MayLee - Stray Dog! Wanderer May Lee!

Description: Gedo Street. Jiro Kasagi, the Stray Dog and temporary leader of the Gedo High bunch, encounters our intrepid heroine... and challenges her to a sudden duel! A battle of wits, strength, and speed! A battle that ends in a explosive outcome!

It's just another day at Gedo. While the sun is shining brightly in the air, the temperature of the air is cool to contrast with a summer breeze in the wind. The clouds have gathered together to spread its essence through the atmosphere. The streets themselves are quiet, yet peaceful at the same time.
Students are seen all around spraypainting. Not in the typical gangster ways, but like a mural. Many of the students are brawling from afar, mostly to train themselves. They figured it would be better to do so outside so they can catch anything bad before it comes in.
Since Daigo's mad spree, Gedo have been under red alert. This leaves the temporary leader in a not so happy mood. Stress has taken its toll on Jiro, as he looks to be a littl tired, but mostly cranky. Stray dogs and cats are surrounding his vicinity, as always. A harmonica escapes the trenchcoat pocket as the blond haired youth flicks the silver instrument to his lips. Shutting his eyes, he works on playing a rather peaceful tune.

Hum hmm hmm hum. Hum hum hum hum hum! Hum Hum HUM hum! Well, it wasn't perfect, but May Lee was trying to hum the Kamen Rider V3 theme as she walks along. And she was walking a strange little walk as she goes. Arms folded behind her back, she was half-skipping, half stepping along, walking on her tiptoes as she strides into Gedo Territory, blissfully ignorant of Daigo's rampage, and the reputation this particular part of town had.

In spite of the setbacks she had been suffering lately, the young Korean wore a bright smile on her lips as she goes along, her clothing equally bright, if not brighter! May Lee wears yellow t-shirt, with a cartoony, cutesy bumblebee right in the center of her chest, along with a pair of dark blue pants, with flaring legs. No, they weren't quite bellbottoms, thank you! And oh yes, the large, circulat sunglasses she was wearing atop her head, as well as the red wristbands, blue fingerless gloves, and sneakers need to be mentioned.

The sidewalk the optomistic Justice fighter was walking upon was the one opposite from the mural artists, although May Lee's eyes do look over that picture, her humming stopping as she does so. But with her humming quieting, that lets May Lee hear the faint strains of the harmonica music, the girl glancing that way then, where she looks directly at the Gedo steward.

o/` o/` o/` o/` O/`. o/` o/` o/` o/` O/`. o/` o/` o/` o/` o/`..o/`, o/` o/` o/` o/` o /`..

The song from the harmonica is more ambient and soothing. Rather inspirational and what not. The pitch becomes higher as the music flows into the air. But soon, the song is stirring to an end as he can sense the irritation coming from the strays.
The stray dogs immediately shift their heads towards the presence of May Lee. A growl emit from their throat as they start barking at her direction. The gangs of Gedo don't say anything, as they are content that their leader will handle it.
Which he does. For as soon as he places the harmonica into his pocket, Jiro looks over his shoulder to see a cat fall on his lap. He scritches the critter behind the ear, then his face regards the strays. "Enough." Then, his eyes lift towards May Lee's presence with a stotic, yet serious face. "...May I help you?"


May Lee's moments of blissful ignorance is over. The young woman hops to a stop, becoming very aware of just what sort of situation she was in. Barking dogs, the stares of the dangerous looking Gedo students... gulp. Becoming very very still for a beat, May Lee then slowly straightens, bringing her arms from her back to her sides. And that smile from before? It was still there, just not as sunny.

"Uhhhh..." the Korean repeats, looking towards Jiro then. "...hi!" she says, bringing up her right hand to give Jiro a little wave. "Just a question!" May Lee says, dropping her right hand to point at the mural painting Gedo toughs. " that wall the property of you guys?"

A blink is given from Jiro as he notices May Lee's expression. Maybe he frightened her? ...Maybe he is being too hard on someone he doesn't know. Eh. Whatever. Either way, the Stray Dog has more important things to worry about, like Neo-Gedo. Although, his attention diverts from the line of thinking before it even starts as May Lee points to the wall.
"Yes. This is Gedo Street. We try to keep the streets safe here." His eyes narrow, almost sullen as he considers, "...Our boss got many of us to make murals of the grafitti." He shakes his head. "But yes, the griffiti mural is ours. Many of our residents here painted it themselves."

