Description: In the very heart of Southtown, there is Chinatown. And in the very heart of Chinatown, there is a explosive battle! Lee Jin Ju does battle with the Southern Comet, Dee Jay in a match! Can the Korean dynamo show the man who fights to the very beat of battle the power of a Justice-filled heart?
Fighting competitions are a common sight around Southtown, and that's exactly why Dee Jay's here. Sure, life's been good, and doesn't show any signs of stopping that practice for the famous kickboxer and music sensation, but there's always a need for something new. New rhythm, new style. He's certainly found plenty in the world tours accompanying his album sales, but well, now it's time to take the fighting out of his home country and various random bouts during his travels, and really put the training he's been doing to the test. The fight tonight is a corporate-sponsored venture, thrown for the spectators and marketing it's bound to provide, not to mention the behind-the-scenes gambling that's ever-present in the somewhat seedy Japanese city.
The 'arena' is a wide section of street, cordoned off and surrounded by spectators, as various martial artists face off in three roped off rings, with a bit of a gap beween combatants and crowd. Some spectators mill from one to the other, but most flock about the central ring, where the announcer kicks up the prelude to the next match to take place in that ring, "Ladies and gentlemen! Our next match is a special treat, as we have two battle-tested and talented fighters here for you! In one corner we have an especially famous face, you know his music, you've seen his fights... now he's here to shake up Southtown... The Southern Comet!"
Dee Jay saunters into the ring at one side as the announcer goes on, a rather large boombox set upon one broad shoulder, and a wide, white-toothed grin dominating his features nearly ear-to-ear. Looks quite happy to be here, indeed. The kickboxer hops a bit from foot to foot, and with the rhythm of the motion, it almost looks like he's dancing a little, momentary jig. The announcer doesn't stay quiet long, "And in the other, a rising star out of Korea, who's studied with Kim Kaphwan himself! No initiate to the ways of justice, May Lee!"
At least she was having... new and unique experiences! Right? Right?
Ah, well. In any event, Lee Jin Ju would like to say that all her reasons for being here were to give a good example of a Justice fighter, to do her best, get experience against new styles, and so on. But to be honest... she wanted the money. She had money, mind, but all that money was devoted to food, repairs to the dojo, and other necessary things. She needed extra money to get supplies to begin rebuilding a replacement power belt, since she lost the last in a fight against Shinobu.
And so! May Lee saunters into the ring on her side after the announcer announces her name, a bright smile on her lips in spite of her circumstances. A element of mirth sneaks its way into her grin as she observes her opponent for a few moments, the young Korean standing on her tiptoes as she draws her feet together, draws a long breath as she pulls her fists up in front of herself... and then falls back unto the soles of her feet as she exhales that breath in a sigh. The music, the crowd, all of that was a bit intimidating, and she was feeling a little self concious due to the loss of her powerbelt.
"Heee~ey." she calls out in a little song towards her opponent, turning her side towards him as she falls into a Tae Kwan Do stance. A dazzling smile is sent in his direction then, before she continues, ignoring the... unfamiliar, but sorta cool music, and the announcer. "Let's both do our best, okay?"
As May Lee gets herself into the ring and situated, Dee Jay leans over to set the boombox on the ground, tapping a button atop as the cd spins up, and a rather loud track blares out. Reggae fusion, awww yea. Rhythm, upbeat tempo, and dazzling instrumentals. At least, in Dee Jay's not so humble opinion. His feet never seem to stop moving, stance ever-shifting as he brings his hands, gloved in standard kickboxer's gloves, customized in the same bright blue that dominates the pants he wears. The part that's not a black stripe, with a clearly emblazoned 'MAXIMUM' running down the outside of his leg, at least! Trademarks have to be protected.
Moving in rhythm with the music, Dee Jay grins May Lee's way, and gives her a hearty thumbs-up, "No other way to dance, girl!" He shoots back in a thick, but understandable accent, his rich voice entirely jovial, "Have a good time, but watch out!!" he warns, completely jokingly, flexing each of his powerful arms up by his head, and turning back and forth a bit, the swaying again in time with the tunes. The little display is more for showboating to the crowd than anything, and he certainly gets a bit more volume out of them for it. For the moment, he seems content to stand right where he is, waiting for May Lee to move as the announcer starts things off. Gloved fists weave fluidly before him, as his bare feet shift across the asphalt.
