Description: Totally awesome.
It's been an eventful... few weeks. Days. Whatever. They blend together after a while.
The day is young, and the streets are packed with cars. The sky is darkened only by the onset of a threatening storm, though no rain has fallen as of yet. Not to say that'll last: the clouds look ominous enough that it's entirely possible they could open up at any given moment, the lot of them dark, bulbous. In other words, it's not exactly the greatest of times to take a stroll. But, who ever knew Vanessa to have a good grasp on common sense? It sure as hell doesn't suit her aims -now-.
Back to the business attire she usually presents herself in, she's standing outside the hotel, puffing away at a cigarette, her eyes turned to a map in her free hand. Doesn't hurt to get acquainted with the area, even if it looks like she'll have to get a taxi this time around-- especially considering the high chance of a storm.
Huffing out a big plume of smoke, the boxer flicks the butt out into the street, grimacing a little as it bursts into a spray of embers against the grill of someone's car. Offering a faint halfsmile and a wave to the motorist despite the fact that they don't seem to have noticed either her or the rebounding cigarette, she ehmms, and goes back to her mapreading.
No time like the present, right? Time to keep on truckin'.
..or something.
Bison just got released from prison, and boy.. is he ever pissed. It's just fortunate that he works for Howard now, so that the Syndicate boss was able to pull some strings and get him out without a big media scene. And now the boxer is once again turned loose on the city, and he's looking for some way of working out his anger. Ideally, he'd track down that blonde lady who stole his expensive BMW and got him in trouble with the cops.. but he hasn't the slightest idea where to start. No one seems to know much about the woman.
But the Syndicate goons he'd earlier forced into tracking down the red-haired Vanessa have finally got some results.. the name of a hotel, a room number. All that the massive man needs to ensure that she won't be seeing her next birthday. Unless it's, like, five minutes from now. Shut up.
Strolling down the street - choosing to walk rather than take one of his many other vehicles - Bison puffs on a massive cigar, being sure to blow a big plume of smoke into the face of everyone he passes. Laughing as he does this to a particularly old Japanese couple, the big man's temper seems to be soothed by screwing with other people. That is, until he nears the hotel, and notices the very familiar figure standing outside the door..
"It's her.." he mutters under his breath, stopping in his tracks and taking another big puff off of the cigar before strolling up towards her. "Hey!" he yells, his voice rising over the sounds of cars passing, flashing a grin when Vanessa turns around to look at him. "Nice seeing you again."
And she does, indeed, turn, despite the fact that she knows exactly what she'll see.
Paling a little, but more out of frustration than anything else, Vanessa looks closer to tearing her hair out than she does putting up the usual run of insults. However! That isn't to say she isn't without a typically flagrant outburst! It just wouldn't be right to go without one!
She has a reputation to uphold, after all.
"Motherf-- do you -ever- give up?!" she implores him, looking highly bemused by the fact that he's in some way still around. Ryu -did- warn her that he has a tendancy towards grudges-- and he's, uh... got more than enough reason to hold one against her. After all, he can't return the well-aimed cockpunch, now -can- he? "-Really-. I mean... for god's sake, I think it's been made pretty damn clear that we both despise one another, and neither is about to leave the fucking city or drop dead, much as I'd -love- to see that day come in your case. I'm sure a good number of people would finally breathe a sigh of relief just knowing they're not sharing the same thousand-mile radius that you are."
Right. Well, then. Carrying o--
"So, alright. Throw a few insults, act huffy, and let me get back to my business, alright? I don't have time for this shit today."
--n. Mmkay.
"Hell, if I gave up easy, I wouldn't be where I am today. Aren't I such a fuckin' role model for the kids?" he says with an amused grin, casually strolling closer towards the woman. "And I wouldn't be too sure about the whole 'neither of us dropping dead' thing. I certainly don't have any intentions of dying, but I think -you- might be speaking a bit soon on that.."
Reaching the bottom of the steps leading up to the hotel door, Bison looks up at Vanessa. Despite his threats, he's not moving any closer.. yet. "You know, I would've figured a nice lookin' lady like yourself would be able to afford a room in a better hotel. Maybe fuck a few strangers to help pay for it.. you seem like the type who wouldn't have a -problem- with that."
Shrugging his shoulders as if to dismiss the entire subject, the boxer paces back and forth along the length of the bottom step. He's careful to keep at least one eye on the red-haired woman at all times, though.. he knows how tricky she can be. "So, here I am.. and there you are.. I think I've already insulted you, unless you don't mind being called a whore. So I guess I should just walk away, huh? Let you go about your business?" Laughing and shaking his head, Bison stops pacing and stares at Vanessa with both eyes - for the first time, he actually -looks- pissed off, his grin turning into a scowl. "Not fucking -likely-."