And there's the return of May Lee's smile again! It wasn't quite as bright, but hey. This was a wierd situation. "Right! Well..." May Lee begins, slowly shifting her weight from foot to foot as she talks. " You aren't the boss?" May Lee says, bringing up her right hand with her pinky extended as she counts off the one. "...two...", the swaying May Lee says, as she extends her ringfinger on that same hand. "It's great that you keep the streets safe for people here! Criminals preying upon the innocent need to be punished!" May Lee says brightly. Hopefully, that's what Jiro meant. It may be wishful thinking on her part, but... up comes her middle finger to join her already-extended ring and pinky fingers, for a count of three. "..isn't that... vandalism?" she asks, nodding her head in the direction of the mural-painters.

The friendliness fades as Jiro hisses out, "Temporary boss. Reason disclosed." And that is the end of that. Jiro shifts his head over towards the young girl when she goes over towards the second comment. "... Right." In that context, she made it sound very lame as hell. Jiro heaves a sigh softly, then he grunts.
"Well, given that this our street. No, it is not vandalism. This is the property of Gedo, and we are allowed to do griffiti here, as long as it sends out a positive message towards people who cross by here." Jiro gestures a hand out towards the griffiti style murals. No gang signs, nothing gang-related. "As long as people don't put any hate messages or gang-sign griffiti around, it is okayed." He folds his arms, looking towards the young woman. "Gedo reenforces positive attitude through works here. Many of us are reformed gangs from previous ganglords who taught them how to be violent towards the citizens here." He frowns, "Given that the boss is gone for a while, I have to keep morale up."
Many of the Gedo punks look at Jiro, smiling, then they return to their business. Some of the Gedo students are up at the roof of the school. Upon closer inspection, they are practicing kung-fu.

Well, the second comment sounded awesome-cool to May Lee's ears. "Uh...huh." The Korean says, chewing on her lower lip for a moment as she mulls that over. The street name -was- Gedo, and... they -are- the Gedo students, but... May Lee looks over to the muralpainters once again, a hand raised so she can scritch at the side of her cheek. "Hmmm." May Lee says, before looking again towards Jiro. But then! May Lee slowly smiles a toothy smile towards Jiro, before saying, "..aHA! This is a place to reform the unjust into more productive citizens?!" May Lee says, sounding way excited about that concept.

Some of the students that are nearby Jiro observe the young girl as she questions the leader. Towards the way she is acting, many of them are starting to snicker.
A long, brown haired young man approaches Jiro, wearing a white shortsleeved shirt and a red shirt underneath. The man says, "Hey Little Boss, you two should possibly talk in the courtyard."
"...Eh. I'd rather not, Bob." His eyes narrow slightly, "We're not sure when they're coming. It's better to cut them off out here before they even get in."
"Alright.." Bob tosses the bottle of water towards Jiro's direction. Then he tosses another one for Jiro, who passes it to May Lee.
"Here." Jiro narrows his eyes for a moment. "Eh... I should be more nice, shouldn't I?"
"...I'd help your personality more." Bob says cheerfully before waling off.
Jiro snorts in response, then he peers at May Lee. "Stray Dog's the name. So, what's with the third degree anyway? Some kind of wanna-be cop?" Well, so much for following up witht he suggestion. At least the tone isn't malicious.

Accepting the water bottle with a widening smile, May Lee remains quiet for the entirity of the exchange. Her perpetual swaying stops, and she brings up one of her hands to twist the cap off of the bottle, slipping the bottle cap into her pocket. (Because littering isn't neat. Not really evil, but it's unawesome.) "Your name is Stray Dog?" May Lee asks, lifting up a brow as she lifts the bottle up to her lips, taking a large gulp of the water.

"Ahhh!" May says, beginning to sway once more. Tossing the bottle of water into her right hand, May Lee then thrusts her left palm into the air, at a fourty five degree angle in front of herself, her right knee bending as she leans in that direction. "Nope! I'm not a cop! I am..." May Lee begins in her usual tone of voice, but for the next words, she uses a deeper, fuller sort of speech. "Lee Jin Ju! The fist of Justice!!" she calls out, holding that pose as she smiles brightly towards Jiro.

"Yes, the name is Stray Dog." Fat chance in hell will she get his real name. That's reserved for friends and mentors only. Unless those assholes in Saturday Night Fights say his full name like they -always- do. He blames his little sister for giving his real name. There isn't a grimace from his lips, but his eyes do narrow at the nosey girl.
"...Oh?" He becomes curious, then he stares when she pulls up a pose and announces who she is like a super hero. Many of the Gedo folks turn around to just stare at her. Their mouths gape open.