COMBATSYS: DeeJay has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
DeeJay 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: DeeJay focuses on his next action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
DeeJay 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: MayLee has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
MayLee 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 DeeJay
In May Lee's humble opinion... she wasn't quite sure what to think of the music. Pausing and cocking her head to the side as the raggae fusion song reaches her ears, May Lee gets a rather curious look on her face. "Huh. What kind of music is that?" she asks, but then begins a little bounce from heel to heel, her grin returning just as strong as before as she looks towards Dee Jay. Bringing up a hand to bring down the goggles she was wearing over her forehead, May Lee positions them over her eyes as her grin grows even wider, the goggles only one part of her likely strange attire.
Blue fingerless gloves, red wristbands, and a blue shirt with a happy frog face on the middle of it, along with her gray pants and sneakers. "Nevermind, I'll ask you after! Here I come!" May Lee says, advancing upon Dee Jay with a few calculated hops, before snapping up her left leg to hit the underside of his chin with the toe of her foot. That blow was fast, a 'jab', so to speak, setting Dee Jay up for the second kick, as she drops that foot, and raises her other to try to strike Dee Jay beneath the jaw. A little bit slower, but a whole lot harder, hopefully sending Dee Jay up into the air a little with that blow.
COMBATSYS: DeeJay parries MayLee's Into the Sky!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
MayLee 0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0 DeeJay
Katana has arrived.
"Island beats!" Dee Jay exclaims, even as he just sort of sways aside, away from the quick kick, his grin unfading as he moves, thick arms tensing a bit... preparing, as he makes a second movement, darting left as May Lee tries to launch him skyward, a graceful lean and twist amplifying his momentum and bringing him up point-blank at the ultimate justice monkey, his right fist launched suddenly up and in, a snapping uppercut aligned with May Lee's jaw, "Reggae rhythm!" The Southern Comet explains further, but his own inner beat doesn't falter, pressing forward, and should that first uppercut flow unhindered, he'll just press on... slamming one, two, three, four more uppercuts May Lee's way. The potent fists aren't the only threat here, however, as the kickboxer's inenr chi flares to the fore, the motion of his arms blurring in a darkish haze as the punches accelerate, a light shockwave of chi exploding from each impact.
COMBATSYS: MayLee counters Machinegun Uppercut EX from DeeJay with Self Rebellion.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
MayLee 0/-------/--=====|==-----\-------\0 DeeJay
Kickboxer? Those were punches! Even so, May Lee couldn't help but grin as she turns around, and catches the beginning of the first punch within her field of vision. Learning to use all parts of your body for attacks was something May Lee could respect. But for now, she was sticking to the style she was more familiar with! Her Tae Kwan Do. Before the first blow strikes, May Lee hops backwards and out of the way of the punch, pulling up her right knee as she pulls down her right elbow, looking for all the world like she was cringing away from Dee Jay... but in actuality, she was tensing up, gaining power for her counter attack.
Whipping her torso away, she thrusts her right leg skyward, the girl nearly doing vertical splits as she catches the kickboxer beneath the chin, the force of the powerful blow sending him heavenward. Dropping her leg back, May Lee pauses a moment... and at just the right moment, she kicks the falling man in the back with a rising sort of kick, bouncing him back up a bit as she drops that leg back to the earth in a fluid movement, pulling up her opposite leg to deliver a straight kick to the back of the man, sending him away from her.
Crack! Dee Jay gets to go sailing back through the air, instead of pummeling his opponent, and he crashes to his broad back with a grunt, and then an exclaimation, "Yea!" He elates, snapping himself back to his feet and shaking his head briskly once, before dancing a few steps back from May Lee, "You got some moves, girl. I'm already glad I came." That dull ache in his jaw notwithstanding. The Southern Comet doesn't stay still (surprise surprise), clenching a tight fist before him as his shining eyes focus on May Lee, "Time for a remix!" He adds, snapping that fist down to his waist, and slamming an uppercut through the air, diagonally in front of him.
