
to fight you. When he is, then you can bet I'll be setting you up against
him, however I can. But at this minute, there's no point. If you want to
fight him, you'll need to find another means." Confident that Rock's seen
the file, she picks it back up, returning it to its place in the stack. "I'm
afraid at this minute that's my final answer. When I'm willing to change it,
I will let you know." She then offers that same insincere smile again,
looking up to Rock as she leans forward to rest her hands on her fingers.
"Did you have any other questions?"
"Yeah. The background stuff. My ability to ream the poor guy has nothing to
do with you revealing a bit more about his past." Why Rock wants to know is
even more unimaginable than his other reason for being here, but alas.
"Other than that, there was just one more thing. If you can manage it, I'd
rather not fight in Geese Tower. Is it possible to move the venue?" He seems
fairly adamant when he says this, leaning forward so that he almost looms
over the desk; however, his facial expression indicates that he's closer to
pleading than he is intimidating, though not quite near either extreme.
Lisa again addresses the last thing first, and this time, the smirk is
genuine.. But not friendly. "The stated rules of the tournament are that all
venues are final, excepting you have the option of using the single
alternate venue, Howard Arena. If you want to, I can re-schedule the match
to that right now." She then shifts back to the previous item, in her
serious tone, "Reports on history and style are not free. Not that it would
be much of a concern to you, considering who your father is, so if you'll
arrange the payment with your estate, I'll be sure to get the file sent to
Rock scowls at every single word that Lisa says. Apparently, Rock finds none
of it agreeable. "Fine. Forget it, then. I don't want a dime of that
bastard's blood money. I'll fight in the damn lobby." Precisely the last
place he WANTED to fight, short of his old man's office, but Lisa has
probably gleaned that from his behavior already. "Keep your file." With
this, Rock seems to be through with dealing with Lisa, as he whirls about
and takes a few strides to the door... before pausing, and looking back. "It
can't be random chance that I'm fighting there, of all places." Stuffing his
hands into his pockets, Rock shrugs his shoulders. "Lemme guess -- It's what
he wanted, huh? Tch."
Lisa unlaces her hands to shrug slightly. "The lobby was one of the areas
your father was willing to offer to the tournament. This is when we ended up
using it." Her tone is vaguely apologetic, and her smirk is gone, but it's
clear her concern only goes so far. "In any case, I will be in touch, Mister
Howard. I /do/ have an interest in seeing you fight Mister Ryouhara.. at
some point." She emphasizes the last, to make it clear she still doesn't
think this is that point.
"Yeah, yeah... Whatever." Having categorized Lisa as another pawn of
Geese's, he seems to have no further interest in dealing with her at all,
whatsoever. Shrugging indifferently to her quasi-offer, Rock simply starts
walking, and slams the door on his way out, probably enough to cause a bit
of a shake. No, he's not a happy camper at all.
Lisa leans back in her chair, unperterbed at the door slamming. Smirking to
herself, she opens her laptop, and taps up a short message, humming to
herself with amusement.
Log created by Lisa, and last modified on 16:09:27 09/19/2005.