"You know," Vanessa says, one eyebrow raised, some of her own ire taming now that he's showing his own anger in full throttle-- not because she's intimdated so much as she knows full damn well that having a cooler head about it is far more aggravating to the offending party-- "It occurs to me that even if you offered to pay my way through life itself, all for -one- good lay, I'd sooner choose a syphallitic old man from the local nursing home. Oh, wait! I know the answer to that one-- 'Oh, but you'd fuck -anythin'-, fuckin' -whore-,'" the words spoken in a particularly overdramatic, cheap immitation of the larger boxer's own voice. "Save it. I've heard all the pithy slurs your poor mind can keep up with. In fact, I'm a little flattered that you'd try so hard to actually produce a proper insult for me-- I mean, all that -energy-. From someone who fell for some of the cheapest tricks in the book."
Like, say, her suddenly changing her tune and him -giving her access- to deliver a -particularly- nasty uppercut.
"So. -Now- what? Do I get to keep taxing what little you've got left in that skull of yours, or is his the part where you go all 'GROG SMASH' and try to once again beat the shit out of me?"
COMBATSYS: M.Bison has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
M.Bison 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Vanessa has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Vanessa 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 M.Bison
Bison's scowl grows meaner, his eyes narrowing as the red-haired woman verbally slams him.. and he has absolutely nothing to say in response, at least not right away. There's a bit of surprise that she actually had the proverbial balls to say something like that to the massive man. The imitation certainly doesn't help to soothe his temper, and by the time Vanessa poses her question, the big man is already bounding up the stairs - burning cigar still in his mouth.
Leaping up three steps at a time, it only takes two strides for Bison to reach the top, his speed hopefully catching the woman off-guard. "BISON SMASH!" he yells as he barrels down onto her, aiming to slam right into her with all of his 225 pounds of mass.. possibly driving her right back -through- the hotel door.
COMBATSYS: Vanessa dodges M.Bison's Hook Punch.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Vanessa 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 M.Bison
Alright, so... that last bit was quite a bit more laughable than it should have been. Regardless of the fact that she has to get the hell out of the way, Vanessa can't help but burst immediately into a gale of laughter, nearly thrown off by the merriment, but not enough to keep her from sidestepping the flagrantly angered attempt, which is likely to just make the man angrier. Shaking her head as she moves away from the hotel door, the map forgotten and discarded, she tsks him audibly.
"God, you've got no sense of verbal foreplay, do you?" she chides him, her tone highly condescending. "Fine, fine.. we'll play this your way. For now."
That said, she moves in as well-- in this case, a couple swift jabs aimed specifically for his side, intending more to taunt the man than anything else-- nevermind that she could just as easily be caught offguard and socked in return. But! The angrier he gets, the -sloppier- he'll get-- and she intends on playing to the defense more than anything else, -especially- now that she's more alert than their first go-'round.
COMBATSYS: M.Bison blocks Vanessa's 1-2 Puncher.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Vanessa 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 M.Bison
It looks like the six steps seperating them turned out to be a life-saver for Vanessa, who has enough time to laugh her ass off.. and -still- get out of the way of his barreling charge. Unable to stop himself in time, Bison slams full-force into the hotel door, knocking it straight off his hinges as he stumbles into the lobby.
"Hey, you!" yells the night clerk, immediately reaching for a phone to report this big, scary black man who has just busted down the door. "Call the cops and you're fucking dead, white-boy.." growls Bison, pointing directly at the clerk. The last thing he needs is another run-in with the police, even though Howard would probably get him released once again. The threat seems to work, as the diminutive man behind the counter slowly lowers the phone back down onto the hook.
Turning back around to face the red-head, Bison does so just in time to defend against her next attack, his right hand dropping low and absorbing the impact of the jabs with ease. There seems to be no question of who is the greater threat physically, the massive Bison having an eight-inch height advantage over his fellow boxer. Lashing out with his right hand, the big man attempts to grab Vanessa by the throat..
COMBATSYS: M.Bison successfully hits Vanessa with Strong Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Vanessa 0/-------/----===|=------\-------\0 M.Bison
Tightening his massive palm around the woman's throat, Bison grins widely as he lifts her feet clear off the ground. "Hah! You think you're tough? You're just a fuckin' bitch, tryin' to play a man's game!" he mocks, before bringing the side of her face smashing into the brick of the outer hotel wall three times. This done, he tosses her down to the ground.. but he's not finished yet. Lifting his foot up as high as possible, he brings the bottom of his boot crashing down on the woman's breasts with a laugh.