What makes this long-range uppercut special, is the razor-arc of golden chi, etched with silvery blue as it's drawn through the air by the path of his fist, the brilliant chi-edge swirling in a blurring spin as it hurtles free, and wheels its way towards May Lee, cutting quickly through the air.
COMBATSYS: DeeJay successfully hits MayLee with Air Slasher.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
MayLee 1/------=/=======|===----\-------\0 DeeJay
Eep! May Lee tries to bring her hands up in front of herself, to ward against the chi, but it cuts right through the hole in her guard, hitting her right in the center of the upper portion of her body. And it -hurt-. "Owowow..." May Lee murmurs to herself, her hands clenching into fists as she winces at the pain of that attack. Alright. Pain's passed, mostly, good to go. But just oneeee second, please.
Instead of falling back into her Tae Kwan Do stance, May Lee orients herself towards Dee Jay, taking a step forward with her right foot, as she leans back a little, and lets her arms sorta dangle at her sides. She was still smiling, but now it was a self-confident, almost smug sort of smile. The hero smile she had been working on! "That was a good blow!" May Lee shouts, her voice audibly deeper now. "But are you prepared for mine?!" she says. A careful, quick sort of step is taken forward, before she hops up into air with a short sort of hop, whipping a open palm at the side of the taller man's neck. "CHOPPPU!"
COMBATSYS: MayLee successfully hits DeeJay with May Lee- Chop!.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
MayLee 1/-----==/=======|=====--\-------\0 DeeJay
Changing up the tempo for her own part, May Lee does well in keeping up with Dee Jay's moves! Usually, that blast of chi slows his opponents down better... but this is why he's in Southtown! For /real/ competition. His grin is abated slightly by the pain as May Lee's hand collides with his neck, while he's making a motion to weave away from the strike. It makes his step falter a moment before his other foot catches up with his momentum, and he hops backwards on one foot a moment, "Too early in the dance to answer that!" The Southern Comet answers back, as to his preparedness. The music booms in the background, and Dee Jay flows with it, hopping forward on one foot, then the other, with a feinting jab towards May Lee's midsection. Rather than follow through, however, he seeks to take her by surprise as she prepares to defend, suddenly launching himself up and in, his right knee snapping out for her face.
COMBATSYS: MayLee dodges DeeJay's Knee Shot.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
MayLee 1/-----==/=======|=====--\-------\0 DeeJay
Ibuki has arrived.
The quick knee was a surprise, but one that May Lee was more than able to handle! Landing with knees slightly bent, May Lee hops a single hop away and to the side, narrowly dodging the blow. Eeeek, that was a fast one. Not that May Lee was going to let on to that little thought! "Not quite fast enough!" she calls out, bringing herself upon her toes as she backpedals away from Dee Jay then. It was time.
Standing up into a solid stance, May Lee twists her hips a bit to one side, pulling a fist down by her belt, as she jabs a stiffly held, open palm into the air in front of her. "Your name was Dee Jay, correct? My name is Lee Jin Ju, commonly known as May Lee!" she booms, chopping that hand downwards in front of herself, before squaring her hips, and bringing that fist to her belt, mirroring the motion of her opposite hand. And at the same time... her clothes begin to rustle with a convienant wind... one generated by the chi she was drawing into herself. "The fist of JUSTICE! Don't hold back on me, because I will not hold back on you!" she announces.