Collectively, their expression sums up in three letters: W. T. F.

Jiro inhales, and then exhales heavily, "...Fist of Justice, -right-." He facepalms, "Great. Well, at least you're not going around saying that you're born from Krypton. You and Alma would get along -juuuuust- fine."
He peers at her, "...But... I suppose you might like Gedo." He shrugs, "The motto of the school is that we serve through justice. But not flamboyantly so like we're ready to wear capes and costumes and all of that lame crap."

They were all staring at her. Well, while that was to be expected when a hero of Justice appears before people... it made May Lee just a bit nervous. Wow. All these people staring, and she hadn't even done her full routine yet! Grinning wider in spite of her nervousness, May Lee chops that hand down, and stands up straight, bringing her heels together as she stands up on her tiptoes. Bringing her left hand to her belt, she curls it into a fist, as she raises her right hand high... water bottle and all. "The Fist of JUSTICE!" she calls out again, eagerly watching the reactions of the assembled Gedo guys.

Okay, she was done. Dropping down off of her tiptoes to stand upon the ground, she lowers the water bottle to her lips again, and drains it in one go. "Who's Alma?" May Lee says, although the dirty word made her cringe a bit. "So you serve Justice without..." May Lee begins, her brow furrowing a bit as she mulls the situation over. This -was- sorta like... a reform facility. She'd have to talk with Jae before doing or saying anything drastic. "...erm... nevermind. It sounds like something I'd like though, yes!" she says, smiling her dazzling smile once again.

The gang collectively groan and turn their heads away from May Lee. Oh yeah, they definately don't want to end up like her.
Bob, however, immediately zips towards Jiro and comments, "You know, Little Boss. You should hang out with her more. She could help you lighten up." A hiss is given from the youth, which causes the gang to back away. His eyes focus on May Lee.
Surprisingly, Jiro's words are rather lighter than they usually are. See, Jiro is trying to really be nice. He snorts, then he peers at her, "Alma's a fruitball that goes on about peace and love to all." He tightens his fist, hissing irritibly. Then he kicks himself off of the wall. Gesturing his hand over, the strays immediately shrugs, "Well, The Fist of Justice, eh? By the way you speak, you fight..." His hands tuck into his pocket. "How about a spar?" May as well prepare for Gedo's attack.

"A spar?" May Lee asks, her face displaying surprise at first... until a wide grin turns up her lips. "Sure! I'd love to show you my... oop." Empty water bottle in one hand. Taking a step away, May Lee sticks her tongue out of the corner of her mouth as she sticks her left hand into her pants pocket, rooting through there for a second, before she withdraws that hand from her pocket with a goofy grin. The cap to the water bottle. Screwing that back unto the water bottle, May looks towards Bob.

"Hey... Bob, right?" she asks brightly, before tossing the water bottle in his direction with a nice, slow, underhanded throw. "Throw that away in a trash can for me? Thanks!" she calls out, giving him a dazzling smile, before stepping away from Jiro, still smiling widely. "Peace and love are great concepts, Stray Dog. But they need Justice too!" she says, her backwards steps almost like a dance of sorts, with the way she was shuffling her feet.

Taking the bottle, Bob gives May Lee a thumbs, "Alright Lee, have fun." He tosses the bottle into the dumpster that says 'Recycle'. The Gedo Gang members stop their training to turn their attention towards the fight. They are all cheering for Jiro to win the fight.
The Stray Dog and the Gang, however, stare when he is dancing while announcing her pose of 'Justice'. Jiro exhales softly, just walking towards Lee. Lee Jin Ju. Hrm.
Jiro immediately lunges a snap kick forward, aiming to catch her to the stomach. All of this while his hands are tucked into his pocket.

COMBATSYS: MayLee has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
MayLee           0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: MayLee has ended the fight here.

COMBATSYS: Jiro has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Jiro             0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: MayLee has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
MayLee           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Jiro

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
MayLee           0/-------/-----==|-------\-------\0             Jiro

Oh ho ho, Stray Dog Jiro. You think that was her Justice pose? He was in for a treat, then. But not yet. Right now, May Lee was 'oof'ing at the introduction of Jiro's shoe to her belly, the girl clutching herself there as she begins to backpedal away from the man. But once a fair distance away...

