MayLee - Extreme Bet! Exciting Battle!

Description: May Lee has her Power Belt at stake, and Shinobu has a pair of rollerblades hanging in the balance! Can the Korean girl, fresh off the plane from Korea, succeed in her ultimate battle against Shinobu? Or will Shinobu prove triumphant?! Tune in for the answer!

It was a beautiful Japanese day indeed! And Lee Jin Ju could not be in any higher spirits. With a walk that has the occasional skip in it, the girl more commonly known as May Lee steps in front of Shinobu's swing, a brilliant smile on her lips. For the hot weather, she was wearing a pair of gray shorts, a green stripe down either side of them, and a white t-shirt, a smiling cartoon frog head smack dab in the middle of her chest. Oh! Socks and sneakers for her feet, and fingerless gloves for her hands, too. And who can forget the goggles she was wearing at the moment, the darkened lens to the goggles like sunglasses!

"Shinobu!" she calls out, while stepping towards the slides. Pausing near there, she reaches down to unbuckle her beloved power belt, before setting it in the shade beneath the slides. There. Whirling around, May Lee stands up on her tiptoes, and folds her arms behind her back. "Are you reaaady?" she asks, her voice light with mischief.

Shinobu stops, and then rises, her hand raising to her hat. "Ready?", she says, pausing still for a moment. "That's a silly question to ask a fighter." She then pulls up the brim, grinning widely. Of course, her own outfit is a bit more simple, if... seemingly entirely unsuited for a fight. She squats, stretching from leg to to leg, and then springs up, and she loosely drops her arms to her sides as she looks over to May Lee. She doesn't seem to have anything more to add right now, just waiting May Lee's response.

May Lee responds to that with a bright laugh. Stepping forward, the Tae Kwan Do student taking up a spot just a little ways from Shinobu, her footsteps crunching on the gravel of the playground floor. Lifting herself up unto her tiptoes again, May Lee holds her hands out to her sides in a 'shrug' gesture, her smile just as bright as before. Giving her hips a little shake, May Lee says, "How about we fight using just our legs, huh?", before dropping her hands back to her sides, and her feet back down more solidly on the ground. All that before she snaps a kick up into the empty air in front of her, holding her foot in the air as she wiggles it all around. She was joking, at least if one were to go by her smile, which was now impish. May Lee had a strange sense of humor.

COMBATSYS: MayLee has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
MayLee           0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Shinobu has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
MayLee           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0          Shinobu

Shinobu shrugs, and says, "Eh? That doesn't make any sense... but whatever.", apparently willing to accept this bizarre notion. After all, she's confident in every part of her body! Holding out a hand, there's a flicker of blue chi in her palm which becomes a bubble... and she then drops it. Catching it with her toe soccer-style, she kicks it up lightly and, and then blurs, doing a backwards flip kick to launch the projectile at her opponent! But it's more than a mere bubble, what with the explosive wave concealed in the liquid chi. She lands in a crouch, one hand on her hat to keep it on.

COMBATSYS: MayLee dodges Shinobu's Petite Pop.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
MayLee           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0          Shinobu

May Lee... had never quite seen anything like that before. Still, with the perpetual grin on her lips, she begins to rapidly backpedal away from the oncoming attack, and when it explodes, she hops backwards, landing with feet spread apart from each other. What with the cool backdrop, and explosion, those 'special effects' just made what she was going to do next all that more exciting!

"Ha HA!" May Lee says, her voice noticeably deeper than before, the Korean girl jabbing her right arm at a fourty-five degree angle in front of herself, and holding it very stiffly, her palm open, and held flat. Her other hand is held in a fist by her belt... or at least where her belt would be. "That was only a jest! I want you to give this spar your all, Shinobu! Whether that be by punches, kicks, or more explosions!" May Lee says, cutting that hand through the air in front of herself, and bending as she leans to the right, her right arm... still outstretched at the fourty five degree angle, swishing through the air in front of herself, stopping it when it falls in line with the rest of her body. Her fist, however, was opened, her fingers splayed as she thrusts her palm in Shinobu's direction.