Yes, yes, she's well aware that the man's got a one-up on her. The mere fact that he -takes out- a hotel door is more than enough to convince her that staying on her guard and continuing to dodge as much as possible is the only course of action she can really take. Use her speed-- focus on that, and that alone. Unfortunately for -her-, her speed doesn't get her very far this time around. Caught off-guard by the swift assault she's under, Vanessa actually loosens a surprised yelp as she's taken hold of, the deer-in-headlights look vanishing the moment she starts to brace for impact.
One! Ow. -Fuck-. Two! Houston, we have lift-off. Three! Who says you need a spaceship to see the stars? She's swimming in them. Thrown bodily to the ground, she's not in nearly enough pain to make her falter completely-- it's when she tries to get -up- that she finds herself experiencing an entirely -new- kind of harm. As his boot slams down against the tender skin he's after, winding her in the moment his foot comes down, the redhead *coughs*, eyes widening at the -sting- that causes.
-Fuck-! -Again-!
She can't let this get the better of her, though. Not by a long shot. Lashing out as swiftly as she gets her bearings straight, her teeth gritted tightly together as she throws what leverage she's got into -seizing- his leg and getting him -off- of her-- if not downed completely, which is what she's hoping for.
COMBATSYS: M.Bison blocks Vanessa's Strong Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Vanessa 0/-------/---====|=------\-------\0 M.Bison
When she finds herself met with resistance, the female boxer is nonetheless -persistant- in getting him away from her, and getting that -foot- off of her chest. Grunting audibly as she makes the attempt, what little she's -able- to do is bring him to the ground with a sharp grab at the back of his knee, her body rolling quickly away from him the moment she senses that he's beginning to stumble. It's only when she's back on her feet and holding as steady as she can that she mouths a faint 'Ow', one arm coming briefly up to the still-throbbing skin under her shirt. No words yet; those'll come in a moment. Sweartogod.
Stumbling forward, Bison drops to his knees as his balance is thrown off - but that's about all that Vanessa manages. At least she managed to get off the ground, as the Syndicate thug has shown her that that's a -very- dangerous.. and painful.. place to be around him. Quickly getting back to his feet, the boxer lets out a deep, cavernous laugh as he watches the look of pain on her face.
"What? You can dish it out but you can't fuckin' take it? Come on, it's not like you gave me much to stomp on, anyway!" he says with a grin, raising both fists to chest-level as he adopts his more traditional boxing stance. "So, we done with the cheap bullshit here?" he asks, hopping lightly on his two, booted feet as he circles around the woman.
"Cause if not, your tits and my boots are gonna be -real- good friends by the end of the night." With the warning to keep it clean under threat of more boob-stomping given to Vanessa, the massive man closes the distance between them with one long stride. Feigning a jab to the face with his left hand, the real attack comes from his right, which aims to deliver a gut-wrenching punch right to the stomach.
COMBATSYS: Vanessa blocks M.Bison's Medium Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Vanessa 0/-------/--=====|==-----\-------\0 M.Bison
Well, you know, there's worse. The term 'kickfucking' was invented for a reason, after all. The fact that he -didn't- aim for lower abdomen -or- her crotch is something she's -quite- thankful for. But, then, it's not like she expects him to 'think on his feet' in that sense. Thank christ.
Still somewhat staggered by the attack that was made, her breathing finally coming back into play, Vanessa's only choice in the matter of the next attack is to once again throw her arms out in front of her abdomen, skirting back just enough so that the both of -them- take the brunt of the damage. It still -hurts-, but it's nothing in comparison to what the initial, er, stomp gave her.
"Like you even have it -in- you to fight clean," she snaps back, edging back a couple paces as she tries to keep herself in check, her eyes favoring him with a narrowed gaze, her entirity seeming to -need- the moment to at least gage what her next manuever is going to be.
COMBATSYS: Vanessa focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Vanessa 0/-------/--=====|==-----\-------\0 M.Bison
Bison doesn't press the attack as his opponent backs off, simply standing tall and grinning as he listens to her words. "Oh, please. You shouldn't dismiss me as some kinda cheating bastard so quickly. It's that kinda stuff that makes me do things like THIS.."
At that last, bellowed word, the big man charges back in - both his massive arms reaching out wide. As he reaches grabbing distance, he attempts to throws his arms around the woman's midsection..