May Lee lifts her eyes towards Jiro, and flashes a smile. This one was noticeably different, too. Less friendly, and more self-confident to the point of nearly being smug. But also different was her stance. Right foot forward, left foot back, a little twist to her hips... and she was leaning back a bit, her arms pointing straight towards the ground. "Good blow, Stray Dog!" May Lee calls out, her voice the same deep tone as before. "But I want you to prepare for mine! For I am Lee!" May Lee shouts, suddenly thrusting her left open palm into the at a diagonial angle in front of herself. "Jin!" she calls out, bringing her right hand to the level of her belt, and curling her fingers into a tight fist. "JU!!" she finally ends, chopping her left hand through the air back down at the same angle she raised it in, bringing herself up unto her tiptoes again... her left hand then mirroring her right as she curls that into a fist too, and holds it at her belt level.

"...more commonly known as May Lee to my friends and enemies! I am the ally of humanity and the enemy of EVIL! Prepare yourself, STRAY DOG!" she bellows... right before a sudden wind seems to erupt around her, ruffling her clothes, tousling her hair, and generally making the whole display look that much more dramatic.

COMBATSYS: MayLee gathers her will.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
MayLee           0/-------/-======|-------\-------\0             Jiro

Okay. What the hell?
No. Seriously. What the friggin hell?

Jiro stares at her pose, which forces his jaw to gape at how she presents herself. Nevermind many of the Gedo thugs are laughing their asses off at this, but Jiro is just staring.
Many choices come into mind:

[(P)unch her in the gut, (G)ive her a whiplash, (M)ow her ass down.]

A sigh is given for a moment, mentally choosing G, then he starts to sprint straight towards MayLee, tucking his head low as the trenchcoat whips along the air, opening widely as he zooms forward. While sprinting towards the ranger, Jiro is quickly leaping into the air, flipping over MayLee while she gathers the winds together. "Right. Prepare for this."
While flipping over her, Jiro is aiming to latch his right arm around her neck. His body is positioned upside down as of now, but as he is coming down. If he's successful, he is going to bring his weigth down to a drop to land on her back hard.

COMBATSYS: MayLee blocks Jiro's Helldrive.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
MayLee           0/-------/=======|-------\-------\0             Jiro

Well, it works. Sorta. The arm strikes May Lee in the throat, causing a 'erk' noise to leave her. But there was one advantage May had here. Well, no there wasn't, on second thought. That didn't stop May Lee from grabbing that arm as soon as it tightens around her throat, and throw it away from herself as she slinks out of the way of the second part of that little exercise in pain.

Giving her throat a bit of a rub as she steps away, as May Lee waits for Jiro to turn towards her, she shifts her stance. If any of the Gedo bunch were familiar with Tae Kwan Do stances, they would recognize this one. "Whew. That was close. Now..." she says, hopping a little hop forward. "Alright!" she cries, as she snaps up her left foot, hoping to give Jiro a little 'jab' sort of kick right beneath the chin. If that connects, there would be a second kick incoming, May Lee dropping her left foot, and quickly snapping up her right in a far more powerful blow, one that tends to knock her opponents up into the air.

COMBATSYS: Jiro counters Into the Sky from MayLee with Backlash.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
MayLee           0/-------/=======|=------\-------\0             Jiro

Fortunately for both May Lee and Jiro, she manages to toss Jiro's arm away before it gives him the chance to slam her down, which will be a rough landing for Jiro himself. So instead, Jiro is forced to roll along the ground, extending both of his hands to the ground, then he pushes himself up.
After getting back to his feet, Jiro shifts his head to turn towards May Lee. Both hands tuck into his pocket, then he eyes her Tae Kwon Do stance. "Hrm." His eyes focus on every movement she makes. And then there is an observation that he is making. She has quite more spunk in her, his own force of energy is still strong as it is.
The students watch with anticipation, nodding solemnly.
Meanwhile, Jiro notices that May Lee is coming down at him to drive the foot down beneath his chin. A snort is given as he yanks his right hand out towards the mid-air girl's leg. He starts to swing her around. Shifting his body over, he twists her body to spin one direction, which is right to his knee.
Then, Jiro uses the momentum some more to gather more, spinning her around and around. It takes a couple of 360 degree spins as he is keeping her in his grasp. Then, Jiro lifts his right hand into the air, holding the girl upside down. Her body is positioned high up, especially with his right hand supporting her.
"Down!" Jiro drops his body, slamming her on her back with the Jackhammmer slam.
The ending results with Jiro getting back up to his feet, standing back up with his hands tucked into his pocket.