"For -I- will not go easy on you! I am Lee Jin Ju! The ALLY of Justice, and the ENEMY OF EVIL! HENSHIN!" she says, using the Japanese word for transformation. Just like Kamen Rider would! While she doesn't visibly transform, a sudden burst of wind chi flares up all around her, the wisps of such beginning to glow a multicoloured hue of colors. Pretty, huh?

COMBATSYS: MayLee gathers her will.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
MayLee           0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0          Shinobu

Smiling back, Shinobu leaps back at a high angle, and lands atop the slide. She thrusts a finger down towards May Lee, complete with a swirly bit at the tip! "Man... don't talk so big! Because I'm gonna be the best fighter ev-" She pinwheels for a moment, looking her balance, and then rights herself. She looks a little irritated, but recovers, making another orb of fluid chi. "Come at me any way you like!", she declares more seriously, getting a bit of arrogant chinrise, and grins widely and toothily. She then closes her hand into a fist, popping the bubble.

COMBATSYS: Shinobu gathers her will.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
MayLee           0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0          Shinobu

"Oh ho ho! If you are to be the best, I will test your power! Get ready!" May Lee says, her eyes narrowed just a little in concentration as she rises to a stand, pushing the wind chi she had gathered beneath, and a little behind herself as she leaps up into the air, the chi helping a bit with the height of her jump. Curling the fingers of her right hand into a fist as she rises, she bends both her knees further, crying. "HIIIIIIIIIIII!!!" as she descends down towards Shinobu.

And landing in a explosion of upwards-traveling gravel, May Lee grits her teeth as she punches a nonetheless straight punch, directly for the center of Shinobu's chest, little afterimages following May Lee's every movement. "YAAAAAAA!!"

COMBATSYS: Shinobu blocks MayLee's May Lee- Crush!.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
MayLee           0/-------/---====|=====--\-------\0          Shinobu

Shinobu gets ready, and her eyes widen, but she covers up, taking the punch on her arms with a wince. She frowns as she gets knocked back off the slide, skidding through the gravel but remaining on her feet. She then points to May Lee. "You forgot your word so easily - are you really a fighter of Justice?!", she says as a stern accusation. But as soon as she says it, she's already dashing forward, and skids to a halt, throwing out a flurry of punches with her left arm... definitely quantity over quality. The barrage is more like a blossom of punches, with each virtually unaimed blow coming too quickly to easily pick out any one strike.

COMBATSYS: Shinobu successfully hits MayLee with Rumble Punch.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
MayLee           0/-------/-======|======-\-------\0          Shinobu

May Lee blinks after the attack, her eyes going wider and wider. "I said it was only a jest!" she protests, her voice normal once again. "I didn't mean--..." POW! "Ow ow ow ow!" May Lee says after the flurry of punches, the woman hopping back as she assumes another stance. A more traditional Tae Kwan Do stance, lifting up a hand to rub at her face, where a particularly nasty blow had struck. "That wasn't quite fair..." she says demurely, before beginning to dash forward towards Shinobu once again, hopping up into the air... and at the same time, whipping out a foot towards the other girl's face. "...YA!"

COMBATSYS: Shinobu dodges MayLee's Surprise Air.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
MayLee           0/-------/-======|======-\-------\0          Shinobu

"Unfair? That's mean!", Shinobu says incredulously, before then leaning to the side... just out of the blow's distance, and she whews as she snaps her head back smoothly... if a bit too far. And by 'too far', it's the fact her forehead comes right at May Lee's as she lands. Not quite a headbutt, but it does look like a collision course for both noggins. It's seemingly inadvertent, but who can say?

COMBATSYS: Shinobu successfully hits MayLee with Accident.
- Power hit! -

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
MayLee           1/------=/=======|=======\-------\0          Shinobu

CRACK! Shinobu's forehead strikes May Lee's, and the Korean staggers, hissing a quick breath of pain. Taking a small hop back, she ignores the throbbing pain in her forehead, to look up towards Shinobu, and profoundly say, "Hmm." But then that grin of hers comes across her lips again, and May Lee hops back forward, hoping to grab Shinobu by the shoulders.