COMBATSYS: MayLee gathers her will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
MayLee 1/-======/=======|=====--\-------\0 DeeJay
"That's right." Dee Jay answers of his name, "You got rhythm in your moves, girl. Timing. Makes this a lot more fun." He seems to mean that at face value, taking a few deep breaths where he landed off to May Lee's flank. His fists bob, and his eyes study the TKD fighter, looking for a weakness, or perhaps just taking in her step, and trying to fall in with it... or perhaps counteract it, "Can't have fun unless you go all-out!" He amends, and replies to her latter demand that he not hold back. Several quick strides take the kickboxer forward, as he hops a short jump in at May Lee, landing on his left foot as his body wheels around, launching his right out at her in a forceful Sobat kick, "Let's..." he affirms, loudly, the force of his attack going into his voice, "Do this RIGHT!!!" he finishes, spinning around /again/ and launching a second, equally powerful Sobat squarely for May Lee's skull.
COMBATSYS: MayLee fails to interrupt Double Rolling Sobat from DeeJay with May Lee- Kick!.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
MayLee 1/-======/=======|======-\-------\0 DeeJay
"Not quite... ERK!!" May Lee says as she begins to hop away from Dee Jay... just in time to get caught by the first of the kicks, the girl landing right back onto her feet as the second one catches her straight in the chest, lifting up back up off of the ground, to land flat on her back a little distance away. "I... erk." May Lee breathes, before shakily beginning to get back unto her feet again, making a very good attempt at a smile in Dee Jay's direction. Pain. Ow.
"Ha! Nice try, but Dee Jay's still leadin' this dance." The kickboxer jovially taunts, clearly bearing no ill will in the words, but enjoying his success nonetheless. He hops from one foot, to the other, and then launches himself up and over, landing on one palm and kicking his legs around in a quick breakdancing maneuver, that ends in a flip back to his fighting stance, and a glimmering smile, "I could keep this up all night, you're not done yet, right?" He adds, motivational speaking and all. He urges her forward with one gloved hand, just swaying in place, eager to continue, "I bet you've got a few surprises left."
COMBATSYS: DeeJay focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
MayLee 1/-======/=======|======-\-------\0 DeeJay
"Am I done? Not a chance!" May Lee shouts in return, her voice continuing in it's 'heroic' tone. Oh, and her wide smile goes back towards Dee Jay, a bit less smug, and a lot more happy. "We aren't done dancing yet! And you might find..." May Lee says, beginning to quickly step towards her opponent, that step turning into a turn, and then that run turning into a sprint. One might notice, if they were so inclined, that her feet were hitting the floor in time to the beat. Mostly. Or they were trying to, at least!
"I'm DI-NA-MICKU!" she shouts, mauling the word 'dynamic' intentionally. Nearing Dee Jay, she attempts to jab her knee into his gut...
COMBATSYS: DeeJay interrupts May Lee- Dynamic! from MayLee with Jacknife Maximum.
[ \\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
MayLee 1/-----==/=======|=======\-------\1 DeeJay
After that knee-to-the-gut, May Lee hops away, her legs flexing as she tries to hit Dee Jay in the face with a harsh kick with her left leg... then her right, then her left again, then her right. The flurry of kicks would likely remind one of Tae Kwan Do, although... at the very last blow, she would shout a deep shout, and jab both her hands into Dee Jay's chest with a deep cry. "WOOYA!"... if she got that far.
There's one surprise! But then, Dee Jay likes surprises. As the heroine races in, and slams her knee up into his rather solid gut, Dee Jay shifts with the impact, dancing back a half step on his left foot as his right snaps up and around, carrying his reversed momentum while providing a painful, charge-stopping slam to May Lee's ribcage. Suddenly, as the Southern Comet lands on his left foot, his right leg bends back downward, and then snaps out back /towards/ the TKD fighter, suddenly reversing Dee Jay's momentum and bringing the kickboxer's heel straight up and into May Lee's jaw, sending him a short distance skyward, but likely setting her sailing a fair bit further, "Woooooohaaaa!!!" He offers, instead. Perhaps May Lee's missing 'Wooya!' will finally have some peace.
And there's one surprise for her, one May Lee wasn't sure she was too fond of. Rising into the air with a cough, May Lee lands flat on her back a short distance away from Dee Jay, her arms and legs fanned out. Like if she were going to make a snow angel! But would May Lee give up? Not so easily!