COMBATSYS: Vanessa fails to interrupt Head Bomber from M.Bison with 1-2 Puncher.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Vanessa 0/-------/=======|====---\-------\0 M.Bison
Grabbing the red-haired woman around the midsection, Bison hefts her up without so much as a grunt of effort. Squeezing his thick, powerful forearms, the massive man executes one hell of a bearhug, attempting to sap her stamina and take her breath away. This goes on for only a few seconds, though, before he rears his head back and delivers two brutal headbutts - bringing his forehead smashing down across the bridge of her nose. And then? Vanessa's earlobe, meet Bison's teeth. Vanessa's earlobe, meet the inside Bison's mouth. Vanessa... meet the ground, as the boxer once again tosses her to the side, spitting the severed piece of ear to the ground next to her.
Trying like hell to once again use her speed to her advantage, still not -fully- recovered from the first winding, Vanessa attempts, instead of blocking, to lash out against the man with everything she's worth, only to be -plowed- into by the assault she's -now- under. Her first thought? Gee, it'd be -nice- to actually -keep- her lung capacith throughout all of this. The second? Well. That's gone the moment his head meets hers, the abrupt amount of sheer physical agony that -that- causes making her wonder briefly if her nose is -broken-. Thankfully, it's -not-, but there's a gout of blood just waiting to come of that.
The third, and more -surprising- aspect of it is a -piece of her earlobe- being -bitten- .. -off-. If she didn't have some measure of resolve, she'd find herself shrieking incredulously at him-- but her voice is lost in the efforts of getting her goddamn lungs filled with air, something that seems moer and more difficult. -Skidding- across the ground as she's hauled off, she rights herself as quickly as she can, stumbling back a couple paces from the headbutt to the face. Good... lord. She wasn't this brought to heel when she was fighting Ryu, even if she -did- have someone alongside her for that. Shaking her head to get her vision back in place, the redhead is left to stand there, on her guard for the next wave. She knows better than to talk right now-- the rush of ire will only make it worse off for her. She's barely -phased- him.
Bison spits the mouthful of blood out, the crimson liquid strikes the grey concrete below. Wiping his lips with the back of his hand, the boxer flashes a grin - exposing blood-stained teeth, making him look all the more feral and savage. "Hah. Is this what you do when you're not pretending to be a stripper and punchin' people in the balls? Get your little bitch ass kicked? You should think about making it a career, cause you're fuckin' good at it!" he says, with yet another mocking laugh.
Slowly advancing on the woman, Bison seems to have dropped his defenses somewhat - no doubt filled with overconfidence from the way the match has progressed thus far. After all, Vanessa hasn't even landed a single, solid blow on him yet, and he's done much, much more to her. He doesn't even attempt to rush his next move, simply stepping forward and reaching out once again with his right hand, this time aiming to grab her tightly by the hair.
COMBATSYS: Vanessa dodges M.Bison's Medium Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Vanessa 0/-------/=======|====---\-------\0 M.Bison
Finally getting her bearings straight enough to get the -fuck- out of the way, Vanessa's quick to move to the side, her footing quite a bit better this time around. Her ear hurts like holy hell, her nose is bloodied and -fucked- if her chest doesn't hurt. She can't tell how much of her ear is -missing-, but she can feel the warm rush of blood down the side of her neck, the fluid matting the hair it passes over. Shaking her head in order to once again brush off the harm that's been done, she moves in quickly to try and throw him off with another erratic volley of punches, hoping with everything she's -got- that at least a -couple- hit.
The targets are varied over the man's body, the female boxer attempting to think on her feet as much as possible with the choice of them, while still remaining as swift with the assault as possible. Gritting her teeth, she can't say that her hopes are wonderfully uplifted. He's proven that he can not only do a -shit- ton of damage to her, but can easily take whatever it is she throws at him.
COMBATSYS: M.Bison blocks Vanessa's Machine Gun Puncher.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Vanessa 1/-------/=======|====---\-------\0 M.Bison
Looks like the red-haired woman still has some fight left in her, as she weaves to the side in order to avoid Bison's grasp. The boxer doesn't seem too worried by the fact that he didn't manage to get a grip on her hair.. after all, it's not like she'll be able to capitalize on this situation. He's substantially bigger and stronger, and in his mind that's -all- that matters in a fight.
As the volley of punches is unleashed up and down his frame, the big man blocks the majority of them with the defenses of an experienced boxer. Over two decades of fighting experience make him quite adept at block attacks thrown his way, and the few that do manage to strike his body don't seem to cause much harm at all - the man not so much as flinching from the force of the blows. "Come on, bitch.. you're wasting my time!" he growls.