COMBATSYS: MayLee successfully hits Shinobu with Swan Cycle.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
MayLee           1/-----==/=======|=======\==-----\1          Shinobu

Pulling herself up like that, May Lee demonstrates pretty impressive strength, and flexibility, as she pulls herself over Shinobu's shoulder like that, rolling over her head, and twisting around to deliver a sharp kick to the back of her opponent's head. Riding her opponent down to the ground, with her feet on Shinobu's back, May Lee then hops up off of Shinobu's shoulders, and begins to step away, feeling pretty darn pleased with herself.

Thankfully, Shinobu's head is hard, and she only seems a bit woozy in turn... but woozy enough that there's an opening! But the additional blows to her head don't help as she flops down. She remains there for a moment, and then kippups. She hops back onto a jungle gym, the kiddie accident factory, and crouches, looking at May Lee and narrowing her eyes. While she may be something of an airhead, her brain starts to work out the angles and possibilities, given a pause. Not that it shows, of course; she ultimately just ends up looking rather vacant.

COMBATSYS: Shinobu focuses on her next action.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
MayLee           1/-----==/=======|=======\==-----\1          Shinobu

Hmm. May Lee begins to lightly step towards the jungle gym, grinning widely. "Trying to hide from me in there?" she asks, before hopping forward, grabbing one of the bars and swinging inside the jungle gym, snapping out a foot to try to jab Shinobu in the face and fall into a similar crouch in front of her, that first blow hopefully enough to stagger her.

COMBATSYS: Shinobu endures MayLee's Rougetsu Kourin.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
MayLee           0/-------/------=|=======\===----\1          Shinobu

"Not this time!" she says triumphantly, dragging her heel down her face to Shinobu's breastbone, the Korean girl then jabbing both her hands down to support herself for her neck move. Looking like something in a breakdancers repiortire, May Lee swings the foot she initially tapped Shinobu's face with back, swinging her other leg around to strike Shinobu -hard- in the breastbone with her other foot. The Beast God Leg manuever... slightly modified.

Shinobu doesn't so much avoid the blow but jump up, taking the blow in the air so as to lessen her resistance. As she gets knocked back, her brain goes into overtime as it figures out the angles, and she catches one of the bars, flipping outside the jungle gym and then flying downward towards May Lee. Apparently, she's trying to make the angle of defense... awkward, to say the least. As she flies through the bars from above, she lands on her her hands, suddenly whipping both legs around in an inverted whirlwind kick that steps a wave of gravel and dust in all directions! "Yayayayayayaya!", she calls out, but then, she suddenly twists, halting her momentum in mid-spin. In an instant, puts all that motion into an upside-down power punch with a loud kiai - before then landing hard on her back.

COMBATSYS: Shinobu successfully hits MayLee with The 37th Chamber.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
MayLee           0/-------/--=====|===----\-------\0          Shinobu

Releasing a gasp as May Lee's attention goes upwards, the woman attempts to frog walk out of the jungle gym, a comical 'oops' expression on her face. "Aaaaaa!" she shouts throughout the onslaught, the final power punch knocking her face into the gravel. Ow ow ow. Rolling away from Shinobu, then, May Lee hops up to her feet, rubbing the back of one arm across her lips. "That was good!", she admits, smiling through the pain.

May Lee then leans back, a self-confident smile touching her lips. "But here I come!" she cries in a much deeper voice, taking a step forward, and throwing herself into the air with a small hop, and then cries, "CHOP!!", snapping out a open palm towards Shinobu's neck in a quick chop.

COMBATSYS: Shinobu blocks MayLee's May Lee- Chop!.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
MayLee           0/-------/--=====|====---\-------\0          Shinobu

Shinobu rolls to her feet, standing up with a thumbs-up and a smile. But She then turns her side to the blow, catching it with her arm. "Good swing!" But her blocking arm continues to move with a reaction motion, and she then tries to grab the arm itself.

COMBATSYS: Shinobu successfully hits MayLee with Quick Throw.

[                      \\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
MayLee           0/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0          Shinobu

She then flips May Lee over her shoulder, and then tries to just ram her into the inside 'wall' of the jungle gym, using the confined space - and the environment - to her advantage.