May Lee squeaks in surprise as she is grabbed from mid-air, spun about, and placed none-too-gently upon her back. She hasn't been the best example of Justice today, oof. Blinking a few moments to clear her head, May Lee kipups up to her feet, and begins to step away from Jiro, a wide smile on her face nonetheless. "You're pretty good!" she admits, but instead of attacking, May Lee begins to bounce on her feet as stays in place, the girl bringing a hand up to wipe across her lips. May Lee spares a moment to look down at her glove. Yep, blood. That didn't stop her from smiling back up at him, though!

COMBATSYS: MayLee focuses on her next action.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
MayLee           0/-------/=======|=------\-------\0             Jiro

A smirk is given by Jiro as he sees May Lee get back to her feet. Her compliment towards him earns a nod from the youth. Through the cheering of his fellow gang and the amount of clapping waved in the air, Jiro keeps his focus towards May Lee.
She is able to keep a smile on her face while fighting. It's commendable. Interesting to see that the woman can keep going. In all honesty, Jiro is enjoying the fight. Like a predator stalking it's prey, the Stray Dog starts walking around the young woman, waiting to see how well she can do. So far, she is not doing well. But he can't get overconfident. Nevertheless, Jiro is sprinting over towards her direction.
It's normal for an American to be dominant. Jiro likes to dominate people. It's why he extends his right hand out, aiming to give May Lee a clothesline towards her neck, aiming to send her twirling on the ground.

COMBATSYS: MayLee counters Strong Punch from Jiro with Self Rebellion.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
MayLee           0/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0             Jiro

Well, overconfidence can be a bad thing.

In this case, it was very bad. Twisting around to follow Jiro as he stalks around her... when the Gedo guy charges, however, May Lee begins to drop her right elbow as she lifts her right knee, seeming for all the world like she was cringing away from the incoming blow...

But no, she was just tensing in preparation for her return blow. As Jiro closes, his little charge is stopped by one thing. May Lee throwing her torso back, and shooting up her right foot to smash into the underside of his chin with a hard backwards sort of kick, and propelling the Gedo steward into the air. Breathing two short breaths, May Lee then straightens up... and as Jiro comes down, she hits him with a upwards sort of soccer kick, knocking him back into the air once... but the second time he comes down, and she kicks him again... she launches him away from herself, the girl taking up her TKD stance soon after. "Nice try!"

Yeah. Overconfidence is bad. Leave it to an American to suffer for the tendency to dominate others.
As Jiro closes in his attempt to clothesline May Lee, Jiro is unable to as she manages to capture him right in the damn face as her foot strikes out towards his chin. A grunt is given as he's knocked into the air. Then, Jiro is given an upward kick to give him another kick, and far away from her.
Sliding across the ground, Jiro grunts. "Lovely..." Standing up to his feeet, Jiro starts to sprint towards May Lee, then he leaps into the air. Lifting his foot up high, it emits a bright glow, then the foot comes down like a guillotine.
The sheer power of the foot has the ability to make a small crater of the ground if impact.

COMBATSYS: MayLee counters Guillotine Kick from Jiro with Self Rebellion.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
MayLee           1/-------/=======|=======\-------\1             Jiro

Let's try that again.

May Lee pauses a moment as Jiro approaches her, the young Korean running her tongue over her lips... she didn't like to use the same move twice in a row, but this... was just the perfect opprotunity. That moment of thought almost costs her. Moving quickly into the same sort of cringing movement, May Lee's foot slams into Jiro's chin in the same way as before, launching him up into the air, and denying the footing he needs to complete the manuever. And as he comes down, a pair of similar kicks are delievered to the Gedo youth, a cry of "YA!" accompanying both as she knocks him up into the air with the second kick, then away from herself with the third.

As Jiro comes down towards the air, he is given a foot towards the chin once more. He unks in pain as he feels the momentum behind the blow sending him sprawling back. Jiro is grunting as he's given yet another kick once more. And then, her last kick sends him sprawling towards the ground.
Landing on the ground once more, Jiro grumbles to himself, spitting in pain. "Damnit..." He growls towards May Lee, staggering for a moment. Extending his hand down, his hands become enveloped with violet flames that matches with his emotions. But soon, the expel of hatred ends. Keeping himself calm, Jiro smirks. "Nice."
Then, Jiro is running towards May Lee once more. This time, he aims to drive his fist up towards her stomach. The fist coming towards her stomach is a mere uppercut that involves him spinning into the air while he launches it. But not only that, a fist winds back, and he is diving straight towards May Lee's direction with the fist coming at her face.