"This.. is..." he says, pausing to suddenly spin on one foot, completing a full-circle turn. "OVER!" comes the last, bellowed word as he finishes the spin, coming back around to face Vanessa and leading the way with a jaw-crunching right hand. And the worrisome part is.. it's not even the pinnacle of his physical strength.
COMBATSYS: Vanessa dodges M.Bison's Turn Punch Final.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Vanessa 1/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0 M.Bison
Unfortunately for Vanessa, someone who relies largely on physically-based attacks as opposed to the -metaphysical-, the odds are very much against her. Breathing out a faint huff of relief as she narrowly manages to get away from yet -another- brutal assault, scurrying backwards a few dozen paces in order to get out of his way, an idea hits. Namely, to use his momentum against him as much as possible.
-Sprinting- back towards him and throwing her energy into levelling another swift shot at him, this one an uppercut aimed -straight- at his jaw, she braces her left leg and puts as much countered momentum into the blow as possible, the adrenaline already beginning to wash away from of the more adverse effects of this particular bout.
COMBATSYS: M.Bison fails to interrupt Dash Puncher from Vanessa with Dash Straight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Vanessa 1/------=/=======|======-\-------\0 M.Bison
As Vanessa sprints forward, Bison is just in the middle of regaining his balance from his last, missed attack. As he notices he charge forward, he takes off in a dash of his own, rearing back with his right hand and planning on planting one hell of a straight punch right to her chin.
However, it doesn't quite work like that - the red-haired woman throws her punch first, and the jaw-cracking uppercut is enough to knock Bison out of his attack. Stumbling back a step, the massive man seems more -shocked- than harmed, one hand moving up to rub his jaw.. the arrogant grin -still- plastered on his face, despite the blow he just took.
"Alright, so you're quick... I won't make that mistake again", he says, taking a step back and then reassuming his boxing stance. "Come on. Let's see what else you've got, cunt."
See what she's got, indeed. Rebounding back a couple paces as her fist hits the man's jaw, Vanessa can't help but feel a -little- satisfied that -something- managed to land completely. She knows full well that he's still got the upper hand, but there's no point in taking any more chances. Much as she could sprint right back into another attack and give him all she's got, she's doing her best to keep up.
-Giving- up is not an option. She doesn't even -want- to know what he'll do with her if she's knocked unconscious. Thereby, -losing- is not an option. Running like bugfuck -might- be.
No matter -how- humiliating.
Running back in, she once again throws her strength into a -vicious- punch to his windpipe, though she'll settle for his jaw or even collarbone. Hell, -anything- at this point, so long as it's -something-. So long as she's got a clear window -out-, that's all she cares about.
COMBATSYS: M.Bison blocks Vanessa's Fierce Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Vanessa 1/------=/=======|=======\-------\0 M.Bison
Raising both hands up into the path of the incoming blow, Bison's grin widens as the woman's punch is blocked with almost casual ease. But -this- time, he actually felt something. Not much, but something. "Ugh.." he says, his voice slathered with a healthy coating of disgust, "Fuckin' pathetic.. you women should stick to what you know!"
After that sexist comment, he once again reaches out with his right hand. And the target is almost a familiar one, once again attempting to grab Vanessa tightly by her crimson head of hair.
COMBATSYS: Vanessa dodges M.Bison's Strong Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Vanessa 1/------=/=======|=======\-------\0 M.Bison
Once again, Vanessa's finding some kind of center to all of this. While she knows her luck will eventually run dry, she's confident that she might actually be wearing him down, -despite- the chauvanism that comes immediately thereafter. Shifting a couple paces to the side, she comes at him again with another similar attack, not seeing much point in varience until she's got a wide-open shot at something -truly- vicious. And even then, there's a good chance that she'll still be completely outgunned.
It seems the only thing that's -working- is wearing him out. A good tactic, but not one that has staying power.
"Sorry-- I'm not -exactly- the sperm-burping bar whores you're used to," she growls, finally finding her voice as she whips around for what she -hopes- is a powerful backhand against his jaw-- the upper-body equivolent to a roundhouse, her entirity once again thrown into action. Fuck... she's gonna wear -herself- out before -he- finally falls over.
COMBATSYS: M.Bison blocks Vanessa's Fierce Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Vanessa 1/-----==/=======|=======\-------\1 M.Bison
Bison? Backhanded by a woman? NEVER.
His hand once again intercepting the blow in mid-flight, Bison is actually forced to take a step to the side from the impact of the punch against his blocking hand. It's not much of a sign, but it shows that Vanessa might be able to cause some damage to the man.. if only her punches would -land-. But the massive boxer isn't about to let that happen, his reactions remaining sharp as he keeps his eyes focused on the red-haired woman, watching her every movement.