"Oof!" May Lee grunts as her back crashes against the inside of the jungle gym, May Lee then shifts around as she falls towards the ground, catching herself on her hands and knees. Pushing up off of the ground, she begins to step away from Shinobu and clearing the jungle gym, a almost swagger to her hips. "Likewise, Shinobu! A good hit!" she calls out, before she tenses, lowering her torso towards the ground as she then leaps up into the air, flipping once, twice, three times in the air before she jabs out her foot, her body sailing towards Shinobu as she remains completely silent. Still, a wide grin was on her lips, and her eyes had a bit of a spacey look to them, her mind playing a certain song in her head.

She -loved- doing the Rider Kick.

COMBATSYS: MayLee successfully hits Shinobu with May Lee- The End!.

[                      \\\\\\\\  < >  //////                        ]
MayLee           0/-------/-------|=======\==-----\1          Shinobu

And as her kick takes her by Shinobu's position, May Lee drags the ball of her foot across the other girl's front as she goes by, landing a fair ways past Shinobu's position. In a pose. By the by, the area where May Lee drags her foot across begins to have a almost sick feeling of invading chi...

Fist held by her belt, and with her opened hand jabbed at a fourty five degree angle in the air before her, May Lee indraws a deep breath, before bellowing. "BEHOOOOOLD! MY TRUE POWER!" And with that, she clenches her hand into a fist, the area which she dragged her foot then exploding into a huge fireball, one that envelops Shinobu completely, the blast almost traveling to May Lee. It does toss her hair and clothes, though.

Shinobu follows out... only to get slammed hard enough to blow her right /through/ the bars of the jungle gym. She moans, stirring slightly, and then gets up again. There's an obvious bruise - intentation? - where the kick hit, as well as burns. and she coughs. "That wasn't a very strong hit...", she lies badly, pulling herself up straight. Then, she realizes her hat is gone! It's time to get serious. With a cry, she starts to charge at May Lee - and then halts, clutching her chest for a moment. It's only a split-second, though, and suddenly she rushes up to May Lee, lashing out with a flurry of punches, just as before, with a cry of "Yayayayayayaya!" But then, she switches to her /other/ arm, continuing the barrage, before finally rearing back with a fist. Swaying far too foward in an unbalanced haymaker, she then throws a powerful punch forward, finishing the combination with a final "YIA!"

COMBATSYS: MayLee dodges Shinobu's Dragon Entry.

[                      \\\\\\\\  < >  /////                         ]
MayLee           0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0          Shinobu

Turning around towards Shinobu, May Lee fixes her with that self confident smile, lightly hopping back and forth away from her, as Shinobu begins the flurry. "Ha HA! Good try, Shinobu! But now, it is MY turn! Are you ready?" May Lee asks. And then without waiting for a answer, she drops to the ground, beginning a short slide across the ground towards her opponent, her entire body pressed flat against the ground as she keeps her foot raised to smack into Shinobu's shin, hopefully bowling May Lee's opponent over.

COMBATSYS: Shinobu dodges MayLee's May Lee- Slide!.

[                        \\\\\\  < >  /////                         ]
MayLee           0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0          Shinobu

Shinobu raises a leg, wincing in pain as she does so, but spins out of the way of the attack... her foot skidding right by May Lee's. But as she does so, a blue glow flashes in her hands, and she then whips it out towards May Lee like a shot put - only at a much, much closer range! It's certainly a larger bubble than before, too! The ball explodes like a geyser, but whether it's hit ground or her foe may not be immediately apparent with the show of pyrotechnics shooting into the air.

COMBATSYS: Shinobu successfully hits MayLee with Petite Pop.
- Power hit! -

[                             \  < >  ////                          ]
MayLee           0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0          Shinobu

The spectacular explosion washes over the Korean girl, May Lee releasing a high squeak as it hits her... but before the show of pyrotechnics ends, there is a cry from within the explosion.


And with that, as the explosion begins to clear, May Lee shoots out from the midst of it like a rocket, holding out a fist in front of herself, looking much like Superman in flight. Except Superman never had electric fists! Electricity plays around her fist as she streaks towards Shinobu, the girl hoping to deliver a solid blow to Shinobu's chest...! Before flopping to the ground, rather not like a hero would.

COMBATSYS: MayLee can no longer fight.

[                          \\\\  <
Shinobu          0/-------/-----==|

COMBATSYS: Shinobu dodges MayLee's May Lee- Lightning Blow!.