Pulling herself back up to her feet slowly and painfully, the young Korean girl grins towards Dee Jay once again... in spite of the fact that she looked like she might fall over at any moment. "Alright!" she says, before repeating, mostly for herself. "...alright." And with that, May Lee begins to dash forward, getting a large grin on her lips before she leaps forward, launching herself straight towards the kickboxer like a bullet, the young woman thrusting a fist before herself as it begins to sparkle with electricity. "ATTTAAAA!"
COMBATSYS: MayLee successfully hits DeeJay with May Lee- Lightning Blow!.
[ \\\ < > /////////////// ]
MayLee 1/----===/=======|=======\==-----\1 DeeJay
Ibuki heads south down the main road to the downtown area.
ZZZT!! The jolting strike smacks squarely into Dee Jay as he drops out of his strike, and weaves forward for May Lee. Instead, he gets rather nicely zapped, slammed backwards as he drops to his back with a grunt, "Nice one." He congratulates, just a bit of his bluster gone from the painful strike. Still, he's quick to flip back to his feet, fists clenched as he again approaches May Lee, "But I'm not out of tricks either!" There's a widening of his grin, and then in a flash, Dee Jay is right on top of his opponent, in the figurative sense. One second he's one place, the next, there's a blur of his form in dark chi, and he's point-blank, launching his left heel straight out and in for May Lee's gut in a familiar, Sobat-style strike... though these come far, far faster. That darkish chi still tracing his blurring movements, Dee Jay presses forward, hopping forward on his left foot and reversing the momentum of his heel and body to smash into May Lee once more, and then a final time, with a finalizing kick-off to the skull. It's bigger, it's better, and it's flashier. But still likely all too familiar to the TKD heroine.
COMBATSYS: DeeJay successfully hits MayLee with Sobat Carnival.
[ < > ////////////// ]
MayLee 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|-------\-------\0 DeeJay
COMBATSYS: MayLee can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
DeeJay 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: DeeJay dodges MayLee's May Lee- The End!.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
DeeJay 0/-------/-------|
WHAM! WHAM WHAM WHAM! May Lee only had enough time to get to her feet before Dee Jay was upon her, and then the fun began. This time, May Lee is knocked straight to the side, and the unforgiving ground beneath, her arms flailing as she lands harshly upon her side, her eyes going distant and unfocused. That was.. a extremely hard kick. It hurt to the point where it sorta.. stopped hurting. Nonetheless, May Lee pushes off of the ground, willing her limbs to move, willing her body to stand up again, turn around, and face her opponent.
Grinning a wide, toothy grin in spite of the blood slowly leaking from her nostrils, May Lee leaps up into the air, holding her arms out to the side as she flips once, twice in the air, coming out of that flip into a sort of kick as she flies towards Dee Jay, the young woman's right leg extended in a kick. She doesn't say anything more, however... just grin.
And as she passes harmlessly by Dee Jay, May Lee hits the ground in the kick pose still, her body tumbling to one side, and rolling away towards the edge of the arena floor. Ending that roll upon her back with limbs askew, the goggle-wearing girl's eyes were closed in unconciousness; but still, she was grinning widely.
Dee Jay steps out of his repeated Rolling Sobats just as lithely as he executed them, immediately prepared to reverse his momentum, returning May Lee's grin as he darts back, letting her pass through the air where he'd stood only instants before, his bare feet sounding softly on the asphalt as the CD track ends, and his motions still a bit, a long deep breath filling his lungs. The announcer pipes up with, "The winner - Jamaica's own champion, the Southern Comet!!" It's always a good feeling to Dee Jay... not so much the winning, but the finale of an intense fight, "Girl got rhythm." He mutters to himself, shaking his head in the direction of the fallen May Lee, before striking a little pose. He showboats a moment, flexing and strutting, before strutting right off to the roped-off borders, stepping up to a slightly older Jamaican man, "Give May Lee the prize money." He offers up simply, quietly, scooping up his boombox and making his way towards the cordoned-off escape from the throngs, waving as he goes. And grinning, of course.
Log created by MayLee, and last modified on 20:32:18 08/10/2005.