And hopefully for her, she's doing the same to him. Because what follows next has the potential to be very painful if she's not ready for it. Switching things up a little bit, Bison shoves the woman back with both hands and then steps forward to follow her, throwing out.. a KICK. Yes. Bison is KICKING someone, for once in his life.
Oh, and the tip of his steel-toed boots is aimed to crash right up between her legs. Ouch.
COMBATSYS: Vanessa dodges M.Bison's Fierce Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Vanessa 1/-----==/=======|=======\-------\1 M.Bison
She is. Ever since getting her goddamn -ear- bitten, Vanessa's been all the more wary of the attacks she's making, as well as every single motion he makes to assault her further. Tensing considerably as he moves in, per usual, she manages, once again-- -thankfully- -- to get out of his way, her heartrate increasing exponentially as she feels the whuff of air against her arm from the sheer amount of strength put into the intended attack. It's -entirely- too lucky for her that she -did- get out of the way. 'Seeing stars' wouldn't be the only thing occuring if he'd actually managed to get ahold of her.
Some other time, mmmn? Doubtful he'll try something like that a second time.
"What, the stupid whore a little too quick for you?" she spits at him, bristling all the more. Mostly at her inability to actually -land- something. At this point, it's an almost -comical- dance these two are going through. As is, she's still unwilling to throw anything outrageously nasty against him-- -this- time, she goes in for something a little different, intending on rushing forwards, and using what power she has to actually -clothesline- the daunting man in front of her.
COMBATSYS: M.Bison blocks Vanessa's Strong Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Vanessa 1/-----==/=======|=======\=------\1 M.Bison
She is. Ever since getting her goddamn -ear- bitten, Vanessa's been all the more wary of the attacks she's making, as well as every single motion he makes to assault her further. Tensing considerably as he moves in, per usual, she manages, once again-- -thankfully- -- to get out of his way, her heartrate increasing exponentially as she feels the whuff of air against her arm from the sheer amount of strength put into the intended attack. It's -entirely- too lucky for her that she -did- get out of the way. 'Seeing stars' wouldn't be the only thing occuring if he'd actually managed to get ahold of her.
Some other time, mmmn? Doubtful he'll try something like that a second time.
"What, the stupid whore a little too quick for you?" she spits at him, bristling all the more. Mostly at her inability to actually -land- something. At this point, it's an almost -comical- dance these two are going through. As is, she's still unwilling to throw anything outrageously nasty against him-- -this- time, she goes in for something a little different, intending on rushing forwards, and using what power she has to actually -clothesline- the daunting man in front of her.
"Must have a lot of experience running from unsatisfied Johns, huh?" says Bison with a grin, but before he's able to mock her further he has to deal with the incoming attack. The boxer meets the clothesline with two hands, gripping onto Vanessa's approaching arm and stopping her forward momentum dead.
"Heh. Not smart." That's all he says, before snorting loudly spitting right at her eyes, in an attempt to temporarily blind her. Yet another dirty trick from the master of cheap, and it's only the first step in yet another painful surprise for the red-haired woman.. unless she evades the incoming ball of phlegm.
COMBATSYS: Vanessa dodges M.Bison's Medium Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Vanessa 1/-----==/=======|=======\=------\1 M.Bison
She's getting used to this.
Every time Bison moves in to make another assault, Vanessa's -just- as quick to yank her arm back and get out of his way, though she isn't letting herself get cocky over it. The spittle that's spat out at her lands unceremoniously between the two of them-- something else she's grateful for. She's bracing herself at each instant, thinking she'll eventually get caught off-guard. In this specific case, she's finally built up the energy to move in with something -much- stronger than the last-- or at least, something that requires a lot more exertion than she put out before.
Once again sprinting up to try and attack, she feints at first, making it look as though she's simply going along with her usual-- until she opens up with another outrageous flurry of punches, each and -every one- aimed right at his face, the momentum that she's building up allowing her to end on one last note-- assuming, of course, that it actually lands.
COMBATSYS: Vanessa successfully hits M.Bison with Champion Puncher.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////// ]
Vanessa 0/-------/------=|=======\====---\1 M.Bison
The sheer -elation- that she feels the -moment- her fists start impacting -heavily- with his face is enough to bring a -wide- grin to the woman's face, her ferocity only -increasing- as the attacks wear on, the finale of the entire thing coming to him with an -equally- sharp uppercut to his jaw, the intent to send him onto his back-- at least for a moment. Taking a couple steps forward once she's got him on the ground, she doesn't move in to kick him in the nuts, though she -should-... she -spits- on him, returning the favor he -tried- to pull on her, the saliva smacking onto his face with a delightfully satisfying sound.