COMBATSYS: MayLee blocks Jiro's Heaven's Diminisher.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
MayLee           1/------=/=======|=======\=------\1             Jiro

Beaming a smile in Jiro's direction at the compliment, May Lee remains silent, her expression growing a bit serious at the sight of those violent flames. Hopping away from the swirling uppercut just in the nick of time, the fires surrounding it play across the skin of her belly, causing a bit of pain, but nothing too dangerous. "Ah HA!" she cries, "Is th... eeeee!" she says, her words cut off as Jiro lunges towards her with the diving part of the punch. Barely, just barely, May manages to get her forearms in the way, giving it something other than her face to hit.

Biting her lower lip against the pain, May Lee hops backwards. But without a moments hesitation, she is in the air again. Flipping once, then twice in the air, May Lee then thrusts out both of her feet as she flies towards Jiro, hoping to strike him with a double jumpkick...

COMBATSYS: Jiro fails to counter May Lee- The End! from MayLee with Public Execution.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
MayLee           0/-------/-----==|

COMBATSYS: Jiro can no longer fight.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
MayLee           0/-------/-----==|

And strike she does! Dragging the balls of both her feet along Jiro's chest, the American would begin to immeadiately feel a sense of invading chi along the streak her feet travel. Landing a little ways past Jiro, May Lee keeps her back to the man as she thrusts a her right palm out in front of her, May Lee's voice now a deep, deep call. "BEHOOOOOOOOLD!" she cries out as the sick sense of invading chi begins to crawl all along Jiro's body. The strain of keeping the chi contained was not lost on May Lee, however... brow furrowed in concentration, drops of sweat begin to drip from her brow, stinging her eyes... "MY TRUE POWER!!" she calls out... before clutching her outstretched hand into a tight fist.

At that moment, the invading chi that Jiro felt? Whereever he felt it... it exploded. A huge explosion reaches out into the sky, and tousles the hem of May Lee's clothes, even as the girl swoons... pauses a beat, and stands up strong once more, turning towards Jiro.

COMBATSYS: MayLee has ended the fight here.

After driving the fist out towards her stomach, Jiro grunts as he misses both strikes. At least, they missed their real strike. The Stray Dog lands onto the ground, then he feels legs reeling him into the air. "Eghnnnn!"
And then.... when she calls out about the true power.
The explosion emits into the air, which sends the cloaked youth landing on his back. "Eghghnn!" He groans softly, twitching a few times, "...Damnit..." He grunts, staggering for a moment, then he laughs. "...You're better than I thought... May Lee." Since she gave her real name and proven herself. Eh...
...He should be nice anyway. Otherwise Alma, Mimiru, Sakura, and just about every damn body will get on his case about being an ass.
"Jiro Kasagi." He starts to straighten himself out, taking several deep breathes, sweating and bleeding a bit. Grunt.

Slowly drawing a breath, May Lee releases it in a relieved sort of sound, her brilliant smile returning. Her first win since Korea! It was exciting for her... but... be nice, be nice. "Hey, you were strong!" May Lee gushes, stepping over to Jiro's side, and offering him a hand up, should he need it. "Oh, I sorta thought Stray Dog wasn't your actual name, but that's okay with me! Everyone calls me May Lee, after all, and that's not my real name." she says as she sorta waggles her outstretched hand a bit, lifting up her other hand to wipe at her lips again. "You hit hard!"

The Stray extends his right hand, taking her hand and he gets back to his feet. "...Yeah." He shuts hiseyes for a moment, then he starts to walk off. "I aim to crush." He shrugs. Tucking his hands back into the trenchcoat's pocket, Jiro looks at the gang, "Go on inside, guys. The night is going slow." His eyes shift over towards May Lee, "You're strong yourself. I suggest being careful around here." He doesn't say much else, but he does head towards the building. The strays follow Jiro towards the school as well.

"Hmm." May Lee says, bringing her hand back to herself as she nods her head towards Jiro, pursing her lips together as she watches him trot off with the animals and Gedo people. "Alright, Stray Dog!" she calls out after, her thoughtful look giving one to another of her bright smiles, as she waves in farewell to him. "I'll see you later! Thanks for the warning!" she says, before turning away... although she does look over her shoulder for a last look at the departing people... and then continuing on her own little way. She was still in reasonably good shape, but... sore. Very very sore now. "I wonder if my Justice stances wowed them or not. I probably should work on them a bit more..." she says quietly to herself as she moves off.

Log created by MayLee, and last modified on 18:49:39 08/11/2005.