[                          \\\\  <
Shinobu          0/-------/-----==|

Shinobu slips out of the way... falling back on her butt as she does so with a wince. Shimmying, she forces herself back up, and holds up a fist. "Okay, I'm ready for..." She blinks, and then stares. "Trying to trick me again, huh?", she says firmly. "Well, fool me once, and... um..." She taps her lips, looking up to the sky as she tries to recall the rest of the saying.

Pushing hard up off of the ground, May Lee flops over unto her back. "Aiiiii.... owowowow." she says, before she begins to shake there, her grin growing wider and wider. Those shakes turn into laughs. A bright, joyful, melodic laugh, although one that's cut short, as May Lee clutches at her belly, and goes, "Oooooooooow.", again. "That was great, Shinobu! The power belt is yours!" May Lee says, feeling a brief pang of regret at the loss of her belt. She could build another, of course, but... that would require money that she doesn't have for supplies, and the time to make it. And besides! It might be Shinobu's first step on the road to true Justice!

Shinobu says, "Really! Yay!", pumping her fists into the air. And, as she often does after a fight like this, forgets that sudden motion after severe injury is /bad/. Freezing up, she makes a faint croaking sound before then just falling backwards. "Ow... that attack really was full of justice...", she moans. "... so... cool..."

COMBATSYS: Shinobu has ended the fight here.

It would just be proper for her to get up, and give the belt to Shinobu herself! Unfortunately, her body wasn't quite cooperating, at this point in time. So she kinda twitches, as she tries to get up, before relaxing against the ground. Maybe in a few seconds. Oh yes. "It was cool? Really? Did it remind you of Justice? Really?" May Lee asks excitedly, staring up into the nice summer sky.

"Yeah...", says Shinobu, also looking up. She then grrrrs and strains, and there's a sudden *pop* sound before she sits up. She looks dizzy n' swirly eyed for a moment, and then snaps out of it. "... it was really strong." But Shinobu's determination makes her more durable than her teenage body has a right to be, in any case. "It reminded me of my final attack... but..." She's not going to come out and /say/ it's more cool. She's just going to think it, okay?

Oho. The few, the proud, the overly durable schoolgirls. They were a elite bunch, yes. Rolling over unto her front, May Lee pushes herself up into a kneel, before shakily getting up to her feet, the Korean staggering one way, and then the next. Whee. Turning her stumblings towards the general direction of the slide she deposited her power belt behind, May Lee says, "Awesome." Although she was trying to sound upbeat, it was a little harder when you felt broken all over. "What was your final attack again? I think whatever it was was beat out of me." she jokes.

Shinobu stands up. "I didn't use it...", with a faint shrug, rubbing her shoulder. She squints, and then pinwheels one of her arms to stretch it. She looks over to power belt with a surprisingly neutral expression, surprising after all the gaping she did over it earlier. But whatever her thoughs, she keeps them to herself.

Stiffly bending over to pick up the belt, May Lee almost keels over with that. Almost. Catching herself at the last moment, she scoops up the power belt, and turns as if to throw it, but... she couldn't bear the thought of that. Stepping over towards Shinobu, she offers it to the other girl with a outstretched arm, and a smile.

Shinobu takes it, and smiles back. "Now you can work on an even more powerful one!", she offers as consolation, though she is more obviously showing a bit of guilt now. "I'll only use it for good, this I swear.", she says with a more serious tone.

"Indeed I can!" May Lee says, giving the belt one final tap on the red and blue circle in the center. "But you'd best." May Lee says, echoing the serious tone with one of her own, her face going equally serious. But only for a moment. She smiles soon after. "Well, I think I need to limp back to the dojo, get a nap in. Uh... keep fighting the good fight!" May Lee says, with a bit of enthusiasm... but then she looks a bit sheepish afterwards. That last bit sounded a bit dumb to her. "Ummm... see you later?"

Shinobu raises a hand with a simple, "B'bye!", swooning for a moment as she clutches the belt to her chest, and nearly falls over again before flailing and standing up straight. And with a delighted hum, she turns and starts to march on home, finally starting to bypass that... ouchie with her mood.

Log created by MayLee, and last modified on 22:01:26 08/09/2005.