In a moment of foolishness on Bison's part, he actually falls for his opponent's feint - moving to block an attack that never comes. Instead, he's pounded right in the face by the red-haired woman, who doesn't stop there, following it up with an absolute flurry of blows. Thrown off-balance by the first punch, the massive man is unable to do anything to defend against the remaining strikes.. and for the first time in the fight, Vanessa gets the pleasure of doing some visible damage to the Syndicate thug, whose nose begins to drip blood, his head snapping back as he stumbles back from the assault.
The uppercut is enough to force the big man's feet off the ground, leaving him to fall down to the concrete on his back. There's a small groan that escapes from between his lips, replaced by a growl of rage as he feels the spit strike him in the face. "Fucking.. bitch.." he says, his voice shaking with rage. Okay, Vanessa managed to hit him. ALOT. Now she'd better be prepared to deal with the consequences.
Staggering back to his feet, his body swaying as he tries to regain his balance and composure, the boxer eyes the woman with a hate-filled glare. "It's on, now.." he says, before taking off in a mad dash towards her. A mid-run, full-circle turn serves to build up even more momentum for the attack, which comes in the form of a single, body-brutalizing right fist.. backed by all the power the titanic man can muster.
COMBATSYS: M.Bison successfully hits Vanessa with Gigaton Blow.
[ \\\\\\ < > //////// ]
Vanessa 0/-------/=======|=------\-------\0 M.Bison
She hasn't gotten cocky in the least-- Vanessa's still just as quick to attempt to evade the blow, but in this case, the speed she's relied on utterly -fails- her. In the instant she's hit, the man's fist impacting against her side with enough force to throw her down against the ground, only to skid a few -feet-, she can't help but dwell over how fucking -unfair- this is. Her hits barely -phase- him, but one punch from him not only sends her flying, but dizzies her enough that she -knows- she won't be able to get up for another couple moments.
Taking desperate drags at the air around her, her arm curling around her side as she lays immobile, the female boxer is doing her level best to actually conserve her energy as much as possible, her eyes skewing shut as she continues to work on getting her air supply back in full swing-- and her musculature, for that matter. He didn't break her ribs, but it sure as fuck -felt- like-- as it did with her nose. In this case... she'll need a backup plan.
She'll need to find a way to fool him again.
"-Alright-," she coughs out, breathless, a shudder moving through her at the exertion of using her voice. "Alright... Look..."
How to phrase this.
"Please." she adds, for effect more than anything, but with the way she's feeling it sounds -more- than sincere-- moreso than the trick she roped him into last time. "I don't wanna die here-- I -can't- --" Beat. "It's clear I can't do -shit- to you... and I can't take any more of this. Just... what do I have to do?"
Please. Please. God. Buddha. Kali. Whoever. Listen, and let the man be dumb enough to fall for more tricks again. Please. Please. Please. -Please-.
COMBATSYS: Vanessa takes a breather.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > //////// ]
Vanessa 0/-------/=======|=------\-------\0 M.Bison
Bison is definitely stupid enough to fall for just about anyone's trick.. once. But he learns his lessons quickly, and even if Vanessa were being sincere right now, it'd do her absolutely no good. The boxer remembers what happened the last time the red-headed woman appeared to be submitting to him.. and it didn't turn out all too pleasantly.
His booted feet stomping on the concrete as he slowly advances towards the downed woman, Bison folds his thick arms over his chest as he stares down at her in disgust. "Look at you. Grovelling like a fuckin' worm. Anyone with some fuckin' decency in them would've at least tried to get back to their feet, not lay on the ground and beg for mercy. But I guess that's just how you women work, isn't it?"
"I'll tell you what you can do, though.." he says, before bending down and attempting to grab hold of the woman's hair yet again.. unless she does something to stop him.
COMBATSYS: Vanessa blocks M.Bison's Strong Throw.
[ \\\\\\\ < > //////// ]
Vanessa 1/------=/=======|=------\-------\0 M.Bison
Gripping the red hair firmly, Bison drags the woman to her feet harshly, a grin on his face the entire time. He's done it. He's beaten the little bitch. -Finally-. "You can die", he says, finishing the earlier part of his sentence, before rearing back with one hand and attempting to punch her dead in the face...
Not entirely. Not -yet-. Vanessa's willpower goes a bit beyond that. And even though he doesn't buy it, it's more than she could have originally asked for. She's still -alive-, for one... for -another-...
...for another, she's at least fast enough to bring her arms up and block the punch to her face. Her arms-- -everything- feels like it's about to give out. She can feel the strength throughout most of her body dwindling even as the blow is endured by the musculature of her limbs, the impact causing an obvious groan to come from her. Something she -can't- help-- it fucking -hurts-, especially -now-. At this point, she's doing everything she can to stay upright-- but there's still a couple things she -can- do. And one of them is, once again, use his momentum to what little advantage she has.
With every bit of energy she's got, much as she doesn't so much -like- repeating what she -has- thrown against him, the female boxer tenses and unleashes -another- volley of puches against him, -determined- beyond -belief- to at least make -some- kind of dent, ignoring the faint beginnings of t-- No. -No-. -Fuck- that. And -fuck-. -Him-.
COMBATSYS: M.Bison blocks Vanessa's Champion Puncher.
[ \\\\\\\ < > ////// ]
Vanessa 0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0 M.Bison
[OOC] Vanessa says, "And it w-- right."
That's Bison's only response as the red-haired woman manages to throw up her arms and block what he had hoped would be the final punch of the fight. She just doesn't give up, does she? The volley of punches that she returns his way seems to answer 'no'. But the massive man isn't going to lose now, not after all he's put into this fight.. and certainly not to some damn upstart woman.
His experienced hands successfully blocking the punches that threaten to pulverize his already weakened body, the Syndicate thug lashes out with both hands in an attempt to shove the red-haired woman back into the brick wall behind her..
COMBATSYS: M.Bison successfully hits Vanessa with Hook Punch.
[ \\ < > ////// ]
Vanessa 0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0 M.Bison
His opponent backed up against the wall, Bison immediately moves forward, lashing out with his right hand. The fist smashes right into the side of the woman's face, causing a shockwave of force to ripple up the length of the man's arm. She's done. She -has- to be. But before she's given the chance to slump to the ground, the boxer moves forward and -slams- his knee up into her crotch. One final blow. And then, she's free to do what she will.
And that, as they say, is that.
The moment he blocks the last attempt she's got left in her is the moment Vanessa can feel her heart sink-- all the moreso as the one stumble she makes becomes met with another fierce blow to her side, her vision already beginning to turn itself into a black tunnel, eyes widened considerably as she's thrown back against the wall. The only thing that could -possibly- make this worse, however... is done. The blinding shock of having the extremely sensitive junction of her thighs under a -horribly- sharp assault would -normally- be enough to turn her stomach-- but instead, the last issuance of out-and-out agony is transferred towards an immediate shut-down of every synaptic pathway.
Ah... Houston? We have a problem.
Falling limp against him, the woman falls rather gracelessly to one side-- unless he's got some kind of hold on her-- form hitting the ground with a dull thud. Oh yes; he's definately won this one. There's no possible way that she's getting up from this-- she's out cold. No questions asked. It's not a trick, and it's sure as hell not something she's snapping out of anytime soon.
Undoubtedly, that's only going to thrill the man beyond belief.
COMBATSYS: Vanessa has left the fight here.
[ \\\\\\ <
M.Bison 0/-------/----===|
As her slumps up against him, Bison grabs the red-haired woman around the waist to prevent her from falling. Is he being a gentleman and making sure she doesn't hurt her head on the hard pavement? HAHAHAHAHAHHA. No.
Lifting the defeated Vanessa's feet off the ground in yet another bearhug, the massive man tosses her back up against the brick wall. Before she's given the opportunity to slump down to the ground, he grips her around the collar and holds her up. Rearing back with his other hand, he delivers one.. two.. three.. four.. five.. SIX punches, straight to the face. And he's not holding back, either. You don't punch Bison in the balls. Ever.
"Huh? What are you gonna do now, bitch?! Hahahah!" he says, his knuckles bloody by this point. Ending his combination with a brutal, back-handed slap across the face, the boxer lets Vanessa's limp body fall to the ground.
He's going to walk away now, right? I mean, surely he's made his point.. and probably ensured that Ryu is going to be paying him another visit sometime soon.
Raising his booted feet high, the big man stomps on Vanessa's prone form, the heel of his heavy footwear slamming down onto her stomach a few times. With a few kicks to the side, just to be sure, the massive man calmly takes the cigar from out of his jacket pocket and relights it - taking a few big puffs before exhaling the acrid smoke into the cool night air.
"Let this be a lesson to ya", he says, before casually strolling off, like nothing ever happened. Nevermind the fact that his nose is gushing blood, or that he's walking with a noticeable limp. Just another night out on the town.
Log created by M.Bison, and last modified on 13:42:27 03/14/2005.